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The most inspirational and HumblePeople in the World that your should

Know. Know How Important is God and Jesus…

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What is Faith?

As used in the Bible, “faith” involves firm belief based on solid evidence.

Someone who has faith in God is confident that He will fulfil all of His


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We learn from Noah that it is possible to remain faithful and pleasing to God even in the midst of a corrupt and sinful generation.

Surely it wasn’t easy for Noah, but he found favour in God’s eyes because of his remarkable duty.

God blessed and saved Noah, just as he will faithfully bless and protect those of us who follow and obey him today. Our call to duty is not a short-term, one time call. Like Noah, our duty must be lived out over a lifetime of faithful commitment.

Those who persevere will finish the race.

Noah Life’s Lessons

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NoahNow Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.

In the world taken over by evil, violence and corruption, Noah was a righteous man. However, Noah wasn’t just a righteous man, he was the only follower of God left on the Earth. The Bible says he was blameless among the people of his time. It also says he walked with God. Living with a society with sin and against God, Noah was the only man alive that pleased God.

Noah did everything just as God commanded.

Since the wickedness of man had covered the earth like a flood, God decided to start over again with Noah and his family. Giving very specific instructions, the Lord told Noah to build an ark in preparation for a catastrophic flood that would destroy every living thing on Earth.

Noah was truly a hero of the Christian Faith.

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Moses was an early leader, the most important figure in Judaism. Moses is said to have talked with God. Moses centred his life on God’s promises. Now Moses had the opportunity to live a comfortable life in the luxuries of Egypt, but he gave up that opportunity, “choosing to be ill-treated with the people of God rather than to have temporary enjoyments of sin”. The Bible says that Moses “continued to be committed as seeing the one who is invisible. Moses never regretted the choices he made in faith.

Moses wanted to strengthen the faith of others.

Moses may have had little idea that God was about to part the Red Sea, thereby opening up an escape route for the Israelites. However, Moses was confident that God would do something to protect His people. And Moses wanted to fellow Israelites to have the same belief. Moses said to the people “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah, which he will perform for you today”. By faith they passed through the Red Sea as on dry land”. Moses’ faith benefited not only himself but everyone who learned from it.

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We can copy Moses by centering our life on God’s promises. For example, God promises to care for our material needs if we give his worship the top priority in our life. True, we may find it a challenge to resist on material things that is so widespread today. But we can be sure that when we do out best to keep out life simple and focused on our worship, Jehovah will provide all that we need.

He says “I will by no means leave you nor by any means leave you”.

We also struggle to help others to grow in faith. For instance, wise parents recognize the tremendous opportunity they have to build faith in their children. As they grow, children need the important knowledge that God exists and that he has given us standards of right and wrong. They need to be persuaded that following his standards really is the best way of life.

Parents give their children a precious gift when they help them to have faith that God “is real and that he rewards those who sincerely try to find him.

Moses Life’s Lessons

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JesusJesus is son of God (the King of the Kings) who was a very humbled man. Now our Lord might have been the son of rich women or the son of a king. He might have been born to a very important family. That would have been a humble act for Jesus, because Jesus was really the Son of God.

But Jesus was actually the son of a poor women. We know that Mary was poor. Mary and Joseph came to the *Temple with the baby. Mary and Joseph’s gift was the cheapest. They could only afford that, they offered two birds. Jesus was the Heir of all things (God meant to give him everything). But he became one of the humblest men. From birth he was poor, he lived in a poor family, Joseph was a carpenter. Jesus served people all his life, Jesus worked and things did not always go well for him, he also had troubles like our troubles.

Jesus left the glory of Heaven. He became a human person. He was humble enough to die on the cross. He knew what he was doing. It was not some terrible mistake. Jesus himself said that “ I did not come so that men would serve me. I came to serve other people. And I came to give my life for many people”. Jesus served people all this life. He made sick better and he made worried people calm. The last time the he ate with his disciples he took a towel. When none of Jesus’s disciples volunteered to wash the dirty feet, Jesus himself took the job and washed the disciples feet, showing an example to everyone that a proper way of being a leader.

He was like someone who did not deserve a proper house.

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Jesus Life’s Lessons Jesus did not come just to make some changes in the ways of the world, he came to replace it. Jesus showed a different way to live. He showed this to greedy people or cruel people with too much power. He showed that a man could be humble. He could love and serve other people. God arranged that the time was right. It was also the right time in God’s great plan. God had prepared for this, from the beginning of the world. God was to come before Jesus. He was to tell people that Jesus would come, Jesus himself was born. God’s power did all this, but in a humble way. This should surprise us. It should impress us. God showed his love for men. They did not obey him, he wanted to forgive them, he showed this.

Everybody should trust him.

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Leaders in the Modern Day who are Humble!

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To find the real ‘Happiness in YOU’ you have to Serve Others you need help (your neighbours or family)

Make a Difference!

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How God’s faith important!It takes faith to believe in Christ, it takes faith to believe that what God says is always right and true, and it takes faith to trust and walk in that each and every day. However, if you’re faith doesn’t continue to grow in your relationship with Christ, you won’t have the faith to see God’s kingdom come not only in your life, but in the lives of those around you. Whatever faith you have inside of you will determine the outcome of the faith level you’ll have for God at work around you. If you don’t have faith for God to move, there’s a good chance you won’t be looking for anything to take place. Do you realize that the message of your life, is what you spend your time, money and energy on will scream how much faith (belief) you have put in Christ? Jesus loved and always responded to anyone that had faith. He loved it when those placed their full trust in him. Also, what’s so amazing is that Jesus said you don’t even need a lot of faith. Jesus said just a little faith can do amazing things in your life and in the lives of those around you.Jesus said our faith could be compared to a mustard seed. What’s interesting is that a mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds. But it also is a seed. A seed is worth more when it continues to grow. You water and feed the seed of your faith by giving it nourishment. We get nourishment by reading Gods word, worshipping, praying. All those things feed the seed of faith in your life. Speaks that we should have confidence, which actually means faith, to approach God’s throne of grace. Saying you believe is one thing. Walking that out, day in and day out is another………Let break it down………what faith is and why faith is so important. Without faith it’s impossible to please God because anyone who comes to Him must believe that he exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

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Take a Walk with God…God created man for the enjoyment of a walking relationship that involved companionship, dialogue, intimacy, joint decision-making, mutual delight, and shared dominion.

