Download - Steadying the Emotionally Reactive Child By : Rachel Love, Ph.D. March 17, 2015 Straight Talk.

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Steadying the Emotionally Reactive Child By : Rachel Love, Ph.D. March 17, 2015 Straight Talk Slide 2 On Loving a Daughter Made of Fire Slide 3 Causes Temperament Behavioral and emotional traits that shape the way people react to the world around them- Jerome Kagan Reactivity, Approach, Soothability, Predictability, Intensity, Mood, Attention Span, Persistence, Sensitivity Environment Dance between responses and reactions Slide 4 The Brain and Emotion Slide 5 Adolescent Response to Emotion Slide 6 Adult Response to Emotion Slide 7 What Helps Taking some time for a self-inventory What causes you the most stress? When your child gets upset what are the thoughts you have? What is your temperament? How are you taking care of your self? What are your expectations for your child, self, and family? Slide 8 In the Moment Stay calm Go the opposite way of the child Model Calm behavior Provide stability You do not have to solve the problem or make the child happy Your child does not need to agree with you or see your point of view Slide 9 In the Moment Label your childs emotion and why they are feeling that way Catch emotion before full melt down Be aware of sensory needs Take sensory breaks Engage senses Slide 10 Setting up for Success Use positively stated statements and directions Watch-out for questions Use labeled praise Coach and cue to keep on track Be the back-up brain Use a picture schedule or chart Slide 11 Picture Schedule Slide 12 Supports in the Environment Use visual charts or checklists Warm Fuzzy Jar Work toward a goal Slide 13 Progress Takes Time Change is hard Stick with a plan and dont give up before it has had time to be effective The patterns that exist in your family now took years to engrain so it will take time before those patterns change