Download - St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-10-01

Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-10-01




Viat:or Opens 66t:h Year BOOSTER ClUB IS fORMED 1 R T F ather F rench T o ·~ SCHOOl YEAR OFfiCIAllY OPENED

' 1 1

Speak At Ch~cago WITH MASS Of THE HOlY GHOST DESlAURIERS IS PRESIDENT PhT~.~=:~-s~:~:::~1~0~~g~:b:~ l . -

been appointed by Governor Horner Rev. J. w. R. l\1aguir.e Welcomes New Students Organization Is Second Of Its Kind In History

Of College as a state delegate to U1e annual At Frosh ReceptiOn; R. Nolan Presides convention of the National League of • __ _ Compulsor y Education which w ill be held October 9 to 13, in the Palmer DRAMATIC AND


On Wednesday, Septemher 20, at 8 o'c lock, St. Viator College opened its s ixty-six th scholastic year with the celebration of Solel1U1 High Mass of the Hol y Ghos t in the College Chapel. The Very Rev. J. W. R. Ma-

· ---------------1

The S t. Viator College Booster Club DEBATE MANAGER House a t Chicago.

was organized at a meeting held in the College Club rooms on Tuesday evening, August 1, 1933. At that meeting, the principal bus iness was the selection of officers, who will di ­rect the activities of the g roup until 1934. The charter officers arc: Richard T. DesLauriers, 114 7 South Elm A venue, president; Daniel Howell, 585 South Nelson Avenue, firs t vice-presiden t ; Prof. Clarence .T. Kennedy, 942 South Myrtle Avenue, second vi ce-presid ent; Miss Luci lle Putz, 707 North Chicago Avenue, secretary; E. 0. Arringto n, 1019 South Myrtle Avenue, treasurer, and Daniel Berg in, 468 South Poplar Ave-nu e, se rgeant-a t-arms. dents of Kanl<akee.

All are resi-


The outlook fo r the Bergin Debat­ing Socitey this year is not a happy one. Unless there is some unusual­ly good talent among the new stu­dents of the school the forensic year may be one of the poorest in Viator history. With the graduation last June of Mr. W enthe, Mr. H oover, and Mr. Middleton went the hopes of a Conference Champions hip fo r 1934. These three men together with Mr. Nolan formed the Viator foren sic teams of 1933.

This year Mr. Nolan is the only man who is, what Father :h!Iaguire,

The College faculty has as its Debate Coach, choose-s to call, an ex-representative the R everend Dr. perienced debater. The coming sea­Christophe r Marzano who is the busi- son will mark his fou rth year of In­ness manager of the College, as well t er collegiate deat e competition. How­as mentor of the classes in chemistry. eve r , in 1vl r. Bur,ns and Ni r. Ellis, Fr.

Not The F i_rst Attempt Maguire should find a ray of hope for This is the second attempt at the forensic year. h1r. Burns, a

launching a boos te r club for the Col- senior, has had some experience in lege. The firs t attempt was in- inter-collegiate debating and will un. augurated about a decade ago by doubtedly prove to be a valuable man alumni m embers in Chicago. This during the coming season. Mr. Ellis, second try s hould prove a bit more although only a Freshman last year, effective than the las t one in so far displayed a na tural talent for debat­

as it will operate in the a rea immedi­ately surrounding th e coll ege, insur~

ing a reawakening of the interest in the college and a more vigorous s up­port of s tudent activities.

ing and with a year's ex perience tucked away should be one of the mains tays of the Bergin Societ y. Un­fortunate ly enoug h, the li s t of ex peri­enced men ends here.

Rev. J . W. R. Maguire, C. S. V.,

Dr. French is scheduled to g ive a talk at the conven tion on truancy in the Chicago schools; a subject of wihch is is thoroughly familiar. Most of the delegates to the convention will has issued a call for new members be truancy officials from all parts of I for the Glee Club and the Dramati c the nation. Club. At a recent meeting of the

College Club, he informed the mem­bers that he is making arrangments

gu ire was celebrant. the Reverend James A. Lowney, deacon, and the Reverend William J. Cracknell , sub­deacon. It is an old and beautifll l custom at St. Viator thus to ask the

J. BURKE MONAHAN whereby the Glee Club shal l present blessing of God upon the work of the several programs over Radio Station coming year and in a special way to

WINS SCHOLARSHIP w. c. F. L. in Chicago. Severa l invok e the aid of the Holy Ghost, th e I times last year, the Glee Club jou r· Spirit of Light, in the search for

Joins Other V iator Alum ni A t . neyed to this station for thirty min- :~~::· e~~,~~~o~~ th~n~:ded~~t~~ s~~;~;. Ca tholic U. utes broadcasts, and were under th e

___ cA-pable direction of Miss Harriet Gil· Mass class work was resumed fo r the

Jam es Burke Monahan, .32, has Je tte. Th e s uccess of this organiz- yea r. joined the ranks of the Viator gradu - fl-tion in the past, therefore, warrants H oweve r, in the pursuit of her ideal, at.;s who have won scholarships t o that it again shal l present several lhe development of U1e whole incH­the Catholic uru,:ersity a t Washing- lik e programs this year. Although vidual, St. Viator must necessarily ton, D. C. The scholarships offe reLI 1\1iss Gillette is no longer wi th us, provide lhe social side of college li fe. annually by tbe Knights of Co lu mbw;, Father i\'Iaguire has a lready made ar- The first social event of the year is were awarded in previous years to r angements for directorship of the or- the Freshman Reception, held U1is Dr. J ohn T. Ellis. Edward Gallahue, ganization. From the large incom- year on Saturday evening, September Allen Nolan, J ohn McMahon, and ing Freshmen Class we hope to get 23, in the College Clu b Rooms. R ober t

a l~rge number of new mem bers for Nolan, president of the College Club, several other Viator g raduates. this Glee Club. opened the festivities with a few

In numbering Burke among its s tudents, Catholic University has fal­len heir to a scholar of no little abil­ity. While a t St. V1ator, he was an lt<.mor student. He did not, however, forsal;:e socia l life. Year after year he was one of the most popular fel­lows on the campus, and he often went out of his way to help other s. It can be truly said of him. that hP was a rea l scholar and a Christian gentl eman.

The Drama ti c Club which was so wo rds of welcome to the new s tu· ably directed las t year by Father Nia- dents. pa rticula rly the m embers of

U1e Freshman Class. to which mos t of the newcomers belong. Mr. No-

gu ire, will again be an active organ­ization thi s year. Many talented young lad ies a nd gen tl em en were los t through g raduation las t June, and th erefore it is necessar y to look for n ew material, which should be found

Ja n ex pressed his ardent desire to 11c-ar f rom the Freshmen th emscl ves in s uch touching accents U1at he re~

eeivecl an over·w helming response . A mong the many who volunteered to interpret their impressions of Viator were Mr. 1\'Ialone who favo red his fel-

