Download - St paul march 2015 bulletin

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Dear Friends,

Lent was not always my favorite season. My parents were strict and prohibited me and my brother to do many usual things we used to enjoy. They believed, we should mourn for the sufferings of Jesus. So we were told not to watch too much television (I must admit, they were right on this point) and we could not listen to my favorite rock n’ roll radio stations. As you can imagine, I broke this last precept countless times. It also caused me to commit additional sin to the usual number.

Well, the more sins I was committing, the more I started to discover Lent is a providential season. This season teaches us, there is a lack of logic in committing sins. Sin is always about disobedience, about committing evil which presents itself under the appearance of good. Our justification and salvation comes from the obedience of Jesus and the good fruit of his death which presents itself to us under an appearance of evil. Lent is the season, which reminds us about this logic. Anytime we disobey God’s commandments and Church precepts we travel back in time to the Garden of Eden, and we stand under the tree which fruits are tasty but our premature consumption of them makes it a bitter experience. But then, when we stand under a different tree, a tree of the Cross, we take a look at the Pierced One. Then we see the One who is the fruit of God’s Love, given to us as a helper, who teaches the price and reward of obedience to God.

This is very much our daily experience and Lent reminds us about the intensity of it. The crowning moment of this dynamic is the celebration of Resurrection during Easter Vigil and on Easter Sunday. There we experience how we all arise from our spiritual death and the Church is born out of the Sacraments. This year 4 adults and 4 teenagers of our parish are marching very intensively towards the Paschal feasts. As we see them maturing in faith, let us continue to pray for them, that they would bear fruit of their commitment to faith.

To all of you I wish to have a great Lent and Very Happy Easter.

Sincerely yours

Fr. Wiesław Dawidowski, OSA

St. Paul the Apostle of the Nation The English Speaking Catholic Parish of Warsaw

Located at: Church of the Nativity of Our Lady (Narodzenia NMP na Lesznie) at Al. Solidarnosci 80 CCD: 11:00-12:00 Sundays Holy Mass: 12.15 Sundays Confessions: Sundays 11:30-12:15 Saturday 17:00-18:00 Weekdays by appointment, call Father Father Wiesław Dawidowski 600-384-916 [email protected]

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Acolyte Acolyte Gong Bells

8th of March





15th of






22nd of


Chadwick Reiley Michele


29th of March

Martha Adriana Russel Reese

Holy Triddum

and Easter Sunday 5th

of April








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PALM SUNDAY - 29th of March – Mass 12:15 PM (we gather with Palms outside the Church in the left courtyard)

Holy Thursday - 2nd of April – Mass at 5:00 PM at this Mass traditional washing of the feet will take place

Good Friday – 3rd of April – Passion of the Lord Service at 5:00 PM; we will read the Passion of the Lord and Adore the Cross

Holy Saturday – 4th of April - Easter Vigil Service at 10:00 PM (may conclude at 1:00 AM)

This service will consist of:

a) Blessing of Fire and Easter Candle

b) Reading the History of Salvation

c) Blessing of Baptismal Font, ministering the Baptism and conferring Sacrament of Confirmation

d) Holy Eucharist

Easter Sunday 5th of April 12:15 – Regular Mass

Sunday of Divine Mercy – Mass at 12:15; Neophytes take off their white garments

Readers Rotation:

March 1 - Ann-Marie C.

March 8 - George S.

March 15 - CCD class Mass

March 22 - Daison S.

March 29 - Doug U.

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From the desk of Fr. Fr. Piotr Lamprecht, OSA:

World Youth Day 2016 (WYD 2016)

WYD is an international Catholic event focused on religious faith and youth, due to be celebrated from July 25–31, 2016 at Kraków, Poland. This was announced by Pope Francis at the end of the closing Mass of World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

World Youth Day 2016 will be the second World Youth Day to be held in Poland, now as a tribute to Pope Saint John Paul II, who was canonized on 27 April 2014, and his devotion to the Merciful Jesus (Divine Mercy devotion) based on Saint Mary Faustina Kowalska apparitions and message.

Pope Francis announced at the end of closing mass for World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro that Kraków, Poland will be the venue for World Youth Day 2016. This will be the second World Youth Day hosted by Poland, the first being held in Czestochowa from 10–15 August 1991.

According to Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, Metropolitan Bishop of the Diocese of Kraków, World Youth Day 2016 will be particularly significant, as Kraków was the home of Saint John Paul II. As he is such a popular saint in Poland, Cardinal Dziwisz said that the news of hosting another World Youth Day has been met with "enthusiasm", and all the Catholic dioceses in Poland will be supporting the event.

Augustinian Youth Encounter (AYE)

The members of the International Commission on Youth Apostolate held a meeting in Rome every few months to advance plans for the twelfth in the series of international Augustinian Youth Encounters. This next gathering will take place at Prague in the Czech Republic in July 2016.

