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SSL Certificate Error - The SSL Certificate not Issued by a

Trusted Certificate Authority

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SSL Certificate is Not Issued by Trusted Certificate Authority Error on browser

Page 3: SSL Certificate Error - The SSL Certificate not Issued by a Trusted Certificate Authority

When you see an error on your browser that reads “The certificate is not issued by a trusted certificate authority”, then it means that your browser can not trust the certificate as it is not approved or signed by a trusted certificate authority.


1. The website is using self-signed certificate: Self-signed certificate can be created for free but it does not provide as much trust as a trusted certificate. Your option is to either instruct your browser to trust that certificate or go with the best solution of purchasing and installing an SSL certificate from a trusted certificate authority.

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2 . The website is using a free SSL certificate: Such free certificates can be easily issued from few of the trusted certificate authorities. However, to avoid this error its Root certificate must be manually imported to each browser.

3. The website is using trusted SSL certificate but intermediate/chain certificate is missing or not installed properly: To link your certificate to the trusted source, most trusted certificates need you to install at least one other intermediate/ chain certificate on the server.

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The last case listed on the list is very common. For example, in the Here, if the website owner has installed an SSL certificate without installing “GeoTrust Extended Validation SSL CA” certificate then the browser will give the error message as “The certificate is not trusted”.

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• Few browsers choose to show this error whereas there are few browsers that ignore this error. For example, Internet Explorer which automatically downloads intermediate/chain certificates on visiting the website for the first time whereas Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome doesn’t download any certificate on its own.

• So, once a trusted SSL certificate is properly installed, browser will link up with the intermediate certificate and it will never show the error message “The certificate is not trusted”. An easy way to verify proper installation of SSL certificate is to check SSL certificate installation using free “SSL Checker” tool.

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Web browser SSL certificate error message

IE 6 "The security certificate was issued by a company you have not chosen to trust. View the certificate to determine whether you want to trust the certifying authority."

IE 7 "The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority."

Firefox 2 "Unable to verify the identity of www.*******.com as a trusted site.”Possible reasons for this error: Your browser does not recognize the Certificate Authority that issued the site's certificate. The site's certificate is incomplete due to a server misconfiguration.

Firefox 3 "The certificate is not trusted because it is self signed.""The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown. (Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)"

Safari 3 "Authentication failed because the server certificate is not trusted."

Google Chrome "The site's security certificate is not trusted!"

The Error message of ‘Certificate not trusted’ will differ on each browser. Few examples are listed below:

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For More Information on SSL Certificate Errors