Download - St. Edward's University Brand and Style Guidelines

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Brand and Style GuidelinesStandards for St. Edward’s University Updated April 2015

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Marketing OfficeSt. Edward’s Universitystedwards.edu512-448-8775

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4 Introduction5 Is this book for you?6 What’s in a Brand?7 Shaping Brand Identity8 Brand Tenets9 Brand Promise10 Brand Voice11 Brand Platform12 Brand Voice Copy Samples14 Tagline

15 Logo16 Identity Overview17 Master logo20 Master logo with tagline22 Master Vertical logo23 University Seal24 Minimum Size/Clear Space25 Core Academic Identities27 Brand Extensions28 Letterhead29 Envelope & Business Cards30 Co-Brand Identities32 Athletic Identities

33 Typography34 Helvetica35 Garamond36 Type Spectrum

37 Color 38 Heritage Palette39 Primary & Secondary Palettes42 Color Spectrum

43 Photography44 Overview46 Students47 Instructors48 Speakers 49 Editorial Portraits 50 Headshots 51 Topical 53 What to Avoid

54 Video55 Overview 57 What to Avoid

58 Resources


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IntroductionSmall school.Big vision.One image.

Our strategic plan calls for St. Edward’s to become a global university, educating students for the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. How will a small school achieve such a big goal? By working together, integrated in everything we do, toward representing St. Edward’s University with a unified voice and visual identity.

As we extend our brand across borders and cultures, presenting a consistent image enhances our recognition by partners and students around the world. These guidelines are written to reflect the multifaceted, forward-thinking, international organization we have become. They will guide us in becoming better stewards of our brand in the decades ahead.

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Understand our personality and attributes; what we stand for and strive to deliver.

Ensure key messages are present in all communications.

Follow graphic guidelines in all designed materials.

Inspire stories that convey our distinct brand.

Your role at St. Edward’s includes communicating on the university’s behalf — whether you’re a writer, designer, photographer, lead communicator or department head.

Your position outside the university as a journalist, educator, writer or designer requires communicating about St. Edward’s.

Is this book for you?

Use it to ...

You’ll find this guide a valuable resource if …

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What’s in a brand?

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a [person’s] decision to choose one product or service over another.”

— Seth Godin Marketer, Author, Public Speaker


The St. Edward’s University brand is our promise to our audiences. It tells them what they can expect from us, and it differentiates our story and offerings from our competitors. Our brand is derived from who we are, who we want to be and who people perceive us to be.

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Shaping the St. Edward’s University Brand IdentitySt. Edward’s University is a unique educational institution that makes a powerful impact on all who join our community. In order to convey the extraordinary experience shared by students, faculty and alumni at St. Edward’s, a strategic process was undertaken to establish the university’s brand identity. On the following pages are the elements that shape our brand.

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Brand TenetsOur brand tenets are the core principles that characterize the St. Edward’s educational experience.

Academic Challenge

Global Perspective

Make a Difference

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Brand Promise

Our brand tenets inspire our overarching brand promise, which succinctly conveys the outstanding educational experience we provide.


St. Edward’s University offers an extraordinary educational environment that challenges, inspires and empowers students by providing a global perspective that prepares them to make a difference in their world.

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Brand VoiceThe St. Edward’s brand voice is the specific words, phrases and tone we use to speak to and connect with our audiences. It conveys our personality and creates consistency in how our messages are delivered.

Our voice is …

optimisticbold purposeful

socially aware authenticinspirational

emotional caringintelligent

When creating communications, keep these words in mind to maintain a compelling voice and tone that is uniquely St. Edward’s.

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Brand PlatformOur brand platform describes St. Edward’s University, explains our purpose and tells our story. Use this platform to inspire communications that will benefit from our distinctive voice.

The world today is more connected and interdependent than ever. What happens anywhere in the world impacts everywhere. And everyone. Including you.

For those who are up to the challenge, St. Edward’s University offers an extraordinary environment that educates, inspires and empowers students by providing a global perspective that prepares them to make a difference in their world.

