Download - Statements 31 December 2015 - Amazon Web Services Financing and short term loans 12 376,858,957 387,903,744 Current portion of Murabaha financing and long term loans 12 126,405,640

Page 1: Statements 31 December 2015 - Amazon Web Services Financing and short term loans 12 376,858,957 387,903,744 Current portion of Murabaha financing and long term loans 12 126,405,640

Annual Report2015

Consolidated Financial Statements

31 December 2015

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Consolidated Financial Statements

Page 3: Statements 31 December 2015 - Amazon Web Services Financing and short term loans 12 376,858,957 387,903,744 Current portion of Murabaha financing and long term loans 12 126,405,640


Assets Notes 2015 2014

Current Assets

Bank balances and cash 347,575,413 179,618,178

Trade receivables, net 4 472,387,225 571,009,871

Receivable from sale of land - 19,500,065

Inventories 5 247,980,003 284,880,686

Prepayments and other receivables 6 67,242,143 76,458,266

Total Current Assets 1,135,184,784 1,135,184,784

Non-Current Assets

Property, machinery and equipment 8 1,122,940,237 1,209,481,125

Intangible assets 9 792,897,040 838,568,816

Investment properties 10 8,705,124 13,071,055

Total of Non Current Assets 1,924,542,401 2,061,120,996

TOTAL ASSETS 3,059,727,185 3,192,588,062


Current liabilities

Trade and notes payable 193,704,577 222,079,032

Accrued expenses and other liabilities 11 331,950,780 169,303,178

Murabha Financing and short term loans 12 376,858,957 387,903,744

Current portion of Murabaha financing and long term loans 12 126,405,640 76,171,745

Other payables 9-A - 12,630,414

Dividends payable 2,115,310 2,113,424

Zakat and income tax provision 13 31,841,970 31,553,499

Total Current Liabilities 1,062,877,234 901,755,036

Consolidated balance sheet

Consolidated statement of income

Consolidated statement of cash flows

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

SAUDI RESEARCH AND MARKETING GROUP(A Saudi Joint Stock Company)As of December 31,

(All amounts in Saudi Riyals unless otherwise stated)

To be Continued

Annual Report2015

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Note 2015 2014

Non-current liabilities

Non-current portion of Murabaha financing and long term loans 12 613,627,352 666,747,041

Customer’s deposits 16,670,031 17,338,282

Employees’ terminal benefits 14 120,843,326 115,752,252

Other payables 9-A - 95,199,877

Total Non-Current Liabilities 751,140,709 895,037,452

TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,814,017,943 1,796,792,488


Shareholders’ Equity

Share capital 15 800,000,000 800,000,000

Statutory reserve 16 203,777,609 203,777,609

Contractual reserve 17 67,547,177 67,547,177

(Accumulated losses) Retained earnings (98,978,499) 56,872,936

Restricted governmental grant 18 8,361,425 8,361,425

Foreign currency translation (9,576,341) (6,035,243)

Net changes in fair value of cash flow hedges (4,617,642) (7,554,821)

Total shareholders’ equity 966,513,729 1,122,969,083

Minority interest 279,195,513 272,826,491

Total equity 1,245,709,242 1,395,795,574

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 3,059,727,185 3,192,588,062

Consolidated balance sheet

Consolidated statement of income

Consolidated statement of cash flows

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

SAUDI RESEARCH AND MARKETING GROUP(A Saudi Joint Stock Company)As of December 31,

(All amounts in Saudi Riyals unless otherwise stated)

Consolidated Financial Statements

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Consolidated balance sheet

Consolidated statement of income

Consolidated statement of cash flows

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

Note 2015 2014

Revenues 1,539,773,473 1,743,267,619

Cost of revenues (1,198,840,056) (1,349,825,484)

GROSS PROFIT 340,933,417 393,442,135


Selling and marketing 19 (98,900,197) (116,321,017)

General and administrative 20 (244,583,740) (265,010,417)

Impairment losses of property, plant, and equipment 8 (12,850,402) (1,001,244)

Impairment losses of goodwill 9 (44,000,000) -

(loss) Income from MAIN operations (59,400,922) 11,109,457

Financial charges (48,955,197) (54,983,682)

Building sale cancellation expenses 11 (70,654,272) -

Other income, net 21 43,626,268 53,908,338

(Loss) Income Before Extraordinary Losses, Minority Interests, Zakat And Income Tax (135,384,123) 10,034,113

Extraordinary losses 22 (3,120,795) (22,620,595)

LOSS before MINORITY interest, zakat and income tax (138,504,918) (12,586,482)

Minority interest (6,306,236) (13,321,835)

Loss For The Year Before Zakat And Income Tax (144,811,154) (25,908,317)

Zakat and income tax 13 (11,040,281) (13,402,862)

Net (LOSS) For The Year (155,851,435) (39,311,179)

(Loss) Earning Per Share From: 23

(Loss) income from main operations (0,74) 0,14

Net Loss (1,95) (0,49)

SAUDI RESEARCH AND MARKETING GROUP(A Saudi Joint Stock Company)As of December 31,

(All amounts in Saudi Riyals unless otherwise stated)

Annual Report2015

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Notes 2015 2014

Operating Activities

loss before minority interests, zakat and income tax (138,504,918) (12,586,482)

Adjustments for:

Depreciation and amortization 88,293,208 93,238,419

Gains on disposal of property, machinery and equipment (13,916,804) (25,479,899)

Impairment losses of property, machinery and equipment 12,850,402 1,001,244

Impairment losses of goodwill 44,000,000 -

Allowance for doubtful debts 17,269,109 36,294,046

Provision for slow moving inventories 21,635,388 13,370,152

Extraordinary losses 3,120,795 22,620,595

Impairment losses of investments - 5,359,492

Building sale cancellation expenses 70,654,272 -

Reversal of margin deposits from customers - (939,209)

Reversal of impairment losses of investment properties (858,018) -

Provision for employees’ terminal benefits 22,692,713 21,934,708

127,236,147 154,813,066

Consolidated balance sheet

Consolidated statement of income

Consolidated statement of cash flows

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

SAUDI RESEARCH AND MARKETING GROUP(A Saudi Joint Stock Company)As of December 31,

(All amounts in Saudi Riyals unless otherwise stated)

To be Continued

Consolidated Financial Statements

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Notes 2015 2014

Changes in operating assets and liabilities:

Trade receivables 81,353,537 (8,395,208)

Inventories 14,864,579 40,324,476

Prepayments and other receivables 9,216,123 36,616,162

Trade and notes payable (28,374,455) (17,305,200)

