Download - St. John Vianney Church - · 9/23/2018 · 7:30 pm Juan 23rd Grupo De Oracion - Dolan Hl Tuesday, September 25 7:00 pm RCIA - O’Callaghan Center ... Video Talk Small Group


S t . John Vianney Church

1345 Turnbull Canyon Road Phone: 626-330-2269 Hacienda Heights California 91745 FAX: 626-330-0220


PARISH OFFICES - 626-330-2269 Website:

Hours: Weekdays: Mon-Thurs 8:30 am - 8:30 pm Fridays 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am - Noon Administrative Assistant / Bulletin: Jan O’Neill - Ext. 225 Business Manager: Jeannie Jaramillo Shepard, CPA - Ext. 227 Faith Formation: Becky Cerda, Director - Ext. 238 Confirmation - Jackie Garcia, Ext. 239 Initiation for Adults - RCIA (Sacraments) Gina Zepeda - Ext. 230 Music: Michael Gribschaw, Director - Ext. 237 Christine Brydges, Choir Director - Ext. 236 Jesse Mireles, Youth Music Parish Outreach: Carol Lazarovits, Coordinator - Ext. 228 Scheduling of Facilities: Please call the Corpus

Christi Center - Ext 225. Youth Ministry: Juan Sanchez & Luz Hernandez - Ext 231

To make an appointment with one of the priests, please call the Office.



Sunday: 6:30, 8:00 (Español), 10:00, 12:00 pm, 1:45 pm (Español) & 5:15 pm Monday - Friday: 6:30 & 8:00 am ; Friday, 7 pm (Español); Saturday: 8 am & 5:15 pm Holy Days: As Announced


Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00

ADORATION: First Friday of each month beginning at 7:30 pm and continuing all night until 7:45 am.

BAPTISM/ BAUTISMOS: For information please call the Corpus Christi Center. You may call during the latter part of your pregnancy or 3 months in advance.

MARRIAGE/ BODAS: Call the Corpus Christi Center to meet with a priest at least 6 months in advance. QUINCEAÑERA: Call the Corpus Christi Center 6 months in

advance for reservations. Llamar 6 meses por adelantado para reservar.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK AND/ OR HOLY COMMUNION: For the home bound, please call the Corpus Christi


September 23, 2018

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pastor Rev. Msgr. Tim Nichols

Associates: Rev. Egren Gomez

Rev. James Tin Mg Htwe

Deacons: Jesse Martinez Richard Noon

Seminarian: Majo Nable

New Parishioners are welcome and are asked to register at the Parish Office,

the Corpus Christi Center.


The St. John Vianney parish community is united as an evangelizing and welcoming

Eucharistic community dedicated to serving God and His people.


La comunidad parroquial de San Juan Vianney esta unida como evangelizadores, acogedores

y una comunidad de eucarística dedicada para server a Dios y a Su pueblo.

Monday, September 24 6:30 pm English Alpha Session - O’C Center Confirmation I Classes 7:30 pm Juan 23rd Grupo De Oracion - Dolan Hl Tuesday, September 25 7:00 pm RCIA - O’Callaghan Center Tuesday Bible Study - Room 3 Discipulos de Cristo Prayer Group - Rm 7 Spanish Bible Study - Room 2 Wednesday, September 26 8:30 am - Wednesday Bible Study - O’C Center 6:00 pm Knights of Columbus - Dolan Hall 6:30 pm Spanish Alpha - O’Callaghan Center 7:00 pm Prayer & Worship Grp - Room 7 Thursday, September 27 11:30 am Seguidores de Jesus - Dolan Hall 7:00 pm Apostoles de la Divina Misericordia - Dol Hl Friday, September 28 8:30 am Lectionary Fellowship - O’C Hall 6:30 pm English Marriage Encounter - Room 7 7:00 pm Spanish Marriage Encounter - Room 2 Saturday, September 29 9:00 am Liturgical Spirituality presentation - O’C Hl



Today: Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54:3-8; Jas 3:16 -4:3; Mk 9:30-37