At St. Edward’s, every student is challenged to discover his or her unique passions and purpose, overcome the uncertainties of different and demanding environments, and pursue lives that offer not just professional achievement but also deep personal fulfillment.

We believe in a rigorous, immersive educational experience that promotes critical thinking through study of the arts, sciences and humanities. Students are encouraged to ask complex questions and seek answers through research and collaborative intellectual exploration.

Faculty mentorship extends far beyond classroom time and office hours. Our small classes ensure that every student benefits from

a personalized learning experience. This supportive environment helps students to push themselves intellectually, personally, spiritually and geographically in their quest for knowledge and personal growth. Students are encouraged to be socially conscious as they study in communities around the world and work on local projects that promote the greater good. These experiences provide students with a deeper understanding of diverse cultures and provide excellent preparation for careers where a strong international perspective is appreciated and valued.

Are you prepared to ask for more from your educational experience? Are you willing to do the hard work that will prepare you for the next stage of your life? Are you ready to explore other cultures and discover yourself?

Then answer the challenge to make a difference in the world. And experience the difference it makes in you.

St. Edward’s University Take on your world.®

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Brand Voice Copy SamplesUsing the brand platform as a guide, here are examples of ways our brand voice can be crafted to describe the St. Edward’s University educational experience. Note how these samples incorporate the qualities of our voice in a tone suited to each audience and message.

Audience: General

St. Edward’s University offers an extraordinary environment that educates, inspires and empowers students to make a difference in their world.

At St. Edward’s, every student is challenged academically and personally to discover his or her unique passions and purpose. We believe in a personalized approach to learning, including small classes and an education that promotes critical thinking through the study of the arts, sciences and humanities. Students are encouraged to be socially conscious as they study in

communities around the world and work on local projects that promote the greater good. These experiences provide students with a deeper understanding of diverse cultures and provide excellent preparation for careers where a strong international perspective is appreciated and valued.

St. Edward’s is committed to ensuring that students experience an education that provides a global perspective and prepares them to pursue lives that offer not only professional achievement but also deep personal fulfillment.







socially aware



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Brand Voice Copy Samples

Audience: Prospective Undergraduate Students

Who will you become?

Something changes the first time you pass through the red doors at St. Edward’s. In that moment, you leave high school behind and transform into someone ready to accomplish great things.

In four years on the hilltop, you meet people whose experiences add to your understanding of the world. Inspired by your professors, you push yourself to surpass your limits. You find your own way to personal fulfillment.

Maybe you start a nonprofit, write a play, fight infectious diseases, develop the next big technological breakthrough or work with the underserved. Maybe your path takes you across oceans; maybe you find your calling close to home.

One thing’s for sure: you can do more, be more, than you imagine — and the world will be better for it.

Audience: Prospective Graduate Students

Earn a degree that opens doors.

When you pursue your graduate degree at St. Edward’s University, you take the next step in your career — whether you want to advance in your current job or follow your passion into another field.

Here, you’re surrounded by smart, capable, experienced people. You’re inspired and mentored by professors who combine keen industry insights with a solid grounding in academic knowledge. You engage in consulting projects and network with diverse yet similarly driven students. And you’re supported by a university that understands how busy your life can be.

In an environment built on the ideals of our Holy Cross heritage, you’re encouraged to think critically and translate your knowledge into ethical action. You clarify your values, purpose and personal vision of success. Graduate school is challenging, but you know the further you reach, the richer the rewards will be, personally and professionally.

Audience: Prospective Adult Undergraduate Students

Earn the degree you’ve always wanted.

When you come to St. Edward’s — to begin your bachelor’s degree or finish the one you started — you take the next step in your career and your life.

Here, you become part of an inspiring campus community. You rise to the challenge of academically rigorous courses as you develop the problem solving, communication and leadership skills that are sure to propel your career forward. Supported by faculty mentors, advisors and peers, you excel in the classroom, even as you balance work and family with your studies. You’re ready to push yourself, because you know the further you reach, the more fulfilling the rewards will be, personally and professionally.

