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Statistics 570 +MCQS

Table of Contents

S. No.

Course Title Page No Total

Number of MCQS

1. Basic Statistics MCQs 1-33 159

2. Statistic Binomial and Hyper-Geometric Probability MCQs

33-48 71

3. Statistic Index Number MCQs 49-56 39

4. Statistic Measures of Dispersion

MCQs 57-63 49

5. Measures of Location MCQs 64-69 40

6. Statistic Normal Distribution MCQs 70-78 58

7. Statistics Presentation of Data

MCQs 79-84 40

8. Statistics Probability MCQs 85-91 50

9. Statistics Sample Linear Regression

MCQs 92-96 29

10. Statistics Sampling MCQs 97-102 37

Total MCQs 572

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Basic Statistics MCQs


1. If x is 4 and the distribution is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, the sum of squared

deviations from the x will be______________?

A. 8

B. 10

C. 6

D. 12

2. A contractor employs 20 male, 15 females and 5 children in

his factory. Male wages are Rs. 10 per day, female Rs. 8 per

day, and children Rs. 3 per day. The weighted x of wages paid

per day will be_____________?

A. 3.86

B. 8.37

C. 9.21

D. 10.63

3. In a week the prices of a bag of rice were 350 ,280, 340, 290,

320, 310, 300. The range is_____________?

A. 60

B. 90

C. 70

D. 100

4. If a distribution has two modes then this distribution is


A. Uni-Modal

B. Bi-Modal

C. Tri-Modal

D. Multi-Modal

E. None of these

5. The Harmonic Mean of any two numbers is________________?

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A. a+b2

B. 2aba+b

C. ab−−√

D. a+b

6. Which of the following Measure of averages is affected by

extreme (very small or very large? values in data set?

A. Geometric Mean

B. Median

C. Arithmetic Mean

D. Harmonic Mean

E. Mode

7. Geometric means of X1 and X2 is________________?

A. X1+X2

B. X1+X2x

C. X1+X2−−−−−−−√

D. X1×X2−−−−−−−√

E. X1−−−√+X2−−−√

8. Which of the following Measure of Averages is not based on all

the values given in the data set?

A. Arithmetic Mean

B. Geometric Mean

C. Median;

D. Mode

E. Both C. and D.

9. If 10% is added to each value of variable, the geometric mean

of new variable is added by_______________?

A. 5%

B. 10%

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C. No Change

D. 110%

E. 90%

10. The Geometric Mean of -2, 4, 03, 6, 0 will be______________?

A. -3

B. 0

C. 3

D. Cannot be Computed

E. None of these

11. Which of the following cannot be less than zero (negative)?

A. Median

B. Geometric Mean

C. Arithmetic Mean

D. Harmonic Mean

E. Mode

12. If any of the value in data set is zero then it is not possible (i.e.

impossiblE. to compute_______________?

A. Mode

B. Median

C. Mean

D. Harmonic Mean

E. Geometric Mean

13. Data must be arranged either in ascending or descending

order, if some wants to compute____________?

A. Mode

B. Median

C. Harmonic Mean

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D. Geometric Mean

E. Median

14. 2nd Quartile = 5th Decile = 50th Percentile = ?

A. Mode

B. Median

C. Mean

D. Geometric Mean

E. Harmonic Mean

15. _____________is the measure of average which can have more

than one value?

A. Mean

B. Median

C. Harmonic Mean

D. Mode

E. Geometric Mean

16. In a frequency distribution the last cumulative frequency is

500. Q3 must lie in_____________?

A. 275th item

B. 375th item

C. 150th item

D. 175th item

17. The average monthly production of a factory for the first 8

months is 2,500 units, and for the next 4 months the

production was 1,200 units. The average monthly production

of the year will be_____________?

A. 2066.55 units

B. 5031.10 units

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C. 4021.12 units

D. 3012.11 units

18. Find the median of the following datA. 160, 180, 200, 280,

300, 320, 400?

A. 140

B. 300

C. 180

D. 280

19. In a frequency distribution the last cumulative frequency is

300, Median shall lie in____________?

A. 140th item

B. 130th item

C. 160th item

D. 150th item

20. Given the N values in a series, the geometric mean


A. The third root of the product of N values

B. The square root of the product of N values

C. The fourth root of the product of N values

D. The Nth root of the product of N values

21. The sum of squared deviation is least from_________________?

A. Median

B. Mean

C. Mode

D. Standard Deviation

22. The average of first n natural numbers is_______________?

A. n+12

B. n2

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C. All of the above

D. None of these

23. The mean of a constant “b” is_________________?

A. Zero

B. b

C. None

24. Sum of deviations will be zero if it is taken


A. Mean

B. Mode

C. Median

D. Standard Deviation

25. The mean of 10 numbers is 9, then sum of these numbers will


A. 9

B. 0.9

C. 70

D 90

26. For a certain distribution if

∑(x−2)=18,∑(x−24)=0,∑(x−28)=−24) then arithmetic mean


A. 21

B. 24

C. 28

D. 0

27. Arithmetic mean of two positive numbers “X” and “Y”


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A. ab2

B. 2a2

C. (a+b)/2

D. a−b2

E. 2a+b

28. The calculation of mean and variance is based on______________?

A. Small values only

B. Large values only

C. Extreme values only

D. All values

29. If β2=m4m22<3, the distribution is called______________?

A. Normal

B. Mesokurtic

C. Leptokurtic

D. Platykurtic

30. The degree of peakedness is called__________________?

A. Dispersion

B. Skewness

C. Symmetry

D. Kurtosis

31. Quartile Coefficient of skewness lies between______________?

A. 0 and 1

B. -1 and +1

C. -1 and 0

D. None of these

32. If the third moment about mean is zero then distribution


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A. Mesokurtic

B. Positively Skewed

C. Symmetrical

D. Negatively Skewed

33. ____________ is used to criterion of consistency i.e for consistence


A. Range

B. Standard Deviation

C. Coefficient of Variation

D. Mean Deviation

34. For a symmetrical distribution approximately 68% of the

cases are included between _________________?

A. X¯¯¯¯−S and X¯¯¯¯+S

B. X¯¯¯¯−2S and X¯¯¯¯+2S

C. X¯¯¯¯−3S and X¯¯¯¯+3S

D. None of these

35. If Y=−8X − 5 and SD of X is 3, then SD of Y is _______________?

A. 8

B. 3

C. 5

D. 24

E. None

36. The variance of a constant is_______________?

A. Zero

B. Constant

C. a

D. None

37. Var(2X+3) is________________?

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A. 5 Var(X)

B. 4 Var(X)

C. 4 Var(X)+3

D. 5 Var(X)+3

38. Suppose for 40 observations, the variance is 50. If all the

observations are increased by 20, the variance of these

increased observation will be______________?

A. 50

B. 70

C. 50/20

D. 50-20 = 30

E. 50

39. The variance of 5 numbers is 10. If each number is divided by

2, then the variance of new numbers is______________?

A. 20

B. 5

C. 2.5

D. 5.5

E. 0

40. The standard deviation is always _________ than mean


A. Greater

B. Less

C. Equal

D. None

41. The measure of Dispersion can never be________________?

A. Positive

B. Negative

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C. 0

D. 1

42. If mean is 25 and standard deviation is 5 then C.V (Coefficient

of variation) is_______________?

A. 100%

B. 25%

C. 20%

D. None of these

43. The first moment about means is always_________________?

A. Zero

B. 1

C. Negative

D. None of these

44. Lack of symmetry is called_______________?

A. Absolute Dispersion

B. Relative Dispersion

C. Skewness

D. Non of these

45. If right tail is longer than left tail then distribution is called


A. Negatively Skewed

B. Positively Skewed

C. All of above

D. None of these

46. ______________is based on all observations of data?

A. Median

B. Mode

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C. Mean

D. None of these

47. For Mesokurtic curve of the distribution, β2 is__________________?

A. Zero

B. 3

C. 3

E. None of these

48. In uni-model distribution, if mode is less than


A. Symmetrical

B. Normal

C. Positively Skewed

D. Negatively Skewed

49. The Coefficient of Skewness is always zero for ____________


A. Symmetrical

B. Skewed

C. All of above

D. None of these

50. Second moment about mean is_______________?

A. Standard Deviation

B. Variance

C. Coefficient of Variation

D. None of these

51. _____________is used to compare the variation or dispersion in

two or more sets of data even though they are measured in

different units?

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A. Range

B. Standard Deviation

C. Coefficient of Variation

D. Mean Deviation

52. If all values are same then the measure of dispersion will


A. 1

B. 0

C. Mean

D. Mode

E. Median

53. If the standard deviation of the values 2, 4, 6, 8 is 2.58, then

the standard deviation of the values 4, 6, 8, 10 is_______________?

A. 0

B. 2.58

C. 5

D. 4.66

E. 2.33

54. If X and Y are independent then SD (X − Y) is________________?

A. SD(X)−SD(Y)

B. SD(X)+SD(Y)

C. SD(X)+SD(Y)−−−−−−−−−−−−−−√

D. Var(X)+Var(Y)−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−√

18) If Y=−8X − 5 and SD of X is 3, then SD of Y is

55. Standard deviation is calculated from the Harmonic Mean

(HM) ________________?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

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C. Never

D. None of these

56. If a and b are two constants, then Var(a+bX) is_______________?

A. a±bVar(X)

B. Var(a)±Var(X)

C. ±bVar(X)

D. b2Var(X)

E. (a±b)Var(X)

57. Variance remains unchanged by change of________________?

A. Origin

B. Scale

C. Both

D. None of these

58. Lowest value of variance can be________________?

A. 1

B. -1

C. 3

D. -3

E. 0

59. The sum of squared deviations of a set of n values from their

mean is__________________?

A. Zero

B. Maximum

C. Least

D. None

60. Mean Deviation, Variance and Standard Deviation of the

values 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 is_________________?

