Download - St Aidan New Ross Parish. All Church of St. Mary & St Michael’s Theatre trapped under the rubble of their fallen


Scripture Readings for Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ist Reading: Jer 1:4-5, 17-19. Psalm: 70:1-6, 15, 17, R/ v15. 2nd Reading: 1 Cor 12:31-13:13. Gospel: Luke 4:21-30. _______________________________

Parish Contact Details Telephone: (051) 421348.

Fax: (051) 420122. E-Mail :

[email protected].

_________________________________ St Vincent De Paul - New Ross

Telephone: (085) 8313073. ____________________________

Priest on Duty - 051 421214. _________________________

Weekly Collection - Sunday 17th January 2016

Envelopes: 246 Amount: €2033.20

________________________________ Sanctuary Lamp €10 per week


Eucharistic Adoration takes place in our Parish each Tuesday beginning after 10.00am Mass and concluding with

Solemn Benediction at 9.00pm.

____________________________________ New Ross Bethany Bereavement

Support Group: Contact No: 087-3846577

________________________________ Lectio Divina - each Wednesday

morning at 10.45am in the Parish Pastoral Centre, Robert St, New Ross. ________________________________

Legion Of Mary - Weekly Meetings For details: Contact Des & Marie

Tel: 051-420523 _______________________________

Parish Visitation Group. ‘Have you one hour per week to give to the elderly of New Ross? We will all be elderly

at some stage.We already have 16 people being visited on a weekly basis and we now have more on a waiting list. So if you have that hour per week to spare please contact

083 4745789’. _________________________________

St Michael’s Theatre Sunday 24th January at 3.00pm

Movie: The Good Dinosaur. ___________________________________

Campile Hall. Panto: Robinson Crusoe, starting on

Wednesday 27th January and continuing to Sunday 31st January - 8.00pm.

The Parish Office & Shop Opening Hours;- Monday - Friday

10.30am - 4.00pm.

St Aidan—Patron of Diocese of Ferns.

Saturday 30th January is the Feast of St Aidan, Patron Saint of our Diocese.

The Novena Prayer, which began on Thursday

last 21st January is as follows;-

Almighty God, our creator and guide. You close St Aidan to establish a church at Ferns and to preach the Good News of your Son, Jesus Christ. As we celebrate his feast, we give thanks for his witness and teaching. Through his intercession, we pray that we re-

main true to the faith which he brought to Ferns: that we listen to the Word of God; follow the teaching of our Holy Father;

and remain loyal to the tradition of our faith.

All-powerful Father, through the intercession of St Aidan,

I ask you to listen to and grant my prayer and request……..

I ask these prayers

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the

Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.

(Novena may be said anytime of the year).

New Ross Parish. Church of

St. Mary & St. Michael

Newsletter Volume 29 No 4 24th January 2016

The Deep End - Are you fulfilling Scripture?

The prologue to the Gospel of Luke is almost like the

opening credits of a major blockbuster movie, there’s something exciting about it. We don’t really know who

Theophilus was, possibly a patron of Luke’s, but his name also means ‘ Lover of God ‘ and in that sense this Gospel

is addressed to all ‘lovers of God’.

In the synagogue, Jesus is handed the scroll from Isaiah. It is one of the most powerful passages in the New Testament as Jesus sets out his mission, his

manifesto. The uncomfortable truths contained within the passage cause the crowd to reject him. We know that in our world today good news has still to

reach the afflicted, captives still await liberation, the oppressed are not free. So this is not a passage read in the past, it is very much alive, very much a vision for all to have and to work towards. Just as the scriptures are fulfilled in Jesus,

they are also filled in each of our lives. There are many causes we can be involved in, refugees, climate justice, homelessness, neighbourliness,

community involvement. Wherever we are, in our own small ways, we can strive to make this dream a reality.

‘Lord of the universe, look in love upon your people. Pour the healing oil of

your compassion on a world that is wounded and dying. Send us out in search of the lost, to comfort the afflicted, to bind up the broken, and to free those

trapped under the rubble of their fallen dream.’ SHEILA CASSIDY


New Ross Parish Community strives to be a welcoming, life-giving PEOPLE, nourished by FAITH, WORSHIP of God

and SERVICE of all in the example of Jesus Christ.

Mass Intentions for the Week

Sat 23 6.00 Patrick (Paddy ) Byrne, Bosheen Anniversary.