The day you walk across the stage in cap and gown to receive your diploma is a proud one, the culmination of your hard work and dedication. More than ever, you’re prepared to make a difference in your life and in your world.

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Take on your world.®

Our tagline communicates our brand promise in a succinct and memorable phrase. “Take On Your World” is used in select cases with the St. Edward’s University logo, as a stand-alone statement or as a powerful ending punctuation to our stories. We do not use our tagline in headlines or narrative copy. Here are answers to questions you may have about “Take On Your World.”

What does “Take On Your World” mean?

“Take On Your World” means that no matter how students define their world (what is important to them), St. Edward’s University prepares them to succeed personally and professionally.

How does St. Edward’s prepare students to “Take On Your World”?

St. Edward’s prepares students to take on their world in these ways: We challenge them academically. We educate them with a global perspective. We inspire them to discover their passions and purpose and to achieve their full potential. We empower them to make a difference. We support them in pursuing fulfilling lives that help make their world a better place.

Does “Take On Your World” only refer to an international focus?

No. It refers to each individual’s view of his or her world. For example, students who study and work abroad, or immerse themselves in multicultural activities, might define their world as international. A science major might define her world as her academic field. An MBA student may define his world as the company where he works or his entrepreneurial interests. A student studying the arts might see her world as creative expression. Others may define their world as service and giving back to their communities.

How do we show “Take On Your World”?

In words and images, “Take On Your World” can be conveyed with specific examples of our students being challenged and inspired to discover their passions, to connect their interests and talents to meaningful work, and to make a difference in their world.

See graphic guidelines for our tagline on page 20.

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LogoLogoThe master logo is visual shorthand for the St. Edward’s University brand. It represents more than 125 years of heritage and all that makes our campus on the hill so unique — its prestige, charm, approachability — in essence, its character. The logo should be used as often as possible and should always be treated with reverence as the face of our brand.

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Identity OverviewWe have one brand — St. Edward’s University. All parts of the university inherit strength from the master brand. In communication, the master brand is more important than any other identity elements. Core academic identities and brand extensions must appear to be endorsed by the master brand and should not appear alone.
















See page 23 for usage guidelines and other examples.


















IES Examples include:

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Master LogoThe master logo is comprised of two elements:

1) The steeple mark

2) The “St. Edward’s University” wordmark

In all cases, the steeple mark and wordmark must always be used together.

Under no circumstances should elements of the master logo be separated.

Steeple Mark


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Four-color: PMS 281 blue & PMS 4505 gold (four color/digital printing)


Master Logo UsageColor Variations

The preferred format is two-color: gold (Pantone 4505 or 8640) for the steeple mark and blue (Pantone 281) for the wordmark. When the logo must be presented in grayscale, the black version of the logo should be used. If the master logo is to be placed on a dark-colored background where the two-color or black versions would be illegible, the reversed (white) version should be used.


The typeface used for the master logo is Adobe Garamond Pro, which has been slightly adjusted. The type should never be replaced or modified. Use of Adobe Garamond should be avoided in body copy in order to ensure that the master logo stands out in the visual hierarchy.

Master logo files should never be recreated or typeset. Only official logo files should be used in communications.

Official master logo files can be downloaded at

Two-color: PMS 281 & PMS 8640 (metallic gold, for specialty printing)

One-color: PMS 281



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Incorrect Usage


Do: Always use master logo colors as specified.Don’t: Modify master logo colors, even if it means simply reversing them.

Do: Always ensure that the master logo is legible over its background. Use the reversed version of the logo when necessary.Don’t: Place the full-color version of the logo over a dark background.

Do: Always keep the elements of the master logo together.Don’t: Separate the steeple mark from the wordmark or scale one independently of the other.

Do: Always scale the master logo proportionally, using the Shift key.Don’t: Stretch or otherwise modify the master logo in scale.

Do: Always use the master logo as specified.Don’t: Modify the master logo in any way.

Do: Always use master logo wordmark as specified.Don’t: Reset type in the master logo, for any reason.

