Download - Stage 2: A Simple Step-By-Step Process To Get Your Marketing Moving (Finding The Missing Piece)

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…For Technology Firms That Have Spent A Lot Of Time And Effort On Their Marketing

…But Don’t Quite Have The Results They Expected

In Other Words, Finding The Missing Piece

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Are you on the path or about to go over a cliff?

Is your journey another thousand steps, or fifty steps?


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To Determine These Three Things

1. How Much Traffic (Sessions) Do You Have Per Month?

2. What Are your Top Entry Pages?

3. What Is Your Bounce Rate

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TRAFFIC Tells Us How Many VISITORS You Have

>1,000 visitors per month: You should have enough traffic to get some conversions.

500-1,000 visitors per month: You have enough traffic that you should be able to get more traffic, which will lead to conversions.

<500 visitors per month: You probably don’t have enough content on your site to generate any real traffic or get conversions.

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ENTRY PAGES Tell Us If You Have Any Good Content

Besides Your Home Page

You’d like to see that your homepage isn’t your only top entry page.

Ideally, other internal pages like blogs and portfolio pages will also be the starting points for many people looking at your site.

If so, this means you are getting some good traffic to very specific points of interest within your site.

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As A Tech Firm, Hopefully These are Your TOP ENTRY PAGES

That’s a good thing. Prospects want to know very quickly, what do you do, who you have done it for in the past and who are you.

If you don’t have Portfolio and About Us Pages, that’s probably some content you’ll want to add sooner rather than later.

Portfolio Pages and About Us Pages tend to be themost trafficked pages for a tech company.

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Bounce Rate Helps to DetermineENGAGEMENT

• This helps to define if people like the content they find on your site enough to visit a few more pages.

• You want a bounce rate less than 50%.

• A bounce rate of 50% means that half of the visitors to your site looked at their entry page and at least one other page on your site. It also means you have decent content.

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You Want Leads. Sales Are The Spice Of Life!

So now we need to convert the data you just discovered into leads.

You’ll Love The Next Slide

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This is the missing piece.

We are going to look at the data again, but this time, ask yourself –

“if you were your prospect and you wanted to do business with you, how easy is it?”

Is it even possible to do business with you?

Conversion Paths: The Single Most Overlooked Aspect of


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1. If the content is good, what is the next step the prospect should take? Is it obvious? Is a next step available?

2. Is the only next step to go to a contact us page?

3. What if the prospect doesn’t want to contact you personally yet, are there any other options for them, besides clicking around your navigation?

Analyze Each Entry Page and For Each Page Ask Yourself:

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Typical Next Steps You Could Try Right Now

1. Internal Links: Your content should naturally link to other content within your site.

2. Multiple Contact Us Options: Have an obvious phone number, and contact us form on every page within your site. You’d be amazed at how many people want to contact you, but don’t want to speak to you right now.

3. Calls-To-Action: Offer an eBook, checklist, scheduled consultation, or anything that a prospect might want and would be willing to give you an email address to get. Again, you will be amazed how many people don’t want to speak to you on the phone but will give you their email address.

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After you have added links, multiple contact points and CTAs, take another look at the bounce rate.

If you have all of these things and the bounce rate is still over 50% for a page, then really consider changing the content on that page. It’s probably not very good.

If the bounce rate is less than 50%, leave the content alone! You don’t need to fix it yet.

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Fixing Your CONVERSION PATHSFixes Everything Else

When you start to think of your website and marketing campaigns as a conversion path for your prospects, you’ll start to see holes you haven’t seen before.

The biggest mistake: Don’t assume the ONLY course of action is to have the prospect call you.

They are on your site because they want information, and they want to be properly informed before they contact you.

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Fixing Your CONVERSION PATHSFixes Everything Else

When you start to think of your website and marketing campaigns as a conversion path for your prospects, you’ll start to see holes you haven’t seen before.

The biggest mistake: Don’t assume the ONLY course of action is to have the prospect call you.

They are on your site because they want information, and they want to be properly informed before they contact you.

Does your website inform them?

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CTAs Are The Missing Piece of CONVERSIONS

1. Sometimes your site doesn’t create leads because you’re not trying to create leads (which is bad).

2. Every blog post should end with a CTA.

3. Every page should have a CTA.

4. Every piece of content should have the next step.

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Sometimes In Marketing, You Have To Ask For The Lead

Sometimes In Sales, You Have To Ask For The Sale

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9 Steps To GeneratingInbound Leads

For Tech Companies

How To Sell Technology with Online Marketing

Contact Casey

Casey Lockwood800.602.9947@[email protected]