Download - _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Page 1: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Ross 31st March 13 Church of Ireland Cathedral Parish Records 1690-

Births 20th May 1690-4th April 1821

Marriage 5th dec 1696-2 Jan 1821

Burial 5th Dec 1696-2nd Jan 1821

Vestry 5th Jan 1717-1823.

P19 has Hungerford family entries 1685-1703

p. at the back of book copied at end of baptismal entries has Legoe family entries 1762-1795

Copy made by Margaret C Griffith, Deputy Keeper, 26th March 1962, from the original register deposited by the Dean on 13th July 1961

During the troubles the rectors of Church of Ireland churches were urged to deposit the parish records in the Public Records Office at the Four Court in Dublin for safe keeping. Thankfully, some did not comply and thereby saved the records from the destruction which wiped 1,000 years of Irish History into oblivion in 1922 in the destruction of the records.

In 1961 the Public Records Office asked churches to deposit the records in Dublin to enable them to be copied. Margaret Griffith and Assistant Keeper manually copied the relevant records, an immense task. The records are now available in the National Archives and contain many for rural Co. Cork parishes as well as St. Annes Shandon, St Nicholas and Christ Church in Cork City.

These are the records from Ross Cathedral, the PDF document contains digital images of Margaret Griffith's work and also enclosed is a partial transcript of her work in draft form and this in ongoing.

Included are details of the three young Griffith girls who died by small pox in 1717. There are two deaths of parishioners who may have a Huguenot background, Jean Humphreys by his own admission 105 died in 1751, and a doctor John Bousseau died in 1757.

Among the parishioners are members of the Spiller family, a common Christian name in the family is Ferdinando suggesting a possible Spanish connection. In 1810 the Cathedral of St. Finbarr's Cork produced a journal or book listing their properties. Include in the portfolio are properties in Ross including a mill leased to the Spiller family. That mill may originally have been monastic and was forfeit during the Reformation, this is only a speculation.

The records also have details of meetings in 1798 and the early 19th century to raise levies of men for miitia and imposing taxes in so much per gneeve and ploughland


Page 2: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

(old land measures).

There are a fair number of parishioners from a Catholic background judging by the names, O'Regan, Donovan, McCarthy, O'Hea, Roche, Goggin, Sullivan, suggesting intermarriage and conversion.

Among the occupations mentioned are those of flax dresser, linen weaver, butcher, shoemaker, coast officer, gauger, doctor, surgeon, Member of Parliament, Magistrate, Seneschal. There are many military officers from the Townsend, Hungerford and Jervois families.

There was a military barracks in the area and there are many references to soldiers and offficers. Among the regiments mentioned a re those of Lord Landsdowne (1754), Colonel Dalamy, (1759), Royal Irish (1759), 16th Regiment of Foot, (1760s), Caithness Legion (1798), Cavan Regiment of Militia (1787, 1802), Cheshire Fencibles (1801)


The roof of the church repaired 1798 Michael Shanahan Architect. (note he started as a stonemason in White Street in Cork, he was taken under the wing of Harvey the Bishop of Derry who brought him on Continental tours. he became a major architect to the Church of Ireland and was involved in the military installation at Spike Island)

The Register Book of the Cathedral Church of Ross, Carbery, in the County of Cork

Thomas Goodman, Vicar

Mr. Thomas Hungeford, and Mr. John S Townsend, Churchwarders, anno Dom… 17…

7th 1st 1771

1771 The Reverend Mr. John Beamish, Jnr., preached his first sermon in this church.

1770 The Revd. Chris Harvey Mar. 7th installed Vicar Choral. Revd. Henry Jones Curate.

1786 Aprill the 26th Mark Leede and Elizh. McCarthy was mard. In the Church of Clonekilty by the Revd. John Townsend.

March the 13th Elizh the dather of Mark Legoe was bourn.

David Dennis the son of James Dennis was baptizd May 20th 1690.

John Dennis son to J. Dennis baptizd May 15th 1692. Kathei: Dennis daughtr to Ja.


Page 3: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Dennis is baptizd Jan 13th 1695

Elleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169.

Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th 1699

Anne Dennis daughter of Ja. Dennis bapt. Augt. 10th 1701.

John Clerk son to William Clerk check bottom of page.

P2. (March 1691)

Mary Clerk daughter to Will Clerk baptizd 16th June 1696

Thos. Clerk son to will Clerk baptizd 14th Novbr 1700

William the son of Charles Makentoss baptizd Augt 16th 1706 being in the Parish of Kilmacabee

Eliz. Gogane daughter of Thos Gogan ebaptizd March 30 1693

Francis Gogane daught of Tho; Gohane Bapt June…th 1695

Harry Gogane son of Tho: Gogane bapt May 23rd 1693 (last digit doubtful)

Thos. Gogane son of J. Gogane bapt Novbr. 10th 1700

Mary Gogane daughter of J. Gogane bapt Feb 20th 1703

Francis Gogane son of J. Gogane bapt Aug 1 1705

Francis Gogane son of J. Gogane buried Dec 5th 1696

Francis Gogane buried Augt 30th 1795

Henry Gogane son of Thos. Gogane buried July 3rd 1699

Tho: Gogane son of Tho: Gogane buried Jan 2nd 1703

William son of Tho: Gogane buried Augt 25th 1705

Denny the son of Denny Driscoll bapt Decbr the 18th 1706

John the son of John Hoskins bapted May 19th 1703

Eliz; the daughter of John Hoskins bapt Jan 3d 1703

Catharine the daughter of Francis West (possibly ‘9th’) … 22nd 1702

Alice West daughter to J. West baptizd 9th 1703

John son to J. West baptizd 9th 11th 1704

James son to J. West baptd Jan 18th 1705


Page 4: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Mary daughter to J. West baptizd April 15 1766


Martha Spiller daughter of Ferdinando Spiller Esq. baptizd May Day 1696

Elizabeth Spiller baptized St. Thos. Day 1698

Frances Hungerford daughter to Thos. Hungerford baptized November ye 4th 1703

Ferdinando Spiller Jnr. and Ann Stawell married Jan 23 1704

P.4 ctd.


Day left blank p4 ctd.

Mary the daughter of Francis West burid 1707

Mr. Phipip Hickson out of England died in Rathbarry parish and buried in Ross Church: July 21st 1707.

John the son of Samuel Workman buried Augt. 8th 1707

Gloster the son of Francis West baptd 3rd. Novr. 1707

James ye son of Elizth the daughter of Will Clerk baptizd Novbr. 7th 1707

The daughter of Isaac Carnoch (or Cornick, or Corhock or Corhick or Cornook or Corhook) of Brade beeryed Novbr. The 27th 1707.

Thomas son of the widow West buried

Eliz ye daughter of Emim Varion baptized 15th of 1707

John Poynand buried March the 17th 1707


Mary the daughter of Thomas Sealey baptized May the 6th

Ann the daughter of James Green buried May the 8th

Ann the daughter of Tho. Gogane Baptd. May the 14th

Ann the daughter of Tho. Gogane buried June ye 7th

John the son of Dan: Sulevens grandson of Harry Hix baptizd. July 10th 1708

William the son of Timothy Hourohans (Name doubtful) Septbr. 5th 1708.

Margret the daughter of Francis West baptizd Novembr. Ye 28th 1908


Page 5: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

William son of Timothy Howrahans burid Jan the 22nd 1708

……. Of Andrew Bradyn bapd Decbr. 1


Harry the son of Morgan Donovan of Deny baptizd Jany ye 20th

Mr. Thomas May buried Frbruary ye 10th tenth

Mr. William Spiller and Mrs Dinah Persivall married March the sixth 1703

Daughter of Jea? Humphreys burid March 5th

Mr. Norman burid September ye 18th 1709

Mr. Thomas Seelys child viz Ann Seely baptized on St. John’s day December the 27th

P.5 (1710)

Abigail the daughter of William Clerk was baptized Jany ye 29th and buried on Candlemas day following.

John ye son of Denis Murray was baptized February the fifth

John ye son of Francis Leane was baptized Feby 10th

Mr. Thomas Hungerford senr. was buried Feb. 16th

Phillip ye son of Francis West was bapt Feb 19 and was buried February the 23rd

Mr. Phillip Roche and Mrs Mary Hungerford were married April the eleventh 1710 (1711)

Josiah the son of William Spiller was baptizd March ye 24 1710

Elizabeth the daughter of William Morris was baptized the 21st

Josiah ye son of William Spiller was buried July ye 22nd (1710)

John and Margaret daughters of Emanuel Varion baptizd fifth of November 1710

P5 ctd

…April …1711

Wick son of Ralf Barry Parish (clerk?) ye 25th 1711

Anne the daughter of Tho: Seely buried ..the first 1711

P. 6

Charles ye son of Mrs Ann Sherburn widow buried ye third 1711


Page 6: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Jean ye daughter of Andrew Bradyn bapd June ye fouthe 1711

Elizabeth daugh of Francis West bapd June fifth 1711

John the son of Mr. Morgan Donovane bapd August the seventh 1711

Katherine ye daughter of Wilm Clerk was bapd September 20th 1711

Mrs Mary West was buried December 17th 1711

James ye son of of Jean Humphreys was batd Jany ye 4th 1711

Richard son of Richard Varion alias drum was baptized Feby 3rd 1711/2

The son of William Morries was bapd March ye 9th 1711

Ferdinando son of Fred Spiller of Brown’s Mills was buried ye 19th 1712

The son of William Morries was bapd March ye ninth 1711

Jeasn the daughter of William Spiller was bapd the 21st April 1712

James the son of Jean Humphreys was buried may the 26th 1712

Mary the daughter of Denis M..k..h (illegible surname, letters as follows; -M;I or and ; illegible sign possible representing 2 letters; sign resembling n; sign resembling b or e but possibly c’ h or k; I or a or u; sign resembling g;h.)


Elizah the daughter of Tho: seely was baptized Jany the ninth 1711

Thomas the son of Mr. Phillip Roche ws baptizd January the seventeenth 1710

Thoms Paterson was buried Jany the nineteenth 1710

Ferdinando Spiller Senr. Was buried February ye fifth 1710

David Dennish was buried 12 April (day doubtful)

Margaret ye daughter of Francis Brown was

P.7 (1717)

Mr. Samuel Kingston and … married ye 28th day of May 1713

Bartholomew Fitzgerald and Katherine Keogh were married the 9th day of June 1712

? Hicks and Rebecca were married July the fifteenth 1713

Ainney the daughter of Francis West was bapt January ye 24th 1713


Page 7: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Eliz: ye daughter of ….(Hungerford?) Glanfield was bapad the 1 day of March 1713/4

Rachel the daughter of Charles Dennine was bapd ye 14 of Sept 1714

Elizabieth the daughter of William Spiller was baptizd May the 18th 1714

Robert the postimus son of Will? Wheeler was bapt the tenth day of July 1714

James the son of John Ronane of Lkill Faughanabeg was bapdd ye eleventh day of July 1714

John the son of Timothy Howrahan was batd the first day of Augt 1714

Jacob Haseberrry ? and Jan Grimes were mared Augt 11th 1714

Sarah the daughter of Mr Samuel Lingstone was baptized Augt the 22th 1714

Timothy Donovane was Mary Bourk married the third day of Novbr 1714

Mrs Hannah Graves was buried Decenbr the 13th 1714


John the son of William Furlong was baptized December the 16th 1714


Martha O.M. (initials only) twins daughter of Jean Humphreys were baptd on Cxtmas day 1715

The son of Morgan Donovane was bapd April the month 1715

William Nash and Catherine Bryan were married on the 20th day of April 1715

Margaret daughter to Mr John Towesen was buried May the nineteenth 1715

Robert the son of John Spiller was baptized on the sixth day of June 1715

John Huggin was buried July the sixth 1715

The son of Francis Hill was baptized July seventh 1715

Robert the son of John Spiller was baptized on the sixth day of June 1715 and buried August the third 1715

Mary the daughter of Francis Lean was bapd August the seventh 1715

The daughter of ..(left Balnk) Grimes was bapd September the 18th 1715

Eleanor ye daughter of Timothy Donovane was baptizd November the 13th 1715

Mr. Tho: Hungerford of ye great island of Inchidinny was buried November ye 2nd 1715


Page 8: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Eleanor the daughter of John Grimes was bapd the 20th December 1715

Michael ye son of Charles Dinneen was baptizd July ye fifth 1716

Armuger ye son of Francis west was baptizd ye 9th 1716

Michael Doud and Ruth Aplebee were married June ult. 1716

John the son of Timothy Donovane bapd ye ninth of September 1716


John ye son of William Morris was baptizd ye 23rd day of September 1716.

Dorothy ye daughter of Mr. Morgan Donovane was baptd ye 26th day of September 1716

Martha ye daughter of Richard Neagle baptizd ye27day of Septr 1716

Humprey Harrington was buried ye 29th day of September 1716

James ye son of James Wright soldier under Capt. Harwood was baptizd ye 20th November 1716

John son of James Major bapd December 26th St. Stephen’s Day soldier in Cap. Harwoods Company

William son of Barthw Fitzgerald bapd Jan 2nd 1716

…the daughter of Thomas west was baptizd June ye twelfth 1717

James How and Mary Sherburn were married the thirteenth day of July 1717

Frank the son of Timothy Donovane bapd Aug 18th 1717

The son of John Spiller buried ye 13th Sept 1717

The son of Francis West buried ye 15th 7th 1717

Katherine ye daughter of William Lahey was baptizd ye 24th September 1717

Nicholas Goslin and Ester Camberidge were married ye 21 day of October 1717

Sarah the daughter of Moses Tompson was buried ye 21st day of October 1717

Sarah ye daughter of Jaco H..(Indistinct letters resemble HEOBRIGRAT) was baptizd ye th day of Jan 1717

David son of John Drimine was bapd ye tenth day of Jany 1718

Joh: McGill and Eleanor Carthy were (married) ye ninth day of February 1717/8 (a few words, possibly a name, illegible, on foot)



Page 9: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Three daughters of Henry Griffith were buried Jany 1717 all died of ye small pox

George the son of Francis Hill was bapd ye 2nd of March 1717

Elizabeth daughter of James Brody was bapd March the twelfth 1717

Jeremy the son of Jean Humphreys was bapd March the sixteenth 1717

Daughter of Michael Dowd? Was buried ye 31 March 1718

Daughter of …(left blank) Glanton was baptized October 1718

Anne ye daughter of Dan McCarthy was baptized ye nineteenth of October 1718

Ricahrd son of Michael Dowd baptized the 14ht January 1719

Mr John Spiller was buried ye 28th June 1719

Jean Humphreys daughter was buried ye 7th July 1719

Jeremy Humphreys was buried August 5th 1719

Anne the daughter of Ricahrd Drume baptized August ye 23rd 1719

John son of Charles Dineen was buried ye 21st of October 1719

H…….ing was buried November 24 1719

Anne daughter of Mr.Samuel Workman was baptized December the 29th 1719

Mary daughter of William Lehey was baptized December 31st 1719

P.11 January (1719)

Daniel son of Daniel McCarthy was baptized January the fifth 1719

Anne the wife of Nathaniel Goslin was buried January ye sixth 1719

Mary daughter of Joseph Manypenny was baptized January fifteenth 197119

Mary Salter was buried February the 18th 1719/20

Matthew son to Tim Donovane was baptised February 28th 1719/20


Michael ye son of Charles Dineen was baptized the seventh day of March 1720

The daughter of George Dines (doubtful letters also readable Dinn or Diner) was baptized ye seventh day of March 1720

Christian Morris widow was buried on the 31st March 1720


Page 10: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

The daughter of William Merry was christened on ye 3rd day of April 1720

Anne daughter of Daniel McCarthy was buried April the 4th 1720

John the son of John Goslin was born the fifteenth June 1720

Thomas Starky and Mary Cole were married August the ninth 1720

Thomas the son of William Morris was buried the 14th of August 1720

Nicholas the son of Nicholas Goslin was baptized October the sixteenth 1720

January …1720 the son of Tobias Harrington baptized January buried on the 21st

George Howrahan was buried …28th 1720


John and Kate the son and daughter of Willliam Heney? Were baptized March the ..

Anne the daughter of..were baptized..the ..

James the son of James Phililly was baptized the 9th March 1720

David son of Timothy Howrohane was baptized January the seventh 1721

Rebecca daughter if Derby Howrahans was baptized April ye 8th 1721

Margaret daughter to Mr Samuel Workman baptized by Mr John Hungerford was received into ye Cxtria congregation on ye 2nd day of August 1721

Anne daughter to Mr Samuel Workman buried September 1721 comma

Ye daughter of William Lehey was baptized September ye 23rd 1721

Jean daughter of William Spiller was buried ye first day of November 1722

John Harrison was buried ye 19th November 1721

Horatio (doubtful letter resembles HORCHA) ye son of Mr. Daniel McCarthy was baptized November ye 18th 1722

Son of William Geney buried December ye second 1721

Ann daughter of Thomas Hazel was baptized the 20th day of January 1722/3

Martha wife to Samuel Redwood was bried the one and twentieth day of January 1723/3

The daughter of Thomas West was buried the seventh of February 1722

Mr. George Murray and Mrs Mary Workman were married the 20th of February 1722/23

Thomas Anderson soldier was buried May..(day illegible) 1723


Daughter of John Geney was baptized September 22 1723


Page 11: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th


The Reverend Mr. John Hungerford was buried September the fifth 1723

Thomas the son to Tobias Harrington was baptized the second day of October 1723 buried the fourth day 1723

William Clarke was buried 5th of November 1723

Katherine daughter of Francis West was buried December 7th 1723

Mrs Susanna daughter of Mr Thomas Hungerford of Great Island was buried January 20 1723

Mrs Constance Arnop was buried April ye 6th 1724

Margaret daughter of Timothy Donovane was baptized April ye 12th 1724 esde parkin filius jac;

Mrs Katherine Kerrin was buried ye of July 1724

Frances the daughter of Mr George Kingston was baptized July the 26 1724

P.13 contd

Charles son of Charles Dineen baptised August 26th 1724

Samuel son of George Workman baptised November 5th 1724

Captain Thomas New was buried the tenth day of December 1724

Daughter of Mr. Morgan Donovane was baptized January the 26 1725

James son to George Kingstone was baptized on St. Andrew’s dy 1725



mary daughter of Mr. Thomas Hungerford was baptized February ye 2nd 1725/6

(dash in MS) son of William Lehy baptized June 12th 1726

Derby Donovane and Elizabeth Woods were married upon St. Bartholomew’s day 1726.


