Download - SPONSORSHIP PROPOSAL - Colloque Capteurs Individuels de · Yvon LE MOULLEC, APPA Philippe HAMMAN, Université de Strasbourg

Page 1: SPONSORSHIP PROPOSAL - Colloque Capteurs Individuels de · Yvon LE MOULLEC, APPA Philippe HAMMAN, Université de Strasbourg





29 & 30 Novembrer 2018 - Lille (Villeneuve d’Ascq) France

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Presentation of organizers and essential partners

The project and its values

Partnership opportunities

General information and contact

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Association for the Prevention of Atmospheric Pollution

The Association for the Prevention of Atmospheric Pollution (APPA) was created in 1958 and recognized of public interest in 1962. Its activities concern the fields of environment, public health and climate. It is involved in all issues relating to air quality, both inside and outside buildings, from the global to the local level.

For more information :

O rganizers

3 O rganizers

2 E vent days

1 I nternat ional Symposium

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European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection


EFCA is a non-political, non-governmental and non-profit federation of national associations active in Europe in the field of air pollution control and environmental protection. It works at the interface between science and (European) policy on environmental issues.

For more information :

The important partners

The PC2A Laboratory, (University of Lille /CNRS) is a multidisciplinary research unit whose fundamental and applied activities, related to energy and the environment, are oriented towards the characterization of atmospheric and combustion domains.

For more information:

Le Laboratoire PhysicoChimie des Processus de

Combustion et de l’Atmosphère

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Denis CHARPIN, Aix Marseille Université- APPA


Sarah DUCHE, Université de Grenoble Benjamin HANOUNE, Université de Lille -



Corinne SCHADKOWSKI, APPANicolas VISEZ, Université de Lille - PC2A

The project &

its values

The development of low-cost microsensors implies that the continuous measurement of atmospheric pollutant concentrations is no longer restricted to “experts” nor fixed places.

We are currently witnessing a rapid development of these sensors, assisted by algorithms that must be ever more powerful to manage and exploit the huge databases generated


On the occasion of its 60th birthday, the APPA (Association for the Prevention of Atmospheric Pollution) wishes in partnership with EFCA (European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations) and the laboratory PC2A (PhysicoChemistry of Combustion Processes and Atmosphere) explores this topic through a two-day international symposium entitled Individual Air Pollution Sensors: Innovation or Revolution? which will take place on 29 & 30 November 2018 in Villeneuve d’Ascq (France).

The symposium will be structured around invited lectures and papers selected by a scientific committee from the abstracts received following the call for papers.


The context of measurements of concentrations of atmospheric pollutants traditionally carried out by the authorities in charge of ambient air monitoring is changing. In particular, we observe the evolution of the general public’s interest for the environment, concern for individuals on their health in relation to the environment and

food, the communication around 400 000 deaths in Europe, but also on pollution

peaks, traffic restriction measures, an upsurge in the number of asthmatics and even allergies, and a lot of contradictory information blurring the messages …

These findings are in line with the way in which current generations,

inseparable from their smartphone, operate, and with the increasing use of

connected objects and biomedical tests. There is therefore a proliferation of applications displaying the value of the pollutant at time “T” and at point “P”, resulting from measurements made public by ASQAA or from modeling.

What would be the scientific or political

implications if a majority of citizens were equipped with

individual air pollutant sensors?

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Céline BOUDET, INERISPierre CARREGA, Université de Nice

Denis CHARPIN, Aix Marseille Université - APPARémy COLLOMP, CHU Nice Thuy COLLOMP, CHU Nice

Damien CUNY, Université de LilleWilliam DAB, Conservatoire National des Arts et

MétiersSarah DUCHE, Université de Grenoble

Benjamin HANOUNE, Université de LilleVincent DUPUIS, Sorbonne Université

Lahcen EL MAIMOUNI, Université Ibn ZohrEvelyne GEHIN, Université Paris Est Créteil

Ghislaine GOUPIL, Laboratoire Central Préfecture de Police de Paris

Gaëlle GUILLOSSOU, Service des Etudes Médicales d’EDF

Yvon LE MOULLEC, APPAPhilippe HAMMAN, Université de Strasbourg

At the same time the manufacturing and use of inexpensive, individual and miniaturized sensors is being developed, supported by ever more powerful algorithms capable of managing and exploiting the enormous databases generated by these measurements. This has allowed the emergence of several projects - often with a “citizen”- ambition in France or abroad, sometimes including the assembling of the sensor.

In this very innovative and dynamic context, in France and abroad, the APPA wishes to organize an international symposium, in order to establish a state of the art and to provoke reflections on different axes:

- Technology and metrology: what measurements? Which pollutants? What reliability? What standardization? What about using these sensors in indoor air?- The health aspect: what individual impact? what contribution for epidemiological studies, under what conditions?- The societal and big data component: ownership and management of the data generated?- The economic and strategic aspect: real cost of sensors? Economic model ? Monitoring the implementation of emission reduction actions?- What do we learn from the first feedback? Actual use by citizens? Changes in behavior?

Does the fact that citizens agree to

wear these instruments go hand in hand with

public and government awareness?

