Download - state news 19391003 - Michigan State University



Mttr-ri* r.«w and Cut Un-,in( V.CTt Stnrina in Tlaftn Inar

Volume :!2 7. 32*1

lidriijajr 6tatei | comm ww TW^juwLAwmtm ww |




Campustall Ilim "Di"With acknowledgment lo Arcl*

\\ ,rd of the Chicago Tribune andi muttering awry. "Why In

rti didn't State News set

it first*" we hereby print the fol-h.vtin* rem One of M. S. CV»irrOiman football randidates thisruii is ' fellow burdened with themonirker DionysiUs George Kco-nomopolous. From N'ashau. N.II that's not mi had*, his tilthu hool coarh's name was Prtrri hesnulrvlrh. Take that, you!

7/irv /-/Ac Drama

Alunini Plan Pol,ork F,rptl Rya .. ... Zirpfrhl. BatActivities |He 1art Bark-In Detroit

Ibinr*- nnil Slap l.iinrliTil* I |. Hill. M.S.Ipn„k h.nI . of M. Gamr IhTh^w*

Plans are Win# mailt' fnr1'"™the annual fuothall frulir | (||d^r,^>spunsnreil by the Michigan Lhal thpyStatu College Alumni cluli ofji Dne ofDetroit to be held at the Book-*! thm-nt pre

"» give one a general idea <■ extensively C'hanning Po!. noted lecturer, author, play

Hospital Cuts Health RisksVeir Health (.antar Is Far t ry I rani '<> I Mailiral Sorrier

krrislar's Priznl17alia Has IlralMany (hrners



Field HouseTo he DoneIn February

t \ |M'r | III 4<»lll|ll«l«-\iiililoriiiiu litTime for J.»lo|i

famous Kin Ziegfeld s11904 PolloM

the gresi* Ziegfeld Mil*the carpet and tired lur



t liassmall Seek CI) ('111 Sociclt Himim- l> Senior- \re

Plans(4.mpi.sthassman '

......... I ionvent ion

That's C.aUiap 'kmI ounril. Hales

T.. II. I . >1. sis

Revised Army Drills ArcSuccessful in Stair I nil

Sid Brerher fresh Nee ALUMNI Pair 7nt was watrhini \h«-

w K a It ListsI'matures. New Clinic (dves Veterinary

Changes Division Added Sparc

^ \\ < i A to Vi rile(ioiigrrssmrn

(Junk llkr • rahhit

Plans Arr Sotor (iarnival

illsins TellsHow to SecureCrid Tickets

Miii/wi/* Ire I.assiimh'ss. SaysPrashlanl

Six Join HomeKc Stall

( ampusalendar

<*miles Slam t.ainI' Mason. H alls Farm Baraaa Marls

In Laasiap I anightS, a,liar II ill llamlllillal I naialalian

I I'r.if SUfI

F.nplisli InanityIs Fa lurpail

Fnpinaarinp Stafftllaiuls tlaaliaps

Faplisli F.nraUmaatI'assas :UHItl Marl.

Under theWireTwo Mm i tidedTo (ham Staff

* t»HI»OTON D C . I>Hints. Ifolsr K.< nitau •» Nr.O. S k..lis t lmk 1 Mils Vb*.»>rsMssl Jsks (smr «

•""»* ks*n Uul Iks t>Mr SMS. too .teat Is. ask

* '"HIXOTO* O € Or* 2—KssrMw. - IW «ssOsll HallSt., USI Ik. IMS lus ta.. a.* r.s.u. Ik. ■ ml*" k. Gnaaai ul Ikal Talsk lak.-M" rssskt u «UI Ikal


"xn.auun la Iks raaalx

»%.*MIA rift. FANAMA. OKI 4|l» sMuH ki tslstlOsVstk lat katek fluilmi naaMr. Haaat Uut . aaaml tear

mat Ik. Is. ut saaM

Tso . sii;

gtees a! the Unhrmlly of Chica«<t mtrary u> reports. Mm Town

kerxl Rich hot returned to Ut

Kngfikh deportment'* teaching

SUIr Crek Oppn VrtUinir in Vw York

0e I treed la boeeMdN loo BrtUafc oieeebot

Bernard D. Kohl.Moon hail Jea.t year, and hia wile.the former Jeon Retndehl. hoveopened a veterinary hoaptUI in

i Yonkera, N V. Both veterinarian*.Kohl wan graduated in June. whi>Mrs Kohl was graduated from

| Michigan Stole la ISM.