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Master Logo with TaglineThe master logo with tagline should:

1. Be used only on projects produced by the Marketing Office at this time.

2. Be used on projects that illustrate one or more brand tenets.

3. Be “Paid off” with the content on the piece.

4. Be used as “punctuation”, not a headline

5. Never be recreated or typeset.

Two-color: PMS 281 & PMS 4505

One-color: PMS 281



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Do: Always use tagline color as specified—the color should match the wordmark.Don’t: Modify lockup colors, for any reason.

Do: Always ensure that the master logo is legible over its background. Use the reversed version of the logo when necessary.Don’t: Place the full-color version of the logo over a dark background.

Do: Always use the lockup as specified.Don’t: Scale the elements of the lockup independently, including the registered symbol.

Do: Always scale the master logo and tagline lockup proportionally, using the Shift key.Don’t: Stretch or otherwise modify the master logo in scale.

Do: Always use the lockup as specified.Don’t: Use the tagline without the master logo or modify the lockup in any way.

Do: Always use the tagline as specified.Don’t: Reset type in the tagline, for any reason.

Take on your world.®

Incorrect Usage

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Master Vertical LogoThe vertical orientation of the master logo should be used in a very limited capacity, only when necessary. The same guidelines used for the horizontal orientation of the master logo apply to the vertical orientation.

The vertical orientation of the master logo should be used when:

• It will be centered in a square format; for example, in social media or on the front of a square greeting card.

• It will be placed in a layout that will not accommodate the horizontal orientation legibly; for example, on vertical signage.

Master vertical logo files should never be recreated or typeset. Only official logo files should be used in communications. Follow color and usage guidelines from page 16 and 17 of this guide.

Example: Twitter avatar

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University SealThe official seal of the university is reserved for diplomas and commencement-related materials, presidential letters, and other official documents left to the discretion of the Marketing Office.

• Use the seal alone in its entirety.

• Never change the size relationship among the various elements in the seal.

• Never distort the elements of the seal.

• Like the master signature, the seal should not be cut apart, added to, stretched or otherwise compromised.

• Never use a shadow on the elements of the seal.

• Never use the elements of the seal with type inside of it.

• Never combine the seal with another graphic, emblem or symbol.

• Never use the seal on administrative forms, fliers, newsletters or general correspondence.

• Colors are St. Edward’s blue (PMS 281), metallic gold (PMS 8640) and metallic silver (PMS 877), or all St. Edward’s blue, all black, or all metallic gold.

All requests to use the seal on merchandise or other items with dignity and value must be approved by the Marketing Office prior to placing the order.

In all cases, seek written approval from the Marketing Office to use the seal.

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Minimum SizeMinimum sizing for the master logo and master logo with tagline is 1.75” wide.

Minimum sizing for the vertical logo is 1.25” wide.

All versions of the master logo should always be scaled proportionally, using the Shift key.

Clear SpaceAt a minimum, the clear space around the logo should be equal to the height of the upper- case “D” in “St. Edward’s.”



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Core Academic IdentitiesCore academic identities include: schools of study, individual undergraduate and graduate degree programs, research opportunities, student/campus services and facilities. The examples on this page are not the complete list of core academic identities.

In most cases, the name of the core academic identity should join the master logo creating a lockup. The name of the core academic identity should meet the appropriate clear space around the master logo (see page 24), be typeset in our brand font Adobe Garamond Pro (see page 35) and match our St. Edward’s Blue color (see page 38–39).

Request the official core academic identity lockup files from the Marketing Office.

Lockup example:

Academic AffairsAcademic Counseling and ExplorationAcademic Support ProgramsAuxiliary Services BookstoreBusiness OfficeCampus MinistryCampus RecreationCareer and Professional DevelopmentCenter for Teaching ExcellenceCollege Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)Copy CenterDean of StudentsFacilitiesFine Arts GalleryHealth & Counseling CenterHuman ResourcesInformation Technology

Institutional ResearchInstitutional Review BoardInstructional TechnologyMcNair Scholars ProgramMunday LibraryNew CollegeOffice of International EducationOffice of Sponsored ProgramsRegistrarResidence LifeSchool of Behavioral and Social SciencesSchool of EducationSchool of HumanitiesSchool of Natural SciencesThe Bill Munday School of BusinessStudent Disability ServicesStudent LifeUniversity Police DepartmentUniversity Programs

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Core Academic Identity Sample LockupsCore academic identity lockups follow the same rules as the master logo and are available in three versions:

Left AlignedUsed when the lockup is a secondary element, usually appearing in the upper or lower left hand corner of the layout.