Accrued expenses and other liabilities (10,398,755) 3,273,648

Margin deposits from customers (668,251) (193,728)

Cash from operations 193,228,925 209,133,216

Zakat and income tax paid (9,251,389) (8,462,414)

Employees’ terminal benefits paid (17,601,639) (19,217,730)

Net cash from operating activities 166,375,897 181,453,072

Investing Activities

Proceeds from sale of land 19,500,065 -

Additions of property, machinery and equipment (75,857,077) (105,683,612)

Proceeds from sale of property, machinery and equipment 22,716,712 70,837,088

Proceeds from sale of building 159,886,700 -

Currency translation differences of property, machinery and equipment 1,517,497 1,208,994

Currency translation differences related to investment properties 5,887 (8,828)

Additions of intangible assets (951,148) (4,395,413)

Other payables (107,830,291) (52,819,019)

Net cash from (used in) investing activities 18,988,345 (90,860,790)

Consolidated balance sheet

Consolidated statement of income

Consolidated statement of cash flows

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

SAUDI RESEARCH AND MARKETING GROUP(A Saudi Joint Stock Company)As of December 31,

(All amounts in Saudi Riyals unless otherwise stated)

To be Continued

Annual Report2015

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Notes 2015 2014

Financing Activities

Repayment of Murabaha and loans, net (13,930,581) (26,915,854)

Dividends refunded (paid) 1,886 (1,320)

Minority interests 62,786 (11,081,494)

Net cash used in financing activities (13,865,909) (13,865,909)

InCREASE in bank balances and cash 171,498,333 52,593,614

Currency translation differences (3,541,098) (1,551,980)

Bank balances and cash at the beginning of the year 179,618,178 128,576,544

Bank Balances And Cash At The End Of The Year 347,575,413 179,618,178

Significant non-cash transactions:

Transfer from investment properties to property, machinery, and equipment 5,218,062 -

Net book value of building which its sale is canceled 58,777,936 -

Write-off of Provision for doubtful debts 1,007,102 3,259,003

Changes in fair value of cash flows hedges 2,937,179 (6,280,277)

Consolidated balance sheet

Consolidated statement of income

Consolidated statement of cash flows

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

SAUDI RESEARCH AND MARKETING GROUP(A Saudi Joint Stock Company)As of December 31,

(All amounts in Saudi Riyals unless otherwise stated)

Consolidated Financial Statements

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Share Capital

Statutory Reserve

Ontractual Reserve

(Accumulated Losses)

Retained Earnings

Restricted Governmental


Foreign Currency


Net Changes

In Fair Value Of

Cash Flow Hedges

Shareholders’ Equity

Minority Interest Total

Balance As At 31 December 2013 800,000,000 203,777,609 67,547,177 96,184,115 8,361,425 (4,483,263) (1,274,544) 1,170,112,519 270,586,150 1,440,698,669

Net Loss For The Year - - - (39,311,179) - - - (39,311,179) - (39,311,179)

Currency Translation Differences,Net

- - - - (1,551,980) - - (1,551,980) - (1,551,980)

Net Changes In Fair Value Of Cash Flows Hedges

- - - - - (6,280,277) - (6,280,277) - (6,280,277)

Minority Interest, Net - - - - - - - - 2,240,341 2,240,341

Balance As At 31 December 2014 800,000,000 203,777,609 67,547,177 56,872,936 8,361,425 (6,035,243) (7,554,821) 1,122,969,083 272,826,491 1,395,795,574

Net Loss For The Year - - - (155,851,435) - - - (155,851,435) - (155,851,435)

Currency Translation Differences,Net

- - - - - (3,541,098) - (3,541,098) - (3,541,098)

Net Changes In Fair Value Of Cash Flows Hedges

2,937,179 2,937,179 2,937,179

Minority Interest, Net 6,369,022 6,369,022

Balance As At 31 December 2015 800,000,000 203,777,609 67,547,177 (98,978,499) 8,361,425 (9,576,341) (4,617,642) 966,513,729 279,195,513 1,245,709,242

Consolidated balance sheet

Consolidated statement of income

Consolidated statement of cash flows

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

SAUDI RESEARCH AND MARKETING GROUP(A Saudi Joint Stock Company)As of December 31,

(All amounts in Saudi Riyals unless otherwise stated)

Annual Report2015

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Page 11: Statements 31 December 2015 - Amazon Web Services Financing and short term loans 12 376,858,957 387,903,744 Current portion of Murabaha financing and long term loans 12 126,405,640

Annual Report2015

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

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1. Organization And Activities

Saudi Research and Marketing Group ( “the Company”) is a Saudi joint stock company registered in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under commercial registration number 1010087772 dated 29 Rabi Al-Awal 1421H (corresponding to 1 July 2000), and it has a branch in Jeddah registered under sub Commercial Registration number 1010087772/001. The Company’s head office address is Al-Moutamarat District, Makkah Road, P.O. Box 53180, Riyadh 11583, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Company is engaged in trading, marketing, advertising, promotions, distributing, printing and publishing, and operates mainly in Middle East, Europe and North Africa.

2. Basis Of Consolidation

These consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”), as adjusted by the elimination of all significant inter-group balances and transactions.

The financial statements of the subsidiary are prepared using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by the Company. The financial statements of the subsidiary company are consolidated from the date on which the Company is able to exercise effective management control over the subsidiary.A subsidiary is an entity in which the Company has a direct or indirect equity investment of more than 50% in the voting capital and/or over which it exercise effective management control.

Minority interest in the net assets of the consolidated subsidiary are identified separately from the Company’s shareholder equity therein. Minority interests consist of the amount of those interests at the date of the original business combination and the minority interest’s share of changes in equity since the date of the business combination.

The following are the subsidiaries included in these consolidated financial statements:

Company Country ofIncorporation

Direct and indirect shareholding

2015 2014

Intellectual Holding Company for Advertisement and Publicity- LLC (a) Saudi Arabia 100% 100%

Scientific Works Holding Company- LLC (a) Saudi Arabia 100% 100%

Numu Media Holding Company Saudi Arabia 100% 100%

Saudi Printing & Publishing Company- Joint Stock (b) Saudi Arabia 70% 70%

Notes to the ConsolidatedFinancial Statements

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Company Country of Incorporation

Saudi Research & Publishing Company and its subsidiaries Saudi Arabia

Saudi Distribution Company and its subsidiaries (c) * Saudi Arabia

Arab Media Company Saudi Arabia

Al-Khalijiah Advertisement and Public Relations Company Saudi Arabia

Al-Ofoq Management Information System and Commination Company Saudi Arabia

Annual Report2015

The below listed subsidiaries are owned equally by Intellectual Holding Company for advertisement and publicity and Scientific Works Holding Company:

Saudi Printing and Packaging Company owns Taiba Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., Hala Printing Company Ltd,. Al Madina Al Munawara Printing & Publishing Company, Future Industrial Investment Company, and Emirates National Factory for Plastic Industries LLC.

