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Page 1: Stagg Line 2010-11 Issue 5

the Stagg LineHome of tHe Delta Kings

01.28.11VOL. 54 NO. 5ON THE WEB

staggonline.netResolution video


THAT RELIGIOUS GUY discusses friend-ship in the age of Facebook, Twitter, and Skype.FANATICAL FAITH examines compromises and how they can bet-ter a relationship.

INSIDE THE ISSUEFour Loko dangers

the Stagg Line

NSPA Hall of Fame newspaper

Amos Alonzo Stagg High School

1621 Brookside Rd.Stockton, Calif. 95207


ITT Tech Field TripThere will be an ITT Tech field trip on Feb. 9 for graduating seniors. See Susan Suarez in the career center for more information.

SIP RecruitmentStudents In Prevention is looking for sopho-mores to become drug education and preven-tion educators. See Judy Rauzi for more information.

Up With EducationA Student Financial Aid and College Awareness Workshop will take place on Sunday, Jan. 30 at Pacific. Registra-tion starts at 8 a.m. This is for all grades.

FAFSAFor state universities, the FAFSA will be due by midnight, March 2. Private universities may have different dead-lines, so check with the individual college.

Basketball gameThere will be a JV boys basketball game today at Edison at 5:30 p.m. The Varisty game will follow at 7:15 p.m. Stu-dents will need to bring their ID’s.

Annamarie Rodriguez

Tomanyteens,agrandparentistherela-tivewhobakesthemcookiesorbringspres-entswhen theycome to town.But to thestudents in thespecialeducationclasses,agrandparentplaysaverydifferentrole. Volunteers known as “grandmas” and“grandpas” lend a helping hand to aboutfour special ed classrooms on campus.Thesegrandparentscomeregularlytohelpstudentswiththeireverydaytasks. “BeinghereatStagghasbeenrewardingtoseethemgroweverydayandlearnnewthings,”volunteerKathyThompsonsaid. These grandmas and grandpas wentthrough a program operated by ValleyMountain Regional Center. In order toqualify,theymustbe55yearsofageorold-er,getaphysical,andgetassignedtoahighschool. AllofthisisapartoftheFosterGrand-parent Program, which gives the elderly achance to work with children and adoles-centswithdevelopmental andmental dis-abilities. Thegrandparentsworkeverydayforfourhoursassistingtheteachersandgivingstu-dentspersonalizedassistanceandindividu-alized instruction. This allows students tohaveoneononehelpwithmath,reading,andotherwork. According to the California Depart-mentofDevelopmentalServicesbrochure,grandparents receive one meal per day onduty,paidholidays,sickandvacationtime,an annual health appraisal, and a tax ex-emptstipend,orafixedmonetarypayment. At first the grandparents were nervousabout working with the young adults. “Iwasanxiousandreadytostartworkingherewith the younger students,” Thompsonsaid. “I hadworked at a retirementhomebefore.” Butthatsoonchanged. Thegrandmasandgrandpasareassignedtwostudentstoguideandlookafterforthewholeyear.However,theirmentoringisn’t

limitedtotheirassignedstudents.“Wehelpeveryonebutespecially the twoweareas-signed,”AvelinaAbellana,volunteer,said. The grandparents helpwith everything that thestudents need in schoolsuchasreading,writingleg-ibly, and math. They alsotake the students out intothecommunitysotheycandevelop life skills and getused to interacting withpeople. Witheachstudent’sIndi-vidualServicePlaninmind,the grandparents work toachieve the goals set byVMRC. They go to placeslikethemovies,grocerystore,andshoppingcenter. It isbecausetheycandoactivitiessuchasthisthattheyconsiderthestudentsveryfortunate. “Thiscountry,youngkidsareverylucky

with all the facilities and programs,” saidAlbertoAcosta. As much as the students learn from

them,thegrandparentsgainalotfromthestudents aswell.Thompsonfinds thewaytheykeepgoingdespitewhattheirdisabili-ties inspirational. “To think about my ill-ness andwhat’swrongwithme, and theydon’tletanythinggetintheirway.”

It isbecauseof thismutuallybeneficialrelationship that the bond between stu-dents and the grandparents is especiallystrong,accordingtoAbellana. “We make them feel that they belong,give them love, and make them feel asthoughtheyarenormal,”Acostasaid. The students are more intelligent thansome may give them credit for, accordingto the grandparents. Students in this spe-cialedclasscandrawfrommemoryandusethecomputer.Someareparticularlygoodatmemorizingsciencefacts.“Whattheydon’thaveinspeech,theyovercomewithartandcomputerskills,”Acostasaid. What these grandparents are really try-ing to do is prepare students for life aftergraduation.Theywillbereadyforthenextstepoflife,whichformanyofthesespecialneeds students is aprogramcalledProjectLife. The program teaches students, typi-callyaged18to21,morelifeskills,whichprepares themfor the futureandan inde-pendentadulthood.

Lending a helping handVolunteers work with

special needs students as part of new


Being here at Stagg has been rewarding to see them grow every day and learn new things.”


“Avelina Abellana (volunteer) helps a student read one of the children’s books during one of their class sessions. Grandparents work every day for four hours one-on-one with the students in math, reading, and other lifelong skills they will need in the future as part of the Foster Grandparents program.

photo by Michelle Pheav

What will they be used for and when will they work? Teachersandadministrativestaffwillbeabletousethemodems.Thiswirelesssystemisintendedtobeacheaperandmoreefficientalternativetospeedingupthenet-work.They will be active near the end of February.

How were they paid for?Thefundsarepartofagrantthatthedistrictappliedfor.Thee-ratefundingisgearedtowardsaspectsoftechnologyandentertainment.

Are the black monitors in classrooms related? What are they for? Themonitorsarealsopartofe-ratefundingandwillbeusedincaseofanemergencycrisis.Inthefuturetheyplantousethemformul-timediapurposes,suchasbulletinannouncementsinsteadofusingtheintercom.

Students have noticed the new wireless modems and

monitors, which were part of the initiative to speed up the District’s network, but were

unsure of their purpose.

Graphic by Michelle Pheav

Page 2: Stagg Line 2010-11 Issue 5

Opinion2 01.28.11

the Stagg Line


SUSD restricts combined formal

It was advertised as the 2010 must-have item – sleek, af-fordable, and stylish. Revolu-

tionary and user-friendly. The miracle device in question is none other than the Delta King Card, a product manufactured by The Administration Inc. Touted as an award for exceptional Cali-fornia Standardized Test scores, the customized card was the subject of rumors boasting of its incredible features. As quickly as the halls filled with gossip of the card’s release, however, horror stories began materializing. Disappointed owners reported that the Delta King Card’s machin-ery was faulty. Apparently its “Off Campus Pass” mode was only good for two uses before it began breaking down. TAI, on the other hand, officially denied such reports, claiming that it was a case of mistaken identity: consumers were not using the Delta King Card but its less extravagant counterpart, the Brown and Gold card, which only allows individuals to leave campus twice. Still, troubles with going off campus marked a slow descent in the gadget’s performance. Fans of past merchandise from TAI hoped to use the “Free Athletic Events” function to bypass the entrance fee to the first home game in the new stadium. They were sadly disappointed since, having come with no instruction manual, the Delta King Card’s features were difficult to use. Being a Stagg product, the card had to have strings attached. This particular tool is only valid for games approved by TAI, which unfortunately does a very poor job in notifying clients which sporting events qualify. With mechanical errors harming the Delta King Card’s reputation, one would think that TAI would have programmed at least one feature to work correctly, right? Well, the “Discounted Yearbook Purchase” option misses the mark on this expectation. Having had insufficient communication with TAI, the yearbook manufacturers are unable to

