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The Crossword: Newsletter of St. Martin of Tours, Gabriola V5#8 August 2012


The CROSSWORD: Newsletter of ST MARTIN’S PARISH August 2012 Vol. 5 #8

Rev ANNE PRIVETT: Sermon for July 29, 2012 [her farewell sermon for the Congregation of St. Martin of Tours Gabriola]

I speak with you this morning in the presence of God, and the

beloved people of God. Amen.

“Abundantly far more than we could ask or imagine” (Eph 3:20) - We

hear these words in the letter to the Ephesians this morning and they

give us the perfect description of the atmosphere in which Paul is writing,

the reality in which Jesus is feeding thousands and the Life in which we

are living and worshipping today.

“Abundantly far more than we could ask or imagine”… These are the

words Paul uses to try and described the abundance of God’s love for

humanity; a love Paul intimately knows since that encounter on the road

to Damascus. These are the words Paul uses to explain the salvation God

is working out in the midst of his people. For God’s plan has been

revealed, Paul declares in this letter, the Gentiles have become “fellow

heirs, members of the same body, sharers in the promise in Christ

Jesus”; they will be part of the new Israel (3:6). In a society where a

barrier divided the court of the Jews and the court of the Gentiles (a barrier in the Temple that was

crossed at the risk of death!) the thought that, in Christ, there is no Jew or Gentile was beyond

people’s wildest imagination. This kind of love, this kind of possibility, was far beyond their

imaginations. This letter to the Ephesians is thought to have been a circular, one that was read in many

churches, and so these words -“ abundantly far more than we could ask or imagine”- travelled from

congregation to congregation in the early church. And they remain with us now- we say them in the

doxology at the end of each of our services: ‘Glory to God, whose power working in us can do infinitely

more than we can ask or imagine…’ And we say these words right after we have received the Eucharist.

In John’s Gospel, there is no account of the Last Supper so one of the places scholars look is the

feeding of the 5,000. Here is an abundance far beyond what the disciples could have imagined; a literal

feeding of the hungry that mirrors how we are fed by Jesus who is himself the Bread of Life. It is an

abundance that redefines what it means to give. In Christ, their giving of fish and bread led not to

depletion but to abundance. In Christ, we offer ourselves and our self-giving in Him is not loss but the

abundance of new life. And so the church uses Paul’s words in the doxology, proclaiming that we have

entered into the abundance of God’s love, into the salvation in Christ that far surpasses our

imaginations. In the doxology, we remind one another that we are people in whom the Spirit is alive

and working and as we bear this way of love and life for the sake of the world God will do “ abundantly

far more than we could ask or imagine”.

These words belong to the doxology but they also describe this last year we have spent

together. I have learned far more, seen the love of Christ in action far more, lived with mice far more,

laughed far more and I have been blessed by you far more than I could have asked or imagined. Thank

you for your faithfulness, your trust, your abundant generosity and your love. I’d like to borrow a few

more of words from Paul and offer them as my prayer for you as we say farewell today:

Let us pray: May you be strengthened in your inner being with power through his holy Spirit, may you

be open to the indwelling of that same Spirit. I pray that you continue to be rooted and grounded in

love and that this next step in the life of St. Martin’s enables you to further comprehend the breadth,

length and depth of the love of Christ so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. In his name

and for his sake ,Amen.

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St Martin of Tours Annual Church Picnic 2012 July 29th in the garden of George &

Nicki Von Westarp

Worship Service at 11 am followed by a Church Picnic

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The Crossword: Newsletter of St. Martin of Tours, Gabriola V5#8 August 2012


Christmas – Live! Mark December 22, 2012 on your calendars! That is the day when three Gabriola Churches,

working together, will present the Christmas Story, live. It is intended as a gift to our community of

Gabriola and an opportunity for us to work together to share a faith story.

Christmas - Live! is a narrated Christmas pageant, with real people and animals. St. Martin of Tours

Anglican/Lutheran, Our Lady of Victory Roman Catholic and Gabriola United have all agreed to sponsor

and to contribute money to fund the project. Additional donations have already been received.

Christmas – Live! will be held outside, on the grounds of the Commons at about 6:00 pm on December

22. The Commons, the Co-op and Village Foods have agreed to lend us their tents. PHC has agreed to

open their washroom for that evening and even more generously offered their kitchen and dining room,

should we want to serve hot chocolate.