Robert Howard verger was buried January the 20th


Page 12: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Mary daughter of Timothy Donovane was baptized February the 2nd


Martha daughter to Mr. Samuel Workman was baptized March 15th 1726

Martha daughter to Mr. Thomas Hungerford (de insula, deceased) was buried March 16 1727

Mary daughter to John Dineen was baptised21st April 1727

Mary daughter to Darby Donovne was baptized April the 4th 1727

(Illegible).. to Tobias Harrington was (Baptised?) April 6 1727

William son of William Humphreys was baptized May 29th 1727

Elizabeth wife to Jean Humpreys was buried June 1st 1727

… and son of …Neagle baptized 14th of

P.14 contd.

…the son of … Glanton … was baptized …? …1727

William the son of Timothy Howrohane was baptize July 9th 1727

John Gogane and Elizabeth Spiller were married August the 27th 1727


Mr. Samuel Workman was buried January the fifth 1727/8

Ye daughter of George Dinn was buried January the 24th 1727/8

Eleanor Edwards was buried February the 27 1727/8

Elizabeth the wife of John Locket was buried March the 10th

John Locket was buried mach 18th 1727/8

William son to Thomas Starkey was baptized April the 22nd 1728

Francis daughter to Mr. Thomas Hungerford was baptized May the fourteenth 1728

The daughter of Thomas Evat was baptized May 30th Ascension Day 1728

Isaac he son of Emmil Drumm was baptized July 28th 1728

A daugter of Tho Evat was buried August 17th 1728

(left lank).. of Thomas Hazel was baptized the (left blank) .. day of August 1728


Page 13: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Son of Jm Crimine was buried August 23rdd 1728

Eleanor daughter of Thomas Clerk was baptized November 10 1728

P. 16 (1729)

Mr. John Smith was buried January 4th

Eleanor daughter of Corporal Quin was baptized 21st February

Jean son of William Humphreys was baptized March 19th

Frank son of Jn Goslin was baptized April 3rd.

P.16 contd

Mar daughter of Tim Donovane baptized 28 of April

Ellen daughter of John Dineen was baptized May 30 1729

Richard of Richard Neagle baptized June 8th 1729

Jean Humphreys and Mary Dineene were married (day not iven)

Samuel Clerk and Anne Love were married the fourth of November

Thomas Evatt verger and parish clerk was buried November 1729


Frances daughter of Thomas Clarke was baptized January 111730

Robert Collines buried March 14 1730

Mrs Mary Donovane of Derry was buried on Easter Sunday 1730

John Goodchild and Jean Nagle were married March 31 1730

… of .. Mr. Woodhouses baptized.


John Freke Smyth son of Mr. Richard Smyth was baptized August 27th 1730

Captain Harry Freks was buried October22th 1730

P.18 blank


Page 14: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th


(H) Mr Hungerfords children of Little Island…

Mary Hungerford daughter of Mr. Thomas Hungerford the of the parish of Rath Barry was cxtnd the 8th day of June 1685

Ann: Hungerford was baptized January the 28th 1688

Elizabeth Hungerford was baptized October the 28th 1688

Jean Hungerford was baptized the 12th day of May, 1691

Thomas Hungerford was baptized the 8th day may 1693

Richard Hungerford was baptized the 14ht day of April 1695

John Hungerford was baptized the 26th day of July 1700

Katherine Hungerford was baptized the 20th day of October 1701

P.21 contd 1737 contd

9th 13 Mary daughter of Cors Bryan (poat)

a daughter to Taylor the soldier

Jan 31 John son to Mr James Denis

Feb 3 Richard son of Thomas Hungerford

2 Matthew son of James Jack

2 Alexander son of Thomas Roseburn

8 Jerr and Humphry son of Jean Humphrys and Mary daughter to Jean Humphreys

John Beamish


P.22 (Burials)


Contd 1739/40 (Baptisms 1740 contd)

April 20 Margaret daughter of John Rowlisson

May 21 John son of John Barker


Page 15: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

30 Henry Boyle Tonson Fitzjames son of James Collins coast officer

June 27th John son of John McGlass

August 10 James son of Tim Roynane of Droumbeg

(1741 Marriages)

P.24 November 19th Richard Moran and Eliz Gogin widow

Feb 1st John Plunkett soldier and Mary Gordon


June 19th John White and Ellin Jones

October 12 David Horan and Constance Bennett

January 26th John McDaniel and Joyce Moxly otherwise Lanon


May 28th Mrs. Richard Goodman and Margaret Power

7br 30th William Harris Sergt and Francis Clerke

9th 5th Thomas Dixon soldier and Mary Carthy

20th James Sams soldier and Julian Rodes widow

26 Robert McKenny soldier and Martha Gogin


June 6 Thomas Tomson, soldier, and Mary Bashford

July 11 James Tomson and Mary Parker

P.24 contd

May 3 Richard Miles and An Humphreys

June 11 William Hayes and Rebecca Mead

August 7 Francis Lucas and Mary Clarke

December 27th Charles Hendrick and Alice Penily (soldier)


July 2nd John Cockburn and Margaret Lehy

July 2ndthe above was married


Page 16: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

August 10th Jye McKay soldier and Catherine Barran


April 28th William Rice and Joanna Casey


April 17th Richard Moxly and Mary Clerke of Ardagh

19th August Henry Nares? Soldier and Onor Lee


May 9 Henry Dudley and Mary Dunn


January 13th Mr. John Bennett of Reenroe and Mrs. Mary Smyth

January 17th William Manly and Margaret Mead

June 29th John Giles sergt and Margaret Osburn

8th 6th Henry Legoe of this parish and Mary Daunt married in Clonakilty


January 31st William Anderson soldier and Elizabeth Graham

7br 8th Samuel Bailie and Mrs Ann Smyth


February 5 Joseph Murray soldier and Mary Hart

June 1st Joseh Legoe and Mary Donovan


Mar 15th Captain Peter Wilbraham and Mary Williams Royal Irish


January 13th James Moxly and Mary Varion

April 14ht James Trackett soldier and Mary Downs


Page 17: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

April 15 Daniel Carthy and Margaret Skude (Skuce?)

29 Mr. William Wescomb and Mrs Jane Smyth

P.25 (Burials 1744-)

1744 April 1 Mr. Richard Smyth of Drocem

25Margaret Donovan daughter of Francis West of Rose

9th 11th Don of Derry

January Phillip Lieut Phillip Townsend of Derry

1745 July 11th Mrs Hungerford widow of Thomas Hungerford of Caghermea

Feb 19th Mr. Richard Townsend of Clogheen

1746 Jan 15 Henry Bullstrode of Ross

March 12 Richard son of the Rev John Beamish

1747 June 16 Mrs Jane Welch was buried in this cathedral aged 97 years

1748 April 9 George Dinn buried

June 8 Mary the wife of Townsend Varian

1749 June 2 (line left blank at this date)

1750 June 14 Mr. Ferdinand Spiller

June 21 Mrs. Catherine Phillpott

July 1 Mr. Sampson Jervois

January 12 Mary daughter of Solomon Barker

1751 May 4 Jeans Humphreys Frenchman yet by his own account aged 105 years

May 28th John Masterman

28 Elin daughter of John Smith parishioner

August 25 Elin daughter of Jeans Humphreys

March 14 Ensign William Blagdiu who was drowned yr 11th inst in ye harbor of Ross

1752 8tr 26 Horatio of Horatio Townsend (by) the Rev Deccast

9r 7th Elizabeth Legoe wife of John Legoe parish clerk

8 Phillip son of John Spiller

11 Robert son of Robert Boyd

January 24 Margaret wife of William Brian of Lisard

1763 7r 20 Mistress Mary Phillpot widow


Page 18: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

8br 8th Mrs Ann Spiller widow

James son of Moses Boid of Cashell the 19th of 7th

9br 13th Eliz daughter of Cornelius Brien

P.25 continued 1754 contd 8rd 5th William son of Mr Jonas Morris


June 15th Mr. William Donovan Ross

July 30 His daughter

August 4 Ferdinando son of Ferdinando Spiller

7 br 20 Townsend Varian

P. 26 (Burials)

1756 3d

February 03th Francis son of James Roche

March 21st William Spiller late of Clonakilty

May 15th Bella daughter of James Nesbett, soldier

8br 31st Cornelius Townsend Esq., intombed


January 16th Robert Boid of the parish of Kilmacabea buried there and died in Bandon

May 11th Ann the wife of Jeremy Carthy of ye above parish

June 13th Doctor John John Bousseau (second two letters doubtful) intombed in the church

June 21 The Rev Butler Townsend Do.

1758 January 21st The wife of Robert Boid the elder of the parish of Kilmaccabea

April 23rd William Ellis son of Mr. Edward Jones of Droumbeg

July 7th Mary Dempsey of Ross

August 1st Mrs Elizabeth Hassett of Dunmanway buried under the pulpit

7br 4th Mrs Mary Morris wife of Jonas Morris Esq.


Feb 7th (‘b’ of February seems to have been altered to’o’) Walter Sharky of Burgashy

1760 February 21 Francis Townsend son of Francis Townsend of Clogheen


Page 19: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

February 22nd Mary daughter of Tim Hea of Ross

April 15th Tim Horan of Ross

November 25th Mr. William Spiller of Do.

1761 May 24th Mary Jones late of Droumbeg

7br 7th John son of Mr Edward Jones

8br 20 John son of Ferdinand Spiller

P.25/6? Contd

1761contd Xbr 20th Mary the wife of Richard Miles

1762 Mary daughter of Robert Lowry Penshover

January 20 Mary Howran of Ross

February 3 George Varian of Gullane. Mr Charles Jennison Mrs Elizabeth Hungerford (these two names crossed our)

July 5 Mr. Humphrey Crolly of the City of Cork

April 3rd Jean Lean of Ross

July 5 John son of Jonah Morris Esq.,

August 14 Sarah Bowles widow of Simon Bowles aged upwards of 100 years

October 27 the widow Miles

October 30 Thomas Parmer Pensioner


January 25th Mr. John Spiller- aged 57 years

March 6th Mr. John Smyth of Downeen

10th George Warren of Ross

April 19 Mrs Smyth widow of above John

April 22 Easter Sunday Mary the wife of Richard Moxly

May 6th Major Samuel Jervois late of Brade and Quartermaster Richard Goodman of Crohane

May 12 Mrs. Oldfield Bullstrode of Ross

P.27 (Christenings)


April 6 Elizabeth daughter of Luke Smyth 1745 Ann christened


Page 20: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

2 Richard son of John Smyth

25 Elizabeth Collins daughter of Florence Collins post

July 22nd James the son of John Gariele?

8br 7th John the son of Thomas Parker of Ardagh

January 13th Catherine daughter of Robert Boyde of Drounnullihy

April 6 Mary daughter to Walter Ware soldier

December 31st Frances daughter to Charles Levis

February 15th Elizabeth daughter of Cornelius Brian of Ross

28th daughter of James Boid of Cashel


May 27 Edward son of Mr Stephen Jermyn of Harrison

(P.27 ctd) (1747 baptisms contd)

June 21 Dorothy daughter of Mr. Jonas Morris received into ye congregation

August 20 William son of William Castles private baptized 23 received into ye congregation

9br 28th Francis ye son of Mr Freke Smith baptized sponsors Reverend Butler Townsend Mr. William Donovan, Miss Jane and Grace Jones

10th William son of Thomas Tackaberry George son of Jonas Parker Ann Freeborn and Mary Stranton (doubtful) sponsors

Xbr 27th Margaret ye daughter of John Croswell soldier

January 10th Margaret ye daughter of David John private baptize Margaret daughter of John Fullton private all of Major Adams company

1748 10th both received into congregation of Christian Flock

April 17th William son fo Sergeant Duncan Stewart baptized sponsors Mr. William Donovan John Legoe Ellen and Jane Dundass

1742 Ann daughter to Mr. John Spiller of Ross born December 13th 1742

1743 Ferdinando son to John Spiller of Ross born December13th 1742

1744 Abigail daughter to the above born May 27th 1744

1746 Elizabeth daughter to the above born January ye 16

1748 Elizabeth daughter of the above 7br 14th the 2nd Elizabeth Francis son of the Reverend John Beamish baptized 5th April 1743

Mary daughter of the Reverend John Beamish ye 30th August 1744


Page 21: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Richard son of ye Reverend John Beamish ye 30 August 1745

1748 May 8 Mary daughter to John Dunn of Ardagh. John McDaniel Margaret Donovan and Frances Clerk sponsors

15 Elizabeth daughter to Richard Erwin soldier John Murra and Eliza Akins and Elizabeth Quin sponsors

28 Ellen a daughter to Mr. Alexander Donovan Mr Jonas Morris Mr. Will Donovan Mrs Fra Townsend and Ban Austen sponsors

Baptisms 1748 continued

7ber 4 Ann daughter of Robert Boid of Droummlling Joseph Hewett Mary Starky and Ann Starky sponsors

John son of William Woolf Mr Jellice (doubtful) Morris Mr. William Donovan and William Donovan sponsors

John Beamish Vicar

John Spiller


P.28 (1748 Christenings)

7br 16 John son of ye rev. John Beamish Sir John Freke and Councilor Bumbery (this name struck out) Mr Francis Townsend and Mary Morris sponsors

8rd 9th Robert son of Andrew Spring William Legoe John Loan Mary Donovan and Ellin Bryan sponsors

14th Elizabeth daughter to the above Jeremy Donovan Thomas Wren Mary ye elder nd Mary ye younger Donovan sponsors

21st Margaret daughter to James Ronon. John Deneen John Legoe Jane Stiode and Mary Smith sponsors

9rd 3 Michael son of John Dineen William Morris Jeremy Donovan Joyce Moxly and Ann Dennis sponsors

30th Catherine daughter to Archibold Boid, William Condon Mary Smith and the widow Boid sponsors

March 19 Abigail daughter of Ferdinand Spiller Mr. John Spiller Mr. William Donovan Mrs Barbara Austin

and Abagail Newman sponsors


Page 22: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th



November 22 Mr. Edward Butstrode (Thus for Blstrode)


May 18 Mary Ann daughter of Mr. Freke Smyth

May 25 Margaret daughter of William Axton Drummer

June 16 John son of John Denees

June 23 Ann daughter of Mr Andrew Donohue

July 17 daughter of Francis Guines

October 23 Mrs Mary Denis


April 3 John Gogin buried in Cork

April 4 a child of Thomas Clerk


May 12 John Gogon’s daughter Ellen

May 31 John son of Samuel Clerke

July 11 Ann daughter of John Barker

July 19 John Huttsons wife or widow

July 28 Phillip Ronayne, son of James Ronayne deceased

July 29 Joh Hewitt ye elder of Burasky and 4 children


March 26 Richard son of Mr. John Smythe

P.22 contd

June 19 Mr James Denis departed this life

August 8 Mrs Diana Spiller wife of William Spiller

August 11 John son of Mr James Deins


Page 23: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Xbr 3 Henry Boy’l C Collins son of James Collins coast officer

Jan 12 George Hewitt of Burgashy drowned and buried ye 14th inst

42 March 14 Watt Evans son of Watt Evans and Margaret Lee

August 20 Mr. Hungerford of Brades daughter and Peg Smith

November 16 John son of Francis Grimes

March 23 William Morris butcher

43 July 9 Mr Henry Jones of Drounbeg

November 1 two sons of John Barkers

John Beamish vicar

Townsend ….


