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  • NOAA maintains a global network of gas and aerosol sampling sites around the core manned observatories at Barrow, Alaska; Mauna Loa, Hawaii; American Samoa; and South Pole. Weekly air samples are collected at each of the sites indicated by the red dots as well as at each 5 degrees on the ship tracks in the Pacific. The Barrow, Alaska observatory on the north coast of Alaska measures long range transport of air pollutants flowing across the Arctic from Eastern Europe and Russia. In 1983, 1986, 1989 and 1991 the NOAA Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program (AGASP) flew a NOAA WP-3 across the Arctic from Alaska to Norway documenting and measuring the transport of identifiable air pollution plumes across the Arctic Basin over travel distances exceeding 10,000 miles. In a typical vertical profile through a plume of Arctic Haze the strong layering of the air pollution may be observed in the left panel where aerosol light scattering (bsp), condensation nuclei (CN), and ozone are all elevated from 900 to 700 mb above the surface. The bottom of the pollution transport level is determined by the top of the boundary layer temperature inversion layer shown in the center panel. The structure of an anthropogenic air pollution plume, defined by aerosol light scattering, maintained its plume boundaries as it traveled 11,000 miles from its source in Eastern Europe across the Arctic Basin to the coast of Alaska. Condensation nuclei concentrations (CN), which are small particle produced by combustion, also defined the boundaries of a plume of air pollution traveling across the Arctic basin as did the aerosol light scattering shown in Figure 5.Within the plumes of Arctic Haze there are found elevated layers of CH4, CO2, and CO such as those observed at 16,000 ft in this figure that have not mixed over the 10-15 day and 10,000 mile transits of the plumes across the Arctic. Using downward looking LIDAR it is possible to measure the injection of moisture into the Arctic boundary layer from open leads (cracks) in the ice pack. These open leads are energy sources that can produce mixing of the air pollution plumes into the background Arctic air. Plumes of long range anthropogenic air pollution can mix down to the surface to be measured at the NOAA/CMDL Barrow Baseline Station as evidenced by the two periods of elevated CH4. CO2, and aerosol black carbon (BC) shown in this figure.Airborne LIDAR measurements of Arctic Haze show its multi-layered structure and the integrity of the plumes over great distances. Path of an a Arctic Haze pollution plume presented in relation to the area of the United States. This particular plume traveled a distance equivalent of it originating in New York flowing to Seattle, turning and flowing to Los Angeles, and then flowing back to New York. When it got back to New York it would still be visible and would still look like a smokestack plume. This is possible in the Arctic due to the extreme stability of the cold Arctic winter atmosphere. Atmospheric cross section illustrating the ozone destruction phenomenon that occurs beneath the Arctic boundary layer in the Arctic spring. The flow of descending katabatic air from the glacier above Alert (YLT) replenishing the ozone may be observed in the lower-left portion of the graph.The sharp boundary between the ozone depleted air beneath the Arctic boundary layer and the air above the layer may be observed in this ozone concentration time series produced by flying through the temperature inversion which was located at 100 beet above the ice level. The destruction of ozone in the Arctic boundary layer appears to operate on time scales of a few minutes to an hour as illustrated by a transect of ozone concentrations measured along a N-S line at constant elevation over the Arctic ice cap, As the aircraft emerged into an area of sunlight from beneath a cloud deck, the ozone in the boundary layer dropped to non-detectable limits in direct sunlight area. View from Mauna Loa Observatory towards Mauna Kea mountain 30 miles distant partially obscured by dust and pollution from Asia.View from Mauna Loa Observatory towards Mauna Kea mountain in the absence of the dust and pollution from Asia shown in the previous photo.Long range transport of air pollutants from Asia to Mauna Loa Observatory in the center of the Pacific Ocean occurs on up to 30 separate occasions per year. In this figure may be observed the increase in CH4 after the onset of air which had traveled over 6,000 miles from Asia to Mauna Loa in about one week. The passage of a pollution plume at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii can be easily observed in aerosol black carbon (BC) concentrations. The corresponding elevated Radon concentrations confirm that the air carrying the BC has d recently been over a continental landmass.An aircraft profile of CO obtained with glass sampling flasks exposed on an aircraft flying upwind of Hawaii. An elevated layer of CO peaking at 7,000 m (21,000 ft) indicated the presence of long range flow of air pollutants from Asia to Hawaii.Ozone profile obtained from a balloon borne ozonesonde released from Trinidad Head, California showing two layers of enhanced ozone, indicative of anthropogenically polluted air, flowing onto the west coast of the United States. Satellite view of dust and air polluting flowing off the east coast of China and Korea in the first week of April, 2001. The dust and pollution cloud crossed the Pacific in less than a week and then proceeded to flow east across the United States. It was last observed heading into the Atlantic Ocean off New England. Profile of aerosol light scattering and CO in a dust and pollution cloud from Asia that flowed across Colorado in mid-April, 2001. Note that the respective profiles were taken on different days indicating that the flow of pollutants was steady for an extended period during that time. Carbon dioxide curve from measurements at the Barrow, Alaska Baseline Observatory showing the steady increase in atmospheric CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels and the transport of the CO2 around the globe.The global increase of N20 produced in the high temperature combustion of fossil fuels and transported around the globe.Increase in global atmospheric methane concentrations produced by combustion of fossil fuels, leaks during natural gas production and transport, and through agricultural processes. Again, long range transport and mixing mix these gases around the earth. The common chlorofluorocarbon CFC-11, that is involved in stratospheric ozone depletion, began to decline soon after the Montreal Protocol on limiting the production of CFCs was initiated. This graph illustrates both how fast the atmosphere can respond to changes in inputs and how fast air mixes around the globe. Carbon monoxide concentrations in the global atmosphere are have declined over the past decade. Future industrialization in Asia could change this trend.Arctic haze measured at the NOAA/CMDL Barrow, Alaska observatory has declined since the late 1980s in concert with the decline in industrial output from Eastern Europe and Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. As these economies recover, a Arctic air pollution could feasibly return to previous levels. The onset of the date of the spring snowmelt has advanced steadily over the past 60 years in the high Arctic at Barrow, Alaska due to a number of factors probably related to local air pollution and climate warming in the Arctic.