CenteredUsed when lockup is the primary element, such as in promotional items and signage.

VerticalUsed in a limited capacity, when the lockup will be centered in a square format or placed in a layout that will not accomodate the horizontal orientation legibly; for example on vertical signage or in social media profiles.

Core academic identity files should never be recreated or typeset. Only official logo files should be used in communications and follow the same usage guildlines as the university logo described on page 19 of this guide.

Request the official core academic identity lockup files from the Marketing Office.


Residence Life

Left Aligned



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Brand Extension IdentitiesBrand extensions operate independently of St. Edward’s and have their own organizational structure. Brand extensions include: the Alumni Association, Mary Moody Northen Theatre, The Kotzmetsky Center of Excellence and The St. Edward’s Fund.

While the St. Edward’s master logo acts as the primary endorser of brand extensions, a specific wordmark treatment has been developed for use on traditional visual identity vehicles, such as letterheads, business cards, websites and publications. Adherence to other visual standards will apply, and brand extension identities must be subordinate to the university identity.

Brand extension identity should never be recreated or typeset. Only official logo files should be used in communications and follow the same usage guildlines as the university logo described on page 19 of this guide.

Request the official brand extension identity files from the Marketing Office.

Alumni Association

The Kozmetsky Center of Excellence

Mary Moody Northen Theatre

The St. Edward’s Fund


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LetterheadBecause St. Edward’s University is one brand, there is one correct format for the official letterhead, envelope and business card to be used across all core academic identities, brand extensions and official university business. When used consistently, our brand is undiluted and presents professionalism.

All orders of printed letterhead must go through the Copy Center.

Digital versions (intended for screen use only) of the generic letterhead template can be downloaded at


Academic Counseling and Exploration

3001 South Congress Avenue     Austin, Texas 78704-6489  

NameCompanyAddressCity, State ZIP

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

Warmest Regards,


Core academic identity names should be presented in Adobe Garamond 12pt. and Brand Extensions should be presented in Helvetica LT Std Black & Light Condensed 10 pt.

Footer should be presented in Helvetica LT Std Light 8 pt.

Body copy should be presented in Helvetica LT Std Light 11 pt.

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Envelopes and Business CardsAll business card and envelope orders must go through the Copy Center.


Brenda J. Vallance, PhDDean, School of Behavioral and Social Sciences;Professor of Political Science

3001 South Congress Avenue | Austin, TX 78704-6489512.416.5814 DIRECT | 512.416.5814 CELL | 512.416.5814 FAX

[email protected] | twitterskypesocialmedia

Names should be presented in Helvetica LT Std Bold 8 pt.

Titles and contact information should be presented in Helvetica LT Std Light 7 pt.

Entire return address should be presented in Helvetica LT Std Light 8 pt.

Office of International Education3001 South Congress AvenueAustin, TX 78704

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Co-Brand IdentitiesCo-branding is the process of pairing another organization’s established brand with our university identity. Examples of our co-brand identities include: Asia Pacific University, Queen Margaret University, Université Catholique De L’Ouest and Holy Cross Institute.

Co-brand identity files should never be recreated or typeset. Only official logo files should be used in communications.

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DO: Always ensure that logos are all in color, all in black, or all reversed out, in order to help enforce hierarchy and legibility.

DON’T: Place some logos in color and some reversed or in black.

DO: Arrange logos so that they are close enough to relate to one another.

DON’T: Place logos so far away from each other that they don’t form a relationship.

DO: Always ensure that there is adequate clear space between logos.

DON’T: Break minimum clear space requirements.