Saudi Distribution Company owns 100% of the share capital of Kuwait Group for Distribution and Publishing Company, a company registered in Kuwait. The financial statements of Kuwait Group for distribution and publishing have not been consolidated due to a administarative dispute that resulted in lack of necessary consolidation information. During the last quarter of 2010, the Group settled this dispute and has appointed a financial consultant to review the financial operations during the period of the administarative dispute, and at the preparation date of these consolidated financial statements, the review has not yet been completed. Therefore, the financial statements have not been consolidated. The management has provided the required provisions for any balances with the Group and the management doesn’t believe that this subsidiary would have any significant financial impact on the consolidated financial statements.

(*) Saudi Distribution Company owns 90% in the share capital of Emirates’ Printing and Publishing Company LTD, which is registered in United Arab Emirates.

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The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting standards generally accepted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The significant accounting policies adopted are as follows:

Accounting conventionThe consolidated financial statements are prepared under the modified historical cost convention to include the measurement of derivative financial instruments at fair value.

Use of estimatesThe preparation of the consolidated financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Although these estimates and judgments are based on management’s best knowledge of current events and actions, actual results ultimately may differ from those estimates.

Accounts receivableAccounts receivable are stated at the invoice original amount less an allowance for any uncollectible amounts. An estimate for doubtful debts is made when the collection of the full amount is no longer probable. Bad debts are written off as incurred.

InventoriesInventories are valued at the lower and market value. Costs are those expenses incurred in bringing each product to its present condition and location and calculated on the following basis.

- Raw materials, consumables and spare parts- purchase cost on a weighted average basis.- Work in progress and Finished goods- cost of direct materials and labour plus attributable overheads based on the normal level of activity.- An appropriate provision is made for obsolete and slow moving inventories, if required.

Property, machinery and equipmentProperty, machinery and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment in value. Freehold land and capital work in progress are not depreciated. The cost of other property, machinery and equipment is depreciated on a straight line basis over the estimated useful life of the assets.The carrying values of property, machinery and equipment are reviewed for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable. If any such indication exists and where the carrying values exceed the estimated recoverable amount, the assets are written down to their recoverable amount, being the higher of their fair value less costs to sell and their value in use. The excess of carrying value over the estimated recoverable amount is charged to the consolidated statement of income.

Notes to the ConsolidatedFinancial Statements

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Annual Report2015

Leasehold improvements are amortized on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the useful life of the improvements, or the term of the lease.

Expenditure for repair and maintenance are charged to the consolidated statement of income as incurred. Improvements that increase the value or materially extend the life of the related assets are capitalized.

The estimated useful lives of the main categories of property, machinery and equipment for calculation of depreciation are as follows:

Investment propertiesInvestment properties are properties held to earn rentals rather than for use or sale in the ordinary course of business, and/or for undetermined use.

Investment properties are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment, if any. Freehold land is not depreciated . The cost of other proprieties is deprecated on a straight line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets.

The carrying values of investment properties are reviewed for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable. If any such indication exists and where the carrying values exceed the estimated recoverable amount, the assets are written down to their recoverable amount, being the higher of their fair value less costs to sell and their value in use. The excess of carrying value over the estimated recoverable amount is charged to the consolidated statement of income.

Expenditure for repair and maintenance are charged to income as incurred. Improvements that increase the value or materially extend the life of the related assets are capitalized.

Business combinations and goodwill Business combinations are accounted for using the acquisition method. The cost of acquisition is measured as the aggregate of the consideration transferred, measured at acquisition date fair value and the amount of any minority interests in the acquiree. For each business combination, the acquirer measures the minority interest in the acquiree either at fair value or at the proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets. Acquisition costs incurred are expensed.

Machinery, Printingand Tools 10- 20 years Vehicles 2 - 6.67 years

Buildings 33-50 years Leaseholdimprovements

4-10 years or the term of lease,whichever is the shorter

furniture and officeequipment 4-13.3 years Computers 4 – 10 years

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When the Group acquires a business, it assesses the financial assets and liabilities assumed for appropriate classification and designation in accordance with the contractual terms, economic circumstances and pertinent conditions as at the acquisition date.

Goodwill is initially measured at cost being the excess of the consideration transferred over the Group’s net identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed. If this consideration is lower than the fair value of the net assets of the subsidiary acquired, the difference is recognised in the consolidated statement of income.

After initial recognition, goodwill is measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated, from the acquisition date, to each of the Group’s cash generating units, or groups of cash generating units, that are expected to benefit from the business combination, irrespective of whether other assets or liabilities of the Group are assigned to those units or groups of cash generating units.

Where goodwill forms a part of a cash-generating unit and part of the operation within that unit is disposed off, the goodwill associated with the operation disposed off is included in the carrying amount of the operation when determining the gain or loss on disposal of the operation. Goodwill disposed off in this circumstance is measured based on the relative values of the operation disposed off and the portion of the cash-generating unit retained.

Impairment is determined for goodwill by assessing the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit (or group of cash-generating units), to which the goodwill relates. Where the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit (or group of cash-generating units) is less than the carrying amount of the cash-generating unit (group of cash-generating units) to which goodwill has been allocated, an impairment loss is recognized. Impairment losses relating to goodwill cannot be reversed in subsequent periods.

Goodwill is reviewed for impairment, annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may be impaired. The Group performs its annual impairment test of goodwill at each reporting date.

When subsidiaries are sold, the difference between the selling price and the net assets plus cumulative translation differences and goodwill is recognized in the consolidated statement of income.

Other intangible assetsMastheads :Mastheads represent the recorded value of the mastheads of the newspapers and magazines published by the Group. The Group, periodically, assesses the recorded value of the mastheads to determine whether there is objective evidence that they have suffered any impairment loss using the fair value measurement. If such evidence exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine that the book value of the mastheads is fully recoverable. Impairment loss is recognized in the consolidated statement of income when the book value of the mastheads exceeds its recoverable amount.

Notes to the ConsolidatedFinancial Statements

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Annual Report2015

Publishing rights and books development project: Publishing rights include all necessary costs incurred in acquiring the publishing rights, and are amortized over the contractual life using the straight line method or the contracted number of books to be published. Amortization is calculated upon release the first edition of the book.