lower the price of their product, fearing a loss of profit. Instead, they have opted to provide an extension of the December price of $70 until the end of January to apologize to customers. A high-ranking TAI executive claims that such a maneuver is technically a discount. Sadly, this special price of $70, which is oh so affordable to the average impoverished student on free lunch, applies to all custom-ers, not just wielders of the Delta King Card. Therefore, the Delta King Card’s value is further diminished since one need not have it to be blessed with this “discount.” Want a cheap sweater? Evidently, there’s an app for that. But it doesn’t work. The fashionable individuals at Stagg will surely be disappointed as, like with the yearbooks, the “Discount on ASB Stagg Clothing” tool is virtually out of order. The Associated Student Body reports that it will not be marking down any shirts, sweats, or mesh shorts because revenues are important and TAI did not adequately discuss the matter ahead of time. About the only Delta King Card features that don’t to-tally disappoint are the “Free Dance Admissions,” “Get out of Deten-tion,” and “Get out of Homework” options. Of course, they do have hidden rates and conditions. Like with free athletic events, free dance admission is only granted at pre-approved dances. TAI fails to realize that dances are rare and often cancelled, leaving free dance admission a tool that works but can’t really be used for much. With the other two features, reactions are mixed; some say they work and others say they don’t. There are students who have escaped the clutches of a detention and those who didn’t have to turn in a worksheet for homework. Then again, there are also individuals who were unable to get out of spending time in M1 and those who could not utilize the “Get out of Homework” pass in a certain AP English course… (Not that those students would ever try such a thing!) The most innovative aspect about the Delta King Card is that it was designed as a reward for high performing students with remarkable CST scores. This product was a great idea since it catered to an often marginalized group of individuals at Stagg. Its subsequent execution, however, was a failure. Rather than being a sign of the administrator’s appreciation, the memory of the Delta King Card will forever be mocked as an empty reward, tangled in red tape and disappointment.

Trust needs to be earned. It is never easy to place one’s confidence in another, let alone a collective group

of adolescents. Stockton Unified School District has learned this lesson after having been shaken by bloody, often gang-related conflicts that have taken place on and off campuses. Though acting with concern for our safety, SUSD fails to realize that people are innocent until proven guilty, that the actions of a few should not be an excuse to condemn the whole. Under the shadow of fear, SUSD has un-fortunately ruled against having a combined winter formal at Stagg with all the compre-hensive high schools, believing that the risk of violence was too great. Still, Stagg will be hosting a dance with the Institute of Busi-ness Management and Law, which we con-sider to be an opportunity to demonstrate that students can overcome interschool rivalries through an evening of socializing and amusement. The concept of a combined winter formal originated from two sources on campus: Principal Bill Parks and Martin Bagnasco. Sadly, the district rejected the idea in light of the recent shootings where several stu-

dents lost their lives. Parks decided to resort to an alternative plan, which SUSD approved, opening the Stagg winter formal to the smaller high schools. He reasoned that these institutions cannot afford holding dances and that there exists no considerable rivalry between Delta Kings and students from any of the smaller high schools. IBML, however, was the only one who accepted the invitation. In reality, a student’s life is already full of interactions with peers from the differ-ent high schools. . Athletes from IBML regularly play sports on teams with Delta Kings. Stagg students in turn attend plays or concerts at Chavez. At these different func-tions, frequent integration has diminished interschool animosity. Besides, it is highly unlikely that students who pay $25 to attend a dance will be will-ing to ruin their experience by starting a fight. After all the hard work involving sav-ing money for the event, selecting an outfit, and getting a date, causing violence seems unreasonable. As an added safeguard, stu-dents with a history of suspensions and bad behavior can be prevented from going to the dance.

SUSD has decided to err on the side of caution because of unfounded apprehen-sion. Yet uncertainty and hesitation are not valid reasons to separate students from each

other, which is essentially what is being done. Put another way, the district refuses to trust the student body, believing we are unable to act civilly or respectfully.

Art by Tiffany Pech

Jeremy Dela Cruz

the Stagg LineAmos Alonzo Stagg High School

1621 Brookside Rd.Stockton, CA 95207

(209) 933-7445 ext. 8487

The Stagg Line newspaper is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association and the California Newspaper Publishers Association.

Awards and recognitions include the following: X 16 consecutive NSPA All-American rankings X NSPA Hall of Fame, 2005 X NSPA National Pacemaker six times X NSPA First-Place Best of Show five times X JEA Impact Award, 2002

Stagg Line student journalists have won many awards and scholarships over the years,

including California Journalist of the Year, National Story of the Year, and

National Photo of the Year.

The Stagg Line newspaper is published monthly and distributed free of charge to students and faculty.

Our newspaper is a long-standing open forum for free student expression. Student editors and reporters make content and style decisions with

the adviser offering guidance. Editorials reflect the view of the entire editorial board and therefore are unsigned. Opinion columns reflect the view of the writer. Readers are welcomed to write letters to the editor. We will make every effort to print any

letter as long as it is not libelous. Letters longer than 250 words may be edited. Unsigned letters will be

printed only in unusual circumstances, and only when we know who the writer is. Letters may be

brought to the newspaper room, A-8, or emailed to [email protected]

Chelsea ColluraEditor-in-Chief

Lissette RodriguezEditor-in-Chief

Don BottAdviser

Claire SchefferNews Editor

Mikeala AxtonOpinion Editor

Missy Rae MagdaleraFeatures Editor

Alisya MoraEntertainment Editor

Taylor HurlesSports Editor

Michelle PheavGraphics Editor

Erica TrevinoPhoto Editor

Xe XiongWeb/Multimedia Editor

Kristin AcevedoCopy Editor

Jeremy Dela CruzBlog Editor

Annamarie Cunningham

Harmony Evangelisti

Faith Harris

Damon Heine

Nicole Lawrence

Jera Machuca

Gabriella Miller

Tiffany Pech

Annamarie Rodriguez

Reanna Rodriguez

Seyma Tap

Mia Torres

Card promises rewards, produces frustrations

“It’s a letdown. They need to

be more specific. It’s kind of

like reading between the lines.

It’s false advertising.”

“It’s kind of frustrating. They

already said (you can go off

campus), but some security

stop you.”

Graphic by Michelle Pheav

Page 3: Stagg Line 2010-11 Issue 5

Opinion01.28.11 3the Stagg Line

Music offers escape

It’s one of those days again, when music is your only friend. A guitar blasts into one

of my earbuds as Matt Goods of From First To Last sings in the other. “If you’re with me, we’ll send the critics to Hell with the sound of our voices.” I smile. I feel so safe when I listen to music. So secure. I would die without my iPod.

I’m in love with music with meaningful words. Words that touch. They may hurt, but they touch. That’s what counts.

I walk down the hallway, try-ing to dodge security. Looking around with shifting eyes, I bump into my friend. We walk around campus, talking. As I listen to her, I feel the heat of someone’s gaze.

Hmm. I wonder why she’s giving me a disgusted look. Was there something wrong with my hair? I hate it when it gets all frizzy... A few girls give me the once-over and then roll their eyes. “I seriously hate emos.”

What?!“I know. If they’re so depressed

with life, they should just cut their wrists and die.” Another sneers. “Maybe there’d be less idiots in this world.”

They all exchange fits of laughter and walk off. Shaking my head, I walk a little faster as Ruth struggles to catch up. We sit down. Another group of kids look at us with intimidated expressions glazed over their faces. In a shaky voice, one of them whispers to an-other to ask if they could sit with us. The other shakes her head. “No. Emos are intimidating.”

I try to shrug it off but the words stick. Intimidating. De-pressed. Idiot. Freaky hair.

I shouldn’t be surprised. I remember going to a mandatory workshop at school called Point Break. Everyone participated in this one activity called “Cross the line” in which we crossed a line if the statement being told applied to us. One of the volunteers asked for everyone who has ever ridi-culed, bullied, has been bullied, or refrained from talking to someone who was in a certain stereotype, such as, dare I say, “emo.” In the end, everyone promised to never “judge someone by how they looked like ever again.” The first few days after a workshop, everyone was caring. But after the weekend, everyone was back to being their stereotyping, ridiculing selves.

