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Standards Conformance Testing and M&S Web Services

Bernard P. Zeigler, Ph.D.,Arizona Center for Integrative Modeling and


Joint Interoperability Test CommandFort Huachuca, AZ 85613-7051

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• Role of Standards Conformance Testing in Net-Centric T&E

– JITC responsibility for Link-16 standards conformance testing

– Link-16: Challenges to implementation and testing

– M&S–based Automated Test Case Generation

– Application to Link-16 in the IABM SIAP Context

• Service Oriented Architecture: M&S-based Testing Services

– Link-16 standards conformance testing

– certification for GIG deployable services

– exposing M&S-based T&E assets as services

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Net-Centric Test and Evaluation: Some Assertions

Net-Centric T&E

• places an increased emphasis on standards conformance testing (SCT)– SCT will be the first gate before more extensive T&E

– necessary, but not sufficient, for interoperability and mission effectiveness

• performed on distributed net-centric test-bed infrastructure – Global Information Grid (GIG)

– provide on-site or downloadable SCT packages

• emphasizes services rather than systems – testing of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

– GIG enterprise services

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JITC is the Responsible Test Organization for Tactical Data Link Standards

• Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) is responsible for ensuring systems that implement Tactical Data Link* (TDL) – are interoperable and– in compliance with the applicable joint standards

• This is accomplished by conducting the following types of tests: – Joint / NATO /Combined Interoperability – Performance Assessment in Operational Environments – Standards Validation – Standards Conformance

• JITC employs a variety of tools that provide its analysts the ability to evaluate TDL system performance in both the lab and live environments.

source: * Link 11/11B/16 and Variable Message Format (VMF)

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Link-16: Challenges to Implementation and Testing

Joint Single Link Implementation Requirements Specification JSLIRS is an evolving standard (MIL-STD-6016c) for tactical data

link information exchange and networked command/control of radar systems

• Presents significant challenges to automated conformance testing:– The specification document states requirements in natural language– open to ambiguous interpretations– The document is voluminous – many interdependent chapters and appendixes– labor intensive and prone to error– potentially incomplete and inconsistent.

• Problem: how to ensure that a certification test procedure – is traceable back to specification– completely covers the requirements– can be consistently replicated across the numerous contexts– military service, inter-national, and commercial companies

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Benefits of Formalization and Automation

• Provides traceability to original specification

• Reduces ambiguity from textual specification

• Facilitates integrating Modeling & Simulation into the testing process

• Enables testing of complex:– Standards– Systems– Functions– Families of systems

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SIAP/IABM —Successor to Link-16

• SIAP (Single Integrated Air Picture) Goal: Improve the adequacy and fidelity of information to form a shared understanding of tactical situation

• Integrated Architecture Behavior Model (IABM) requires that all sensors utilize a standard reference frame for conveying information about the location of targets.

• Developed by the Joint SIAP System Engineering Organization (JSSEO), Arlington, Va., a sub-office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology.


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Automated Test Case Generator (ATC-Gen)

• IABM is an extension of Link-16 developed in HLA environment and requires HLA simulation-based testing

• JITC has taken the initiative to integrate modeling and simulation into the automation of the testing process

• Funded the development of Automated Test Case Generator (ATC-Gen) led by ACIMS using DEVS (Discrete Event System Specification) technology.

• In R&D of two years, proved the feasibility and the general direction

• First major test of IABM – Config05 – ATC-Gen is the basis for testing link-16 and extended IABM requirements

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Discrete Event Nature of Link-16 Specification



Modify C2Record for TN

1 2 3


Stop, Do Nothing,Alerts, Or jump to other




Validity checking


Other ConsequentProcessing

Jumps (stimuli) to other

Transactions of specification

Transaction Level - example P.1.2 = Drop Track Transmit

Preparation Processing



Input to


Output from



t2 t


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ATC Gen Goals & Approach

Goals: • To increase the productivity and effectiveness of standards conformance testing (SCT) at Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC)• To apply systems theory, modeling and simulation concepts, and current software technology to (semi-)automate portions of conformance testing

Objective: Automate Testing

Capture Specification as If-Then Rules in XML

Analyze Rules to Extract I/O Behavior

Synthesize DEVS Test Models

Test Driver Executes Models to Induce

Testable Behavior in System Under Test (SUT)


DEVS Simulator

Test Driver




Interact With SUT Over Middleware

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ATC Gen Tool• Standard to XML Translation

– Analyst interprets the requirements text to extract state variables and rules, where rules are written in the form:

IfIf P is true now ConditionCondition

ThenThen do action A later ConsequenceConsequence

UnlessUnless Q occurs in the interim ExceptionException

• Dependency Analysis & Test Generation– Dependency Analyzer (DA)Dependency Analyzer (DA) determines the relationship

between rules by identifying shared state variables– Test Model GeneratorTest Model Generator converts Analyst defined test

sequences to executable simulation models

• Test Driver– Test DriverTest Driver interacts with and connects to SUT via HLA or