Anda IONESCU, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche en Thermique Environnement et Système, Université

Paris est CréteilAndrzej JAGUSIEWICZ, EFCA

Juliette LARBRE, Service Parisien Santé Environnement

Roger LEFEVRE, Université Paris est Créteil Corinne MANDIN, Centre Scientifique et Technique

du Batiment Nicolas MICHELOT, Direction Régionale

et Interdépartementale de l’Equipement et de l’Aménagement Ile de France

Maurice MILLET, Université de StrasbourgJohn MURLIS, EFCA


Nathalie REDON, IMT Lille douaiRomain ROUVOY, Université de Lille

Didier RENAULT, Météo France


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Partnership oppportunities

150 participants are expected :

France Europe


You are :

A national, A regional,

Local authority

You wish:

• To promote the actions and tools of support for innovation

You are :

A start up,A SME.

You wish :

• To develop your network during the event

• To share your project and environmental and ethics preoccupations

• To present your company through your products, services, innovations

You are :

A laboratory,An innovative company,

A health actor.

You wish : • To present your innovations perspectives to the experts and essentials participants.

• To position yourself as actor and consolidate your leadership. • To present your company through your products, services, and innovations

A meeting in France

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Other partnership modalities ?

If you think of other ways of supporting us, please contact us directly: [email protected]

Gold Silver


We propose several levels of partnerships.

• Stand 6 m2

• Insert in the definitive program (1page)

• 2 posters during the event

• Logo in the definitive program and the website

• A promotional material for everyone during the symposium

• Access for 2 persons

• Stand 3 m2

•Insert in the definitive program (1/2 page)

• 1 poster exposed during the event

• Logo in the definitive program and the website

• Access for 1 person

• Stand : 6 m2 ----------- 2 500€ 3 m2 ----------- 1 100€

• Posters : 2 -------------- 900€1 -------------- 700€

• Insert : 1 page --------- 875€1/2 page --------- 500€ 1/4 page --------- 350€

• CommunicationPromotional file into the symposium briefcase --- 700€

• Logo on the website -- 600€

5 000 € TTC 2 500 € TTC

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General Information

• logo on the first page of the website - The logo will appear on the first page of the event website - The logo will be integrated on the website after the reception of partnership file signed by the sponsor

• Logo and presentation of the sponsor in a dedicated page.. - The logo and the presentation text will appear on a page of the conference website, entitled «Partners». - The logo will include an active link to the sponsor’s website. - The sponsor provides the presentation text (maximum 100 words)

• Insert in the definitive program - The sponsor will transmit the content of insert in the definitive program, no editing will be done by the organizers. - The program will be distributed to all attendees

• Promotional material will be distributed to the participants - Each participant receive a briefcase during the event

Deadline :The sponsor will send an email with :

- the High definition logo- the content of insert

- the presentation text (100 words max) Before 1 October 2018

Promotional material to be distributed during the symposium must be received before

10 November 2018

Offer description

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Payment terms

50% of the sum must be paid when signing the agreementTotal payment must be received at least 1 month before the event, the 30 October 2018

Payment methods

• Option 1 : Payment by check, payable to APPA • Option 2 : By transfer


In case of cancellation of your reser vation.

The cancellation will be sent to :

Aurore [email protected]

Organizer will keep : - 50% of the total amount if the cancellation is before the 1 October 2018.- 100 % of the total amount if the cancellation is after the 1 October 2018.

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Aurore ROYNETTECommunication manager

[email protected]

Margaux BEUGNETCommunication Assistant

[email protected]

Contact Us !



29 & 30 November 2018 - Lille (Villeneuve d’Ascq) France

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Votre communication sur l’évènement / Your communication on the event

Nom/ Name : _____________________________ Prénom / First Name: ___________________________Société/ Company : _____________________________________Adresse/ Adress : _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Code postal / Zip code: _____________________ Ville/ Town: _______________________________Pays/ Counrty: ____________________________

Fonction/ Position: _________________________Tel / Phone : ______________________________ e-mail : __________________________________

Vos coordonnées / Details

Niveau de sponsoring / Sponsoring Level

Pack Or / Gold pack ---------------- 7 000€Pack Argent / Silver pack ---------- 4 800€

Au detailStand : 6m2 ----------------------------- 3 000 € 3m2 ----------------------------- 4 800 €

Affiche/ Posters 2 ----------------------------- 1 200 € 1-------------------------------- 700 €

Encart publicitaire / Advertising in the program 1 page ------------------------ 875 € 1/2 page --------------------- 500 € 1/4 page ------------------- 350 €

Documents promotionnels insérés/ your inserted advertising documents ------ 700 €Logo sur supports et site web / your logo in the official website ----------------- 600 €

Réglement / Payment

Par chèque à l’ordre de

Par virement bancaire/ by transfer at our bank A réception de votre règlement, une facture vous sera adressée / Upon receipt of your payment, an invoice will be sent to you

Total général TTC/ General total TTC .............................€

Le soussigné déclare avoir pris connaissance des conditions générales et s’oblige à s’y conformer.The undersigned declares he has read the general conditions and agrees to conform to them

Fait à / Signed in ……………………………… Le / On …………/............/................. Cachet / Company stamp: