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Static Keyword


Static keyword

We have been using static keyword in our examples. What is the meaning of

static? The word refers to something that is stationary, stopped and not moveable.

What are the types of these variables, declared as static?

How can we make use of them? Static as the word implies are variables which

exist for a certain amount of time, much longer than that by ordinary automatic

variables. Let’s consider the example about the lifetime of data variables.

One of the variable types is global variable. Global variables are those that are

defined outside of main. They are written as standalone statements before main


int i; the variable ‘I’ is a global variable. It is not only accessible in main but also

in all the functions. They can assign some value to ‘I’ or obtain the value of ‘I’.

Global variables come into existence whenever we execute the program and the

memory is allocated for ‘I’. It exists all the time when the program is running. At

the end of the program execution, the memory will be de-allocated and returned to

the operating system. So it has a very long lifetime. We need a value which exists

for the complete execution of the program and is available in all the functions. We

use global variables. It is not a good idea to do that unless it is absolutely

necessary. The major plus point of these variables is that these are accessible from

everywhere in the program. The inconvenience is that these variables are visible in

those functions too which does not need them

The Many Meanings of the C++ “Static” Keyword

In C++, the static keyword has a lot of meanings. Let’s go over all of them

Meaning 1: Private Linkage

This one comes from C, and it lets you mark a variable as “file private”.

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Static Keyword



static int i = 42;

void doSomething()


cout << i;


In this example, static tells the compiler to not make the variable i available from

other source files. If another file tries to use i, perhaps using the extern keyword, it

would generate a linker error (unresolved external symbol). The same concept

applies to functions whose access you want to limit to the current file.


This is very handy for creating “file private” variables and functions. I recommend

using static for any file-only functions. This way, you can name them whatever

you like without risking a naming collision in the global namespace.


Unfortunately, you can’t declare a class as static. Also, the language makes no

guarantee about the order in which static variables are initialized. In my

experience, static variables in the same file are initialized in a “sane” order, so you

can do things like this

static int i = 42;

static int j = i + 1;

Meaning 2: Function Call Spanning

This one also comes from C, and it lets you give a function-local variable a long



void foo()

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Static Keyword



static int callCount = 0;


cout << "foo has been called " << callCount << " times" << endl;



it’s a great way to keep track of how many times a function has been called, so it

works well for generating unique ID numbers (watch out for thread-safety!). It’s

also useful to keep track of whether a function is being called for the first time

ever, like this:

void foo()


static bool firstTime = true;



// Do something special here

firstTime = false;




Static function-local variables are initialized the first time the function is called,

not before. Using these kinds of variables can often make your code not thread safe

and not re-entrant, so take care before using them. You can put static variables

within scope blocks (like inside an if or for statement). I’m not totally sure what

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Static Keyword


the implications are, and frankly I’ve never felt the need to limit the scope of a

variable so aggressively.

Meaning 3: Per-Class Data

When you declare a class member as static, it now belongs to the class at large, and

not a particular instance.


// In the .h file:

class MyClass



static int FavoriteNumber;

static void foo();


// In the .cpp file (to initialize the static variable):

int MyClass::FavoriteNumber = 42;

void MyClass::foo()


// can't access member variables here!



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Static Keyword


It’s very common to store class-level constants this way. You can declare class

functions as static as well, so they would be callable from anyone who has access

to your class, even if they don’t have an instance. This is handy for helper

functions. I generally like to make class functions static if they don’t need to

operate on any instance data, typically for private helper functions.


Static members are initialized very early in your program’s execution, before

main() is even called actually. You also have no guarantee about the order in

which they are initialized between classes in different files. Be careful not to

initialize one static class variable from another (possibly not-yet-initialized) static

class variable. Also, you can’t access instance data from this within a static class

function (unless someone passes you a this pointer). Lastly, you have to initialize

your static class variables in your implementation (.cpp) file. Otherwise, the

compiler doesn’t know how to allocate them (see the example above).

What is the difference between a static class and a static

member variable or method?

Let's start with the memory first. Whenever a process is loaded in the RAM, we

can say that the memory is roughly divided into three areas (within that process):

Stack, Heap, and Static (which, in .NET, is actually a special area inside Heap only known as High Frequency Heap).

The static part holds the “static” member variables and methods. What exactly is

static? Those methods and variables which don't need an instance of a class to be created are defined as being static. In C# (and Java too), we use the static keyword

to label such members as static. For e.g.

class MyClass


public static int a;

public static void DoSomething();


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Static Keyword


These member variables and methods can be called without creating an instance of the enclosing class. E.g., we can call the static method DoSomething( ) as:


We don't need to create an instance to use this static method.

Static class declarations

The static keyword in C++ is used to specify that variables will be in

memory till the time the program ends; and initialized only once. Just

like C# and Java, these variables don’t need an object to be declared to

use them.


Static methods in the C# language differ from instance methods in

both the method declarations and in the method call sites. Static

methods apply to a type, not an instance of the type they are

defined on