Drawing from the homily of the Holy Father Pope Francis at the inaugural Mass of the Augustinian General Chapter during August 2013, the Commission came up with a proposed theme for the next Augustinian Youth Gathering: “Restlessness of the Heart among Young People Today. An Augustinian Response.”

These encounters began in 1987, when the Order of Saint Augustine took steps to support multi-nationally the Augustinian ministry to young adults that was flourishing in numerous parts of the world. It was agreed that the various regional and national Augustinian initiatives for adults would be greatly enhanced by having a multi-national or international Augustinian Encounter for Young Adults, which would henceforth be held at regular intervals in a variety of nations.

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And so the Augustinian International Encounters for Young Adults began. The first (and second) venue chosen could not have been more appropriate. It was the Augustinian monastery at Lecceto, which is near Siena in Italy. Since 1972 the Lecceto monastery has been conducted by Augustinian contemplative nuns, but for most of six earlier centuries it was a special centre of spirituality and saintly recollection for successive generations of Augustinian friars from Italy and beyond. Right from the first Encounter at Lecceto in 1987, the practice began of having the Augustinian Prior General as a special guest and a key participant. These Encounters at Lecceto attracted young adults not only from Europe but also for the United States, Latin America, Australia and Korea.

After the Italian Augustinian hospitality of the first two Encounters, the third Encounter took place at the Augustinian Monastery of La Vid during Spain’s national year of celebration in 1992. The fourth and fifth Encounters moved to Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Ireland in 1995 and to Munnerstadt, Germany in 1998 respectively. The sixth Encounter took place in Rome, Italy around the time of World Youth Day 2000 in that city. The seventh Encounter happened at the Augustinian fincha (park and retreat centre) at Guadarrama, which is near Madrid, Spain. It had young adults from all five continents, with a young adult attending from an Augustinian ministry in South Africa. Italy (when winners of the World Cup in football!) again was the host nation in 2006, with the eighth Encounter happening in the very Augustinian city of Pavia.

Thus far, four nations have hosted the Encounter at least once, viz., Italy, Spain, Ireland and Germany. In July 2008 Australia became the fifth host nation, as well as being the first host nation outside of Continental Europe. This Ninth Augustinian International Encounter for Young Adults took place in Sydney, Australia from Monday evening, 21st July 2008 until Sunday morning, 27 July 2008. The Tenth Augustinian International Encounter for Young Adults took place near London, England in August 2010. The Eleventh Augustinian International Encounter for Young Adults occurred at San Paolo, Brazil on 16-20 July 2013.

To be continued, each bulletin with have information about WYD and/or AYE.

Lenten Charities 2015

Two important projects: 1. All aboard for World Youth Day July 2016!

This Lent we are kicking off our “A Ticket for My Brother Campaign “ Three special collections during Lent and other fundraising activities throughout the year will hopefully bring us close to our goal of transporting an estimated 300 youth from Prague to Krakow to participate in the World Youth Day, July 25-August 1, 2016. The week before the official WYD event in Krakow, the Augustinians will be hosting an international youth gathering in Prague. Together this international group will travel from Prague to Krakow and with our help to

get there. It is estimated there will be 300 young people, 300 train tickets are needed with an estimated cost of 50,000 PLN. Let’s help them make this spiritual journey! The future of our church is with our youth…and as Pope Francis told the youth gathered at the World Youth Day 2013: “Christ’s proclamation is entrusted to you so that it may resound with fresh power. The Church needs you – he said – your enthusiasm, your creativity and the joy that is so characteristic of you. So, go and do not be afraid to be generous with Christ. He is counting on you! The Church is counting on you! The Pope is counting on you!” Let’s support our church, our youth by giving them this unique opportunity for a special encounter with their faith.

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2. Items needed for the Holy mother of Mercy Center

This Lent we will once again, focus our attention on the Centre of the Holy Mother of Mercy, located on the outskirts on Warsaw. This facility is run by the Felician Sisters; here they work with the most vulnerable members of Polish society; the homeless, the poor, and children

from broken homes. The care the Sisters provide reflects their order’s charism “take care of those who need it most and take care of the children.” A portion of the building is used as a soup kitchen providing a hot meal for those in need as well as shower facilities. The other part of the building is used to help children who come from dysfunctional families. Children come to the Center after school and are provided with an opportunity to be helped by a psychologist, speech specialists, and tutors. The children can also participate in activities such as: sports, art, computer, dance, drama and English classes. The Centre of the Holy Mother of Mercy performs an important service to the community by providing a life line to those most in need. We will be collecting items for the sisters such as: i.e. toiletries, cleaning supplies, paper, colored paper, juice, tea, sweets, craft supplies, glue stick, coffee, etc. Large baskets will be placed at the exit of the church. Let’s show our appreciation for the amazing service these sisters provide to the community.