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Page 1: Static electricity

Static ElectricityStatic ElectricityGrade 9Grade 9 Nibras Al Haq

Page 2: Static electricity


IntroductionUses of Static ElectricityDangers of Static ElectricityHow can we prevent the danger?ChecklistResource

IntroductionUses of Static ElectricityDangers of Static ElectricityHow can we prevent the danger?ChecklistResource

Nibras Al Haq

Page 3: Static electricity


Nibras Al Haq

Static electricity is an excess of electric charge trapped on the surface of an object. The charge remains until it is allowed to escape to an object with a weaker or opposite electrical charge, such as the ground, by means of an electric current or electrical discharge. Static electricity is named in contrast with current electricity, which flows through wires or other conductors and transmits energy.[1]

Static electricity is generated when any material gains or loses electrons and becomes positively (when it loses electrons) or negatively charged (when it gains electrons). The accumulated charges are what called static electricity.

Page 4: Static electricity

Uses of Static ElectricityUses of Static Electricity

Nibras Al Haq

The ability of opposite charges in static electricity is what's used when designing applications for it.Dust removal: There are some appliances that can eliminate dust from the air, like air purifiers. They use static electricity to alter the charges in the dust particles so that they stick to a plate or filter of the purifier that has an opposite charge as that of the dust (opposite charges attract each other).This effect is also used in industrial smokestacks to reduce the pollution that they generate, although they work in a very large scale, the effect is basically the same as the home air purifier.Photocopy: Copy machines use static to make ink get attracted to the areas where we need the information copied. It uses the charges to apply the ink only in the areas where the paper to be copied is darker (usually this means text or other information) and not where the paper is white, this process is called xerography.Car painting: To make sure a car's paint is uniform and that it will resist the high speeds and weather to protect the car's metal interior, it is applied with a static charge. The metal body of the car is submerged in a substance that charges it positively, and the paint is charged negatively with the paint sprayer.

Page 5: Static electricity

Be Aware at the Petrol PumpThere are warnings at the gas pump such as: No Smoking, Turn Off Vehicle, No Open Flames, No Unapproved Containers,No Cell Phone Use.Cell Phones : have never been shown to cause a static fire at the gas pumps. The main problem with cell phones is that they cause the person refueling their vehicle or container to be less attentive to their surroundings and their static charges. Do not use a cell phone at the pump.Recreational Vehicles: RV’s and trailers may have lit pilot lights on them. Avoid them at the gasoline refueling stations.Other People Refueling Their Vehicles or Containers: Be aware of the dangerous actions of other people at the refueling station. If you see someone smoking, refueling with the vehicle running or refueling containers not on the ground, etc., avoid them, tell the attendant, stop refueling and move to a safe distance.

Danger of Static Electricity

Danger of Static Electricity

Nibras Al Haq

There are a lot of static hazards, such as automatic equipment and static electricity can interfere with electronic components; in the chemical industry, chemical fiber textile sector due to the discharge sparks, can be flammable gas (acetylene, etc.), flammable liquid vapor (gasoline vapor, etc.) detonation , causing a fire; in the sky, aircraft and air, water, gas, dust and other friction charged, can be serious jamming aircraft, leaving the aircraft radio communications Trek; in the pharmaceutical, electrostatic precipitator dust leaving the impure drugs, affecting quality; In the sterile dust-free biochemical laboratories and hospitals, electrostatic adsorption dust has adverse effects; in printing, due to static electricity can make paper bonded together with each other, difficult to separate, resulting in printing problems; watching TV, the screen surface electrostatic adsorption layer of dirt and dust to form oil film, the TV image clarity and brightness greatly reduced; in the coal mine, static electricity can cause gas explosion can cause serious personal injury and abandoned mine accident. 

Page 6: Static electricity

How can we prevent/avoid the danger?

How can we prevent/avoid the danger?

Nibras Al Haq

Change materialsWhen certain materials rub together, they build up static electricity. Items that commonly rub together to cause static electricity are:Clothes rubbing on your skinPajamas rubbing on your skin and the sheets in the bedClothes rubbing on furniture and car seatsThe soles of your shoes rubbing against the rug or floor

Filling station safetyWhen many gallons of gasoline are transferred from a truck into the underground tank at a filling station, there is a lot of friction caused by the gasoline flow. Also, since the fuel is very flammable, a single spark caused by static electricity could cause an explosion.Thus, the truck uses a grounding device on the hose that draws the electrical charges away from the gasoline, preventing any static sparks from occurring.People who are filling a gasoline container at the pump are advised to use caution to avoid static sparks. When you slide out of your car, touch something metal to get rid of any excess charges. It is also recommended to place the container on the ground when filling it.In conclusionStatic electricity can cause sparks and other problems. You should try different materials and clothes, as well as to ground yourself often, to prevent personal sparks. Grounding is also used to prevent sparks from damaging computers and houses and causing explosions.

Page 7: Static electricity


Nibras Al Haq

Car caught on fire while filling the fuel.Because of STATIC ELECTRICITY!

• Static electricity is an excess of electric charge trapped on the surface of an object.

• Static electricity is generated when any material gains or loses electrons and becomes positively or negatively charged

• Uses of Static electricity includes:-1. Dust removal2. Photocopy3. Car Paining

• Static electricity is very dangerous in some of the industries like petroleum e.t.c

• Static electricity can cause sparks and other problems.

• We can prevent/avoid the danger if we follow some of the steps and rules.

Page 8: Static electricity


Nibras Al Haq

1. Wikipedia2. Ask.com3. YouTube4. Slideshare.com5. ibrary.thinkquest.org6. www.sciencedaily.com7. wunderground.com8. ecopics.com9. factmonster.com10. Google images11. photo bucket12. Facebook