Picture it: a few days before Christmas, when family have arrived for the holidays, when all the hustle

and bustle of concerts and craft fairs is over, there will be a quiet time to hear again the story of the

first Christmas. It is something which family, friends and visitors can all attend together.

In order for this to happen, we need all kinds of people taking on all kinds of jobs. Publicity people,

costume people, set designers, lighting crew and sound crew, not to mention actors – both human and

animal – will all be needed. Please prayerfully consider how you can be a part of this project.

You will be hearing more about this project in about the middle of September. Be ready for the casting


Prayer Shawl Ministry: Check out for more information contact: Susan

Brockley [9467] [email protected]

Prayer Wheel: [to participate; to make a request for prayers and/or thanks for prayers]

Please contact Phyllis Reeve 250-247-7889 at [email protected].

Donations for the PHC Food Basket

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS VITAL MINISTRY TO THOSE IN NEED. Donations continue on a weekly basis - money jar or food basket

Follow the Yellow Brick Road: lessons in honesty, empathy, and self care Anglican Women’s Retreat Cost: $135 [$50 cancellation fee]

October 19-21, 2012 Fri. 7 pm to Sun noon Camp Pringle, Shawnigan Lake

Facilitator: Marion Little email Brenda Dhaene [email protected] phone 250-748-7183

St. Martin’s Parish Council Tues. July 10, 2012 7pm at GUC Hall MINUTES

Present: Anne, Angela, Jacquie, Vic, Rob, Pam Regrets: Corinne, Linda

Opening Prayer: Pam Welcome: Chair

Approval of Agenda additional items M/S Rob/Pam

Minutes of the Meeting on June 12, 2012 - errors or omissions M/S Anne/Pam

Warden’s Report Vic

Since the last meeting our Council was invited to a bag lunch meeting with the United

Church Board members; Angela, Vic, Rob and Pam attended.

The principle intent of this meeting was to get to know our counterparts and what each of us is

responsible for in governing our respective church communities.

We also discussed a short agenda relating to our upcoming shared ministry. Firstly we

discussed the question of supply ministry for the interim period after Anne and Rohanna leave and the

new priest/minister arrives. This is based on the reality that we can no longer expect the new

priest/minister to be available on Sept. 01.The Diocese has advised us that in this case the Bishop will

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appoint an interim priest for St. Martin and we assume that GUC will arrange for coverage during this

interim period.

We also talked about the Joint Advisory Committee as outlined in our Shared Ministry

Agreement. A suggestion to set up this committee now was put forward; however, after much

discussion, it was agreed that we would wait until the new priest/minister arrives as he/she is a key

member of this committee. We will re-establish the Liaison Committee for the interim period.

[Jacquie will check with Nancy HP GUC about number of participants on committee]

The Search Committee will be having a second meeting July 11, 2012 and we are hopeful that

they will be given a list of applicants so that they can begin the interview process.

Last council meeting we reported that Leah has tendered her resignation as of Aug. 31st. We

have since spoken with Steve to ascertain whether he would be willing and/or able to play full time. He

feels that at this time he would not be willing to make such a commitment; instead he has spoken with

Hiromi about sharing the playing and she has agreed to that and will start in Sept.

Clergy Report June 12 to July 10, 2012 Anne

Thank you to everyone who loaned furniture and dishes! Having given up the cabin this has

been a commuting month. I continue to visit Michael Kew in hospital and did a number of parish visits

when on the Island. I’ve made contact with the Rev’d Dr. Sandra Beardshall (Saskatoon Theological

Union), a preeminent scholar in the field of ecumenical shared ministries in Canada, in the hopes that

she might be a resource for our parishes as we seek to learn more about each other’s traditions.

I’d like to say a sincere thank you to Angela and Vic as wardens. You made the transition into

this parish, and onto this Island, remarkably smooth and I am grateful for your service to this

congregation and for all of your guidance (especially re: mice!)

Thank you to all the Council Members. Your talent and work is phenomenal and I know you will

see our congregation through this next transition with grace and skill.

I pray that the new incumbent will guide and strengthen you for this new phase in the life of St.

Martin’s! I have been blessed by God through you and I pray God continues blesses you richly.


ACTION from previous correspondence: Anne has asked how many Lutherans it takes to become a

Lutheran Parish. We are waiting for a response.

The following invitations were received: National to investigate The Community website St Clare’s

Monastery to attend 100th Anniversary Celebrations and other relevant announcements - these were

published in the July Newsletter; Invitation BCAYM Conference at Merritt in October.