DO: Ensure that logos are sized appropriately in relationship to one another; for example, the master logo should be smaller than the UCO logo above.

DON’T: Size logos inappropriately.

DO: Arrange logos of equal weight on a center axis.

DON’T: Arrange logos without a clear and legible relationship to one another.

DO: Ensure that logos of equal weight in a partnership are sized in equal weight.

DON’T: Size logos disproportionately in an equal partnership.

Equal Partner

Lesser Partner

Incorrect Usage

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Athletic IdentitiesSt. Edward’s University Athletics has its own set of symbols and marks to represent the varsity athletic programs and promote school spirit. These marks should not be used in official university communication, but are reserved for informal use on uniforms, athletic apparel, varsity sports promotional materials and field signage. Like the master logo, the St. Edward’s University varsity names and icons are protected marks of the university.

Refer to the St. Edward’s ahtletics brand guidelines which include specific co-branding guidelines, typography, color and graphics, apparel, web standards, communication, environmental graphics, campus recreation, telephone and email etiquette, and template information.

The Athletics identity should never be used in place of the university logo in any academic application and must be approved by Debbie Taylor in the Athletics Department.

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TypographyThe typefaces selected to represent the St. Edward’s University brand not only work to organize information, but also express the brand’s personality and convey a sense of wholeness in the brand.

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Helvetica LT Std: University Font FamilyThe Helvetica LT Std font family has been chosen as the font family for use in headlines, body copy and general layout. Helvetica is known for its clean, modern design, and it is appropriate for use in almost any circumstance.

Helvetica LT Std Roman is the preferred typeface for general use; however, some situations may call for specific emphasis, in which case the Light or Bold variations may be used (sparingly). In any weight, the Oblique version of the typeface may be used for emphasis of a particular word, or for titling or block quotes. When typesetting Helvetica, optical kerning and “Auto” leading should always be employed. Hyphenation should be avoided.

Helvetica LT Std Roman


Helvetica LT Std Roman Oblique


Helvetica LT Std Light


Helvetica LT Std Light Oblique


Helvetica LT Std Bold


Helvetica LT Std Bold Oblique


Helvetica LT Std Light Condensed


Helvetica LT Std Condensed


Helvetica LT Std Bold Condensed


Helvetica LT Std Light Condensed Oblique


Helvetica LT Std Condensed Oblique


Helvetica LT Std Bold Condensed Oblique


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Adobe Garamond Pro: Naming Conventions and Formal Event Collateral OnlyAdobe Garamond Pro has been chosen for use in naming conventions (such as “St. Edward’s University” or Core Academic Identities) and formal event collateral (such as commencement ceremony programs and invitations) only. Garamond was chosen for its balance, refinement and elegance to represent the brand at the highest level. It should rarely be used for body copy.

Adobe Garamond Pro Italic


Adobe Garamond Pro Regular


Adobe Garamond Pro Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV W XYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Adobe Garamond Pro Bold Italic


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Type SpectrumConsider the intended audience and usage of your communication to help determine which fonts work best. The traits listed on the grid serve as a guiding framework.








Adobe Garamond Pro Bold

Helvetica LT Std Bold

Adobe Garamond Pro Regular

Helvetica LT Std Light

Helvetica LT Std Roman

Adobe Garamond Pro SemiBold

Helvetica LT Std Light Condensed

Helvetica LT Std Bold Condensed

Helvetica LT Std Condensed

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ColorThe official St. Edward’s University blue and gold are key components of our graphic identity.

These colors represent our heritage and identity and must be used together in print, electronic and environmental applications.

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Heritage PaletteThe official St. Edward’s University blue and gold are key components of our graphic identity. Consistent use and careful matching are essential in establishing and maintaining a unified image.

The heritage colors are to be used as St. Edward’s Univeristy’s official Pantones.

The metallic gold (PMS 8640) is reserved for stationery, business cards, diplomas and other formal applications.

PMS 281

100% 80% 40% 20%HERITAGE BLUE

PMS 4505

100% 80% 40% 20%HERITAGE GOLD

PMS 8640


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Primary PaletteThe primary colors are to be used when Pantone colors are not appropriate.

