Download - Sport plays a very important role in our life!



This presentation was made by:

Darya Soboleva Form 7-A School №263 Saint-Petersburg E-mail:

[email protected] Teacher: Bondareva I.G.

My mother has taught me that sport is a very important thing in our life, that's why today I want to tell you about my mother. Her name is Tatiana. My mother is a very nice, clever and kind person, a beautiful

woman and my best friend. She likes sports very much.

In her childhood my mother was a figure skater, but she had to leave this kind of sport because of the trauma.

Then she liked skiing, running, playing table

tennis, badminton, volleyball, pioneerball and basketball. But, of course, her favourite kind of sport is still figure skating. She

always watches it on TV. When it is possible, she goes to the skating-rink.

My mother has got many deeds and rewards, but most of all she is proud of the fact that in 1992 she was the best

basketball-player in Leninsky district of Saint-Petersburg.

Now my mother works as a teacher at school. Pupils love and respect her. She always tells them that for their health

it is necessary to go in for sports. They believe her,

that's why it is not difficult for her to explain

them to conduct a healthy way of

life: not to smoke, not to drink alcohol,

not to use drugs.

I listen to my mother's words and I like sports very much, too. We often go

skating together and have a lot of fun!

Besides skating, I like jumping, playing basketball and football. I am crazy about

climbing, camping and tourism. Thanks a lot to my mother for my healthy life! And thank

you for your attention!