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A. 4

B. 8

C. 2

D. 12

E. 0

61. The measure of dispersion is changed by a change


A. Origin

B. Scale

C. Algebraic Signs

D. None

62. A measure of dispersion is always ________________?

A. Zero

B. Positive

C. Negative

D. Infinity

63. The algebraic sum of deviations from mean is_____________?

A. Maximum

B. Zero

C. Minimum

D. Undefined

64. You asked five of your classmates about their height. On the

basis of this information, you stated that the average height of

all students in your university or college is 67 inches. This is

an example of ?

A. Descriptive statistics

B. Inferential Statistics

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C. Parameter

D. Population

65. Which one of the following measurement does not divide a set

of observations into equal parts ?

A. Quartiles

B. Standard Deviations

C. Percentiles

D. Deciles

E. Median

66. Which of the following is not based on all the observations ?

A. Arithmetic Mean

B. Geometric Mean

C. Harmonic Mean

D. Weighted Mean

E. Mode

67. The height of a student is 60 inches. This is an example


A. Qualitative data

B. Categorical data

C. Continuous data

D. Discrete data

68. In statistics, a sample means______________?

A. A portion of the sample

B. A portion of the population

C. all the items under investigation

D. none of the above

69. The mean deviation of the values, 18, 12, 15 is____________?

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A. 6

B. Zero

C. 3

D. 2

70. Which of these is a relative measure of dispersion_____________?

A. Standard Deviation

B. Variance

C. Coefficient of Variation

D. None of these

71. Which one is the not measure of dispersion?

A. The Range

B. 50th Percentile

C. Inter-Quartile Range

D. Variance

72. In statistics, conducting a survey means_____________?

A. Collecting information from elements

B. Making mathematical calculations

C. Drawing graphs and pictures

D. None of the above

73. Which branch of statistics deals with the techniques that are

used to organize, summarize, and present the data?

A. Advanced Statistics

B. Probability Statistics

C. Inferential Statistics

D. Descriptive Statistics

E. Bayesian Statistics

74. Statistic is a numerical quantity, which is calculated from?

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A. Population

B. Sample

C. Data

D. Observations

75. Data in the Population Census Report is____________?

A. Grouped data

B. Ungrouped data

C. Secondary data

D. Primary data

E. Arrayed data

76. When data are collected in a statistical study for only a

portion or subset of all elements of interest we are using?

A. A sample

B. A Parameter

C. A Population

D. Both b and c

77. In descriptive statistics, we study______________?

A. The description of decision making process

B. The methods for organizing, displaying, and describing


C. How to describe the probability distribution

D. None of the above

78. In inferential statistics, we study____________?

A. the methods to make decisions about population based

on sample results

B. how to make decisions about mean, median, or mode

C. how a sample is obtained from a population

D. None of the above

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79. A constant variable can take values______________?

A. Zero

B. Fixed

C. Not fixed

D. Nothing

80. A chance variation in an observational process is_____________?

A. Dispersion/ Variability

B. Measurement error

C. Random error

D. Instrument error

81. Population census is conducted through_______________?

A. Sample survey

B. Accounting

C. Investigation

D. Complete enumeration

82. Life of a T.V picture tube is a____________?

A. Discrete variable

B. Continuous variable

C. Qualitative variable

D. Constant

83. The grouped data is also called_____________?

A. Raw data

B. Primary data

C. Secondary data

D. Qualitative data

84. The first hand and unorganized form of data is


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A. Secondary data

B. Organized data

C. Primary data

D. None of these

85. Which of these represent qualitative data______________?

A. Height of a student

B. Liking or disliking of (500) persons of a product

C. Income of a government servant in a city

D. Yield from a wheat plot

86. Sum of dots when two dice are rolled is____________?

A. a discrete variable

B. a continuous variable

C. a constant

D. a qualitative variable

87. If a distribution is abnormally tall and peaked, then is can be

said that the distribution is_____________?

A. Leptokurtic

B. Pyrokurtic

C. Platykurtic

D. Mesokurtic

88. If the standard deviation of a population is 9, the population

variance is_____________?

A. 9

B. 3

C. 21

D. 81

89. Which of the following is not a measure of central tendency ?

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A. Percentile

B. Quartile

C. Standard deviation

D. Mode

90. The sum of the deviations about the mean is


A. Range

B. Zero

C. Total Standard Deviation

D. Positive

E. Negative

91. The mean of a distribution is 23, the median is 24, and the

mode is 25.5. It is most likely that this distribution


A. Positively Skewed

B. Symmetrical

C. Asymptotic

D. Negatively Skewed

92. Which of the following describe the middle part of a group of

numbers ?

A. Measure of Variability

B. Measure of Central Tendency

C. Measure of Association

D. Measure of Shape

93. The mean of a distribution is 14 and the standard deviation is

5. What is the value of the coefficient of variation ?

A. 60.4%

B. 48.3%

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C. 35.7%

D. 27.8%

94. Which of the following is not based on all the observations ?

A. Arithmetic Mean

B. Geometric Mean

C. Harmonic Mean

D. Weighted Mean

E. Mode

95. You asked five of your classmates about their height. On the

basis of this information, you states the average height of all

student in your university or college is 67 inches. This is an

example of____________?

A. Descriptive statistics

B. Inferential Statistics

C. Parameter

D. Population

96. making a entrance slip in service hospital is the method of

collection of data by______________?

A. Registration

B. Entry

C. Correspondents

D. none of these

97. Results obtained by counting are_____________?

A. Continuous

B. Discrete

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of these

98. Eyes color of employees is the example of____________?

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A. Continuous variable

B. Constant variable

C. Discrete variable

D. Attribute

99. f1x12 + f2x22 + —————+ fxx42=___________?

A. Σu1=1 ƒ ixi2

B. Σni-1 ƒ ixi2

C. Σpi=1 ƒ ixi2

D. Σmi=1 ƒ ixi2

100. Data published by Bureau of statistics in its publications are


A. Secondary data

B. Discrete data

C. Continuous data

D. None


102. Data regarding opinions of consumers about some product

obtained through lady workers are ____________?

A. Cheapest method

B. Existing Sources

C. Primary

D. Secondary

103. Continuous variable can assume __________ value?

A. All possible

B. Constant

C. Accuracy

D. Specific

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104. Usually measurements give rise to ________ data?

A. Discrete

B. Specific

C. Continuous

D. Constant

105. Data being used by an agency which is originally collected by

them are _______ data?

A. Quantitative

B. Primary

C. Discrete

D. Secondary

106. Dependence of difference on statistics is for_______________?

A. Two reasons

B. Short run

C. Three reasons

D. Natural Sciences

107. Statistics laws are true for______________?

A. Short run

B. Long run

C. Medium period

D. None of these

108. Statistical Laws are valid in the ________________?

A. Long run

B. Plural sense

C. indefinite

D. Short run

109. The word statistics is at present used in _______________?

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A. Two ways

B. Four ways

C. Six ways

D. Three way

110. A characteristics that does not change is called______________?

A. variable

B. Attribute

C. Constant

D. None of these

111. _________ used the word statistics for the first time during one

of his lectures at a German university?

A. Fisher

B. unavoidable

C. Feet

D. Achenwall

112. _________ statistics deals with collection, presentation and

analysis of data?

A. Inferential

B. Descriptive

C. Collection

D. Two

113. Most of the recent developments in statistics arose to meet

the needs of ____________?

A. Biology

B. Three reasons

C. Hands

D. Physics

114. Statistics Laws are true________________?

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A. In each case

B. Average

C. Facts

D. Field

115. A Constant can assume _______ value?

A. One

B. Four

C. More than value

D. Resindent

116. ___________ data are collected for the first time.

A. Research

B. Statistical

C. Secondary

D. Primary

117. Age of a shopkeeper is the example of___________?

A. Qualitative

B. Quantitative data

C. Variable data

D. Continuous data

118. Identify the attribute?

A. Blood group

B. Blood Pressure

C. Temperature of room

D. Religions of people of a country

119. Proportion becomes percentage when multiplied


A. 1/10

B. 1/1000

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C. 1/100

D. 100

120. Marital status of an individual is the example of___________?

A. Attribute

B. Discrete variable

C. Continuous variable

D. Constant

121. Which branch of statistics deals with the techniques that are

used to organize, summarize, and present the data?

A. Advance Statistics

B. Descriptive Statistics

C. Inferential Statistics

D. Bayesian Statistics

122. In descriptive statistics, we study:

A. The description of decision making process

B. The methods for organizing, displaying, and describing


C. How to describe the probability distribution

D. None of the above

123. Life of a T.V picture tube is a:___________?

A. Discrete variable

B. Continuous variable

C. Qualitative variable

D. Constant

124. According to the empirical rule, approximately what percent

of the data should lie within μ±σ?

A. 75%

B. 99.7%

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C. 90%

D. 95%

125. The middle value of an ordered array of numbers is


A. Mode

B. Mean

C. Median

D. Mid Point

126. Which of the following divides a group of data into four


A. Percentiles

B. Deciles

C. Median

D. Quartiles

E. Standard Deviation

127. The weights of students in a college/school is a___________?

A. Discrete Variable

B. Continuous Variable

C. Qualitative Variable

D. None of these

128. The number of accidents in a city during 2012 is____________?

A. Discrete variable

B. Continuous variable

C. Qualitative variable

D. Constant

129. The data which have already been collected by some one are


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A. Raw data

B. Array data

C. Secondary data

D. Fictitious data

130. Primary data and _____________ data are same?

A. Grouped

B. Secondary data

C. Ungrouped

D. None of these

131. A parameter is a measure which is computed from___________?

A. Population data

B. Sample data

C. Test statistics

D. None of these

132. Questionnaire survey method is used to collect____________?

A. Secondary data

B. Qualitative variable

C. Primary data

D. None of these

133. In a distribution of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, the x is 30, the sum of

deviations from x will be:________?