Media content project, websites and computer programs:Media content project, websites and computer programs are amortized on a straight line method over a period of two to five years effective from the start of these projects.

Impairment of non-current assets The carrying values of non-current assets whether tangible or untangible are reviewed periodically to determine whether is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss. Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the Group estimates the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit to which the asset belongs.

If the recoverable amount of an asset or cash generating unit is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset or cash generating unit is reduced to its recoverable amount. Impairment loss is recognized in the consolidated statement of income.

Except for goodwill, where an impairment subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset or the cash generating unit is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable amount, so that the increased carrying amount doesn’t exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset or the cash generating unit in prior years, A reversal of an impairment loss is immediately recognized in the consolidated statement of income.

Accounts payable and accrualsLiabilities are recognized for amounts to be paid in the future for goods or services received, whether billed or not by the suppliers and service providers.

Loans and Murabaha financingloans and Murabaha financing are recognised as the proceeds received, net of transaction costs incurred, if any. Loans and Murabaha financing costs that are directly attributable to the construction or production of qualifying assets, are capitalized as part of those assets. Other loans and Murabaha financing costs are charged to the consolidated statement of income.

ProvisionsProvisions are recognized when the Group has an obligation (legal or constructive) arising from a past event, and the costs to settle this obligation are both probable and may be measured reliably.

Zakat and income taxThe company and its subsidiaries are subject to the regulations of the Department of Zakat and Income Tax (DZIT) in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Zakat provision is calculated based on the consolidated zakat base of Saudi Research and marketing Group and its directly or indirectly fully owned subsidiaries. The estimated zakat provision is allocated between the Company and its subsidiaries. Any differences between the provision and the final assessment is recorded when the final assessment is approved. For foreign subsidiaries, a provision is made for tax liabilities, if any, in accordance with the tax regulations applicable in the countries in which such companies operate. The

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provision for zakat and income tax is charged to the consolidated statement of income.The Group withholds tax on certain transactions with non- resident parties in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in accordance with the Saudi Arabian Income Tax Law.

Employees’ terminal benefitsProvision is made in the consolidated financial statements for amounts payable under the Saudi Arabian Labor Law applicable to employees’ accumulated periods of service. The foreign subsidiaries provide a provision for Employees’ terminal benefits in accordance with the laws applicable in the respective countries.

Statutory reserveIn accordance with Saudi Arabian Regulations for Companies, the Company must transfer 10% of its income in each year to the statutory reserve. The Company may resolve to discontinue such transfer when the reserve equals to one half of the capital. This reserve is not available for distribution.

Governmental GrantGovernmental grant has been measured at the fair value of the asset when obtained against commitment to the restrictions associated with the grant. The restricted governmental grant has been recorded as a separate item under equity and the granted asset has been recorded under property, machinery and equipment.

Derivative financial instruments and hedge accountingThe Group uses derivative financial instruments to hedge its cash flow exposures to interest rate risks. Such derivative financial instruments are initially recognised at fair value on the date on which a derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently remeasured at fair value. Derivatives are carried as financial assets when the fair value is positive and as financial liabilities when the fair value is negative.

Any gains or losses arising from the changes in the fair value of derivatives are taken directly to the consolidated statement of income, except for the effective portion of cash flow hedges, which is recognised in shareholders’ equity.

For the purpose of hedge accounting, hedges are classified as cash flow hedges when hedging exposure to variability in cash flows that is either attributable to a particular risk associated with a recognised asset or liability or a highly probable forecast transaction or the foreign currency risk in an unrecognised firm commitment.

At the inception of a hedge relationship, the Group formally designates and documents the hedge relationship to which the Group wishes to apply hedge accounting and the risk management objective and strategy for undertaking the hedge. The documentation includes identification of the hedging instrument, the hedged item or transaction, the nature of the risk being hedged and how the entity will assess the effectiveness of changes in the hedging instrument’s fair value in offsetting the exposure to changes in the hedged item’s fair value or cash flows attributable to the hedged risk. Such hedges are expected to be highly effective in achieving offsetting changes in fair value or cash flows and are assessed on an ongoing basis to determine that they actually have been highly effective throughout the financial reporting periods for which they were designated.

Notes to the ConsolidatedFinancial Statements

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Annual Report2015

Hedge accounting is discontinued when the hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated, or exercised, or no longer qualified for hedge accounting. At that time, for forecast transactions, any cumulative gain or loss on the hedging instrument previously recognised in equity is retained in equity until the forecasted transaction occurs. If a hedged transaction is no longer expected to occur, the net cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in equity is transferred to the consolidated statement of income for the year.

Revenue recognitionRevenues represent the invoiced value of goods supplied and services rendered and are recognized when the significant risks and rewards of the ownership of the goods have passed to the buyer and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably normally on the delivery to the customer, while subscriptions’ revenue is recognized on the subscriptions’ period.Other income is recognized when earned.

ExpensesSelling and marketing expenses are mainly consist of costs incurred on delivery and marketing of products and allowance for doubtful debts. All other expenses except cost of sales are allocated on a consistent basis to general and administrative expenses in accordance with allocation factors determined as appropriate by the management. Operating leases in which the lessor retains all of the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset are classified as operating leases. Payments under operating leases are charged to the consolidated statement of income on a straight line basis over the lease term.

Foreign currenciesTransactionsTransactions in foreign currencies (Which are not covered by forward foreign exchange contracts) are translated into Saudi Riyals at the rate of exchange prevailing at the date of those transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the rate of exchange prevailing at the balance sheet date. All differences are taken to the consolidated statement of income.

Forward foreign exchange contractsForward foreign exchange contracts that are entered in order to hedge a foreign currency asset/liability are recorded at the spot rate at the inception of the contract. Any discounts or premiums are amortised to income over the term of the contract.

Foreign currency translationsFinancial statements of foreign operations are translated into Saudi Riyals using the exchange rate at each balance sheet date, for assets and liabilities, and the average exchange rate for each year for revenues, expenses, gains and losses. Components of equity, other than retained earnings, are translated at the rate ruling at the date of occurrence of each component. Exchange differences arising from such translation, if material, are included under “cumulative translation adjustment account” within equity in the consolidated balance sheet.

Segment reporting A segment is a distinguishable component of the Group that is engaged either in providing products or services (a business segment) or in providing products or services within a particular economic environment (a geographic segment), which is subject to risks and rewards that are different from those of other segments.

