Download - St. Martin of Tours atholic hurch Martinsville, IN Masses ... · not want to pray or because some are coming and going and it is difficult Weekend Masses 6:00 pm SATURDAY 5:00PM SUNDAY

Page 1: St. Martin of Tours atholic hurch Martinsville, IN Masses ... · not want to pray or because some are coming and going and it is difficult Weekend Masses 6:00 pm SATURDAY 5:00PM SUNDAY

Weekend Masses


SUNDAY 8:00 OR 10:30AM









T W E N T Y - F I F T H S U N D A Y

I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E , Y E A R C

S E P T E M B E R 2 2 N D , 2 0 1 9

Father Jegan Peter [email protected] Deacon Tim Harte 765.349.7660 [email protected] Music Director Dr. Owen Hartnett 812.219.8128 [email protected]

Secretary Lynne Kluesner [email protected] Bookkeeper Catherine Marasch [email protected] Religious Education Adult Faith Formation Deacon Tim Harte 765.349.7660 [email protected] Parish Office Hours Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 4:30pm Phone 765.342.6379 Email Bulletin Submissions to [email protected] by 12noon on Monday

Altar Society President Helen Smith Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Randy Cox Ladies Faith Group Chris Urbanowski


Father Jegan Peter

David Garrison-President [email protected]

Anne Reams-Vice President

Connie Feagans Secretary John Davis

Kathy Janneck Mary Kominowski

Dean Lopez Mark McCormick,

Kathy Metzger Helen Payton

Victor Szczechowski

Parish Council meetings are held on

the 2nd Tuesday of the month

At 7:00pm in the Gottemoeller Ed


*Next Meeting October 8th, 2019

Pastoral Staff

Administration Staff

Parish Groups

Sacrament of Reconciliation-Saturdays 4:00-4:30pm Sacrament of Baptism-Call the parish office Sacrament of Matrimony-Pre-marriage preparation is available for all registered members. Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Call parish office for arrangements. Sick Calls-If you wish to receive the Sacraments at home due to infirmity or hospitalization, call the parish office. Welcome! If you are visiting our parish, welcome! If you are new in our community and are looking for a home parish we hope we have made you feel welcome enough to return. If you will be attending Mass regularly but have not registered, we invite you to do so. This will help the parish to better serve your needs. Registration forms are available in the church vestibules. Need to update your parish information? Go to the parish website at set up an account with My Own Church. *You must register with the parish office first before setting up an account.


Masses and Services This Weekend September 21 Saturday 4:00 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Clay Hirsh Family 6:30 pm Baptism-Max Moxley September 22 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am People of the Parish 10:30 am +Robert (Bob) Altizer 6:00pm Confessions

Weekday Masses September 24 Tuesday 6:00 pm + Deceased family of Feagans & Claxton September 25 Wednesday 8:15 am +John Sheets September 26 Thursday St. Cosmas & Damian 6:00 pm +Nina & Paul O’Connor September 27 Friday 8:15 am +Jim McGuire September 28 Saturday 4:00 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Frank & Lelah Abel September 29 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am +James Vincent Black 10:30 am People of the Parish +Deceased

S e p t e m b e r 2 2 n d , 2 0 1 9 St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church Martinsville, IN

Meetings for the Week of September 22, 2019 Sun. 9/22 9:00-10:15am Religious Ed Holiday Bazaar raffle tickets available 8:45am-11:45am Fellowship Breakfast 6:30pm Welcome Fathers of Mercy! Mon. and Tues. 6:30pm Parish Mission Wed. 9/25 1:30pm Prayer Group Sun. 9/29 9:00-10:15am Religious Ed 3:00pm High School - Rascals Fun Zone

Liturgical Ministers for September 28/29 Extraordinary Ministers 5:00 pm Howie & Tracy Carter / 2 Volunteer needed 8:00 am Lou & Connie Feagans / 2 Volunteer needed 10:30 am Vicki Crawford / Carol Walls / 3 Volunteers Altar Servers 5:00 pm Volunteer 8:00 am Isaiah Janneck 10:30 am Mary & Anna Fritch Lectors 5:00 pm Howie Carter 8:00 am Rick Palmer 10:30 am Vicki Crawford Ushers 5:00 pm Alec Mayer / Sam Goodman 8:00am Lou Feagans / Bill Siderewicz 10:30 am Tony Kluesner / Ann McGown Sacristans 5:00pm Mary Kominowski 8:00am Catherine Marasch 10:30am Deacon Tim Harte Saturday 4:30 pm Rosary Leader Sabrina Chouinard Offertory Counters K. Barnard, P. Barnard, H. Smith Altar Linens Patty Owens Vocations Box Mike & Eugenia Brown

Shepherd's voice

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Peace of Christ!

