Download - st Dear Parents and Friends

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8 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0 N O . 1


Thursday 11th—Monday 22ed

Life Ed Van

Tuesday 23rd

District Swimming


Monday 1st

School Photos

Monday 8th Labour Day—NO STUDENTS

Thursday 11th

Casual Clothes—Easter Egg Donation

Friday 12th

Stocky Sports Day

Monday 15th –Thursday 18th

Year 2 and 3 Swimming

Monday 22nd—Thursday 25th

Year 2 and 3 Swimming

Tuesday 23rd

District Sports

Tuesday 30th Easter Fair 1-4pm

Table of Contents Page No.

Principal’s word 1

Meet our Staff 2-3

Preps 1st Day 4

School Council - Nominations


CSEF information 6

Parent Help 7

State School’s Relief School Uniform


Birthdays 9

School Information 10

eSafety 11

Library News 12

Information of Interest 13-15

Donations Needed

If you have spare wool

please consider donating

to the school for our

knitting / craft activities.

All donations are much


Dear Parents and Friends

In the first newsletter last year I wrote ‘Welcome back for what is going to be a very exciting

2020!’ Little did we know what was to come!

It’s been great catching up last week with all students and families to see what they got up to for

the summer holidays. It’s also great seeing how much some of our students have grown over

that time as well. Some I hardly recognised, especially those with missing teeth.

This year at Stocky we have a few different initiatives happening. One exciting one is the tutoring

initiative funded by the State Government to help catch up students from last year. As a school

we have added to the cost of this program to ensure our students have great growth and no lost

learning from last year. Another focus for this year is to ensure we remain as connected with

our families as we were during Flexible and Remote Learning. Lots of comments and discussions

with families showed that the connectivity from home to the Classroom and the wider school

was a positive throughout this year. This is something we’d love to continue and strengthen.

Another major focus for this year is to strengthen the school’s reading program from Prep to

Grade 6. This is in our school’s 4 year Strategic Plan (available on our website) and looks to

make sure we are consistent in our work across the school. It is exciting to see teachers em-

brace the work we have already started. We are looking later in the year when we are able to,

to hold information sessions about our 6 pillars of reading. These 6 pillars are widely researched

and give us the basis as to how to structure our reading program. The 6 pillars are 1-Oral Lan-

guage 2- Phonemic Awareness 3-Phonics 4- Fluency 5- Vocabulary 6- Comprehension. We look

forward to sharing our work with you as we progress through this as a staff.

Very soon there will be an important survey sent out regarding Outside Hours School Care

(OHSC). I know this has been looked into before and we are prepared to reopen the investiga-

tions for this to run at Stocky. We understand that some providers have ceased their operations

which is making it difficult for some families to find suitable care arrangements for before and

after school care. We are building a small steering committee if there was anyone prepared to

spend some time to assist. Please email the school if you would be prepared to be on this little

committee to investigate OHSC being provided at Stocky.

As we begin the school year we are asking for nominations for parents to join School Council.

Please see the attached sheet in this newsletter for the timeline of School Council elections.

School Council is a very important aspect of the running and direction of the school. Every year,

we have half the parent reps two year term expire. This is to ensure we don’t have all terms

ending at the one time. You can always re-elect if your term comes to an end. I worked at a

school where one of the parents had sat on school council for nearly 20 Years! Our first meet-

ing of the year is the 22nd February and as always parents are always welcome. The first meeting

for the new school council will be held on 22nd March.

Adam Downes


Annual privacy reminder Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard

school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy

Please take time to remind yourself of the school’s collection statement, found on the DET website

For more information about privacy, see: Schools’ Privacy Policy – information for parents. This

information is also available in nine community languages.

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P A G E 2 N O . 1 Meet our Staff

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P A G E 3 N O . 1 Meet our Staff Cont...

JSC News Over the coming weeks we will elect our 2021 Junior School

Council. The JSC will then meet to plan out events for this year.

Regards from Mrs Irwin, Miss Bogart and Mrs Lock

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P A G E 4 N O . 1 Preps First Day It is with great pleasure that we welcome our 2021 Preps to Stockdale Road. The children

spent the day counting, drawing and learning about sounds. They played outside on the blue

playground and visited the different places in our school.

Here is a peek into our day!

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P A G E 5

N O . 1 School Council Nominations

Do I have what it takes to be on council?

You need to be keen but you don’t need to be an expert

You need to like people and be able to work in a team

You need to be prepared to commit the time needed to

ensure the work of council gets done and attend all

meetings if possible. These meetings will be held on

selected Monday’s of each month, beginning at 6:30 pm in

the staff room. You will be provided with a calendar of all

meeting dates for the year.

What is the role of a school council member?