No one wants to be ridiculed for being who they want to be. Shouldn’t 4.5 billion years of adapting, creating, living teach all humans to be able to accept each other for who they are? The average person usually tells four lies a day or 1460 a year. A total of 87,000 are told when they’re 60. And guess what the most com-mon lie is?

“I’m fine.”Consider the girl you’ve known

since first grade, unable to be friends just because people would laugh at you because she’s “weird” and you’re a jock. Your friends would simply laugh at the fact. So you refrain from having contact with her.

No, that is not “fine.”Black, White, Asian, Hispanic,

male, female, prep, emo, hip-ster, jock, nerd, goth, gangster, scenester, skater, metalhead, indie, outcast, cheerleader, gay, straight, bisexual. None of that should matter.

So what if you’re best friends with the nerd even if you’re popu-lar. Maybe that girl with the jet-black hair covering her eyes isn’t as intimidating as you thought she would be. Do anyone’s insides and outsides really match up? Do what you want to. Try not to let their words affect you. Of course, that can be hard.

It’s only human nature to crave a sense of belonging. We just can’t help it. Maybe that’s why I listen to music, drowning out the conversations around me that all circulate around ridicule and stereotypes. Maybe I listen to it because my thoughts just sound better in songs I didn’t sing since I’m hopelessly uncreative. It’s the safety I feel when I realize the singer has the same feelings I

do about society’s deterioration. Headphones on, world off.

The only times when I feel absolutely safe are when I’m in my bedroom doing nothing, listen-ing to my iPod, or in water. Like the bottom of a swimming pool, for instance. Weightless. Peace-ful. Alone. Just the simple act of being.

I go to class and see all of these kids bonding together. Kids I don’t fit in with. I wish I could talk to them without being told to “mind my own business.”

Later on, I get home, still thinking. Those moments when I am alone, I think. A lot. “Maybe I should just change myself. Conform, perhaps.” The room is so silent, but my mind is so loud. It drives me crazy because I start to think about all the thoughts I’ve been trying to ignore. I really should change. I wish I could be the pretty girl with curly hair, confident with herself, happy. But I’m not.

I am only the shy girl in class.I am obscure.I am lonely.I am apparently “emo.”I never chose to be labeled this

way. It’s just how I dress and act. I’m nothing compared to what I wish to be. I will never win in this judgmental world.

Those moments when I start to think deep, I sit up straight. A real person wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing right now. Strug-gling for words like a desperate panhandler. Begging for change. I don’t want to have to contemplate whether to be myself or some-thing I’m not. No one should have to forget who they really are.

As Matt Goods best said in the song “The Latest Plague.” “Fake faces everywhere I see. Fake people looking back at me. Sit down, don’t tell me. Don’t tell me where I don’t belong.”

Music is powerful. And some-times, it’s your only resort to stay away from judgment.

His irresistible voice. His bubbly beats. His unforgettable lyrics. His

luscious locks that sway across his face. What isn’t there to love about Justin Bieber? Admit it. When you first heard “Baby,” you laughed and said how stupid it was, but then you heard it on the radio a few more times and suddenly it was stuck in your brain forever. You found yourself singing it, unable to stop. This phenomenon, called Bieber Fever, has seemed to plague our youth for the past few months and I am sad to say that I have been having the sniffles. I will be the first to admit that he is no John Lennon, no Elvis Presley, and no Elton John. He is superficial, poppy teeny bopper trash, but you cannot tell me that every person who listened to the Beatles was in love with the music. Sometimes, it is all about the fad. And the fad right now happens to be teens singing about angst. He has joined the ranks of The Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, and Demi Lovato, Disney Channel babies forcing their music down our throats. Yet, they got on Dis-ney’s radar for a reason. For some reason, a talent agent saw them and saw something they could sell. This is the problem some people have with Justin Bieber and his crew of teen singers. They are superficial selling machines that have been produced, follow-ing a formula, to make us all fall for them. They have no heart, no soul, not even enough heartache to write a good break-up song about. They sing about things that they don’t really do. Miley Cyrus seemed so super-ficial and stupid when she sang a song about loving to listen to Jay-Z and then telling a reporter that she doesn’t even like him, but what do I care. Nobody is paying her to be a music histo-rian; they are paying her to make cutesy teenage music that will make all the girls dance. In that, she has succeeded wholeheartedly. You get what you get with Miley Cyrus. She doesn’t try to pretend that she is more than she is. Their music may be stupid

and mean nothing to them, but sometimes, that is exactly what the world needs, something to dance to. When I have had a hard day at school, I do not want to go home and listen to a depress-ing, soul searching Elvis Costello song about the loss of a girl called “Alison.” I just want something that I can put on and not have to think about. Something that makes me forget my troubles and makes me feel good as I think about Justin Bieber just trying to make me smile. So what if Miley Cyrus doesn’t really listen to Jay-Z and Demi Lovato writes songs about hat-ing fake celebri-ties, while being one. The point of them is not to be substantial. They will not be remembered 20 years from now, but not ev-erything we listen to will be. Some-times you just need to live in the mo-ment and listen to light and fluffy music that makes you feel good.

Good smile? Check. Fairly attractive? Check. Medio-cre vocals? Check. Wait

– FLIPPY HAIR? For the love of God, someone get a microphone in their hand, we’ve got our next big star! Okay, so maybe that’s not quite how the selection process works out. But in looking at today’s pop hit makers (like the infamous Justin Bieber) it’s hard to imagine much less than a com-mercial checklist. When it comes to people like Bieber and Miley Cyrus, I hesi-tate to use the term “musicians,” a word that would certainly fit if they made real music. Yes, they make music. Yes, it does sell. But virtually anything can be called music, and what they create is a loose, loose definition of the term. Their music lacks passion and real meaning. When Miley was asked about the “Jay-Z song” she mentions in her hit “Party in the U.S.A.,” she admitted to not even listening to Jay-Z. So if the lyrics don’t mean anything, how can the music be taken seriously? “Par-

ty…” is a hit for a reason – it’s ridiculously catchy,

much like many of Bieber’s songs, but that doesn’t mean much. That isn’t to say that every artist needs to have the depth of

Bob Dylan or the life experience of Johnny Cash, but

it seems the ones

that do have this depth outlast the 15 minutes of fame (here, a moment of silence for the Jonas Brothers’ career). Bieber’s music feels more like a vehicle for fame and money than music for the sake of passion. It lacks substance and is ultimately made to sell, not for the sake of creating, making it hard to label these pop stars as any kind of “artist.” A large part of these musi-cians’ popularity is their image. It’s difficult to imagine catching a case of “Bieber Fever” if he were unattractive. To that end, it seems his fans come for the sweeping hair and stay despite the mediocre music. Image plays a larger part in their fame than musicianship. But this is music, not model-ing. And while some stars can be both, pop stars like Selena Gomez and Bieber have more going for them in the looks department than anything musically. I’d like to say all those artists are entirely untalented and unde-serving of their armies of teen and pre-teen girls, but I can’t. Because these kids work hard, shame-lessly self-pimping at every turn, and slapping their name on any feasible object for sale. But all (accurate) kidding aside, Bieber and Cyrus aren’t untalented. They’re simply not

talented enough for the amount of popularity they’ve garnered. I’m not here to rain on any

pre-teen parade or flaunt an elitist taste. By all means, go party in your U.S.A.s; listen to whatever it is you want. But, baby, baby, baby, oh, please don’t confuse hit mak-

ers with artists or popularity for talent.

