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26/27th September

2015 Year B

‘For those who’ve come across the seas’ - Responding to the Call of Jesus

How will we answer the call of our brothers and sisters who come knocking on our door? Jesus Christ reveals the love of God and the full truth of the human being. God, who created us all, loves us so much that he became incarnate, was crucified for our sake and rose from the dead. From the beginning, Jesus experienced the terrors of the refugee when his family fled tyranny and sought refuge in Egypt.

In his ministry he led the life of a wanderer and relied on the hospitality of others: ‘The Son of God has nowhere to lay his head’ (Matthew 8:20). He urged his disciples to do the same: ‘Take no gold, or silver, or copper in your belts, no bag for your journey(Matthew 10:9-10). He embraced the outsider and the exile as a person like himself, and he commands us to do as he did. When we Australians support policies of cruelty and rejection, we close our ears to Christ’s call and turn him away from our doors. We know that we are better than this. As Christians, we know that it is within us to hear the call of Jesus. As Australians we have shown ourselves willing to take the path of generosity and leadership. We can do so again. The words and actions of Jesus demand a response. We do not open our hearts and our home to vulnerable people simply because they are ‘deserving’ of charity or compassion. We take them in, provide shelter and bandage their wounds because they are equal to us in dignity. They are no longer ‘aliens’ (Lev.19:33) but our brothers and sisters.

Pope Francis has made this point strongly in his recent Encyclical:

We need to strengthen the conviction that we are one single human family. There are no frontiers or barriers, political or social, behind which we can hide, still less is there room for the globalisation of indifference. 49

So we ask: how would we want our families and loved ones to be treated if they took such a journey of danger? How would we want them to be received by the countries to which they had fled in desperation? As people of faith we go further and ask: do we see the face of Jesus Christ in those who’ve come across the seas? Do we recognise the family and child fleeing Herod’s massacre? And what of those who have not survived?

There is another way; a way to make a real difference. No longer need we fear the alien approaching our shores as a burden. Instead, we would realise that we are blessed because we do have the means to welcome our brothers and sisters. This other way is characterised by acceptance, leadership and generosity. Taken from the 2015/2016 Australian Bishops Social Justice Statement.

The full version of this year’s Social Justice Statement is available from the Parish Office or can be downloaded from the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council web page Copies will be available at the front of the church.

St Mary’s Catholic Parish Ipswich Ministering to the Church of : St Mary’s, Elizabeth Street, Ipswich Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Robertson Road, Eastern Heights St Brigid’s Matthew Street, Rosewood

Parish Ministers Very Rev Fr Peter Dillon P.P

Fr Chukwudi Chinaka Fr John Hong

Fr Dantus Thottathil

Pastoral Associate Mrs Bernadette McAndrew

Office Staff Mrs Janelle Van De Weyer

Mrs Kathy Lund

Office Hours Monday to Friday 8.00am - 3.30pm

Phone 3281 2133

Mass Times 3281 0707

Fax 38123911

Mailing Address PO Box 23

Ipswich Qld 4305

Email [email protected]


