Download - Spirit Expressed Sept Oct 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Spirit Expressed Sept Oct 2014


    Vision StatementWe are a vibrant, loving community and an inspirational resource for spiritual awakening and personal growth.

    Mission StatementThe purpose of this Church shall be to serve as a Spiritual Development Center by making available the knowledge and practiceof Science of Mind to all people, and especially to its members, and to foster their spiritual, cultural and general well-being and to

    provide facilities for education, fellowship and public worship.

    It is so easy to get caught in the snareof worldly events! War in the Middle East,fires and storms close to home, RobinWilliams' suicide, the unexpected passingof our own Steve Bosserman. or the upsand downs of relationships, the concernsof being a parent or caring for a parent,the energy of the workplace, the pressureof monetary concerns. So many eventscall for our attention, and attend to them

    we must! The spiritual path is about life,not the avoidance of it!

    Ernest Holmes believed that theScience of Mind was to be applied to theconcerns and aspirations of everyday lifeor it was no earthly good! I agree. WhenI get caught in these events, I want to beable to turn to spiritual tools that work.And work without fail! I find that I getvery pragmatic when the events of lifeseem to be overwhelming. I look at thefacts (the things that have reallyhappened) without the commentary(the "awfullizing," the "fortune telling,"

    and the "if only's"). I ask, "What can Ido to assist?"

    Sometimes, all I can do is pray andhold the vision. When Jim and I were onour anniversary cruise, I read that there

    was a fire in the mountains above Azusaand of course this is close to home. AndI wasn't. All I could do was pray. It wouldnot help to worry, or to visualize harm tomy home or my pets. I just had to knowthat God was present and let it go.

    Holmes wrote that the mostrewarding time to pray was in the mostdifficult times, because the demonstrations were so rewarding. This I under-

    stand. My prayer will not change a "fact,both Robin and Steve have released thilife to move into their individual newlives, free from the limitations of this oneand filled with the rewards of the goodwork they have done here in this life. believe that we take with us the growthof the soul that we have achieved in thislife as we are building the next one. InBuddhism this is seen as earning meritthrough good works or deeds. I think itcomes also from clearing up limitingmental thought patterns, because Ibelieve consciousness creates everything

    I also know that my simple prayer tobe a beneficial presence in the lives of thepeople around me, my prayer of gratitudefor the people like Robin and Steve and

    Reverend Kristina M. Collins


    SUNDAY SERVICESRev. Kristina M. Collins

    September 7"Adventures In Thinking"

    September 14"Your New Freedom"

    September 21"Infinite Possibilities"

    September 28"Discover Your Unique Self"

    October 5"You are Creative"

    October 12"A New Outlook"

    October 19"The Time is Now"

    October 26"Looking Forward" continued on page 3




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  • 8/10/2019 Spirit Expressed Sept Oct 2014


    FROM THE BOARDWilvesta Morgan Jr., President

    As we begin returning to our normalroutines in life after an excitingsummer vacation, it is with joy inour heats that we welcome everyoneback to our amazing family. I knowthat we are so happy to see each

    other again. There is no better wayto renew our love for each otherthan to embrace with that excep-

    tional bonding hug that we are so used to giving.From the Board of Trustees, Rev. Kris, Rev. Carol and our

    entire staff of excellent practitioners, we welcome all of ourfamily and friends back to our community. In your absence,we held you in our prayers always wishing you a safe andwonderful summer vacation. How blessed we are to beholdall of your beautiful faces again.

    How thrilling it is as you return to our community andrealizing this is the time of year that so many activities willbe taking place. I will not attempt to mention all of themsimply because there are too many to mention. We suggestthat you observe the bulletin board in the Sanctuary lobby,read the Spirit Expressed newsletter, refer to your Sundayprogram announcements, listen to the announcements fromthe lectern and check your email. As you can see, we do wantyou to be informed. And we want you to attend as manyevents as you can.

    I have often stated that there is no place in our familyfor anyone to ever be bored. All our groups are anxiouslyawaiting you to join them in any capacity that you maychoose. Whatever your interest happens to be, if you needsome additional information, you should speak to Rev. Kris,Rev. Carol, and board member, practitioner or coordinatingcouncil leader. They can always help you.