134. A: 60

B: 30

C: Zero

D: 15

135. Which of the measures given here are based on every item of

the series (uses all observations)?

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136. A: Range

B: Standard Deviation

C: Quartile Deviation

D: All of them

137. The most repeated (popular) value in a data set is


A. Median

B. Mean

C. Mode

D. Geometric Mean

E. Harmonic Mean

138. If any of the value in data set is negative then it is impossible

to compute:_____________?

A. Arithmetic Mean

B. Harmonic Mean

C. Geometric Mean

D. Mode

E. Median

139. To find the average speed of a journey which is the

appropriate measure of central tendency?

A. Mean

B. Geometric Mean

C. Harmonic Mean

D. Weighted Mean

E. Mode

140. Arithmetic Mean is___________affected by extreme values?

A. Not

B. Highly

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C. Less

D. None of these

141. The sum of values divided by their number is called___________?

A. Median

B. Harmonic Mean

C. Mean

D. Mode

E. None of these

142. Variance is always calculated from___________?

A. Mean

B. Variance

C. Geometric Mean

D. Median

E. Mode

143. The sum of squares of deviation is least if measure


A. Mean

B. Mode

C. Median

D. Variance

144. In Statistics, a population consists of:_____________?

A. All People living in a country

B. All People living in the are under study

C. All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being


D. None of the above

145. The Number of road accidents is the example of____________?

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A. variable

B. Constant

C. Discrete variable

D. Continuous variable

146. Major area of statistics today is concerned with drawing of

conclusions from__________?

A. Samples

B. Primary

C. Two

D. Complete study

147. Statistics has handicap dealing with_____________?

A. Constant

B. Variable

C. Quantitative data

D. Qualitative data

148. Village Patwari collecting the data about cotton crops is the

example of_____________?

A. variable

B. Constant

C. Primary data

D. Secondary data

149. The data collected by NADRA to issue National Identity cards


A. Official data

B. un-official data

C. Primary data

D. Secondary data

150. Census reports used as a source of data is____________?

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A. Primary source

B. secondary source

C. Organized data

D. none

151. A numerical value calculated from sample is called____________?

A. Mathematics

B. Economics

C. Statistic

D. None of these

152. In statistics, a sample means__________?

A. A portion of the sample

B. A portion of the population

C. All the items under investigation

D. None of the above

153. In natural Sciences, statistics____________.

A. Has no role

B. Average

C. Plays an Important role

D. Study

154. Statistics tests the law of ____________?

A. Other sciences

B. physics

C. Business

D. Literary subjects

155. Use of Statistics in planning is ____________?

A. Useless

B. Various Methods

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C. Unavoidable

D. Samples

156. Statistics is the backbone of_____________?

A. Economics

B. Mathematics

C. Research

D. Computer

157. The word statistics is defined as_____________?

A. Singular Sense

B. Plural Sense

C. Singular as well as plural sense

D. Non of these

158. In the plural sense, statistic means____________?

A. Methods

B. Data

C. Science

D. Meteorology

159. Statistics are ___________ expressed?

A. Descriptive

B. Ability

C. Qualitatively

D. Quantitatively

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Statistic Binomial and Hyper-Geometric Probability MCQs


1. Each trial in Binomial distribution has:_________________?

A. One Outcome

B. Two Outcome

C. Three Outcome

D. Four Outcome

2. In which distribution successive trials are without


A. Hypergeometric distribution

B. Binomial distribution

C. Poisson distribution

D. Geometric distribution

3. In hypergeometric distribution, the trial are:_______________?

A. Independent

B. Dependent

C. Collectively Exhaustive

D. None

4. The mean of hypergeometric distribution is:___________________?

A. Nk/N

B. N-k/n

C. nN/k

D. n+k/N

5. Which of the following is not the property of binomial

distribution ?

A. n is fixed

B. Has two outcomes

C. Trials are independent

D. Probability of success varies from trial to trial

6. Hypergeometric distribution has parameter:_____________________?

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A. 2

B. 1

C. 3

D. 4

E. No

7. In a binomial probability distribution it is impossible to


A. P(X < 0)

B. P(X = 0)

C. P(X > 0)

D. p(0 ≤ X≤ n)

8. The mean of binomial distribution is:__________________?

A. npq

B. np

C. √npq

D. √np

E. nq—√

9. The probability of success changes from trial to trial


A. Binomial distribution

B. Geometric distribution

C. Sampling distribution

D. Hypergeometrical distribution

10. The mean and the variance are equal in________________?

A. All probability distribution

B. The hypergeometric distribution

C. The binomial distribution

D. The Poisson distribution

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11. If mean of the binomial probability distribution is 4.8, then

variance of this distribution is :_______________?

A. -2.3

B. 5.3

C. -4.8

D. 2.3

12. When ‘n’ becomes very large, binomial distribution tends to


A. Poisson dist

B. Standard dist

C. Normal dist

D. Hyper-geometric distribution

13. For a binomial distribution with n = 15 as p changes from. 50

toward. 05 the distribution will__________?

A. Become more positively skewed

B. Become more negatively skewed

C. Become symmetrical

D. All of the above.

14. In a binomial distribution, n = 10 p= 3/5, its mean


A. 6

B. 1

C. 2/5

D. None of these

15. Which of the following case is true for hyper geometric


A. Probability remains constant for all the trials.

B. Probability changes from trial to trial

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C. Successive trial are dependent

D. Both (b) & (c) but not (a)

16. The binomial distribution is symmetrical when:______________?

A. P > q

B. P = 1/2

C. Probability of success & probability of failure are equal

D. Both (b) & (c) but not (a)

17. What is the mean of binomial distribution ____________?

A. X

B. n x p

C. n(1 – 1)

D. ∑fx/∑f

18. Binomial probability distribution is denoted by b(x ; n, p), is

defined as _______________?

A. {nx}px qn-x

B. {nx}px(1 – P)x-n

C. nCxpnqnx

D. {nx}p(1 – P)x

19. Binomial word discovered at the end of ________________?

A. 14th century

B. 12th century

C. 10th century

D. 17th century

20. There are ____________ parameter in Binomial distribution?

A. n, q

B. n, p, q

C. q, p

D. n, p

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21. The experiment is repeated a _____________ number of times?

A. Times

B. Fixed

C. Expansion

D. Trial

22. If p= 0.1 and n = 400 then mean _______________?

A. 60

B. 30

C. 20

D. 40

23. Binomial distribution ranges from _______________?

A. 1 to n

B. 0 to n

C. 1 to ∞

D. 0 to ∞

24. In a binomial distribution mean and variance is ________________?

A. Variance > mean

B. Mean < variance

C. Variance ≠ mean

D. None of these

25. If mean and variance are not equal then distribution


A. None

B. Symmetrical

C. Skewed

D. Equal

26. (q + p) has variance is ______________?

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A. 6 pq

B. npq

C. 7 pq

D. 3 pq

27. Binomial distribution is positively skewed when ______________?

A. p > q

B. P = q

C. p < q

D. P/q

28. In binomial experiment, the experiment is repeated


A. n; fixed number of times

B. a large number times

C. n; where n < 0

D. n = 100

29. In binomial distribution with ________ trials mean is np and

variance is npq?

A. Dependent

B. Independent

C. Linear

D. Equal

30. The mean and variance of binomial distribution are


A. Unequal

B. Equal

C. Symmetrical

D. None

31. Mean of the binomial distribution is ______________?

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A. Pq

B. nP

C. xm

D. Non of these

32. The mean of a binomial distribution is


A. Equal to variance

B. Less than variance

C. Greater than varince

D. None of these

33. In binomial experiment, the probability of success is denoted

by __________________?

A. P

B. q

C. P

D. 1 -P

34. Binomial distribution is symmetrical when P=___________________?

A. n

B. x

C. q

D. 1 – P

35. Binomial distribution has _______ parameter?

A. 4

B. 3

C. 2

D. 6

36. Successive trials in binomial distribution are:__________________?

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A. Dependent

B. Independent

C. Equally Likely

D. Mutually exclusive

E. Non

37. In binomial distribution n=6 and p=0.9, then the value


A. P(X=7) is

B. One

C. Less than zero

D. Zero

E. More than zero

38. A random variable X has binomial distribution with n = 10 and

p = 0.3 then variance of X is:_____________________?

A. 10

B. 12

C. 2.1

D. 21

E. None

39. If in a binomial distribution n = 1 then E(X) is:____________________?

A. q

B. p

C. 0

D. 1

40. The mean, median and mode for binomial distribution will be

equal when:______________?

A. p= 0.5

B. P 0.5

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D. p = 1

E. None of these

41. Binomial distribution is negatively skewed


A. p=0

B. p>1/2

C. p=1/2

D. p=1/3

42. Binomial distribution has parameters:______________?

A. Three

B. Two

C. One

D. Four

E. None

43. The variance of binomial distribution is always:________________?

A. Less than mean

B. Equal to mean

C. Greater than mean

D. Equal to standard deviation

E. None of these

44. Binomial distribution is symmetrical when:_________________?

A. p = q

B. p > q

C. p > q

D. np > npq

45. The successive trials are with replacement in:________________?

A. Hpergeometric distribution

B. Binomial distribution

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C. Geometric distribution

D. None of these

46. Which of the following is not a condition of the binomial

distribution ?

A. Only 2 possible outcomes

B. Have constant probability

C. Must have at least 3 trials

D. Trials must be independent

47. if in a binomial probability distribution mean and variance are

6 and 2.4 respectively, then the parameters of this distribution


A. n = 10, p = 6/10

B. n = 50, p = 6/50

C. n = 10, p = 3/5

D. n = 10, p = 2/5

48. In a binomial distribution, n = 20 and p = 3/5, then variance of

this distribution ______________?

