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SSS- Social Sciences Stimuli

Embedding the Florida Standards in Social Sciences


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Agreements• Be present, attentive, and active; • Be open-minded; • Trust the process; • Try out something new then, reflect; • Acknowledge each other as equals; • Assume good will; • Expect it to be messy; • Confidentiality is supported; • Speak from your heart; • Get what you need

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Guiding Questions

• How can the Florida Standards be infused into effective social science content instruction for hands on activities?

• What are stimuli based instructional strategies and how can they assist to: support mastery of Florida Standards, support mastery of Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for Social Sciences, and prepare students for success on the 7th grade Civics EOC assessment?

• How can teachers plan for quality social science instruction?

• What resources exist to support quality social science instruction?

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My Talents are NEEDED……………….

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Hopes and Fears

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Proximal and Distal

Greatly Influence

Slightly Influence


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SSS- Social Sciences Stimuli

Quick Look at Standards

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SSS- Social Sciences Stimuli

Quick Look at Standards

7th grade Civics: SS.7.C.1.9: Define the rule of law and recognize its influence on the development of the American legal, political, and governmental systems. (NGSSS-SS).

1. Read the standard you are addressing. 2. Turn to a neighbor: answer the following question:

If an effective teacher were addressing this standard in her/his classroom, what language would you expect to hear from the teacher? From the student?

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SSS- Social Sciences Stimuli

Quick Look at Standards

7th grade Civics: SS.7.C.1.9: Define the rule of law and recognize its influence on the development of the American legal, political, and governmental systems. (NGSSS-SS).

PACING GUIDE AND ITEM SPECIFICATIONSShare where in the pacing guide this benchmark is addressed (first tested benchmark addressed in the course). Share the item specifications page associated with this benchmark.

1. Read the item specifications for the benchmark you are addressing. 2. Turn to a neighbor: answer the following question:

How does the information provided in the item specifications assist in planning for effective instruction?

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SSS- Social Sciences Stimuli

Quick Look at Standards

Overview of Florida Standards to be addressed during stimuli based instruction simulation: Florida Standards (refer to FLS in agenda) 1. Read the standards you are addressing. 2. Turn to a neighbor: answer the following questions:

If an effective teacher were addressing this standard in her/his classroom, what language would you expect to hear from the teacher? From the student?

How do these Florida Standards assist the social science student to master both the content (NGSSS-SS) and skill (FLS)

What are the correlations between the NGSSS-SS and the FLSS?

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Get Stimulated!

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Analyzing Text

Three Levels of Text Protocol Sit in a circle and identify a facilitator/timekeeper.A round consists of each person using 3 minutes to do the following:

Level 1- Read aloud the passage she/he has selectedLevel 2-Say what she/he thinks about the passage (interpretation, connection to past experiences, etc.)Level 3- Say what she/he sees as the implications for his/her work.The group responding (maximum of 2 minutes) to what has been said.

Repeat process outlines in #2 for each person in the group.DEBRIEF As a group: Discuss- how the 3 levels of text protocol can assist students’ to deepen understanding of a given text. How does this address EOC benchmark mastery AND Florida Standards mastery?

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Analyzing Text


How do you feel about using protocols?

What implications do protocols have for you as a leader at your school?

How do you see yourself implementing this in your school?

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Data Dialogue

Complete the 3 phases individually in writing: Phase 1: (To be done before looking at data)Predictions

Phase 2: Observations

Phase 3: Inferences

Once you have completed the individual writing get in groups of four and share out in one round per phase something you predicted, something you observed, and something you inferred.

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Student Work- REVEALING!

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Student Work- REVEALING!

Journal Reflecting on one’s own thinking • What questions about teaching and assessment did looking at the students’ work raise for you?

• How can you pursue these questions further?

• Are there things you would like to try in your classroom as a result of looking at this student’s work?

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Look For Document

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• • Pacing Guides• EOC Modules• Item Specifications• “Look for” Document

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• How does my experience today shape the goals and work I have to do back at my school

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