    There are two events that I will mention because it willbe beneficial to our new members as well as for our entirechurch. In our quest to keep our family informed, here aresome upcoming events that are important to everyone. Wegive a breakfast in October that we call our family meeting.Primarily we introduce all of our coordinating councilleaders. They reveal what their group does and will intro-duce you to their organization. The second event will alsobe held in October. This meeting is held each year. The activemembers of the church are invited to hear the annual reportfrom the Board of Trustees. Information is passed outregarding the finances of the church, including churchincome for the year, church expenditures and what we havein the bank. The Board is always proud to make this report

    to our membership. We are honored to serve you, ourcongregation and to uphold the trust that you have givenus. We will continue to serve wisely in whatever we do. Thesuccess of our church is predicated on our faith in you andyour trust and confidence in us.

    What an honor it is to welcome our three magnificentnew practitioners, Martha Bass, Leri Smith and Terri Thayer

    to our fabulous staff of practitioners. Their graduation June1 was simply terrific. These ladies were breathtaking in theircaps and gowns. Their speeches were spoken from theirhearts. As usual, Tina Meeks and David Cohen were on topof their music. To conclude the exercises, Rev. Kris and Rev.Carol were superb as they always are. How blessed we are tohave such extraordinary ladies join the ranks of our superpractitioner staff. They have immediately made their markin service. Leri and Terri are doing amazing things alreadyand I am sure that Martha is preparing big things as well.Our community salutes you fabulous ladies for your accom-plishments. We stand in awe as we celebrate with you. Youare a blessing to us.

    Our community is well recognized for the excellentclasses that we give. And, as usual, some classes have startedand many others are scheduled. or further information onclasses, please consult this issue of Spirit Expressed, Rev. Krisor the church office for more information. We are so blessedto have such talented individuals to facilitate these classes.It is not unusual for members of other churches to attendour classes. We are honored to have this recognition fromother churches. It is a joy and happiness to listen to Rev. Krisexpress how amazed so many people are in some of the meet-ings that she attends when she reveals to them some of thethings that we are doing in our church, specifically, whenshe mentions our classes.

    I want to congratulate our excellent book store staffheaded by Dale Quasny and her fabulous staff consisting ofBridgett Muradian, Judy Mathis, Deborah Polk, Mary Brackand Agnes Dobos. We are so grateful to all of you for the loveyou show when taking care of all our needs. Whether it isselling books for classes or books for leisure, cards, CDs,jewelry, flowers, crafts, and other items we may want, yourdedication is appreciated. On behalf of the Board, Rev. Kris,Rev. Carol and our church family, we thank all of you forthe extraordinary service that you give to all of us. Fromour hearts to yours, we are so grateful to all of you.

    It has been said by Jesus that in all things give thanks.We know this to be the truth. Having said this, I know thatby now we have received our statements from the churchoffice for our giving to the church for the first half of thisyear. We are so proud of the extraordinary service that Rev.Kris and Terri Thayer put in to prepare this information tobe sent to each person so fast. This is team work and if therewere others helping to complete this tremendous task, wethank you also. Our church is fantastic and just loaded withmagnificent people. Do you realize how many churches

    never give their members this information?God has blessed us to have two super ministers, aphenomenal board, fantastic practitioners and a congrega-tion that is a very special gift from the Divine.

    How can it get any better?With a joyous heart,Wilvesta Morgan, Jr.

  • 8/10/2019 Spirit Expressed Sept Oct 2014


    BLISSFUL LIVINGRev. Dr. Carol Bliss

    Stepping Into Light

    This beautiful version of the LordsPrayer is an Aramaic translation, thelanguage spoken by Jesus. Inlanguages such as Hebrew and

    Aramaic, specific words can have many layers of meaningand nuances of translation can resonate with our hearts indeep and tender ways. In the same way Coleman Barks beau-tiful translations of Rumi speak so eloquently, many peoplelove this particular version. I was delighted to find thisancient Aramaic interpretation at one of our sister churches,A Light in the Forest Center for Positive Living, Idyllwild,CA. I am delighted to share the Aramaic Version of the LordsPrayer with you.

    "O cosmic Birther of all radiance and vibration, softenthe ground of our being and carve out a space within uswhere your Presence can abide.

    Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empoweredto bear the fruit of our mission.

    Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with ourdesire.

    Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share whateach being needs to grow and to flourish.

    Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us, as werelease others from the entanglement of past mistakes.

    Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert usfrom our true purpose but illuminate the opportunities ofthe present moment.

    For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birthpower and the fulfillment, as all is gathered and made wholeonce again."

    With Gratitude AboundingRev. Dr. Carol

    the good they have given me by being who they are, andmy prayer for the comfort and support of all effected bytheir lives has an effect both on me and in the world. Thisdemonstrates through my being able to speak or take actionin a positive, productive way. And that is a demonstrationthat is rewarding!

    This is also true for my prayer for peace; peace of mind,peace within relationships, peace within our world. Justbecause I may not see the demonstration does not meanthat something hasn't happened. When we build our faithby experimenting with prayer and setting the great Law ofMind into action in a new direction first in small ways thatwe experience, we realize that this Law is always working

    Visions & Values cont. from page 1and bringing our thoughts into form. The more we learn

    to align our thoughts with Divine Ideals and stop creatingout of our ignorance the better our lives become and themore we are able to help one another. And the more werealize it is working, even if I don't see it right away.

    If you want to know more about how to use these toolsin times of "trouble" or opportunity come to class. It is inclass that the real "meat" of the Science of Mind is learnedand applied. You can demonstrate the life of your dreams.I started in September, 1980 and have been forever grateful.This wonderful way of life has changed me and the direc-tion of my life in wondrous ways.

    From my heart to yours,Rev. Kris


    I wasnt expecting to enjoy Asilomar this year as muchas in the past, when weve had our giant groups of 800 orso, but was really surprised that it was just as good with 50,just not as many choices to make about where to be.

    The majority that attended were from our church andClaremont, but there were others from around the state thatjoined us including Henry who has attended for over 40years! When I saw him as we drove in, I knew this wasAsilomar.

    The theme for this year of Holding the Vision, Asilomar2014 was created by Rene Cornwell (and he gifted us withthemed travel mugs) along with his statement of us beingthe pioneers to keep Asilomar going were right on the mark.His Gong Meditation was wonderful!

    Even things that Ive been to before, such as the 3 hour

    meditation with Rev. Kris and Anton Mizerak and the visitfrom Ernest Holmes (Brad Wethern) were even more enjoy-able than I remembered. Some commented that Kriss medi-tation was their main reason for coming. Can you imaginesitting like 4 feet away from Ernest Holmes and listening tohis wit and wisdom? Plus being on the grounds of Asilomar,with the pine trees and the ocean right there, is somethingthat makes you yearn to return (plus the cool weather). Iknow if they have the space, well double our size next year.

    I even wrote a poem in Jan Uebersetzigs Poetry work-shop:

    My Haiku poem from Jans workshop:Asilomar MornGulls call, deers graze, peace aboundsRefuge by the Sea.

  • 8/10/2019 Spirit Expressed Sept Oct 2014


    VISIONS IN PROGRESSBy Kellie Mulhern-Davis, President

    Halloween is almost here!!!Once again autumn is on the doorstep. And what does

    that mean? It means that the Annual Halloween FUNdraiserand Food Drive are upon us! We have so much fun at all ourevents at our Sanctuary, but there is something so specialabout the Halloween Party. Rev. Kris calls it one of our "High

    Holy Days" and it is the start of our Holiday Season.This year there will be a live auction, baskets of goodies,a chili cook off, music, dancing AND SO MUCH MORE! Sodress up and have fun and remember, Halloween is the oneday of the year that you literally can be anything you want

    and its "ok." So start thinking of it now because there willbe a costume contest.

    The Visions in Progress (VIP) Service Group will host thisevent on Saturday, November 1 at 6 p.m. This is a greatopportunity for volunteering a little or a lot of your time andtalent to help put on a SPECTACULAR event for our beloved

    church. Come to our next meeting on Sunday, September 7in Junior Church after service or contact me directly at 909-456-9225. Everyone is welcome!

    Love & Appreciation,Kellie Mulhern-Davis, President

    2015 STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM TO START!Our Sanctuary has a yearly pledge program which begins

    with a series of talks by Rev. Kris. This year they will be basedon the Ernest Holmes book, A New Design for Living. Becauseof the powerful messages of this book, the series will start in

    September and complete the last Sunday of November. InOctober we will begin our traditional pledge program, askingyou to prayerfully consider what you envision gifting to thechurch next year.

    On a business level, this allows your Board of Trustees tocreate a realistic budget and vision and plan for 2015. This

    allows us to move forward on our goals for repairs to thechurch property, programs for your growth and education.

    On a spiritual level, gives you the opportunity to visionand set your goals for the coming year, thereby setting the

    Law of Mind into motion through your intentions. It alsoallows the church to practice the same spiritual tools we teach.Good stewardship begins with clear goals and practicalactions. Thank you for being part of our wonderful spiritualcommunity, through our commitments, we all grow together.

    COMMUNITY GIVINGBy Joan Anderson

    We have a purple basket in Harmony Hall for donationsof hygiene items such as soap, shampoo, lotion, razors,

    deodorant, and powder. These can be full size or hotel size.They are given to both the Coalition for the Homeless or

    Prototypes Womens Center. Prototypes can also use new orgently used towels and twin bed sheets. Any questions, please

    see Joan Anderson.

    COME TO THE FAIRE!By Terri Thayer, Volunteer Coordinator

    Our fifth annual Healing Arts Faire is here, Saturday,September 27, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. This Faire promises to bethe best ever. As always, there will be many opportunitiesto think of health and healing in a whole new way. Vendorshealing sessions and informative talks will be available all

    day long.Have you ever wondered if Reiki healing, massage orPranic healing might be for you? Are you familiar with themany forms of Chiropractic? These modalities and manyothers will be available. Our favorite healers and vendors arereturning. Our amazing kitchen crew is all lined up to dazzleus with healthy delicious food and Tulipanos wonderfuldesserts will be on sale again.

    The committee brings you only the most qualified localhealers. They all have experience, background and thecredentials necessary for their field. So, if you find somethingwhich works for you at the Faire, you already know a localprofessional and can continue a healing relationship.

    Admission to the Faire and the lectures is free. Fees for

    the healing mini-sessions are set by the healers, and they arespecial rates for our Faire.

    This event is great fun for everyone, whether you arefamiliar with these modalities or are new to the idea.

    This is our largest event, and our largest fund raiser. There

    are many volunteer opportunities, greeters, registration table,set up for the Faire, set up for church, vendor hosts. Signupin Harmony Hall, let us know what youd like to do. PeggyHuber (818)271-0369 and I (626) 421-8477 are coordinatingvolunteers this year and we are available for questions at anytime. Remember, volunteers who sign up for at least fourhours will be able to pre-register for healing sessions. Dontdelay, the session calendars fill up fast on Faire Day.

    It would be very helpful for everyone to distribute postersand flyers to the local businesses you patronize. Please addHealing Arts Faire information to all your social media sites.If you have a camera, please bring it. Lots of pictures wouldbe great for our website and our archives. We need your timeand talent to make this the best Faire yet!

  • 8/10/2019 Spirit Expressed Sept Oct 2014


    Steve Bosserman5/22/1965 - 8/20/2014

    Dear SSL Community

    I regret to inform you of the unexpected passing of our beautiful friend and member,Steve Bosserman, who passed August 20. Steve has been a vital part of our community.

    He actually grew up in Religious Science and was at the church when I came in 1996. He trained in our Sound Departmentunder Steve Van Meter, then became the Co-coordinator when Steve Van Meter moved to another church. Steve became aSound Technician, completing the courses and graduating from Citrus College a number of years ago, and we have been thebeneficiaries of his knowledge. He has updated and installed the sound systems in our Sanctuary and Harmony Hall andhas operated them during many special occasions, concerts, plays, and services. He has trained numerous people on how tooperate the systems and been a faithful volunteer not only doing sound but helping in any way he was asked. Steve broughta true attitude of service to his volunteering. On a personal basis, Steve was a dear friend and shared a wonderful sense ofhumor. He was a gentle soul, who fought a harder battle than most people realized. I have a huge amount of respect andlove for Steve and the way he lived his life. His love of music and desire to bring forward a professional level of work willalways be admired. I remember him taking months to complete a recording of one of our jazz concerts. When it was done,Will Brooks, was overwhelmed by its beauty. Will had never had a professional CD completed and he was delighted with thequality that Steve brought forward on this "in-house" CD.

    Please join me in prayer for peace for Steve as he has moved into the all-embracing love of God, and peace and comfort forhis family, who love him deeply.

    Love, Kris

  • 8/10/2019 Spirit Expressed Sept Oct 2014



    September 7 Christy and David Cohen

    September 13 Mary Ekler

    September 20 Mary Ekler

    September 27 Mary Ekler

    09/09 Donald Jaeger09/10 Rev. Carol Bliss09/13 Terri Thayer09/14 Charlie McMillien09/20 Marilyn Snider09/23 Barbara Sherman09/23 Peggi Manzi


    09/25 Bridget Muradian09/26 Mary Elker09/27 Richard Bode09/29 Robert Welch09/30 Rev. Kris Collins09/30 Claudia Shields