A. 60

B. 12

C. 4.8

D. 0

49. Variance of binomial distribution is always:______________?

A. Less than mean

B. Greater than mean

C. Equal to mean

D. Less than equal to mean

50. What is the variance of binomial distribution __________________?

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A. n p

B. np (1 – p)

C. np/q

D. nq/p

51. The sum of p and q is always:___________________?

A. 0

B. 2

C. 1

D. None of these

52. If in binomial distribution p ≠ q, the distribution


A. Positively skewed

B. Negative skewed

C. May be positive skewed or negative skewed.

D. None of these

53. The binomial distribution is positively skewed


A. p > q

B. p < q

C. p = q

D. both (a) and (b

54. If 5 dice are rolled 96 times then N. =___________?

A. 5

B. 96

C. 5/96

D. 96/5

55. If a Binomial experiment is repeated ‘N’ times then binomial

frequency distribution is. _______________?

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A. N.{nx}px qn-x

B. N p q

C. N.{n/x}px qn-x

D. N.{n/x}p qn-x

56. For a binomial distribution?

A. n must assume a number between 1 and 20 or 25

B. p must be a multiple of 10

C. There must be at least 3 possible outcomes

D. None of these

57. If _________ then the distribution is positively skewed?

A. p < q

B. q/p

C. p > q

D. p > 1/2

58. Which of the following is not a requirement for binomial

distribution ?

A. Constant Probability of Success

B. Only two possible outcomes

C. A fixed number of trials

D. Equally likely outcomes

59. In a binomial distribution mean and variance is _________________?

A. Variance > mean

B. Mean < variance

C. Variance ≠ mean

D. None of these

60. If u = 5 and S.D. = 2.5 then Binomial distribution are


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A. Unequal

B. Wrong

C. Fair

D. None of these

61. Binomial distribution is used when ___________ is large?

A. nP

B. nq

C. p

D. n

62. Binomial distribution is used when n is ____________________?

A. Large

B. Small

C. Zero

D. Normal

63. Binomial distribution is symmetrical when P=_________________?

A. 1/q

B. 1

C. q

D. 2q

64. The hypergeometric probability distribution is used rather

than the binomial or Poisson when the sampling is performed ?

A. With replacement

B. With out replacement from an infinite population

C. With out replacement from a finite population

D. With replacement from a finite population

65. In a binomial distribution the probability of ___________ changes

from trial to trial?

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A. Failure

B. Experiment

C. Success

D. Out come

66. When X denotes the number of success in binomial experiment,

it is called ________________?

A. Random variable

B. Binomial random variable

C. Continuous random variable

D. Both (b) and (c) but not (a)

67. In binomial experiment successive trials are ______________?

A. Dependent

B. Independent

C. May be inependent or dependent

D. None of these

68. In binomial experiment, the successive trials are _____________?

A. Dependent

B. independent

C. Related

D. constant

69. In the binomial experiment, the outcomes of each trial maybe

classified into ______________?

A. Success

B. Failure

C. Success or Failure

D. None of these

70. A binomial random variable can assume values from _________ to


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A. 6

B. 3

C. 2

D. 0

71. In binomial distribution the probability of success remains

__________ from trial to trial?0

A. Constant

B. Varies

C. Four

D. Probability

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Statistic Index Number MCQs


1. The formula ∑pnqn/poqn x100 is used to calculate?

A. The Laspeyres price index

B. The Paasche price index

C. The Paasche quantity index

D. The Laspeyres quantity index

2. The Laspeyres price index_____________?

A. Regards the base year quantities as fixed

B. Regards the base year price as fixed

C. Regards the current year quantities as fixed

D. non of these

3. This index measure the change from month to month in the cost

of a representative ‘basket’ of goods and services of the type

bought by a typical household?

A. Laspeyres Price Index

B. Financial time Index

C. Paasche Price Index

D. Retail Price Index

4. A simple aggregate quantity index is used to______________?

A. Measure the change in quantity of product

B. Measure the overall change in price of a range of products

C. Measure the overall change in quantity of range of product.

D. Measure the change in price of a product

5. An index number is used______________?

A. To measure changes in quantity

B. To measure changes in price

C. To measure changes in a variable over time

D. To measure changes in demand

6. Fisher’s ideal index number is also obtained by _______________?

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A. Taking A.M. of Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s index

B. Taking G.M. of Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s index

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of these

7. Base year quantities are used as weights in _______________?

A. Laspeyre’s index

B. Paasche’s index

C. Fisher’s index

D. None of these

8. Volume index in Marshall is _______________?

A. ∑pn(Po + Pn)/ ∑pn (Po + Pn)

B. ∑qn(qo + qn)/∑qn(po + pn) x100

C. ∑pn(qo + qn)/∑pn

D. ∑qn(Po + Pn)/ ∑qo (Po + Pn) x100

9. The Index number are used to measure seasonal and cyclical

variations in ____________?

A. Wholesale

B. Relatives

C. commodities

D. Time series

10. The weighty system changed with _______________?

A. Yearly

B. Basely

C. Timely

D. Averagely

11. Link relative = ________________?

A. Pn/Po x 100

B. Pn/Po x 100

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C. Pn/ Pn-1 x100

D. Pn/P1 x 100

12. Single number which shows ___________ changes in a phenomenon

is called an Index Number?

A. Overall

B. Same

C. Variation

D. Capable

13. An Index number which measure the change of a _____ is called

Aggregative 1. No?

A. Industrial activity

B. Retail price

C. Cost of living

D. Goods consumed

14. The object of Index number also determines its _______________?

A. Index Number

B. Special purpose

C. Reliable

D. Scope

15. Average calculated used in index number by __________ method?

A. Three

B. Two

C. Four

D. One

16. G.M. between __________ is called to be Fisher’s Index Number?

A. Paasche’s Index Number

B. Marshall and Laspeyr’es

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C. Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s

D. Fisher and Paasche’s

17. An Index number of an average quality of wheat in

Lahore__________ Index?

A. Volume Index Number

B. value Index Number

C. Quantity Index Number

D. Weighted Index Number

18. Consumer price Index Number also called _________ is designed to

measure changes?

A. Cost Living Index number

B. Whole Sale Index number

C. weighted Index Number

D. Consumer Index Number

19. All Index numbers are not suitable for all _________________?

A. Kind

B. Chain relative

C. Purpose

D. Price

20. A scaling factor is used to_________________?

A. Change a simple index to a weight index

B. Convert the Paasche index to a Laspeyres index

C. Change the base year

D. change an aggregate index to a weighted index

21. The formula ∑poqn/∑poqo x100 is used to


A. The Laspeyres price index

B. The Paasche quantity index

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C. The Laspeyres quantity index

D. The Paasche price index

22. The Laspeyres and Paasche index are examples


A. Aggregate index numbers

B. Weighted index numbers

C. Weighted price index only

D. Weighted quantity index only

23. A simple aggregate price index_____________?

A. Ignores relative quantities

B. Compares relative quantities to relative prices

C. Compares absolute prices to absolute quantities

D. Compares relative quantities

24. The ratio of a new price to the base year price is called


A. Price decrease

B. Price absolute

C. Price increase

D. Price relative

25. The index number of base period is always:_______________?

A. 100

B. 200

C. The price of that year

D. None of these

26. Which of the formula is used in chain indices: ________________?

A. ∑pn/∑po x100

B. pn/po x100

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C. pn/pn-1 x100

D. Both (a) and (b) but not (c)

27. Paasche’s Index number is ______________?

A. ∑pnqo/∑poqo

B. ∑pnqo/∑pnqo x100

C. ∑pnqn/∑poqo

D. ∑pnqn/∑poqn x100

28. Link relative = ________________?

A. Pn/pn-1 x100

B. Pn/Po x10

C. Pn/Po x100

D. None of these

29. In Chain base method, the base period is ________________?

A. Fixed

B. Constant

C. Change

D. None of these

30. Volume Index in Marshall is ____________?

A. ∑Pn(Po + Pn)/∑Pn(Po + Pn)

B. ∑Pn(qo + qn)/∑Pn

C. ∑Pn(Po + Pn)/∑Pn(Po + Pn) x100

D. Non of these

31. Qon means _________ for the given year?

A. Price

B. Commodity

C. Quantity in current

D. Quantity Index

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32. Index Number is an important role in the field of Economic and


A. Science

B. Education

C. Intelligence

D. Business

33. Nos. is a ____ for measuring changes in a variable or a group of

related variables?

A. variable

B. Region of goods

C. Device

D. Cost

34. Measure the change in quantity of goods are called


A. Simple 1. No.

B. Aggregative 1. No.

C. Appropriate

D. Quantity Index Number

35. Price in proceeding year used in the method is called __________?

A. Fixed Method

B. Chain Method

C. Aggregation Method

D. Volume

36. Weighted Index number can be classified into _________


A. Four

B. Three

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C. Five

D. Two

37. Ratio between given year and base year is called __________ in


A. Price relative

B. Link relative

C. Retail prices

D. None of these

38. An Index Number calculated for more than one items is called


A. Sensitive Price Index number

B. Consumer Index Number

C. Simple Aggregation 1. Number

D. Chain Indices

39. The index numbers are used to measure seasonal and cyclical

variations in __________?

A. Commodities

B. Time Series

C. Whole sale

D. Realtives

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Statistic Measures of Dispersion MCQs


1. Mean deviation, Variance and Standard Deviation of the values 4,4,4,4,4,4 is_______________?

A. 4 B. 8 C. 2 D. 0

2. The variance of 5 numbers is 10. If each number is divided by 2, then variance of new number is_____________?

A. 20 B. 5 C. 2.5 D. 0

3. The mean deviation of the values, 18, 12, 15, is_______________?

A. 6 B. Zero C. 3 D. 2

4. Lowest value of variance can be____________?

A. 1 B. -1 C. 3 D. 0

5. If the standard deviation of the values 2,4,6,8 is 2.33, then the standard deviation of the values 4,6,8,10 is_____________?