Cursillo BC “Christ is Counting on You” DVD for Parish use

Post Office renewal of PO Box 234 payment required July 12,2012

PWRDF Letter

Email request from Diane, Phyllis, Cheryl re: Marilyn Smith.

Wardens - Vic and Angela will have a discussion with Steve about the musician’s contract currently in

effect after which Pam will write a letter in response to all email inquiries on behalf of the PC.

Treasurer’s Report

June 2012 [as distributed] M/S Vic/Angela

Business Arising from Minutes

1. Musician’s Contract: ACTION Vic and Angela will consult with Steve: if Steve will be full time and

about finding a replacement or see Warden’s Report

Thank you card for Leah: Action Jacquie will purchase one

2. Criminal Record Checks: Received from Vic, Jill, Linda, Carolyn, Susan B, Corinne In process:

Angela ACTION: Jacquie will fax the completed CRC’s to the Diocese when returned by RCMP to

the requesters.

3. Church Pews in Eastick’s Barn – Peter says there are six left and no hurry to dispose of them as

long as eventually they go.

4. Bag Lunch with GUC Board Thurs. June 21, 2012 at noon see Warden’s report

New Business: None

Committee Reports:

Altar Guild No Report Rose

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Communications Jacquie

A June & July issue of The Crossword newsletter was sent out to parishioners and friends and

included announcements received in the post. Various other email notices were sent out during the

month about upcoming events or changes.

Fellowship/Fundraising Jacquie

We had a successful Annual Garage Sale the long weekend in May with many thanks to the Nygaard’s

for the use of their property followed by a BBQ in the evening for the participants.

The Progressive Potluck & Conversation Fri June 15, 2012 5:30 pm was successful and a good time was

had by the 21 who attended and the food was great too!

The Ladies Lunch & outing to Coombs Tues. June 19, 2012 10 am ferry was attended by 12 in three

cars who ventured to Coombs for lunch and fellowship.

Note: Annual Picnic July 29, 2012 after the 11 am outdoor Church service at the Westarp’s

St Martin’s tents & tables required. ACTION: Jacquie will relocate

Outreach Diane

The Outreach Committee has continued to be part of St Paul’s outreach to the Northern Missions. We

have recently sent ten handmade baby blankets, new and used baby clothing, and stuffed toys.

Thanks go to Anne, Rose and Jill for delivering them. The Pregnancy Crisis Center has been given seven

baby blankets and baby clothes. Grace and John Roman have been given five baby blankets and lots of

clothing and footwear for children to take to Mexico to distribute during their missionary work. Personal

Care Bags have been sewn and are ready to fill when enough supplies are gathered. Samaritan’s Purse

is ongoing with boxes being filled throughout the year as deals are found. This enables us to give better

gifts. Members of our congregation continue to help run a Bingo every third Sunday of the month to

help support The Gathering Place. Those helping to supply Friday lunches at PHC have the 2 summer

months off. The once a month Senior’s lunch continues and it is a pleasure to volunteer there. If

attendance and noisy chatter are considered then it is a success. The Prayer Shawl Ministry has begun

thanks to Susan B. Those attending are enthusiastic and already at work. Diane received a thank you

card and donation from the Congregation of St. George by the Sea and Rev. and Mrs. Harley Kynack for

the Pentecost Banner she made for them.

Pastoral Care Carolyn

Our pastoral care team is busy as usual, keeping in touch with people in our parish. This past month

there have been:9 phone calls, 17 home visits plus 2 overnight visits, 2 hospital visits, 5 rides given, 6

meals provided, 5 cards were sent. I spoke with Rev. Linda St. Clair and she has made several home

visits, a telephone call and also visited a former parishioner in Vancouver. The Prayer Wheel group

coordinated by Phyllis Reeve continues to pray for those in need.

Search Committee next meeting tomorrow July 11, 2012 Jacquie

Stewardship Rob

"Dale Huston (incumbent priest in Duncan) has offered to lead a Stewardship workshop at St. Martin's

in the fall. He has lengthy involvement with stewardship issues at the national church level. Rob will

have further discussions with Dale later in the summer."

Worship No Meeting Jacquie

Announcements and Reminders - sick/needy Adjournment: 8:25 pm M/Rob

Closing Prayer: Rob

Next Meeting: Aug14, 2012 7pm GUC Hall [Opening: Angela Closing: Linda]