    HappyLabor Day


    The FourAgreements7:00 pm

    2 Tai Chi 6:00 pmHealing LightService 7:00 pmSSL EndowmentMeeting 7:00 pm

    3 4 5

    All ChurchClean Up8:30 am


    AdventuresIn Thinking

    "Light Of God:Spirituality ofThe Incas 1:30 pmV.I.P.Meeting 1:00 pm


    Monday MorningMiracles 10:00 amFoundation Class7:00 pm


    Practitioner I7:00 pm


    Tai Chi6:00 pm

    Healing LightService 7:00 pm

    10 11 12

    RelationshipWorkshop6:30 pm


    Your NewFreedomBoard of TrusteesMeeting 1:30 pm


    Monday MorningMiracles 10:00 amFoundation Class7:00 pm


    Practitioner I7:00 pm


    Tai Chi6:00 pm

    Healing LightService 7:00 pm


    Building a HealingConsciousness7:00 pm

    18 19

    PractitionerMeeting9:30 am




    Monday MorningMiracles 10:00 amFoundation Class7:00 pm


    Practitioner I7:00 pm


    Tai Chi6:00 pmHealing Light Service7:00 pm

    24 25

    Volunteers Preparefor Healing ArtsFaire


    Healing Arts Faire8:30 am(Faire Opens at10:00 am)



    Monday MorningMiracles 10:00 amFoundation Class7:00 pm


    Practitioner I7:00 pm

    30 31

    sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday

    Building a HealingConsciousness7:00 pm

    Building a HealingConsciousness7:00 pm

    Building a HealingConsciousness7:00 pm

    September Calendar of Events

    Discover YourUnique Self

    All ChurchClean Up8:30 am

  • 8/10/2019 Spirit Expressed Sept Oct 2014


    Tai Chi6:00 pm

    Healing LightService 7:00 pm

    1 2 3

    Science of MindWeekend10:00 am - 4:00 pm


    You Are Creative"All Church BreakfastFamily Meeting


    Monday MorningMiracles 10:00 amFoundation Class7:00 pm


    Practitioner I7:00 pm


    Tai Chi6:00 pm

    Healing LightService 7:00 pm

    8 9 10 11

    A New OutlookNew MemberSundayV.I.P. Meeting 1:00 pm


    Monday MorningMiracles 10:00 amFoundation Class7:00 pm


    Practitioner I7:00 pm


    Tai Chi6:00 pm

    Healing LightService 7:00 pm


    Building a HealingConsciousness7:00 pm


    Board of TrusteesMeeting6:30 pm


    PractitionersMeeting9:30 am


    The Time Is NowChurch LuncheonAnnual Meeting1:00 pm


    Monday MorningMiracles 10:00 amFoundation Class7:00 pm


    Practitioner I7:00 pm


    Tai Chi6:00 pmHealing LightService 7:00 pm

    22 23 24 25


    Monday MorningMiracles 10:00 amFoundation Class7:00 pm


    Practitioner I7:00 pm


    Tai Chi6:00 pm

    Healing LightService 7:00 pm

    29 30


    RememberOur Partyon Nov 1

    sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday

    Building a HealingConsciousness7:00 pm

    Building a HealingConsciousness7:00 pm

    Building a HealingConsciousness7:00 pm

    October Calendar of Events

    Looking Forward


    Movie"The People vs.The State of Illusion"7:00 pm


    October 5 Mary Ekler

    October 12 Mary Ekler

    October 19 Mary Ekler

    October 26 Mary Ekler

    10/05 E.J. Cotran10/07 Jeannette Thompson10/07 Lorraine Vestal10/08 Katie Feamster10/10 Fran Andreozzi


    10/17 Kare Castle10/26 Marilyn Fouch10/27 Kellie Mulhern-Davis10/27 Antonieta Poncedeleon10/30 Kathleen Smith

  • 8/10/2019 Spirit Expressed Sept Oct 2014


    All Church Clean UpSaturday, September 6 at 8:30 A.M., come join the fun as

    we clean up our beautiful church. Come when you can, stayas long as your schedule permits. This bi-monthly activitynot only keeps the church looking great, but gives us anopportunity to notice things that need attention or repair.There is something for everyone to do, so join the fun and

    great conversation. Donuts for breakfast and a healthy lunch.Light of God: Spirituality of The IncasJoin Rev. Carol on Sunday, September 7 at 1:30 p.m. for

    her slide show of her trip to Peru. Share the spirituality of theIncas! Love Offering.

    Relationship Workshopwith Corinne and Don Kemp.

    Want to improve your Relationship? Learn some tips tobe closer and have true intimacy? Have a more joyful andfulfilled life? Corinne and Don have 60 years of constantlyimproving love and life. Individuals and couples welcome.Saturday September 13, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Love offering $20,includes handouts.

    Healing Arts Faire SetupFriday, September 26, volunteers are needed midafternoonto early evening to set up for the Healing Arts Faire onSaturday. The more help we have the more quickly we arefinished. Come help us transform the Sanctuary, JuniorChurch and Harmony Hall from a Church to a Faire.