P.23 Christenings 1737/8

March 13 Jonathan son of John White


November 12 Robert son of George Hebron

Xmas Mary daughter to Walter Starky

January 7 Eleanor daughter to Jonas Parker

Mary Ann daughter to Mr. Freke Smythe


February 18 Mary daughter of Thomas Verin of Bandon

March 1st Thomas son of James Denis

May 2 Margaret daughter of William Axton Drummer

26 Morris son of John Bryan

7th, 30th John son of Daniel Carthy of Froye flax dresser


Page 24: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th


March 23 George son of John White

April 13 William son of William Smythe Drummer in Colonel Dallmeys regiment

P.23 contd Margaret daughter of John Rowlinson

May 21 John son of John Barker

30 Henry Boyle Tonson

P.24 (1747 Marriages)

November 19th Richard Horan? And Eliz Gogin widow

February 1st John Plunkett soldier and Mary Gordon

1748 June 19th John White and Ellin Jones

October 12 David Horan and Constance Bennett

January 26th John McDaniel and Joyce Moxle otherwise Lanon

1749 May 28th Mr. Richard Goodman and Margaret Power

7br 30th William Harris Sergeant and Francis Clerke

9br 5th Thomas Dixon soldier and Mary Carthy

20th James Sams soldier and Julian Rodes widow

26 Robert McKenny soldier and Martha Gogin

1750 June 6 Thomas Tompson soldier and Mary Bashford

July 11 James Tonson and Mary Parker

P.24 contd

1751 May 3 Richard Miles and Ann Humphreys

June 11 William Hayes and Rebecca Mead August 7 Francis Lucas soldier and Mary Clerke

December 27th Thomas Hendick and Alice Penily (soldier)


July 2nd John Cockburn and Margaret Lehy

July 2nd the above were married

August 10th Jye McKay soldier and Catherine Barran


Page 25: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th


April 28th William Rice and Johanna Casey


April 17th Richard Moxly and Mary Clerke of Ardagh


May 9 Henry Dudley and Mary Dunn


January 13th

19th August Henry Moses soldier Onor Lee

1755 May 9 Henry Dudley and Mary Dunn


January 13th Mr. John Bennett of Reenoe and Miss Mary Smyth

January 17th William Manley and Margaret Mead

June 29th John Giles Gerdt and Margaret Osburer

8br 6th Henry Legie of this parish and Mary Daubnt married in Clonakilty


January 31st William Anderson and Wlizabeth Graham

7br 8th Samuel Baylie and Mrs. Ann Smyth


Feb 5 Joseph Murray soldier and Elizabeth Hart

June 1st Joseph Legoe and Mary Donovan


March 15th Captain Peter Willbrahan and Mary Williams Royal Irish


James Moxly and Mary Varian

April 14th James Trackett soldier and Mary Downs

15 Daniel Carthy and Margaret Skuse

29 Mr. William Wescomb and Mrs. Jane Smyth

P.25 (Burials)

1744 April: Mr. Richard Smyth of Droum


Page 26: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

25 Margaret Donovan daughter of Francis West of Doer

9br 11th Don of Derry

January Philip Lieutenant of Phillip Townsend of Derry

P.25 (Burials 1744-)

1744 April 1 Mr. Richard Smyth of Drocem

25Margaret Donovan daughter of Francis West of Rose

9th 11th Don of Derry

January Phillip Lieut Phillip Townsend of Derry

1745 July 11th Mrs Hungerford widow of Thomas Hungerford of Caghermea

Feb 19th Mr. Richard Townsend of Clogheen

1746 Jan 15 Henry Bullstrode of Ross

March 12 Richard son of the Rev John Beamish

1747 June 16 Mrs Jane Welch was buried in this cathedral aged 97 years

1748 April 9 George Dinn buried

June 8 Mary the wife of Townsend Varian

1749 June 2 (line left blak at this date)

1750 June 14 Mr. Ferdinand Spiller

June 21 Mrs. Catherine Phillpott

July 1 Mr. Sampson Jervois

January 12 Mary daughter of Solomon Barker

1751 May 4 Jeans Humphreys Frenchman yet by his own account aged 105 years

May 28th John Masterman

28 Elin daughter of John Smith parishioner

August 25 Elin daughter of Jeans Humphreys

March 14 Ensign William Blagdiu who was drowned yr 11th inst in ye harbor of Ross

1752 8tr 26 Horatio of Horatio Townsend (by) the Rev Deccast

9r 7th Elizabeth Legoe wife of John Legoe parish clerk

8 Phillip son of John Spiller

11 Robert son of Robert Boyd

January 24 Margaret wife of William Brian of Lisard


Page 27: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

1763 7r 20 Mistress Mary Phillpot widow

8br 8th Mrs Ann Spiller widow

James son of Moses Boid of Cashell the 19th of 7th

9br 13th Eliz daughter of Cornelius Brien

P.25 continued 1754 contd 8rd 5th William son of Mr Jonas Morris


June 15th Mr. William Donovan Ross

July 30 His daughter

August4 Ferdinando son of Ferdinando Spiller

7 br 20 Townsend Varian

P.26 (Burials)

1756 3d

February 03th Francis son of James Roche

March 21st ~`William Spiller late of Clonakilty

May 15th Bella daughter of James Nesbett, soldier

8br 31st Cornelius Townsend Esq., intombed


January 16th Robert Boid of the parish of Kilmacabea buried there and died in Bandon

May 11th Ann the wife of Jeremy Carthy of ye above parish

June 13th Doctor John John Bousseau (second two letters doubtful) intombed in the church

June 21 The Rev Butler Townsend Do.

1758 January 21st The wife of Robert Boid the elder of the parish of Kilmaccabea

April 23rd William Ellis son of Mr. Edward Jones of Droumbeg

July 7th Mary Dempsey of Ross

August 1st Mrs Elizabeth Hassett of Dunmanway buried under the pulpit

7br 4th Mrs Mary Morris wife of Jonas Morris Esq.


Feb 7th (‘b’ of February seems to have been altered to’o’) Walter Sharky of Burgashy


Page 28: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

1760 February 21 Francis Townsend son of Francis Townsend of Clogheen

February 22nd Mary daughter of Tim Hea of Ross

April 15th Tim Horan of Ross

November 25th Mr. William Spiller of Do.

1761 May 24th Mary Jones late of Droumbeg

7br 7th John son of Mr Edward Jones

8br 20 John son of Ferdinand Spiller

P.25/6? Contd

1761contd Xbr 20th Mary the wife of Richard Miles

1762 Mary daughter of Robert Lowry Penshover

January 20 Mary Howran of Ross

February 3 George Varian of Gullane. Mr Charles Jennison Mrs Elizabeth Hungerford (these two names crossed out)

July 5 Mr. Humphrey Crolly of the City of Cork

April 3rd Jean Lean of Ross

July 5 John son of Jonah Morris Esq.,

August 14 Sarah Bowles widow of Simon Bowles aged upwards of 100 years

October 27 the widow Miles

October 30 Thomas Parmer Pensioner


January 25th Mr. John Spiller- aged 57 years

March 6th Mr. John Smyth of Downeen

10th George Warren of Ross

April 19 Mrs Smyth widow of above John

April 22 Easter Sunday Mary the wife of Richard Moxly

May 6th Major Samuel Jervois late of Brade and Quartermaster Richard Goodman of Crohane

May 12 Mrs. Oldfield Bullstrode of Ross

P.27 (Christenings)



Page 29: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

April 6 Elizabeth daughter of Luke Smyth 1745 Ann christened

2 Richard son of John Smyth

25 Elizabeth Collins daughter of Florence Collins post

July 22nd James the son of John Gariele?

8br 7th John the son of Thomas Parker of Ardagh

January 13th Catherine daughter of Robert Boyde of Drounnullihy

April 6 Mary daughter to Walter Ware soldier

December 31st Frances daughter to Charles Levis

February 15th Elizabeth daughter of Cornelius Brian of Ross

28th daughter of James Boid of Cashel


May 27 Edward son of Mr. Stephen Jermyn of Garrison

(P.27 ctd) (1747 baptisms contd)

June 21 Dorothy daughter of Mr. Jonas Morris received into ye congregation

August 20 William son of William Castles private baptized 23 received into ye congregation

9br 28th Francis ye son of Mr Freke Smith baptized sponsors Reverend Butler Townsend Mr. William Donovan, Miss Jane and Grace Jones

10th William son of Thomas Tackaberry George son of Jonas Parker Ann Freeborn and Mary Stranton (doubtful) sponsors

Xbr 27th Margaret ye daughter of John Croswell soldier

January 10th Margaret ye daughter of David John private baptize Margaret daughter of John Fullton private all of Major Adams company

1748 10th both received into congregation of Christian Flock

April 17th William son fo Sergeant Duncan Stewart baptized sponsors Mr. William Donovan John Legoe Ellen and Jane Dundass

1742Ann daughter to Mr. John Spiller of Ross born December 13th 1742

1743 Ferdinando son to John Spiller of Ross born December13th 1742

1744 Abigail daughter to the above born May 27th 1744

1746 Elizabeth daughter to the above born January ye 16

1748 Elizabeth daughter of the above 7br 14th the 2nd Elizabeth Francis son of the Reverend John Beamish baptized 5th April 1743

Mary daughter of the Reverend John Beamish ye 30th August 1744


Page 30: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Richard son of ye Reverend John Beamish ye 30 August 1745

1748 May 8 Mary daughter to John Dunn of Ardagh. John McDaniel Margaret Donovan and Frances Clerk sponsors

15 Elizabeth daughter to Richard Erwin soldier John Murray and Eliza Akins and Elizabeth Quin sponsors

28 Ellen a daughter to Mr. Alexander Donovan Mr. Jonas Morris Mr. Will Donovan Mrs Fra Townsend and Bab Austen sponsors

Baptisms 1748 continued

7ber 4 Ann daughter of Robert Boid of Droummlling Joseph Hewett Mary Starky and Ann Starky sponsors

John son of William Woolf Mr Jellice (doubtful) Morris Mr. William Donovan and William Donovan sponsors

John Beamish Vicar

Jhn Spiller


P.28 (1748 Christenings)

7br 16th John son of ye rev. John Beamish Sir John Freke and Councilor Bumbery (this name truck out) Mr Francis Townsend and Mary Morris sponsors

8rd 9th Robert son of Andrew Spring William Legoe John Loan Mary Donovan and Ellin Bryan sponsors

14th Elizabeth daughter to the above Jeremy Donovan Thomas Wren Mary ye elder and Mary ye younger Donovan sponsors

21st Margaret daughter to James Ronon. John Deneen John Legoe Jane Stiode and Mary Smith sponsors

9rd 3 Michael son of John Dineen William Morris Jeremy Donovan Joyce Moxly and Ann Dennis sponsors

30th Catherine daughter to Archibold Boid, William Condon Mary Smith and the widow Boid sponsors

March 19 Abigail daughter of Ferdinand Spiller Mr. John Spiller Mr. William Donovan Mrs Barbara Austin

and Abagail Newman sponsors


June 2 Eliz daughter of John Dempsey of Curryheen Edward Barker and Thomas


Page 31: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Gogin Mary Lean and Mary Donovan sponsors

August 13th John son of Morgan Hefron Fanny Donovan, Mary Pattisson sponsors

20 John son of Elinor Sullivan ye father unknown

8br 6th Mary daughter of John Keleher John Barker Charles Levis and Martha Gogin spouses

Xbe r26th daughter of Mr. John Spiller William Hues John Collins Mrs Catherine Philpott and Mrs. Ann Clerke sponsors

1750 February 15th Elizabeth daughter of Charles Murray Jer’s Humphry John Quin Ann Humphrys and Sophia Hebron sponsors

Timothy son of Richard Ronan of Ballyroe Jeremy Carthy Timothy Ronan and Mary Ronan sponsors


April 22nd Cornelius son of Mr. William Donovan of Ross was baptized Lieutenant Pratt Lieutenant Shuttelworth and Mrs. Barbara Hungerford sponsors

May 2nd Elinor daughter of Jeans Hunphreys Solomon Barker and Charles urray

9th James son of John Hewett Cornelius Donohue John Barker and Mary Parkes sponsors

January 20th Richard son of John Dun William Morris John Milles Mary Donovan and Ann Parker sponsors

21 Ferdinand Newman son of Ferdinand Spiller Mr. Phil Newman Mr.Thomas Hungerford Mrs. Elizabeth Newman and Mrs Ann Murray sponsors.

P.29 (Christenings 1751)

26th May Alice daughter of John Lean James Tomon William Morris Elizabeth Parker and Ellen White sponsors

June 17th Mary and Jane daughters of Mr. Jonas Morris. Mr. Thomas Hungerford and Reverend Mr. John Beamish Mrs Sarah Morris Jane Jones Mrs. Butler Townsend Mrs. Horatio Townsend and Richard Townsend minor sponsors

July3 John son of James Tomson Mr Sam Murray Thomas Wood and Mrs. Ann Murray sponsors

17th Henry the son of Stephen Jermyn Mr John Spiller Mr. Thomas Warner Mrs. Margaret Spring sponsors

Catherine daughter of S. Jermyn received into the congregation.

28th James son of Thomas Pattisson John White John Lean Mary Donovan Ellen White sponsors.

P. 29 contd continued Baptisms 1751


Page 32: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

7br 25 Elizabeth daughter of John Elliot (plus 2) soldier Jespar Dowan Phillip weaver Mary Stocker Catherine Barloe sponsors.

8br 4th William Elliott son of John Elliott soldier received into church William Whitehead William Stocker and Catherine Barlow sponsors

20th Susanna daughter of Samuel Smith William Donovan Richard Goodman Sarah Collins and Mary Nichol sponsors

Beer 15ht Ellen daughter of James Roche Samuel Workman John Freke Scythe Margaret Smith and Jane Bulstrode sponsors


January 5th John son of Richard Miles James Tomson William Wagh Mary Parker and Margaret Lehy sponsors

1752 for 51

January 12th Thomas son of William Aplin soldier Patt Master Thomas Jones Ellin Evanson and Catherine Hebron sponsors

March 11th Francis son of Mr. William Donovan Mr. Edward Jones Mr. Samuel Jervois Mr. Francis Hungerford and Mrs Ann Murray sponsors

30th Phillip son of Mr. John Spiller Lieutenant William Walsh Mr. Phillip Newman and Mrs. Ann Murray and Mrs. Elizabeth Newman sponsors

April 9th Abraham son of Mr. Jonas Jervois Mr. Abraham Morris Mr. Robert Mead and Lady Freke sponsors

September 15th from ye 4th removed, John son of Andrew Donohue received into the Congregation Mr. William Spiller John Legoe and Cassandria A Roche sponsors.

P.30 1752 (Christenings)

August 30th Solomon son of John Barker Solomon Barker James Tomson and Margaret Skuse sponsors.

P.30 contd 1752

August 15 Joseph son of Archibald Boyd Joseph Legoe Randle Donovan and Catherine Donovan sponsors

1753 January 11th John son of John Dunn

February 25 Jonas son of James Tomson James Roche William Wagh Margaret Goodman and Ann Parker sponsors

March 4 Thomas son of James Parker Mr. J. Spiller Mr. Richard Goodman Sarah Collins and Margaret Mead sponsors

May 13 Andrew son of James Roche. Andrew Donoghue Mr. John Smyth Mrs Elizabeth Smythe and Mrs Molly Hungerford sponsors


Page 33: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

27th William son of John Cockburn Mr. William Donoghue John Phaire Mrs Barbara Hungerford and Mrs Roche sponsors

June 10 William son of Henry Daniel Mr. F. Spiller Mr. Jse Mead Mrs Aba Spiller and Mrs Chany sponsors

July 22nd Rosamond daughter of John Lester William Wincop William Knowls Sarah Pownd and Martha Wade sponsors

7br 5th Elizabeth daughter of William Wolff of Cashell John Wolf James Wren Eliz Nash and Martha Fleming sponsors

5th Michael Connely son of Tim Connely received this day into the Congregation Jer Donovan Sol Parker and Mary Donovan sponsors

5th Mary daughter to the above George Hebron Mary Howran and Margaret Skuce sponsors

30th Elizabeth daughter to Richard Miles received into the Congregation John Miles Charles Murray Mary Danger and Mary Tompson sponsors

19th James son of Moses Boyde Ardu Boyde Robert Boid and Ann Carthy sponsors

9br 15th Phillip son of Mr .Ferdinanrd Spiller Captain Richard

P.30 contd (Baptisms)

Mr. Richard Bowden Mrs Abigale Spiller and Mrs An Clarke sponsors

P.31 (1754 continued)

March 24th Wiliam son of Captain Atkinson

August 3 John son of m

Mr William Donovan Mr. Thomas Hungerford Mr. John Spiller and Mrs. Mary Hungerford sponsors

7br 26th William son of Jonas Morris

8br 6 Elen daughter of John Gasal John Dun cos


Donohue Jane Stoud Cassandra Roche sponsors

May 24 Henry the son of Henry Moxes soldier John White John Legoe Martha McKinney sponsors


January 11Thomas son of Thomas Moxly of Derry


Page 34: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

18 William son of William King soldier Sergeant Bell a soldier’s wife sponsors

23rd Thomas soldiers son soldiers wives sponsors

25 John son of John Eady George Kingston John Hewett and Elizabth Hewet sponsors

February 11 Frances the daughter of John Dun George Kingston Robert Boid Elizabeth Hewett and Jane Stroud sponsors

August 3rd Henry son of Mr. Edward Jones of Droumbeg Mr. Thomas Hungerford Mr. Michael Beecher (entry unfinished)

3rd William Ellis son of aforesaid Mr. Jones was buried April 23rd 1758

9br 29 James son of Mr. Bennett of Rinroe


March 13 Samuel a soldier’s son

April 24 Elinor daughter of Captain Morphy

July 17 Rebecca daughter to John Cockburn John Mead John Smyth Mary Parker and Margaret Manly sponsors

November 20th John son of Henry Legoe private baptizes


April 18th Barbara and Elizabeth daughters of Mr. Jonas Morris received into the congregation

July 1 daughter of Richard Moxly of Ardagh

P.32 (1759 Christenings contd)

January 2 Jonas son of Jonas Parker James Tomson John Dempsey Mary Lean Catherien Wagh sponsors

Elizabeth daughter of Mary Leoe baptized

March 23rd Elizabeth daughter of Joseph Legoe

May 18th Mary daughter of Mr. Thomas Hungerford the younger of Caghermore Mr. Thomas Hungerford the elder of Mr. Richard Hungerford of Foxhall and Lady Freke sponsors

The same day John son of Mr. Thomas Hungerford the elder received into the Congregation The Reverend John Beamish St. John Freke and Mrs Townsend of Castletown sponsors


Page 35: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

1760 (

July 25 Mar the son of Joseph Legoe

7br 6th Edward Jones son of Mr. Edward Jones of Drumbeg Colonel Thomas Hungerford Reverend William Austin Richard Hungerford of Foxhall Mick Barker of Creagh Mrs Austin and Miss Martin of Bandon sponsors

January 6th Mary daughter of Mr. John Woolf Mr. John Jermyn Mr. Thomas Wood… (blank left in MS.) sponsors

March 30th Jane daughter of John Thom

March 30th Jane daughter of John Thom (name could be Thom or Thorn) soldier

April 11th Josias son of George Varian Joseph Legoe Stephen Legoe and Mary Varien sponsors

September 4th Robert son of Som Randle soldier


3br 4th Mary daughter of Henry Lean Stephen Legoe Ellen Dawly sponsors


(day not given) Mary daughter of Joseph Legoe Solomon Barker John Legoe Elizabeth Murray and Frances Eady sponsors

12th April Jane daughter of Mr. John Woulfe William Woulfe Mrs Jane Burk and Ann West sponsors

8br17 Hugh son of Robert Lowry, Charles Murray Thomas …(letters of this name readable BIRHACRA) Elizabeth Murray and Catherine Parker sponsors


February 25th Timothy son of James Ronan of Droumbeg

Jane daughter of Richard Ronan of Clountris Tim Ronan Elizabeth Murry and Martha Goodman sponsors.