Monday: Prv 3:27-34; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 8:16-18 Tuesday: Prv 21:1-6, 10-13; Ps 119:1, 27, 30, 34, 35, 44; Lk 8:19-21 Wednesday: Prv 30:5-9; Ps 119:29, 72, 89, 101, 104, 163; Lk 9:1-6 Thursday: Eccl 1:2-11; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17bc; Lk 9:7-9 Friday: Eccl 3:1-11; Ps 144:1b, 2abc, 3-4; Lk 9:18-22 Saturday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51 Sunday: Nm 11:25-19; Ps 19:8, 10, 12-14; Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48


Wednesday: Ss. Cosmas and Damian Thursday: St. Vincent de Paul Friday: St. Lawrence Ruiz/Companions; St. Wenceslaus Saturday: Ss. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael


Page 2 St. John Vianney


Sunday, September 23 6:30 am - Pedro & Claudia Francisco - RIP requested by Milagros Vinalon 8:00 am - Anita Estrella - RIP requested by Jose Santos Estrella 10:00 am - David Peter - Birthday requested by Maria Cervantes 12:00 pm - For St. John Vianney Community 1:45 pm - Teresa Castellanos - RIP requested by Castellanos Family 5:15 pm - Rogelio Valdivia - RIP requested by Valdivia Family Monday, September 24 6:30 am - Chris Martz - RIP requested by Bartak Family 8:00 am - Rick Blair - RIP requested by Ron & Ann Dunbar Tuesday, September 25 6:30 am - Albert & Henriette Hajj - RIP requested by their daughters 8:00 am - Maria Rangel - RIP requested by Delgado Family Wednesday, September 26 6:30 am - Jerry Klose - RIP requested by Klose Family 8:00 am - John & Alice Eckman - RIP requested by Eckman Family Thursday, September 27 6:30 am - Ramon Salas - RIP requested by Maria Gomez 8:00 am - John Lemos - RIP requested by Toni Lemos Friday, September 28 6:30 am - Sandra Phillips - Special Intention requested by Charles Phillips 8:00 am - Mike Serrato. - RIP requested by Ruth Serrato 7:00 pm - Ana Maribel Cervantes - Birthday requested by Maria Cervantes Saturday, September 29 8:00 am - Michael, Gabriel, Raphael Quinones - B/D requested by their parents 5:15 pm - Cristobal Mora - RIP requested by Mora Family Sunday, September30 6:30 am - Jose Andrade - RIP requested by Andrade Family 8:00 am - Fritz Kreimann, Jr. - RIP requested by Mirna Kreimann 10:00 am - Betzabe Chairez - RIP requested by Favela Family 12:00 pm - Gilbert Avila - RIP requested by Avila Family 1:45 pm - For St. John Vianney Community 5:15 pm - Frank Martinez - Birthday requested by Elena Martinez


Availability for the following times: Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-2:30 pm and/or 2:30 pm

to 8:30 pm - Friday 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Saturday & Sunday 9am to 12 Noon Must be bi-lingual (English/Spanish)

Good people skills & computer knowledgeable. Apply at the Corpus Christi Center Office.

Page 2 St. John Vianney Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 23, 2018 Page 3


GOAL: $130,562.00

PLEDGES: $ 111,054.62 = 85.1% OF GOAL PAYMENTS: $ 101,341.91 = 77.6% OF GOAL

AMOUNT STILL OWED: $ 29,220.09 = - 22.4%


Comparison of Offertory 3rd Week of September 2018

2017 2018

Envelope: $ 17,135.00 $ 17,631.50 Plate: 3,563.00 4,415.50 Total $ 20,698.00 $ 22,047.00


Collection for 9-16-2018

Envelope: $ 17,631.50 Plate: 4,415.50 Rebuild: 5,707.00 Christian Service: 2,050.00 Building/Maintenance Fund: 1,677.00 Parish Outreach: 1,142.00 Adult Faith Formation: 731.00 Baptisms: 301.00 Food Pantry: 240.00 Other: 10.00

Total : $ 33,905.00

Envelopes Used: 591

You are invited to a Bible Study The Letters of James, Peter, John & Jude

Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 pm beginning September 25th - Room 3

Registration at 6:40 pm

Wednesdays 10 am to Noon beginning September 26th - O’Callaghan Hall

Tuesday Info: Mary Ellen 626-330-7635 Wednesday info: Ann 626-330-6093

$20 suggested donation for the year long program.

Please Pray for Those who have Died recently and their Families

Msgr. James Loughnane, P.A. Marcelina Ortega Helen Cuellar Nicanor Vivanco Darlene L. Hunt

In Loving Memory

A Special Invitation to all Ladies

A silent retreat October 5-7 at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center.