se« in freshman.v. Mr iMM W. US .UfT

r(sm«u, t.p.rursn, U... ^ 'rU!up.„ „ . ...They are Frank I. Kerand* # ,

(and Howard E Winter* of Green^ Us Oca* .< . ,

Karanda t* a graduate of the „f ine American S • < HeatUniversity of ChicaCn. where he, $llg anfl Ventilating Kngineerobtained the BS und MS de- yooierday Mn-fugar State wa«"•" H. pravHsuly Uufht M Us .sfsr*ant.'l l.y Is.i II II U.rkKamfsr Mil.l.r, irh<»l. Bono pro( I. Q Milk!'"• HIS.,.,., A. l-TOl K IWinters i* a' graduate of Green- Reuiing

vUle college and holds the A Mdegree from the University ofMichigan He previously taught atBlue Island high achool. Blue Is-

ip Ilralbars Planllalfi far Frasli

•im* l« Bkli


Hen « 4 u op ttreting—Open merit tig RrtsntsiRoom I Home U Bids

lis,ISaltar. I lak

Sil l. M ill StartDam a t lassas

i. HI.

II IV„»rft»k1 »■

professor of mechanicalfines ring, who l* ,«ecretary ofwestern Michigan section ofaaciety

theiiI tatmg th».. adjustment

f I, conductsi dancing fo<•re advancedr both will be

kill MerlinsMedne*ds« : M p aa

Room tea. «Md» hallForensic Merlins

All rallesrTods* 7 M p mI scull* dinlns r«»an». I'm

ABAR Meelins-Taday « p. mRoom tl Aa hall

Ntgma Alpha Beta—Wsdaaadsy ?:J9 p. m.

Michigan sure NEWS Tuesday, October S. Hi:,:,

Photography Grows Until It Ranks as Biggest Hobby at State_ t VT 'About2.500Michigan State Nero* f a iittie bit

--- Independent tamerasCampm

Itlnnl aa aerond-rlaaa

danU of Mi<-tntfan 81**yho— Collar Ph..

it Rail f analng. Mirk.

With the return of scholar*. *tu-rirnt*. puplK and rnrnllre* to Mlatr

*"»■<*« <■<**+ **» zizzzvszi'rzr;zDiMfibulw J •«* 4K>».B«™«.r n.« To., r. y acarnHfiH Wl«> at KUI. waa

CbtertnleD«J«l I -~ ' •* ^ ree, movie Hi.of the roam II With President Kr| rector. Rather it 's a Mllbcon-

Believing that the Michigan State News should always vin K fchirr presiding With most scions thought stream thatwork f«.r the best iiitere.i- >>\ tin- students, this paper will »Ma*t year'* memhrra present, and koep^ Mi. »>.«;.». stole art-actively four-,, platform. I^ZSTAST T "l'\Z "ZZ ZZZn

1. Keep America out of war. • • ♦

2. Promote healthful, adequate housing at reason- Kieclfons for zone rei

ahic costs. I lives to the Indepenrler,Make Michigan State college the best all- will he held m the nmir ri

annual i"llf|r.' in Hie I nitial States. . ._ j IndapandMin will have .I Make Ilia Miahlffan la»Ki"l«lurc o.irnizunt of !•'!',"" " '* '

the growing need for classroom facilities. « ♦ ♦


Action! Flash! Camera!No, it's not the familiar c

I night.