    5th Annual Healing Arts FaireIf you are interested in learning more about alternative

    medicines and healing arts, be sure to mark Saturday,September 27, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on your calendar.Our church is coordinating our fifth Healing Arts Faire. Therewill be presentations in our class room on various healingarts, product information and sales, sessions with our healersand of course, delicious food and Tulipanos desserts for sale.

    Save the date and tell your friends. There is no cost to come

    CURRENT EVENTSand attend the lectures and presentations. Each healer setstheir own fees for healing sessions.

    This incredible event is a great place to volunteer. Againthis year, volunteers and folks who pre-pay for the sessionsthey desire will be able to register early. Dont miss a momentof our Sanctuarys largest event of the year.

    Science of Mind Week End

    Friday, October 3, 7-10 p.m. view the Movie "The Peoplevs. the State of Illusion" and Saturday, October 4, 10 4 p.m.Workshop on Visioning and Treatment. See Classes fordetails.

    Family Meeting and Church BreakfastOur Family Meeting which informs you of the activities

    of the Volunteer groups, church organizations and your Boardof Trustees will be held on Sunday, October 5, after service.Breakfast will be served by Jim Montgomery and his team ofvolunteers. This meeting is open to all members and friendsof our church.

    New Member SundayOn Sunday October 12, Wilvesta Morgan, Jr., and Rev.

    Kris Collins will welcome new members into our congrega-tion during the celebration service. If you are interested injoining our church, you may speak to Board Member, PeggyHuber regarding any questions you may have; or you cancomplete a membership card at the receptionist desk in thelobby before Sunday, October 12. There will be an orienta-tion meeting at 1 p.m. that day in the Sanctuary.

    Annual Meeting and Church LuncheonOur Annual Membership Meeting is Sunday, October 19,

    at 1 p.m. This meeting is open to Active Members of theChurch. One of the main purposes of the meeting is the elec-tion of members to the Board of Trustees. Annual financialreports are given and the vision for our church is presented.A luncheon will be served after church and before the


  • 8/10/2019 Spirit Expressed Sept Oct 2014


    Candlelight ServiceThere will be a special Candlelight Service on Wednesday,

    December 17 at 7 p.m. in place of the Healing Light Service.Experience the spiritual meaning of the holiday as we jointogether as a community in Gods Light to remember theChrist Child born in each one of us. Join Rev. Kris and Rev.Carol and our music department for a special evening of Love.Enjoy carols around the piano and hot apple cider after theservice.

    Christmas BreakfastJoin Rev. Kris and Jim for breakfast Christmas morning in

    Harmony Hall between 9 and 11 a.m. This tradition is a greatway to start the day with lots of love, great food and hugs.We have a full selection of breakfast menu options includinghomemade apple strudel, egg dishes, waffles, potatoes, cereals,breakfast meats and even a corn frits casserole. Sign up inHarmony Hall during December to be sure we have enoughfood. Love offering.

    KwanzaaKwanzaa is the seven day observance, beginning

    December 26, with each day dedicated to a particular spiri-

    tual and community value. This year we will celebrateKwanzaa on Sunday, December 28 during our CelebrationService at 11 a.m. After the service we will observe theKaramu, which is a feast and cultural program presented bythe elders. During the service we will hear about the sevenvalues that renew the community each year. Plan to attendthis uplifting day! Please bring a dish to share for the feastafter service.

    World Peace Meditation and Peace BreakfastThe World Peace Meditation began on December 31,

    1986. It was conceived by John Randolph Price, who believedthat united prayer could change the consciousness of theworld. He put out the word for people of all religious back-

    grounds and faith traditions to stop for an hour of medita-tion at noon Greenwich Mean Time. Around the worldpeople responded by being willing to meet in prayer for worldpeace. Religious Science churches have kept this traditionalive with annual meditation services. Our Sanctuary will beopen at 4 a.m. on Wednesday, December 31 for an hour longmeditation service. You are invited to join in consciousnessfor peace by either attending the service or by setting youralarm clock and rising to spend the hour in meditation atyour home. We know the power of prayer and believe thatwe create our world thorough prayer and thought. We willserve a full breakfast after the meditation service in HarmonyHall. It is our tradition to take down the Christmas tree afterbreakfast and are grateful for volunteers who can stay and

    assist us.

    Halloween PartyMark your calendar on Saturday, November 1, 6:00 p.m.

    for our annual Halloween Party. Food, fun, costume contest,music, dancing, opportunity prizes, auction, games. Thisnight is an extraordinary good time for all. Start planningnow! Whether you prefer creepy or pretty or downright enig-matic put on that costume and come to the Halloween Party.