Although a formal meeting of th e President DesLauriers oul~ined the Be rg in Deba ting Socie ty has not been In hi s Academy days, Burke s tarred

purpose of the Club as bemg two- cal ted to date, those interested in de- on the ba'3 ketball squad. H e w~ fold; to create a g reate r local interes t I bating are asked to see :Mr. Nolan, selec t ed for All-Star honors in his in the affairs of the college and to dt"bate manage r, as soon as possible. I Senior year. Howe ver, due to de­help fu rther the interests of the col- Ther e i s a very urgent need for rna- fectiv~ eye-sight, he did not try fc.r lege in eve ry respect. The member- terial this year, a nd the tentative a position on S~. Viator Varsity team. ship of the Club i s o pen to those in- schedul e calls for a pproximately "!ne best w1shes of the s tudent t eres led anywhe re in this county and t wenty or twenty-five contes ts. Thus body go with this young gentleman , a lso to paren ts of s t.udents a nd friends all the members of the socie ty are yet , we have no doubts that his sue-

very easily amony the large numbers of new s tuden ts. Las t year the Clt:b r.-resen ted two plays, both proving very s uccessful, due to the g reat ef­forts of Father Maguire and Miss Harrie t Gillette. ''The Mikado", wh ich was s taged the la tter part of the last school year, proved to be one of the finest presentations of the

low-students with several we ll-chosen sentences, but r efused to s ing, wi r . Harg rove, whose a rri val from Mis ­souri was delayed by a temporary shortage in barbecued chi cken, and l\lr. Stovall who discoursed leanredly 3.lld legnlhily on condi tions in th~"

South . The three Southerners oblig-

of the co ll ege outs1de the co unty. practically assured of seeing plenty cess in any fie ld is a ss ured .

Dramatic Club since its organization here at St. Viator. The other play, "The Shepherd 's Watch" , a n adapta­t ion of Uw old Maestricht Play and The Messiah by Thomas J. McKeon. was played at the Luna Theatre in

ed further with a rous ing r endition oi "Oh! Mona", a capelle. Mr. Schu­macher. winne r o f the B ishop Shei t C. Y. 0. Scho la r·s hip, put in a ser­ious word upon the activities of Ca th ­olic Scouts of Chi cago, and expressed his appreciation of the opportunity which the scho larship affords.

Chirr Aim of ac tion during the season.

The chief aim of the Club, is of cou rse, to put U1c co llege on a more im posing spot on lhe map, or at en large the present spot. The deplorable s upport given the college in its athletic, dramatic and forensic efforts have b('en heavily scored by the group and a determined attemRt tC\ awaken Ka.nkakc~ans to the good thu college cnn do for their city is one of the first conside rations of the club.

The Booster Club will s ponsor so<'­lal ftmctto ns of vadous so rts to aid the Colleg-e Library Fund, while a "more ll \'ely ruul more general ac­tivity", according to Dr. Marzano, \vill mark its prog1·am. A program of special ('mpha.sls a.~ regards Kankn-

The qu estion fo r this year has not as ye t been decided, but undoubtedly wi lt be announced within t he com-


Kankal<ee fo r several performances and also in the Auditorium of DePaul l:niversity a t Chicago, with equal s ut·-

ing Wf'Pk. HowPVPr. a li ~ t of the - -- cess. Conference debates in which Viator The Freshmen Class cal led to meet- Father Magu ire is al ready makin~ The Rev. J . W. R. Maguire, Presi-, ... ill engage will be found in this is- ing by Robert Nolan, President of tnc plans for the Club, a nd it is rumored dent of St. Viator, c lose .... the meeting sue. Togethe r with these debates College Club, held their Class elec- by many, that the play which he has wilh the reminder that College i::J

the Bergin Society will again engage tion last 1tionday atLernoon , with the in mind, is "The Vagabond King", more that mere attendance at clas.-1 in a series of radio debates over sta- fo llowing results: which played for years in the larger it means the participation of every lion WCFL in Chicago. A few of President - - - - William Schumacher cities of the East and Middlewest. student in all the activities of College the teams to be met m this radio Vive-President - - - - Claire Legri .s! Many, perhaps, will remember Denls life, social a.c; well a.<.J scholastic. Re­sched ule are DeKalb No rmal, Augus- Treasu rer - - - - - - Donald BCLounh-~ King's wonderful performance in this freshments werC' served by the mcm­tana, Ill. , Wes leyan, Knox, and North Class Representative - J ohn Harg ro,·c play on the s t age or on the sc reen. b(TS of the Social Sorority. C'entral, with the probable addition 1 Tte Senior Class met o n Tuesda ,v But regardless of what Father Ma- --

Viator Negative meets-Ill. W es- Secretary.

of Mundelein, Rosary, DePaul, and evening to flJJ seve ra l vacanc ies in gui re has in minu., we fee l s ure that Burke Monahan, '32, and W ern er Loyola. class offices. As a result, Robert any play he may undertake will prove ! S lag, '32, attempted to make a non-

Viator Aairmatlve mee ts-Bradley, Sp reilzer was named Vice-President, successful, as all his pas t edventures slop boat trip thi s summe r from [•~ox Eureka, and Augus tana. and Mi ss Agnes Stelter was chosen in this f ie ld have proved to be. Luke, Illinois to Kankak ee. The

would-be navi gators, however, broke

kee has already been inaugurated and leyan, Lake Forest and DeKaub is clllculatt"U to swell the attendance mal.

or- The Roy Hall I ndependent Basket- a propeller at E l glll, and WC're obllg­Joe Degnan, who would have grad- ball team which had such a success- ed to hitch-hike the rest of the way.

at athletic e\•t:>nts. debates and s t age presentations by the students. In short, the effort is intended to make Kankakee " Viator conscious", and is

(Continued on Page Five)

uated, had he returned this year, sud- fui season last year will be coached All Clas.'i Prr·sldents are attempt­

ing to hold meetings. but there won't be any mlnute.CJ read while the world seri es Ls on. So th e polltJcans rurl:>

Ralph Hoover, '33, Don Laenhardt. denly became air-minded dunng the this year by Brother Don Bay, who '29,and AI Nolan, '29, we re visitors summer months, and is now attend- ~ starred on the hardwood here in hiR

last week end . Also, Edward Hunt. ing Park's Aviation School at St. Academy days. Nolan and Sullivan '33. who had some "extra-s pecial" I Louis, despite the attraction of lhe two regulars last year, will form the business in Kankakee. neighboring village and town. foundation fo r a new team this year. thei r silvery tongues for the present.

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-10-01

1-"\f_,Jo, TYffJ :rm; \L.\TORL '<

OBITUARY :-:n r st -~ ~ ~ \"1..3-

n=.z ;..e "'

The C !:"e s.· \·~,

k ~t .5)'-m (c: r w.:> ha. e harl P E tiler \\~ H ~. C S

La1'f y 33 P.ay \\'entr.e 33 an1 Bo~ Dela.r:.ey balK fvr a V13i ~th fn r. ~ nt \\-~h!o_ a. c

t.e is employed n Ch at:" \Y"cnl b .. :ooe >eral v. k::> a..c-o. .&:.rhthr r • ..r:hl'! A h'l:U"~ F;.tlltr..~r ln K&nita.k~ on a ~'>or "" auon.. a.nd Delane:, bAS reti..lrned to \'.·e lea.rncl \loo,th reC"~t

tne t:n.hersity of Ilhooi~. \lih(' r e h t....,_e death of Edward \.-&mpbell. a John C rorun ~;u rontmue his st~t.he~ in Ln f .. mer tuaent alll- outstandinc au:.~

lJargaret Clanrv School lete of SL ·tator. wbo met death ac-c ...... entally a few short hours aftt' r d

Edward Buttg•n


!-V>rfJMly Hp,-,n., F•Jitor Hp<;n'IA!hmu Wlll1am Schumacher !:,tuart Baker, who wa.s a student

here the few years, has obtained a coaching position at St. Thomas H 1gb School. in St. Paul, ~linn. Good luck, Stu, we hope you put out som..!

visit on u1e campus, a few w k~

aJ;ro. H is death "\>;;M a great shock. and we join in sympathy v.ith rel­ and fnends who mou rn hts lo:".S.