P.32 contd

May 15t Stephen son of Richard Moxly John Hewett John Psalter Jane Stroud sponsors

June 30 Elizabeth daughter of Stephen Legoe John Legoe Joseph Legoe Frances Edy and Mary Legoe sponsors

April 9th 1765 Michael son of Richard Kingston John Hewett John Dunn Frances Eddy and Mary Kingston sponsors.


Page 36: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

P.33 (Marriages 1761)

January 28th Jonas Morris Esq. and Mrs. Mary Hungerford

August 16th William Morris of Ross and Jane Fleming

9br 11th Mr. Francis Jennisson and Mrs Eleanor Hungerford

Xbr 23rd Mr John Herd of Kinsale and Mrs Judith Ellis of Clonakilty


January 8th John Humphrey and Jean Lean of Ross

February 27th Francis Smythe and Mrs. or Miss Catherine Donovan of Kilmaccabea

March 31 Mr. Charles Jennison and Mrs. Or Miss Elizabeth Hungerford

7br 16th Stephen Legoe and Mary Starky

8br 12th Mr. Henry Baldwin and Ms Catherine Morris


August 2nd Mr. John Lichfield of the City of Cork and Miss Ann Spiller of Ross

December 4 Edward Irwin soldier and Jean Mead


April 28th David Lister soldier and Susanna Rogers

August 6th Mr. Anthony Horn coast officer and Miss Ann West


April 1st James Williams and Margaret Heborn

October 23rd Mr. William Newman of Kinsale and Miss Elizabeth Spiller of Ross


April 26th William McDaniel and Jane McFarting


August 4th Mr. Hewett Poole of Bandon and Miss Dorothea Morris of Ross or Barley Hill


Page 37: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th


February 4th John Baker Esq., and Miss Banb Hungerford of Cahermore

May 27th Robert Welch and Jane Abbott

June 13th James Brooks and Joan Hea

P. 33 contd 1769

June 15th Doctor Richard Hungerford and Miss Mary Gillman

September 4th John Fisher and Elizabeth Parker


April 16th William Shanon and Mary Hamilton


July 16th Joseph Dunn and Elizabeth Vinnon (plus Thomas John of Vernon?)


September 2nd The Reverend Richard Hungerford of Island and Mary Hungerford of Cahirmore

November 19th Mr. John Smthe of Downeen and Mrs. Mary Donovan of Kilmacabee


March 23rd Charles Bennett and Mary Richmond

November 15th James Driscol and Elizabeth Legoe


April 20th William Cockburn and Catherine Donovan

May 10th James Sullivan and Mary Whelan

January 10th John Millar and Elizabeth Tanner

May 21st Daniel Mahony and Ellin Sullivan

July 16 Joseph Rogers and Eleanor Eagon


Page 38: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

August 28th Mr. Archer and Miss Warner


February 25th William White and Jane Donoghue

P.34 (1763 Christenings)

August 22nd Edward son of Arch Boyde John Hill John Legoe Mary Legoe sponsors

7br 11th Robert son of Mr. Edward Jones of Droumbeg received into the Congregation Mr. Edward Townsend Mr. Thomas Hungerford Mrs. Mary Sealy and Mrs. Baldwin sponsors

9br 21st Lucy daughter of Mr. John O’Hea Mr. John Donohue Mrs. Abagail Spiller and Mrs Fenwick sponsors

Xbr 11th Mary daughter of George Warren Matthew Donovan and Randal Donovan Catherine Hews and Elizabeth Murray sponsors

11th the same day Elizabeth daughter of George Warren

11th Matthew Donovan Mary Hebron and Mary Donovan sponsors


February 15th Jane and Catherine Daughters of John Hewes of Burgashy recd

P.34 contd 1764 contd/

February/27th.. (blank left in Ms) … of William Jennings of Knockavohir James Moxly and others sponsors

October 7th William son of Sergeant Scott soldiers and soldiers wives sponsors

December r 22nd Elizabeth daughter of Lieutenant Connor of the 16th regiment of Foot, Me. John F Smythe Mr. John Donohue Mrs. Mary Smythe and Mrs. Jane Smythe sponsors


January 31st Timothy son of Randle Donovan of Ross James Dinn Matthew Donovan and Jane Abbott sponsors

March 24th Elizabeth daughter of John Hewet the younger Mr. Stephen Jermyn Mr. Robert Starky Mrs. Mary Kingston and Mrs. Donovan sponsors



Page 39: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

(Entered on P. 38) daughters to George Mison? (look on the other side)

February 23rd Mary daughter to George Moor

April 20th James son of Moses Boid

Do. James son of James Moxly Richard Moxly sponsor

October 25 Ferdinand Phillip and Jane sons and daughter of Mr. Ferdinand Spiller received into the Congregation Mr. George Spiller Mr. Roger Hoston Mr. William Newman Mr. Ferdinand Spiller. William Dunn Mrs Elizabeth Spiller Mrs. Abagail Spiller Mrs. Anne Hoston Mrs. Mary Bishop and Mrs. Elizabeth Newman sponsors

25 The same day Mary daughter of John Jennison soldier Thomas Tuck James Hillies Ann Cross and Ann Charton sponsors

P.35 (Burials 1764)

September 16th John Bishangra who was drowned in Glandore Harbour 10th Henry Gallway and Saunderson buried

December 4th Mrs. Dorothy Hungerford daughter of Mr. John Hungerford Glandore

P.35 contd Burilas 1764


March 15th Mary Starky wife of Thomas Starky of Dunkettle

August 2nd James son of James Tomson


February 23rd Mary daughter of George Moor baptized David Hamilton Elizabeth (surname illegible) sponsors

April 10th Elizabeth daughter of George Moor buried

18 Catherine of James Denn (it could be Dinn)

June 23rd Jonas Morris eldest son of Jonas Morris esq.

26 Mrs. Jane Goodman of Croghane

Xbr 11th John son of William Morris butcher

12th James Phlemon hatter


March 19th A child of Thomas Skuce


Page 40: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

August 9th The Reverend Thomas B Hassett rector of Faulubide or Dumnanway

October 3rd Jane the wife of William Morris butcher

November 15th James Dinn of Ross


January 3rd a child of Henry Legoe

10th Francis Hill of Saroo

February 18th a daughter of Daniel Carthy of Ballinagoona and Mrs. Sarah Smythe wife of Mr. John Smythe of Downeen

April 8th a daughter of John Cockburn

July 26th Elizabeth wife of Captain Phillip Townsend of Derry

27th son of Mr. Anthony Horn coast officer

October 26th Walter son of Robert Starky


March 1st Mary daughter to Stephen Legoe

July 1st Ann daughter to Mr. Stephen Jermyn

13th Mr. Andrew Donohue of Killfinn aged 96 years

on the same day a child of Virgil Jones

P.35 contd 1770 contd

August 4th John son of Joseph Legoe

28th a child of Mr. Jenningsons of Caheragheen


April 9th a child of Mr. Robert Wilchers

May 17th Mrs Sarah Bornane of Union Hall

September 5th David Hamilton

November 12 Sarah Carthy of (plus one word illegible)

P.36 1766 Christenings continued

Xbr 14th Mary daughter of John Jennings soldier John Crook Mary Jennings and Ellen Munes sponsors



Page 41: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

April 20th Daughter of Mr. John Lichfield of the City of Cork Mr. William Newman Mr. Daniel Regan Mrs, Elizabeth Newman Mrs Abigail Spiller sponsors

May 19th Elizabeth daughter of Mr. John Woolfe of Cooleragheen Samuel Wright Elizabeth Wolfe and Mary Legoe sponsors

November 15th Catherine daughter of Sergeant Fied soldiers and soldiers wives sponsors

Catherine daughter of John Jennings of the parish of Kilmacabea Elizabeth daughter of Richard Moxly sponsors


January 18th John son of John Hewet Mrs. John Barkly John Hewett the elder Mrs Woolfe sponsors

February 12th John son of Nicholas Stockom soldiers and soldiers wives sponsors

March 25th Ellen daughter of John Legoe received being two years of age and John son of soldier Joseph baptized John Legoe the elder Thomas Birliagra and Mary Birhagre sponsors


January 17th Ann the daughter of Francis Hill of Saroo

February 18th a daughter of Daniel Carthy

March 26th Christian daughter of James Williams

May 9th Walter son of Robert Starky. Mr. Francis Beamish sponsors.

P.36 contd 1769

June 15th Richard son of Mr. Charles Jennison Mr. John Hungerford Mr. Dan Regan and Mrs. Hungerford sponsors

7th 3d Jean daughter of Moses Boyde Ann Wagh Ann Eady and John Legoe sponsors

9br 23rd Owen and Elizabeth son and daughter of Sergeant Balckattor Joseph Dun Stephen Legoe Anastis Dillon and Mary Du sponsors


April 2d Billy Armstrong son of Mr Anthony Horn coast officer, Mr. Francis Beamish Mr. William Robinson and Mrs. Margaret Collins sponsors

8th Dorothy the daughter of Richard Moxly


Page 42: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

16th Richard son of Joseph Moxly Mr. F Spiller and Mrs Spiller sponsors

22nd daughter of George Moore

May 12th Frances daughter of Mr. Francis Jennison of Fearlahane received Mr. Richard Beecher Mr. Daniel Regan Mrs Hungerford sponsors

Mary daughter of John Fisher George Ford John Screven ? Sarah Parker and Sarah Lean (part of page showing date torn off)

Daniel son of Daniel Cathy John Fisher John Welles? Mary Donovan sponsors

P.37 1771 Christenings continued

June 23rd John son of James Williams Edward Stode John Fisher Mary Tackaberry sponsors

October 23rd son of John Hewett the younger of Burgashy


September 6th son of Richard Moxly

13th Charles son of James Williams Cornelius Deasy James Donovan Ellen Legoe Catherine Heas sponsors

December 14th son of Mr. Thomas Brea

27th son of John Parker


January 22nd Elizabeth and Sarah twins daughters of John Fischr John Parker Edward Strode Elizabeth Legoe Elizabeth Legoe sponsors

P.37 contd 1773

January 24th Margaret the daughter of George Moor Francis Donovan John Fischer Ellen Risbee? And Mary William sponsors

October 6th Stephen son of Stephen Legoe Robert Starky Cornelius Deasy the wife of Robert Starky and Ellen Legoe sponsors

The same day John and Ann son and daughter to the abovestep? Received into church William Brien Michael Barker John Horan Joseph Dun Mary Riordan Margaret Long Susanna Brien sponsors

November 20th Fortune Morris (Black) servant to Mr William Morris Captain Evans Mr. F Beamish Mrs. Mary Morris sponsors



Page 43: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

February 1 Mary daughter of James Moxty Richard Ronan Catherine Hea and Mary Moxty sponsors

August 23rd Roger son of Thomas England and William the same day William Hea John Parker William Legoe for William and John Cockburn John Legoe and Ann Morris for the other sponsors


8br 9th (these three entries date 1774?) James son of William Thackebery Shopn? Lege James Williams, Rachel Strode and Catherine Hea sponsors

Ann granddaughter of John Jennings of the parish of Kilmaccabea (these three entries date 1774?)

26th Catherine daughter of Randal Donovan Jeremy Donovan Catherine Heas Elizabeth Legoe sonosors (these three entries date 1774?)

April 23 Elizabeth the daughter of Tom Fuller possible Jem

October 1st Richard son of George Moor of Gurtro, Edmon Barry sponsors

22nd Richard son fo Richard Moxly George Moore dl? Sponsors


February 11th Elizabeth daughter of James Boids

18th Elizabeth daughter of John Fischer James Williams Margaret Miles or Mides and Mary Kelly sponsors

March 10th Daniel son of James Brooks John Hewett Thomas Birhagra Mand Mary Grimes sponsors

P.37 contd 1776 contd

April 27th Isaac son of Thomas Parker John Fischer John Parker and Margaret Heas sponsors

August 2nd John son of the Reverend John Beamish born Xbr 15th

Sarah daughter of William Thackaberry

P.38 (1778 Christenings)

January 28th George the son and Ellen the daughter of John Hewett the younger. Owen Birchagra David Birhagra Mary Birhagra

Alleyn Willson Richard Kingston Ellen his wife sponsors

July 20th Henry son of John Parker Edward Stroud Virgil Johns and Ellen Donovan sponsors

August 31st George son of Thomas England Thomas Parker and Margaret Heas


Page 44: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th


7br 31st George son of James Brooks Charles Murray Thomas Birhanger Mary Richmond Margaret Heas sponsors

29th William son of James Boyd


March 8th Elizabeth daughter of John Varian, Edward Conner, Catherine Ford and Ann Roberts sponsors

April 12th Mary the daughter of James Good of Foxhall John Hill Margaret Skuce Ann Richmond sponsors

8br 25th John and Elizabeth twins son and daughter to John Fisher sponsors (plus sponsors names omitted)

9br 1st Jane the daughter of Robert Somes Charles (the word Charles struck out) Bennett Edward Stroud Jane Stroud sponsors


March 3d 1780 (year inserted in a different ink) Tom Brea and William Berry James Williams John Tomson Can Parker Norry Barry Peggy Heas sponsors

December 29th James son to Thomas Brea John Fischer Thomas Parker and Elizabeth Cockburn sponsors

P.38 contd Baptisms 1780

8br 3rd 1781 (year inserted in a different ink) Edward Brooks son to James Brooks

9br 21 William son to Thomas Parkes, John Parkes George Fuller Ellen Down sponsors


day not given Margaret daughter of Robert Somes private baptized

William son of Stephen Legoe January 14th 1782

February 24 Thomas son of William Thackaberry Thomas Bea James Tomson Margaret Duff sponsors

March 10th George the son for James Williams Will Thackaberry James Brea Margaret Savage sponsors

June 2nd James the son of James Tomson

7br 1 Isaac son of John Hewett Richard Kingston the elder Richard the younger and Catherine Wilson sponsors


February 23 Jonas son of John Parkes


Page 45: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

March 9th John son of John Varian James Moxly oc sponsors

P.39 (burials 1772 continued)

February 29th Benjamin Tate grandson of George Hebron

March 6th Mr. Ferdinand Spiller of the City of Cork


January Butler only son of Mr. Francis Townsend of Clogheen January 16th

May 3rd Elizabeth the wife of John Hewett of Gurrancore

9th a child of Stephen Legoe’s

July 21st Colonel Thomas Hungerford of Caghermore aged 80 years (in a new tomb)

October 1st a grandchild to the above, daughter to is son Thomas in the same tomb


January 31st John Barker of Ross tanner

May 2nd Mr. Francis Townsend of Clogheen

3rd Mr. Francis Beamish of Ross

August 1st Jane the wife of Tim Connnely linen weaver

6th Ann the wife of Mr. Anthony Horn of Mitchells Town and 3 children

P.39 contd 1774

August 14th Tim Connely linen weaver

17th Stephen Hebron

21st Mr Edward Jones of Droumbeg

October 12th mary the wife of Doctor Richard Hungerford

9br 20th John son of Henry Legoe


May 24th..(name left blank)..Son of Mr. Charles Jennison

7br 11th John Donoghue Esq. of Tralong drowned in the harbour of Glandore

17th Mr. Charles Jennison who died in the barracks in the town


Page 46: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

23rd Mary the widow of Geroge Hebron

31st Katherine the wife of Mr. John Hungerford of Glandore


January 30th Mr. Samuel Worknman late of Tralong

March 28th Ellen the wife of Randle Donovan

April 1st Randle Donovan her husband

May 22nd Elizabeth the daughter of Henry Legoe

October 28th John and Henry Hungerford the father and son


January 18th John the son of Mr. John Freke Smythe

29th Catherine the daughter of of George Varian

30th Thomas Starky the elder

February 2nd John son of John Varian

June 22nd The Reverend John Beamish Vicar of Ross

7br 18th Henry the son of Edward Bulstrode


January 22nd John grandson to the above Reverend John Beamish

June 3d Thomas White of Clogheen

August 16th John Birhagra

February 13th Barbara widow of Colonel Thomas Hungerford late of Curaghmore

March 5th Thomas Tackaberrye

H…Jones Curate

P.40 Burials continued


June 13th Mark Waah otherwise Coal

27th Mary Legoe otherwise Collins


Page 47: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

P.40 contd 1779

September 25th Mrs Ann Donoghue widow to Andrew Donoghue late of Kilfinin

9br 14th Jeremy Donovan otherwise Comber of Ross


January 17th Elizabeth Clark

March 9th Mary a foundling at the gate of this church about 6 months ago

8br 29th daughter of Henry Baldwin Esq.

Xbr 20th Mary Williams widow


January 1 Mary Donovan otherwise Burk

November 9th John Varian otherwise Drum


January 1 James Morris Esq.

May 29th Doctor Richard Hungerford

December 28th Mr. Freke Smythe


January 11th Mary the wife of James Fish

May 20th Mrs Mary Nesbitt widow of Doctor Nesbitt late of Kinsale

October 20th Mr. John Collins Diocesan schoolmaster

November 26th William Morris butcher


April ye 7th Ellenoe Hannin widow

The 10 Matthew Donovan of Ross weaver

June 20th Mary mother of James Williams of Ross

September 10th Margaret daughter of Samuel (illegible surname lellers resembling B/Nailee)


Page 48: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th


June 27th Mrs. Smyth widow of Mr. Richard Smythe of Drene?