raduate Mating

imaging Kditm

III sist ss MTAII

Mil I M\IV|s

sI'KIU WRirtlts

senilis sl ut

HI HlNIss %ss|s| >N |S

hi rmi it its

K. Spall

Walt Hum

\\ iiliam < oiling

lrWith the

Mtnlern GreeksAlPRA r.AWWA DRI.TA—

with an engagement ring from «iforme. State AOR Saturday is

German PropagandaReaches LibraryRv MARION THOMPSON *

I Work of the efficient propaganda the real enemy of Europe. Com- ! Mr. Town® has announ - -bureau operating m Berlin, Ger- rnunwm versus National Social-j the pamphlets will be ph. • >jrnanv. under Fuehrer Adolf Hit-I ism, the union of the German .the vertical files of the .j lei, Incomes most apparent with ! people, the arts of "aggression" reference room as a current»h<- announcement by Jackeon E by Germany, the dance of death, 1 tration of propaganda •

the date scheduled for the mar-. riage of Dorothy Bishop to Bill

Alum Dorothy Miller came bark

f Ml OMT.flA—

rnmg September 2 <,l the so-called

sent in i urately directed in detail

th.e Hitler youtwinter help orgsSocialism and

four-year plan.

culture and "'MTAHCTNATING

mization. National j ably w ill: hi-tory refercm •

•ont, German agri-4 —

"kcamn..1' Ilhcni Enjrin.'fr* l.«i


nlumn- visiting wen- fleV A«nr

• Verh.ig Kurfuer*tendamm, 117Bei tin W IT. l' i- a handsomely

Though a fe\

throughout ther V ^rMl'lT occur Rcwiwk *Hw»SC«»|Mbook, it h fn.r.n- a nr.. rMvarib mr!..!

Hetty Sears

; The ehaptei ha affiliated three•

f:.,M !• Of Montana bal-l Sag;


to produce the

p!oy«td. m.'iki.iK .1 fl„7, Hbll c-i.r

• IndepetidiMil smoker will li

held for thr purpose of uImli-prmlenls toRrthrr illdiiriiiK new Inilependrnl

hits hern swamped with requestslo start oprrallons Miml of thrrequest* wrrr from senior mro de

s II \S 1*14 Tt 'RI s

ai.fTA HNiMA Fill—

i \tiitn \ i hi \i en \

spf 4 t %l IDtTin\s ARRIVt

lll.l.a Vt.rr Thr i>

I'urillillrr \\ ill M.lkrMii.iu-M.tii I rip

Itali'li NnrmuM '" ""

hre/i II Over Thrrr

( <»//.'t'«' Itnllrlin CLASSIFIED

i \l I'll \ I I'SII o

Stnr I Hollar

mobiles lo tin new stud* n' - who ai< not tnmiliur with thepaikiiiK setup here rr.iM icaii.e that there are twu parkingjots on campus and that nil students park tn these two lots.One lot ! '■;11• I ..» t <•* \ i e Chemistr\ building ami the

...SEND your laundryhoma by convenient

Railway Express

oth« i >outh < the i ho

It a student patk» any w here « » th« va ticket. Too. to th ■ ■ who tad |. n-gUipenalty is a dollar tine payabb at tin a. • •

As the second week pt ;i • t. \ \v. i- or..:. •

bereft olden d to put take- t- id! »ai.- n--lUntil >« su tday only 2o9 ■ ;•« I.«-i ' " •«'campus jtolire. That immn> t «i jamregister and receive permit >.

r their .a.

»nting ofhc'

■i t oiiqil. li jWa.t hmgr; than IN- fa( ounlir» 1 numtm of^taidl - w h.•!«xten*i»w speviab♦t hine ahead of us while w

l t Veabh prvtc J tviss about reaching i

c M i *>. | We'd o<e to see < ...

th* tour wa* to tea.j fight through to a ftnu4i. .

i 'mwe"U>five dayv „f the t. ,

. j > I t DENT tnuv


Sumr invnilivrs of our faculty hir <similar idea alx>ut the Michigan >'News. In |mst years they have i..-.accustomed to picking up a cpy <>f 'State News at the I'ni<>n desk <>r it:New- office.They are taking pajieis for which

students arc required b> pay. and :whi. ii they have not iwii.i a cent.They call up the office and eotn|i ■

U'cause pa|>ers for which they have i.subscribed have not been delivered.


DON'T BEA MOOCHKBSend in the coupon below and keep <

tune with the *Nwinjr of things" at St.ii.