A. 0 B. 2.58 C. 4.66 D. 2.33

6. If Y=-8X – 5 and SD of X is 3, then SD of Y is______________?

A. 8 B. 3 C. 24 D. None of these

7. Variance remains unchanged by change of_____________?

A. Origin B. Scale C. Both D. None of these

8. If all values are same then the measure of dispersion will be?

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A. 1 B. 0 C. Mean D. Mode E. Median

9. The shape of the symmetrical distribution is _______?

A. U- Shaped B. J- Shaped C. Bell- Shaped D. None of these

10. The sum of absolute deviations from median is _____?

A. Zero B. Positive C. Least D. None of these

11. The variance of 4,4,4,4,4,4 is _______________?

A. 4 B. (4)2 C. 8 D. None of these

12. If third moment about mean is equal to zero, then distribution is ______________?

A. Negatively skewed B. Symmetrical C. positively skewed D. None of these

13. If variance iv standard deviation is minimum if the deviation taken from______________?

A. Mode B. Mean C. Average D. G.M.

14. ________ is the simplest means of dispersion?

A. Standard deviation B. Variation C. C.V. D. Range

15. First movement about mean is always equal to ___________?

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A. S.D. B. 1 C. Zero D. None of these

16. The standard deviation is affected by the value of every____________?

A. Relative Dispersion B. Observation C. Absolute D. Items

17. Check the consistency used _____________?

A. Coefficient of dispersion B. Mean coefficient C. Coefficient of variance D. Q.D.

18. __________ of the distribution which is measured relative to the distribution known as Normal?

A. Skewed B. Flatness C. Normal D. Moment

19. In symmetrical distribution, the co-efficient of skewness is equal to ______________?

A. -1 B. +1 C. 0 D. None of these

20. Quartile deviation is not capable of manipulation______________?

A. Easy B. mathematically C. Abjectly D. Algebraic

21. The measure of relative dispersion is called __________________?

A. Quartile deviation B. Mean dervation C. Mean coefficient D. Coefficient of quartile Deviation

22. Second moment about mean is always equal to _____________?

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A. S.D. B. C.V. C. Variance D. Square

23. The lack of uniformity is called ______________?

A. Lack B. variation C. X= 5 D. Skewness

24. If y= ax + b the S.D. of y is _______________?

A. Mean Deviation of x B. Minimum C. S.D. of x D. Maximum

25. If y= bx + c the range of y is ________?

A. Range of P B. Quartile of X C. Range of x D. Zero

26. which is poor measure of dispersion in open-end distribution ________________?

A. Quartile- deviation B. Semi-inter quartile range C. Range D. None of these

27. The frequency distribution mean > Median > Mode is called __________?

A. Negatively B. Symmetrical C. +vely D. One

28. The second moment about mean is _____?

A. Variance B. Mean C. S.D. D. Mode

29. suppose for 40 observation, the variance is 50. If all the observation are increased by 20, the variance of these increased observation will be_________?

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A. 50 B. 70 C. 50/20 D. 50-20=30

30. Standard deviation is always calculated from _____________?

A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. G.M.

31. Mean deviation =______ S.D?

A. 2/3 B. 4/5 C. 5/6 D. 6/5

32. The sum of the squares of deviations is the least when measured from____________?

A. A.M. B. Median C. Mode D. G.M.

33. If Skewed distribution the three averages mean, median and mode are ________?

A. Identical B. Different C. Zero D. None of these

34. The sum of powers of deviation from mean is zero is called __________?

A. Mean B. Lack C. Normal D. Skewed

35. First moment about origin is always equal to _______________?

A. A.M. B. variance C. Zero D. None of these

36. The value of interval x ± S include _______________?

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A. 49.45% B. 95.45% C. 68.27% D. 99.73%

37. The ________ in the distribution around which the observation to lie?

A. Mean B. Dispersion C. Manner D. Central value

38. The S.D. and variance are ____ of origine?

A. Multiplied B. Variance C. Change D. Independent

39. Mean deviation is always ________________?

A. Equal to S.D. B. More than S.D. C. Less than S.D. D. Negative

40. The correct variance is define as the __________________?

A. varies of data P2/6 B. S.D. of data h2/12 C. M.D. of data h2/6 D. Variance of data h2/12

41. Mean deviation is equal to 4/5 of the _________ manipulation?

A. Quartile deviation B. Range C. Standard deviation D. Variance

42. In grouped data, the range is the difference between ________________?

A. Two extreme class boundaries B. Two extreme class frequency C. Two extreme class limits D. None of these

43. Relative measure of skewness was introduced by _____________?

A. Rowely B. Lack

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C. Karl Person D. Mode

44. Absolute sum of deviations is minimum from _______________?

A. Coefficient of variance B. S.D. of x C. Mean D. Normal

45. If y = bx + a the mean deviation of y is_____________?

A. S.D. of y B. var (x) C. S.D. of x D. M.D.of x

46. The degree to which numerical data tend to spread about an average value is a________________?

A. Range B. variance C. Minimum D. Dispersion

47. Range of 5,5,5,5, is ________________?

A. 0 B. 5 C. 25 D. None of these

48. The A.M. is greater than mode is equal to ______________?

A. +vely B. Skewness C. Negatively D. zero

49. In a symmetrical distribution mean, median and mode, _________________?

A. Positive B. Greater C. Less than D. Coincide

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Measures of Location MCQs


1. Combine mean calculated by different given mean is ________?

A. n1x1 + n2x2x + _____ nuxu/n1 +n2 + ___ + nu B. n1x1 + n2x2x + _____ nuxu/x1 + x2 + ____ x4 C. n1x1 + n2x2x + _____ nuxu/n1 + n2 + ___+ nu D. ∑n1x/x1

2. The median of numbers, 12, 22, 32,__(2n + 1)2 is given by______?

A. (n2 + 1) B. (2n + 1)2 C. (n + 1)2 D. (N – 1)2

3. A distribution is called _____ distribution if it has two modes?

A. Uni-modal B. Bi-model C. Tri-modal D. None of these

4. The median of F,K,E, Q, U, E, N, C,Y, is ________?


5. The frequent value of the data if it exists is called ________________?

A. Median B. Quartiles C. Mode D. Deciles

6. The mean of 5,5,5,5,5 is ______?

A. 1 B. 5 C. 6 D. 10

7. The median of the data 2, 4, 10, 8, 6 is _______________?

A. 6 B. 5 C. 10 D. None of these

8. Which of the following is not based upon all the observations _________?

A. A.M. B. G.M.

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C. H.M. D. Mode

9. If any value in the data is zero, then which of the following average vanishes ______________?

A. A.M. B. G.M. C. Mode D. None of these

10. The sum of deviations of observations is zero, when deviations are taken from __________?

A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. None of these

11. If any value in the data is negative, then it is impossible to calculate _______?

A. A.M. B. Mode C. H.M. D. G.M.

12. G.M. are set of ‘n’ values product of the nth roots of the ______________?

A. Given value B. All +ve, -Ve value C. Zero reject D. None of these

13. Quartiles, deciles are located from an ogive in a way________________?

A. Mode B. G.M. C. Median D. Quarlities

14. Average is good if it is easy to ____________?

A. Change B. Capable C. Understand D. Clear

15. G.M. of 2,4,8 is ______?

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A. 6 B. 4 C. 14/3 D. 8

16. Median is always central value even if the data is _______?

A. Unassigned B. Arranged C. Continuous D. Discrete

17. Harmonic mean cannot be calculated if any one of the values in the data is _____________?

A. Zero B. Negative C. Positive D. All sign

18. Median is _______ than mean is a positive skewed distribution?

A. Great B. lesser C. Equal D. None of these

19. The Harmonic Mean of two number is ‘a’ and ‘b’ is given by ____________?

A. a+b/2 B. 2ab/a+b C. √ab D. None of these

20. Sum of obsolete deviations from _____ is least?

A. Mean B. Median C. Harmonic D. Mode

21. We must arrange the data before calculating _________?

A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. G.M.

22. The mode of the data 2,4,6,6,6,8 is _______________?

A. 4 B. 6

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C. 8 D. 30

23. The arithmetic mean of 10,8,6,4, and 2 is ______________?

A. 5 B. 15 C. 6 D. 30

24. Coded method of calculation is only used in ___________?

A. Median B. Combined mean C. A.M. D. None of these

25. If any value in the data is zero, then it is not possible to have _______?

A. A.M. B. Medain C. Mode D. H.M.

26. Group data formula for mode _______?

A. 1+ fm – f2/f1 – f2 x h B. 1+ f1 – f2/f2 – fm x h C. 1 + fm – f1/ (fm – f1) + (fm1 – f2) x h D. 1+ fm1 – f2/f1 – fm x h

27. If any value in the data is zero, then which of the following average vanishes_________?

A. A.M. B. G.M. C. H.M. D. None of these

28. Deciles means are 1/( )?

A. 1000 B. 10 C. 100 D. 10000

29. In moderately skewed distribution if _________________?

A. Mode = 3 median – 2 mean B. Mode = 2 median -3 mean C. Median = 2 median-3 mean D. Mean- mode

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30. Third quartile = Q3 = ____________?

A. P33 B. D3 C. Median D. None of these

31. Mean is relatively ____ measure?

A. Stable B. manipulation C. Change D. Group

32. __________ deviation taken from A.M. is always equal to zero?

A. Mean B. Sum C. Average D. 2.D.

33. Median = Q2 = D5 =_________________?

A. P25 B. P55 C. P75 D. p50

34. If the smallest observation in a data is decreased, the average which is not affected is______________?

A. G.M. B. Median C. Mean D. Harmonic mean

35. The sum of square of deviation is least when measured from ____________?

A. Arbitrary value B. Mean C. Mode D. G.M.

36. H.M. _____ G.M. _______ A.M?

A. < B. ≥ C. ≤ D. >

37. The most frequent value in data is called ________________?

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A. Mean B. Mode C. Median D. H.M.