Vi l)..l/Jril\11.0.

Camp'" Br1d9 J)fly Hopping Ft·:'-A.tiJrr· Wr1lt!t ~·,·f\tHrr· Wrl~r

Vt·H.ture Wr1l~"·r

Fr·n.lure Wr1ll·r Jif.'f:LlU tf' Wr1U· r

Ff•o.turc Wrll~"·r

GJrculn.llon MMager lviHI Atant MMager

----Sub,.,riptlon Rate $2.00 per annum.

John ~Iom~ James Dugan

Jam'!.s Crowl"!y Robert Nolan Mary CruisP.

William Clancy Jame.s O'Mara

William Sweeney Jobo Burns Enzel Wren

Stephen Gould

The Rev. Thomas \Velsb, Dixon .

.Mr. Phillip Conway, brothe r of hcv. P. C. Conway. '84. and father of K.-· C. P . Conway, ·o . died on the morn­ing of September 13th. The funero.l was attended by Rev. J. W. R. Ma-

Illinois, spent a pleasant amongst friends he re at the College, last Aug­t:Sl 9th.

guire, -· S. V .. Presidenl of St. Via­

.oo~.ISS Harriet Gillette, who directeLI ~g~~-llege. and Rt. Rev. Mgr . G . M.

the St. Viator Glee Club with much

\-Ve wis h to expr ess our sympathies I


e H ve Wh Yon ~ed

D. J. O'Lo ughlin. :\1. l <

Pra.ctJ('t.'d Umtt :-d ro t~ \ E. F. \ R.. :->0·'1':: S T HRO \ T




209 F.tLSl ourt S t . PHONF:: 30

Addn·rm all corr("n pondcoce r ef£> rrlng either to adverti s ing o r su bscrl.,ption to The Vtatorlo.n, Bourbonnais, Illinois.

~intrrcd ELB ~tccond claas matte r at th e Pos t Offi ce of Bourbonnais, Illinoi:=~

under the Act of March 3rd, 1879.

success last year, has transferred to Vves\.. Suburban Hospital Nurses Training School, Oak Park, Ilnnols. to James Lee of Bloomington, who I '"==============~

was a student here a short time ago, i'

~:r~:e0~e;~/~,:s fathe r . which oc - ~ A CME PR!NTTNG CO.


Rev. J . P. O'Maboney, Provincial of the Clerics of St. Viator, left th o College September 15th for Canada

v FACUL TY_NO_HS_ '' I to he present for the departure o! _ ~ Rev. Roger Drolet, C. S. V ., and Bro-

Donald Hickey, who was pianist for the popular musl caJ trio on the cam­pus last year, has left for LOyola Medical School, in L-hicago.




th e r John J. Ryan, C. S. V., who were 1

Many of the faculty members, dur- , preparing to 1 M h k 1 '---------------..! ing thei r vacations, s pent a littl ~

time investigating the various ex~ hibits at the World Fai:- in Chicago.

eave or anc u o,

Chicna, where they will take up mis-

sionary wor k. They wUI join other Hotel Kankakee


'I'lllls lilt> ~w lwol yt•ar lwg-i11s . ( ' o!l~·g-t·s n·opt·!l t111·ir gatt•s , and

lon g.l-;ilt' nl t·itad('!s o f IParning arc again · husy with the hum of in­

du s t•·.\'. 'l'lro ll snn<.l s o( sluc lcnls r·etum to l'Onli 11u c th e ir acaclernic

Rev. T. J . L ynch, former Dean o f Studies and head of the English De­pa r tment a t the College, paid an ex­tended visit to U1e College last June At p resent, Father Lync h is dividing hie time between Catholic University

punwil s, with l'HJ;{crness, frt'S hn ess and r eso lution s aplenty . wher e he Is continuing his studies

I low wi ll Lll<'SC n •solutioos with stand. the tes t of time? Dur- and also at Philadelphia, where he is in g tht• next nin e mouths Jh ey wi ll be bu[etted about seve r e ly hv Dean of a well-known College.

Nllt · h t•xig,• n (·ies 11:-; tht•Jnt ':-1 , lt•J'Ill pHpers nnd <·n iiHt Pra! n·nding. Tl ow The only new Faculty member

will they appea r u ext ,\ l ay 1 amongst us thls year is Rev. P . G '!' herr is something t ragic in a brokc11 reso lution. Tt is th e Hutton, c. s. v .. '28. Father Hut-

so rry tnl'I11Puto of A. shattered ag r ef.!mpnt with oneself. Tt, is au ton was at one time an ins tructor in

indieution of a h1·itt le will and au int e ll ect which pr ~sum ed too much. St. Viator Academy. In 1929 he en­] ;~l us to ou r ow n s~lvl's be tru e. L et's go to that c lass afte r all. rolled at the Catholic University of

America, where he obtained a M. A L e i 's beg in th e day hy being witn esses to His Sacrifice. degree in 1931. Father Hutton is

Ma ny of u s hav(• H ma rked prop ensity f or proc rastination. Some ins tructor in Economics this year .

eng,• s pok e wis<'ly wh e n he sa id that " procastinatiou is the th ief of t itn L' '' . 'I' his co mmon ev·il is th e first sympt.ou of an irresolute, ir- Last July, the Rev. W. J . B e rg in

l'l'S !HHtsihill• will: it is till' gl'l'lll that hrrl•ds downright indolcnc:e. C. S. v .. resigend as pastor of St 1 P at rick's Chu r ch in Kankakee, and ts ow is tho acceptable t im e. Th sc four yca r·s arc deYOted to now an instructo r at the Newmar


foundation fo r Catholic studen ts at the University of Illinois. R ev. T E. Fitzpatrick, also of the Cler ics of St. Viator, succeeded Father Bergin

the c ultivation of our noblest fa culty. th e iotellcct. The opportun­

ity is prcs<'U t; we hn,·e but to reach o ut aod gras p it. l t "sha ll 1101 pnss this way' agHin. Tht·n~ is no repair for wasted time. and

m emories o( tir e hollrs we whiled away at college will provide us with our hitiL'fl'S t r egrrts iu years to come. as pastor.

