Download - Stewart McCoy Go! - June 8 2010 1PM

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Go! / ¡Vamos! And CUTC:

Working together to attract teensWorking together to attract teens to careers in transportationPresented at 2010 CUTC Summer Meeting

T d J 8 2010Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Shashi Nambisan, Director, InTransShauna Hallmark, Director Midwest Transportation Consortium InTransStewart McCoy Graduate Student InTransStewart McCoy, Graduate Student, InTrans

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Go! / ¡Vamos!

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Teen-focused stories 3

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Teen contributors 4

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April 2010 Stats

Subscribers ≈ 860

April issue pageviews ≈ 12,528

April unique visitors ≈ 7,730p q

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SponsorsPremier sponsors Additional sponsors

1. Federal Highway Administration

(Eisenhower Fellowship)

2. Midwest Transportation

7. Street Smarts

8. Iowa Laborers/Employers Cooperation and

Education Trust Fund

9 Iowa Concrete Paving Association2. Midwest Transportation


3. Iowa Math and Science Education


9. Iowa Concrete Paving Association

10. National Concrete Paving Technology Center

11. Iowa State University Professional and

Scientific Council, Recruitment and Retention Partnership

4. National Center for Freight &

Infrastructure Research &


12. Woman in Trucking, Inc.

13. American Public Works Association, Iowa

ChapterEducation (Wisconsin UTC)


14. Des Moines Truck Broker

15. Associated General Contractors of Iowa

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UTC sponsored issueSponsored by University of Wisconsin-Madison’s National Center for Freight & Infrastructure Research & Education (CFIRE)Education (CFIRE)

Theme: Freight

School spotlight: Focused on transportation and freight-related programs at Wisconsin-Madison

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Strategic opportunity

How can UTCs and Go! / ¡Vamos! benefitHow can UTCs and Go! / ¡Vamos! benefit each other? 8

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UTC goal #2

Increase number of students coming into academic transportation pprograms.

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Building the transportation pipeline

Go! /¡Vamos! is an investment in human resources

Stories written by young people for young people with theStories written by young people for young people with the mentorship of transportation professionals.

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UTC directoryGo! provides a common resource designed specifically with students anddesigned specifically with students and educators in mind.

Unique opportunity to showcase each UTC’s programs, research focus, and student opportunities. 11

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UTC Student spotlightOpportunity to spotlight UTC students.

Staff writers could interview students recommended by UTC representative.ep ese a e

Articles would highlight where student studies, their involvement with UTC program of study andwith UTC, program of study, and background (e.g. how did they become interested in transportation).p ) 12

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UTC goal #3

Increase diversity of transportation workforce.

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Go! speaks to women, Latinos

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Contact info

www.go-explore-trans.orgwww.go explore

Marcia Brink, Managing Editor515-294-9480

b i k@i t t [email protected]

Stewart McCoy, Editorial [email protected] 15