February 11th Mrs Mary Roche Eagd 100 hundred years

March 9 John Miles of Ross

April 7 Thomas son of Jnd? Parker

May 14th Damiel Donoghue Gardiner

September 17th Casandria wife to Mr.James Roche of Cushoonen Toorist and of Kilbrogan

December 22nd Edward the son of the Reverend Henry Jones


January 16th John the son of William Bwrry

July 20th Captain Phillip Townsend of Derry

August the first Elizabeth wife of Jonas Parker

4th Francis the son of Mr. James Roche of Carrown parish of Kilbrogan

P.40 contd

1786 contd

September st An daughter of Thomas England of Castle..(and of the word illegible, possible td, (for Townsend))

P.41 (Marriages continued)


April 15th Richard Hann and Mary Lean

July 30th James Tomson and Mary Tivy

November 22nd Barnabas Jennings Jane Hewett


August 11th John McConety and Jane White

8br 6 ..(bridegrooms left blank) Mary Donoghue


… Jennings to Jane Hewett as above


Page 49: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

May 2 …. Waginor Elizabeth Hewett


August 22nd Jeremiah Dilllon Margaret Johns

October 19th Nathaniel Evanson and Mary the daughter of of Henry Baldwin Esq.



February 8th John Hagerty Catherine Miles


February 13th John Lisson of Bandon to Elisabeth Kingston


February 10th Phillip Willis to Mary Miles


Mr. Edward Williamson Miss Jean Hungerford


February 22nd David Jo Barkly senior to Miss Margaret O’Hea


June 13th Mr. Edward Denny of Clonakilty to Miss Ann Evans

July 4ht Mr. Edward Clerk Miss Mary Hungerford


January the 18th Henry Legoe Junior of this parish Frances Dunn of Clonakilty in Do. By licence

August 21 Mr. Parker Roche Mrs Ellen Hungerford



Page 50: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

January 13th James Bican to Mary Batman of Derry


August 16th Thomas Doolen and Elizabeth Swanton were married in the cathedral church of Ross by us George Armstrong


May 7th David Flemming Mary Sullivan both of the town and parish of Ross were married in the cathedral church by me George Armstrong

P.42 (Baptisms 1783)

July 20th James son of John McConerty

28th Jonas son of John Parkes

August 20th Mary daughter of Thmas Parkes


July 12th Elizabeth the daughter of Edward James Jo Wagstaff and Elizabeth Wigstaff Mary Vearin soonsors

18th Xbr the daughter of Thomas England Ann John Fish Ann Parker Catherine Kelly sponsors

October 10th George the son of Thomas Morris

26yth (left blank here)

November 14th Frances and Mary the daughters of Thomas Williams William Berry John Donoghue Jane Strode Mary Donoghue sponsors

December 19th Martha and Elizabeth the daughters of Richard Tanner Tom Rastly John Wigstff Elizabeth Young Do Tanner Dorothy Knowls Ann Jennings


May 22nd Ellen the daughter of Robert Sands (?James?Sames)

August 19th Susannah the daughter of David Hill William Murray William Adams Ellen Kingstom Jane Strode Jun sponsors

October 2d Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Mossley Thomas Murray Elizabeth Moore Jane Moore sponsors

Ann the daughter of John Varian 25th Richard the son of John Huet the younger John Huet the elder John Kinston Mary Kingston sponsors


Page 51: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th


January 1st Susanna daughter of Charles Bateman J. Young Catherine Parker M. Bateman sponsors

April 9th Walter son of Robert Starky

16th Frances Martha daughter of Mr. John Coveney sponsors Rev. Henry Jones Mr. Richard Hungerford Martha Smith

John son of said Coveney Mr. Thomas Hungerford Mr. Richard Townsend Miss Elizabeth Hungerford Miss Barbara Hungerford sponsors

P.42 ctd (1786 contd)

Mary Ann Coveny daughter to the aforsaid Coveny sponsors for the same Mr. John Hungerford Mr. Ricahrd Smith and Miss Susan Hungerford


1787 Christenings continued

February 13th James the son of Robert Soames

Margaret the daughter of Robert Soames

Margaret the daughter of Robert Soames received into the congregation

Samuel the son of Richard Kingston rcd.

Ellen Emmy May daughters of ditto all received into the congregation

March 4th Mary daughter of Thomas Nortridge Edward Toel? Frances Cottrell and Ann Hill sponsors

July 1st The above received children belong to ditto

Thomas son of John Hile of Saroow, Thomas and John Parker

June 3rd Mary daughter of John Miller sponsors Thomas Rasly? Mrs Dillon and Mrs. Shorten

August 26th Joseph the son of William Burry and John Fisher Thomas Parker and Catherine Parker sponsors

September 30th received Elizabeth Legoe daughter of Mark Legoe aged five months Henry Legoe and David Heas and Ellen Legoe sponsors

Jonas the son of Thomas Parker, Charles Bateman and James Williams Mary Mahony sponsors


January 20th Samuel son of Charles Beatman, John Kingston and John Bateman Ellen Kingston sponsors


Page 52: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Thomas son of George Swanton Michael Doolen Stephen Moxly Mary Rassly sponsors

November 2nd John son of Charles Gay Thoms and John Sealy Jean Moore Elizabeth Sealy sponsors


January 17th A child belonging to Edward Tanner of this parish a boy

P.43 ctd. 1790 ctd

January 31st Mary daughter to John Tanner of this parish


March 21st Jefferry son of Charles Batman Richard Kingston Thomas Parker and Elizabeth Legoe and …....sponsors

April 17th Stephen Moxly son of James Moxly sons, John Donoghue and Mary Moxly sponsors

Edward son of Edward Tanner Thomas Rossly George Swanton Elizabeth Tanner sponsors

P.44 Christenings continued


November 20th James son of John Hegerty Charles Beatmans wife Elizabeth Legoe John Parker and Thoms Parkers ponsors

February (year not given) 26th daughter of Richard Tanner


October13th Elizabeth daughter of John Hegerty


January 5th Ricahrd the son of Richard Kingston Junior

February 2nd Elizabeth daughter of Wiliam Bateman Thomas Hewwett John Hagerty sponsors

July 16th Charles son of John Bateman the above sponsors

September 7th John son of William MIles James Hegarty and John Haughkins


Page 53: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Elizabeth Miles Mary Bateman sponsors

December 20th (this entry looks like a later insertion) Alice daughter of Goodyear St. John and Ann his wife


March the first Mary daughter of D. the same day and tie Williamson of (blank in MS)

April the 12th Richard son of Charles Bateman John Donoghue William Burry Mary Hegarty oc sponsors

June 21st Ellen daughter of Paul Kingston, John Swanton Richard Kingston of Do., Mrs Hewet of Burgasahy sponsors

September 6th Richard the son of Edward Tanner Richard Tanner John Lambert? Mary Rossly Jean Wagstaff sponsors

P.44 contd 1795 ctd

October 8th Mary daughter John Hegarty John Donoghue William Hagerty Ann Calahan Jane Hegarty sponsors

May 22nd Ann daughter of Mr. Tom Hewett Mr. Robert Howel Jeremiah Kingston Mrs. Mary Hewet Elizabeth Kingston sponsors

December 6th Charles th son of William Bateman John Brian MIchael Batman Elizabeth Brian Eleanor Wicherly sponsors


May 22nd Elizabeht daughter of Edward Tanner

July 17th George Ross baptised foundling


Michael son of John Lambert David Hill George Swanton -- (dash in MS) Hill sponsors

any 6th Elizabeth daughter to Mr. Goodyear St. John and Ann is wife

P.45 1786 (Burials)

November 19th the wife of Mr. Laurence O’Brian of the City of Cork

December 6th Mrs. Ann Jones wife of Edward Jones Esq., of Droumbeg


Page 54: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th


January 3th Mr. John Freke Smith of Downeen

February 3rd Jonas Parke of Ardagh

March 6th The wife of the above Jonas Parkes

May 6 Mrs. Elizabeth Steward (plus Thus) wife ot the Reverend Mr. Steward of Clougheen

July first Samsoon Jervois Esq., of the City if Cork and proprietor of Droum

October 13th Jonas the son of Thomas Parker

November 6th John son of John Huet Junior


March 6th Henry Ediod son of Rev Henry Jones

16th Sarah daughter of The Rev. Mr. Alcock and Henry the son of the Rev. Henry Jones

12th Elizabeth Morrie widow

13th the son of John Ford weaver

November 2nd Edward Purcell shoemaker

December 17th Isaac Fords


January 9th Thomas Murray son to Charles Murray, shoemaker

P.45 contd1789 contd

March 10th a daughter to Thomas Parker

Frances Jeneson of Union Hall Esq.March 27th Thomas Hungerford the younger of Cahermore

April 29th Mrs. Grace Watkins wife to the Rev, Isaac Watkins

September 30th a child of John Parkes

October 4 Miss Mary Jenesson



Page 55: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

January 2nd Solloman Parker who died an object of this parish

October 4th Johnson of Richard Smith Esq., of Downeen

24th a child belonging to Edward Bullstroad


March 3rd John Fisher a linen weaver

5th wife of John Varion of Carrigeenane

August 4th Jeane Bullstroad widow

September 13th Jonas son of Rev. Henry Jones

December 1st Mary the wife of Henry Legoe

7th Margaret Skuce widow

Catherine widow of William Wagh of Clonakilty April 8th


May the 4ht John Horn

P.46 christenings continued


August 27th

Michael Dooly son of Thomas and Elizabeth Dooly of Laughertydaniel

September 16th Jane, daughter of John and Catherine Hegarty of Ross

October 6th Margaret daughter of Robert and Jane Harman of Ballworeen

December 10th Thomas son of John and Elizabeth Lambert of Barley Hill

December 11th Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Catherine Parker of Ardagh received into church

Deember 31st John son of William and Frances Bateman of AhaglashApril 8th Susanna daughter of Richard and Jane Tanner of CarrigreenaneBaptisms of 1798 contdApril 6th John son of Thomas and Elizabeth Hewett of Burgesia


Page 56: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

April 17th John son of John and Elizabeth Kingston of BohannaughSeptember 9thWilliam son of Henry and Elizabeth HicksSeptember 16th Susanna daughter of George and Macy Turrel? (soldier’s child Caithneas Legion)September 16 George Turrel soldier of the Caithness LegionSeptember 32st Oliver Goodyear son of Goodyear and Ann St. John of Ross Carbry


May 25ht Marmaduke son of Michael and Elizabeth O’Brien of Ross

June 14th Elizabeth daughter of John and Honor Lithen of the Caithness Legion

June 23rd JOhn son of Paul and Mary KIngston of Union Hall

June 23rd James son of William and Margaret Mason of the Caithness Legion

June 23rd

June 24th Louise daughter of Joseph Yardley Captain in the Caithness Legion

June 30th was received into this cathedral John George, son of Mr. Percy and Dorothea Freke of Percy Loge, County Wexford, was born to wit said John George at Kilkirn 29th last February and privately baptised there by me George Armstrong

July 2nd Sarah daughter of Sarah and Henry Legoe of Ross formerly Deputy ClerkJuly 14th Josephson of Richard and Jane Tanner of CarrigerananeJuly 20th John son of Mark Legoe of Ross and Anne his wife grandson of the late John Legoe 66 years clerk to this cathedralNovember 10th William son of Thomas and Susanna Bateman of Balinavar10th Mary daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Doolin of Laherty Daniel


Page 57: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

P.47 1792 Burials ContinuedOctober 30th The wife of Mr. Thomas Hungerford Gager of RossNovember 5th Elizabeth the wife of te Rev. Butler Townsend deceased aged 80 years

1793February 19th Mrs Mary Morris widow of Jonas Moris Esq., Barley hillJuly 5th a child a son of Michael Tench Esq.

1794January the first Elizabeth Murray wife to Charles MurrayJanuary 5th Mary Dunn widow of John Dunn deceased in Cork13th Henry the son of William Legoe of ConnonaughSeptember 19th Mr. John Smith of Downeen CounDecember 18th Mrs. Townsend widow of the late Francis Townsend of Clougheen, Esq.

1795January first Miss Francis Hungerford of Cahermore23rd a child of Doctor TownsendMarch 10th Richard a child of Richard Smith of Castle Downeen Esq.

May 6th a daughter of Thomas England

do. 7th Mrs Townsend the wife of Doctor Richard Townsend

June 23rd John Dun of Clonakilty

August 30th Elizabeth wife to Mark Legoe

September 3rd a child a daughter of the widow Purcell

December 3rd Philip son of Mr. Michael Trench


January 20th Jane Gash wife of Mr.William Gash


Page 58: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

March 6th Mrs.Mary Hungerford wife of Mr.George Clerk

October 28th Mrs.Kingston wife of Richard Kingston at Castle Freke

December 17th John Legoe aged an hundred yeas sixty six years clerk and verger to this cathedral of Ross his predecessors Tomas Evatt buried 1729 Robert Howard 1727


Ellen Coughlan widow of Edward Coughlan and carried to Castlehaven

March 12th John Harris of Drounbeg, Esq.

April 21st John Miles of Glandore

August 27th John son of Major D. J. Berkeley and Margaret his wife surgeon 4 years old

P.47 (Burials 1797 ctd, Marriages 1798-1800)

1797 contd

October 8th Henry William aged 3 months son of Rev. Henry Jones of Kinsale

October 24th Hibernicus Smyth of Kilbrittain so of the late John Smyth of Downeen George Armstrong Curate

P. 48 1798 Marriages continued


October 21st William Taylor soldier in the Caithness Legion and Mary Shaw of Ross, George Armstrong

December 24th Alexander Magrath soldier in the Caithness Legion and Johanna Marin of Ross were married in the cathedral church of Ross Carbery by banns. George Armstrong


David Bruce soldier in the Caithness Legion Margaret (letter readable SALMIS) of Ross were married in the cathedral of Ross by licence, George Armstrong


February 22nd George Bateman of Lehany Sarah Morris of Ross Carbery were


Page 59: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

married by me in the Cathedral of Ross by licence George Armstrong

November 24th William Thomas soldier in the Cheshire Fencibles and Sarah Barry of Ross were married by me in this cathedral by banns George Armstrong

P.49 Burials continued


November 3rd Catherine Maria Hungerford daughter of Richard and Isabella Hungerford of Glandore

P.49 ctd 1797 Burials

1798 January 8th Henry Legoe Junior of Ross

January 11th John Brown formerly of Bristol in Great Britain late of Ross Carbery clerk and verger to this cathedral

Aril 28th Ellen Sullivan of Baltimore

Apri 30th Mr. David Horan of Rockhill

April 30 Grace England

Miss O’Regan wife of Daniel O’Rgan Esq. of Stone Ville

Mrs. Watkins wife of Isaac Watkins of the parish of Kilmen

November 15th Mr. James Roche of Tralong, the elder


February 6th Henry Berkley son of David Berkley of Ross

March 3rd Mrs. Helena Roche wife of Mr. Parker Roche of Cahermore

March 6th Captain Thomas Townsend Derry

April 15th Rev. Isaac Watkins rector of the parish of Kilmeen

May 7th Mr. John Hungerford Senescal of Ross

May 18th Mr. James Roche of Tralong the younger

May 31st George Varian near Skibbereen

August 26 Elizabeth Smyth a child of Barley Hill

August 27th Thomas Roche a child of Cahirmore


Page 60: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

September 11 Ann Varian of Skibbereen


May 1st Thomas Hungerford Esq., of late of Cahermore Magistrate of the County

June 11th Elizabeth Fisher of Ross

June 17th Godier St. John clerk to this cathedral

June 19th widow Fife of Ross

July 2nd Mark Legoe

July 27th John Myles of Kellrenlea

September 8th Mary Lane of Ross widow

November 1 Fanny Starkey of Milltown

November 12 Dorothea Hungerford of Ross


February 12 Ellen White widow Ross

P.49 contd

1801 February 13 Margaret Gilman of Ross widow

Do. 16th Ann Rashly of Ross

march 17th Hibernicus Smyth son of Richard Smyth Esq. of Barley Hill

July 16th Elizabeth St. John of Ross George Armstrong

P.50 Christenings continued


December 14th George Hewett son of Thomas and Elizabeth of Burgesia


January 29th Anne, daughter of William and Frances Bateman

February 13th James son of William and Elizabeth Miles of Killeenleagh

March 23rd John son of John and Elizabeth Lambert of Barley Hill

April 21st Anna Maria daughter of Dr. Richard and Elizabeth Townsend of Brgesia


Page 61: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

September 29th John son of George and Mary Hewett of Burhesia


January 13th Anna Maria daughter of Goodier St. John late clerk of this cathedral

January 25th Received into the congregation Samuel and Boyle sons of David and Rachel Hill of Saroo, parish of Castleventry

August 2nd Benjamin son of Edward and Susanna Tanner of Carrigigrenane

August 9th Ane daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Doolin of Laherty Daniel

November 1st Henry Edward son of David and Margaret Berkeley of Ross

December 12th Margaret daughter of William and Catherine Grier of Cavan Regiment of Militia


February 14 Daniel so of William and Elizabeth Myles of Killenleagh

March 11th Thomas son of Thomas and Elizabeth Hewett of Burgesia

Augist 22nd William son of William ad Sarah Thomas of the Cheshire Fencibles

P.50 contd 1801 contd

August 23rd Received into this cathedral Margaret, Charlotte, Isabella, and Phillip children of the Reverend George and Charlotte Armstrong


May 8th Charles son of George and Barbara Barelan

12th Anne daughter of George and Mary Hewett

October 4th John son of James and Margaret Kingston of Burgesia

P.51 Marriages


February 23rd John Donovan and Margaret Sweeney were married by me in this cathedral church of Ross by banns George Armstrong

September 15 Thomas Beamish and Ann Smyth were married by me in this cathedral by licence George Armstrong

October 6th John Elliott soldier in the Cavan Regiment of MIlitia and Sarah Jeffers of


Page 62: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Clonakilty were married by me in the cathedral by banns by me George Armstrong

November 5th James Simpso soldier in the Cavan regiment of Militia and Johanna Burchel were married by me in this cathedral by banns George Armstrong


June 10th Richard Wolfe and Eliza Wolfe both of the parish of Kilgaruff were married in this cathedral according to the rites and ceremonies of the Church of Ireland by licence George Armstrong. P.51 Marriages 1802 contd


ebruary 28th John Knoght of Ballinadee and Judith McCarthy of Glannbrack parish of Rosss were married by me in this cathedral by licence

P. 52. Christenings continued


February 5th George son of Thomas and Elizabeth Doolin Laherty David and Anne daughter of said George and Ann was received into the congregation

May 12th Susannah daughter of Samuel and Ann KIngston Burgesia

June 24th Henry son of Andrew Pool and Mary Collins Glannbrack

June 24th Catherine daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Knowles Laherty Daniel

September 2nd Thomas son of Robert and Hetty Rasly of Killenleagh


January 18th John son of Michael and Elizabeth O’Brien of Ross

February 17th Michael son of Thomas and Susanna Bateman of Tullam...