==================~==;~~~~~:=;:=:::=:~=~~~ The Rev. J . W. R. Maguire. C. S John Nolan , a forme r s tudent, is at \· ., P r esident o! the College, spent

ALUMNI NOTES <· present associated with the Illinois the summe r vacationing, after a very E:mergency R elief, in Rockford, Ill. strenuous year in Chicago, Wisconsii 1

anJ on the Northwest Coast of the i 11f . J. 'l....eo :McDermott. a form e r Dr. John Tracy Ellis, '29, form er United States and Canada.

st udcnt nl St. Viator College. ac- head of the History Department at companied by his \'\;fe and friends. St. Viator, is now a member of the To R ev. C. Marzano, Brother Me paid u short visit l O the College on faculty at St. Therese's College, Win· Cleary, and Professor H. Dooling goes July t7tb . At present, Mr. MeDer· ona, Minnesota. most of the c redit for making the moll is '-'mp loyed by U1e Ryerson Fourth of July celebration the grea S.l~C'\ Company, and resides at Pitts- J ohn ''Hooks" O'Malley, '29, \Vho s•1ccess that it was. This trio work burgh. Pa.. His visit was a most starred in all major sports at St. cd steadily from early June until wel plcn.s:Ult surprise, and his friends hope \·iator for several years, has been after the affair was concluded. to in


that U1.ey "ill be mort: frequent. plaJing baseball \\ith the H ouse of ~me its success. --- I D:nid nine during the past summer

.t osl~ph Gorm!l..n and Richard Shea. months. Brother S enesac and Brother H off who wert.' studt2'nt.s h('re a short time

1 man recently left for Catholic U. a t


-~\.~-,l, ar0 now ~ ulployt'd by th..:o Stan- 1 Rev. John Smith, C. S. V ., ' 29, was \Va.shington. D. C. BroLller Joh1 dard Oil C'omptU1Y at Fort \Ya.ynt~. recently appointed assistant pastor at 1 Toolan. \Vho g raduated last J une L,

)lr. J:une::; Allen :\'alan, ·~~. is lt ptx'scnt Buti.{:t:>t St'('rt...,tn.ry for the C':.Hholic Ch! and is stationt:d. R.t St. Louis. 1t.{o. _\.J ''ill fmisll ''ith thts work early in Octo~r. and then ,,;ll r~turn t o Catholic r s. t \\' s.shington. D. ., \Yhe~ he ''ill be a cs .. ndidatc for ~\ D<xt,.) r·:::; Deg-ri'tl' in Sociolo~y.

St. :Ma.r:r's Church. Dixon, Illinois. now stationed at Springfield. Tilinoi'5

John ~c~ahon. '19, who received :-\ Doctor 's Degree in History at Cath­olic U. 1 ~t June, has received an in1-port.ant instructing a.s.signment at a f rominent Texas College.

r 'Those who left for the 'L~niversity 0 Illinois are: Brothers Bro\"\'ll. O'Brien Reidel. and Sweeney.

' The Rev. John E. Williams, who L stUd) fo r his Ph. D. at the Un~ vers.ity o! illinois, was a visitor here

Patrick Farrell and J osep -:"1 las t tu esday.


Canadian Confreres who are already Sidney H erbst, Manager

engaged in mission duties there. DINlNG ROOM


A hearty welcome awaJts the studen ts and friends of St.

Viato r Coll ege.



P a bs t Blue R ibbon FRUITS - VEGETABLE '

l•'LOWERS The Beer of Quail ty

297 S. West Ave. - Phone 389 Wholesale - Retail

Route No. 17 - Kanka.kee, Ill. .

Taylor Transfer Co. Inc.

Ins ured F reiarht F orwarders Liberty Laundry Hauling Between

---Ka nka kee, Chicago, Jollet

EUGENE L. BENOIT And All Inte rmediate P oin ts ---KANKAKEE CHICAGO

144 North ~846 S. 73 Main St. Tel. Maln247 East Ave. Wenworht Ave. Bourbon nais, Jllin ols ~lai n 368 Yar ds 1501)-1501



Insurance of A ll Kinds

101 EAST COliRT liT.


Phone 1933



121 South East AYenut> .Kankakee, IJlinoi~

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-10-01



OCTOBER 20TH St. Viator Students, A lumni and

Friends will celebrate H omecoming this year on October 20. Although originally plann ed for November 17,

difficulties a rose concerning the foot­ball game with Millikin U., and the date had to be changed. But regard­less of just when it is to be held, the Homecoming celebration this year promises to be the biggest and best event of its kind ever , at St. Viator.

St. Viator vs. E lmhurs t The feature of the day, will be a

football game be tween the Varsity and Elmhurst College, which has al­ways present ed a strong front against

T urkish tobacco i.r parked thousands of tiny lea ves to the bale. It a<'erages 400 leaves a pound.



the Gr een \Vave. And this year is 'I he Freshmen c lass this year is very of the Gym, the F rosh will have to al good; by r eturning books promptly 10 e.<ceptioa. Elmhurst wi ll come large, and, coo,peration on the part of start work on it in about a week's so that others may use them; by.

'"'re v;itJ ca'3 of the strongest grid- each and every member will assure time. never taking books or any other 11v.J. squads to oppose the Irish this the success of the Homecoming fes- Mr. Nolan plans to send ou t a fo rm printed material from the room Wlth-year. But Coach Corcoran's boy.:> tivi ties. 1 tter t o many of the A lumni and out having a record made. A book will be r eady for them. H e has The Freshmen Class wi ll also pro- friends of St. Viator, urging them to ia not properly charged or recorded been putting the squad through some vide the entertainment between the make Homecoming this year th~ until the book card in the book pocket sever e scrimmage during the past halves of the foo t bal l gam e. A I- greatest in the history of the College. at the front of the book has been re­several weeks, and several games though no definite plans have been Cooperation on ... ne part of all con- moved, OOrrower's name r ecorded on to be played before the Homecomin~ made, we feel sur e that Mr. Schu- cerned w ill make it just that. it, and a dating slip stamped to show date , hopes to h ave the team in per- macher will see to it, that the F rosh when the book must be returned. The

feet condition for the E lmhurs t con- "do their s tuff for the customers, ll BRARY NOTES book card must be left with the libra-test. After watching the team work sufficiently, effi ciently, etc." rian at the charging desk. out daily, we have no doubt but what College Club Dance Courteous and efficient library ser-they \Viii come through with a vic- 1'Ir. Rober t Nolan . p resident of t he The library is not a study hall, but vice is our aim. We shall appreciate tory on that day of days. College Club, has announced that the a p lace where books may be used for your cooperation.

Fresh men P P ep -1\feeting College Club will sponsor a dance on pror. ... and enjoyment. As a matter The library gratefully acknowledges M r. William Schumacher is form - t he evening of October 20. As ye t. of courteous consideration of the gifts of books from the following gen­

ulating plans for a r a lly and pep - pla..'ls have not been fully completed. rights Of all, order mu~ ... be maintain- erous patrons: Rt. Rev. Monsignor G. meeting on the evening preceding the Iu all p roba bili ty, the affai r will t ake ed. When in the library s peak soft- Legris, Rev. F. E. Munsch, Brothrr big game. In a few days the Fro~h plac:) in the College Gymnasium . The ly, ste;p ligh tly, and push chairs back M . O' Connor . wi ll commence their work of getting committees on Tickets and the Or- quietly. To avoid annoying others, --------wood for the bonfire. Mr. John Mor- cl1estra havP. no t ye t been selec t ed. If talk only when necessary. Clem Stoval doesn' t mind wind ris, r ecently named cheer -leader is the affair is he ld in the Gym, the Each reader can help the library sprint, he's in shape now, running making up a program of new cheers, decorating will be done by the F r esh- to give good service by observing the those three flights to answer t~·~

and will present them at the rally men. Because of the enormous size rules, which are made for the gener- phone.- It' s Southern drawl!

Tobaccos grown in this coun by are" seasoned"

with tobaccos from Turkey and Greece


T OBACCOS to taste right in a cigarette need to be flavored or

seasoned just the same as you might season a steak or a pudding.

No tobaccos have ever been found that equal the spicy aromatic tobac­cos of Turkey and Greece for this purpose. That's why we send 4000 miles for aromatic tobaccos from Sam­soun and Smyrn a,Xanthi and Cavalla.