Sun 24 8.00 Danny Nolan, Creywell Anniversary.

9.00 Joan Kinsella, Knockmullen, Anniversary.

10.00 Anne Gilfoyle, An Caislean Maol Anniversary.


6.00 Lena & Jim Connolly, Church Lane Anniversary.

Mon 25 8.00 Special Intention

10.00 Brigid O’Brien, Quay Street, & Fr John O’Brien, Anniversary.

Tues 26 8.00 Tom Walsh, Clonleigh Anniversary.

10.00 Thomas Gannon, Priesthaggard Anniversary.

Wed 27 8.00 Mass for the People of the Parish

10.00 Jimmy Murphy, Parkfield Anniversary.

Thurs 28 8.00 Victoria Joseph RIP, Recently Deceased.

10.00 James Doyle, Ardross Anniversary.

Fri 29 8.00 Johnny Sinnott, Chapel Lane Anniversary.

10.00 Andy O’Rourke. 8 Lr. William Street Anniversary.

Sat 30 8.00 James Forristal, Ferrybridge Anniversary.

10.00 New Ross Parish Mass Association

6.00 Peter & Betty Furness, Molly & Pat Hendrick, Bewley St. Anniv.

Sun 31 8.00 Joseph Furlong, Harbour View Anniversary.

9.00 Michael O’Sullivan, Charleton Hill Anniversary.

10.00 Pat & Annie Dunne, Upr Mary Street Anniversary.


6.00 Tom McCallum, 25 Southknock Anniversary.

Sanctuary Lamp Special Intention

Baptisms: We welcome into our Chr istian community Mar tyna Wilkowska, Chambersland, who was baptised recently. Recently Deceased: We commend to the fullness of eternal life the souls of Billy Browne, Arklow. Rosemary McLeod formerly Michael St. May they rest in peace.

(See opposite page for Anniversaries & Weddings)

The teaching of the Church on the

Liturgy of the Word is expressed in these texts.

Jesus states that the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled in himself: so the Scripture word is actualised for us each time it is

proclaimed in church. Christ is really present in his Word. That Word

challenges us to a renewal of life, as the people re-discovered their identity when

Ezra read the Law to them.

A timely affirmation of the power of God’s word to move minds and hearts. While Ezra speaks, hungry hearts are touched by God’s merciful outreach.

Note too Ezra’s concluding admonition: ‘Do not be sad: the joy of the Lord is

your stronghold’. Not only are we to seek true happiness but God desires that his

joy pervade our participation in the fulfilment of his will.

Ever doubted your call to be an evangelist, catechist or missionary? Ever found yourself saying ‘ that’s the priests

job’ or ‘ that’s their parents 'responsibility’. Well, perhaps there is

more to it! Here St Paul reminds us that we are all integral to the team, all blessed

in a particular way, and that unless we pull together something is likely to be

amiss. Clearly moments of discernment are called for. Have we shared one


Anniversaries: We remember in our prayers this weekend Ellen Doherty, Glenmore. Michael & Kathleen Byrne, High Hill. Joseph Furlong, Harbour View. Denis Doyle, Mount Elliott. Nancy Deegan, South St. Weddings: Congratulations and best wishes to Angela Reddy, Mary St & Patrick Walsh, Tullaroan who were married recently. ____________________________________

Parking Works Work is continuing to provide further

spaces for the increased numbers attending Masses -

a happy problem to have! “The Calvary” has been found to be in

need of some restoration work. When it is restored it will be re-erected

in a new position in the Church Grounds.

________________________________ New Ross Meals-On-Wheels.

Book your piping hot meals today and every day at the same time, having a

caring person calling! Contact: The Manager ,

Meals-On-Wheels, Cross St., New Ross Telephone: 051 445711.

______________________________ Feast of St Brigid. To mark the feast of

St Brigid on 1st February, there will be an evening of song, poetry and prayer in

Clonard Church, Wexford on Sunday 31st January at 7.00pm.

______________________________ Prayer Meeting

The Emmanuel Prayer Meeting will

resume in the Parish Pastoral Centre, Robert St, New Ross every Sunday

at 6.30pm, beginning Sunday 24th January 2016.

Notices Today’s Readings.

First Reading: Nehemiah 8:2-6, 8-10

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-30