St Mary’s Primary School

Phone: 3281 1998 Principal: Mr Michael Quinn

St Mary’s College Phone: 34325444

Acting Principal: Judith Finan

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THE PASTORAL VISIT: Many thanks to all the parishioners who made Archbishop Coleridge’s Pastoral Visit such a welcoming time for him. He seemed very pleased with all that he saw, even though he was rather surprised at the magnitude and diversity of the Rosewood and Ipswich parishes. Archbishop Mark seems to have boundless energy as he toured Saint Mary’s and Saint Brigid’s Primary Schools. Both schools presented an excellent history of their parishes and appeared really excited to meet their Archdiocesan spiritual leader. He was then given a tour of the Church properties in both parishes, so that he could advise us on possible developments and best sue of our assets. The Archbishop was delighted with the gathering of parish youth at a BBQ on Friday evening, where he stayed longer than expected, apparently enjoying some activities that tested his skills and knowledge. Congratulations to the organisers of the Men’s Breakfast, where about 80 people representing our four parishes enjoyed an appetising breakfast and a stimulating talk by Archbishop Mark. A mid-morning meeting followed with about 40 pastoral ministers, who used the opportunity to tell the Archbishop of the present and future challenges facing our local community. He was then able to reassure us that he had great confidence in the wisdom and commitment of our parish communities to address these challenges as we have done for almost 150 years. A visit to Saint Mary’s Hostel delighted the many residents with the Archbishop going to each resident for an individual blessing and chat. The pastoral visit finished with a Vigil Mass at Saint Mary’s and an informal gathering afterwards. Then when most of us would be crawling home for a well-earned rest, the Archbishop drove off early on Sunday morning for century celebrations at Toogoolawah. Archbishop Coleridge will visit the area again in November for his pastoral visit of Leichhardt and North Ipswich parishes, who will no doubt continue the great Ipswich tradition of being genuinely welcoming and hospitable.

PRAYER GATHERING: As a response to the many tragic events in the world that seem to occur daily and, especially for those seeking asylum from their worn torn homeland, an opportunity to gather for prayer, scripture and reflection will be offered on a regular basis in the Parish. The first gathering is set for Monday 19

th October from 5.00pm in St Mary’s Church.

An invitation will be extended to other faith traditions in our City to participate with our community. For further enquiries please contact Bernadette McAndrew at the Parish Office.

CLASS OF 1985 REUNION FOR ST MARY’S AND ST EDMUND’S: Past students of the class of 1985 from St Mary’s and St Edmund’s are invited to a reunion to be held on Saturday 3

rd October. The celebrations begin with an afternoon tea at 3pm

in the Schofield Hall, St Edmund’s, followed by a tour of both the Colleges, commencing at 4pm and a slideshow in the Schofield Hall at 5pm. The group is then invited to join the 6pm Parish Mass before continuing onto dinner and dancing in the Ipswich CBD. Please let any past student know that this event is happening as the organisers have been very busy planning this event. For more information please email Kate Ellovee (Versace) at [email protected]

Monday 28th September - Weekday, Ordinary time 26

7.00a.m. St Joseph’s North Ipswich 7.00p.m. Mater Dei Sadliers Crossing

Tuesday 29th September - Sts Michael, Gabriel, Raphael

9.00a.m. Immaculate Heart of Mary Leichhardt 9.00a.m. St Mary’s Woodend

Wednesday 30th September - St Jerome, priest, doctor 9.00a.m. St Mary’s Woodend 9.30a.m. St Brigid’s Rosewood

Thursday 1st October - St Therese of the Child Jesus 9.00a.m. St Mary’s Woodend 9.00a.m. St Joseph’s North Ipswich

Friday 2nd October - The Holy Guardian Angels 8.30a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Eastern Heights 9.00a.m. Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Eastern Heights 9.00a.m. Immaculate Heart of Mary Leichhardt

Celebrations for this Week

RECENTLY DECEASED: Kevin Mulcahy, Dorothy Leathem, Peggy Lye, Brenda Gleeson, Lawrence Vella, Doris Lawson, Douglas Neville, Brian Rollo.

ANNIVERSARIES: Irene Mehegan, John Mehegan, Kevin Wilson, Patrick(Bren) Doyle, Margaret Sheils, Shirley Whitcombe, Jack Althaus, Lawrence Hennelly, John Mehegan, Mary Mehegan, John James, Desley Briggs, Delma Winks, Joan O’Hearn, Mick Conway, Clare Sauer.

FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Rel. & Friends of Clayton Family, Antonio Lipanovic, Paul McKean, Mary Kane, Craig Hannam, Liam Martin, Denise O’Brien, Holly Burns, Patricia Bopf, Victoria Versace, Michael Williams, Marie Tonner, Pat Bryant, Michelle Waldron, Debbie Waldron, Ellen Chalk, Michelle Steward, Michelle Lui, Mae Kahler, Rebecca Mellifont, Gabrielle Madden, Esme Couper, Merryl(Paddy) Gleeson, Jack Burchill, Ned Sparksman, Jack Coogan, Margaret O’Shea,

PRAYERFULLY REMEMBERED: Relatives & friends of Clayton family, Neal Crozier, Daphne O’Dea, Nola Doyle, Daphne Broom, Jeanette Zammit, Michael Stack, Bernadette Berrell, John Berrell, Robert Best, Keiran Broad, Johnny Williams, Thomas Garvin, George and Mary Williams, Frank and Kathleen Nolan, Nolan, Devitt and Mawn families, Bill Butler, Michael and Marie Sheahan, Bernie Ryan, members of Crowe and McCann families, Reg Range, John Williams(Senior), Brian Rashleigh, Kev Kerwick, Louis Re, Jim Mulkerin, relatives and friends of the Stack and Kelleher Families, Melchor Saldana, Hughes and Bell families, relatives and friends of the Gordon and Roach families, Range and Stack families, Dennis and Dawn Kelleher, Denise Bopf, Fr Ronald Bopf, Ron Smith, Kenneth McGrath, Kathleen Kiernan, Hoare, Hansell, Hayes family, Carl Kely.

Saturday 3rd October - Weekday, Ordinary Time 26

11.00a.m. Benediction St Mary’s Woodend 5.00 - 5.30p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation St Mary’s 5.30p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Leichhardt

Vigil 5.30p.m. Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Eastern Heights 6.00p.m. St Mary’s Woodend 6.00p.m. Immaculate Heart of Mary Leichhardt

Sunday 4th October - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

7.30a.m. St Joseph’s North Ipswich 8.00a.m. St Mary’s Woodend 8.00a.m. St Brigid’s Rosewood 9.30a.m. Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Eastern Heights 9.30a.m. St Joseph’s North Ipswich 6.00p.m. St Mary’s Woodend

Remember in your Prayers

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THE CATHOLIC LEADER: In this week’s edition * Syrian Catholics in Brisbane hoping and praying their relatives may be among refugees welcomed to archdiocese; * Parish experienced at supporting refugees offers helpful advice for others wanting to pitch in; * Catholic mum brings subtle pro-life message to new maternity fashion business for pregnant and nursing mothers; * Archdiocese welcomes two more Nigerian priests; * A nun’s kindness to a 12-year-old leads to the young one’s lifetime commitment to religious life; Don’t forget your copy

CHRISTIAN MEDITATION: If you are looking for a nice way to end the week or start the weekend then come along to Christian Meditation in St Mary’s Parish Office on Friday mornings beginning at 7.45am. A great bunch of people meet each Friday to share in this contemplative and peaceful form of prayer. For more information ring St Mary’s Parish Office on 3281 2133.

THANK YOU: We thank all the young people who came to spend time with Archbishop Mark last Friday evening. It was a great success and we look forward to more exciting events from the Hive in the near future. Come and be awesome for God. Watch this space for upcoming Hive activities. Fr Chukwudi

PUBLIC ROSARY INVITATION: Father Mauro and the Parishioners of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, would like to extend an invitation to Parishioners to attend our Public Rosary at St Augustine's School oval at 4.30 p.m. on Saturday 10th October 2015. Please bring your Rosary beads, a chair or blanket and a hat. Please remember Our Lady of Fatima's message to the Three Children of Fatima, '' I am the Lady of the Rosary and people must continue to pray the Rosary everyday''.