Simple J interfaces to perform conformance testing– Validated against legacy test tools

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Capturing the Link-16 Standard in XML

Appendix P

Appendix U

Section 4.11.13

Appendix D


Appendix PAppendix U

Section 4.11.13

Appendix D



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Appendix P

Appendix U

Section 4.11.13

Appendix D




Rule AnalysisExtract I/O Behaviors

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ResponderNnot specified>


D., D.>


Automatic Generation of Path File (Text)

Test SequenceManually Derive & Create Paths

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Test Sequence

Appendix P

Appendix U

Section 4.11.13

Appendix D




Completed Path File

Test SequenceValidation & Generation


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Test Sequence with Assigned Values




Test CaseGeneration

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#include "hierSequence.h"#include "PPLI.h"#include "RemoteTNdrop.h" const port_t hierSeqDigraph::start=0;const port_t hierSeqDigraph::inJmsg=1;const port_t hierSeqDigraph::pass=2;const port_t hierSeqDigraph::outJmsg=3; hierSeqDigraph::hierSeqDigraph():staticDigraph(){ PPLI *pp = new PPLI(); add(pp); couple(this, this->start, pp, pp->start); couple(pp, pp->outJmsg, this, this->outJmsg); RemoteTNdrop *p1 = new RemoteTNdrop(); add(p1); couple(this, this->start, p1, p1->start); couple(this, this->inJmsg, p1, p1->inJmsg); couple(p1, p1->outJmsg, this, this->outJmsg);}

Test Case

Test Model



Test ModelValidation & Generation

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Test Model (C++)

#include "hierSequence.h"#include "PPLI.h"#include "RemoteTNdrop.h" const port_t hierSeqDigraph::start=0;const port_t hierSeqDigraph::inJmsg=1;const port_t hierSeqDigraph::pass=2;const port_t hierSeqDigraph::outJmsg=3; hierSeqDigraph::hierSeqDigraph():staticDigraph(){ PPLI *pp = new PPLI(); add(pp); couple(this, this->start, pp, pp->start); couple(pp, pp->outJmsg, this, this->outJmsg); RemoteTNdrop *p1 = new RemoteTNdrop(); add(p1); couple(this, this->start, p1, p1->start); couple(this, this->inJmsg, p1, p1->inJmsg); couple(p1, p1->outJmsg, this, this->outJmsg);}

Test ModelExecution

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Extending M&S-Based T&E to the GIG

• Migrate ATC-Gen capability to the GIG-SOA

– accessible to all developers requiring Link-16 conformance testing and certification

– enable self-tests for Link-16 standards conformance– expose Link-16 XML-rule repository as authorized reference model– register ATC-Gen test capabilities as web services

• Extend M&S-Based automated testing

– provide mission thread testing for GIG deployable services – certify transitions through the stages of DISA’s Federated Distributed

Certification Environment

• Expose M&S-based T&E assets as services

– experimental frame components: generators, acceptors, transducers– exploit DEVS reusability support– characterize services for discovery and reuse

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• Organized according to MIL-STD-6016C macro-structure hierarchy

• Folders store aggregations/abstractions of lower level rules

• MIL-STD-6016C Reference Model

– Removes ambiguity – Annotates problems areas, improving the

ability to find and fix issues– Provides organization for indexing states,

rules, and variables– Supports test generation and executable

rule construction

Link-16 XML Repository Web-Service Asset

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Transferring DEVS-based Testing Methodology to SOA

DEVS Simulator

DEVS Model



Communication: RTI

HLA Service Discovery: UDDI

DEVS Simulator

DEVS Model

Sevice Description: WSDL



Communication: HTTP


• DEVS-based Testing Methodology readily migrates to SOA environment as shown below

• In particular, the ATC-Gen Test Driver can be offered as a service for Link-16 conformance self-test

• Further, the methodology can be applied to other test and evaluation contexts

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Automating Mission Thread/Vignettes for GES Testing

• Objective – automate to the maximum extent the definition of mission threads/vignettes and the generation of test services based on them

• Enable COI and community wide service users and developers to easily write threads/scenarios in (restricted) Natural Language form

• Interacting with such users/developers, implement these scenarios with DEVS test federation models that can execute over Core ES

• Mission thread/Vignette scenario testing applies objectives-driven testing to all service levels and throughout service offering life cycle

• Repository can support re-use and re-application for regression testing to preserve service behavior under continual change in SOA environment

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Mission Thread Testing Applies to all Service Levels and Throughout Service Offering Life Cycle

CORE Enterprise Services

COI Enterprise Services

Community-wide Enterprise Services

Mission T

hreads enable objectives driven testing at every developm

ent level

Mission Threads enableobjectives driven testingthroughout service offeringlife-cycle

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NLP Mission Thread Scenario Generation

JTAC working with FourthInfDiv….…USNAircraft gets deconfliction from


Parser outputs taggedequivalent of input


Transformto System Entity Structure

(actor = JTAC, action = work, actee = FourthInfDiv)….(actor = JTAC, action = requests, message = ImmediatCAS, actee = DirectAirSuppAirborne)….

