Download - Start working and living on your own terms. Start Working Wonderfully!

Page 1: Start working and living on your own terms. Start Working Wonderfully!



Page 2: Start working and living on your own terms. Start Working Wonderfully!


..entrepreurial, curious, creative and brave. You have the feeling that your are stuck in your job or may be even in life. You have the plan to take action and start creating a new life for yourself. You want to pursue your dreams but you don’t know how exactly.!

The most important thing is: you are looking for a life where you can get off the beaten track. A life where you decide what you want to work on and where your heart is your compass. Your dream life does not exist yet but you are ready to create it around your passions and talents!

Page 3: Start working and living on your own terms. Start Working Wonderfully!

..two digital nomads who, in 2009, exchanged their corporate lives for a more entrepreneurial one. In 2011 we sold everything we owned and left Holland with our passion for travel and helping others. Since then we have been following our hearts and dreams: we are traveling in a 41-year old VW van from Mexico to Argentina and we do awesome things for and with the people we meet along the way.!

We believe that when you really follow your heart and start doing what you love, you come alive and you are truly free! We have seen that people who are alive and free live not only for themselves but also want to create a better world for the people around them. We have named this way of living Working Wonderfully. And you are about to learn more—>


Page 4: Start working and living on your own terms. Start Working Wonderfully!


We have made a creative online course especially for you! Not just any course, but exactly the course we would have wanted to follow when were trying to figure out how to follow our hearts and chase our dreams. We have put really everything in it: things we discovered, mistakes we learned from and inspiration that helped to push us forward. All the things that enabled us to quit our jobs and live the lives we wanted: without alarm clock, no traffic jams and beneath a coconut tree.!

So, follow your own inner compass and take advantage of this online treasure: twelve weeks of inspiration, learnings, a ton of experience, videos and a weekly assignment, all to help you grow! Every two weeks we have a personal Skype call to check your progress and to ask us anything you want. At the end of this course you are ready to start DOING and we will help you with that last push;)!

Investment: EUR 250,- (exc.) Duration: 12 weeks. Enroll: here

Page 5: Start working and living on your own terms. Start Working Wonderfully!

Looking back on our personal journey we have identified four crucial steps that we have taken. Four steps with their own specific questions, uncertainties and answers (YES!). These four steps are:!

1. Consciousness and Perspective2. Dream and Dare 3. Explore and Discover4. Select and DO!

These four steps are the basis of this online course. They have helped us and many others since then to follow their hearts and they will help you as well. We will explain them in more depth on the next pages so keep reading:)


Page 6: Start working and living on your own terms. Start Working Wonderfully!

STEP 1: PERSPECTIVE AND CONSCIOUSNESS Living your dream life always starts with consciousness. During this first step you will reflect on your life and think about why you do the things you do. Which of the things you do are giving you energy and strength? How often do you do them? Which activities are costing you energy and strength? Why and how often do you do them? You take some distance to reflect on all of these things in order to get ready to dream big and take daring steps.

Page 7: Start working and living on your own terms. Start Working Wonderfully!

STEP 2: DREAM AND DARE What would you like to do before you die? A dramatic but necessary question if you want to discover the things you value in life. We are not talking about getting rich or driving a nice car (if you are looking for that, this is not the course for you). We are talking about what do you want to experience, do, feel, touch, smell and see?? Why are you here? What are you going to do with the remaining time you have on this beautiful planet? Once you know this, you can start to explore how to live these dreams.

Page 8: Start working and living on your own terms. Start Working Wonderfully!

STEP 3: EXPLORE AND DISCOVER What are things you are passionate about? And what are the things you are good at? How can we combine these two in order to ensure you get to execute all your dreams? We will help you to (re)discover your talents. Not the things your boss needs or your mom likes. No, the things you are good at and that come from deep inside you. The answers to these questions will launch you into the last step!

Page 9: Start working and living on your own terms. Start Working Wonderfully!

STAP 4: SELECT AND DO! Enough with the experimenting for now. This is the part of the program you have been working towards. It is time to put everything together: your dreams, your talents, your passions, your fears, everything. You will select the life you really want to lead and how you want to do it. We will ensure you have the right tools to take the first stepts in this new direction with a bit more certainty. You are ready to take the jump, just walk to the edge and DO it!!

Page 10: Start working and living on your own terms. Start Working Wonderfully!

Investmeney: EUR 250,- (exc.) Duration: 12 weeks. NOW: the first month for only 50,- euro.

Fantastic ideas and awesome plans for a new life: guaranteed!







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