February 24th William son of Henry and Rebecca Boyd of Mulitanavally

March 3rd Mary daughter of Thomas and Ann Batemam of Glandore

March 7th William son of Edmond and Susanne Tanner of Carrigareen?

March 9th James and Duke sons of James and Catherine Hegarty of Derry were received into the congregation

30 Robert son of Robert and Margaret Edy of Glenbrack


Page 63: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

May 6 Anne daughter of Samuel and Ann Kingston of Burgesia

P.52 contd 1805 contd

August 24 John son of William and Fanny of Ahaglass

September 7th Judith daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Doolin of Laherty Daniel

September 21st Anne received into the congregation and Maria christened both the children of Stephen and Susana Legoe of Ross

29 Adam son of William and Elizabeth Myles of Killenflea?


November 15 Daniel son of James and Catherine Hegarty of Dingle


July Received into the congregation George and John sons of George and Charlotte Armstrong

August 24th received into the congregation Jane Margaret and Julia daughters of John and Julia Donoghue of Curriheen

October 18th Anne daughter of Thomas and Ann Waggoner of Ross. George Armstrong

P .53 Burials continued

July 30 John Bratfield Skibbereen

August 15 William Bratfield Skibbereen

August 30th Thomas son of Richard Hungeford Esq., of Drumbeg

September 30th Stephen Hartney of Ross

October 2nd Mary Berry of Ross

December 20th Thomas son of Reverend Horatio Townsend, Courtmacsherry


February 19th James Moxly of Drumbeg

march 7th Elizabeth Hickman of Seamount

June 28th Alexander Smyth Seneschal of Ross

July 4th Mary Smyth sister of the above Alexander


Page 64: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

August 24th Esther Matthews of Ardnaul

September 15th Mary White of Killeenleagh


February 26th Mary Robinson of Ross

February 27th Mary Doolin of Laherty David

P.53 contd 1803 contd.

March 27th Charles son Charles Clark of Skibbereen Post Master

March 15th Elizabeth Moxly Skibbereen

March 16th William Beamish of Beerhaven son of the Rev. John Beamish

March 16th John Beamish son of the above Rev. John Beamish

May 3rd John Hewett Senior of Burgashy

may 21st William Sullivan of Cork

June 3rd Eleanor Jennison of Castletownsend

July 5th Mary Myles of Killeenlea

August 21st William Stroud of Castletownsend

September 6th Elizabeth Hungerford of Ross

December 27th Richard Moxly of Trone?


January 11th Stephen Legoe of Ros Sr

March 18th Thomas Bradfield of Skibbereen

April 9th Howel Cotton of Ross

April 18th Ann St. John of Clonakilty

April 24th Richard Myles of Killeenlea


April 19th John Hungerford of Bantry Esq.,



Page 65: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

January 12 John Parker of Ardagh

February 20th Jane (entry unfinished)

April 20th Mary Hungerford of Union Hall

May 3 Elizabeth Green of Ross

July 29th Charlotte Jones daughter of Rev. Henry Jones

August 5th Mary Beamish wife Rev. John Beamish rector of Berehaven


August 1st Mary Towsend of Benduff

P. 54 1804 Marriages continued


Thomas Bateman of Derry and Anne Swanton Laherty Daniel both of this parish were married by me in this cathedral by banns George Armstrong

February 11th John Sweeney and Mary Calaghan both of this parish were married by me in this cathedral by banns George Armsrrong

February 24th Charles Bateman and Catherine Boyd both of this parish were married by me in this cathedral George Armstrong.

P.54 Marriages 1805 contd


Patrick McGivern of Faulubbis parish and Mary Legoe of Ross-Carbery were marriedby me in this cathedral by licence George Armstrong

Present John Legoe William Cotter


February 16th John Donoghue and Margaret Lane both of Ross this parish married by me in this cathedral by licence George Armstrong, George Bateman William Cotter

July 28th Jeremiah Purcell and Margaret Dillon were married by me in this cathedral by banns George Armstrong, present (no witness signatures)

September 9th James Hill and Catherine Donoghue both of this parish were married


Page 66: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

by me in this cathedral by banns George Armstrong present (faint signature, possibly James Miller)

November David Hill of Sorow in the parish of Castleventry Mary Cusack of Creaghabeg in the parish of Kilkeoramore married by me in this cathedral by licence George Armstrong Present Robert Howell Rowland Bateman

P.55 1806 Marriages continued, John Waggoner of Clonakilty and Anne Hegarty of Gree Kill in the parish of Ross were married by me in this cathedral by licence November 29th 1806. George Armstrong, present John Hagerty


April 4th William Philips of Clonakilty and Elizabeth Boyd of Mountainvalley were married y me in this cathedral by licence George Armstrong present Samuel Boyd.

P.55 Marriages continued

April 14th Francis Allen and Hester Hunt were married by me in this cathedral by banns, George Armstrong, present George Hwitt


June 11th William Morris of Castle Salem and Sarah French of Millbrook were married by me in this cathedral by licence, George Armstrong.

September 13th John Kingston and Judith Ann Limrick both of the parish of Myross were married by me in this cathedral by licence (liberty having been obtained from Mr. Herbert Rector of said parish) by George Armstrong, R.V.Somerville

November 12th Richard Smyth of Castle Downeen in the parish of Ross and Barbara Morris of Castle Townsend were married by me in this cathedral by licence , George Armstrong, present William Morris

P. 56 Christenings continued


Mary aged fourteen years Joseph fourteen years Beecher aged ten years and Samuel aged five all children of Samuel and Ellen Skinner of the parish of Castlehaven were received into the congregation this 11th day of September

October 15th Thomas son of William and Elizabeth Myles of Killeenleagh


December 16 Anne daughter of James and Anne Odham (name of place follows,


Page 67: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

possibly Keelbruane)

December 24 Charles son of Thomas and Anne Bateman, Corrigfadda


January 13th Richard son of John and Martha Perrott of Carrigenna

Amelia daughter of Samuel and Ann Kingston, Burgesia

(P. 56 ctd, christenings 1811 contd)

February 13th Catherine daughter of John and Anne Wiggones, of Ross

March 3rd William son of Henry and Mary Wagstaff of Fox Hall.

Jne 30th Mary daughter of John and Elizabeth Lambert of Laherty David

Thomas son of Thomas and Elizabeth Doolin of Laherty Daniel

Ellen daughter of James and …(blank in MS) Hegarty of Derry

August 9th Thomas son of William and Prudentia Stanley of (illegible place name could be Keelruane, Kechuane, Keebrane, Reduana or anything similar)

(for futher baptismal entries, 1811 see pp 73 and 77 below)



October 23 John Hegarty and Jane Hegarty both of this parish also James son of John Hegarty and Elizabeth Wagner likewise of this parish were married by me in this cathedral by licencee, Andrew Armstrong, present John Donoghue

P. 57 Burials continued


March 26th Daniel O’Regan of Moveville Esq.

April 25th Anne Johnson of Skibbereen

June 17th John Donoghue of Ross st gardiner

September 25th Grace Legoe of Coononagh


March 9th John Williamson Glandore

April 3rd Thomas Doolan of Coononagh June 22nd Townsend Beamish of Clonakilty Esq.


Page 68: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

P. 57 ctd Burials 1808 contd

June 28th Mary …(balnkin MS)

December 31st Fransis Beamish of Cork


February 9th John Beamish of Clonakilty

March 20th Sarah England of Ross

May 14th George Banfield of Skibbereen child

July 19th William Peters of Skibbereen child

September 11th Michael French of Millbrook, Esq,

December 5th Isaac Hewett of Burgesia


February 10th Mary Varian of Corran

May 2nd Mary Roche of Clonakilty

May 23rd Mrs. Archdeacon Mead of Bandon

October 7th Thomas Moxley of Skibbereen

Since the beginning of the year 1799 to the 14th October 1810 there have been interred in this churchyard Protestants 140 and Catholics 496


January 13th Sarah Varian of Corrin

August 9th Elizabeth Moxley of Drumbeg

August 19th Joseph Legoe of Castletowsend

November 28th William Donoghue of Ross

46 Roman Catholics interred in the church yard of Ross in the year 1811 and 150 in the Abbey, viz 51 en 47 women and 52 children


February 23rd Henry Legoe late deputy clerk Ross

March 8th Mary Fuller of Braad

October 4 Isaac Varian of Corran


Page 69: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

December 26th Joseph Dunn of Clonakilty

1812, 54 Catholics in the churchyard Abbey,142 viz men 49 women 47 children 46


Protestants 4, Catholics 47, Abbey 149


Protestants 3, Catholics 63, Abbey 163

P. 57 contd Christenings continued


March 13th Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Anne Bateman was christened this day by me Andrew Armstrong Sponsors Geoffrey Bateman Ann Admy

P. 58 1808 Marriages continued

November 17th Robert Smyth of Moncoille and Elizabeth Morris of Castletownsend were married by me in the cathedral by licence George Armstrong present Richard Smyth


February 20th John Barrett of Arighane parish of Abemahon and Martin Tanner of this parish of Ross were married by me in this cathedral by licence George Armstrong Richard Barrett

October 29th James Tomkins to Grisella Manning both of this parish of Ross were married by me in this cathedral by licence George Armstrong, present John Moncrieff

Joseph Wolfe and Elizabeth Boyd were this day marred by me in this cathedral by banns Andrew Armstrong present James Boyd

No entries for 1811


February 6th Thomas Briggs of Drumhague (Drimoleague?) and Elizabeth Parkes were married by me in this cathedral George Armstrong present James Tomkins

March 30th Edward Brooks and Frances Farrer both of this parish and town were married by me in this cathedral by banns George Armstrong


Page 70: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

June 16th Abraham Morris and Amelia Anne McClelland both of this parish were married by me in this cathedral by banns George Armstrong Richard Townsend

John Hegarty and Jane Hegarty both of this parish were married by me also James son of John Hegarty and Elizabeth Wagner also of this parish were married by licence Andrew Armstrong

(pp.59-64 blank or contain only vestry minutes)

P. 65


Ambrose Russell and Ellen Kingston were married in this cathedral by licence on the 26th day of July 1816

John Tuke Smyth of Downeen and Ann Bayley of Castletownsend were married in the cathedral on the 19th July 1816

Michael Murphy of Bantry and Jane Bernard or (Besnard) Armstrong of Ross 30th June 1818

Thomas Harris and Frances Harris of Ross rock were married by banns in this cathedral on the 11th July 1818

Matthew Barrett of Aegahane and Elizabeth Bateman of Tullinasky were married in this cathedral by licence on (date left blank)

Abraham Beamish and Mary Kingston both of Ross were married in this cathedral on the 3rd day of July 1819 by licence

John Cosbey Dennis and Maria Rogers both of Ballincollig parish of Carrigrohane were married in this cathedral on the 8th day of July 1819 by licence George Armstrong Stephen Russel Walsh

P. 65 continued marriages 1819 contd

September 11th John Townsend Recorder of Clonakilty and Agnes Somerville of Castletownsend by licence


Thomas Spriggs and Margaret Harvis? December 28th by banns



Page 71: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

January 4th Richard Lannin and Ellen Kingston were married by use in this cathedral by licence

March 13th Joseph Boyd of Laroo and Susanna Brien by Banns

August 21st Thomas Smyth and Susanna Legoe were married by me in this cathedral by licence George Armstrng

Jne 28th 1821 John Anderson and Mary Kingston were married in this cathedral by licence

1813 Deaths


May 2nd Mrs Townsend Derry

May 3rd Elizabeth French Clonakilty

June 10th Elizabeth Beamish Ross child

July 21st John Connell of Ross child

48 Catholics buried in the churchyard in the year 1813


January 3rd Sarah Hungerford of Glandore

April 13th Mary Hewett of Ross

June 17th Mary Legoe of Ross

February 7th William Berkeley of Castletownsend

June 4th Elizabeth Morris of Benduff child

October 6th James Alexander gauger of Ross

December 2nd Mrs. Connell of Ross

December 26 Michael French Clonakilty

In 1815, 42 Catholics


January 22nd


Page 72: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

P. 66 contd Burials 1816

January 25th Mrs Legoe of Cononagh

February 1st Mrs Legoe of Castletownsend

In 1816, 60 Catholics


December 21st Thomas Hungerford gauger of Ross

December 28th Captain William Townsend Ross

In 1817 66 Catholics


February 24th Mary Johnson of Cork

May 7th William Farrar Ross

July 21st Mrs. Townsend Clonakilty

September 9th Richard Townsend M.P. Derry

October 9th Mrs French Rowry

1818, 19 Catholics

March 3rd Mary Tanner (could be Farmer)

March 26th Richard Hungerford Castletownsend

April 26th Richard Smyth Ballinaclough child

June 14 Catherine Parker of Ross

August 29th Mary Fuller of Castletownsend

November 9th Fanny Brooks Ross

November 20 Thomas Rasly a child



Page 73: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

January 16th Ann Matters

Do. 18 Francis Varian

march 8th John Hungerford Morris

Do. 23 Susanna Tanner

May 22nd William Spriggs

Catholics 51, George Armstrong

(years re placed in this way, but it is fairly probable that 1818 should be 1817, and that 1818 should come further down, at the Mary Tanner entry on March 3. where there is no change of the year noted in the MS)



July 24th Elizabeth Spriggs of Ross

September 26th Joseph Skinner Castletownsend

November 3rd Anne Bateman of Ross

December 19th Edward Street Castletownsend

70 R Catholics up to 10 June 2nd 1820 from 4 June 1819

P. 67 contd


March 6th Sarah Roche Glandore

March 7th William Donoghue of Castletownsend

November 18th Christopher Moore

33 R. Cathoics up to January 9th 1821

January 11th Archibald Boyd

January 22bd Doctor (illegible surname alternative spellings as follows RB A UN CE L UN UN D) of Cove

51 R. Catholics


Page 74: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

(P.68-72 blank or vestry minutes only)


(inserted paper page0 for previous baptismal entries, 1810, 1811 see pp 55 above and pp 77 below)

December 16th Anne daughter of John and Ann Oldham

December 24th Charles son of Thomas and Anne Bateman Carrigfadda


January 13th Richard son of John and Martha Perrott of Carrigerenane

February 15th Catherine daughter of Samuel and Anne Kingston Burgesia

March 2 William son of Henry and Mary Wagstaf Foxhall

March 30th Thomas son of Thomas and Elizabeth Doolen of Laherty Daniel


May 12th Elizabeth daughter of Jospeph nad Sarah Boyd of Glaunbrack

June 7th William son of William and Sarah Morris Benduff

June 11th Robert son of Henry and Rebecca Boyd of Maulitanavally

August 15th Ellen daughter of George and Mary Hewett Ross

P.73 contd Baptisms 1812, contd

September 20th Emanuel son of George Morris Connonagh

December 11th Charles son of Thomas and Elizabeth Spriggs Ross


January 10th Susanna daughter of John and Martha Perrott, Carrigenenane

January 11th James son of Edward adn Frances Brooks Ross

August 12th William son of John and Catherine Lannin Tralong


Page 75: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th


September 12th Mary daughter of John and Rebecca Howell of Milltown Rathbarry

September 20th Thomas son of James and Catherine Hegarty Derry

October 23rd Catherine daughter of James and Eliza Hegarty Tralong

October 30 John son of Thomas and Elizabeth Doolen Laherty Daniel

November 6th George son of Thomas Webb of Tralong

November 7th Richard son of Joseph and Sarah Boyd

Glannbrack George Armstrong

P.74 (Baptisms 1814 continued)

December 11th David son of John and Elizabeth Lambert Laherty Daniel


January 23rd Mary daughter of Edward and Frances Brooks Ross

January 29th John son of Patrick and Mary Connell organist Ross

February 5th Edward son of William and Jane Cambridge Ross

March 19th Esther daughter of Edward and Rebecca Jermyn Ross

Same received into the church James son off the above

March 19th Patrick son of Michael and Elizabeth Brien of Castlepark

August 30th Eliza daughter of Henry and Rebecca Boyd Carrigrenane

December 17th Jane daughter of John and Margaret Donovan of Ross

P.74 contd Baptisms

March 17th Anne daughter of James and Eliza Hegarty of Ross

August 22nd Catherine daughter of John and Anne Hegarthy of Tralong


January 12 Susanna daughter of Thomas and Mary Kingston Burgesia


Page 76: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

April 12th Joseph son of John and Susanna Waters of Castle Freke

June 22nd Richard son of Robert and Elizabeth Smythe of Stone Ville


January 26th George son of Thomas and Anne Burns

January 8th Eliza daughter of Edward and Frances Brooks Ross

March 4th Elizabeth of James and Eliza Hegarty of Killenleagh

August 23rd Jane daughter of John and Eliza Hegarty Tralong

October 4th Richard Henry son of James and Catherine Hegarty Derry

October 7th Charlotte daughter of John and Anne Waggoner of Drounbeg

George Armstrong



March 6th Sarah daughter of Edward and Priscilla Carbury Ross

July 1st Edward son of Richard and Anne Tanner Carrigfadda

P.75 contd Baptisms 1819

August 15th Mary daughter of Abraham and Margaret Cambridge Ross Miles

December 16 Margaret daughter of Edward and Margaret Tanner of Carrigfadda

March 7th George son of Thomas and Ann Bateman Barley Hill

March 13th Mary daughter of John Freke and Anne Smyth of Ballincollig

July 4th Anne daughter of George and Barbara Bateman of Ross


February 20th William son of Richard and Mary Myles of Killealeagh

January 26th Mary daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Kingston of Bohonagh

