Download - Stage 3 Brief Portfolio


CollectionPicture Frames

‘A photograph has edges, the world does not. The edges separate what is in the picture

from what is not.’

TThe Brief asked us to select an object, extract its spatial qualities, and translate them into a method of showing and storing its


Selected WorkGraduation Project


Phase 1: Extracting Object Spatial Qualities

The Picture Frame is seperated into multiple layers, though the two that interest me most are the literal frame structure and the ornate, detailed mass surrounding it.

Phase 2: Translation into Built Form

The 1:200 development models demonstrate two main design strategies. Firstly, a series of internally exposed steel frames running through the length of the building. Secondly, concrete ‘blocks’ sandwiched between this vertical structure to represent the ornate and heavy mass of the object while housing personal spaces.

Top Floor Cantilevered Cafe

Overlooking the busy John Dobson Street in Newcastle-upon Tyne. This long, narrow cafe follows the pattern of the internally exposed steel frames.

Internal Perspective*Revit and Photoshop

Workshop Entrance

The image reveals the atmosphere upon entering the workshop. Frames carved by public are displayed on the Masonry Parti Wall which are visible from circulation routes.

Teaching Studio

As the studio forms part of the private spaces, there are no exposed frames within the structure. The room is lit by artificial means only, in order to to emphasise the thick concrete mass.

Auction Room and Restaurant

Polycarbonate facade is continued up from the Gallery space on the Ground Floor. Steel Frames are exposed internally throughout the building at approximately 1.7m lateral grid throughout, apart from in private blocks.

1:100 Final Model Photographs

White Blocks are cast out of plaster to emphasise its thick thermal mass. Represent Private spaces.

Long Section

The darker shading represents Cast In-Situ Concrete blocks. These house private spaces which are not visible from outside to the public eye. Light reaches these areas by Artificial Means and diffusion from adjacent glazed areas.

1:50 Structural Detail