Service is an act of love and it brings the divine presence within our-selves and shares the joy of it with others. The first step to serve God, let us start with prayer. Prayer is the great way to please and glorify God. Instead of focusing on bad things let us keep our focus on the Lord. Let us not waste time but spend time in prayer. If your family does not pray together, why not make a start now? I understand very well that it is difficult for families to pray together because some family members may not want to pray or because some are coming and going and it is difficult to find a time when all or most of the family are together. Make a defi-nite decision at this time of world instability to pray together as a family every day. Choose a room where there will be no distractions, make a set time for the prayer and begin. Even if you are the only person in your family who wants to pray, continue to pray on your own. Maybe in time others may join you. With great joy, we welcome Fr. Louis Guardiola from the Fathers of Mer-cy for our Parish Mission from this Sunday until Tuesday. Kindly keep Fr. Louis Guardiola in your prayers, so that God may guide our Parish to do His will. I thank and appreciate our Stewardship Committee and all who help with the Parish Mission. May Our Patron St. Martin of Tours pray for us and protect us all! To be the witness for His love,

Fr. Jegan

Fellowship Breakfast This Sunday September 22nd

Our Knight of Columbus cooks, dishwashers and drink masters are back from their summer break and ready to kick off our monthly fellowship breakfast! If you are new to St. Martin’s and not sure what the excitement is all about, stop by Sexton Hall after the 8:00am or 10:30am Mass on Sunday Septem-ber 22 and join other parishioners for a variety of breakfast treats, coffee, juice and Fellowship. there is no charge, but free will donations are always accepted to help cover the cost. We look forward to seeing you!

Starting in October, the breakfasts will resume to be on the 2nd Sunday of every month.

RCIA Classes: Start date has been changed to October

Looking for peace? Needing hope? Thirsting for God? Do you know someone not baptized or baptized in a non-Catholic Chris-tian tradition, who is thirsting for what it means to become Catholic? Do you know someone already Catholic but has not yet received Confirma-tion & Communion? They may be thirsting too! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a place to ask questions and seek under-standing.

Or if you are already a confirmed Catholic but want to brush up on your faith, you are more than welcome to sit in on the classes!

To begin a journey toward becoming Catholic, please contact

Father Jegan [email protected] or Deacon Tim [email protected]

Declaration of Candidacy for Deacon Candidates at

SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Indianapolis was held on Sept. 21, 2019

Congratulations to Dave & Chris Urbanowski as Dave takes another significant step forward in preparing to be

ordained a Deacon in 2022

Offertory Totals for September 14/15 $3,469.00

Thank you for your gifts and continued support of our parish!

Page 2: St. Martin of Tours atholic hurch Martinsville, IN Masses ... · not want to pray or because some are coming and going and it is difficult Weekend Masses 6:00 pm SATURDAY 5:00PM SUNDAY

Please keep in Prayer: Pope Emeritus Benedict, Bob Bechtold,

Dotty Black, Joe & Ann Blandford Family, Shelly Bolton, Becky Levell Cannon, Donald & Barbara Carr, Louie Carrico, Cynthia Clark, Jerry Craven, Vicki Crawford, Lou & Connie Feagans, Dolores Forler, Samantha Freeman, Nola Garrison, Sharon Greene, Jacqueline Harper, Carol Henry, Alex Kalscheur, Mary Margaret Hicks, Evelyn Hixson, Mary Ellen Holmes, Eric Hoskins, Erin Hoskins, Bill Jones, Adalyn Kartchner, Frances Kitchen, Arminta Kukman, John Malan, Brad Maxwell, Jane McGrew, Clare McGuire, Eric Murphy, Bill Neal, Cathy Ooley, Brinley Owens, Evelyn Pellow, Margaret Petraits, Fritzi Postel, Megan Richards, Mark Rose, Barbara Sheets, Jeff Sheets, Fr. Joseph Sheets, Tom Sheets, Larry Shelby, Sarah Sichting, Fenton Siebert, Erin Siebert, Karen Simpson, Virginia Clark-Smith, Mike Spencer, Dorcas Torre, Lori Willhardt, Fred Woods.