Somewhere inside there’s a baby waiting to see the world that her mother has

never been able to see. The spar-kle in a mother’s eye when first handed her newborn baby will never be apparent. Teaching her daughter to put the same colored socks on her feet or arranging her room into the pink princess theme will never happen. She’ll never even know what her own children will look like, let alone the man she has married. She feels every moment, every ounce of pain, every second of happi-ness, but she’ll never see it. At birth my mother’s optic nerves were damaged, causing irreversible blindness. This wasn’t detected for three months, when my mother’s parents noticed her staring frequently at the sun. Growing up for my mother was a challenge. She had to learn how to take on the world dif-ferently, meeting it through her fingertips. For instance, when learning to walk, she began crawl-ing backwards to avoid bumping her head. She developed tech-niques that sighted people do in the darkness, hands stretched out in front of her used as a safeguard. My mother also had to learn how to associate sounds

with objects and actions. In order for her to learn left from right, my grandmother would place a rubber band on her right wrist to differentiate the two directions. Although I didn’t need a rub-ber band to tell left from right, growing up for me has also been a challenge. I was never introduced into the simple things of being a girl because my dad has been the one who practically raised me. As a result, I missed out on the little things mothers do like shop-ping, cooking, and doing my hair for picture day. I never got the chance to dress up in girly dresses because my dad did the shopping, so instead I ended up wearing boyish clothes. He would always pick out jeans with lots of pockets and bulky, big, unfitting shoes, until I finally got old enough to pick out my own clothes. My mother’s theory is, “If I could see, we would be broke.” Being raised with my mother has shown me that seeing is not the essential key to life. As I watch my mother go on with her daily life I notice she makes the most of it. She is so careful to not spill the juice as she slowly reaches her hands up across the table. She walks the house as she sees it and she senses a person in the room with no words spoken

from them. She doesn’t wish she could see, she doesn’t complain because being bitter isn’t better it just makes things worse. She believes God created her the way she was meant to be. Although she misses out on the seeing side of raising

children, she

knows I have grown up much stronger and independent by experiencing things without her visual help. Most of us will never know what it’s like to take on the world with our fingertips, the way that my mother does. And though we are able to see the blue sky and

green grass, she’ll always feel it.

Claire Scheffer Mikeala Axton

Graphic by Seyma Tap

Graphic by Harmony Evangelisti

BIEBER FEVER Music doesn’t always need to be deep and


Sweating out sickness, one insubstantial musician at a time

Living with the blind brings unique insights

Harmony and her mom, Sally, on Mother’s Day, 1999, celebrating together at her preschool.

Photo courtesy of Harmony Evangelisti

Harmony Evangelisti

Viena Palacio

Page 4: Stagg Line 2010-11 Issue 5

Features4 01.28.11

the Stagg Line

Annamarie Rodriguez

Graphic by Seyma Tap

Auto shop teaches mechanics of life

Lissette Rodriguez

Loud noises echo through the halls of the K-wing during the auto shop class. Busy bodies make their way around the room, eager to get the hands-on experience they had looked forward to during the first couple weeks of just book work.

Auto shop has not been able to take in any cars due to the work taking place on the new parking lot. However, they have been re-storing two vehicles and welding miniature toy cars.

To the students who have cho-sen this class as a step towards their career, this lack of access has not completely taken a toll on their learning experience. Despite the construction complications, these students have been able to have access to a few cars. Their work on a ’57 Ranchero and instructor Jim Griffin’s truck, for example, offers the students real life experiences. The students have also made car engines into barbeque grills. The AP Biology class used these bar-beques to cook carne asada, chick-en, hamburgers, and hot dogs for a fall break party.

“This class has a lot of hands-on work,” said senior Santos Rangel. “We actually get to work on cars and not just watch others do it.”

With the lack of traditional

tests, Santos said that some stu-dents view the class as easy to pass. They “look at it as an easy grade,” he said, without realizing the amount of work they are required to do.

But it has been a long road from the beginning of the year, and now the students are finally able to get hands-on work.

“This class is like a job,” Griffin said. “Attendance is a must.”

Also like a job, this class re-quires students to be flexible, and for them not to overreact to dif-ficult situations or a stressful set-ting. “I enjoy this (class) and I have the patience for it,” said se-nior Oscar Coria.

Though the class is male domi-nated that doesn’t mean that fe-male students are not a part of it. Some female students are using this class to learn about cars and break the stereotype that all males know more about cars than fe-males do.

“I take this class so that I can work on my own car and in the future I won’t have to depend on others,” said senior Omarai Villa-grana.

Some students say they will need this course for the future, making it understandable that they get frustrated when others come into the class with an apa-thetic attitude.

“Students shouldn’t take this class for just for an easy grade,” Rangel said.

Some students consider the auto shop class to be like a job and that it requires the same amount of hard work. “I enjoy this class and I have the patience for it,” Coria said. The class also gives students relief from stress. “When I’m working on cars, all the prob-lems and bad things go away,” he said.

Rangel, who has a passion for auto repair, brought his ‘57 Ran-chero for the class to work on. “I literally dug it out of the mud,” he said. “It started from nothing.” He brought this car two years ago and hopes that the engine can start in about a month. Rangel is optimis-tic about his car and hopes to be able to take it to his senior prom.

“This class gives you more op-portunity for life,” Rangel said.

With all the work that has been done, students say that Griffin has provided them with the skills to actually make car parts, although he orders the parts that are more difficult to make.

Griffin says he has high expec-tations for his auto shop classes. When the cars are done, he wants to enter them into car shows. He would also like to have a car show on campus, when the parking lot behind the K-wing is done.

Seniors Carlos Luna, Nicholas Vaccarezza, and Aureliano Lopez Mendez work together to turn on a blowtorch in order to bend and manipulate certain metals into car parts.

photo by Erica Trevino

I don’t want to be a hypocrite because I start-ed drinking at a young age. But you don’t have to drink to be cool.”

Valerie Sybounheuang


All her intoxicated cousin could hear outside the bathroom door was her throwing up. Constantly. Then, the booming thud of her

head hitting the floor. Blackout. She lay on the floor, unconscious. It was one of the first experiences that senior Valerie Sybounheuang had with the alco-hol drink Four Loko more than two years ago. “I couldn’t control what I was doing. It was all bad.”

However, Sybounheaung can clearly remember why she had decided to try the drink that day. Be-cause it was cheap and tasted like juice.

All was fine when she tried her first 23.5-ounce can of the alcoholic energy drink Four Loko, she said. “I thought it was sweet. It didn’t taste any-thing like alcohol; it tasted like an energy drink.” She started to drink a second can and began to feel “emotional.” She lost control and perspective of what she was doing. And then she was out. Since then, she says, she has not consumed any alcohol.

A senior girl remembers a party she attended more than a year ago where her experience with the Four Loko drink went bitter. There came a point when she stopped drinking from her Four Loko can and she blacked out. She has no memory of what happened that night. She just remembers waking up and vomit-ing repeatedly. Even after that expe-rience she says that the Four Loko drink is one of the only things being consumed at parties. “It’s cheaper and everybody can afford it,” she said.

What used to be an alcohol and caffeine mix drink, Four Loko became known across media out-lets as “blackout in a can.” The drink was repeatedly making news headlines for sending college students to the hospital with alcohol poisoning, and for lead-ing an 18 year old girl in Maryland into cardiac ar-rest and death.

Since then, the Food and Drug Administration has banned the lethal concoction from liquor store shelves. Not long after that, Four Loko began to sell again. This time there is no caffeine or energy boosting ingredients such as taurine and guarana. Instead, one 23.5-ounce can of fruity flavored Four Loko contains the alcoholic equivalent of nearly six cans of beer. This hasn’t led another senior girl and her friends to stop consuming the drink at parties they hold almost every weekend. “I drink to have more fun,” the senior girl said. “I really don’t think about what’s in it or not. I just know it gets you re-

ally drunk.”Christiane Highfill, a substance abuse preven-

tion specialist for the San Joaquin County Preven-tion Services, sees more severity in the trends among some of these young girls. “It’s unfortunate, but the cutsie kind of girl won’t take beer because of the bit-ter taste so they are given fruity drinks to get what they want,” Highfill said. “They drink more, not knowing that it can have negative effects.” Some of these negative effects include short and long-term effects. Highfill says that the younger a person be-gins to drink, the more likely they are to become an alcoholic in their lifetime. The chances of their trying hardcore drugs also increases. Ultimately, she says, it comes down to peer pressure. “They’ll drink it to fit into that cool crowd,” she said. “But people

don’t realize what they’re drink-ing.” Some students who have experiences with the Four Loko drink can attest to the peer pressure they feel with this drink.

