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The Art of Shorthand

Prepared by:


Prof. SHERYL MORALESSubject Teacher



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The Value of Shorthand

Gregg shorthand is one of the most valuable subjects you will learn. There

are several reasons why such a powerful statement is true.

First of all. Shorthand is a lifelong personal skill which relieves one from

the drudgery of writing longhand. Shorthand makes it possible for most people to

write three or four times faster than their longhand writing speed. Over a lifetime

this saves a tremendous amount of time.

All personal notes, such as shopping lists, telephone messages,

reminders, and “to do” lists, can be written in shorthand. To the student,

shorthand is particular valuable. The shorthand writer takes notes completely and

easily while the longhand writer struggles and often misses important

information. In the library, the shorthand writer saves valuable time in making

research notes.

Professionals in all occupations find their jobs made easier and more

efficient if they know shorthand. News reporters use shorthand when listing facts

for a news story. Lawyers of a case, managers in a wide variety of jobs use

shorthand to record instructions given to them by their supervisors. Professionals

in all occupations and citizens pursuing active roles in civic organizations use

shorthand in order to make notes in meetings.

Most secretaries use shorthand. They use it for taking dictation of letters

and for the personal and administrative uses already discussed. The best paying

secretarial jobs require shorthand. For those secretarial jobs which do not require

shorthand, the person having shorthand skill is preferred for employment. Once a

person has a secretarial job, shorthand skill is most likely to be required for

promotion to even better jobs. Shorthand skill pays too. Typically, people who

know shorthand earn between $1000 and $3000 a year more than those who do

not have this skill.


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Another benefit derived from the study of Gregg Shorthand is that other

skills grow as one learns shorthand. Many people who have never considered

themselves particularly strong students of English are amazed at how much the

study of shorthand improves their knowledge of punctuation, grammar, and word


The Study of Shorthand

The speed with which you learn to read and write Gregg Shorthand will

depend largely on two factors-the time you devote to practice and the way in

which you practice. If you practice efficiently, you will be able to complete each

lesson in the shortest possible time and derive the greatest possible benefit.

Before you begin, select a quiet place in which to practice. Do not try to

practice while listening to music, watching television, or carrying on a


Did you find it interesting? The next page will let you familiarize different

shorthand stokes.


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Module 1

StenographyThe Art of Shorthand

What this Module About

Hello, dear students! I am happy to see you again. I hope that you will find this

module interesting and exciting. This module is a continuation of what we have studied

last semester - the shorthand writing.

What you are expected to learn

In this module, you are expected to:

1. familiarize the shorthand strokes of words ending –ing, -ings, -ly, -ingly, -ily;

sounds of ted, ded, dit;


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2. write the shorthand strokes correctly;

3. read these shorthand strokes for at least 40 words a minute.



How to learn from this module

I would like you to realize how good it is when you are able to write shorthand

strokes: the advantages that you can get when you are writing ten times (10x) faster

than the ordinary way, the excitement when you can read these strokes and apply it to

your daily life especially when you are in a hassle of schooling time.

Do not get tired of writing shorthand strokes. This is just simple and easy. It will

lead you to write faster. Take down notes of the important details.

Answer the activities that follows in the best way you can. Don’t look at the key

to correction. Always remember that “practice makes perfect”. Don’t give up easily.

Good Luck!!! You can do it.

Getting Started


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Prepare the materials such as your writing pen and yellow sheets of paper or steno pad.

You can call a friend to help you watch over your time limit.


Directions: Write the letter of the shorthand stroke in Column B that corresponds with the longhand words in Column A. Write your answer on the space

provided to the left side.

Column A Column B

______ 1. interesting a.

______2. accepted b.

______3.–ingly c.

______4. family d.

______5. findings e.

______6.-ted f.

______7. extremely g.

______8. –ings h.


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______9. editor i.

______10. -ded j.

______11. temporarily k.

______12 –ily l.

______13. -dit m.

______14. collected n.

______15.–ing o.

______16. –ly p.

______17. fairly q.

______18. provided r.

______19. meetings s.

______20. likely t.

______21. singing u.

______22. shaped v.

______23. briefly w.

_______24. insisted x.

_______25. deduct y.

_______26. detail z.

_______27. acted aa.

_______28. highly bb.

_______29. easily cc.


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_______30. credited dd.

