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Slide 2 STEM STUDENT COUNCIL ELECTIONS Slide 3 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES Slide 4 I think students should vote for me because I am reliable and willing. I will listen to you and your ideas. I will do my best to start some clubs and after school activities. I want to have more fundraisers and sales to benefit our school with the money raised, we can throw parties and purchase things our school needs. Our school is still new and I want to see everyone enjoying our time here. We will make STEM a better place with me as President. NOAH DANCLOVIC Slide 5 We are all unique in our own ways. My name is Hadi Chaaban and I think I am a good leader. Thats why Im running for president of student council. I think I should be elected because I will improve the school and listen to what the students have to say, if I am elected I will hold fundraisers to get money towards improving this school. I believe everybody in this school including teachers deserve a say in what happens around here. That is why I think you should vote Hadi Chaaban for president. HADI CHAABAN Slide 6 Hi. My name is Lena Elkoussy,and Im running for Student Council President of this coolio schoolio. Im a 7th grader, and am starting my second year at STEM, and I believe you should vote for me. Who could do a better job? ( probaby Abraham Lincoln but hes dead) As your AWESOME school President, I will make sure that we the students are represented. I will make sure that we get better and more things. If you have an issue (maybe you wanna heat up your potato, or join Science Olympiad), I WILL solve it. I also want our school to be a funner place not just where you come and learn what 9+10 is. It shall be FUNctioning, because you cant function without fun. Dont waste your vote. YES WE STAN! Vote me, Lena Elkoussy as your class President, because well done is better than well said. LENA ELKOUSSY Slide 7 As president of the student council I will TRY to get the school LOTS fun events like bake sales and popcorn sales. I will try to get the school a vending machine while working within federal health requirements. I will try to help the PTA get lots of cool stuff for the teachers and students. Also I will try to get Ms. Gleason administrative abilities so we dont always have to wait on I.T. to solve are tech problems. (For sixth graders who havent experienced this yet, you will once you do more computer stuff like Autodesk Inventor). I will try to get the teachers more cool stuff so we can do cool projects and experiments. I will try to help out the student body whenever I can. I will try to get the school sports teams like basketball, volleyball. I will try to have events like movie nights, spirit week, and other fun stuff. LUKE HETRICK Slide 8 VICE PRESIDENT Slide 9 I think that I should be student council vice president because I have the ability to hold all the responsibility. I am very organized and neat and I can attend all the meetings. Also I have very good behavior and straight As. I have also been on the honor role the whole year of 1st 2nd 3rd and 5th grade. I was on the honor role in 4th grade too but 3 out of 4 times because of some of my classmates and monthly substitutes that didnt know how grade. I have participated at the Reflections contest and at the Cipriano Memorial day run. That is why I think I should be student council vice president. REEM ALMASRI Slide 10 When Im the new Vice President To celebrate the new student council I will talk with the council to get doughnuts in A sq. Around this month I will make sure that all your ideas will be heard. I will also make this the best year ever. Finally I hope I can get many votes from 6 th and 7 th grade. GHAITH ALGHORBANI Slide 11 As a Vice President candidate, I feel it would be nice to talk a little about who I am, and what I believe. I was born on February 7th, 2004. I have three siblings, all sisters. I have two very loving parents, who have laid down a foundation for me built upon fairness and respect. With these things in mind, I hope to carry them into the Student Council and everything I do. If I get elected, I will make sure that everyone has a voice into Student Council, not just the members themselves. Vote for me, make the right choice and I will hear your voice! COLLIN HILL Slide 12 Out of all the students running that are running Why should you vote for me? I will do a bunch of fun things like try raising money for fun activities like pizza parties, and sell goodies. I have all of the koala-fications and i'm organized too so for sure you will have a fun year at STEM and I will try to make this the best year ever. SO VOTE SARA FOR VICE PRESIDENT AT STEM FOR A SUPER FUN YEAR!!!!!!!!! SARA ELKOUSSY Slide 13 ALHUSSAIN ALMAHMODI Slide 14 A vote for heba is a vote for a better school My name is Heba S Ahmed and I am running for vice president, I wish to make this school a better place. my hobbies include helping people, drawing, cooking, reading, chess and playing my violin as well as piano. I can guarantee if you vote for me you will not regret it. So, when you are voting, keep in mind that a vote for Heba is a vote for a better learning environment. HEBA AHMED Slide 15 If you vote for me my ultimate goal would be to get electronic devices approved to be used as a tool to improve our education. Administrators and teachers use them,why cant we ? Well be able to use them for many reasons, more commonly for access the internet, schedule homework, and send emails to teachers