When blended and cross-blended in just the righ t amounts with Chest­erfield 's mild ripe Domestic tobac­cos, the result is a rich flavor and a fine fragrance.

Chesterfields are seasoned right­they taste right. May we suggest you try them.

hesterfield " 19H. l.J...,-y & l.!YD> TQ.!.40:0 Co. tie otjare!/e (hz/!J MILDER • fhe oVjare//e fha/ TASTES BETTER

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-10-01


Another summer's gone and here ·;.re back to the old grind older. .::adder, and maybe a little v.;ser . v.:eartng a cap and gown in my ov.."Tl right now . campus looks pretty b&.re with all those UJustrious men of yesterday (class of '33 to you) among

ne.s3. Doyle, Roche. Qwnn. a.n 1 Ketly were a few no t to mention a crowd of Fr eshmen. These summer romances do linger on.

Thanks to Clem we have a ver. inUmate knO\Vledge of the Uves and habits of the colored gentry of tht~

South. That speech at the Freshmen reception wen t over with a bang. From the way Father 1--Iaguire seem-eci to enjoy the story about feeding

I the missing . . . especially our dis­tinguished predecessor the G r eat Hoover . . . be says he's going to run for the Indiana legislature next year We wish hlm luck . for

I the mules tobacco juice to make them work we imagine that Clem \\oill be in line for a public speaking.

As this is tlw first attrompt for this editor at a major column,

th<' bouqU(JtS should not com8 too fast as this little boy can't take

it, PH[lPf'ially when the bouquets are fermented to1natoes, eggs et c.

far in to the night.

fu rther information read the Alumni


Quite a good c rop of Fresmen this year . Looks like those of the fern-in.ine persuasion in Kankakee areu't

'l'hr·rf' is at least one othr·r fellow in this school that appreciates going to be left out in the cold when the class of '34 r eceive the sheep-

thf' aulhor's home town, non e other than "Beavo" Best, if he hasn't skins. Already the telephones in

S(:e fl tiH· (·ountry no onr elst> has.

in the same chann el. Kaff, Kaff.

Y PS ~ Y <:>s! .A II gr eat minds run Roy Hall and the refectory have be­gun to get a work out. The boys from the South are especially popu-Jar. Maybe it' s the voice that gets

All horseplay and other such high school chitter chatter aside, ·em . "What you- all doin' t'ni ght.

s incerc l,Y hop e t hat this co l1111111 is a success not only fo r my sake, baby?"

---By the way, som eone might ask th~

renowned em tor of thiS rag where be got that package of cigarettes last Saturday nigh ... Of course, w e're not saying anything, but well ask him yourself.

---Anyone d esiring information as to

the r elati ve merits of Guy Lombardo and Jan Garber's bands should con-s uit J ack L.ronin. T he boy has some decided opinions on that s ubject. W e r also if it is only his love of sweet harmony that causes him to s tand around the music counte r at the five and ten whenever he goes

but fo r th e pride of our hea rt, St. Viator Coll ege. Norb Ellis is back and th e mail is

ILJ;i noi s may not be the best stat e io the cow1try, bu t even

Flo,·ida a nd Cali fo rni a will ha,·e to admit that I llinois has its Bour­


heavy with pe rfumed envelopes from Seneac, Joli et and points w es t. Doc is taking Gennan this year so that he can carry on his correspondence w ith that little Deutsch e f raulein b::tck ho me withoul. letting Jim 0'­

I to town. Or can it be the wistfu l smue of that salesgirl who plays "Love I s The Sweetest Thing" , so

Which b•·in gs to my mind th e sto r.v of three sal esmen going into a r estau•·ant, ha, ha, I foo led you, hut to get back to t he sto ry, each one was t •·ying to i111pr ess the oth ers how tough th ey a ll were, so t he f i•·s t salesman told t he wa iter to fry hi s steak rare, th e next one sa id to f ry hi s very rare, t he uext one who was a Texan said to th e waiter, " Oct me a sharp ](!1ife a nd th eu just d riv e that steer by the tab le and I will hack off what J want".

Mar a read his letters .

Ray Roche went up to Winnipeg to p lay Canadian football, tried the g ame, tasted the beer , and decided that h e ,preferred the American! of both bette r , so he came back to share 203 with K r aukaus.

The World's Fair grounds looked

Maybe yo n didn 't know I hat we had a futur e or ])looming Long- like the Viator campus this summer 1 ot that tne Hall of Science resem­

fellow Of' something , io our midst.

by ou r local talent.

H er e is th e compositiou written hies Marsile Hall or anything like


lov e you littl e Halli e, Jo ve you wi t h a ll my heart, wonder why I left yo u,

It was so ha t'd to part.

J have dl'eamed of you H a llie, ~iu ce 1 lut\·e been away, .\u tl wh en J fe~.:·l lik (· I L~ a\· ing,

1 am coming back to s tay.

\\' lt y did I leave yon anyhow, I cannot tell you why, l think of yo u so much dear, That's why I break down an d cry.

Wh en I was a lways near you, I dicln 't know I lo1·ed you so. But after missing your sweet face, 1 am like the weeping wind t hat blows.

- Olen Malone.

that ( al tnough the House of T en Thousand Wonders does remind you of Roy Hall) hut just because so many of the boys were pushing chairs a round up there. Pat L egris, Jack Burns, Ed and Tom of the Manteno G-ormans, Paul LaRocque and Roche were a few that we met as we made the rounds.

Several of our coeds of yesteryear a re engaged in teaching the younger s.e t the three R s . . you know, 'read ing, 'riling, and romancing. I nfor mation as to name and place w ill be g iven upon app ...... cation .

'l'he Freshmen seem to go for th e cowboy pictures at the Lyric in 3.

big way. At least they make enough noise in expressing their enthusiasm when the hero shoots down the cattle rustlers and rescues the beautifu heroine. "Mule'' has a private seat in


the front row.



Joe Degnan of Rosewood Avenu fame has decided that he wants to fly around in tne air with the bird a nd bees and butterflies, not to m en tion insects. ..,._ccording to last re

\\'c a lso have an All-American on the football team, "Charles ports be was enrolled at an aviauon school. H e always was a high f lyer

P edon' ·. if you don't believe it just ask him he will tell yon. anyv.ray.

This little incid ent was clisLcd out in a History class of the Remember that old song about '"A author. Bicycle Built For Two?" Fuch an d

e e

lt Sc' c•ms as if the Pop~ asked 'Jiichael ~\ngelo to paint some Bible Turner are singing it a lot lately. w tt.ought is was just the ~.-ect of th

scenes iu the Vatican State. in some part of the Cathedral, Angelo weather , ... we saw them pedallin g had some grievance against a man and so he put donkey ears on around Kankakee with two member

the man eud painted him into the picture. The man imm ediately a: the fair sex last Sunday afternoon s

complained to the Pope and so the Pope talked to Angelo for a

beautifully ? Afte r all, love is the sweetest thing.

---The Freshmen have been getting "

real taste of coll ege life in lhe Kan-garoo Court. It's not the most pleru:;-ant experien ce, but we au had to take it. But be careful about putting towels and various other sundry ar-ticl es in the seat of the pants. It often does more harm than good. Ask Buttgen.

---George Fleming of the Chicago

Flemings, came back to school a week late and has decided to grant us the privilege of his company for another year. Jack Burns also bethought him-self that going to college was easier than pus hing people from Poison Gulch, Wyoming and Cor n Centre, Iowa about the World's Fair gr ounds and is back in our midst. Greetings to both of the prodigal sons.