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2008• SSPc Acquired 51% of University Bookshop


2009• SSPc Acquired 49% of University Bookshop

Companies.• SSPC launched Madame Figaro Arabia,

Domus Arabia and Parents Arabia Magazines.

2015 2014

At 1 January 103,785,157 70,750,114

Provided during the year 17,269,109 36,294,046

Written off during the year (1,007,102) (3,259,003)

At 31 December 120,047,164 103,785,157

2015 2014

Executive Board of Directors salariesand compensations 5,183,333 17,703,520

Allowances paid to Board of Directors 337,440 537,300

2015 2014

Raw and packaging materials 172,572,248 206,840,399

Books 69,731,366 60,508,722

work in progress and finished goods 47,536,376 44,181,835

Spare parts 23,265,245 13,646,979

Goods in transit 3,243,513 6,532,590

316,348,748 331,710,525

Provision for slow moving inventories (68,368,745) (46,829,839)

247,980,003 284,880,686

2015 2014

Prepaid expenses 21,320,805 21,084,080

Advances to suppliers 19,625,429 23,768,986

Employees receivable 9,678,038 12,799,811

Refundable deposits 6,482,932 5,644,590

Prepaid financial charges 2,774,391 2,634,775

Other 7,360,548 10,526,024

67,242,143 76,458,266

2015 2014

Trade receivables 592,434,389 674,795,028

Allowance for doubtfulDebts (120,047,164) (103,785,157)

472,387,225 571,009,871

6. Prepayments And Other Receivables4. Trade Receivables, Net

Movement of allowance for doubtful debts was as follows:

7. Related Parties Transactions

5. Inventories

The following is the summary of related parties transactions during the year ended 31 December :

Notes to the ConsolidatedFinancial Statements

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8. Property, Machinery and Equipment

Annual Report2015

Land BuildingsLeasehold

improvementsMachinery and tools Computers

Furniture and fixtures vehicles

Plant and equipment




At the beginning of the year

204,481,625 479,894,496 40,512,798 850,179,304 116,111,131 88,231,260 54,700,661 72,513,300 1,906,624,575 2,008,071,169

Additions - 459,193 30,450 3,147,251 1,998,960 3,956,643 871,463 65,393,117 75,857,077 105,683,612

Disposals (861,000) (85,172,615) (2,203,062) (24,398,791) (48,002,353) (21,967,012) (5,217,225) (1,045,993) (188,868,051) (183,758,248)

Transfers 808,110 (2,708,698) 2,494,038 76,608,643 15,224,654 10,597,967 1,090,588 (98,897,240) 5,218,062 -Impairment losses * - (7,678,219) - (5,172,183) - - - - (12,850,402) (1,001,244)

losses on fire - - - - - - - - - (16,387,403)Foreign currency translation adjustment

(47,333) (1,655,941) (1,114,357) 211,894)) (2,154,299) (611,268) (4,228) (32,760) (5,832,080) (5,983,311)

204,381,402 383,138,216 39,719,867 900,152,330 83,178,093 80,207,590 51,441,259 37,930,424 1,780,149,181 1,906,624,575

Depreciation and provisions:

At the beginning of the year

- 122,843,862 38,256,361 319,333,906 100,575,172 72,809,497 43,324,652 - 697,143,450 757,209,080

Additions - 13,153,710 2,485,361 53,943,598 7,650,254 4,293,436 4,143,925 - 85,670,284 88,750,055

Disposals - (27,260,544) (2,203,014) (19,636,075) (46,825,079) (20,364,461) (5,001,034) - (121,290,207) (138,401,059)

Transfers - (14,964,288) 14,636 (967,204) 7,584,994 8,392,463 (60,601) - - -

losses on fire - - - - - - - - - (5,640,309)Foreign currency translation adjustment

- (630,615) (1,111,428) (62,584) (2,074,029) (432,569) (3,358) - (4,314,583) (4,774,317)

- 93,142,125 37,441,916 352,611,641 66,911,312 64,698,366 42,403,584 - 657,208,944 697,143,450

Net book values:

December 31, 2015 204,381,402 289,996,091 2,277,951 547,540,689 16,266,781 15,509,224 9,037,675 37,930,424 1,122,940,237 -

December 31, 2014 204,481,625 357,050,634 2,256,437 530,845,398 15,535,959 15,421,763 11,376,009 72,513,300 - 1,209,481,125

(*) In accordance with generally accepted accounting standards in Saudi Arabia, non-current assets should be assessed when there are indi-cations that the recoverable amount is impaired. Accordingly, the Group’s management found indication of impairment, other than temporarily, in the recoverable amount of some of the non-current assets and has recorded impairment losses.

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9. Intangible Assets

Intangible assets comprise of the following as at 31 December:

Goodwill – Saudi Printing and Packaging Company:During the year ended 31 December, 2012, Saudi Printing and Packaging Company (a subsidiary) acquired 100% equity interest in Emirates National Factory for Plastic Industries LLC (“ENPI” or “Emirates Factory”), a limited liability company registered in the Emirate of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, for a net consideration amounting to approximately SR 642 million, including a deferred consideration estimated to approximately SR 172 million to be paid to one of the previous owners. According to the sale and purchase of shares agreement (the ”agreement”) all parties agreed to transfer all srights and obligations related to the ownership as of 1 July 2012 considering it the control transferring date (“acquisition date”). The acquisition transaction resulted in a goodwill amounting to approximately SR 353.8 million representing the excess of the consideration paid over the fair value of net assets acquired at the acquisition date amounting to approximately SR 288.2 million. ENPI is engaged in manufacturing and distribution of packaging and plastic products through its various subsidiaries in UAE and three subsidiaries in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The financial statements of ENPI has been consolidated starting 1 July 2012.

The deferred consideration of approximately SR 172 million was computed in accordance with sale and purchase of shares agreement and its amendments on the following basis:

The first portion of the deferred consideration was computed by using the average of net income for the years 2012 up to 2013 multiplied by 11.5%, less the amount paid to one of the previous owners on the date of paying the cash consideration amounting to SR 61.3 million, which was estimated based on the targeted

results as agreed in the above Agreement. This portion of the consideration was estimated to approximate by SR 151.4 million and has been settled after the issuance of the consolidated financial statements of ENPI for 2013.The second portion (Earn-out) of the deferred consideration was computed by using the targeted results as agreed in the Agreement multiplied by 10% in accordance with the aforementioned Agreement. This portion of the consideration was estimated to approximate by SR 20.6 million and has been settled after the issuance of the consolidated financial statements of ENPI for the years 2012, 2013 and 2014.