Restricted Natural Language form of Mission Thread Scenario Specification

Scenarioin XML

Transformto DEVS

DEVS Test Driverfor NCESMission Threads

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Example: Joint Close Air Support Scenario

JCAS JMT Operational Scenario #1

A.     Special Operations Force (SOF) (AFSOC and NSW) JTAC working with Operational Detachment-Alpha (ODA) is tasked to request Immediate CAS on a stationary mechanized target in mountainous terrain.  A Predator unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is on station for support.

B.      SOF JTAC contacts AWACS with request.  AWACS passes the request to Special Operations Liaison Element (SOLE) in the Combine Air Operations Center (CAOC).  

C.      Joint Special Operations Task Force (JSOFT) approves the request and CAOC assigns a section of USMC F/A-18Ds, F-15Es, and a single B-1B.  Ordnance consists of 20mm, Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs), and Laser Guided Bombs (LGBs).

D. Aircraft get situational brief from AWACS aircraft while in route, then switch to SOF JTAC for Terminal Attack Control and deconfliction from orbiting UAV.  A 9-Line brief will be given to each section/single aircraft.  JTAC will continue to execute CAS missions until all weapons are expended.   

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NLP Test Generation Example: Joint Close Air Support Scenario

JTAC works with ODA!JTAC is supported by a Predator!JTAC requests ImmediateCAS to AWACS !AWACS passes requestImmediateCAS to CAOC! CAOC assigns USMCAircraft to JTAC!CAOC sends readyOrder to USMCAircraft !USMCAircraft sends sitBriefRequest to AWACS !AWACS sends sitBrief to USMCAircraft !USMCAircraft sends requestForTAC to JTAC !JTAC sends TACCommand to USMCAircraft !USMCAircraft sends deconflictRequest to UAV!USMCAircraft gets targetLocation from UAV!!


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DEVS-based Web-Services Testing

NCES/GIG DEVS Test Federation




DEVS Simulator





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JCAS JMT Operational Scenario #1

A.     Special Operations Force (SOF) (AFSOC and NSW) JTAC working with Operational Detachment-Alpha (ODA) is tasked to request Immediate CAS on a stationary mechanized target in mountainous terrain.  A Predator unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is on station for support.

B.      SOF JTAC contacts AWACS with request.  AWACS passes the request to Special Operations Liaison Element (SOLE) in the Combine Air Operations Center (CAOC).

C.      Joint Special Operations Task Force (JSOFT) approves the request and CAOC assigns a section of USMC F/A-18Ds, F-15Es, and a single B-1B.  Ordnance consists of 20mm, Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs), and Laser Guided Bombs (LGBs).

D. Aircraft get situational brief from AWACS aircraft while in route, then switch to SOF JTAC for Terminal Attack Control and deconfliction from orbiting UAV.  A 9-Line brief will be given to each section/single aircraft.  JTAC will continue to execute CAS missions until all weapons are expended.   

Web Service:

Find aircraft availablefor CAS given coordin-ates and time frame.

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M&S-Based T&E Services on the SOA:Experimental Frame Repository

• Compose EF from generator, acceptor, and transducer components in repository

• Characterize functionalities using M&S Theory and WSDL

• Support composability based on migration of DEVS technology to SOA Generator




Generator Acceptor Transducer

Experimental Frame



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Example: Synthetic Environment Repository

Experimental Frames needed for Testing Objectives

Environmental and Standards Reference Models available for use in Testing

Experimental Frame Partial Order

Experimental Frame- Model Applicability Relations

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Summary and Conclusions

There is an acute need for a new Net-centric testing paradigm at the enterprise level where joint and coalition operations are conducted (Editorial, ITEA Jnl, Sept, 2005)

• Net-Centric T&E places an increased emphasis on standards conformance self-testing over the GIG-SOA and emphasizes services rather than systems

• Due to its formal and abstract basis, the DEVS functionality migrates quite directly to execute over the web-services middleware based on XML and SOAP

• This extension enables semi-automated construction of DEVS test federations for verification testing of a wide variety of proposed web services:

– ATC-Gen Link-16 and other TDL standards conformance self testing– Mission thread or vignette scenario specification using natural language input

can replace Link-16 style standards formalization as the source input for test case generation

• M&S-based T&E services can exploit experimental frame methodology

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Bernard P. [email protected]


More information:

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