Do you find it hard? Don’t worry, remember the saying, “Practice makes perfect”.

Lesson 1Stenography


a. Familiarize yourself with the shorthand stroke of words ending in –ing, -ings, -

ly, -ingly, -ily, sound of -ted, -ded and -dit together with different brief forms

and phrases.


Class, you just have to concentrate on studying this lesson and you will be able to

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b. Learn how to transcribe long hand words into shorthand strokes as well as

reading on it.

c. Appreciate the value of writing shorthand.

d. Practice shorthand writing.

Word Ending –ing (Symbol –ing/ __ )•Represented by a disjoined single dot


1. doing ________ 6. hiring _________ 11. knowing _______

2. hearing ________ 7. interesting ________ 12. thinking _______

3. sharing ________ 8. loving _______ 13. dancing _______

4. singing ________ 9. jumping ________ 14. crying _______

5. feeding ________ 10. staying ________ 15. drinking _______

Word Ending –ings (Disjoined left s / ___ )•Represented by a disjoined left s


1. dealings _______ 6. feelings________ 11. meetings________

2. earnings_______ 7. findings_______ 12. openings________


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3. filings_________ 8. cllipings_______ 13.lightnings________

4. armings_______ 9. blackings______ 14. buildings________

5. campings_______ 10 dialings________ 15. feedings_________

Word Ending –ly (Symbol e/ ___ )•Represented by a slanting small circle connected at the end


1. briefly________ 6. early________ 11. greatly________

2. costly________ 7. extremely________ 12. highly________

3. absently_________ 8. fairly_______ 13.likely________

4. nearly________ 9. only________ 14. sincerely_______

5. alternately_________ 10 desolately_______ 15. lovely________

Word Ending –ingly (Disjoined e/ ___ )•Represented by a disjoined e or a slanting small circle


1. accordingly ________ 4. increasingly______ 7. seemingly________

2. knowingly_________ 5. interestingly_________ 8. willingly_________

3. convincingly________ 6. exceedingly________ 9. seemingly_______


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Word Ending –ily ( Flattened e circled/ ___ )•Represented by a flattened e circle connected at the end.


1. easily_______ 6. necessarily________ 11. steadily_________

2. family_______ 7. readily_________ 12. temporarily_________

3. bloodily ________ 8. angrily _________ 13. happily ___________

4. imaginarily _________ 9. luckily ________ 14. ordinarily _________

5. primarily_________ 1o. sanitarily _________ 15. voluntarily________

Sound of Ted (blend of t and d/ ______ )•Represented by the blending of t and d stroke


1. accepted________ 6. completed_________ 11. invested_________

2. assisted_________ 7. dated_________ 12. listed_________

3. acted___________ 8. insisted________ 13.steadily, study__________

4. collected________ 9. instead_________ 14. today_________


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5. debated________ 10. elected_________ 15. supported_________

Sound of Ded (blend of t and d/ ______ )•Represented by the blending of t and d stroke. Same as the sound of Ted


1. added________ 6. graded________ 11. needed_________

2. deduct________ 7. guided________ 12. provided________

3. recorded________ 8. worded________ 13. encoded________

4. aided_________ 9. recommended_______ 14. branded_________

5. apprehended_______ 10. deduce________ 15. handed________

Sound of Dit (blend of t and d/ ______ )•Represented by the blending of t and d strokes. Same as the sound of Ted and Ded


1. audit_______ 6. credited________ 11. edit_________

2. credit_______ 7. detail________ 12. editor________

3. addition_______ 8. rapidity_______ 13. solidity________

4. condition_______ 9. heredity_______ 14. lucidity_______

5. timidity_______ 10. validity______ 15. expedition_______


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Brief Forms and Derivatives


1. a, an _________ 10. advertise ________

2. about _________ 11. advertisement ________

3. acknowledge __________ 12. After ________

4. afternoon __________ 13. anniversary ________

5. am __________ 14. any ________

6. and __________ 15. appropriate ________

7. disadvantage __________ 16. it, at ________

8. are, our, hour __________ 17. appropriately ________

9. advantage __________ 18. acknowledgement_______


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Brief-Form Phrases


1. has been ________ 11. we have been ________

2. has been able ________ 12. I will not be able ________

3. has not been able ________ 13. I am ________

4. it has been ________ 14. I am glad ________

5. I have been ________ 15. of our ________

6. I have not been ________ 16. we have not been ________

7. we will be able ________ 17. we have been able ________


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8. we have not been able______ 18. We will be ________

9. it will be ________ 19. It has been able ________

10.we have been ________ 20. It will be able _________


Additional Knowledge:

When transcribing the following titles, remember to capitalize the first letter and use a period.