    Day Light Savings Time EndsFall back at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Might be agood idea to set your clock back when you get home fromthe Halloween Party.

    All Church Clean UpSaturday, November 8, 8:30 a.m. Bi-monthly clean-up as

    we get our beautiful property ready for winter.

    Veterans DayRev. Kris and our Music Department will present a special

    service on Sunday, November 9 for Veterans Day at our 11a.m. Celebration Service.

    Sacred Sounds Meditation with Phyllis DouglassSunday, November 9 at 1:30 p.m.

    Sue Hollands Birthday!Sue Holland is celebrating her birthday by hosting our

    after service luncheon and creating a party for us on Sunday,November 23! There will be food, music and fun. Come joinSue in celebration!

    ThanksgivingThursday, November 27, begins at 3 p.m. with a social

    hour. We will enjoy a potluck dinner with our churchproviding the turkeys! Come for a quick hello, or the wholecelebration and bring your family and friends. All arewelcome. Please sign up in Harmony Hall during November,so we know how many turkeys to prepare.

    Christmas Tree Decorating

    Sunday, November 30, 1 p.m. Once again it is time tocreate the most beautiful Christmas Tree in the Valley.Volunteers are needed and you dont have to climb a ladderif you dont want to. We will listen to carols and enjoy theseason as we "deck the halls" in the Sanctuary and HarmonyHall.

    Dream With Me ConcertSunday, December 7, 3:00 6:00 p.m. Paula Aghajanian

    once again brings her beautiful students for an afternoon ofsacred, and secular holiday music.

    Practitioner Meeting and Christmas Pot LuckOur annual Practitioner Christmas Pot Luck Dinner is set

    for Monday, December 8 at 6:30 p.m.


  • 8/10/2019 Spirit Expressed Sept Oct 2014


    Kristina Collins. Class books: The Science of Mind, by ErnestHolmes, and The Joy of Meditation, by Jack & CorneliaAddington. Tuition: $225 includes the student workbook.

    Practitioner IThe first year of Professional Practitioner Studies is

    devoted to advancing spiritual awareness and expandingyour understanding of your relationship to the universe. It

    is designed to be whole and complete within itself, preparingyou to live life more fully, whether or not you choose tocontinue with Practitioner II and become a licensedPractitioner. Class work includes journal writing andexpanded Spiritual practices. Term papers are required inTerm 1 and 2, and a class project at the end of term 3. The30 week class begins on Tuesday, September 9 from 7 to 10p.m. Required books include the class student workbook(included in class fees), The Science of MindandLiving theScience of Mindby Ernest Holmes, and various other textsfor each term. Tuition for this certificated class is $650.00

    Science of Mind WeekendFriday, October 3, 7-10 p.m. and Saturday, October 4, 9

    4 p.m.

    This workshop is part of the Foundation Class and is openfor anyone wanting to deepen their understanding ofAffirmative Prayer (Treatment) by using the Spiritual tech-nique taught by the Science of Mind. This fun and insightfulweekend includes visioning for your individual life andlearning the five step Affirmative Prayer. This prayer breaksfrom the traditions of begging, bargaining and beseechingGod as an outside parental figure for the good that you desireand moves your prayer based on Spiritual Principles to oneof union with the Divine and the realization that your goodis available now.

    We will view the movie, "The People vs The State ofIllusion" on Friday night at 7 p.m., followed by a discussionof the principles explained in the movie. Please bring snacks

    to share.The cost for the weekend is $25. If you are a student in

    the Foundation Class the cost is included in your tuition.

    Non-Certificated Classes

    Relationship Workshopwith Corinne and Don Kemp

    Want to improve your relationships? Learn some tips tobe closer and have true intimacy? Have a more joyful andfulfilled life? Corinne and Don have 60 years of constantlyimproving love and life. This workshop is based on the

    Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions and will teach you howto have better relationships with yourself, your family, yourfriends and your world. Individuals and couples welcome.Saturday September 13 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Love Offering $20includes handouts.

    Certificated Classes

    Foundation ClassBy enrolling in this class, you are about to embark upon

    a life-changing journey toward greater good! The materialsand class experience will help you embrace practical spiritu-ality for everyday living, while at the same time enhance yourworld in an immediate and tangible way. This course presents

    a new spiritual principle each week and a spiritual practiceto support the principle. The creative Process is introducedat the beginning of the class and then flows through eachweek, so that you have the opportunity to see and use theCreative Process at work in each spiritual principle. Each weekalso features the writing of one of our Science of Mind "Elders"as well as one of our contemporaries on the subject at hand.These include Dr. William Hornaday, Dr. Frank Richelieu,Terry Cole Whittaker, Dr. Jesse Jennings, Dr. Kathy Hearn,Dr. Linda McNamar, and many more.