A senior girl, who says she has only tried the Four Loko drink once because of the bitter taste, says she has felt the pres-sure time after time. “It just tastes like juice,” her friends re-peatedly tell her.

Dr. Michelle Rowe, who works in the Healthy Start of-fice, says that drinking for any-one under the age of 21 is il-legal, but minors who do drink must consider that the effects alcohol will have on them are weight-based. The blood alco-hol content per hour of an av-erage 120-140 pound female

should not surpass a .04 percent level. With one can of Four Loko, a person has consumed enough alco-hol to be legally intoxicated at a BAC of .08. How-ever, BAC only applies to people 21 years of age and over, not to high school students.

Rowe said, “People under 21 shouldn’t be drink-ing anyways. Period.”

Within this month, a new Four Loko flavor has been released called Four Loko XXX Limited Edi-tion. The drink will continue to be produced with the absence of caffeine, but a new profile will be re-leased every four months. Green apple and blueberry lemonade are among the upcoming flavors.

Sybounheuang says that she does not agree with the Four Loko and other company’s attempts on marketing to a younger demographic. “I don’t want to be a hypocrite because I started drinking at a young age,” she said. “But you don’t have to drink to be cool.”

Young females unaware of hazards with popular alcoholic drink

graphic by Seyma tap

Page 5: Stagg Line 2010-11 Issue 5

Features01.28.11 5the Stagg Line

RIDE ON!Bicyclists bustle to school despite weather conditions

Colleagues to couple

photos by Tiffany Pech

As a lovely teacher sat in her classroom during her lunch hour, her knight in shining armor broke down the door, and scanned the room for a fire breathing drag-on… Okay, so maybe that’s not exactly what happened, but this is what did:

English teacher Erica Donato and history teacher Kyle Dei Rossi married a year after he proposed on a beach in Monterey in 2005. Since then, they say they have been happier and more insepara-ble than ever. She is now known as Erica Dei Rossi, a respected Eng-lish teacher.

It all started with the students. “Once our students found out we were single and the same age, they started talking to us about us to each other,” Erica said.

After a while, Kyle went to talk to her himself. He originally went in during lunch hour to ask her about a student they shared named Michael. However, Erica claimed that they talked for more than an hour. After a few more trips to her classroom, Kyle finally made his move. “The third time, I asked her if she’d go out to dinner with me,” Kyle said.

With her eyes tearing up, Erica said, “I remember going home af-ter our first date and I said to my-self, ‘That’s the man I’m going to marry.’” To which Kyle replied, “I thought the same thing.”

Well past the honeymoon

stage, students ask what they like about each other, and how they get along. Both of them agree that they were just completely perfect for each other. “A lot of people ask if we get tired of each other, but we don’t,” Erica said.

Kyle agrees and would like to spend even more time with her. “We’re teaching most of the day, so we don’t see each other that much,” he said.

One thing they say keeps them happy is the amount of under-standing they have for one anoth-er. They said they can empathize for each other and, by having the same job, they know what kind of struggles and stress it can bring. They can relate to each other in a way that most couples can’t.

Also part of their happiness is a great deal of compromise. One example would be that they only have one TV, and Erica isn’t the biggest sports fan. “I grade work while he watches sports,” she said.

The couple brightens up the halls of Stagg with their genu-ine affection and understanding of one another. Although they came together under unusual cir-cumstances they just think it was meant to be. “Birds didn’t chirp, hearts didn’t appear,” Erica said, smiling. Neither of them predict-ed being so happy in the future. In fact, Erica said she used to be frightened by the idea of marriage. “I guess you just have to find the right person,” she said. “He’s my best friend.

graphic by Tiffany Pech and Kristin Acevedo

It is 47 degrees outside. Cold air cuts the skin. Dense fog makes it difficult to see. Some people aren’t even awake yet. But the bi-cyclists who want to make it to first period on time are. They ride through winter weather, enduring both wind and rain. And whether or not it’s sunny, they’re in their seats, ready to go.

Tardies are typical during first period, but senior Pongze Lor was always punctual when he rode his bike. “I would get here faster than the bus,” despite the five mile dis-tance from his home. “I actually

got here kind of early.” But since his bike was stolen

last year, he now relies on taking the transit, something that he said is “a pain.” Lor admits that despite missing the bus sometimes, he doesn’t ask his siblings for a ride; he has even jogged to school and “beat (the bus).”

Junior Julian Nevarez, who also lives a long distance away, likes that bicycling “wakes (him) up so (he’s) not tired at school.” But bicycling hasn’t always been easy for him. “When I’m all wet, it’s no fun.” Nevarez and Lor especially dislike windy days when the weather is at its worse for bicyclists.

“Why would you want to ride your bike with the cold wind blowing in your face?” Lor said.

Both agree that getting a ride from parents is a privilege. But bi-cycling has given students like Lor and senior Ashlie Hatler a sense of freedom. “I don’t rely on my par-ents to go anywhere,” Hatler said.

“The upside is you can leave your house anytime you want,” Lor said.

And regardless of distance, weather or any other obstacles, these bicyclists manage to make it to school. As Hatler put it, “it’s just the way we get transporta-tion.”

Missy Rae Magdalera

What were teachers before they were teachers?

At some point in life, especially in high school, everyone has been asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

For some it’s a loaded question, and as they answer it they heavily spill out their entire life plan.

For others it can be answered with a simple phrase from “a lawyer” to “a fireman” to “I don’t know.”

Teachers were once this age, and not all of them planned on becoming teachers. When he was in high school, geometry teacher Tuan Ton’s answer to “What do you want to be when you grow up?” had al-ways been “an engineer.”

He attended San Joaquin Delta College and transferred to University of the Pacific to major in engi-neering. Unfor-tunately, after only the first semester he had to drop out. “I went broke, man,” he said.

Ton eventu-ally got an offer from Stockton Unified as a bi-lingual aide, an offer he “had to take” due to the financial aid that was coming along with it. But he still had it fixed in his mind that becoming an engineer was the path he was meant to be on. He went back to UOP and again “went broke” after about three months.

He found himself in the arms of Stockton Unified once again, but this time at Franklin High School. “Sometimes life doesn’t turn out the way you plan, but there are alternatives.”

It wasn’t until his third attempt to become an engineer when he finally decided that perhaps it wasn’t meant to be. He left the

school district for San Jose where he tried attending another school for engineering. He ran out of money after four months.

“Idealistically you get whatever you want in life,” Ton said.

Although Health Careers Acad-emy teacher Sabrina Edmond hadn’t had as clear of a vision of her future as Ton had in high school, she had ideas.

During high school Edmond also went to college, Flavio’s Beauty College. She thought she wanted to be in cosmetology. She thought she wanted to open up her own salon. But she “couldn’t see myself standing on my feet all day doing hair as a career; that just wasn’t for me.”

But like Ton, Edmond has had to make her life decisions ac-cording to the financial pos-sibilities. Her plans of being an attorney were put aside by her grand-mother when her education in the admin-istration of ju-venile justice in Los Angeles got too expen-sive. Edmond’s grandma op-posed her becoming of

“the world’s greatest liar,” but that didn’t hold her back from trying once more, this time in Oklahoma City.

In the end Ton and Edmond’s life didn’t unfold according to plan. Edmond returned to Stock-ton and attended Delta for an-other two years and switched her major to something her grandma would pay for, business adminis-tration.

Ton has received his Master’s in Business Administration from Stanislaus State University. From time to time he considers going for his PhD. “You just have to play the hand you’re dealt…”

Kristin Acevedo

(Clockwise from top) Despite the cold mornings, Freshman Brian Reichenbach rides his bike to school for both fun and exer-cise. Though this may be a trend for some, Freshman An-thony Navarez and his older brother Julian, senior, travel in fog and rain to attend school. For most cy-clists, it’s both a burden and a passion.

Faith Harris

photo by Erica TrevinoThe Dei Rossi couple began dating in March 2004 and married in July 2006. Almost every day, Kyle and Erica make time to spend lunch together.

