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This answer is useful as it means that despite our attempts to

break conventions, our product is still strongly regarded as a regional magazine. This is a good thing as it means our

product has met its intentions.

This result shows us that our magazine’s audience is far narrower than we had intended (we had intended 15-35). This may be a result of our simplistic language style or youthful subversions of regional magazine conventions (in our younger generation-based play on words for our magazine’s title and bright graphic style)

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This graph shows that our front covers are effective as we had intended to engage our audience with the use of interesting and unique primary images, and our target audience finds this attractive, confirming our primary research that london landmarks are appealing

Our target audience believes that our attempts at shooting professional photographs for our magazine has been successful and conventional. They also find that our use of images is appropriate to text and themes.

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Our attention to a readable and clean layout based on the minimal style of regional magazines was well-received.

Our use of a Britain-focused colour scheme has been well received by our target audience. As a regional magazine, we felt that a color scheme related to the region and the country would be appropriate and appealing (as people who would read about their region probably feel close to their region), and this confirms it.

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My choice of a feature article focused on indie music was well received by my target audience

Our audience finds that our front cover is the most enticing, which is good as the front cover is meant to attract our audience to reading our magazine. Our cover is equally attractive in terms of colours, images, and uniqueness

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These results show that my choice of guitar advert related to my music-related magazine was successful.

Our choice of a wide variety of features in our magazine means that our magazine has a wide-reaching audience and allows people of all kinds to experience London, and our audience appreciates that.

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Our audience is generally content with our font and layout choice, which means we succeeded at creating an appealing structure and layout for a magazine. This may be down to our use of clean fonts and the knowledge that people read left to right, so eyecatching information should be placed in the topleft.

Our radio ancilliary’s choice of modern urban music and teenage voices was successful, according to our audience. The soundtrack was less well received than our voice actors, however, meaning that perhaps our choice of music was almost too youthful and upbeat, and might be considered ‘forced’ by some of our audience.

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