During the second quarter of the current year, the Group settled the deferred consideration presented under other payables, which its current and the non-current portions were amounted to SR 12.6 and SR 95.2 million, respectively as of 31 December 2014. In addition to that, the other income for the year ended 31 December 2015 included an amount of SR 14.7 million which represents the difference between the final settlement of the deferred consideration and the booked amount based on the agreement conditions (note 21).

Goodwill – Numu Holding Group:During the fourth quarter of the financial year, the management reviews goodwill to determine whether impairment exists or not. Accordingly, the management found that the carrying value of the goodwill was higher than its recoverable amount by SR 44 million for the year ended 31 December 2015 and recorded impairment loss in the consolidated statement of income.

Recoverable amount was determined on the basis of value-in-use calculation. This calculation uses cash flow projections for five years based on financial budgets approved by management. Cash flows beyond the budgets are extrapolated using the estimated growth rate of 3.6%. NUMU Elmiah Company (A subsidiary of NUMU Holding Company) in management’s opinion, the growth rate assumption does not exceed the long-term average growth rate for business in which the Company operates.

2015 2014

Goodwill – Saudi Printing andPackaging Company (A) 390,230,436 390,230,436

Mastheads 350,000,000 350,000,000

Goodwill – Numu Holding Group (B) 48,227,349 92,020,179

Other 4,439,255 6,318,201

792,897,040 838,568,816

Key assumptions for the value-in-use calculation are set out below.

Percentage %

Discount rate 13

Budgeted gross margin 2.6 – 5.2

Average annual growth rate for sales 7.7

Terminal growth rate 3.6

Notes to the ConsolidatedFinancial Statements

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Goodwill Mastheads

Publishing rights and books

development projects

Media content project and

websitesComputer softwares Other




At the beginning of the year 482,457,783 350,000,000 6,409,183 14,855,709 2,477,166 2,782,638 858,982,479 854,587,066

Additions - - 829,135 - 122,013 - 951,148 4,395,413

Impairment losses (44,000,000) - - - - - (44,000,000) -

438,457,783 350,000,000 7,238,318 14,855,709 2,599,179 2,782,638 815,933,627 858,982,479


At the beginning of the year - - 3,643,815 12,444,118 1,543,092 2,782,638 20,413,663 15,925,299

Additions - - 806,614 1,508,028 308,282 - 2,622,924 4,488,364

- - 4,450,429 13,952,146 1,851,374 2,782,638 23,036,587 20,413,663

Net book values

At 31 December 2015 438,457,783 350,000,000 2,787,889 903,563 747,805 - 792,897,040 -

At 31 December 2014 482,457,783 350,000,000 2,765,368 2,411,591 934,074 - - 838,568,816

Annual Report2015

The discount rate used is pre-zakat and reflects specific risks relating to the Company. Management hasdetermined the budgeted gross margins based on past performance and its expectations for the market development.

Sensitivity to changes in assumptionsWith regard to the assessment of value-in-use for the subsidiary Company, any adverse changes in a key assumption would result in further impairment loss. The key assumptions, where reasonably possible changes could result in further impairment, are the terminal growth rate and the discount rate used.

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2015 2014

At 1 January 13,071,055 18,421,719

Transferred to property, machineryand equipment (5,218,062) -

Impairment reversal (loss) 858,018 (5,359,492)

Foreign currency translationadjustment (5,887) 8,828

At 31 December 8,705,124 13,071,055

2015 2014

Zakat 31,761,627 30,563,129

Income tax 80,343 990,370

31,841,970 31,553,499

2015 2014

171,801,132 -

Accrued expenses against salecancellation * 127,513,614 131,604,002

Advances from customers 7,843,574 7,166,082

Deferred revenue 6,634,033 6,932,112

Net changes in fair value of cashflow hedges 4,342,430 10,593,612

Other 13,815,997 13,007,370

331,950,780 169,303,178

10. Investments In PropertiesInvestment properties at 31 December consist of a land on which a build-ing is constructed and leased out to third parties. Movement in investment properties is summarized as follows:

11. Accrued Expenses And Other Liabilities

12. Bank Facilities

13. Zakat And Income Tax

* This balance represents the expected amount to be paid against building sale cancellation.

During the fourth quarter of the current year, the Group’s management has signed a sale agreement for one of its properties represented in a building owned by one of its subsidiaries in the United kingdom which resulted in a capital gains of approximately SR 101 million. Subsequently and after the signing of the agreement, the management has decided to keep the ownership of the building through cancellation of the sale transaction. Accordingly, such capital gains haven’t been recognized. As it is expected that the cancellation may result in incurring additional costs, a provision of approximately SR 70.7 million has been provided for such costs.

The Group has bank facilities with various local and foreign banks in the form of loans, Murabaha financing, letters of credit and letters of guar-antee with a celling of approximately SR 2.27 billion ( 2014: SR 2.27 bil-lion). The utilised balance of loans and Murabaha financing amounted to approximately SR 1.12 billion as of 31 December 2015 ( 2014: SR 1.13 billion ). The purpose of such facilities is to finance the working capital and investments, and to be used in importing of raw materials and equipment related to the Group’s activities and capital expenditures. Such facilities carry agreed upon finance charges. The currencies of such facilities are Saudi Riyal, United Arab Emirates Dirham, and US dollars. These loans and Murabha financing are due in periods ranging between 2016-2020.

Zakat and income tax consist of the following:

Notes to the ConsolidatedFinancial Statements

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2015 2014

At 1 January 30,563,129 26,245,282

Provided during the year 9,539,860 12,005,253

Paid during the year (8,341,362) (7,687,406)

31,761,627 30,563,129

2015 2014

At 1 January 115,752,252 113,035,274

Provided during the year 22,692,713 21,934,708

Paid during the yearx (17,601,639) (19,217,730)

At 31 December 120,843,326 115,752,252

2015 2014

Salaries and related benefits 39,905,976 41,644,942

transporting and shipping 24,065,973 23,255,779

Allowance for doubtful debts 17,269,109 36,294,046

Marketing and advertising 8,327,864 6,849,480

Other 9,321,275 8,276,770

98,900,197 116,321,017

Movement in provision during the year:The movement in the zakat provision during the year was as follows:

Status of assessments The Company and its subsidiaries have filed their Zakat returns individually up to 2006. The company has finalized its individual zakat status for the years from 2001 up to 2006. During 2007, the company had obtained the approval of Department of Zakat and Income Tax (“DZIT”) on filing a consolidated Zakat return for the Group. The company has filed its Zakat returns for the years from 2007 up to 2014. The assessments for such years are still under review by DZIT.