Idealistically, you get whatever you want in life. But sometimes, life doesn’t turn out the way you plan, but there is alternatives.”


Teachers meet and marry under unusual circumstances

Page 6: Stagg Line 2010-11 Issue 5

There is one fatal flaw in all superheroes. One weakness that makes the bad guys win when they shouldn’t. This weakness is their goodness. All a villain must do to get the superhero to leave them unscathed is threaten a human life. But, what hap-pens when the superhero is bad? When the villain isn’t so sure the superhero is a hero at all? The movie “The Green Hornet” tries to answer this question. The title character (Seth Ro-gen) and his faithful partner Kato (Jay Chou) are good guys pre-tending to be bad guys to dupe the real villains. Although the performance by Rogen is unimag-inative, and the villain (Christoph Waltz) becomes unbearable to watch, the awesome fight se-quences, cool special effects, and Kato’s badass character ultimately make this movie enjoyable. The movie starts off with a crazy party. Britt Reid (Rogen) is shrinking away from his respon-sibilities and trashing a hotel room. The hotel room becomes a metaphor for his life as we see that he has no job, no ambition, and no place of his own. His father (Tom Wilkinson) wishes that he were more like him, writing editorials to stop crime in Los Angeles. When his father suddenly dies and leaves Reid his newspaper empire he realizes, with the help of Kato (his father’s longtime employee) that he has been wasting his life. This revelation causes him to don a mask and become a super-hero fighting off the crime his father wrote against. But was his father’s death really an accident? And how long can the Green Hornet cause trouble for the vil-lain before he fights back? Even though it sounds like it, this is not a superhero movie. It’s a comedy, starring Rogen, play-ing the same character he always plays, a bumbling moron, who by the end finally realizes that he needs to become an adult and be responsible. The premise of the movie is such a good one, a superhero pretending to be a villain in order to trick the bad guys, but Ro-gen falls short. He blathers on through car chases and distracts the audience with random punch lines when we should be focused on the action. But it isn’t really his fault; he is not an action star. He is made for comedy. But Rogen is an Oscar winner compared to Waltz, who plays an annoying villain so obsessed with trying to seem threatening that he comes off as childish and weak. When the movie begins, Waltz uses sarcasm to destroy an

associate and then blows up his business in a fiery explosion. As the movie progresses, he uses the same shtick over and over and it just gets boring. He is so wrapped up in trying to be a caricature of a villain and trying to be funny that he comes off as lame and unfun-ny. The only bright light among the acting performances is Kato. He is the real hero and star of the movie. He is a fighting machine who matches Rogen’s idiotic humor with quick wit and hilar-ity. He is able to slow down time, sees every weapon the thugs have, and uses his karate skills to defeat them. He is the one I want saving me when I am being mugged, not the Green Hornet who cries for Kato to save him and then tries to act as if he is the hero. The fight sequences that fea-ture Kato and the Green Hornet really make this movie something to see. The action is slowed and the audience is able to move along with Kato as he beats up the bad guys. We are able to see

inside his mind. And the explo-sions surrounding each fight are so outrageous, they are hilarious.The explosions that fill the movie, from a tricked out car explosion to a restaurant fight scene, are large but not overpowering. They give just enough energy to the movie to make it enjoyable. So while Rogen and Waltz’s performances become tired and overbearing, the character of Kato, the mind-blowing special effects, and cool fight scenes save this movie from being unbear-able. But, as with the Green Hornet, you must take the bad in order to get the good.

Musical artists too often have to choose between image and substance. Fans argue over what deter-mines if an artist is artificial or if their passion for music is real. The Script, being the unique group that they are, chose to take on a completely differ-ent idea that still manages to stay true to their image and provide substance. In the case of their new album, “Science and Faith,” there is no reason to ar-gue. It blends science and religion together wonder-fully, but not in the way most would think. A title such as “Science and Faith” can lead peo-ple to think that this album is based around religion and biology. But this isn’t the case. The entire album is based on the life and experiences of two people, a guy named Science and a girl named Faith. Every song on the album was co-written by singer Daniel O’Donoghue and guitarist Mark Sheehan, creating a personal feel that seems to have come out of their diary entries. Songs about love and relation-ships fill the album with undertones of real world problems. Their lyrics have a brighter outlook on life than their previous album, which was written while the band was experiencing death.

The Script’s influences come from groups like U2 and The Police, which is apparent but not so overpowering that they lose their identity. Lead singer O’Donoghue’s vocal technique of making his voice sound like a violin was influenced by Stevie Wonder. This technique makes for beautiful vocals that wouldn’t sound right any other way. He also in-corporates a hip-hop feel to the way he sings, which creates a twist to the alternative/pop rock genre. The lead single off of the album is “For the First Time,” which has peaked at No. 4 on the UK music charts and No. 1 in Ireland. This song is emo-tional, like the rest on the album, and discusses a couple’s relationship and all the struggles they face, yet doesn’t make us feel pity for them like similar songs can. Their lives are full of hardships and they realize they don’t know who the other is. After they acknowledge this flaw, they reconnect. The lyrics convey a message of perseverance: “We’re going to make it work when it hurts/ When you pick yourself up you get kicked to the dirt/ Trying to make it work when man these times are hard.” The Script continues to bring the emotion and longing in the songs, “Nothing” and “If You Ever Come Back.” In both, O’Donoghue sings about a

relationship in which a girl has left him and all he wants is to get her back. Lyrics in “Nothing,” such as “So I dialed her number and confessed to her/ I’m still in love but all I heard was nothing,” could make him seem pathetic for loving a girl who clearly wants “Nothing” to do with him. Instead, they inspire sympathy. “If You Ever Come Back” has a theme similar to “Nothing.” O’Donoghue has been left by a girl, but is still holding out for her to come back to him. This motif feels a little repetitive but not to the point where it’s hard to enjoy. It doesn’t greatly affect the album because writing about love is just who The Script is; anything else would feel forced. Yet the unforgettable lyrics are not the only thing that makes this band appealing. The addition of violins to the songs creates a depth that mirrors the raw emotions present in the lyrics. They come at just the right time, when the song is getting its most intense adding to the entire effect causing all who listen to feel the way the couple feels, lost in their own relationship. “Science and Faith” is an album filled with many songs worth listening to 100 times over. It follows a great debut and gives listeners something amazing.

Entertainment6 01.28.11

the Stagg Line

Claire Scheffer

Gabriella Miller

Good: The wide range of blended instruments give album a unique sound to its genre. Bad: Songs lack distin-guishing traits.Rating: 4/5

‘Script’ gives deep range of emotion, sounds

1. Marijuana4. Trip 5. LSD

2. Peyote 3. Ecstasy

So what would possess people to spend $4, $5, or even $200 to buy these? (And yes, there are two I-doses that cost $200, the names of which are “Hand of God” and the equally ridiculous and “epic” sounding “Gate of Hades.”) I suppose that would be like asking why people spend $5.25 on a pack of cigarettes. I-dosing has been called a gateway drug, which means that it can lead to the use of real drugs. In all truth, this is only a gateway drug for those who have no wits about them at all. Just like any other drug, it’s a complete waste of precious time and money.

How It Works

Top Five Tunes:

Annamarie Cunningham

I-dosing. The new craze in getting high, digitally. No, really. All you have to do to get high is spend a couple of bucks, download an mp3, lie down in a dark room, and listen through headphones. Then BAM! You’re officially under the influence. If only it were that simple. Better yet, if only it actually worked, because just like so many other gimmicks made to get money, I-dosing is a fraud.

The way I-dosing works goes like this. When you put the earphones on and press play, two different low-frequency tones will be played into each ear. The two tones have a sort of pulse, but the two tones are pulsing into each ear at different times. Eventually the two pulses will be changed into one beat by your brain. The two separate beats are called “Binaural Beats”. Binaural beats were discovered in 1839 by a physicist named Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. Although discovered over 100 years ago, those beats were pretty much disregarded until the late 20th century. But they became popular in the science world because they can appar-ently induce various mental states such as meditation and creativity. And now they are being projected as a way to get high. But, no, they really don’t work.