June 4th Andrew May a foundling

April 15th Michael son of Michael Ann Kinread from Isle of man


Page 77: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

April 23 Mary daughter of Thomas and Ann Rashleigh of Ross

April 30th John son of James and Eliza Hegarty of Killeenleagh

September 17th Richard Smythe son of Jonas and Patty Morris of Ross

October 7 Mary daughter of Stephen and Eliza Moxley of Barley Hill

December 20 Edward son of Edward and Mary Tanner of Carrigfadda


arch 4 Sarah Elizabeth daughter of John and Eliza of the Waterguard

April 4 Knolloff (or Mollof or Snolloff or Smalloff) Antonis D’Lile of Strasburg Germany was baptised at the age of 23 years

P.76 blank

P.77 1810 Christenings

March 16th Elizabeth daughter of James and Jane Boyd of Maulitanivally

June 11th John son of Geary and Rebecca Boyd of Moulitanivally

P.77 contd Baptisms 1810 contd

Anne daughter of James and Anne Oldham December 16th

Charles son of Thomas and Anne Bateman of Carrigfadda December 24th


Jamuary 13 Richard son of John and Martha Perrott Carrigerenane

Do. 29th Amelia daughter of Samuel and Anne Kingston of Burgesia sponsors Mary Kingston Prudentia Stanley George Hewit Andrew Armstrong

(for previous baptisms entries 1810. 1811 see p. 56 and 73 above)

Philip Somerville of Castletown parish of Castlehaven and Maria Townsend of Derry in the parish were married in the cathedral by me on the 4th day of February by licence

P. at back of book


Page 78: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

November 6th William Legoe son of Henry Legoe was baptised 1762

January 10th Henry Legoe son of the above Henry was baptised 1786

May 3rd Elizabeth daughter of William Legoe was received into the church also Mary daughter to the said William was received Henry son to the aforesaid William and christened the same day. Mr. William Hungerford Edward Williamson Henry Legoe and Sam Lavis Allis Driscol and Mary Laves sponsors 1739

Allen a son to Henry Legoe of Clonakilty was born on the 27th of August 1795

William son to William Legoe born (faded portion of p. as follows John son to John Legoe baptised April 1797

Vestry minutes names mentioned

5 January 1711 Minutes illegible List of names follows possibly contributors to meeting;-Brigadier George Freke

Mr. Hu

Mr. Hungerford

Mr. Goodwin

Mr. Smith

Mr. Workman


Mr. Donovan



Charles Parker

(3 names illegible)


Will Spiller

Jean Humphreys (Frenchman b c1640)

Will Hepburn

Daniel Carthy


Page 79: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

James Dennis

John Harrington

Will Madden

John Lockett

Pat. Gosnel

Edward Nagle

Thomas Goodman

Tim Dower churchwarden

William Spiller

Robert Howard

19th April 1732 Churchwardens appointed John Smith and James Ronayne

Way wardens Thomas Hungerford and William Morris

Signatures Will Reades

Richard Smythe churchwardens

Thomas Hungerford

William Spiller

10 April 1732

Church wardens John Small and John Hewitt

Signatures William Reade Vic Chor John Leoe Daniell Howard Thomas Hazell

7th April 1735

C.W.S.:- Thomas Hungerford Ferdinando Spiller, Sir John Freke, Mr. Beamish, Mr. Thomas Hungerford, Mr. Henry Johnes, Mr. Richard Smyth, John Hewitt, Mr. Richard Goodman, Mr. Wiliam Spiller, Mr. Bustrode, Mr. Dan Carthy, Mr. Dennis, Widow Hungerford, Mr. Francis Townsend, Mr. Daniel Donovan, Mr. James Roynane, Mr. John Dinneene, Thomas Clark, Jn Lane, Jn Masterson. Thomas Hazel

Will Lehy 2d

Martin uin 2d


Page 80: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Jen Humphreys 3d

John Welt? 4d

John Beamish ..(surname illegible) Ferdinand Spiller church wardens, William Spiller James Roynane Thomas Hazell John Bate

4 April 1738

C.W.S.:- Thomas Clerke and George Heyburne

Sigs:- John Beamish, V.C., Daniel Donovan Ricahrd Goodman churchwardens, John Spiller Jn Spiller

23rd April 1739

C.W.S.:- Mr. Richard Godman nd Mr. Freke Smyth

Sigs:- John Beamish, V.C.

Thomas Clerke Ri Goodman churchwardens

Ferdinand Spiller William Spiller Francis Townsend John Legoe

list of persons assessed for bread and wine

John Freke, Mr. Beamish, Mr. Thomas Hungerford Richard Hungerford Mr. Richard Goodman Mr. Henry Jones.

Mr. Richrd Smyth, Mr. Jn Smyth, Mr. William Spiller, Mr. Ferdinand Spiller, Mr. Dennis, (Mr. Francis Townsend, Thomas Clarke, John Proud, Thomas Starky, names struck out), Mr. Dan Donovan, John Dinneene, John Leane, John Hewitt, John Masterson, Jen Humphreys, George Dinn, George Heburn, Walter Starky, Townsend Varian.

7 April 1740

John Beamish, V.C.

Ri Goodman William Spiller church wardens John Legoe

3 March 1741

C.W.S.:- Walter Starky and John Leane


Page 81: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Sigs:- John Beamish V.V., Ri Goodman, William Spiller, Ferdinand Spiller, James Collins, John Legoe.

19 April 1742

Sigs:- John Beamish V.C., James Collins churchwarden John Legoe, Ri Goodman, Ferdinand Spiller, William Spiller

4 April 1743

C.W.S.:- Mr. James Collins and Mr. John Hewitt

Sigs:- John Beamish V.C., John Lean w. Starkey church wardens. William Spiller Ferdinand Spiller, John Legor

18 April 1745

C.W.S.:- Townsend Varian and Mr. Henry Bulatrode

Sigs:-John Beamish V.C., John Hewett, James Collins, church wardens, Ri Goodman, Ferdinand Spiller William Spiller, Jno Spiller, John Legoe.

1 October 1745

C.W.S.:- Lieutenant Philip Townsend and Mr. Edward Jones

Sigs:- John Beamish V.C., Henry Strode church warden, William Spiller, Ferdinand Spiller, Butler Townsend.

31March 1746

Sigs;- John Beamish V.C., Henry Strde church warden, Wiliam Spiller, Jno Spiller

20 April 1747

C.W.S.:- Mr. John Smyth of Downeene and Mr. John Spiller of Ross

List of persons assessed for bread and wine:-

Mr. Beamish, Sam Workman, Mr. Thomas Hungerford, Widow Smyth, Mr. Richard


Page 82: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Goodman, Mr. James Collins, Captain Townsend, Mr. William Donovan, Mr. Ferdinanrd Spiller, Townsend Varian, Rev. Mr. Butler Townsend, George Dinn, Mr. John Smyth, Walter Starkey, Mr. Daniel Donovan, John Hewitt, Thomas Parker, John Barker, Solomon Barker, Thomas Wren, Jer? Donovan

sigs of those present;- John Beamish, Ferdinand Spiller, William Spiller, church wardens, John Legoe

30 September 1747

Way wardens western side

Captain Philip Townsend and Edward Jones

Way wardens eastern side:- Major Hungerford and the Rev. Mr. Beamish

Overseers:- Mr. Richard Goodman and William Spiller

Signatures:- Jno. Spiller, C.W., Ri Goodman, John Beamish V.C., William Spiller, Townsend Varian

30 September 1747 ctd.

11 April 1748

Sigs:- John Beamish V.C., John Spiller, church warden, William Spiller, Ferdinando Spiller, John Legoe

26th December 1748

Sigs:- John Beamish, Vicar Choral, John Smyth John Spiller church wardens, Butler Townsend, William Spiller, James Collins, John Legoe.

27th March 1749

C.W.S.:- Thomas Hungerford dn Mr. William Donovan

Sigs:- Jh Beamish Vicar Choral, John Spiller, William Spiller, church wardens, Ferdinand Spiller, Butler Townsend, Ferdinand Spiller, John Legoe, william Legoe

16 April 1750

Sigs;- John Beamish, Vice Choral, William Donovan, William Spiller church wardens,


Page 83: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

John Legoe

3 April 1751

C.W.S.:-Samuel Workman and John Smith

Sigs:- John Beamish Vice Choral, William Donovan, church warden, Philip Townsend, William Spiller, Jno Spiller, James Collins, Ferdinand Spiller, James Roche, John Meade, John Hewett, John Legoe, Walter Starky

24 April 1751

Sigs;- John Beamish. Thomas Hungerford, Philip Townsend Jonas Morris, William Spiller

31 March 1752

Sigs:- John Beamish, Vice Choir, Thomas Hungerford, Philip Townsend, William Donovan. James Collins, Jno Spiller, James Roche, Ferdinand Spiller, William Spiller

15 Aspril 1754

Sigs:- John Beamish James Roche, church warden

15 April 1754 contd

Philip Townsend, Thomas Smyth Captain in Lord Landsdowne’s regiment, Robert Edward Tell, Lieutenant in same, Jonas Morris, William Spiller, Henry Duniet.

1 April 1755

C.W.S.:- David Horan and Jonas Parker, Sigs:- John Beamish, Vice Choral, John Dunn, David Horan, church warden, Butler Townsend, William Spiller, William Donovan, John Barker

30 March 1756

Sigs:- John Beamish Vice Chir, David Horan Jonas Parker, church wardens, Ferdinand Spiller, Fr Spiller, James Roche, James Fleming

15 April 1756


Page 84: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Sigs:- James Beamish Vice Choral, Jonas Parker, David Horan church wardens Stephen Legoe, Thomas Hazelle?

29 March 1756

Sigs:- John Beamish Vice Choral, Jonas Parker, church warden, William Spiller, Robert Sherman, Jno Meade, John Barker, James Roche

11 April 1757

C.W.S.:- John Lean and Richard Moxely

Sigs:- John Beamish, Vice Choir, Jonas Parkes, David Horan, church wardens John Barker, John Legoe, Henry Legoe, Thomas Hazel

27 March 1758

Sigs:- John Beamish, Vice Choral, John Lean, Richard Moxely church wardens, John Hewett, william Spiller, John Legoe, John Barker, Solomon Barker, James Fleming, Henry Legoe

16 April 1759

C.W.S.:- John Hewett and Richard Goodman

Sigs:- John Beamish, Vice Choir, John Lean, Rick Moxley church wardens, Thomas Hungerford, Jo Meade, John Legoe, James Fleming, John Barker.

7 April 1760

C.W.S.:- JohnHewett and Charles Murray

Sigs:- John Beamish Vice Choir

John Hewett, church warden, Ricahrd Goodman, John Legoe James Fleming, John Barker, Henry Legoe, Joseph Legoe

2 February 1760

John O’Hea and the d]sacrament of the Lord’s supper in this church as by law established witness present.

John Legoe, John Hewett


Page 85: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

25 May 1760

Sigs:- John Beamish, Vic Choir,

John Hewett, church warden, Thomsas Hungeford, Jonas Morris, Jno Spiller, Samuel Balie, Jno Neale, James Fleming, Joseph Legoe, Henry Legoe

23 March 1761

C.W.S.:- Mr. John Freke and Mr. Ferdinand Spiller

Sigs:- John Beamish V.C., John Hewett, Charles Murray, church warden, Samuel Baylie, Harry Lean, John Dun, John Barker, Henry Legoe, Joseph Legoe.

4 April 1763

C.W.S.:- John Dunn and Joseph Legoe

Persons cessed for bread and wine:- Mr.Beamish, Mr. Thomas Hungerford, Mr. Jonas Morris, Mr Edward Jones, Mr Ferdinand Spiller, Mr. John Spiller, Mr. John Collins, Mr. John F. Smith, Mr.Samuel Baly, Mr. Dan Regan, Mr.Samuel Workman, Captain Townsend, Mr.Richard Goodman, Mr. Burley, John Riordan, Daniel Mahony, Charles Murray, J. Hewitt, J...ea (Shea of O’Hea?), Sigs:- John Beamish Vice Choral, John Horan, John MIles, church wardens, Joseph Legoe, John Collins, Richard Goodman, Jhn Hewett, Tomothy Connolly, Jonaas Parker, Thomas Wrenn,

23 April 1764

C.W.S.:- John Beamish, Vice Choir, Joseph Legoe Jonas Parker church wardens, ...Birhagra, Timothy Connolly, John Dinneen, John Smythe, George Hegon (form of Hepburn?)

9 April 1763

C.W.S.:- Joseph Legoe and Jonas Parker

List of parish poor:- James Fleming, Jane Hackerery or (Stackberry), widow Morris, Mary Cole, William Boyle, Mrs. Savage, Mary Dinneene, Kat Killinagh, Kat Graham, Will Murrane, Sigs:- John Beamish, Vice Choir, Joseph Legoe, Jonas Parker, church wardens, (John Hewett, John Hewett two different signatures), Richard Kingston, John Dun

2 October 1765


Page 86: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Way wardens:- Thomas Hungerford of Cahirmore and Philip Townsend of Derry, Esq., Sigs:- John Beamish Vice Choir,

Sigs::- John Legoe Jonas Parker, church wardens, John Collins, P. Townsend, Francis Beamish, John Legoe

30 March 1766

C.W.S.:- Joseph Legoe, David Haito,

Sigs:- John Beamish, V.C., Joseph Legoe, Jonas Parker, Thomas Hungerford, John Hewett,

20 April 1767

C.W.S.:- Joseph Legoe,Ricahrd Kingston

Sigs:-John Beamish, V. Cho., Joseph Legoe, David Hamilton church wardens, P. Townsend, Francis Beamish, Richad Goodman, Ferdinand Spiller, Mary Lean, George Moore,

4 April 1768

C.W.S.:- Joseph Legoe, Richard Kingston

Sigs:- John Beamish V. Choir, Richard Kingston, Joseph Legoe, church wardens, Michael Holden, John Collins, Francis Beamish, Ferdinand Spiller, Henry Lean, Henry Legoe

27th March 1769

Sigs:- John Beamish, V. Choir, John Legoe John Berkley, church wardens, Henry Legoe, Jonas Parker, John Legoe.

16 April 1770

C.W.S.:- Joseph Legoe, and John Hewett the younger

Sigs:- John Beamish, V. Choir, Richard Kingston, Richard Legoe, church wardens, Ferdinand Spiller, George Ford, Henry Legoe, Mick Holdng, John Legoe, Ferdinand Spiller, George Ford, Thomas Birhagie, Michael Holden

1 April 1771


Page 87: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

C.W.S.:- Joseph Legoe, John Hewett the younger

Sigs:- John Beamish, V. Choir

Jas Legoe, John Hewett

20 April 1772

C.W.S.:- Joseph Legoe and Joseph Dunn

Sigs:- John Beamish, Vic Choir, Joseph Legoe, Jhn Hewett, church wardens, Francis Beamish, Timothy Connolly, Matt Donovan, Randle Donovan, Thomas Wrenn

12 April 1773

C.W.S.:- Robert Sharkey Edward Bulstrode

Sigs:- John Beamish, Vic Choir, Joseph Legoe, Joseph Dunn, church wardens, Thomas Birhagia Michel Barker, Mattias Donovan, Jer Donovan.

4 April 1774

Sigs:- John Beamish, V.C.,

Edward Bulstrode, Matthias Donovan, Randle Donovan, Jer. Donovan, Henry Legoe, Jonas Parker, John Lean, Stephen Legoe.

17 April 1775

C.W.S.:- John Smith of Downeene and Stephen Legoe of Ross

Sigs:- John Beamish, Edward Bulstrode, William Evans, Thomas Hungerford, John Collins.

8 April 1776

C.W.S.:- Andrew Donoghue of Ross and James Boyd of Carrigigenane

Sigs:- John Beamish, V. Choir

Stephen Legoe, Andrew Donoghue church wardens, Thomas Hungerford, Henry Legoe, Edward Bulstrode, David Birhagra, Charles Murrray

..March 1777


Page 88: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Sigs:- John Beamish V. Choir, ..not David Birhagra, Henry Legoe, Stephen Legoe, John Horan, Stephen Legoe, Francis Donovan, Charles Murray, Matt Donovan, Jer Donovan

7 October 1777

Sigs:- Richard Townsend, officiating Minister, Phillip Townsend, … Birhagra (same signature as above), David Birhagra, John Legoe (p. mutilated 1 or 2 signatures cut out)

20 April 1778

C.W.S.:- James Boyd adn Thomas Parker

Sigs:- Henry Jones, curate, Richard Townsend, Freke Smyth, Edward Bulstrode, John Fisher, George Ford, ...Birhagia, Thomas Birhagra, Matthew Donovan

August 6 Joseph (entry unfinished)



November 22 Mr.Edward Butstrode (Thus for Blstrode)


May 18 Mary Ann daughter of Mr. Freke Smyth

May 25 Margaret daughter of William Axton Drummer

June 16 John son of John Denees

June 23 Ann daughter of Mr Andrew Donohue

July 17 daughter of Francis Guines

October 23 Mrs Mary Denis


April 3 John Gogin buried in Cork

April 4 a child of Thomas Clerk



Page 89: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

May 12 John Gogon’s daughter Ellen

May 31 John son of Samuel Clerke

July 11 Ann daughter of John Barker

July 19 John Huttsons wife or widow

July 28 Phillip Ronayne, son of James Ronayne deceased

July 29 Joh Hewitt ye elder of Burasky and 4 children


March 26 Richard son of Mr. John Smythe

P.22 contd

June 19 Mr James Denis departed this life

August 8 Mrs Diana Spiller wife of William Spiller

August 11 John son of Mr James Deins

Xbr 3 Henry Boy’l C Collins son of James Collins coast officer

Jan 12 George Hewitt of Burgashy drowned and buried ye 14th inst

42 March 14 Watt Evans son of Watt Evans and Margaret Lee

August 20 Mr. Hungerford of Brades daughter and Peg Smith

November 16 John son of Francis Grimes

March 23 William Morris butcher

43 July 9 Mr Henry Jones of Drounbeg

November 1 two sons of John Barkers

John Beamish vicar

Townsend ….