38. We must arrange the data before calculating ______________?

A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. G.M

39. The arithmetic mean _________ by 10 if 10 is added to all values?

A. Decease B. Smaller C. Largest D. Increase

40. Arithmetic mean is _________ by change of origin and scale of measurement?

A. Vary B. Negative C. Affected D. Not affected

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Statistic Normal Distribution MCQs


1. The Normal Curve is asymptotic to the?

A. None B. X-axis C. Y-axis D. Along Y=X

2. Normal Distribution ?

A. have no Mode B. Multi Modal C. Bi Modal D. Tri Modal E. Uni Modal

3. In case of symmetrical distribution?

A. β1=β4 B. Mean=Mode=Median C. µ1=µ4 D. µ1=µ2

4. If X ˜ N(16,49), the mean is___________?

A. 49 B. 16 C. 7 D. 4

5. If Y=5X + 10 and X is N(10,25), then mean of Y is ?

A. 135 B. 50 C. 70 D. 60

6. Area Under the normal curve on either side of mean is _____________?

A. 1 B. Mean value C. 0.5 D. 2 E. -1

7. Which of the following parameter control the relative flatness of normal distribution?

A. None B. Mode C. Standard Deviation D. Mean

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8. The shape of normal curve depends upon ?

A. None B. Mean C. Quartile D. Standard Deviation E. Mean Deviation

9. The value maximum ordinate of a standard normal curve at Z = 0 is:________?

A. 1 B. 0.5 C. 0.3989 D. None of these

10. In a certain normal distribution having µ = 35 and variance = 16, then mode will be_______________?

A. 3.5 B. 16 C. 4 D. None of these

11. If “X” is normally distribution with >µ= 8 and S.D. 4, then P(6≤X≤10) may be______________?

A. 0 B. -0.32 C. 1.2 D. 0.2684

12. In normal distribution β1 = 0 and β2 is equal to _____________?

A. 0.5 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3

13. For +ve and -ve skewed, check the sign of _______?

A. β1 B. µ2 C. β2 D. µ3

14. Total area under the normal curve is________?

A. 100 B. 1 C. 50% D. 1%

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15. Normal distribution is _____ distribution?

A. Symmetrical B. non-symmetrical C. + vely skewed D. -vely skewed

16. Area to the right of (z=0) is the area for ____ values of z?

A. Zero B. Negative C. Positive D. None of these

17. The standardized normal variate z means_________ away from the mean?

A. Mean B. S.D. C. Variance D. None of these

18. In a normal distribution, what is the z score associated with the mode ?

A. -1 B. 0 C. +1 D. None of these

19. If X ˜ N (µ, σ2) then Z ˜__________?

A. N(0, σ2) B. N(1, σ2) C. N(0, 1) D. N(1, 1)

20. Normal distribution is the distribution of _______________?

A. Discrete r.v. B. Continuous r.v. C. Qualitative variable D. Quantitative variable

21. In normal distribution, mean ______= Mode?

A. Quartile B. Mean deviation C. Median D. S.D.

22. Area of normal distribution total is equal to _______?

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A. Two B. One C. Four D. Three

23. Standard normal variable Z is___________?

A. x – µ /σ B. µ- x /σ C. σ – x/ µ D. x – σ/ µ

24. Every distribution tends to ____ distribution?

A. Small B. ∞ C. Large D. Finite

25. In normal distribution Q1=_________?

A. u + .6745 (S.D.) B. u – .7979 (S.D.) C. u + .6745 (S.D.) D. u – .6745 (S.D.)

26. If n ≥ 30 and _____ then binomial approaches to normal distribution?

A. q/p B. p = q C. pq D. p = n

27. The _____ order moments about mean are all zero?

A. None B. Four C. Add D. Even

28. In a normal distribution quartile deviation is _______ (S.D.)?

A. .2745 B. .3789 C. .79079 D. .6745

29. In Normal distribution, the parameter which controls the flatness of the curve is____________?

A. µ,σ B. None

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C. µ, MD D. 2∏—√,e

30. In a normal distribution E(X-µ)2 is________________?

A. Variance B. Mean Deviation C. Standard Deviation D. Quartile Deviation

31. Shape of normal curve can be related to_______________?

A. Bell B. Circle C. L D. Rectangle E. J

32. We use normal distribution when “n” is________________?

A. Small B. None C. Fixed D. Large

33. Total Area under the normal curve is_______________?

A. Greater than 1 B. 1 C. None D. Less than 1 E. 0

34. The lower and upper quartile of standard normal variation are respectively ?

A. µ+0.6745σ and µ-0.6745σ B. -0.6745 and 0.6745 C. -0.7979 and 0.7979 D. -0.7979σ and 0.7979σ

35. If X N(55,49) then σ ?

A. 7 B. 55 C. 104 D. 49

36. The median of normal distribution corresponds to the value of Z equal to_________________?

A. 0.5 B. 1

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C. µ D. 0

37. Mean deviation of Normal Distribution is_____________?

A. 45σ B. 34σ C. 78σ D. 23σ

38. The area under the normal distribution curve outside the interval of z=1 and z=3.09 is_____________?

A. None of the above B. 0.1477 C. 0.1597 D. 0.3413 E. 0.4990

39. The normal distribution is_________?

A. Platykurtic B. Leptokurtic C. Mesoukurtic D. None of these

40. In normal distribution Q.D. ( quartile deviation)is equal to________?

A. σ B. 0.7979 σ C. 0.6745 σ D. None of these

41. P95 means _____?

A. The central 95% area B. The point above above which95% area lies C. The point above below which 95% area lies D. Both (a) and (b) but not (c)

42. If β1 = 0 it means the distribution is _______________?

A. Symmetrical B. + vely skewed C. -vely skewed D. Non of these

43. The maximum of function is at_______________?

A. X = σ2 B. X = µ

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C. X = µ + σ D. X = 0

44. As the normal distribution is symmetrical, its mean, median and mode are:____________?

A. Coincide B. Not equal C. Different

45. In a standard normal distribution z = 0 corresponds to _____________?

A. Mean B. S.D. C. M.D. D. Q.D.

46. N(µ, 2σ) means normally distribution with mean u and variance2σ then (3σ, 4) means _____________?

A. 46 B. 76 C. 36 D. 47

47. The range of normal distribution lies between _________?

A. -∞ to +∞ B. 0 to ∞ C. -∞ to 0 D. None of these

48. 100% of values lies in the limits are equal to ______________?

A. 40 and 60 B. 20 and 70 C. 20 and 30 D. 20 and 80

49. Normal distribution has ___________?

A. 1 parameter B. 2 parameter C. 3 parameter D. 4 parameter

50. The shape of normal distribution does depend upon _____ and variance?

A. x B. S/σ2

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C. u D. 2 µ2

51. P(µ – σ≤x≤µ + σ)=_________?

A. .6826 B. .6743 C. .6745 D. .2345

52. For a normal distribution having µ = 241 and σ = 2 P (X≥235) is:_______?

A. 0.9986 B. 0.5 C. 0.475 D. 0.235

53. Normal distribution has ____shaped?

A. u-shaped B. Bell shaped C. T-shaped D. Normal shaped

54. The equation of standard normal distribution is f(z)=________?

A. 1/σ√2∏e 1/2×2 B. 1/σ√2∏e -1/2×2 C. 1/√2∏ D. 1/σ√2∏

55. In normal distribution u2 = S2 and u4 =___________?

A. 3S2 B. 3S C. 3S4 D. 4S2/x

56. The quartile deviation is ____ (S.D.) is normal dist?

A. .6734 B. .7879 C. .6745 D. .4567

57. Normal distribution has ______ parameter?

A. Three B. Two C. Four D. One

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58. Normal distribution is a probability distribution of _____ random variable?

A. Continuous B. Constant C. Discrete D. Normal

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Statistics Presentation of Data MCQs


1. For a given class 30-44 the midpoint will be ________________?

A. 30 B. 34 C. 37 D. 35

2. ________ paper is needed to show the graphs of frequency distribution?

A. Ordinary B. Graphs C. Photo D. Chart

3. When in a frequency distribution the maximum frequency occur at one end, then the frequency curve of such distribution is ________________?

A. J- shaped B. U- shaped C. Bell- shaped D. V- shaped

4. The graph obtained by joining the mid points of the tops of adjacent rectangles in histogram is called ______________?

A. Frequency polgon B. Ogive C. Pie chart D. Histgram

5. The lower class boundary of 25-35 will be ______________?

A. 20 B. 25 C. 30 D. 35

6. Class mark is the value which divides a class into ________ equal parts?

A. Four B. One C. Three D. Two

7. Any data collected by the investigator personally from the informants are called __________ data?

A. Primary B. Unofficial

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C. Group data D. None of these

8. data classified by methods are called __________ data?

A. Row data B. Grouped data C. Quantitative data D. Geographical E. None of these

9. A source note foot are the _______________?

A. Top B. Bottom C. Same D. Different

10. The difference between the upper and lower class boundaries of a class are know as _________________?

A. Class interval B. class mark C. class frequency D. Mid point

11. _______are used to represent data classified on qualitative?