High Prices

Good: Special effects, fight scenes.Bad: Overbearing performances from Rogen and Waltz.Rating: 3/5

Mocking villains makes for

mediocre movie

graphic by Michelle Pheav

All of the different I-doses have, for the most part, a sort of white noise sound. Some sound more like static while others are similar to microphone-feedback. But a common theme between the different I-doses is the repetitive-ness. Every song is four or five or 10 minutes of the same continuous droning. Each song has its own theme, but it’s all just the same ceaseless ringing. Dumb. Well, at least that was the first thought that came into my head when I looked at the list of most popular I-doses on the website and took the time to listen to some. I decided to try and have more of an open mind and decided to read about at least the “Marijuana” song. Surprise, surprise! What do I get from trying to be open-mind-ed? More dumb! The description of the song was incredibly cheesy and filled with over-the-top words like “epic.”

White Noise

Page 7: Stagg Line 2010-11 Issue 5

It’s the final round with 50 seconds left in the match and everyone on the home side is screaming for the wrestler. The rest of the varsity players are on their feet screaming out words of encouragement and moves for her to do. Despite all the noise from the crowd, junior SkyDawn Wilson Leggett said she can’t really hear anything because of the head gear she wears and even if she does, she “usually (blocks) it out and (stays) focused.” Last week Wilson was the first to catch the specta-tors’ attention at a wrestling match against West High School here on campus. During the final round, her opponent had her locked in a position from which it was hard to escape, but through her tactics, she was able to overturn her opponent with 20 seconds left. She scored 2 points, totaling 12 overall, which is more than any varsity player had received so far dur-ing the match against West. West is one of the better schools in wrestling. Wilson is the only female on varsity in the boys lightest weight class of 103. Being a mere 5 feet tall makes other wrestlers underestimate her, but she doesn’t let that bring her down. Describing a previous match, Wilson said, “I had him down and pinned … he started to cry (and) he wouldn’t shake my hand” after the match. Now she goes into her matches with more confi-dence, but when she was first moved up to varsity, she “didn’t want to do it” and yet she “didn’t want to back down.” Despite her fear to defend a position, Wilson said, “I was happy.” Junior Mary Stoker is on the JV team and serves as co-captain along with senior Andrea Avila. She has her own experience with male wrestlers.

Wrestling against a male scared her at first, but she said, “He might have looked like he had muscles” but when she got on his back, he looked like a “fish.” Wrestling may look hard and practice may be hard but Wilson said “it’s easier when you stick it out.” Senior Taylor McCann is a first year wrestler who stuck it out. Despite coming in as a senior, McCann still works hard. She said she really wished she had joined as a freshman but “coming in as a senior makes (her) try harder because it’s (her) absolutely last shot.” Over the years, people told her things such as, “I don’t think you’re tough enough” but now that she’s on the team, the comments have become “Good job … I want to see that part of you.” McCann’s family has not softened up; they are still not comfortable with the idea of her wrestling. When it comes to losing weight, McCann would skip meals, which made her family suspicious so she had to “lie to them” and go to a teammate’s house to spend the night. The rules in wrestling are very strict. Wrestlers only have one chance to make weight. If wrestlers do not make weight, they are disqualified. Wrestlers are not allowed time to lose the excess weight but they are able to challenge the scale. Since wrestling is a sport where both boys and girls compete with each other, Wilson, who usually weighs 98 pounds, had to gain weight to qualify in the match. The lightest weight class for a mix com-petition is 103 but for an all girls tournament, the lightest class is 98. Wilson weighed 102 last week, but at a tournament this past weekend, she dropped back to 98. Although there are challenges to overcome, Stoker said you have to “do what you have to to win.” She also said, with more confidence, “I have the moves, I know what I’m doing.”

She went up to spike the ball during warm-ups before the game against Tokay not knowing it would be her last hit of the sea-son. The best rookie on the volley-ball team fell to the ground only a month before the next season would begin. Her face was as red as the blood that filled the entirety of her knee-cap. That moment also prema-turely ended her basketball career, forcing her onto the bench and become part of the coaching staff. Senior Channa Prak has not been able to suit up for this year’s basketball season. Instead, she’s been on the sidelines cheering for her team. The spike that was made during volleyball season causing the tear of her anterior cruciate ligament was devastating not only to her but also to the basketball team. Like the ligament that connects the femur to the tibia in the cen-ter of the knee, Prak was the ACL to the girls basketball team. Some teammates felt like she was the center of the team. Prak started playing streetball around the age of 6. Since then, she has gained a large amount of skill. She has learned techniques that made it easier for her to play on a real court with a real team. “She picks up the team and the team plays well with her out there (on the court),” girls basketball coach Hung Nyguen said. Even from the sidelines Prak proves that “she loves the game.” While she sits on the sidelines during the game, off the court during practices she’s part of the reason why the girls dont lose faith. Even to the players who don’t know her well, she’s still able to pump them up with encouraging words and a silly face. Though she can’t be a part of the game, she plays through her teammates. When the girls aren’t performing to their full potential, that silly face transforms, telling a different story. “I tell them if they’re doing bad but to keep pushing themselves,” Prak said. “We’re not good, but we have to settle for what we got.” Though she tries to hide her pain

beneath influential words, her teammates know that she wishes she could be on the court. “I know she has a lot of po-tential,” junior Samantha Wang said. “If she had gotten to play we would have been better.” Other teammates agree their season could have been better if Prak had been on the team. Prak would be a returning fourth year varsity starter and most likely the leading scorer. Unfortunately, all she can wait for is the surgery on her knee. Her surgery won’t take place until well after the season is over. “It hurts to know that you can’t play your senior year but there’s not much that you can do about it – you just have to live with it,” Prak said. As she sits on the sidelines and watches the clock tick down to the final buzzer, she has come to ac-cept that her high school basket-ball career has come to an end. She does not plan on playing any more sports after her surgery. Prak looks back at the countless points she has scored over the span of three years and has accepted that although she couldn’t score any points this year, she knows her presence is helping out her team.

Sports 701.28.11

the Stagg Line

Injury sends star basketball player to the sidelines

Chelsea Collura

photo by Harmony EvangelistiSenior Channa Prak (right) , al-though not playing with the team due to an injury, still participates in the team’s practices and games from sidelines.

Girl wrestlers struggle beyond the matXe Xiong

SkyDawn Wilson Leggett, junior, wrestles with her male opponent from West High School during a match. She is in the 103 pound weight class.

photo by Erica Trevino


Point Guard

Libero“I just pass. Usually the first balls are mine. I have to keep my energy up and be ready for any ball. I make sure that no balls drop around me. I stay on my toes and get ready for any ball.”

Lineman“I stop the plays, sack the quarter-back, hit anybody with the ball except a teammate, and block.”

Benjamin EthJUNIOR

“I clear the balls to make sure that nobody gets into

the back. I’m like the first sweeper. I work players by putting pressure on them.”

Darlina SerranoSENIOR

Catcher“I’m the team’s eyes, I check all aspects of the game. I control the tempo of the pitcher, make sure he hits his spots. The catcher is a cement wall behind the plate, no balls can get past you. You must block, or catch every pitch thrown at you.”



“I run the plays, I’m like the quarterback on the court.”

