Download - SSAG Curriculum Review Action Item Update Brief to RDML Rodman

Page 1: SSAG Curriculum Review Action Item Update Brief to RDML Rodman

SSAG Curriculum ReviewAction Item Update

Brief to RDML Rodman

SSAG Curriculum ReviewAction Item Update

Brief to RDML Rodman

21 November 2012

CDR Jason [email protected]

21 November 2012

CDR Jason [email protected]

Page 2: SSAG Curriculum Review Action Item Update Brief to RDML Rodman

Action Item Action POC Deadline

Make minor changes to wording of ESRs 3e, 3f, 5e,6a, 7a, and 7b. Sponsor Dec 2011

Reduce Bloom’s Taxonomy level to Knowledge/Comprehension for ESRs 2c, 2g, 3a,3b,and 5d. Sponsor Dec 2011

Draft ESRs for consideration to cover launch operations, to include coordination with launch facility and integration with the launch vehicle.

Sponsor Mar 2012

Draft ESRs for consideration to cover specific Systems Engineering skills. Sponsor Mar 2012

Explore System Engineering degree option for 591 students. SSAG PO Mar 2012

Develop, and insert into curriculum, Systems Engineering content. This content will support the new Systems Engineering ESR (13i) approved at the 2009 review

SSAG PO Sep 2012

Develop, and insert into curriculum, Space Ground Systems content. This content will support Ground Segment ESR (2c) approved at the 2009 review

SSAG PO Sep 2012

Develop and insert into curriculum, payload content for communications and optics to support the revised Payload Systems ESR (12d) approved at the 2009 review.

SSAG PO Sep 2012

Market a 24-month program matrix to Air Force and Army officers. SSAG PO Jun 2012

Market a 12-month degree matrix to Defense Contractors and NASA employees. SSAG PO Jun 2012

SSE Action Items












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• Explore System Engineering degree option for 591 students.• Have begun discussions with SE Dept on this

issue in order to finalize a matrix• Draft Matrix on next slide

Action Item Update


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0S MA2043Matrix Algebra

MA1115/6Multi-Variable Calculus


NW3230Strategy & Policy

1F PH1322Electromagnetism

MA2121Differential Equations

AE2820Spacecraft Structures

EC2820Digital Logic Circuits

2W SS3500Orbital Mechanics

PH2514Space Environment

MA3046Matrix Analysis

EC2300Control Systems

3S AE3815S/C Rotational Mechanics

EO2525Probabilistic Analysis

PH3052Remote Sensing

SE3100Fund of SE

4S AE3851S/C Propulsion



PH3360EM Wave Propagation SE3011

Eng Econ & Cost Est

5F AE3804Thermal Control of S/C


SE3250Capability Eng

SE4150Sys Arch & Des

6W AE3870Computational Tools

SS3051Space Systems &


SS3001Military Applications of


SE0811Thesis Research

7S AE4870S/C Design & Integrations


EC3230Space Power

SS3035Microprocessors for


SE4151Sys Int & Dev

8S AE4871S/C Design & Integrations


SE4354Systems T&E

SE0811Thesis Research

NW3275JMO Part 1

9F SE0811Thesis Research

SE0811Thesis Research


NW3276JMO Part 2


P - Code



Fall Entry

Includes:• Integrated JPME• Degree Specialization• SECNAV Guest

Lectures• SS4000 Lectures• Design Project

Degree Options:• MS-Systems

Engineering• MS-Astro• MS-Physics• MS-Electrical • MS-Mechanical• MS-Computer Science

Entrance Requirement:• APC = 323

Academic Associate:CAPT Al Scott (ret) ?

591 Space Systems EngineeringDRAFT 27-month Matrix SE Track

29 JUN 12

Page 5: SSAG Curriculum Review Action Item Update Brief to RDML Rodman

• Develop, and insert into curriculum, Systems Engineering content. This content will support the new Systems Engineering ESR (13i) approved at the 2009 review

• AE3870 now includes lectures covering:• Overall SE process, requirements generation and

analysis, technology readiness, the system design and development process and verification and validation

• AE3811 extensively covers:• test and evaluation processes for space systems

• A Systems Engineering short course is under initial development and is planned to be offered during Enrichment Week

Action Item Update


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• Develop, and insert into curriculum, Space Ground Systems content. This content will support Ground Segment ESR (2c) approved at the 2009 review

• SS3035 is planned to have ground systems content including:

• Ground system capabilities required to support tasking, command and control, data processing, and data storage

• SS3500, SS3001 and SS3051 have already or will add ground systems content

• We are looking at adding some ground systems content (SATCOM terminal capabilities, etc.) to one or both of the EO courses (EO2525 and EO3525)

Action Item Update


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• Develop and insert into curriculum, payload content for communications and optics to support the revised Payload Systems ESR (12d) approved at the 2009 review.

• PH3052• Plan to cover EO payload info

• EO3525 & SS3035• Plan to cover RF (COMM/SIGINT/SAR) payload info

Action Item Update


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• Market a 24-month program matrix to Air Force and Army officers.

• Ongoing efforts with USAF include primarily the Advanced Academic Degree (AAD) Program• Col Karl Eager (ret.), intends to continue to send at

least 50% of their AAD officers to NPS

• AFIT continues to provide for the remainder

• Looking into re-instituting the Joint Space Academic Group (JSAG)

• The Army continues to support NPS• Now have MILFAC from USA

• Primary interest is in SSO but some students do opt for SSE

Action Item Update


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• Market a 12-month degree matrix to Defense Contractors and NASA employees.

• Fine tuning a 12-month program• This program will not satisfy P-Code requirements

• Will include a thesis

• Boeing continues to support with one student per year

• Beginning discussions with NASA and other contractors:• Our NASA chair as well as guest speakers

• Contacts at NGC and Lockheed

• Can always use more POCs who can make the decision to send us students

Action Item Update


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SSO Action Items


Action Item Assigned To Deliverable Due Date

Letter to N15 w/enclosures formalizing ESRs

LCDR PrattCDR Unrein Letter 8 May

Finalized SSO Matrix SSAG Matrix 1 May

Tailored refresher plan VPAA, DOP Feasibility 1 Jul

Removal of MN3331, new course or migrate to other existing courses (e.g. SS3041)

SSAG Action Plan 1 May

Plan to cover networks in EO4516 Prof. Loomis Action Plan 30 Sep

Formalized and tasked Survey N2/N6SSAG PO Survey 1 Jun

Trade Study Thesis vs. Non-Thesis SSAG Recommendation 1 Oct

Research suggestions that serve the Navy N2/N6 and others List of desired research topics 1 Jun

Discussion of APC for 366 SSO entrance N2/N6SSAG

334 APC to Admissions 1 May

Operational relevance – Big Picture flow through curriculum (A2AD)


Implementation of Themes into program

1 Sep

SS3600 – look into incorporating into SS3001 & AE4831

SSAGN2/N6 Action Plan 1 May

Update crosswalk and reversewalk LCDR Pratt Tables 20 Apr

N2N6 Staff












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