Download - Step By Step Process

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When I first started designing my layout I had no picture to work with, only a picture in my mind, I knew I wanted a picture like this so I worked the layout around an imaginary picture. I decided to go with a rock themed magazine, and decided what is better than blood red and black.

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I then finally took my pictures and this is the result, three half naked guys holding guitars. This is when I decided to add blood splatters to my front cover.

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And this is my final product, at first I just had the title as “eddie at the airport” I then decided to write exposed, as sort of a pun. Overall I am happy with it.

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I added the image and I made it large so it would be the first thing that caught your eye when you open the magazine, I then decided to have to page number next to it huge so you’d automatically know the article was on page ten. I chose to keep with the Red theme so that the contents flowed with the front cover.

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I then added the blood splatter to go along with the theme of the front cover, this it to make in continuous throughout the magazine.

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Having that huge gap I wasn’t sure what to do with it, It was a choice between having my double page spread or more page numbers, I decided that the double page spread was the best option seeing as thought the magazine is dedicated to the band.

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Wanting to keep it consistant, I kept the same theme through to my double page spead, although there is not blood splatter, I used a bloody hand mark to show that it is all connected, I decided to have half the page pictures the other half text.

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I then added a tag line and a quote to attract the reader and give them a taste into what the main text would consist of. I think this helps to interest the reader and it is quick and easy.

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So this is it, my final double page spread. I decided to only have three columns of text, mainly because I couldn’t fit all of my interview onto it and I didn’t want to cram it in and miss out certain parts. The third column are a few of the questions I asked them whereas the first two columns is me talking to the band. Overall I am very happy with my final pieces, they all tie in together and flow, which was my main objective.