If you haven't been fortunate I enough to hear Father Cardinal's ren d ition of '' Lazybones", you've r eal-ly missed a treat. Ask any of the occupants on the first floor of Roy Hall.



N .lli. ~arrnttr


Young Men 's Clothes

F urnishings and Shoes

Philip T. Lambert H ardware

Houseware - S porting Goods 129 E. Court St. - Phone 930

Kankakee, Illinois

Compliments of

F. 0. Savoie & Co. Wholesale Grocers

Compliments of

Vincent M. Bondi 223 \"\'. Buron St. Chicago

Complirnents of JOHN HICKEY


" J QS\ W hat You W ant " - at-

Uncla imed Storage Company

2411 S. Schuyle r Ave., K n.nkakee

Compliments of

Vitale Fireworks Mfg. Co.

Newcastle, P a .


Bo rn Tailored, they cost no mor~ a nd they're all wool

M. Born & Company Chicago

Huff & Wolf Jewely Co. 172 E. Court Street

Buy School P ens Now! Name Put on Free!

For Better B utter Ask For

Delicious Brand KAN KAKEE BUTTER CO.

Phone 410

H. E. Coyer E. A. Clason TELEPHONE MAIN 202

De Lluxe Cleaners Cleaning, Pressing & Repairing Work Called For and Deliver ed 167 ~. Schuy ler , Kankakee, Ul.




151-159 s. West Ave., Kankakee

P hone 196

We Invite You Phone 423

Reliable Cleaners All That Our Name Implies

Fine Cleaning - P ressing

- Tailoring-H atters - F urriers

246 S. Schuyler , Kankakee, DJ.

Amedee T. Betourne Phar macy


119 Court St., Kankakee, Ill.

while and then c\ngelo went out to finish his work. He then put Bill Fleming is a lover of hature the man ·s face iu Hell. the man then went to the Pope again and On his first Sunday here he wen, off complained to the Pope, whereupon the Pope replied, " If it were in to the woods along the river. Is ' Purgntory . 1 minght h(' abh' to hdp )·ou. but seeing that you are in a longing for the g r eat open spaces Hell. you are clear out of m~- jurisdiction. that atcracts him or is it some

Joe Tittle a Sons, Inc. •t


thing else? 108 East Court Street Kankakee, illinois

e l PHONE 574

el l ·

I would like it to be know·n that I am working under theN. R. ci.. Love is grand. Just look at all th boys who had to return home th

-::\o Rats Allowed. first week end on "important" b s

Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-10-01

:;UN!) A\' , Offi'O IJ I!I II 1, 11)!13 '1' 11 11l VJI\ 'I'Oitii\ N 1'1\ I)J<; ~<"I VY.

Viator Meets Pontiac October 7 COACH CORCORAN PREDICTS GREAT


U nd ,. th cupnblo dl r cc llon or F'a l h r llo. ,·bu.ucr u.n d ~~·o th e r B1.1.y t he ln t nL-mUnll Spor·t prog r am I ~ o ff t o u n ear ly !i lu1·L In th o for m or o nLw ly or g u.n.i zed Indoor bn!icba.JI lcu­g u co mposed of si x Roy H a l l t eam s and LIH CC day s tudent l am~.

GAME AT PONTIAC, SATUROA Y Material Enough For Two Good Lines; New

Candidates Show Well In Scrimmage Strong Lin e And Backfield Composed of

Veterans And Frosh, Ar e Ver y Promising Bro . .Bay cond ucted lh c po lls dur-

J ack Corcoran broke h is prover bial I M CHAMP TO GET ing th e cl c tio n or lhc Roy H a ll cap- GIANT FRESHMAN If effort a nd persistance are to r e-cord of sil en ce last w ee\{ when he • Lalns. T h e fo llow ing we r e elec t ed : have their du e r ewar<.l, then Coacn consented to comment upon the 1933 Seniors Mea ny a nd Nola n ; Juni ors- Jack Corcoran Is producing one of

prospects for U1e Green Wave. GO lO TROPHY Kelly und Qu inn ;· l'' reshmcn Sal a a nd EN R 0 llS HERE t he stronges t football teams that has " Scrimmages' ' , he , "sho-.v th a t Barza.nly. pl ayed for Saln t Viator in man y we have material fo r two good lines T he day s tu dents !J a vc th ree team s years. Up lo the openin g of school a.nd one experienced back -fi eld. While capt a ined by Bnl·o n , So ucie, and th e squad bad been prac ting tvlice a. the t eam m ay be so mewhat lacl<ing The A t hle tic Council has de term in- Cr·ow ley. We have ve ry lill ie in - Tallest Youth In School ; Height day under that unrelenting pounding in good, p roficien t bloc king , and a ed to fos ter more s p itit in I n tra- mur- formatio n on t hese teams as ye t. 6 Ft., 11 in . which only Coach Corcoran knows little weak at end , ye t , barring a c- a l a U1le tic a c tiviti es U1ls year by a - Tb e ".Mcanics" a nd SoJa's "Mad- ond whic h on ly a p layer who bas cidents, the tea m s hou ld develop warding a gold t rophy to U1 e s t udent caps " op ened th e league p layi ng with Olen (Mu le) Malone, who hal ls practiced under his di r ection can ap-ly in t wo weeks befo re U1e practice who, by h is ath le ti c prowess has earn- u close foug ht game. Th e "Meanie3" from D ichls ta d t, Missouri, can with- preclate. Despite the fact that the g ame wiU1 Pontia c". - e rl the title of "Cham,p" of i11t r a-mu r- won the game in lhe las t of t he out a doubt claim to be t he tallest Irish lost such men as "Pete" Laffey,

While S t . Viator has s trong op- a l ath le tics at SL. Via to r Coll ege. nin th by s t aging a rall y w hich was s t udent a ttending the CoUege. This Ralph Karr, ".Joe" Bomba, "Bill' Gib-p onents on its schedule, the Iris h T he "Cha mp" s ha ll be de te rmi ned climaxed by Doc" Meany's dou ble young gian t stands exactl y six foot, bans, Baker and Barnard, the supply a r e better prepared to dea l wi th them th rough a point system w hich has lo ri ght f ie ld. The fi na l score was eleven inches In his sto<:king feet. He of fresh material which bas pour ed than has been the case fo r many been devised by the A t h le tic Counci l. 11 to 10. What a game! has p roved quite a problem to the Col- into the school warrants no need of years. This yea r finds the Saints Poin ts a r e to be awa rded a s fo llows: Krauklis, "Meanic" s hort-s top, had lege au to ri ties, as no bed can be found ~kepticism.

wi th a heavy line to prot ect a fas t AU captains of varsi t y t eams 15 th e ho no r of h itting the fi rs t home- su itable fo r his ex treme proportions. W hile the lme of ability to be and sure back -fie ld, the for mer poin ts. r un of the season wh en he h it to ''Mule" also finds it qui te bothersome drawn between the players must nee-a veraging 190 pounds , and the latter Captains of winning in tra- mural Jeep le._ . cente r in the seco nd inning. w hen en te ri ng any of the school build- es!'lari ly be thin, yet undoubtedly the ranging in the 175 po und class . teams in th e indoo r, baske tball , a nd ·Lef t y" Fuche, pitche r fo r the '·Mad- ings. He is so tall lha~ ~ ~ becomes E..'te .• of not only Saint Viator, but