The Company and its subsidiaries have appealed against the zakat assessments for different years before DZIT and The Appeal Committee, which resulted in differences of SR 12 million. This appeal is still pending. The Group’s management and its zakat advisor believe that the ultimate outcome of this appeal will be in the favor of the Group.

14. Employees’ Terminal BenefitsMovement in employees’ termination benefits is summarized as follows:

15. Share CapitalThe company’s share capital amounting to SR 800 million as at 31 December 2015 and 2014 is divided into 80 million shares of SR 10 each.

16. Statutory ReserveIn accordance with Saudi Arabian Regulations for Companies, the Company must transfer 10% of its net income in each year (after covering accumulated losses) to the statutory reserve. The Company may resolve to discontinue such transfers when it builds up a reserve equals one half of the capital. This reserve is not available for distribution.

17. Contractual ReserveAccording to the company’s by-laws, the Company should transfer 5% of the net income for the year to the consensual reserve until it equals 25% of the share capital. Such reserve may be used for the purposes which determined by the board of directors.

18. Restricted Governmental GrantDuring 2008, Dubai Government has granted Saudi Researches and Publishing Company (a subsidiary of the Group) a land in Dubai with an area of 29,809 square feet as a restricted grant. The land had been evaluated at SR 8.4 million. Such grant has been included separately within shareholders’ equity and the asset has been included within property, machinery and equipment. The conditions of the grant stipulate that construction of buildings should start within 3 years effective from the grant date. The grace period has expired and the Company has renewed it for another 3 years which also has expired in 2014. Accordingly, the Group has applied for another extension. The legal formalities in respect of the extension have not been completed as of these consolidated financial statements date.

19. Selling And Marketing Expenses

Annual Report2015

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20. General And Administrative Expenses

Minority interest represents the results and net assets of the subsidiaries that belong to shares that are not owned, directly or indirectly, by the Parent Company. Movement in minority interest in subsidiaries is summarized as follows:

21. Other Income, Net

2015 2014

Salaries and related benefits 138,685,566 134,267,663

Depreciation 20,552,631 24,849,126

Professional fees 19,582,832 12,133,299

Rent 14,456,042 14,280,489

Telephone and fax 7,058,955 7,221,728

Salaries, remunerations and benefits of board of directors (note 7) 5,520,773 18,240,820

Insurance 5,308,012 3,446,312

Repair and maintenance 3,766,048 4,629,401

Governmental expenses 3,441,397 2,744,692

Other receivable provisions 3,246,008 5,730,242

Travel 2,996,162 5,242,921

Computer 2,773,482 2,138,984

Utilities 2,545,598 2,968,450

Stationary 1,113,908 1,103,077

Other 13,536,326 26,013,213

244,583,740 265,010,417

2015 2014

Insurance compensations (A) 16,125,480 3,062,460

Deferred consideration settlement (B) 14,661,630 28,822,061Gains from sale of property, machinery and equipment (C) 13,916,804 25,479,899Rent income 2,297,577 1,647,895

Scrap and sales sreturns 836,636 741,128

Al-Sharga Electricity and Water Authority (the “Authority”) claim (D) (9,185,400) -

Other 4,973,541 (5,845,105)

43,626,268 53,908,338

Notes to the ConsolidatedFinancial Statements

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Annual Report2015

This represents insurance compenstations related to a fire broke out in a warehouse of a subsidiary located in the United Arab Emirates during the fourth quarter of 2014. Such fire caused losses and damages to the subsidiary’s assets as noted in (note 22) to the consolidated financial statements.• This represents the difference between the final settlement of the

deferred consideration and its book value as noted in (note 9-A) to the consolidated financial statements.During the year ended 31 December 2014, the deferred consideration had been revaluated and resulted in a gain of SR 28.8 million that represents the change in the deferred consideration fair value.

• Al-Madina Al-Monawwara Printing and Publishing Company (a subsidiary of Saudi Printing and Packaging Company) sold a land in Jeddah with amount of SR 15.6 million, which resulted in a gain of SR 13.4 million that is included in this caption as of 31 December 2015.Additionally, the year ended 31 December 2014 included a gain amounted to SR 36.8 million resulted from the sale of land in Jeddah with constructed building on it and scrap machinery owned by Al-Madina Al-Monawwara Printing and Publishing Company (a subsidiary of Saudi Printing and Packaging Company) with net book value of SR 27.2 million. In addition, the Group had sold other machinery and equipment and resulted in losses of SR 11.3 million.

• Emirates National Plastic Industries Company (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Saudi Printing and packaging Company) has received an electricity bill from Al-Sharga Electricity and Water Authority (the “Authority”) amounting to SR 11.7 million, that represents claims against differences in invoiced amounts related to prior years and which have not been included in the previously issued paid bills.The management has assigned an independent consultant to evaluate the accuracy of the invoiced amounts. Furthermore, the management has requested the details of the calculations from the Authority and no response has been delivered as of the consolidated financial statement approval date. According to the legal consultant opinion and management estimates, a provision has been provided against such invoice.

22. Extraordinary LossesDuring the fourth quarter of 2014, a fire broke out in a warehouse of a subsidiary located in the United Arab Emirates that resulted in losses

and damages to the subsidiary’s assets net book valuesamounted to SR 22.6 million. Such losses had been recorded in the consolidated statement of income for the year ended 31 December 2014. The Group has received the insurance compensations related to such losses and damages during the current year as noted in (note 21) to the consolidated financial statements.On 26 March 2015, a fire broke out in one of the production lines in Flexible Packaging Company (a subsidiary Company of Saudi Printing and packaging Company) in Jeddah. This accident resulted in partial damaging of machinery, part of inventory and the Company’s building. The book value of the damaged assets amounted to SR 26.5 million. The Group’s management has sought the technical opinion of the Group’s engineering team regarding the damages, and based on the best estimates, the damages resulted from the fire at SR 3.1 million out of which SR 2.7 million allocated to property, machinery and equipment and SR 0.4 million allocated to inventory. Such losses have been charged to the consolidated statement of income. The Company’s assets are covered by an insurance policy issued by one of the insurance companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Company is currently completing the necessary formalities related to the insurance claims against damages and losses.

23. (Loss) Earning Per Share(Loss) Earning per share is calculated by dividing (loss) income from main operations and net loss for the year by the number of outstanding shares amounting to 80 million shares.