St. Edward’s Blue and Gold are our key brand colors. They should be used frequently in all university applications.

Main Red is another key color for our brand. It should be used more sparingly for emphasis in important applications.

Trustee Blue is for use as an addition to or alternative to St. Edward’s Blue and to prevent overuse of St. Edward’s Blue.

The PMS numbers provided are for spot printing needs and for matching CMYK colors during the printing process.

C: 100M: 64Y: 0K: 60

C: 20M: 25Y: 60K: 25

100% 80% 40% 20%

100% 80% 40% 20%



C: 22M: 94Y: 83K: 2

100% 80% 40% 20%MAIN RED

C: 62M: 22Y: 20K: 25

100% 80% 40% 20%TRUSTEE BLUE

PMS 281 RGB 0/37/102 Web #002566

PMS 4505 RGB 153/143/77 Web #998f4d

PMS 200 RGB 195/15/42 Web #c30f2a

PMS 5483 RGB 78/132/150 Web #4e8496

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Secondary Palette: VibrantThe vibrant colors are to be used as supporting colors to the primary and subdued palettes.

The PMS numbers provided are for spot printing needs and for matching CMYK colors during the printing process.

C: 35M: 10Y: 0K: 0

C: 66M: 3Y: 85K: 0

C: 0M: 40Y: 70K: 0

100% 80% 40% 20%

100% 80% 40% 20%

100% 80% 40% 20%

100% 80% 40% 20%

C: 2M: 89Y: 75K: 0

100% 80% 40% 20% 100% 80% 40% 20%

C: 26M: 7Y: 91K: 0







PMS 1365 RGB 255/156/64 Web #ff9c40

PMS 360 RGB 94/182/94 Web #5eb65e

PMS 1788 RGB 250/28/64 Web #fa1c40

PMS 2905 RGB 160/201/236 Web #a0c9ec

C: 0M: 10Y: 100K: 3

PMS 109 RGB 250/213/0 Web #fad500

PMS 382 RGB 199/205/66 Web #c7cd42

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Secondary Palette: SubduedThe subdued colors are to be used as supporting colors to the primary and vibrant palettes.

The PMS numbers provided are for spot printing needs and for matching CMYK colors during the printing process.

C: 20M: 25Y: 60K: 25

C: 45M: 38Y: 39K: 2

100% 80% 40% 20%

100% 80% 40% 20%

100% 80% 40% 20%

C: 44M: 39Y: 50K: 0

C: 50M: 0Y: 50K: 26

100% 80% 40% 20%





PMS 629 RGB 162/200/197 Web #a2c8c5

PMS 429 RGB 147/145/143 Web #93918f

PMS 406 RGB 154/147/131 Web #9a9383

PMS 624 RGB 100/159/124 Web #649f7c

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Color SpectrumThis chart is a guide for the mood each color conveys on a communications piece. Colors can range from formal to casual and from subtle to bold.

Use this as a starting point to choose the palette that will project the right mood for the piece.








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PhotographyEvery photograph we use, both online and in print, reflects our brand. Please follow these photo guidelines to produce versatile images that we can reuse in various formats.

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OverviewOur photography should represent the university’s brand tenets when and wherever possible: Academic Challenge, Global Perspective, Make A Difference.

The mood and tone of the imagery should be natural, positive, comtemporary and engaging. Our style aims to include the viewer as a participant in the photo, not on the outside looking in.

The style of photography is achieved by observing the following guidelines:

• Use high-contrast and natural light sources

• Show individuals actively engaged and with natural postures. Avoid capturing stiff and overly-posed moments.

• Shoot from multiple angles, including a wide-angle, and in both horizontal and vertical formats.

• Include visual context of St. Edward’s through elements such as iconic campus architecture, students’ individuality and items unique to our campus.

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Students• Show students in classes that are

engaging, challenging and personal. Show students listening, reading, writing, creating, interacting or presenting.

• Position male and female students together. Strive for ethnic, cultural and gender diversity.