The retreat center is located in Sierra Madre just minutes away, and it is led by the Passionist Retreat Team. It begins on Friday evening and ends early Sunday afternoon. Please give yourself this wonderful weekend with our Lord.

Space is limited and fills up quickly, so please sign up early. You deserve this wonderful time with our Lord!

For reservations or information, call: Sylvia (626) 968-3461 or Pat (626) 333-8048


Diaconate Formation Information Day - Sunday, October 14, 2-4 pm at San Roque parish, Santa Bar-bara. This day is for those who would like to inqure into the permanent diaconate. Married couples and single men are welcome. More Info: 213-637-7383.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land - March 25-April 4 under the spiritual direction of Msgr. Liam Kidney, Pastor of corpus Christi Parish. (Msgr. Tim Nichols will also be going). Air and land package discount a $4,279 from Los Angeles, plus $185 in tips. For bro-chure go to or call Therese Van Hoof 310-454-1328 or email [email protected]. Register today! Space is limited!

San Gabriel Regional Congress Saturday, October 13

Bishop Amat High School

Regional Congress is an all day event and this year’s theme is “Reflections: “Listening for Joy”. There are going to be 95+ sessions prepared in English, Spanish and Chinese, Morning Prayer, liturgy, live music, food trucks and more. The whole family is invited to attend the Family Track, with engaging workshops for chil-dren, youth, and adults. In a special way, Young Adults are welcomed to join us for a night of witness, encounter and worship at the After Hours free event.

To register: For more info: 626-960-9344 or email:

[email protected]

Congreso Regional de San Gabriel Sábado 13 de octubre

Bishop Amat High School

El Congreso Regional es un evento de todo el día y el tema de este ano as “Reflexiones: Escuchando al Go-zo.” Habrá 95+ sesiones preparadas en ingles, español y en chino, oración por la mañana, liturgia, música en vivo, comida y mas. toda la familia esta invitada a asistir al Family Track, con talleres para niños, jóve-nes y adultos. De una manera especial, los Jóvenes Adultos son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros para una noche de testimonio, encuentro y adoración en el evento gratuito After Hours.

Para Registrarse: 626-960-9344 o [email protected]

Page 4 St. John Vianney

Grow in your relationship with Jesus. Come check out

ALPHA Mondays from 6:30-8:30 pm

O’Callaghan Center

Dinner provided Video Talk

Small Group Discussion Next Session: September 24

11 Week Process Everyone Welcome!

Bring a Friend!

Explora La Vida, La Fe, el Propósito


Que es Alpha? Alpha es una serie de 11 sesiones interactivas que exploran lo básico de la Fe Cristiana de una manera amigable, abierta e informal. No existe la obligación de decir nada y no hay nada que no puedas decir (de verdad). Cada tema explora una pregunta distinta sobre la fe y está diseñada para alentar la conversación. Ningún Alpha es igual, pero todos tienen tres elementos en común: comida, charla y un dialogo en grupos pequeños.

Te esperamos el miércoles, 26 de septiembre a las 6:30pm

en el Centro O’Callaghan. No te lo pierdas!


In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? John 14:2

Are you searching for: A deeper relationship with God? A sense of belonging in a faith community? Do you have questions about the Catholic

traditions? Our RCIA - Inquiry Sessions have just begun and if you are wondering if you can still join us -- the an-swer is YES! We are still inviting and welcoming new inquirers to join us during our Inquiry Phase.

This is a time to get answers to m any questions about the Catholic faith and also to develop new friendships within this faith community. RCIA sessions are held every Tuesday evening from 7-9 pm in the O’Calla-ghan Center (doors open at 6:45 pm).

If you have any questions please call Gina Zepeda, RCIA Coordinator (626) 330-2269, Ext. 230.


En la casa de mi Padre hay muchas moradas. Si no las hubiera, ¿te habría dicho yo que voy a preparar un lugar para ti? San Juan 14:2

Estas buscando: ¿Una relación más profunda con Dios? ¿Una sensación de pertenecer en una comunidad de fe? ¿Tienes preguntas acerca de las tradiciones Católicas?