The abbreviation Ms. is used:

1. When a woman ‘s marital status is not known.2. When a woman has indicated that she prefers this title.3. When a woman’s marital status is not considered relevant to the situation.

The title Miss is capitalized but should not be followed by a period because it is not an abbreviation.

Wrong: Miss. Correct: Miss

___________ Ms. __________Dr.

___________Mr. __________Mrs.

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Now that you have familiarized yourself with the strokes of words ending in - ing,

-ings, -ly, -ingly, -ily; sounds of ted, ded, dit, let us test what you have learned from the

lesson by doing the following activities. Good luck!


Direction: Transcribe the following words into shorthand strokes.

A. Words Ending (-ing, -ings, -ly, -ingly, -ily) and Sound of ted, ded and dit.

1. doing ________ 16. likely _________

2. feeding ________ 17. family _________

3. openings ________ 18. monthly _________

4. costly ________ 19. bloodily _________

5. sincerely ________ 20. instead _________

6. truly ________ _________

7. easily ________ 22. recommended _________

8. primarily ________ 23. addition _________

9. listed ________ 24. edit _________


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10. deduct ________ 25. supported _________

11. provided ________ 26. happily ________

12. solidity ________ 27. collected ________

13. loving ________ 28. encoded ________

14. earnings ________ 29. heredity ________

15. feedings _________ 30. detail ________

B. Brief Forms, Derivatives and Phrases

1. about _______ 11. after _______

2. anniversary _______ 12. are, our, hour, _______

3. has been _______ 13. I will not be able _______

4. I have not been _______ 14. we have not been _______

5. advantage _______ 15. appropriately _______

6. it, at _______ 16. it has been _______

7. I am glad _______ 17. it will be _______

8. acknowledge _______ 18. after _______


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9. appropriate _______ 19. of our _______

10. has not been able _______ 20. we will be able _______


Directions: Transcribe the following sentences in shorthand. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. The findings of the audit indicate that this has been a costly year.


2. We will credit your account accordingly.


3. We have several meetings scheduled early.


4. We readily furnished the needed details.


5. Mr. Johnson willingly collected the information and provided it to us.


6. I will not be able to acknowledge your letter by June 15.


7. We will be able to print the advertisement in an hour.


8. Mrs. Brown was assisted in making the appropriate changes in the daily report.



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9. It is not necessarily an advantage to deduct the interest in advance.


10. Our store will hold an anniversary sale early next month.


Let us examine how far you have gone in familiarizing with the different

shorthand strokes. Answer the self-check exercise below.


Directions: Read the following paragraphs as fast as you can for at least 40 words a minute and transcribe it into shorthand. Good luck!

1. Policy Changes








How did you find the activity? Did you find it challenging? I know that it is not easy to remember all the different kinds of shorthand strokes in a short period of time. Do not lose hope; everything will get easier as you go along. Try to master how to read and write shorthand strokes by practicing and doing it as a habit. Just remind yourself with the strokes when you do not have anything to

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_______________________________________________________ [62 words]

2. Auditing of Records








_______________________________________________________[100 words]

3. Company Newsletter









________________________________________________________[66 words]


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Good luck!!!


Directions: Read the following words and transcribe into shorthand. Write your transcription on the space provided.