• Use foreground obstruction to create depth.

• Integrate items that showcase current technology such as laptops, smartphones, etc.

• Shoot using portrait and landscape orientations. Always take a wide shot of the classroom as well as tight, close-up photos.

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Instructors• Photograph instructors using hand

gestures, showing them engaged, active and natural.

• Show students in the classroom.

• Capture instructors looking engaged and happy.

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Speakers• Take horizontal and vertical images as

well as close-up and wide shots.

• Try to capture them in front of different backgrounds when possible that highlight the topic of their presentation.

• Photograph speakers with a variety of hand gestures and facial expressions.

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Editorial Portraits• Photograph subjects with a prop or in an

environment that aligins with the story to give context.

• Take photos of the subjects looking at the camera as well as looking away.

• Leave enough space in the frame for copy.

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Headshots• Ask the subject to wear a solid color and

to avoid white or black. White tends to wash skin tones out and black has very little tonality.

• Keep the background and the subject in the shade. If the background is in the sun and the subject is in the shade, the background will be completely washed out.

• Pay attention to the color of the subject’s attire and try to shoot in front of a complimentary background.

• Use a simple, uncluttered color scheme as a background.

• If time allows, try more than one background option.

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TopicalReflect authentic student life on campus.

• Photograph from a variety of angles.

• Take wide shots and close-ups, both vertical and horizontal.

• Photograph an even ratio of male and female students.

• Capture the highlights and the in-between moments.

• Look for a natural diversity in race, gender and age.

• Photograph students looking at the camera as well as engaged in action.

• When appropriate, include university landmarks in photographs for context.

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What to AvoidAvoid cliche moments (i.e. students sitting in a circle outside).

Do not photograph students wearing other schools’ logos or names. Never promote other brands or products.

When appropriate, ask students to take off baseball caps, sunglasses or head wear.

Do not photograph all female or all male students. Always position male and female students together.

Remove prominent beverages and logos from the frame.

Avoid shots where the backs of subjects’ heads fill most of the frame.

While keeping the shot candid, shoot from an angle where at least part of the subject’s face is visible.


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VideoEach video we create reflects our brand. Please follow these video guidelines to produce high quality videos for use across multiple channels.

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Overview• If possible, the background should visually

represent the subject or topic.

• The background should not be too busy. Try to anticipate if people or sounds could disrupt the background or audio, and take precautions to avoid it as much as possible.

• Place your subject in the frame using the rule of thirds (place your subject to the left or right side of the frame, not in the center).

• For interview style videos, subject should look across camera frame, not directly into the camera lens unless specified otherwise. For example, if the subject is placed on the right side of the frame, have them look toward the left side of the frame.

• The interviewer should be as close to the camera as possible and on the opposite side of the interviewee.

• Set up the camera at eye-level of the subject or slightly above.

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Overview continued• Both the foreground and background

should be in the shade when shooting outside. Never shoot your subject in the shade with a sunny background.

• Make sure you are recording in a quiet place. Buzzing lights, doors closing, traffic noise and people talking are all very distracting sounds.

• When shooting an interview and b-roll, keep our photography guidelines in mind. Many of them apply.

• Be sure to hold at the head and tail of each shot to give the editor room to cut.

• Use a tripod when available.

Contact staff photographer/videographer Morgan Printy at [email protected] for video graphic style, including end slides and any other assets needed.

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What to Avoid• Avoid placing your subject in the center of

the frame.

• Avoid a background with anything that appears to be “growing” out of the subject’s head.

• Avoid interviewing the subject against a wall or sitting in high-back chairs.

• Create separation between the subject and the background.

• Do not have subject angled and looking too far off camera.

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ResourcesBranding Standards and Graphic Identity

For questions related to Brand and Style Guidelines, call the Marketing Office at 512-448-8775.

Athletic Identities and Usage

For questions related to the Athletic Identities and Usage, call Debbie Taylor at 512-448-8744.

University Stationery and Business Cards

For questions related to or placing orders for university stationery and business cards, call the Copy Center at 512-448-8586.