Las Sesiones de Investigación del programa de RICA –acaban de comenzar y si te estas preguntando si aún pueden unirse a nosotros, la respuesta es SI! Aún estamos invitando y dando la bienvenida a personas interesadas que quieren unirse a nosotros durante esta Etapa de Investigación.

Este es el tiempo de encontrar las respuestas a las preguntas acerca de la fe Católica y también para desarrollar nuevas amistades entre esta comunidad de fe. Las sesiones de RICA son cada martes por la tarde de las 7:00 p.m. a las 9:00 p.m. en el Centro O’Callaghan.

Si tiene alguna pregunta acerca del proceso de RICA, por favor llamar a Gina Zepeda, al (626) 330-2269, Ext., 230.


Because of construction delays, the initial walkway installation has been changed to late September. Even though the deadline has passed, you can still purchase a brick! The cost has increased to $350. These orders will not be in-cluded in the initial installation of the walkway. Bricks will need to be engraved on-site, which is why the cost has increased.

Please turn in your order forms to the Corpus Christi Center. Forms are available on the SJV website and at the Corpus Christi Center.

For more information, please call: Bob & Sharon Altman 626-336-2321

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 23, 2018 Page 5


All Women 18 & over are invited to

“Breathe in the Spirit” Women’s Fellowship

Next Date: October 20th Dolan Hall - 9-11:00 am

Come be refreshed, restored and renewed! Sorry, no babysitting is available.

Our next Faith Night is October 14th

Join us for food and fellowship after 5:15pm Mass.

We are now in phase II of our con-struction project, which is scheduled to be ongoing until October 2018. Due to the many obstacles and delays along the way construction costs have

risen an estimated $2-3 million over our original budget. Now, more than ever we ask for you to prayerfully consider fulfilling, extending or making a new pledge to the Rise Again Campaign. Please visit the church website to make a pledge or a payment. You can also visit the parish office to make your donation, or place it in the bright pink envelope at church. Statements are mailed monthly. If you make your pledge payments on-line, you will not receive a monthly statement unless you request one by calling the Campaign Office. If you have any questions about the campaign or your ac-count, please call Gina Zepeda, 626-330-2269, Ext. 240. Ahora estamos en la fase II de nuestro proyecto de construcción, que está programado para octubre de 2018. Debido a los muchos obstáculos y demoras en el camino, los costos de construcción han aumentado en aproximadamente $2-3 millones respecto de nuestro presupuesto original. Ahora más que nunca les pedimos que consideren en oración cumplir, extender o hacer una nueva promesa a la Campaña Capital Rise Again. Para hacer promesas o hacer pagos, por favor visite nuestra página parroquial en el sitio web También puede hacer su donación en persona en la oficina parroquial, o al depositar su sobre rosa subido en la canasta de donación los domingos. Estados de cuenta son enviados por correo mensualmente. Estados de cuenta no son enviados si su cuenta/promesa tiene pagos electrónicos. Si desea recibir su estado de cuenta mensualmente por favor llamar a la Oficina de Campaña. Si tiene alguna pregunta acerca de la campaña o acerca de su cuenta/promesa por favor llamar a Gina Zepeda, al 626-330-2269, Ext. 240.


“Liturgical Spirituality”

Saturday, September 29th 9:00 am to Noon

O’Callaghan Center Presenter: Kay Murdy

This presentation will con-

sider the fundamental questions of Catholic worship: What we do, why we do it, and how we can do it bet-ter. After experiencing the “why” behind the “what” of the Mass, we will know “how” to participate with sinceri-ty and exit with purpose!


Meet on the first and third Tuesdays of the month in Dolan Hall beginning at 6:30 pm. Questions? Call or text Robert Yrigoyen at 626-361-8956, Tony Maiora-na 626-893-9363 or Chris Noone 909-376-1419.



Get ready for a night of bible trivia, audience interaction and a lot of Catholic humor.