___________ 1. interesting ____________16. -ly

___________2. accepted ____________17. fairly

____________3.–ingly ____________18. provided

____________4. family ____________19. meetings

____________5. findings ____________20. likely

____________6.-ted ____________21. singing

____________7. extremely ____________22. shaped21

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____________8. –ings ____________23. briefly

____________9. editor ____________24. insisted

___________10. -ded ____________25. deduct

___________11. -temporarily ____________26. detail

___________12 –ily ____________27. acted

___________13. -dit ____________28. highly

___________14. collected ____________29. easily

___________15.–ing ____________30. credited

Key to Correction:


1. bb 6. w 11. y 16. a 21. cc 26. u2. dd 7. b 12. g 17. l 22. d 27. h3. f 8. m 13. aa 18. t 23. c 28. x4. z 9. s 14. o 19. e 24. p 29. v5. n 10. r 15. k 20. q 25. j 30. i


A. Words Ending (-ing, -ings, -ly, -ingly, -ily) and Sound of Ted, Ded and Dit.

1. doing ________ 16. Likely _________

2. feeding ________ 17. Family _________

3. openings ________ 18. Monthly _________

4. costly ________ 19. bloodily _________


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5. sincerely ________ 20. Instead _________

6. truly ________ _________

7. easily ________ 22. Recommended _________

8. primarily ________ 23. Addition _________

9. listed ________ 24. Edit _________

10. deduct ________ 25. Supported _________

11. provided ________ 26. happily _________

12. solidity ________ 27. Collected _________

13. loving ________ 28. Encoded _________

14. earnings ________ 29. Heredity _________

15. feedings_________ 30. Detail _________

B. Brief Forms, Derivatives and Phrases

1. about __________ 11. after __________

2. anniversary __________ 12. are, our, hour, __________

3. has been __________ 13. I will not be able __________

4. I have not been__________ 14. we have not been _________

5. advantage __________ 15. appropriately __________

6. it, at __________ 16. it has been __________

7. I am glad __________ 17. it will be __________

8. acknowledge __________ 18. after __________


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9. appropriate __________ 19. of our __________

10. has not been able _________ 20. we will be able __________


1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________________

9. ________________________________________________________________



1. Policy Changes

Dear Mr. Green;

We have briefly reviewed the findings of the enclosed study, and we will be able

to revise our policies accordingly. Some of these changes will be quite costly and

cannot be made very easily. After these changes are made, however, the

operations of our organization should be improved greatly.

2. Auditing of Records


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Mr Gates;

On June 15 our books will be audited by an independent firm of auditor. A

detailed study of our credit history will be included in their audit. The auditors will

arrive at our studios at 9 o’clock. Please see that they are provided access to all

our records that are needed for their audit. Our editors should be instructed to

cooperate fully with the auditors.

I will be glad when the auditors finish and leave. The operations of the auditors

upset the members of the staff. Fred Harvey

3. Company Newsletter

Date: April 16, 19—

To: Lee Smith, Vice President

From: Karen Brown

Subject: Newsletter

Enclosed is the first edition of our company newsletter. I hope that you enjoy it.

You will be receiving copy if this newsletter once a month from now on. Please

send us any suggestions you may have on how we can make it even better.


1. _______________ 16. _______________

2. _______________ 17. _______________

3. _______________ 18. _______________

4. _______________ 19. _______________

5. _______________ 20. _______________

6. _______________ 21. _______________

7. _______________ 22. _______________


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8. _______________ 23. _______________

9. _______________ 24. _______________

10. _______________ 25. _______________

11. _______________ 26. _______________

12. _______________ 27. _______________

13. _______________ 28. _______________

14. _______________ 29. _______________

15. _______________ 30. _______________


Highest Possible


Passing Score

Equivalent Remarks

PRE-TEST 30 21 Very Good Review strokes againACTIVITY 1-A 30 17 Good Review the lessonACTIVITY 1-B 20 5 Failed Study hardACTIVITY 2 30 30 Excellent You have a future

SELF-CHECK 30 8 Needs Improvement

Scan the lesson again

POST-TEST 30 13 Fair Practice more

Ratings for 30 Items

1-5 Failed6-10 Needs Improvement11-15 Fair16-20 Good21-25 Very Good26-30 Excellent

Ratings for 20 Items


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1-5 Failed6-10 Good11-15 Very Good16-20 Excellent


Reference: Zoubek, Charles E. Gregg Shorthand, College Book 2, Centennial Edition, Mandaluyong City, Cacho Hermanos Inc, 1991