Download - Stato auale e sviluppi: Analisi - Agenda (Indico)...Stato auale e sviluppi: Analisi 18/10/16 - ATLAS Napoli 1 o ICHEP (3-10 August) SEARCH, Top, Hard Probes o Only CONF notes (few

Page 1: Stato auale e sviluppi: Analisi - Agenda (Indico)...Stato auale e sviluppi: Analisi 18/10/16 - ATLAS Napoli 1 o ICHEP (3-10 August) SEARCH, Top, Hard Probes o Only CONF notes (few


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o  ICHEP(3-10August)SEARCH,Top,HardProbes

o  OnlyCONFnotes(fewexcepKons)75CONF+13PUBnotes

o  Expectanother8daysofhighlumipprunningthisyear

o  AnKcipate~36-384-1deliveredforfullyear

o  Upto38T-1aUerGRLforfull2015+2016dataset

o  Almost3xICHEPdataset



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ATLASNapoli:gruppodianalisidaAAnagrafica2016­  UniversitàParthenope:F.ConvenA,E.Rossi­  Do9orandieassegnis;:F.CiroIo,A.Sanchez,M.Lavorgna,A.Giannini­  Laureandi2016-2017:M.D’Errico,C.Calamita


AAvitàdelgruppo:•  H i g g s : m i s u r a p a r ame t r i

risonanza, ricerca di risonanzeBSMH-like

•  BSMeEsoAca:•  ricerche BSM con (b)jet e

MissingET•  R i c e r c a d i r i s o n a n z e

dibosoniche ad alta massacon due leptoni e due jetnellostatofinale


Page 5: Stato auale e sviluppi: Analisi - Agenda (Indico)...Stato auale e sviluppi: Analisi 18/10/16 - ATLAS Napoli 1 o ICHEP (3-10 August) SEARCH, Top, Hard Probes o Only CONF notes (few



Latestpublicresults:ICHEPATLAS-CONF-2016-082): resolved + boostedanalysis re-opKmized. Dedicated selecKonsforspin-0H,spin-1HVTandspin-2G*

Napoli’sGroupContribu;ons:­ backgroundmodeling uncertainKes: Study

onmodelingfromdifferentMCgenerators­ DefiniKonoftheselecKons:opKmizaKonof

the s igna l /BKG raKo and of thecategorizaKonoftheevents

­ DefiniKonoftheVBFselecKons:separaKonby producKon process of a scalarè ggF/VBFseparaKon

­ Support, management and producKon ofofficial samples for the llqq and nunuqqanalyses in the context of the CxAODFrameworkgroup



SearchesforheavyZZandZWresonancesinthe ℓℓqq and ννqq final states in ppcollisions at √s=13TeV with the ATLASdetector


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AnalysisOverview✴  Searchforhighmassresonanceinboostedregion✴  CombinedeffortbetweenHiggsandExo;csgroup✴  InterpretaKons: Heavy Higgs boson and a spin-2

Randall-SundrumgravitonBasicSelec;on:✴  Nearby leptons (ℓℓ from Z candidate) ⇒ lepton isolaKon and

triggerstudies✴ merged regime (mass range >700GeV): Boosted di-jetsmerging

into1fatjets⇒jetsubstructurestudies✴  resolvedregime(massrange<700GeV):2JetsfromaZcandidate

LimitsonaHiggs-likespin-0parAcleThree-bodymassmllJ Four-bodymassmlljj

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✴ BasicselecKon:requireatleast1(b)jet+MissingTransverseEnergy(MET)+vetoleptons

✴ Backgrounds:Z(νν)+jets,&,W(lν)+jets


Mono-bandDM+HF SUSYsquarkpairproduc;on InvisibleHiggs,UED,DMmonojet

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Mono-bandDM+HF SUSYsquarkpairproduc;on InvisibleHiggs,UED,DMmonojet

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