God longs to walk with you, which is why his arms of grace have been pulling you into a closer walk with him.

If you do not have a close walk with the Lord, I hope that you fit into the second category. Christian, you must walk with God. That is the purpose for which God created you. You can walk with God.

But, you ask, how?

Well there are 6 steps that can take to help you have a fruitful walk with the Lord:

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You cannot walk with God while you think of yourself to be more important than you are. Pride will hinder your prayers from being heard and will close your eyes to the truths of the Bible. Most people do not know God and do not walk with Him because they are proud, self-centred, and self-dependant.

You must be honest and open with God. Admit things you have done wrong (sins) and talk openly and thoroughly to God, there is no point hiding anything, where he knows anything you have done wrong to anything you have done good.

If you would walk with god you must humble yourself and see your flesh as God sees it, corrupt and sinful.

Remember: God does not walk with proud people.

1. See yourself as you really are.

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There is a balance of closeness and respect that we must achieve in our walk with god.

For example, consider my relationship with my dad. I do not treat him as a private would treat a general, with fear and curtness. I treat him as a best friend. But, I still show respect for him, because he is my father. My relationship with my dad is characterised by closeness and respect.

It is good to remind yourself of the greatness of god before you come into His presence. Think of His great power, holiness, glory and strength.

2. See God as He really is.

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You will never have a consistent walk with God until you have learned what a great privilege and priority it is to do so. Walking with God is not very important to most Christians. How do I know that? Because most Christians spend more time getting showered and ready for the day than they spend with God. You must deliberately convince yourself that you need to walk with God, or else you will never have a rewarding walk with Him.

3. Convince yourself of the need to walk with God.

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You must make a earnest decision to walk with God every day. Priests are actually against god, the priests wants to be teachers and teach others about the Bible, but these are all against God. God is our only teacher, defender, friend and our Father in Heaven.

4. Purpose in your heart to walk with God every day.

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Choose a quiet place where you will meet God every day. It will become a holy, special place, and it will help you to walk with God.

5. Choose a place where you can walk with God.

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It is never easy to walk with God, so don’t worry you have failed. Never quit! You would eventually have to go through struggle to understand God and who he really is. Even the disciples struggled to walk with God, shall not we? It is hard to walk with God, because walking with God is spiritual and nothing spiritual is easy “spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak”. It does take a high level of spiritual understanding about God. Sometimes you will wonder if God even hears your prayers, but god will listen to your prayers. When you are praying you call God. For example its like when you knock on a door and no one answers it and you knock again, it’s the same thing when you call God in your prayers. Never quit praying to God, never think its boring or anything.

Just Put God First Always and everything comes next!

6. Be Patient and persistent.

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The simple truth is that you will never be a joyful, useful and fruitful if you do not learn to have a consistent walk with God.

Your personal life, your marriage, your children and your career will never reach their full potential if you don’t walk with God. You can walk with God, and you must walk with God.

Those you walk with God, always reach their destination.

Will you?


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To be in God’s Kingdom you have to:

1. Do not judge others2. Respect everybody (as we are all a family)

3. Be Humble 4. Help everybody

5. Do not steal6. Do not commit adultery

7. Respect and look after your parents 8. Smile at everyone

9. Pray to God when your struggling and happy (always)10. Put God first, and the rest next!

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My Life’s ExperienceI am just an ordinary girl in the world like everyone else, I go to school and live a normal life and I am grateful for my life I have, I may not live my life like others teenagers or kids get to do like go parties and stuff. I spend my time with my parents, family, myself and God.

My relationship with God has been something personal, but I feel that I want to share my experience so it could help you all too. I just started to walk with God. To walk with walk I had to go through various or stages of struggles which was hard for me to handle. When you really get to know God is when you struggle hard and with pain, you most want God, that’s when you need and get to know God better. As I started to walking with God I feel much happier, before this happened I felt lost without God’s help.

I believe that I went to through lot of struggle, but I know God is making me stronger, when you go through every struggle in life you get stronger and stronger, please know that God is making you stronger for a purpose, for a reason. I know that everything in life happens for a reason.

I pray to God everyday, I tell him everything, I admit to him that I have done things wrongs and I ask him to forgive me, like nobodies is perfect, everybody do things wrong.

Also I told God about my Dreams and he listens to me everyday, I feel that, also I feel God talks to me through people.

Jesus is very important to me, he has died for me on a cross, went through brutal suffering to wash my sins and all of our sins. I Thank him every day for doing this to me and I also Thank god for everything he has given me.

People nowadays don’t believe in Jesus or God, whereas I think it’s very important to believe in them.

Just put God first, thank him for everything he gave you, he is the one who give you air to breathe to food to eat to keep you alive and love and care he only give you, and people don’t believe. God even blesses people who don’t believe him.

God Is Great! And I love my God for everything he has done for me and I also love my Jesus and all the great things he done for us, I am proud to say this.

I just want everyone to see that.

Thank you my friends

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Put God FirstRespect Parents

Pray for others (suffering)Help & Seek Others

Stay Humble!Work Hard As You Can

Be Yourself – Your Precious Gift Be the Change to world you want to see

May Your Dreams Come True

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