Parent members bring expertise and views to council on

behalf of the whole school community but are not

appointed to represent specific interest groups

School councillors will be involved in decisions about

establishing school vision, developing and monitoring a

Strategic Plan, updating and reviewing school policies,

develop, review and monitor school uniform, raising funds,

approve the annual budget, entering contracts and

generally stimulate interest in the school

The principal’s role is workforce management (staffing)

and Educational Leadership of the school as the Executive

Officer of the School Council.

Nominations are now being called for four parent representatives on School Council. Nominations will close on Wednesday

February 19th at 4pm. Nomination forms are available at the office.

Please consider nominating for one of the 4 Parent Category positions. We have 4 staff and 4 parent vacancies. Each

position is for a 2 year term.


Notice of election and call for nominations Thursday 4th February 2021

Closing date for nominations Thursday 18th February 2021

The date by which the list of candidates and nominators will be displayed Monday 22nd February 2021

The date by which ballot papers will be prepared and distributed Thursday 25th February 2021

Close of ballot Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Vote count Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Declaration of ballot Friday 5th March 2021

Tentative first council meeting to appoint Community members

(the Principal will preside)

Monday 22nd March 2021

Tentative second council meeting to elect office bearer

(the Principal will preside)

Monday 22nd March 2021

Why would I want to be on Council?

It is a great way to get involved and have a real say in what

your school is doing for its students

It’s a very good way to help present future students of the


Your children may feel a greater sense of belonging with the


If you are a DEECD employee who is a parent of a student en-

rolled in a Government School you are eligible for election to the

parent category, as long as you do not work at the school at

which their child is enrolled. If this is the case, you will only be

eligible for the DEECD category at the school.

If you work at another school you will be elected to the parent

category, but for voting purposes in a quorum you will be counted

as a DEECD employee, which sometimes means recommenda-

tions cannot be passed at council, as we need more parent repre-

sentatives than DEECD in this situation.

What is the workload?

School council must meet at least 8 times per year and at

least once per school term

Meetings should be restricted to approximately 2 hours

All school councillors are expected to sit on at least one

sub-committee, and these are working committee’s i.e. for

working bees/fundraising etc. These meetings are held on the

same night as the council meeting at 6pm.

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P A G E 6 N O . 1 CSEF Applications The Camps, Sports and Excursions Funds. Please note the changes for 2021. Application forms can be

obtained from the office. If none of your details have changed and you received the CSEF last year, you

will not have to do anything.

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P A G E 7 N O . 1 Parent Help

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P A G E 8 N O . 1

School Uniform

Girls Boys

Plain navy blue pleated skorts/shorts or basketball shorts Plain navy blue shorts or basketball shorts

Royal blue short or long sleeve polo shirt with yellow Stock-

dale Road PS logo

Royal blue short or long sleeve polo shirt with yellow Stockdale

Road PS logo

Royal blue windcheater, jumper or bomber jacket with yellow

Stockdale Road PS logo

(Hoodies are not acceptable)

Royal blue windcheater, jumper or bomber jacket with yellow Stock-

dale Road PS logo

(Hoodies are not acceptable)

Plain navy blue full length pants Plain navy blue full length pants

Plain navy blue tracksuit pants Plain navy blue tracksuit pants

Blue and white check dress Navy spray jacket

Navy Tunic (to be worn with long sleeve polo and navy tights

Navy spray jacket

As determined by School Council Stockdale Road Primary school has a compulsory school uniform that children are required to wear

as outlined in our Student Dress Code Policy.

Why do we have a compulsory school uniform?


promote a sense of identity and pride

allow all student to feel equal

prevent bullying and competition on the basis of clothing

ensure students’ appearance reflects the expectations of the school community

enhance the profile and identity of the school and its students within the wider community

enhance individual student safety and group security

ensure all students are dressed safely and appropriately for school activities

encourage students to develop pride in their appearance

prepare students for the expectations of workplaces

strengthen the spirit of community within the school

encourage students to present themselves appropriately for a particular role

Please note: ‘bike skorts’, ‘active skorts’ or stretch skorts, as shown here

are not approved as part of our school council approved uniform.

The pictures to the right are items added to the school uniform last year

State Schools’ Relief State Schools’ Relief may cover the cost of new school uniforms, shoes, books and more for

disadvantaged students. Relief only responds to requests from school principals, assistant principals

and welfare coordinators.

Parents/carers who are struggling need to make an appointment with the school to discuss their


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P A G E 9 N O . 1 Birthdays

To all our students and teachers who celebrated their birthday over the summer holidays and have

upcoming birthdays

























































Mr Kilday

Miss Milbourne

Mrs Scurlock

Miss Weckmann

Miss Hill



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N O . 1 P A G E 1 0

The Athlete’s Foot Traralgon offers $5.00 cash back

to Stockdale Road Primary School for every pair of

school shoes, sport shoes, work shoes and casual

shoes purchased by our families.