Francisco OrtigozaSENIOR

Michelle PhradichithJUNIOR

graphic by Mia Torres and Taylor Hurles information compiled by Reanna Rodriguez

Page 8: Stagg Line 2010-11 Issue 5

It’sacolddayandmanystudentsarepulledoutof theirclasses.Theyarethentoldtoproceedtothetheaterwheretheyfileinandsitdown.Oncethere,theywaitandwonderwhatisgoingtohappen.Afewmomentslater,theyreceivealecture. Studentswithhighbookbills and/ordisciplinary issues arenowbeingputontoamore enforced“no-go” list.Theadministration istryingtogetstudentstoreturntheiroverduebooksandpayforthosethattheyhavelost. “It’sbeenaroundforawhile,but lately we’re really trying toenforce it,” said Carol Sander-son,assistantprincipal.Studentsonthe“no-go”listareunabletoattendsocialeventsandsportingevents. On Tuesday Sanderson andMartin Bagnasco, activities di-rector,decidedtheywouldallowstudentswithoverduebookbillsto attend winter formal. Theymadethisdecisionbasedonthefact that the people on the listforbookbillswerenotifiedatthelastminute.Studentsonthe“no-go” list for disciplinary reasonsaren’tallowedtoattend. “If the student takes care ofbusinessthentheycangetoffofthelist,”Sandersonsaid.Bytak-ing care of business, Sandersonmeansthatstudentshaveturnedinalloverduebooksorpaidtheirbookbills. For those students who weresuspended or had bad behavior,they are expected to stayoutofanymore trouble and serve anypastdetentionstheyfailedtoat-tend. Jose Jauregui, senior, wasamong the group of studentsthatwerepulledoutofclass fora meeting with administration.When asked how he felt about being on the “no-go” list, Jaureguirespondedinawe.Hesaidthathehadnoideathathewasonthelistandfeltthathedidn’tdeserveit. “Idon’thaveanyoverduebooks.Ionlyowe$5foranI.D.,”Jau-reguisaid.Hesaidthathefindsit“ridiculous”thattemporaryI.D.’sarenolongeravailableandthatsomethingsosmallisputtinghimonthelist. “IgetstraightA’s.IwasdoingtheresponsiblethingandnowI’montheno-golist.” “Idon’tevenknowwhatthatis,”saidJosephRowbal,sophomore,whenaskedaboutthe“no-go”list.Hewassuspendedearlieronintheyearandsaidthattherestrictionsrelatedtobeingonthelist,don’taf-fecthim. “Wereallyneedthosetextbooks,”Sandersonsaid.Administratorsarehopingthat the listwillget lost textbooksreturnedorpaid for.Withthebudgetdeficits,Sandersonishopingthatastricter“no-go”listwillgivestudentsthatpushtopayofftheirbills. Students have until mid-February to pay off their bills and anyseniorswhohavenotpaidtheirbillswillnotbeallowedtowalkatgraduation.

News8 01.28.11

the Stagg Line

Reanna Rodriguez

I get straight A’s. I was doing the responsible thing and now I am on the ‘no-go’ list.”

Jose JaureguiSENIOR

“Smaller schools invitedto combined winter formal

Tomorrow the first multi-school dance will kick off oncampusat7p.m. “Ithinkthisisagreatoppor-tunity to show the district thatwe can have multiple schoolstogetherwithoutchaos,”saidse-nior Meilani Quilenderino. Thewinterformalisgoingtobecom-binedwiththeInstituteofBusi-ness,Management,andLaw. “They were really excitedwhenwe invited them,” said se-niorNyeemaCarter.“Theydon’thavebigdances,sowefiguredwewouldaskthesmallerschoolstocomebecausetheydon’tgetthatexperience.” The dance was originallyplannedtobewithFranklinHighSchool,butthedistrictturneditdown.That iswhatbrought theidea to invite the four smallerschools: IBML, Stockton EarlyCollege Academy, Merlo, andWeber.These schoolsdonotal-ways have big dances, becausetheyaresmallschools.TheAsso-ciatedStudentBody,whichwas

notifiedthat theycouldno lon-gerhavethedancewithFranklin,was told two weeks before thedateofthedance.TheformalwasoriginallyplannedtobeinLodi,butnowthattherewasadown-fall, the locationhaschangedtoStagg’sowngym. “I feel like I have somethingon my shoulders,” said seniorKasandra Hinojosa, “I alwaysthinktomyself,arewegoingtohave enough food and drinks?Is the music going to be okay?Are thedecorations going tobenice?”ButHinojosaisn’ttheonlyonewhofeelsabigloadontheirshoulders. “Sincetherewasthatlastmin-utechange,wedon’tgettoorderour decorations,” said Quilen-derino,“sowhenwedecoratewehavetostartfromscratch,whichrequireswaymorecreativity.” Workingtogetherwasthekeyinbeingabletobringalltheel-ements together to make thisdanceenjoyable.Somemembershave taken this experience andlearnedfromitfornextyear. “I don’t think we really had

any struggles,” said senior Jas-minePitts, “I thinkIwould trytocontactthedistrictbeforehand(nexttime).” This could possibly lead tomoremulti-schooldances,ifitisasuccess,andtheideahasthepo-tentialtoruboffonotherschoolsaswell.

IBML might be sharingStagg’scampusnextyear,sothiswillbeanopportunityforthemtogetatasteofwhatthiscampusisabout. “If they’re going to be herenext year, I want them to feelwelcome,” said Principal BillParks.

Nicole Lawrence

Junior Justine Cooper gets information about guest passes while buying herself a ticket for winter formal.

photo by Erica Trevino

AsAssistantPrincipal JoshauaThomsits athisdesk, the atmosphere of the room is tense, as hedealswithyet anotherdisciplinary issue.Referralsmayseemaminorclassroomdistraction,buttheycantakeavaluableamountoftimeoutofastudentandadministrator’sday. Administrators are required to deal with disci-plinary issues before more positive matters. “If astudentgetsintoafight,wehavetocallthepolice,”Thomsaid,describingthefrustrationsoftherefer-ralprocess.“Theymayarrestthestudent,andthenwehavetotelltheparentswhathappened,”hesaid.“In that amount of time, I could be helping twostudentswhoarehavingaproblemintheirclass.” According to Thom, three to five students show up daily at hisofficewithoutareferral.Sometimesthenumberofstudentswithoutpaperworkcouldgoupfromthreetofivestudentsto10-15inadmin-istratorofficesperday. “A lot of things compete with discipline,” Thom said. “Whensomeoneisintrouble,Ican’tjustputitoff.”Defianceanddisruptionofclassremainpopularcausesforreferrals,anditisteacherswhohavethefinalsayonwhatbehaviorisdefiantordisruptive.“Thereferralsystemisteacherdriven,”assistantprincipalCarol Sanderson said. “Each teacher has their own expectations inclass.” Thetimeoftheweekandyearcanalsobefactors inthereferralnumbers. “During theweekbeforeChristmasvacationwe received

about 50 referrals,” Sandersonsaid. “Some of those were mul-tipleonesforthesamestudent.”Referrals can be sent to M-1in the traditional write up andelectronically through e-mail.M-1hada recorded44 referralsreceived lastweekalone.Ninetystudents were sent without re-ferrals, such as campus securitymonitorsbringingstudentsin.Studentshavealsofeltthenega-tiveaspectsofreceivingareferral.“I’vegottentwoormorereferralsfor talking in class, some in thesameclass,”saidJohnLee,soph-

omore.“Meandtheteacherdon’tgetalong.” Consequencesforstudentscandifferdependingonthecauseforbeingwrittenup.“IgotsenttoASCforaperiod,”Leesaid.Disciplin-aryactionscanresultinaperiodinASCoradayofinschoolsuspen-sion.Studentswhocommitamoreseriousoffensewillbesuspendedfromschool. Apaperore-mailcangetadisruptivestudentoutofclass,butitcan’tchangethefactthatdisciplinecangetinthewayofsomethingmorepositiveandproductive. “ThebiggestthingIwouldratherbedoingisgoingtoclassroomsandtalkingaboutpositivethings,”Thomsaid.“I’mheretohelpkidsgraduate,ifakidmissesthreetofivedays,thenthey’remissingoutonbeingpreparedforthatclass.”

Damon HeineThe biggest thing I

would rather be doing is going to classrooms and talking about positive things.”


Admin enforces stricter ‘no-go’ policy

Student disrespect is the greatest cause of the high number of referrals over the last few years










































Stagg surveyed parents, students, and staff as part of a report for the upcoming Western Association of Schools and Colleges visit.

Graphic by Seym

a Tap

Art by Tiffany Pech