Saturday, October 20th - 6:00 pm O’Callaghan Center

Tickets: $40/per person Includes Bingo, interactive theater

and spaghetti dinner. For tickets or information:

Al Reyes 626-991-1914

Sponsored by the K of C Ars Council 6028

A COMEDY A new Comedy by Vicki Quade, Creator of Late Nite Catechism

Baptismal Ministry Couples help prepare parents & God parents of children to be baptized. If you are interested in this ministry call Mary Ellen 626-330- 7635. Bereavement Ministry works with families who have lost a loved one and offers assistance for the day of the funeral. Contact the Corpus Christi Center for more information. Breathe in the Spirit Women’s Fellowship - Third Sat urday of the Month 9-11 am. See Bulletin for place. Catholic Men’s Fellowship First & Third Tuesdays, Dolan Hall, 6:30 pm. Call Tony 626-893-9363. Eucharistic Ministry - if you are 18 years or older , participate regularly in church life, and wish to distribute the Eucharist, please call Maria Cheng 626- 252-4296. Filipino Catholic Association promotes fellowship, hospitality & group prayer to the Filipino Community. Call Celso 626-330-4208 or Evelyn 626- 912-6291. Friday Morning Lectionary Group Study, share, pray the Sunday readings on Friday from 8:45 to 10:00 am.. Kay and Bob 562- 696-1136. Hospitality Ministry provides hospitality to and for many areas of the parish. Call Joan 626-674-9669 or Rose 626-664-4112. Kings & Queens is a gather ing of Senior Citizens who meet the first and third Thursdays for companion ship, and bingo. Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization open to practicing Catholic men 18 and older, pro viding fellowship in pursuit of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Pat riotism. Marriage Encounter is a weekend for any marr ied couple that has the desire to want more in their relationship. More passion, forgiveness, tender ness and communication. Call Jason Ramos 562-204-7829 & Angel Ramos 562-608-5958. Our Lady of Guadalupe Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order - meets second Sunday of month in Dolan Hall. For more information call, Greg 626-961- 4832 Our Lady Queen of Peace - Monday Rosary every Monday in the Church 5:30 pm. Pro-Life Information Whittier Life Center Pregnancy Hot Line 562-693- 8803. Retrouvaille a program for troubled marr iages. Call 909-900-5465. Small Christian Communities always welcome new members. Groups meet on a variety of days- times to deepen their faith while sharing life experiences. Call Mary Ellen 626-330-7635. St. Martin de Porres Food Pantry for in formation, call the Corpus Christi Center Office. Tuesday Evening Bible Study October thru May. Call Mary Ellen 626-330-7635. Wednesday Morning Bible Study October thru May. Call Ann 626-330-6093.


Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 26, 2018 Page 5 Page 6 St. John Vianney

Apóstoles de la Divina Misericordia – Rezan la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia los Jueves a las 7pm en el Dolan Hall. Bertha Villareal 626-333- 8741. Discípulos de Cristo – Reflexionan sobre el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica los Martes a las 7pm en Salon 7. Bertha Rodríguez 626-252-1735. Grupo de Biblia Israel – Estudio del Nuevo y Antiguo Testamento los Martes a las 7pm en Salon 2. Eva Holguín 626-533-7084 o Jorge 626-390-1310 Encuentros Matrimoniales – Oran para fortalecer el compromiso matrimonial en las parejas los Viernes a las 7pm en Salon 2. Luis y Lilia Rodríguez 626- 336-1094 Grupo de Oración Juan XXIII - Rezan el Rosario de Sanación para los enfermos los Lunes a las 7pm en el Dolan Hall. Mirna Kreimann 626-512-7726. Pequeñas Comunidades - Coordinan grupos de oración entre la comunidad. Estela Sánchez 626-968 - 5981 y Alicia Valdivia 626-330-9360. Mesa Directiva de Grupos Hispanos – Encargados de eventos sociales en la iglesia. Renee Sosa 323- 314-2864 o Sergio Argueta 619-277-3726 Ministerio de Eucaristía – Distribuyen la Sagrada Comunión durante la misa y la llevan a los enfermos. Maria Cheng 626-252-4296. Ministerio de Lectores – Proclaman la Palabra de Dios en la asamblea litúrgica, se reúnen una vez al mes. Lidia Fiol 626-330-3705 y Cristina Salcedo 626 -712-2200. Pre-Bautismal - Ofrecen clases de preparación para bautizos. Hugo y Roció Hernández 626-986-4934. Rosarios Guadalupanos – Rezan el Rosario a la Virgen de Guadalupe a las 7pm el segundo Miércoles. Dolores Gándara 602-714-4043 Seguidores de Jesús – Grupo de oración para la comunidad los Jueves a las 11:30am en el Dolan Hall. Sofía Saldaña 626-839-4633.

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