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SSLA Executive Meeting

Sept 28, 2019

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SSLA Executive Meeting

Sept 28, 2019


Sept 28, 2019

Location: Dr. Martin LeBoldus High School 2330 – 25th Ave, Regina, SK

10:00 a.m – 3:00 p.m.

Call to Order

The meeting of the Saskatchewan School Library Association was called to order at 10:18 on

September 28 by Gaetan Hammond

Present: Gaetan, Sophie, Katie, Kari -Anne, Hannah, Regan, Sherry

Regrets: Amy, Carla, Carol

1. Approval of Agenda 1.1. The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

Motioned by Hannah, seconded by Regan, approved.

1.2. Additions to the agenda:

2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.

Motioned by Katie, seconded by Kari Anne, approved.

3. Reports

3.1. President

Gaetan updated the website and added learning events page. Registration

opened early in September. We have two registrations so far. We no longer use PayPal and

have switched to Square. Gaetan tested the new payment system and it worked well.

Gaetan made some constitution changes and the STF asked for some too. Those are updated

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behind the veil. He met with the SLA on Sept 18 and in summer – they would like to have a

TL strand of presentations at their conference in May. He said we would provide session

presenters and promote the event. Gaetan feels it would be important for us to connect to

other library organizations in the province and country. Attended STF PGN day and sat on

the spotlight panel. Action items: Gaetan has been working on the school library directory,

he would like to make an archive page behind the veil,

4. Open Issues

4.1. SaskReads update

Provincial initiative for reading/writing/literacy. Sask Reads would like to do a full day

conference and reached out to Pearson to gain some funding. We thought that SSLA

would do some of the planning and organizing (as we have done conferences before)

but they are unable to accept funding from Pearson now (?). Linda Rief will be their

keynote. If we can do some promotion for them then we could have an association with

their conference. A medium article on Linda Rief’s books and information could be sent

out in our newsletter. Conference will be April 23.

4.2. Update on SLA 2020 Conference

May 7 and 8 in Regina at the Doubletree. We have been asked to present a couple of

sessions at their conference.

4.3. Review of 2019-2020 budget (Approved at June meeting).

5. New Business

5.1. Correspondence

5.1.1. Feedback on FNMI Resource List

5.1.2. Membership of PLLO

5.1.3. Invitation to Collaborate from LENS

5.1.4. Cross Country TL Twitter List

5.2. Introduction of New Executive

5.3. Review of Executive Roles

5.4. Break out meetings:

5.4.1. Sophie meet with Kari-Anne to discuss Secretary/Membership role and transition

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5.4.2. Carla meet with Hannah for discussion on Special Projects planning

5.4.3. Regan meet with Sherry to discuss Learning Events and Conference plans

5.4.4. Gaetan meet with Amy and Katie to discuss social media access, Medium articles,

and event promotions.

5.5. Acknowledgements

5.6. Photo if everyone is present


Meeting was adjourned at [time] by [Person]. The next general meeting will be at ___ on _______

at ______.

Minutes submitted by: [Type name here]

Approved by: [Type name here]

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SSLA Executive Meeting

Sept 28, 2019

SSLA Executive Action List

Task Who Comments

Saskatchewan School libraries directory Gaetan

Continue relationship with SLA and prepare for



Website archive Gaetan

Look into dates and location for 2021 conference Sherry, Regan

Fall edition of The Medium Katie

Share and SSLA updates and promote our events (to

colleagues, on social media etc.)


Submit expenses to Carol as soon as possible Executive

Support executive members and be cognizant of possible



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SSLA Executive Meeting

Sept 28, 2019

President’s Report

Saskatchewan School Library Association

President ’s Report Sept 28 2019

I updated the website over the summer.

o Front slideshow made current.

o Updated Learning Events pages and opened registration.

o Changed our payment system from PayPal to Square, as per decision made at our

June meeting. Tested new payment system, and everything seems to be going well.

o Posted updated Constitution.

I met with the SLA Conference Committee on Sept. 18. They are very interested in having a

teacher-librarian strand of sessions at their May conference. I indicated that getting Teacher

Librarians to attend the conference might be difficult given the current climate of school

boards being willing to let teaching staff attend out-of-district Conference that were not

directly tied to system or provincial goals. However, I also expressed that the SSLA would

be willing to assist by providing session presenters, and by promoting the event.

Attended STF PGN day with Sophie. Presented at their PGN Spotlights session and

discussed FNMI project.

Updated SSLA Constitution as per STF recommendations. The Constitution must be

approved by the STF, and therefore these updates were required.

Continued monitoring and posting on social media accounts.

Action Items Continuing work on a Sask School Libraries directory. This project was put on hold for a

while, but I am hoping to get back to it more seriously this year.

Put archived Medium articles on the website.

Continue dialogue with SLA Conference committee. Possibly prepare sessions to present

at their conference in May.