A. Vertical bars B. Simple bar C. Horizontal bars D. Pie chart

12. The headings for various columns are said to be ________________?

A. Portions of column B. Vertical column C. Column table D. Column caption

13. Data classified by many _______ said to be Quantitative?

A. Characteristic B. Categories C. Affinities D. Attributes

14. Frequency table is an arrangement of data by classes together with their _______ class frequencies?

A. Terms B. Alternate class

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C. Same class D. Corresponding class

15. Data which have not been arranged in systematic order is called___________?

A. Group data B. Tabular data C. Raw data D. Undefined data

16. Range is the difference between largest and ___________?

A. Lowest B. Smallest C. Biggest D. Middlest

17. A graph consists of _________ lines?

A. Parallel Line B. Smooth curve C. Curve D. Straight

18. Cumulative frequency is the frequency _________ than the upper class boundary of a class?

A. Distribution B. Curve C. Greater D. Less

19. if we connect the mid point of rectangles in a histogram with a series of lines, we get __________

A. Mid point B. Interval C. Frequency curve D. Frequency Polygon

20. The smallest and the largest value of any given class of a frequency distribution are called ___________?

A. Class marks B. Class interval C. Mid point D. Class limit

21. The process of systematic arrangement of data into rows and columns is called _________?

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A. Bar chart B. Classification C. Tabulation D. None of these

22. Class interval size is the different between the upper and lower class_________ of a class?

A. Boundary B. Limits C. Marks D. Class Interval

23. Data which have been arranged in ascending or descending order is called ________ data?

A. Group data B. Classify C. Array D. ungrouped data

24. ____________ use the division of a circle into different sectors?

A. Frequency Polygon B. Conversion Graphs C. Sector Graph D. Line Graph

25. The graphs of the symmetrical distribution is _____________?

A. J- shaped B. U- shaped C. Bell- shaped D. None of these

26. In pie-chart, the arrangement of the angles of the different sectors generally ________________?

A. Anti-clockwise B. Arrayed C. Clock-wise D. Alternative

27. Cumulative frequencies are_________________?

A. Increasing B. Non- increasing C. Decreasing D. None of these

28. The class ___ are obtained when we divide the sums of the lower and upper class limits by 2?

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A. Limit B. Points C. Marks D. Class boundary

29. The process of systematic arrangement of data in rows and columns is called ___________________?

A. Classification B. Tabulation C. Frequency D. Frequency distribaution

30. There are ________ important bases of classification?

A. Two B. Four C. Three D. Five

31. Class _________ is the difference between two class limit?

A. Boundary B. Class mark C. None of these D. Class interval

32. Technical & Trade Journals are the source of ___________ data?

A. Primary B. Secondary C. Ungroup data D. Group data

33. A time series is an arrangement of data according to __________________?

A. Place B. Yearly C. Time D. None

34. A table has at least __________ part?

A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five

35. There are _________ important bases of classification of data?

A. Two B. Four

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C. Six D. Three

36. The stub is the containing__________________?

A. Box head B. Column captions C. Caption D. Row caption

37. A ________ is a heading at the top of the table describing its contents?

A. Footnote B. Head note C. Sub note D. Title

38. Data arranging into rows and columns are called______________?

A. Frequency distribution B. Classification C. Table D. Tabulation

39. In constructing a histogram which is to be taken along X-axis__________?

A. Class interval B. Class frequency C. Class boundaries D. Class mark

40. We get ________ dividing range by numbers of class interval?

A. Class boundary B. Class marks C. Mid point D. Number of classes

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Statistics Probability MCQs


1. In a Poisson probability distribution __________________? A. The mean and variance of the distribution are same (equal) B. The probability of success is always greater than 5 C. The number of trials is always less than 5 D. it always contains a contingency table

2. Which of the following is not a correct statement about a Probability _________________? A. It must have a value between 0 and 1 B. It can be reported as a decimal or a fraction C. A value near 0 means that the event is not likely to occur/happens D. It is the collection of several experiment

3. The special rule of multiplication of probability, the events must be ______________? A. Independent B. Mutually exclusive C. Bayesian D. Empirical

4. if you roll a pair of dice, what is the probability that (at least) one of the dice is a 4 or the sum of the dice is 7 ? A. 4/36 B. 13/36 C. 21/36 D. 15/36

5. . If the occurrence of one event means that another cannot happen, then the events are _______________? A. Independent B. Mutually Exclusive C. Bayesian D. Empirical

6. 5C5 is equal to ________________? A. 5 B. 5×5 C. 1 D. None of these

7. The product of first ‘n’ natural numbers is _____________? A.,……… B. 1.2.3……(n-2) (n-1) (n) C. n. (n-1) (n-2)………….. D. None of these

8. If in a coin P(H) = 2P(T) then prob. of head is ______________?

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A. 1/3 B. 2/3 C. 1/2 D. 0

9. If P(A/B)=1/4 and P(A∩B) =1/5 then P(B) is ________________? A. 4/5 B. 1/20 C. 0 D. 1/9

10. The probability of getting at least one head when two balance coins are tossed once __________________? A. 1/4 B. 2/4 C. 3/4 D. 4/4

11. The probability of getting exactly three tails when three balanced coins are tossed once _______________? A. 1/8 B. 2/8 C. 5/8 D. 7/8

12. The probability that the sum is odd if two dice are thrown:_________________? A. 18/36 B. 9/36 C. 6/36 D. 12/36

13. A fair coin toss the total events in sample space equal_____________? A. 7 B. 16 C. 36 D. 6

14. A box containing 12 balls of color 6 red and 6 white. A ball of white selected ball finds the probability of white____________? A. 7/12 B. 6/12 C. 12/12 D. 4/12

15. The probability of drawing an even number in a toss of a balanced die ______________?

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A. 1/6 B. 2/6 C. 3/6 D. 6/6

16. The probability of drawing a picture card out of 52 cards is : ______________? A. 13/52 B. 12/52 C. 16/52 D. 3/52

17. The probability of an event cannot be _____________? A. Positive B. Zero C. None of these D. Negative

18. If an event consists of only one sample point is called _____________? A. Appeared B. Exactly C. Space D. Elementary event

19. The picture cards having in total fifty two cards is equal_________________? A. 16 B. 24 C. 12 D. Non of these

20. __________ are said to be exhaustive if they constitute the entire sample space? A. Equally B. Events C. Outcomes D. Objects

21. Events occurring together without affecting each other are called:_________________? A. Dependent events B. Independent events C. Equally likely events D. Mutually Exclusive events

22. The possibility of total outcome in a coin equal to _______________? A. Fifty % B. Twenty %

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C. 60% D. 30%

23. If the events have same chance of occurrence they are called:_______________? A. Equally likely events B. Exhaustive events C. Mutually Exhaustive events D. dependent events

24. Addition Law of probability for mutually exclusive event is equal _______________? A. P(AUB)=P(A) + (B) B. P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A∩B) C. P(A∩B) = P(A) + P(B) + P(A∩B) D. P(A∩B) = P(A). P(B

25. If the occurrence of excludes the occurrence of the other is called ________________? A. Mutually exclusive B. Exchaustive C. Likely D. Probability

26. A set of events is said to be independent if probability of head on tossing a coin is _______________? A. 1/2 B. 2/3 C. 1 D. 3/4

27. Two event are said to be equally likely is ______________? A. As any other B. both event occurs C. One occurs D. not both occurs

28. A subset of the sample space is called _________________? A. Sample point B. Set C. Event D. Space

29. Which of the following is not an example of a discrete probability distribution ? A. The sale or purchase price of a house B. The number of bedrooms in a house C. Whether or no t a home has a swimming pool in it. D. Non of these

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30. The collection of one or more outcomes from an experiment is called:__________________? A. Probability B. Event C. Random Variable D. Z-Value E. Random Experiment

31. In special rule of addition of probability, the events are Always:_______________? A. Independent events B. Mutually Exclusive events C. Bayesian D. Empirical

32. The joint probability is _______________? A. The likelihood of two events happening together B. The likelihood of two events happening given that another event has already ha C. Based on two mutually exclusive events D. Also called Prior probability

33. If a card is chosen from a standard deck of cards, what is the probability of getting a five or a seven ? A. 4/52 B. 1/26 C. 8/52 D. 1/169

34. In which approach to probability the outcomes are equally likely to occur ? A. Classical Probability B. Subjective Probability C. Relative Frequency D. Independent

35. A listing of the possible outcomes of an experiment and their corresponding probability is called:______________? A. Random Variable B. Contingency table C. Bayesian table D. Probability distribution E. Frequency distribution

36. If a card is chosen from a standard deck of cards, what is the

probability of getting a diamond (♦) or a club (♣)? A. 26/52=1/2 B. 13/52

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C. 20/52 D. 12/52

37. If ‘A’ denotes the males of a town and ‘B’ denotes the females of that town, then A and B are:___________? A. Equal sets B. Over lapping sets C. Non- overlapping sets D. None of these

38. A∩B means:_______________? A. The elements of A or B B. The elements of A and B C. The elements A but not of B D. None of these

39. If P(A∩B) =1/4 then P(AUB) is ________________? A. 1/2 B. 1/3 C. 1/12 D. 3/8

40. If P(B/A)= 0.25 and P(A∩B) = 0.2 then P(A) will equal to _______________? A. 0.05 B. 0.75 C. 0.8 D. 0.45

41. A coin is so weighted that P (T) = 2P(H) then P(H) is _______________? A. 1/2 B. 1 C. 2/3 D. 1/3

42. The probability of getting exactly two heads when two balanced coins are toss once_________________? A. 1/4 B. 2/4 C. 3/4 D. 4/4

43. The square bracket is an finite G. Series is obtained by formula _________________? A. 1/1-rn B. a/1-r C. a/1-rn D. a/(1-r)n

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44. The probability of drawing same number on two dice if two dice are thrown _________________? A. 1/36 B. 6/36 C. 12/36 D. 18/36

45. The probability of drawing a diamond card out of 52 cards is ______________? A. 13/52 B. 1/2 C. 4/52 D. 0

46. All experiments have _______ properties in common? A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One

47. A experiment repeated number of time one by one is called _________________? A. Random B. Raw data C. Introduce D. Specified

48. A list of sample _________ is called sample space? A. Events B. Subset C. Piont D. Distinct

49. If two events can both occur at the same time then they are referred as:__________________? A. Dependent events B. Mutually Exclusive events C. Exclusive events D. Independent events

50. The probability of even/odd numbers when a fair die is rolled is____________? A. 1/6 B. 2/6 C. 1/36 D. 3/6

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Statistics Sample Linear Regression MCQs


1. If (AB) >(A) (B)/n __________ then A and B are?

A. Independent

B. Associated

C. Dis-associated

D. None of these

2. (A β C) is a frequency of attributes of order_______________?