Just mention the name of our school.

We recently received a cheque for $350 so thank you

to those parents who mentioned Stocky when

purchasing shoes for their family

If you shop at Rebel Sport consider selecting Stockdale

Road Primary School as your preferred club on your loyalty

card. For every purchase made, Rebel Sport give our

school store credit. This allows our school to purchase

new sports equipment for the children to use.

The school has recently purchased over $1000 worth of

sporting equipment for use in P.E. and lunch time activities.

Thank you to the parents who mentioned Stocky when

purchasing goods at Rebel Sport.

Athletes Foot Rebel Sport

Stocky Meal Deals every Wednesday

Order forms will be sent home on Mondays for the Wednesday of the following week and can also be

downloaded from the website. All orders and money are due in the Thursday before by 9am and no

late orders can be taken.

Parents please remember that there are no Shop lunch orders on a Wednesday due to the Stocky Meal

Deal Days. There is a new price list for Shop lunch orders, available from our website.

Stocky Meal Deal

As part of our schools Sunsmart Policy at ALL children must wear a school sun hat whilst

outside during Terms 1 and 4.



Sunsmart Policy

At Stocky we use Compass School Manager as our Parent Portal. Using our Parent

Portal allows you to:

View up-to-date class and school attendance information

Approve or enter upcoming or past absences for your child/ren

Access information regarding upcoming events and news

Book your Parent/Student/Teacher conferences

You can access Compass through any modern web browser or by using “Compass

School Manager” app available for IOS or Android.

To access our parent Portal, go to our website and click the Compass link on the

homepage. Please ensure your notifications are turned on in the settings so you receive

information as it is published.

If you have any issues logging in , please contact the office.


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N O . 1 P A G E 1 1 eSafety

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N O . 1 P A G E 1 2

P.O Box 552,

Traralgon, Vic, 3844

Phone: 5174 1607

Fax: 5176 1603

Email: [email protected]

Stockdal Road PrimaySchool

No. 4652

Scholastic Book Club

Issue 1 is out now!

Please return orders on or before

Friday 12th February.

If you would like to purchase books for gifts, order on

LOOP and check the gift box. Your books will be

delivered to the school separately from student orders

and you will be notified that they are here to pick up.

Enclose cash and completed order form in a clearly

labelled envelope (name, grade and ‘Book Club’) and

hand it in to the office.

Library News

Story Box Library Dear Families,

We are delighted to let you know about an

education resource that is available to your

child at home as part of our school subscription—Story Box


Your child can watch their favourite stories, read aloud by

fabulous storytellers, at home as well as in the classroom.

Reading aloud to children, in particular by diverse and engaging

storytellers, greatly improves language and literacy skills,

especially in the early years of a child’s development. Story Box

Library is committed to supporting and encouraging the

practice of storytelling.

It is intended for use as a complementary form of delivering the

precious experience of being read aloud to, in order to improve

children’s lives. Connecting children with literature through the

complementary medium of film providing a vibrant, interactive

experience via a diverse range of everyday storytellers—

sportspeople, musicians, grandparents, teenagers, comedians,

actors, with varying accents and from different cultures—each

sharing past and present book titles.

To access Story Box Library at home:

Visit: www.storyboxlibrary,

Choose Log in From the top right corner of the screen

Use the following username and password

Username: stockystorybox

Password: stockystorybox

Enjoy the library of stories on any device with internet connection!

Please note the following Story Box Library features:

Continually expanding library of thought-provoking, entertaining storytelling segments

Content to inspire Pre/Foundation through to Year 6 students

Range of short films that enable children to discover the creative process behind the books

Related ‘Classroom ideas’ for each story linked to the current Australian Curriculum

Captions option available with each story

Advertisement free zone. The website is completely free of any advertising

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N O . 1 P A G E 1 3 Information of Interest!

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PIANO / KEYBOARD LESSONS Piano/keyboard lessons are available during school hours. Lessons are

provided by well known professional musician and music teacher

Anton Fullerton.

Anton is a reputable teacher with over 30 years local teaching experience.

Specialising in contemporary and improvisational styles with a focus on fun, Anton will match his teach-

ing programs to the individual student.

Classical tastes are catered for with formal AMEB syllabus and examinations.

Anton’s after school private practice has a long waiting list. This is an opportunity to jump the queue

and have your child taught conveniently, at an affordable weekly rate.

Ring Anton to express your interest and secure a time slot for this term. Spac-

es are limited.

PHONE 0490 049 919

N O . 1 P A G E 1 4

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