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I plan to create an archives section of the website, in the Executive pages. This would

contain any files from past year that we may want to hold on to, but which are not

currently relevant. This would allow us to keep only current up-to-date files in the main

portion of the Executive pages. I may also ask for feedback from the Executive on

removing or renaming some of the sections of the Executive pages to make it easier to

locate information.

I’m working on an article for The Medium. It is a book review of Doug Johnson’s The

Indespensible School Librarian, 2e.

Continue updates on website – Executive page update, mention of SLA Conference, etc.

Report submitted by: Gaetan Hammond

Approved by: Gaetan Hammond

SSLA Executive Meeting

Sept 28, 2019

Past President’s Report

SSLA Executive Meeting

Sept 28, 2019

Treasurer’s Report

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SSLA Executive Meeting

Sept 28, 2019

Communications Councillor’s Report

SSLA Executive Meeting

Sept 28, 2019

PD Councillor’s Report

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SSLA Executive Meeting

Sept 28, 2019

Publications Councillor’s Report

SSLA Executive Meeting

Sept 28, 2019

Special Projects Councillor’s Report

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SSLA Executive Meeting

Sept 28, 2019

Secretary/Archivist/Membership’s Report

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SSLA Executive Meeting

Sept 28, 2019

5.1 Correspondence

Feedback on FNMI Resource List

Kim Kovacs <[email protected]>

Thu, 13 Jun,


to me


I was on your website perusing the list of recommended resources for treaty education, and was dismayed to see Susan Jeffers' Brother Eagle, Sister Sky included on the kindergarten list here (

Indigenous reviewers have identified serious flaws (historical inaccuracy, the "vanishing Indian trope," pan-Indianism) in this book. In my opinion, it should be used critically if it's used at all (i.e. by asking students to identify and understand the problems that reviewers have noted). This is likely not possible at the kindergarten level, and therefore I'd argue that the book is an inappropriate resource to use with kindergarten students.

I've attached a review from The Broken Flute for your reference. I'd recommend consulting this book (edited by Doris Seale and Beverly Slapin, published by AltaMira/Oyate in 2005), Through Indian Eyes (also edited by Seale and Slapin, and published by Oyate in 1998), as well as the American Indians In Children's Literature blog ( for Indigenous perspectives on many children's books from both sides of the border.

Eve Bunting's Moonstick and Becky McCain's Grandmother's Dreamcatcher from the kindergarten list ( are also problematic -- there are reviews in Broken Flute identifying issues with them as well.

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Not looking to censor here, just to make your selectors aware (if they aren't already) of Indigenous perspectives on a couple of the resources you've recommended.



Membership of PLLO

McMullen, Shaun ED <[email protected]>

Mon, 26 Aug,


to me


I am dropping you a line in my capacity as a Public Library Coordinator with the Provincial

Library and Literacy Office in Regina. My records indicate that at one point PLLO was (or

continues to be) a member of the Saskatchewan School Library Association. Is this still the



Shaun McMullen, CD MLIS

Government of Saskatchewan

Public Library Coordinator

Provincial Library & Literacy Office, Ministry of Education

409A Park Street

Regina SK Canada S4N 5B2

Bus: (306)787-9144

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Invitation to Collaborate from LENS

Membership Director <[email protected]>

Sat, 21 Sep, 11:15 (1 day


to me


We received this email about planning a joint conference a couple of years ago, and I’m not

sure if our president at the time followed up. We are interested in planning a conference

together if that still works for you. We have a lot of experience planning conferences and over

500 members, and with our shared focus on literacy, I believe this would be a good partnership.

Please let me know if you are interested in going forward with this.

Gisele Carlson

Literacy Educators’ Network of Saskatchewan

(Saskatchewan Reading Council)

Cross Canada TL Twitter Follow List

Christopher Hunt <[email protected]>

Thu, 18 Jul,


to me

Hello fellow Teacher-Librarian,

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My name is Christopher Hunt. I’m a Teacher-Librarian in Chilliwack, BC. I’m one of the Co-

Presidents of my local school district T-L association. I’ve been trying to be active on Twitter and

Instagram, and am especially interested in creating a wide Professional Learning Network of

Canadian T-Ls. I learn so much from sharing with colleagues far and wide, but I’d like a more

Canadian focus to my PLN.

A recent Canadian School Libraries tweet about Teacher-Librarians to follow, mostly in Ontario,

got me thinking that I’d really like something similar for each province and territory—a Cross-

Canada T-L Twitter List!

The thread above and below this tweet will give you a sense of what I’m talking about:

If you could recommend some active local provincial/territorial Librarians to follow, that would be

much appreciated. It could include those active on Twitter, Instagram, or via blogs. Later

on, in August, @MrsLyonsLibrary will collate follow lists into a shared Google form and

@CdnScoolLib will surely promote it.

Thank you for any time you can devote to this,

Christopher Hunt


Sardis Elementary School, Chilliwack, BC