and fellow students regarding assignments. It's been proven student's overall math and science scores have improved from the previous year, using electronic devices. VOTE MOHAMED HOMAYED !!! MOHAMED HOMAYED Slide 16 I want to be vice president to make sure that all the presidents duties are filled out. I want to make sure that this year is a good year to be at STEM middle school. With me as vice president I can make sure that all fun, celebrative, and creative moments at STEM arent delayed. All of the problems the president cant understand can be fixed with me there. I am okay with not getting elected but I kindly ask for your vote. EVAN ANDERSON Slide 17 TREASURER Slide 18 The reasons you should vote for me for Treasurer are that Im economical with money, I spend money wisely, and I think about the big picture before making decisions. For example, I saved up 250 dollars for my bike and I have invested for my future in a college savings account. Ive also used my money for Heifer International to buy fish to sustain a community in Africa. Wisely managing money opens up many options to do good work and enjoy life. I am a good listener and I will consider everyones ideas. OLIVER ANGEL Slide 19 Hi, my name is Mehrshad Ebadian. No, I am not running for vice president. I am running for Treasurer. I really hope I can become the Treasurer. I want to be in charge of the schools money outcome and other jobs that are given to me. The fun part is that I will notify the president and vice president about the money. If the president and vice president want to have a pizza party or anything else, they can (if they are allowed). If I get elected, I will do the best I can in the jobs given to me. SO VOTE FOR ME!!! MEHRSHAD BAGHEREBADIAN Slide 20 You should vote me, Mohsen Kazem for treasurer. I assure you I will take your suggestions and if it is in the budget, we will try to make it happen. Fun things think pizza parties cost money and with me for treasurer, we will maintain a good budget. The president, and the rest of the student council will make things entertaining. The last thing that I want to say is I know, teachers, that food isn't allowed in classrooms but We will figure something out and maybe make exceptions with the school staff. Once again Vote Mohsen Kazem for treasurer MOHSEN KAZEM Slide 21 I am Glen Warren, and I am running for treasurer. I think you should vote for me because I am fit for the job. I am trustworthy, honest, can manage finances and much more. Some qualities that I have that may be of use come from the fact that I deliver a newspaper route. This taught me responsibility, time management, and the finances of using a bank account. I am also a Boy Scout and three key elements of any scouts behavior are thriftiness, trustworthiness, and honesty. The reasons I want to have this job is for the experience, and to be an involved member of the STEM school government. GLEN WARREN Slide 22 Hello, my name is Sara Moughni, and I would like to be the STEMs student council treasurer.The following are reasons why your vote for me would not be wasted: I believe and practice the core values of: citizenship, respect for self and others, responsibility, integrity, courtesy, and honesty I am also a hard worker that would invest time to make sure the office of treasurer is executed to its fullest potential. Another reason you should vote for me is because of my positivity, I smile all the time because I am always ready for what life has for me to face, and they do say smiles are contagious! A third reason you should vote for me is that I have wonderful ideas such as with the money that the student council raises we can spend them on great things, for example we can have really cool assemblies and fun parties. A fourth reason I would be great for student council is that I put others before me and if you tell me to come to a meeting I will be there even if I have something like soccer practice that day. Another reason you should vote for me is because I ensure in a happy school because if you know me very well I love to make people happy by compromising with others and helping them. Finally, I love to participate in things that help a school stay cool! SARA MOUGHNI Slide 23 I think I should be treasurer because I am very responsible and won't spend it on expensive, bad stuff. Also I have some experience of treasurer because my mom is one and I'm always helping her. So vote Juliana Bazzi for Treasurer!!! JULIANA BAZZI Slide 24 Nominate me, Dania Jadallah, to be your treasurer. Im really good with numbers! I work very well with other people. I love to attend events, but I love to be involved in the events even more. I am really good at keeping track of my money, and spending it very wisely. I'm the perfect person for this position. Im determined to make STEM a happier, safer and more lovable place than just going to school and going back home. Vote Dania Jadallah to be your next STEM treasurer. DANIA JADALLAH Slide 25 There are quite a few reasons I should be treasurer. First of all, I am organized, kind, and helpful. You can always rely on me. Anything you tell me to do is done in a snap. I always help others out when they need assistance. Just call me and I am ready to help. Thats is why I would appreciate people voting for me as treasurer. HASSAN ELJAAFARI Slide 26 SECRETARY Slide 27 Salutations! The names Aya Bazzi, but you may call me Aya! I think that this year could be anything, but thisd only happen if you, yes you, voted for my as Secretary. If you think of me as quiet, I must