Michigan 6tatc Xcu'$

MKMGAN STATE NEWS8 Union Annrv I aiiifiio


Thtw a

l utMia.v, i*i»nei 5, 18.i5 M1LHIOAIN BlAi'K NEWS

Nursery SchmdHas TransferStudentThere i* n transfer student

Ladies9 Club Uarine Offer .V»r Grid Song

Minw-akr Program VwFeature. Harp.

rlnb 1rece'p-

inthe parlor People*

harp musirMi*-

■T.tnet Wrirrier members tit'. h,I v iti* welrnmed In Prwl- ™«> WARING mmj hi. l..n. Gfe. CM wit , ka .'

dent Mi Stephen Lloyd and F«*WH Sat <•» """*«»» «, CI, fait Naan'", r> ,.. ,„. ,hl. yeor •"' lE» Caa aCat N I C NmA

OfficerstoBeInstalled InStudv Club


registrar's office HeWright, who attendeduniversity nursery 1


24 children

Home Economicsthird a c ade

1 A. Wotor of Wild-Drivr- will be installed•siii» ji? of the F.ast Lun-"h:I'l Study club todayr • i * ion luncheon for:' • ..'i i pa-t pre«i-

■sery school this year.Louise and Nicholmrivin daughters of E. Bthe art department

Michael Bollarhy. Eleanor .1.Prophet, Steven Lamphear aSusann Southwell.Nursery school children all h<

Mechanical* Add TrudeauGroupCampMI ,a Staff To Meet Hen

(lollcge to (rl'tlliiiliwa\ Lab

II a vac I . I isilnrsI firs ire LiMitcdSnyder to t»i\«•

ltm . A . Kiiropcan TalkA^SA*k*Toyvn 'Girls* Room


Yd? ^ vu^



»itr * uraght or oioctncIGH IIMITIO TIME ONLY ADAM


II V Maxhinrt'

Yes, this is the graceful Penthat made a railroad spikelook like a sissy" f-A,

I, to Go (tilNrlHork

»y 2(*>

Staff la Discus*t .allege I'olicies

A ! per*<»t.' i<r; trie payrollV **:. Sure v .tirgr cither drei'.iv i>r imHrccth, inteee«led r

r feaiarm* * iweek mnI ll

- .***evt pari.i

thrmifbaatThU time

TKN $6..A«» rt.KVl ANt.MS I Kfck;f an ad vetOwesneat UUa esar far UsePrim Hriuiv -shop |f n I. p«Mntic«ticsafar Tpe«d» or Tkarwiat *4 within

lour hMv ere will live iM apcrmjAeal wave, free of rhstfr Altiwiomr Mir prupert* and Ma« be pabafter rMle%l cluer* kUImoI lUUilbo

»bfl meeting ai Up m. Wedne

Purpose of the meeting fo tprevent*turn and dwcUMu>n

matter* relating to the problemard policies of the ccriiege

llaun Issues SignDamage H omingPolice Chief Harold Haun

«ued a warning esltda; W pe•on* reaponaibb tor tamfceruvwith perking sign* on Evergreetitreet during the poet week

"Damaging any street sign i .

vioiate>r. <>f ., hv ordmar .» n c.

r'ti*ke.- ti c < ■> . c* ,o». i i.bk lo prmMKoum, Chief H«i •warned yesterday

i Van Vacal fou#»i n> w Waiy mk«

Meaarw*t tatca »r u. thrwtub «k! e«ic\' i 4M. Ami j«tti


MaehineleM 13.00Machine $2.00

>iulily IrBurn-proof r..n.»J I .it* Trrmnurrr K» |M.rt'

Tn I^Urrtion. I.umIa u*fi »f m*> ■ «-i

, Laifcitiff c-.*v ta*es out >! < >o » *or r 104 ll adAgaU A e.fvoonced Moral ,


G- ) and t

to look forMinor m n.DiM. M»*i

"1 ifV. KM.N'.S BV Arinl.VTMKNT

Fife Four MICHIGAN STATE NEWS TiwwUy, October 0, 193!)