AUSTRALIAN CHRISTIAN MEDITATION COMMUNITY Invites you to our Quiet Day ‘The Gift of Contempla-tion’ “Contemplation opens us up to intimacy with God and communion with the world” Laurence Freeman OSB. Take time out and join us for a day of silent prayer and quiet medi-tation and reflection. ACMC’s School of Meditation Coordina-tor Kathryn Houston will share with us reflections from this year’s Holy Week Retreat on Bere Island (Ireland) New and experienced meditators are most welcome. (We are all be-ginners on the journey.) WHEN: Saturday 17th October, 2015; TIME: 9:30am – 2:30pm; WHERE: The Fort, 199-219 Fort Road, Oxley Qld; SUGGESTED DONATION: $10 (morning tea included); SAVE OUR EARTH: Please bring a mug/cup for your own use – BYO Lunch. ENQUIRIES: Gabby Nelson – phone 3711 4227 [email protected]

This Week’s Readings: Num 11: 25-29; James 5: 1-6; Mk 9: 38-43, 45. 47-48

Next Week’s Readings: Gen 2: 18-24; Heb 2: 9-11; Mk 10: 2-16

FUNDRAISER: Mark your dates for another opportunity to gather with the North Ipswich Uniting Church congregation to join in our Fashion Parade with a mini Auction. The next function is to be held in St Mary’s Hall on Saturday 3

rd October commencing at 1-00pm for a 1-30pm start.

Funds on behalf of St Mary’s are going towards lighting at St Mary’s, Ipswich. For bookings please phone Jan on 54643885 (St Mary’s) or Peg on 32017579 (Uniting Church)

ST EDMUND’S OLD BOYS DINNER: Saturday 17 October 2015 at 7pm - Brother Leagues Club Ipswich Guest speak-er: Mr Noel "Ned" Kelly - Ipswich Rugby League Legend - ARL & QRL Team of the Century Inductee $50 per head for 2 course meal. Book a Table of 10 for $450. For tickets please contact Andrew McGrath on 0438 164 452 or [email protected]. All are welcome"


Saturday 24th October in our College Hall 6-30 for a 7pm

start, Tickets $100-00 includes 3 course meal and a 4 hour drink package of beer/wine and soft drink. Guest Speaker - Mark Donaldson, VC. Victoria Cross Recipient, Author and Soldier. Tables of 10 available or individual sales will be allocated to tables. Thank you for your ongoing support. Please phone the College 3810 4448 or 0403 269 955.

A RARE OPPORTUNITY: If you want to own the latest in equipment for the kitchen then please purchase a ticket to win a Thermomix. A Thermomix is an all-in-one kitchen appliance that has been proven to make cooking and baking simple for busy people. Tickets are $10 each and you can purchase them by phoning Jan on 54653885 or call into the Parish office. The raffle will be drawn on the 23

rd October in

the Parish office. Funds raised from the raffle are going towards the lighting of the Church.


Mass St Brigid's every Sunday at 8am

1st Sunday of the month Childrens' Liturgy at 8am Mass

3rd Saturday of the month 5pm Mass Marburg

A CENT AUCTION is run to help raise funds for the restoration of our beautiful church building. It is held on the FIRST FRIDAY NIGHT of EVERY MONTH commencing at 7pm at St Brigid's Parish Hall Railway St Rosewood. GOOD PRIZES, RAFFLES, LUCKY DOOR, SUPPER. Come along and enjoy a light-hearted evening of fun and make sure you bring along a carry bag or two to take home your prizes. Entry is only $2.00. Donations of prizes may be left in a container at the back of the Church if you prefer to assist in this way. For further information please call Bernadette Lenihan 54641571

LITURGY HOTSPOT: Just a reminder to all Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Communion to move towards the Altar as soon as the Priest has completed his Communion. In addition, the person who takes the Ciborium from the Tabernacle to the Altar needs to wait in the Sanctuary area until all of the hosts have been placed in the Ciborium before returning the Ciborium back to the Tabernacle after completion of the distribution of Communion. A special thank you to all the ministers who willingly ‘fill-in’ when there is a shortage of Extra-Ordinary Ministers. If you would like to participate in this Ministry please contact the Parish Office and they will organise someone to contact you for training.

MUSICIANS: The Communion hymn begins at the Priest’s Communion. The musicians begin right after the people have said “Lord I am not worthy”. This unifies the Communion of all participants and allows the song to gain some footing before members of the faithful begin to move.

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