A. 3

B. (2)

C. 1


3. If x and y are Independent to each other the coefficient of

correlation is _____________?

A. -1

B. +1

C. .6

D. 0

4. Two attributes are associated if expected frequency is


A. Less than observed

B. Greater than observed

C. Equal to observed

D. None of these

5. In perfect association the value of coefficient of association is


A. (0)

B. +1

C. -1

D. non of these

6. Attributes are _______ if they have some relation?

A. Disassociation

B. In consistent

C. Associated

D. None of these

7. Richness is not a ________________?

A. Constant

B. Discreade

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C. Variable

D. Continuous

8. γxy is always equal to_____________?

A. γyx

B. -γyx

C. γx

D. γo2

9. To cut a population into three classes is called_______________?

A. Dichotomy

B. Capital

C. Tracheotomy

D. Attribute

10. The table representing two attributes is called________________?

A. Random table

B. Contingency table

C. Dichotomy table

D. Chi-square table

11. In r x c table for test of Independence the degree of freedom is


A. r + c

B. rc

C. ι r – c ι

D. (r -1) (c -1)

12. If bxy = byx = r then ________________?

A. 6x < 6y

B. 6y < 6x

C. 6x = 6y

D. Non of These

13. If bxy = -.8 by x = 1.2 then value of r is ________________?

A. √.96

B. √-.96

C. 0

D. None of these

14. Correlation coefficient is ___________ with respect to x and y?

A. +vely

B. Non-normal

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Statistics Sample Linear Regression MCQs


C. Symmetrical

D. Skewed

15. In x = 2 _________ 6y the value of y are increasing by one unit then

values of x are?

A. Increasing by 6

B. Decreasing by 6

C. No change

D. Non of these

16. Correlation coefficient is _________ of origin and unit of


A. Origin

B. Dependence

C. Independence

D. None

17. Correlation is _____________ of regression coefficients?

A. A.M.

B. G.M.

C. M.D.

D. H.M.

18. If x = 3 then value of regression co-efficient of X or Y is


A. (3)

B. (0)

C. -3

D. -4

19. In correlation, both variables are______________?

A. Random

B. Fixed

C. Non-random

D. Experimental

20. If y = 2 + 6x then value of y intercept is _________________?

A. 6

B. 2

C. 0

D. None

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Statistics Sample Linear Regression MCQs


21. A model is linear if it is linear in the dependent variable and

also in ______________?

A. Parameter

B. Independent variable

C. Error term

D. Non of these

22. The two regression co-efficient always have the __________ sign?

A. Different

B. Same

C. None of these

D. +ve

23. If r, between u = x and y = -x is _______________?

A. +1

B. -1

C. 0

D. Non of these

24. Which of the following can never be taken as coefficient of

correlation is _____________?

A. -99

B. .99

C. 0

D. √3

25. Correlation coefficient lies between__________________?

A. 0 ≤ r ≤ 1

B. 0 ≤ r ≤ -1

C. -1 ≤ r ≤ 1

D. 1 ≤ r ≤ 0

26. Regression co-efficient is denoted by_____________?

A. by

B. byx

C. bzx

D. m

27. When the two regression lines coincide there r is


A. Zero

B. Less than zero

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Statistics Sample Linear Regression MCQs


C. More than zero

D. Great

28. The regression co-efficient are _________ origin?

A. Dependent

B. Independent

C. Scale

D. Both

29. Least square regression line always passes through


A. (x,y)

B. (X,Y)

C. (X,Z)

D. x/y

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Statistics Sampling MCQs


1. A sample of 92 observations is taken from an infinite

population. The sampling distribution of is approximately ?

A. Normal because is always approximately normally distributed

B. Normal because the sample size is small in comparison to the

population size

C. Normal because of the central limit theorem

D. None of these alternatives is correct.

2. The standard deviation of sampling distribution of a statistics is


A. Standard error of statistics

B. Sampling error of statistics

C. Sampling distribution of statistics

D. None of these

3. For a population with any distribution, the form of the sampling

distribution of the sample mean is_____________?

A. Sometimes normal for all sample sizes

B. Sometimes normal for large sample sizes

C. Always normal for all sample sizes

D. Always normal for large sample sizes

4. Convenience sampling is an example of______________?

A. Probabilistic sampling

B. Stratified sampling

C. No probabilistic sampling

D. Cluster sampling

5. The process of dividing a heterogeneous_____________?

A. Random digit

B. Stratification

C. Random Sampling

D. Cluster

6. For a population consisting of 4 members, a sample of size ‘2’ is

taken replacement, then the number of all the possible samples


A. 4

B. 8

C. 16

D. 32

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Statistics Sampling MCQs


7. If we increase the sample size, it means that it:_________________?

A. Increases the Standard error

B. Decreases the Standard error

C. Decreases the Standard error

D. Both (a) and (b)

8. Sampling errors are reduced by:___________________?

A. Increasing the sample size

B. Decreasing the sample size

C. Increasing population s.d.

D. None of these

9. In sampling with replacement be t a sampling unit can


A. Only once

B. More than once

C. Less than once

D. None

10. A list of sampling _________ is called sampling frame?

A. Point

B. w.r.m

C. w.o.r

D. unit

11. To purchase the fruit, we use the _________ sampling?

A. Systematic

B. Cluster

C. Stratified

D. Judgment

12. Non-random sampling is also called___________________?

A. Biased sampling

B. Non-prob.sampling

C. Less than sampling

D. Representative sampling

13. A sampling distribution is the probability distribution for

which one of the following___________?

A. A sample

B. A sample statistic

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Statistics Sampling MCQs


C. A population

D. A population parameter

14. Selection of s by the students to solve a paper is _________________?

A. Random sampling

B. Non-random sampling

C. Prob.Sampling

D. Sampling with replacement

15. Probability distribution of a statistics is called_________________?

A. Sampling

B. Parameter

C. Data

D. Sampling distribution

16. N – n/N -1 is called ___________ population?

A. Group

B. Finite

C. Un-finite

D. Correction

17. The process of selecting sample from the population is


A. Sampling process

B. Sampling unit

C. Sampling

D. Size

18. Sampling error can reduced by __________________?

A. Non-random sampling

B. Increasing the population

C. Decreasing the sample size

D. Increasing the sample size

19. Non-sample errors are reduced by:________________?

A. Increasing the sample size

B. Reduced the amount of data

C. Decreasing the sample standard deviation

D. None of these

20. If in a sampling distribution of X the sample size is 25, what

assumption must hold for the sampling distribution of X to be

normal ?

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Statistics Sampling MCQs


A. Population distribution is normal

B. μ1 = μx

C. Population distribution is uniform

D. σx = σx /√n

21. For making voters lists in Pakistan we need _______________?

A. Simple random sampling

B. Systematic sampling

C. Quota sampling

D. Census

22. Which of the following is impossible in sampling ?

A. Destructive tests

B. Heterogeneous data

C. To make voters lists

D. None of these

23. The sampling error is the_____________?

A. Same as the standard error of the mean

B. Difference between the value of the sample mean and the

value of the population mean

C. Error caused by selecting a bad sample

D. Standard deviation multiplied by the sample size

24. A sample estimate is used to describe a characteristic of


A. Sample

B. Data

C. Population

D. None

25. A sample of 24 observations is taken from a population that has

150 elements. The sampling distribution of is___________?

A. Approximately normal because is always approximately

normally distributed

B. Approximately normal because the sample size is large in

comparsion to the population size

C. Approximately normal because of the central limit theorem

D. Normal if the population is normally distributed

26. Random samples of size 17 are from a population that has 200

elements, a mean of 36, and a standard deviation of 8. which of

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the following best describes the from of the sampling

distribution of the sample mean for this situation ?

A. Approximately normal because the sample size is small

relative to the population size

B. Approximately normal because of the central limit theorem

C. Exactly

D. None of these alternatives is correct

27. The difference between statistics and parameter is


A. Bias

B. Standard

C. Sampling error

D. both (a) and (b)

28. In w.o.r 2σx=_____________________?

A. 26/√n√N – n/N – 1

B. σ/√n√N – n/N – 1

C. 26/√n N – n/N – 1

D. 26/√n

29. Standard deviation of the sampling distribution of a statistics is


A. Serious error

B. Dispersion

C. Standard error

D. Difference

30. In probability sampling each sampling unit has


A. Unknown

B. Large

C. Small

D. KnThere are ____________ probability sampling?

31. Four

B. Six

C. Three

D. Seven

32. The smallest individuals which constitute the entire population

are called __________________?

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Statistics Sampling MCQs


A. Sampling frame

B. Sampling units

C. Sample pop

D. Sample design

33. In the sampling without replacement a sampling unit can be


A. Only Once

B. More than once

C. Less than once

D. None of these

34. If the sampled population has a normal distribution, when is

the sampling distribution of the sample mean X also a normal

distribution ?

A. Only when the sample size is at least 100.

B. Only when the sample size is smaller than 30

C. Always

D. Only when the sample size is at least 30.

35. In Statistics, a population consists of:_____________?

A. All People living in a country

B. All People living in the are under study

C. All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being


D. None of the above

36. Major area of statistics today is concerned with drawing of

conclusions from__________?

A. Samples

B. Primary

C. Two

D. Complete study

37. In statistics, a sample means__________?

A. A portion of the sample

B. A portion of the population

C. All the items under investigation

D. None of the above

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