opart an Bachman Pleased WithSophomores in Wayne GameOportfolio ,D nT . ,

F* DON ANDERSON BakershoroTakes FirstFoolha 11 If in

Wolverine Leader

fclarming. »• i>«-. >.)'!••• v.'h b..'-tic with the WolverineArc Ihc Spartans of 1M9 rcallv

as bad .is thrv looked Ijit Situr-da*" We doubt it. Admittedl*.they aren't figured to be us goodus last year, but neither are the*as poor a team as thev appeared tobe last weekend. Then why didn'tthev roll up a big score on Wavneas the* were expected to do? Thereare man* answers for that, name¬

ly. over-confidence. Michigan tame

complex, and Inexperieme. I ndollbtcdl*. these were the p«>-

etiological aspects present. But toour minds, the mechanical factorslacking were more important thanthe side

Moekinu Off



Archie Kodros. Michigan captain, will lead the Wolverines intobattle next Saturday against Michigan State. Kodros is a seniorand prospective All-American center.

IVayite Game ProvesGoach s bears


Ball TotingDepressesMentor

Crnnlhwnilr. IlltlrhelnrOiilotiiiiriiiiK in S|uirlmiVirlnrv nvrr Turtur»

Three dnys after the MichiganState-Wayne game Coach CharleyBachman's thoughts were stillhanging in perfect balance. TheSpartan mentor couldn't decidewhether ty be impressed by the

| excellent performance of inssophomores or whether he should 'feel depressed by the poor ball ;

I handling and blocking,

j The State backs fumbled 10times and the blocking was plain¬ly off form, but the play of cei -tain individuals cast a bright spotinto the coach's cvr-

j seemed The Stub- around att.uk75 and five of the Spartans' sev-

ri NTRRS (to WF.I.I

I ing than anything cI coaching stalf was t' the punters The S

Wolverine Pilot Farmers GaspAs DalersRun By


hacks liad

. had I* off

Forest Rvashevski. Michigan quarterback will be at thefur the Wolverines against Slate. A junior. Kvashevftki is a hardblocker and .1 head* field general.

— iiul So theBronx CheerBesoimded

New Y-

Frosli ElevenWorked llanl

Will Sf \l|s


Trojans MedI Ihion Triiln vIf llomc

\i 11» 1 \IT mi Nf 1

I I I I Kl HT %R

1 nt 1 s•. mm k \ 1*11 n ritniu t n



DELLS BALLROOM1111 KM» \\ wiii >. 11»\

Grand Opening Thursday. October 5


4-5:30 - UNION - 10c

Coral GablesFKIDAt MTK, OCTOBER 6th

DANCIMi » Till. 1

50( aum. SOcDAM IX. NMill 11 \ I Al in MOM'M aod tHIRM>A\


I PEOPLE Pkft 25c

r \ss*i «s t 1 it 1

llorm l.oo/t llcf>iiisTall Srllrilllh' I ri»l#T I'luii- IMr line

4guiii»t Spartan*ANN AHBOK *»■ :

Perhaps a good reason wh* theSpartans larked so nun h punt li

lta< hman s orders to use unl* h*eor six different pta*s 'during the

of rounter-strategy for the henrtitol the numerous Wolverine scouts

\ lire sard gain 1* uswall*nothing In xnrere at. hut when II*the gain resulttna ft.on 1 punt,that's read* some thins It hap

knked hall boomeranged hackward toward* the Tartar coal lineafter it hit the ground and re¬

sulted in the break that led lo

duwrya again*! a thud >:•

Penn»y Uania Stole college is! Athletic Honoraryconaidenng establishing a apectai • .. . .

training c«ui» lor truck dmrr. | |f |ff /fold IcstsDelta P*i, national hon-

athletic fraternity. wdi holdfor those male Mudent- **'■lo try for the honoiar*will atait Monday. Oct lit

I Satuplty'* game gave Spartan |j star «ot*hnm<ure material H ij Kennedy and Duar.r Ci wthw :«

the hack field and Howard



I'hone 2-8375 A. F. of M.


Member A. F. M. Phone 2-8381

WHY NOT GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTHThe Bwt Student Muorina. nnd the


americanTederationof musicians


Call Ike Secretory (Ma Carl Dewey • ar t-?tM far Ual af laidm