reassure you that you are completely wrong. Im very social and funny once you get to know me. My expectations for this school are huge, and Im sure that we can all make the best of the year with me as the Secretary of student council. AYA BAZZI Slide 28 I am running for secretary, you should vote me, souhaila mallah for that. I'll help this school in all ways possible. And if you don't know what I do for secretary, what I do is schedule meetings, help with fun events, and much more. Vote me for secretary today for a great, exciting, and fun year. Your one and only souhaila the secretary.:) THANK YOU, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. SOUHAILA MALLAH Slide 29 Hello! My name is Jad Habhab and heres a bit about me. I was born in December of 2003 in Detroit/Dearborn, Michigan. I am running for secretary because I believe that being in student council will help me become mature, and will lead me to becoming very organized in the future! I think you vote Jad Habhab for secretary because if a picture is worth 1,000 words then I can bet you Im worth millions! JAD HABHAB Slide 30 OFFICER IN ARMS Slide 31 I will make a good student officer in arms because, I LOVE helping people! Every night I do dishes for my mom. When I spend the night with someone Im always asking if I can help. In stores I help people pick things up. Im best at helping with social problems though. Ive actually been bullied before for being short, or not fitting in and, I realize that its tough. So if you vote me student officer in arms I promise you I will help you stand up to a bully, or whatever else you need help with. Its like my sixth sense! Please vote Jasmine Daniel student officer in arms! Thank you. JASMINE DANIEL 6TH Slide 32 There are many reasons why I believe I am the best candidate for officer in arms. One reason you should vote for me is because I have a lot of experience helping solve problems and keeping them from happening. In fifth grade I was a peer mediator and a safety, this means I was constantly preventing and solving problems. To be a peer mediator meant I had to go to another building to get taught and lectured specifically on solving problems between people. To be a safety I had to be taught and lectured by my gym teacher/person in charge of the safety patrol on how to prevent problems and clean a lunch room. I am also very respectful, honest and trustworthy, I will not tell other people about your problems. After knowing this please vote me (Brianna Valentine) for officer in arms, I need your votes. BRIANNA VALENTINE 6TH Slide 33 you should vote me Connor Coleman as officer in arms in this year's stem student council because i can deal with many problems at once and i will be able to solve all of the schools problems before christmas break if necessary.I will also devote all my time into this school and its problems because this school is the gateway to the future and i want to preserve this school so future generations can have this program and be just as successful.In conclusion you should vote me as officer in arms because i will fix all of the problems. CONNER COLEMAN 7TH Slide 34 You should vote for me, mostly because I'm awesome. But, I also bring creativity and positivity to the workplace and try to make every project or activity fun. I am also very responsible which I think is an amazing trait for a student council member. Finally, I would consider myself pretty intelligent and I have many ideas to better the school, you'll just have to elect me to find out what they are! Vote Paige Collins for Officer in Arms! PAIGE COLLINS 7TH Slide 35 My name is Mohamad Zawhi and Im running for Officer In Arms. I want to run for this position because there is too much teasing, especially, with 6th Graders around. I should be elected because I will do my best to stop bullying and arguing. I think its my duty to help other kids that are being bullied because I have been bullied before. Lastly, I will act like a young guidance counselor to students. MOHAMAD ZAHWI 7TH Slide 36 PUBLIC RELATIONS Slide 37 Hi. Im Riley Sosnoski, and I am running for public relations. I am doing this because I love art. I also love using I blog because it is just so easy to use. In addition, I am a great leader as I have led safety as a safety captain. I would like the chance to lead the a2 representatives as well. Remember art is smart, so smile and vote for me. RILEY SOSNOSKI Slide 38 I think I would be a great public relations director because I am good at making posters and making sure the blog will be up to date. If you vote for me, I will make sure our school is up to date about events and make sure you know what is going on. If you ever need to know what is happening, you can email or Google chat me. Also, if you ever want to suggest an idea, I will be willing to bring it up at the student council meetings. My mission is to keep our school informed and mindful of events. One of my ideas is to suggest using Remind 101 for events. I would also suggest using a survey program to get ideas from you the students. Lastly, I will always make sure the AA teachers let you know when events are happening. With my skills and ideas and of course listening to you, I think I will make a big impact on the student council. So PLEASE vote for me. CHIARA CASCARDO Slide 39 GRADE REPRESENTATIVES Slide 40 6TH AYA BAZZI KAEDEN BRYER Slide 41 6TH ABEDALRAHMAN ABUZAHRAH BRIANNA VALENTINE Slide 42 -6TH GLEN WARRENRILEY SOSNOSKI Slide 43 7TH NOAH DANCLOVICERIC GLODICH Slide 44 7TH HUSSEIN LENA ELKOUSSY Slide 45 APPLAUSE PLEASE