Family Members Serving Our Country: May all military personnel be

safe as they protect us. We remember especially: David Burton, Azia Dwigans, Jason Fisher, David Guffy, Greg Johnson, Ashley Krulik, Jordan Krulik, Peter Klippel, Andrew Klippel, Tom Nichols, Joe Ooley, Michael Joe Osburn, Justin Pavey, Nicole Pavey, Kyle Richardson, Jacob Schultheis, Harry Smyser, Capt. Nathaniel E. Tiffany, God Protect them and keep them safe!

Parish & Community Events

Just around the corner…. St. Martins Annual Holiday Bazaar will be

on Saturday November 2nd. One of the ways you can help our bazaar be a success is to sell raffle tickets, every year our parishioners come together to make the bazaar a success by selling raffle tickets to family, friends and coworkers. Tickets are $1.00 each and the Grand Prize is $599.00 Tickets will be distributed September 21/22. Questionnaires will also be available to sign up for donations and/or help with set-up and at the bazaar.

St. Martin Parish Mission Starts this Sunday

September 22-24, 2019

Please welcome Father Lou Guardiola of the Fathers of Mercy Father Lou will present

“The Church – The Ark of Salvation.” Confessions will be heard on Sunday and Monday at 6:00pm

Mass on Tuesday will be at 6:00pm Talks begin at 6:30 pm

Snacks & refreshment will be offered in Sexton Hall following the talks.

Sunday 9/22 Confession - The Sacrament of the Prodigal Son

Monday 9/23 The Holy Eucharist - Sacrifice, Holy Communion,

Real Presence

Tuesday 9/24 Our Lady - Mother Of God and The Church

Program followed by Eucharistic Benediction

Widows Retreat October 25-27, 2019 | Fatima Retreat House The 3rd Annual Peace in the Mourning Retreat has been planned for you by widows who want others to experience the peace they found in this retreat experience last year. The retreat is for Widows of all ages and backgrounds. While the retreat will include elements of our Catholic faith, widows of all faiths are wel-come to join on this journey of hope and healing. October 25-27, 2019 at Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House (5353 East 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46226). Cost is $200 for a private room.

*Email Khristine Meyer, Registrar, at [email protected]

or call at 317- 545-7681 Ext: 101 for further questions.

We need intercessors and Prayer Warriors for the Project Ra-chel Post-Abortive Healing Ministry!

Do you have a heart for prayer? Is one of your spiritual gifts, intercessory prayer? if so, we need you! As with any ministry in the church that is providing opportunities for healing, reconciliation with God, and evangelizing God's love and mercy, the evil one does what he can to prevent it. We need prayer warriors to protect this ministry and to be vessels of grace for the men and women who are in most need of God's love, mercy, and healing! *Contact Brie Anne Varick [email protected] for more infor-mation

Summer’s end brings with it nostalgia for carefree days, long nights, lazy weekend afternoons, reunions with families, and summer road trips. But in our parishes, autumn brings a burst of new life that makes September feel almost like spring. Why? For the Christian steward, fall brings a renewed sense of commitment. Literally, many of us make our commitment of time and resources to our parish during September or soon after. This is the time when we reexamine and reconfirm our stewardship. If you found yourself away from your parish this summer – either through neglect or through travel and visits to other parishes – now is the time to get reacquainted. Our parish is our primary faith community, where we built relationships based on our shared values and sacramental life, and September is a wonderful way to come “home” to that community.

Some things which will draw you closer to your faith community during September:

Our Fellowship breakfast is this Sunday, spend time with people you may not have seen due to summer travels, and “meet and greet” any newcomers you spot.

Consider a new ministry this year. Think of something that will reinvigorate you, provide the greatest service, bring out your best talents, and help you to meet more of your fellow parishioners.

Find out what adult faith formation classes or presentations are offered for the fall, and commit to at least one.. Our Parish Mis-sion starts this Sunday and Deacon Tim will soon be presenting

“A Biblical Walk through the Mass”

Take inventory of your financial giving. Did you sometimes neglect the parish offertory during the summer months? Find out if your parish has online giving, or automatic withdrawal, so that your year-round stewardship helps provide the parish with a stable income.

Make Sunday Mass your top weekend priority, ahead of sports, school activities, or other temptations!

High School Youth outing, Rascals Fun Zone

Sunday September 29th 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Student cost $10 plus meal at Steak & Shake

Transportation provided from St. Martin’s

RSVP Deacon Tim by Sept. 24th. [email protected]