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Spiritual Eyeand

Solar Center

The spiritual centers which men and women use to manifest their creative purpose are the solar center and the inner eye.

The inner eye and the solar center can be correlated to the male and female spiritual roles in the lower worlds.

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They are opposite and equal powers which balance man between two worlds, making him both material and spiritual.. body and soul.. at the same time.

The SPIRITUAL EYE gathers the forces of soul, while the solar center distributes it.

Whether one’s attention is upon travelling to the heavenly worlds, or manifesting one’s desires upon earth, these two centers are needed to secure the correct results.

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“ pineal gland ” The spiritual eye,

sometimes called the ‘ tisra til ’ or the ‘ tenth door ,’ is the pineal gland located at the center of the forehead just above the eyebrows. The gland provides a bridge between the physical body and the subtle spiritual worlds.

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“ Spiritual eye ” The activation of the

SPIRITUAL EYE opens the inner door into the dimensions beyond the body.

It is one of the two openings a spiritual student is taught to use for expand awareness. The other is at the top of the skull, where the soft spot in a baby’s head is located.

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The SPRITUAL EYE enables man to make contact with the infinite. It is his inner airport from which he can journey at will into the other worlds, and return safely to the body.

The SPIRITUAL EYE is the ability to see, know, and be in the inner worlds as a conscious being.

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As such, this center is associated with insight, or ‘inner seeing’. The key words for the SPIRITUAL EYE are ‘conscious’ and ‘active’. In other words, when you use the SPIRITUAL EYE, you are ‘being’ and ‘doing’ something in full awareness!

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“connection with the infinite” The SPRITUAL EYE is the

‘masculine’ aspect of man’s spiritual make-up here on earth. it is the executive power in charge of conscious thought.

Through its connection with the infinite, the spiritual eye gives mankind the ability to discriminate based on inner wisdom to judge correctly the difference between truth and lies, between what helps soul and what is an obstacle to it.

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If you wish to raise your consciousness ,you must gather your

scattered attention at this door of soul. This wil unify and concentrate soul’s energies for the upward flight. Those who can utilize the spiritual eye are the creative geniuses of their worlds.

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“solar center” The solar center is the ganglion of

nerves at the back of the stomach which constitutes the sympathetic nervous system.

The solar center is the part of the body

that controls the automatic functioning of the vital organs. Whereas the ‘ tisra til ’ is the seat of conscious spiritual thought in man, the solar center is the source of the sub-conscious power.

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“ conscious and sub-conscious”

The sub-conscious is like the engine of a car, with the conscious mind as its driver. An engine would be useless without the intelligent handing of a driver. But the driver could go nowhere without the harnessed power of his engine. In the same way, conscious thought provides the solar center with a purpose and a direction. The sub-conscious contributes the necessary energy to arrive at the chosen destination.

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Human beings are a result of life-times long interaction between the conscious and sub-conscious. Superficial mental data are discarded between life-times. But strong conscious thoughts become patterns of belief that are stored on a sub-conscious basis. Beliefs are indisputable personal laws, and constitute the moulds from which particular lives are cast.

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The process of moulding the infinite and formless power of spirit into limited and particular realities is the job of the solar center. And this can result in the expansion or limitation of the individual, depending upon what beliefs are stored there.