24. Commitments And Contingent LiabilitiesAs at 31 December, the Group has the following contingent liabilities:

2015 2014

Letters of credit 31,379,989 80,050,371

Letters of guarantee 8,220,172 20,957,555

Capital commitments 2,182,188 24,609,839

Certain Subsidiaries of the Group are involved in Legal litigation matters in the ordinary course of its business, which are being defended. The ultimate results of these matters cannot be determined with certainty. The management believe that the results of these matters will not have a significant impact on the Group’s consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2015.

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25. Segmental Information

Segmental information relate to the Group’s activities and business as approved by the management to be used as a basis for the financial reporting and being consistent with the internal reporting process. Transactions between the business segments are conducted on an arm length basis.

The segmental results and assets include items that are directly attributable to a certain segment and items that can reasonably be allocated to different segments. Items which could not be allocated to any of the segments are reported under “Other”.

The Group is organized into the following main business segments:

1. Publishing: comprises the local and international publishing works, researches, and marketing the products of the Group and third parties.

2. Specialized publishing: comprises the publishing of specialized publications for third parties, issuance licensed international publications, translation services and selling electronic and visual content.

3. Distribution: comprises the local and international distribution of newspapers, magazines, publications, books and the publications of the Group and others.

4. Advertising: comprises the local and international advertising, production, representation and marketing audio visual and readable advertising media, and advertising panels.

5. Printing and packaging: comprises printing works on paper and plastic, commercial posters, in addition to manufacturing of plastic products for the Group and others.

6. Education: comprises the wholesale and retail trading of school supplies, office furniture, installation and maintenance of laboratories, and providing technical, training and educational courses and services.

7. Other: comprises the head office, general management, investing activities and others.

Notes to the ConsolidatedFinancial Statements

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PublishingSpecialized Publishing Distribution Advertising Printing and

Packaging Education Other Total ConsolidationEliminations Total

As at and for the year ended 31 December 2015

Revenue 494,918,675 24,902,388 43,640,593 323,191,667 1,107,755,393 54,573,521 39,483 2,049,021,720 (509,248,247) 1,539,773,473

Gross profit 78,826,748 8,495,052 2,249,706 25,984,094 232,838,984 (2,850,108) 39,483 345,583,959 (4,650,542) 340,933,417

Net income (Loss) (83,758,168) 2,029,493 (15,043,071) 2,090,946 21,649,616 (72,569,167) (2,786,986) (148,387,337) (7,464,098) (155,851,435)

Property, machinery and equipment, net

54,942,533 171,160 12,545,257 15,508,762 1,020,889,226 1,332,924 17,550,375 1,122,940,237 - 1,122,940,237

Intangible assets, net 1,855,309 - - - 390,230,436 50,808,068 350,003,227 792,897,040 - 792,897,040

Total assets 508,167,212 14,545,967 68,216,517 112,416,888 2,186,294,041 153,815,227 1,446,277,734 4,489,733,586 (1,430,006,401) 3,059,727,185

Total liabilities 288,809,249 25,277,484 126,438,651 85,253,160 1,252,700,082 152,237,000 330,404,639 2,261,120,265 (447,102,322) 1,814,017,943

As at and for the year ended 31 December 2014

Revenue 566,995,719 24,685,881 47,537,786 369,365,418 1,232,328,247 71,301,603 207,248 2,312,421,902 (569,154,283) 1,743,267,619

Gross profit 95,556,141 6,955,790 2,093,190 40,775,219 244,446,122 10,367,234 207,248 400,400,944 (6,958,809) 393,442,135

Net income (Loss) 1,536,580 (6,184,083) (19,718,614) 8,734,413 45,378,698 (37,965,141) (15,608,492) (23,826,639) (15,484,540) (39,311,179)

Property, plant and equipment, net

126,949,402 217,198 15,045,119 16,183,850 1,032,033,294 1,453,505 17,598,757 1,209,481,125 - 1,209,481,125

Intangible assets, net 3,541,078 - - - 390,230,436 94,785,548 350,011,754 838,568,816 - 838,568,816

Total assets 416,820,562 13,972,210 79,020,594 152,755,810 2,282,455,788 243,878,336 1,414,707,857 4,603,611,157 (1,411,023,095) 1,796,792,488

Total liabilities 108,744,363 26,733,219 120,089,188 124,488,778 1,370,720,732 169,141,394 273,734,447 2,193,652,121 (396,859,633) 3,192,588,062

25. Segment information - Continued

The Group’s operating assets are principally located at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Arab United Emirates. The Management believes that is not practically possible to disclose the information of each geographic area.

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Notes to the ConsolidatedFinancial Statements

26. Risk Management

Commission rate risk Commission rate risk is the risk that the value of financial instruments will fluctuate due to changes in the market commission rates. The Group is subject to commission rate risk on its commission bearing assets and liabilities, including time deposits, term Murabaha financing and loans.

Currency riskCurrency risk is the risk that the value of financial instruments will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. The Group did not undertake significant transactions in currencies other the Saudi Riyals, US Dollars, Sterling Pound and United Arab Emirates Dirham during the year. The management monitors the fluctuation in currency exchange rates and believes that currency risk doesn’t have significant impact on the Group during the year.

Credit riskCredit risk is the risk that one party will fail to discharge an obligation and will cause the other party to incur a financial loss. It is the Group’s policy that all customers who want to deal on the forward basis are subject to verify their creditworthiness. Financial instruments that are subject to concentrations of credit risk consist mainly of bank balances and accounts receivable. The Group deposits its cash balances with a number of financial institutions have grade credit rating, and the Group has a policy to set limits on its balances deposited with each financial institution. The Group does not believe that there are significant risks to non-performance of these institutions. The Group does not consider itself exposed to concentrations of credit risk with respect to receivables due to the diversity of its customers base working in various industries and present in multiple regions.

Liquidity risk Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will encounter difficulty in raising funds to meet commitments associated with financial instruments. Liquidity risk may result from an inability to sell a financial asset quickly at an amount close to its fair value. The Group manages its liquidity risk by ensuring that bank facilities are available. The Group’s terms of sales require amounts to be paid in cash on the delivery of goods or credit basis. Trade accounts payables are normally settled within 60 days of the date of purchase.

27. Fair Values Of Financial Instruments

Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled between knowledgeable willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. The financial assets of the Group consist of bank balances and trade receivables, and its financial liabilities consist of trade payables and loans.

The fair value of bank balances, trade receivables, trade payables and other financial assets and liabilities approximates their carrying value.

28. Approval Of Consolidated Financial Statements

The consolidated financial statements have been approved by the board of directors on 13 Jumada Al-ula 1437H (Corresponding to 22 February 2016).


Certain comparative figures of the prior year have been reclassified to conform with the presentation in the current year.