Download - STEP2 STEP4 STEP3 50 pcsINSTRUCTION MANUAL 220-240 V Max. 150mm. 40 Hz E 27 Max. 40 w. WWW. .COM 94881 Hoodi HL Medium Copper STEP1 STEP7 3 1 C M. 45 CM. STEP6 ON

Page 1: STEP2 STEP4 STEP3 50 pcsINSTRUCTION MANUAL 220-240 V Max. 150mm. 40 Hz E 27 Max. 40 w. WWW. .COM 94881 Hoodi HL Medium Copper STEP1 STEP7 3 1 C M. 45 CM. STEP6 ON


220-240 V40 HzMax. 150mm.

E 27 Max. 40 w.


94881Hoodi HL Medium Copper






45 CM.







50 pcs

Page 2: STEP2 STEP4 STEP3 50 pcsINSTRUCTION MANUAL 220-240 V Max. 150mm. 40 Hz E 27 Max. 40 w. WWW. .COM 94881 Hoodi HL Medium Copper STEP1 STEP7 3 1 C M. 45 CM. STEP6 ON

eThe armature can be us d in combination with a dimmer.


Please study the instruction manual and below information carefully before installing or using

this product. Please keep this user manual for further reference

The luminaires may only be installed by authorized and qualified technicians according the valid

regulations for electrical installation.


2. Maintenance of the luminaires is limited to their surfaces. During maintenance no moisture can come

into contact with any areas of the terminal connections or voltage control parts.3. supply must sbe preferably by meanThe electrical switched off at the outset, of a switch in the distribution

ox eb , before any installation, a nance o r r epair w ork i s u ndertaken.m intlighting must not be installed during rain.4. Exterion

Take account of the minimal separation distance from other objects and the room required around the fitting.5.

6. g i requirements intoIf in any doubt, consult a professional, t kin local inst llat on account. Some countriesa astipulate thet lighting may be installed only by registered installers.

7. Clamping screws in electrical connections must be adequately tightened. This is particularly the case with 12V

low voltage conductors.When replacing a halogen lamp, wait for it to cool, for a minimum of 5 minutes. 8.

c n use no solvents or brasives. eClean with a l a , cloth or brush, a void dampness on all e ctricale dry A l9.

components.10. Take account of all available technical information.11. Take note of the symbols when connecting wires:

NN = eutral = vL Li e Earth=

12. Meaning of symbols:

For indoor use only, where direc t contact with water is impossible

i so cl s th tin e dProte ct n a I: e fit g must b earthe

i so cl s II th tinProte ct n a : e fit g i e t req uire earthings double insulated and do s n o

i so cl s III th tin iProte ct n a : e fit g s low voltage

mi im m dis ance from lighted objects (meters)n u t

ly h f-screening halogen Lamp shouid be used with the luminaireeO n t e s l

S rip the wire to the indicated length (mm);differe nt items require di ffere nt lengtht

nnect using the specif ied cab le; di ffere nt itens requier di ffere nt cab lesoC

ial domes ic waste n standard rubbish rm tThis luminaire cannot be odisposed together with n

you have to bring it to a staging area for electrical waste Can but





IPXX This icon indicates the level of water-proof and dust-proof

the type of lamp and maximum size and wattage indicated in each lighting unit must notbe exceed; different items require different kind of light sources with different bulb icons

This armature is designed to work only with the indicated voltage different items require

different working voltage.220 ~240V


The reference light angle and space of the luminaire