P.23 Christenings 1737/8


Page 90: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

March 13 Jonathan son of John White


November 12 Robert son of George Hebron

Xmas Mary daughter to Walter Starky

January 7 Eleanor daughter to Jonas Parker

Mary Ann daughter to Mr. Freke Smythe


February 18 Mary daughter of Thomas Verin of Bandon

March 1st Thomas son of James Denis

May 2 Margaret daughter of William Axton Drummer

26 Morris son of John Bryan

7th, 30th John son of Daniel Carthy of Froye flax dresser


March 23 George son of John White

April 13 Wiliam son of William Smythe Drummer in Colonel Dallmeys regiment

5th April 1779

C.W.S. :- Thomas Parker and William Tanner

Sigs:- Henry Jones Curate

Thomas Bichagra

Jeremy Donovan

William Morris

John Legoe

Thomas Hungerford

15th June 1779

Sigs:- Henry Jones Curate


Page 91: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Richard Townsend

John Hewett

John Legoe

Thomas Boilragra

27th March 170

C.W.S.:- George Fuller of Ardagh and Jeremy McCarthy of Ross

Sigs:- Henry Johnes Curate

Edward Tanner

Thomas Parker

Phillip Townsend

Jno Collins

Thomas Birlagra

Thomas Hungerford

Jno Cockbun

Henry Legoe

Matthew Donovan (watch only)

Thomas(?) Parker

Richard Miles

John Miles

16th April 1781

C.W.S.:- Stephen Legoe and Thomas Parker of Ross Sigs:- Henry Jones Curate.

Contd. Stephen Legoe

Thomas Parker

John Parker

Jonas Parker, warden

Thomas Breary


Page 92: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Sol Barker

Matt Donovan

Dan Regan

E. Bistrode

Virgil Johns

Thomas Birhagra

2 April 1782

C.W.S.:- Thomas Parker and John Donoghue

Sigs:- Henry Jones, Curate

Thomas Parker and John Donoghue, Church Wardens

William Hodnett Stephen Legoe

William Hodnett Timothy Sullivan

Thomas Hungerford Timothy Sullivan

John Hungerford Matt Donovan

Samuel Baylie James Thompson

Henry Legoe

Thomas Birhagra

22 April 1783

C.W.S.:- Will Morris Junior, Esq, and Major Wilson

Sigs:- Henry Jones, Curate

Thomas Hungerford

Henry Legoe

Mathias Donovan

Stephen Legoe


Page 93: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Thomas Parker

Alleyn Wilson

12 April 1784

C.W.S.:- Mr. John Hungerford and Mr. Mark Legoe

12th April contd. Sigs:- Henry Jones, Curate

John Hungerford Mark Legoe, Church wardens

Thomas Hungerford Michael Barker

Virgil Johns John Murray

William Gash William Hennessy

Stephen Legoe

29th March 1785

C.W.S.:- Henry Baldwin of Barley Hill, Esq. and Mr. John Hungerford of Ross

Sigs:- Henry Jones Curate

Henry Baldwin John Hungerford, church wardens

Virgil Jones Thomas Barker

Thomas Donohue John Murray

Toms Parker Joseph Dunn

John Donoghue

18th April 1786

C.W.S.:= Thomas Hungerford of Cahirmore, Esq., and Captain Thomas H. Townsend

Sigs:- Henry Jones, Curate

Thomas Hungerford Thomas H Townsend, church wardens

Thomas Hungerford William Murray


Page 94: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Virgil Jones Robert Sames (The for James or Soames?)

Henry Legoe

10 April 1787

C.W.S.:- Thomas Hungerford of Cahirmore, Esq., and Captain Thomas Hungerford

Sigs:- Henry Jones curate

Thomas Hungerford Thomas H. Townsend, Esq., church Wardens

10 April 1787 ctd sigs. Contd.

Thomas Hungeford Henry Legoe

William Gash Edward Purcell

Michael French Stephen Legoe

Charles Bateman John W. Conohey (not clear whether this is John M. or surname MConohey)? 25 March 1788

C.W.S.:- Thomas M. Townsend, Esq., of Derry and Thomas Hungerford the younger, Esq., of Cahirmore

Sigs.:- Henry Jones, Curate

Captain Townsend. Thomas Hungerford Jnr., Esq., , church wardens

Thomas Hungerford

Daniel Regan

William Hungerford

Henry Legoe

Robert James

Tomas Hungerford

John Donoghue

Herny Legoe

William Hennesey

James Murray


Page 95: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

13 April 1789

C.W.S.:- Thomas H. Townsend, Esq., of Derry, and Thomas Hungerford of Cahiermore, Esq.

Sigs:- Henry Jones, Curate

T .H.Townsend, church warden

Henry Legoe Stephen Legoe, sidesmen

Dan O’Regan, John Parker

Thomas Hungerford John Murray

Richard Smith John Donoghue

William Hungerford Henry Legoe

Revd Williamson Stephen Legoe

Henry Legoe

5 April 1790

C.W.S.:- Thomas H. Townsend Esq., of Derry and Thomas Hungerford of Cahirmore

Sigs:- Henry Jones, Curate

Thomas Hungerfor church wardens

Dan O’Regan

Thomas Hungerfoed Andrew Donoghue

John Hungerford John Murray

Samuel Bailey

Robert James

25 April 1791

C.W.S.:- William Townsend of Derry, Esq., and Daniel O‘Regan of Ballinaclogh, Esq.,

Sidesmen:- Henry Lehoe June and John Legoe Jnr

Sigs:- Henry Jones Curate

Michael French, Richard Hungerford, church wardens

Thomas Hungerford G. St. John


Page 96: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Dan O’Regan Thomas Hungerford

George Beamish Robert Starkey

James Roche

Contd. Edward Wiliamson John Hungerford

Stephen Legoe

Henry Legoe John Legoe sidesmen

1 April 1793

C.W.S.:- James Roche Jnr., of Tralong and Richard Smyth Esq., of Castle Downeen

Sidesmen;- John Boyde and Thomas Parker

Sigs:- Henry Jones, Curate

James Roche Richard Smith church wardens

Thomas Hungerford John Parker

Dan O’Regan John Legoe

Michael French John Hagerty

John Hungerford Robert James

Stephen Legoe Henry Legoe

Henry Legoe

John Boyd Thomas Parker sidesmen

21 April 1794

C.W.S.:- William Morris of Castle Salem and George Beamish of Barley Hill, Esq.,

Sidesmen;- John Boyde and Richard Kingston, both of Ross,

Signs:- Henry Jones, Curate William Morris George Beamish, church wardens

Thomas Hungerford Richard Smyth

Dan O’Regan William Hungerford

John Sweetnam James Roche

Toms Hungerford Edward Williamson


Page 97: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

William Townsend Henry Legoe

6 April 1795

C.W.S.:- William Townsend of Derry and Packer Roche Esq., of Cahirmore

Sidesmen;-Mr. Richard Kingston of Ross and. Mr. Mark Legoe

Sigs:- Henry Jones, Curate

William Townsend, Pa Roche church wardens

Richard Kingston Mark Legoe, sidesmen

Dan O’Regan Thomas Hungerford

John Hungeford Joh Donoghue

Ricahrd Sandys David Berkley

Thomas Hewett Henry Legoe

Stephen Legoe Robert Purcell

24th April 1795

Sigs:- Henry Jones, Curate

William Townsend, Pa Roche church wardens

Richard Sandys

John Hungerford Dan O’Regan

Roche Thomas Hungerford

John Hewet Henry Legoe

28th March 1796

C.W.S.:- Robert Starkey of Burgatia, Esq., and Richard Smythe of lower Downeen

Sidesmen:-Thomas Hewett and John Legoe of Ross

Sigs:- Henry Jones, Minister


Page 98: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Robert Starkey Richard Smyth church wardens

J Roche John Hewett

William Townsend Parker Roche

Michael French Thomas Hungerford

Dan O’Regan Robert Purcell

Richard Sandy Charles Batman

28th March 1796 contd. John Kingston

Thomas Hewett

John Legoe

17th April 1797

C.W.S.:- Mr. Samuel Roche and Mr. John Sweetnam

Sdesmen:- Mr. Richard Smyth of upper Downeen and Mr. Robert Travers of Barley Hill

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

J Roche John Sweetnam church wardens

Robert Starkey

Ricahrd Smyth Thomas Hungerdford

T.H.Townsend Michael French

Edward Williamson William Townsend, Parker Roche F St. John

14 March 1798 (meeting to lay a rate to provide 4 men to serve in the militia). 7 halfpenny a gneeve levied)

Sigs:- George Armstrong licensed curate

Js Roche John Sweetnam church wardens

Richard Townsend

Richard Smyth Parker Roche

G. St. John John O’Brien


Page 99: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

9 April 1798

C.W.S.:-Mr. John Hungerford and Mr. Richard Smyth of Castle Downeen

Sidesmen:- Mr. Robert Smyth of Ross and Mr. Robert Travers of Ballivoreen

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Richard Smyth John Hungerford church wardens

T. H. Townsend

Thomas Hungerford

9 April 1798 contd.

Js Roche Robert James

Roert Smyth Henry Legoe

Patrick Berkley James Brooks

Goodyer St. John William Berry

Joh Haggerty John Legoe

John Batean

25 March 1799

C.W.S,:- Daniel O’Regan of Stone Villa and Parker Roche of Tralong, Esq.,

Sigs,:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Dan O’Regan, Parker Roche, church wardens

Thomas Hungerford

Henry Legoe

James Brooks

Edward Williamson

10th July 1799

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Parker Roche Dan O’Regan

Thomas Hungerford


Page 100: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

William Townsend

G. St John

14 April 1800

C,W,S,;- Mr Richard Hungerford of Drunbeg and Mr. Edward Williamson of Ballivoreen

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Richard Hungerford Edward Williamson William Hickman?

William Starkey Packer Roche

Alex Smyth Richard Kingston

Dan O’Regan Thomas Hewett

Thomas Hungerford G. St. John

Contd. John Legoe George Bateman

H. Townsend Stephen legoe

David Berkley

Thomas Townsend

6 april 1801

C.W.S.:-William Townsend of Derry and Mr. Alexander Smyth of Ross

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

William Townsend

Alex Smyth

Dan O’Brien

Robert Starkey

Thomas Hungerford

William Starkey

Edward Williamson


Page 101: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

19th April 1802

C.W.S.:= Michael French of Derry and William Feckman of Sleamount

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Michael French

William Feckman

William Townsend

Alex Smyth

John Legoe

Stephen Legoe

11 April 1803

C.W.S.:- Richard Townsend, Esq., M.D., and Mr. John Smyth of Ross

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

John Smyth

Michael French John Donohue

John Morris John Hagerty

Stephen Legoe

4 August 1804

Meeting to raise £1-6-0 per ploughland to raise 5 men to serve in the army of reserve, or £5-13-9 from the town of Ross, on a place to be fixed by Mr. Daniel Donovan of Ross

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Edward Williamson

Richard Smyth John Molony

William Starky Parker Roche

Michael Kingston

2 April 1804


Page 102: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

C.W.S.:- Michel French and Parker Roche both of Ross

Sigs:- George Armstrong:- licensed curate

Parker Roche, Michael French church wardens

Thomas Hungerford

Edward Williamson John Hewett

Richard Kingston John Legoe

Thomas Hungerford John Smyth

15 April 1805

C.W.S.:- Mr. Michael French and Mr. Thomas Beamish of Ross

Sigs;- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Michael French Thomas Beamish, church wardens

Thomas Hungerford

Richard Adams

Thomas Hungerford

7 April 1806

Parish clerk appointed James Tomkin, in the room of William Cotter

C.W.S.:- Mr. Michael French and Mr. Thomas Beamish

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Contd Michael French Thomas Beamish church wardens

Roger Sweeney

Edward Williamson Edward Long

Stephen Legoe John Legor

John (or Theo) Hewett Matthew Donovan

30 march 1807

C.W.S.:- Michael French Roger Sweeney Esqs.


Page 103: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Michael French Roger Sweeney church wardens

John/Theo Hewett sidesman

Thomas Hungerford

David Berkley

John Hewett

Edward Williamson

21 October 1807

Meeting (adjourned) for raising substitutes for the mititia.

Sigs;- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Robert Sweeney

John/Theo Hewett

18 Nov 1807

Meeting for above purpose, assesses 3/9d half penny per gneeve of 32-5-6 per ploughland and £9 on the town of Ross Sigs;- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Michael French Roger Sweenet, church wardens

William Townsend John Hewett

Robert Starkey Richard Hungerford

Richard Smyth John?Teo Hewett

21Nov 1807

Sigs:- George Armstrong, Licences curate

Michael Frnch Roger Sweeney church wardens

Robert Starkey

John/Heo Hewitt

Stephen Legoe


Page 104: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

18th April 1808

Fee for James Tomkins, parish clerk, assessed

C.W.S.:-William Townsend and Michael French, esq.,

Michael French William Townsend, church wardens

John/Theo Hewett

Thomas Hungerford

John Hewett

Stephen Legoe

3 April 1809

Fee for James Tomkins, parish clerk, assessed.

C.W.S.:- William Townsend and Michael French Esq.,

Sidemen;- John and Stephen Legoe

Fine of I shilling to be levied on all persons willfully absenting themselves without proper cause from this place of worship on the Lord’s Day”’

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

William Townsend Michael French, churchwardens

Robert Starkey

Thomas Hungerford

Thomas Hungerford (two different hands)

Edward Williamson

David Berkley

Stephen Legoe

John Legoe

23 April 1810

Fee for James Tomkins, Parish Clerk, assessed.

C.W.S.:- William Townsend and Richard Hungerford, Esq.,

Fine of one shilling if imposed as above


Page 105: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

William Townsend, church warden

Thomas Hungerford

Thomas Beamish Ja Alexander

John Legoe Rob Smyth

19 April 1813

Fee for Juls Parish Clerk assessed

C.W.S.:- William Townsend and Richard Hungerford

19 April 1813 continued

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

William Townsend, church warden

Robert Starkey James Tomkins

James Smyth Ja Alexander

11 April 1814

C.W.S.:- William Townsend and Robert Starkey, Esq.,

Sigs;- George Armstrong, licensed curate

William Townsend

William Morris

Edward Williamson Ja Alexander

George Hungerford William Faorar

16 April 1816

C.W.S.:- William Townsend Esq., Mr. Edward Williamson

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

William Townsend

Edward Williamson


Page 106: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Hor Townsend John Hegerty

George Hungerford John Bareti?

John Legoe John Wagner

7 April 1817

C.W.S.:- Tomas Hungerford and John French

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Thomas Hungeford

Edward Williamson

John Legoe

23 March 1818

C.W.S.:- Thomas Hungerford and John French, Esqs.,

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Thomas Hungerford

Edward Williamson

Ralph Cunningham,

Edward Brooks

John Legoe

12 April 1819

C.W.S.:- Thomas Hungerford of Cahermore and Parker Roche of Rosry(?0 Esqs.,

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Thomas Hungerford

Parker Roche

Jno/Tho Hungerford

3 April 1820


Page 107: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

C.W.S:- Thomas Hungerford and Parker Roche Esqs.,

Sigs;- George Armstrong:- licensed curate

Thomas Hungerford

Parker Roche

Robert Starkey

Edward (surname illegible)

John Kingston

19 June 1820

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Thomas Hungerford, church warden

B. (or R) H. Sweeney

23 April 1821

C.W.S.:-Packer Roche and Thomas Hungerford

Sigs:- George Armstrong, licensed curate

Parker Roche John Legoe

Julius Armstrong William Hungerford

9 April 1822

C.W.S.:-Packer Roche and Thomas Hungerford

Sigs:- William Jennings, licensed curate

Richard M. Dunscomb

Richard Smyth

Edward Williamson

15 April 1822

Sigs:- William Jennings, licensed curate


Page 108: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

Parker Roche

William Starkie

Edward Williamson

Stephen Legoe

Edw (surname illegible, could possibly be Carthy)

29 April 1822

Sigs:- William Jennings, licensed curate

Parker Roche

William Starkie

Edward Williamson

Richard M Dunscomb

27 May 1823

Sigs:- William Jennings, licensed curate

Parker Roche

John Smyth

Richard Smyth

Ned Brooks

30 March 1823

C.W.S.:- William Starkie and Mr. Williamson

Sigs:-William Starkie, Edward Williamson, church wardens

Robert Starkie

Contd. Robert Starkie Jnr

Richard Bailie

Richard M. Dunscomb

Thomas Hungerford


Page 109: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th

James Kingston

James Kingston (both in different hands)

Paul Kingston

William Myles

S. Kingston

Edward Brooks

6 October 1823

Sig;- William Jennings, Curate

William Starkie, Edward Williamson, church wardens

James Tomkins

Mat Donovan

Edward Brooks

10 November 1823

Edward Carbery?, parish clerk, reprimanded, “he having refused when called on by the Rev. Mr. Jennings to respond to the funeral service on the body of the late Mrs. Ellen Dixon:

Sigs:- William Starkie

Edward Wiliamson

Thomas Duny (Drury, dunn?)

George Hewitt

John Legoe


Page 110: _St. Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery, Records from 1690, Web viewElleanor Dennis daughter to Ja. Dennis b. December 28th 169. Mary Dennis daughter to James Dennis bap. Feb. 11th