Corcoran is forr.unate in having pushball leagues , 10 points. caps" , dupli cat ed this feat in th e necessary fo r h im to bend quite low of the en tire Li t tl e Nineteen arc what he considers to be ver y good Mem bers of var s it y teams, 10 fo u r th fram e. Not so good, "Doc" , to pass th roug h the doorways of the t urn ed in the dir ection ot Emmerson men to f ill the various pos itions, and points. - i f you can ' t keep a pitcher f rom College buildings. Dexter of Champaign, who h as dis­fu r ther, his s upply of reserves and Winners of th e hand ba ll, pocke t getting s uch h.its, how can you ex- He has played both footbal l and linguished h imself and his school by fresh talent is d iversified and ex- pool, bowling, ping po ng , and pec t to keep th e oth er boys f rom do- basketba ll , and is qui te adept at securing the berth of center on the ceptional. T wo men, E lmer Best tournam ents , 10 points. ing lik ewise? bo th. H e weighs 195 pounds, and, All Conference Team. There is no and Ken Corco ran, have been kep t .Members of winning intra-mura l as we have said, is six foot, eleven reason for doubt, and every cause for f rom pra ctice for the pas t week by league teams, 5 poin ts. The "Meanie" infield per fo r med in i.nches tall. Imagine, if you will, the the opinion that he will come thr ough injuries, bu t were ex,pect eel to repor t Runners -up i.n the various tou ma· a reall y wo rkmanlike manner. They embarrassment of all basketball cen- \' ith honors again this season. not la ter than last \ .Yednesday. r.1ents, 5 points. t u rned in three double p lays, Krauk- tcrs who will have the misfortune to At right guard St. Viator fans will

Coach Corcoran has been connected Winners of an event in the track lis to Pey~on to Weiser, quite an ef- play opposite the "Mule". No mat- watch Raphael Roche's steady and with St. Viator a thle tics fo r over two o r swim meets, 5 ,points. fec t ive com binat ion. Krauk lis started te r how tal l they m a y be, he will po'Nerful playing. Roche originally years and has won the res pect of Runners -up in track or swim m eets all of these douole p lays. ,probably tower ove r the lot of them. W<.rked at a tackle position, but due. ever y man who has wor ked under :1 points. \Vilh his superior height, "Slim" to a slight shortage of weight, was h im . H e came to ~ t. Viator origi- The student body throug h this col· Credll. fo r the most speC lacula r should be able to control the tip-off ea1 ly transfered to guard-much to

nally as boxing coach , and produced umn expresses its thanks to the p lay of tue game goes to - aptain and thereby be a great advan tage to bot1; his own and the team's advan­a team that put the s trongest line- Athletic Council fo r the effor t and in- Saia of t he Madcaps" who spoiled a the t eam. There are several able con­ups of the many leading schools to itiative they have s hown in provid ing potential rally in th e eig hth inning When inte rv iewed by the VIA TOR- tenders fo r left guard , but the firs t

thei r hardest t est. H e followed a goa l towards w hich a ll of us may ~:~~~ =~i~:a~;i~c~i!~i ~~t:a~b~i c~ :t:~ JA N, Ma lone made the fo llowing string man for that position is un­Coach Bucky Dahman as head Coach s tr ive. The co-operation of a ll s tu- fo r at leas t a t ri pl e, and turned it in - stat ement : "I have played f our yea rs certain. Two other m en w ho have

in ;::c2~ran is f itted for his pos ition ~~:-~u~nal e~~~:::.~gwi~~ c~::~J;esui~~ to a double play. Wha t a man, Sai a! ~ ~ :e~~~v: a~a~~tb:!1vean!obt::~et~:~~ ~~s~~;u~:~da~:e~::l:s0:U~eK~~~ not only t hrough his ability as a <!l l iuteres t that the con t es t s fo r th e befo re me that will prove to be even both tackles of no mean ability, and theoretical coach , bu t beca use of the title will be very k een. F rom tim e We notice that the boxing ri ng has harder as I wi ll be p layin g in fas t er either of whom migh t well have ser v-vas t fund of pl aying experience f ro m to time we will pos t the names of the bren set up again. Every rute rnoon company. I love ath le t ics and fight ed as an inspirational exci tant fo r which he may d raw in order to bet - le·a<i ing contenders and their point you m a y see J oe " Kell y) Ka lkowski, from whistle to whistle. In my four the writer of the current song hi t , ter coach hls teams. And hence, tot als in th is colu mn. Already a one of Chicago's C. Y. 0 · products, years of H igh School competition I "Hold Your Mann", ··chuck P ey-

d working out W ho..l B rother "Eddie"' d bo t · I ton ,·s au"'n o th · b t d d the deduction may readily be rawn, g t ea t deal of inter es t has been arous- score a u SLxteen hund red points ca..a n e JO a en an that with excellen t material , under eli. DesLauri ers. T he -oiule also works in basketball but never scored a point mows down the backs that come his t he di r ection of a man who knows ou t. Father ...... ardina l is usually the in footbal l. I was fortunate enough, way wi th a neat p recision and which the game in all its phases, the Green ST. VIATOR HELD tim e-k eeper . in that length of tim e, to place on undoubtedly wi ll make him a marked Wave is about to t ramp the road of severa l AIJ- S ta.r teams". man. footbal l success.


SUMMER SESSION Football Schedule \Ve have no doubt but that Malon t With an outstanding line in front wi ll p rove to be a great help to the of them , the Green Wave backfield

The f irst summer school to be coo · Oct. 7- P onti ac, a t 1-'ontiac. t eam s of S t. Viator . w e all a wait will have the opportuni ty to s t ep out ducted by the Co llege had an enrol l· Oct. 14-Michigan State Nor ma l, a:. the ti m e when we shall see "Slim'" and go places. Noonan, Abney and ment of about thirty s tuden ts. This Yps ilant i. in a ction. It has been predic ted, by Fuchs. al l last year letter men, are number, a lthoug h see ming ly s mall , Oct . 20- E lmhurs t Colleg e a t Bou r- those who are qualified to judg~ back , and it one can judge f rom their

