Download - Sport England Development Conditions


PowerPoint Presentation

Sport England Development Conditions CONDITION PROGRESS1Appoint a Development DirectorGabby Williams in post, August 20142Conduct an analysis of the Fencing market and use the insight to produce a Participation Strategy: 2015-2017Research & insight: Undertaken by Deloitte and Crowd DNAStrategy writing: in development and 100% insight led3Establish a proxy measure: pilot & test in 2 areas2 local authority areas identified: Sunderland City & the London Borough of CamdenV.1 in development: online data capture tool / user friendly!4Demonstrate an impact on participationInsight led pilot projects identifiedHE sector: Sunderland University and University of the Arts LondonYouth Sector: Scouts/Explorers (Sunderland), London Youth5With Sport England, develop timelines to produce a disability plan(exc. wheelchair fencing)The emphasis must be on being inclusive ensure anyone can take part in fencing activity, regardless of their level of abilityIn progressUniversity Leading Edge segmentYouth/Scouts/Explorers Alternative segment1