Although many of the best grid wa s considered a good beginning by bonnais . ath le tes, that Olen Malone \vil l be- daily scri mmages, the Irish will not players o last year are back and the College 01fi cials. When Catholic Oct . 28-Valpa.r aiso U. a t Valpar- com e a fi rs t class foo t ball and bas- \vant fo r fast, cool and all around a re appa rently holding their own with Uuivers ity s tar t ed its summer school aiso. ket ball player before the year is over. efficient quarter back s this year. In r em H.rkRhl e vivacity, ye t none have a few years ago , only a s m al l nu m . Nov. ! -Cha rles ton Teacher s at May tha t p rediction come t rue! the 1932 squad "Red" H arding o! their jobs cinched and the F reshmen ber attended, but s ucceeding yeara Bourbonnais . I Peoria (every inch a scrapper) es-contender s continue to look bet t er saw a rapid increase. And so th e Nov. 4-J ohn Caroll a t -.... leveland, BOOSTER CLUB tablished an enviable record at right than ever. Ou ts t anla ng among th~ local autho rities a r e quite hopeful Ohio. half-back and bids fair to hold the new mater ial is Don Betourne of Ka n- about their swnmer sessions in the Nov. 11- W est. S t a te Teacher s at (Continued from Page One) spot light again this season. W es-kakee, a complete, a ll a round athlete, future. Ka lamazoo. therefore heartil y endorsed by the tray, triple threat man from Clinton, who t ips the scales at 175 pounds, Among the cou rses offered in the 1\o ov. 17-J ames Milliken U. at \'iator ian and U1e College Club. has showed enough ability for the and who h as found his pos ition a t fi r s t s umm er session were: H is to ry , Kankakee. Sh1dents Pledge Support past two years to chalk up the points, left end. He has a lready ilistin- Logis , Economics, F rench, Chemis try , Nov. 25- Ga ry College a t Gar y, Rober t A. oNlan. president of the and even with this season's tough guished himself a t St. Viator with and Educat ion. Should the enroll- Indiana. Co llege Club, a student organization, schedule one need have no fear of hi:::l his quicl{, sure punting and long pass- ment in the fu ture increase, as IS ex- The Iris£1 open their schedule wnh expressed h imself as p leased with the lying down. And to top this sur ­es. Foot ball observer s expect h im pee ted, the curr icul um will , in a ll a prac t1ce game a t ... ontiac R efor ma- new club. "I t will prove", he said, vey of a more than promising team, to t a ke an early st art for a position probability, be expand ed. tor y. A prac~1ce game shou,_ p rove "a boon to the College and an effec- "Ken" Corcoran at fullback is ex· on t he Lit tle Ninet een .r...u-Conference ad vantageous both to the members of tive cooperator with the College Club. peeled to get off with flyin g co lor~

team, and with an enviable hig h the St. Viator squad and LO Coach '\oVe ii give it every encouragement at Pontiac, and to continue to bring school g rid career behind him , don't the s trongest ends to have played Co rcor an by showing up the weak and our cheerful sup,port". home the bacon undl the school end3

be s u rprised at the heig h ts he m ay with the I rish for several year s. Hi:J poin ts of the team and were by en- "This group is worthy of the at- il. s grid-iron schedule with Gary Col­reach in the football world . work in early p ractice was of an out- abling their remedy before ... a1e fi rst tention and support o! every member lege. While these experienced players

As a t r ansfer from the S t . Louis s tanding type, bu t due to an a nkle big game of wte season with Michigan of the student body and the alumni- have proved themselves to be up, and Univer sity ....... IS year, comes E lmer injury, he was unable to report for State Normal. It is unqestionably association", said William Clancy, even above par in scrimmage, yet Best , a 195 pound end. I n 1931 , he the pas t week. However , he is bacl{ I a stiff schedu le, but those who have president o! the Senior Class, in ex- there is an almost inexhaustible sup­p layed F reshm en foo tball in St. Louis now with the same figh t and power the ins ide infor mation of the t eam en- ~ressing his appreciation of the Club. ply of good material to draw !rom, on t ackle berth, bu t under Coach Cor- which is expec ted to carry hi m t cr tai n no doubt tha t the Green \ vave He pledged the assistance of the Class and more than one new man will bare coran h e has developed into one of th roug h a s uccessful sea son. will prove equal to it. he heads to the Boosters. watching.

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-10-01


Sorority Welcomes New St ud ents

a.: .. ,uc year. the Soronty boasts about e·;en more mem~rs. They will be

O>dda11y welcom~'>d at the f iTst meet­mg on Fnday evening, .xptember

To the new Co-ed• or St. VIator 20th. And for the purpose of tthe (;oJJr;gc, the &>r-Ial Sorority bids wei- r.~w students, it may be well to men­r.;..ome. ThJs Sorority has gradually t10n thP officers that have r ecently as­g r ovm frr~m. dirnlnuUvc al 7~ lt> a corn- 1Jmed their po~iUon.~ for the year. ps:t.ra.tlw~ly largl! body. :Vor thofte un- Th~y arc: a,.qualnt.r;d with 1t WP will explain it.i Pre!iiden t - - - - - - - -Ruth Arrington

r·urp<)ar· , 'llll ~ organization ha.q been Vke-President- - - - Margaret Clancy

active on the VIator campus tn the SN: retary - - - - - - - - Agnes Stelter wk.y or providing a aoctal element in the Kchool and affording plea..qu rable Trca..<:Jurer - - - - - - Regina R eiJiy

u AsociatloM among Its members. Dur-Ing the past It ha.a done much In n ave the s~udents forgotten that furth ering the extra-cu rricular act!- St. Viator has a very excellent swim­vltles on the campus and will continue mlng pool? The water may be a lo aid a.q much as possible during the bit cold but I can assure you that coming year. 1t is the wish of the the few who do use the pool enjoy Sorority to become an clement as nee- it. Among those whom we have casary t.o the .school as any of lht! seen in s wimming are: Fa ..... 1er Cardi· other Coll ege organizations, and we na,, Brother ·....dward DesLaurie rs, arc s ure that many now will attest I Kalkawsl<i, butlgen, and Morris. Bet­to Its usefu lness. let get some practice befo re tne in-

With the advent o! the new scbol- tra-mural swimming m eet.



Doc" ~Ieany, one of St. Viator's outstandmg students and athletes, tJas been appointed e.ssistant football coach. The appomtment was greet­e 1 with great enthusiasm by the stu­

a3 has been proven by his past acti\"i­ues. Last year he was manager of the football and basketball teams and \vas also the nnancial manager of the Dramatic Club. The success with which he handled these unportant un­dertakings gi\.·es us every reason to belie ve that he ~;n make a succe&:;­ful assistant to Coach Corcoran.

St:.\LlA1" . OCTOBER 1, 19:1;,

team ''ill be quite a nuisance to our opponents. __ .. l.....tte all olh~r f t 11 mentors. he refuse to takt:: the opti­mistic n ...... tude. However. ,,.e l\..T\!

all lookmg- worfa.rd. """lth great faith 1r the abilibes of Corcoro..n and Meany, to a very successful s~n-son.

dent body. \-Ve of the VIATORIA:\ hhen inten.iewed . .._\feany woulj Father Harbauer is senously ron­tat<:! this opportunity to extend con- say very Little to your humble report- sidering appointing Dick Doylt:: pre­gn:.tulations to you "Doc". ~lay the er. However. he said: " 1 believe that feet of the second corndor and rc­tNt.m have a very successful season 1 shall enjoy working under Coach tiring to the less active life of teach­under tne tutelage of Coach Corcor- ~ \...O rcoran, who is one of 1.11e ablest in an and your humble sell. the Llttle Nineteen COnference. I have er only. Doyle ts the fi rst mnn up

t_eany has played on St. Viator had the benefit of playing for him on the corridor every rooming and fco:ball teams as a center, for three and believe that I know what he spends all his time from U1e first ytars; being replaced last year by wishes taught to the squad. The rays of dawn until breakfast In l:'.nerson Dexter, who became an All- l:ne will average abou t 190 pounds pounding his roommate \\ith pillows Ct. nference star . Doc. therefo re, has and with the vaz:slty members of last in an effort to get him up. .<\..nd on o vast knowledge, ~aincd from per · season as a basiS fo r ou r new for- J lop of that be has taken to smoking sonal expeMence, which he will en- ward wall, we should have a well bat- a pipe that smell llke a combination d .!.• \ or to teach to the linemen thi.; anc~d team which will, in my esti- of chlorine gas and several month~ year . ! mation, be o. c r edit "0 the Collel!e". ! old eggs. Visi to rs neve r remain In

"Doc'' has a great executive abil ity No doubt, "Doc" means that the 212 long anymore.

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