    This 10 week class begins Monday, September 8, 2014,from 7 to 10 p.m. and includes the Science of Mind WeekendRetreat on Friday, October 3 (7 to 10 p.m.) and SaturdayOctober 4 (9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). Text Books: The Science of

    Mind, by Ernest Holmes andIt Is About You! by Kathy Juline.Class fees: The Sanctuary for Spiritual Living is offering thisclass for the registration and workbook costs of $85, insteadof the normal $295. Payments are accepted. Additional LoveOfferings are encouraged.

    Building a Healing ConsciousnessThis class has a two-fold goal.One purpose illuminating all of our classes is to open

    our thought to the possibility that we can create a betterworld - a better world in our relationships, our families, ourwork places, our churches, our communities, our nation, andour planet.

    Looking at this transcendent purpose, we begin to see that

    its possibility rests on the foundation of what goes on in ourown inner lives... in the discovery and exploration of thepower of our thought... in the awakening, enrichment, andexpansion of our individual consciousness... so that each ofus is fully open to being all we can be, fully aware of thePresence within and the Unity of all life.

    As this life-enrichment process unfolds in each of us, itpours into the Universal Consciousness, a vital force forchange in the world.

    The two-fold goal for this class:1. To continue and expand our individual life-enrichment

    process, building on the understanding and practice of spir-itual principles that was begun in the Foundation Class, and

    2. To consciously allow these life-enrichment processes

    to integrate in the creation of a personal vision for a betterworld.This eight week CSL Certificated class begins Thursday,

    September 4, 2014 from 7 - 10 p.m. The Foundation Classis a prerequisite for enrollment. The class is facilitated by Rev.


  • 8/10/2019 Spirit Expressed Sept Oct 2014


    I am praying this now. I simply ask that all of you join mein continuing this prayer.

    I am knowing today a blessing for the world what enlight-

    ened ones have called paradise, the heavens and the firma-ment, Earth: the pale blue dot of our cosmos. It is the perfecthome. Everything in existence that we maintain is looked inupon by that pervasive energy of the all-knowing Spirit. Thankyou for my country: the open plains of life, the open arms ofliberty, the open road. It is the perfect home. I care for mycommunity as I recognize that action as the best way ofhonoring my dedication to connection. I have been tasked thehardest wheel to turn in craving connection, yet my task issurely this. Learning to connect meaningfully with each other,and all too soon learning to stay on the earthen shore asanother has loosened the bonds. All the while we still recog-nize the mystery that we are still connected.

    At these times, when sorrow visits, I ask for sanctuary, and

    always it is provided. A sanctuary is both public and privateand I keep watch on its boundaries. It is symbolized in theman-made, but the ground of battle exists not in a simpleconstruct as much as it does within the complexities of thegreater creations -- ourselves. I know this is true for the sanc-tuary formed of body that I have had all my life. I know it isthe absolute truth of the temple of the mind within that body.There is no separation. And the creator of all has provided allthe needed rooms for my peace. All have a home. I see everyhome as perfect in size and functionality. It is all in good order,and lovingly shown a high degree of respect. I pray this for all,whether all are aware of our holy connection at all times. Iam reminded that often I allow myself the mask of "the other,"but this is a misunderstanding. When I practice in the integrity

    of all I know to work in this world, my home and country, in

    Treatment For Septemberby Jill Roberts, R.Sc.P.

    Treatment For Octoberby Martha Bass, R.Sc.P.

    Abundance and Success for My Wonderful Church andCongregation

    In total faith I know there is only One, one God, one Powerone Infinite Intelligence, one wisdom, this awesome magnificence that we call God.

    I know that I am part of this Divine Energy, I am in perfecharmony with the Universe, I am that I am, God is in me asme and it works through me. I know this to be true for my

    beloved church and each one of us who gather here.In this very moment of awareness I declare for myself andthis wonderful congregation the abundant flow of success. Weclaim the treasures of the universe as ours. We go forward livinglarge and great. Ever supported by the Divine, it is our birthright to be rich, happy and successful. Money flows to us freelycopiously and endlessly. We are forever conscious of our trueworth. We are financially blessed. It is wonderful.

    With great love and gratitude I give thanks for knowingthis abundant life is already mine. I release these words intothe energy of all good letting go and letting God.

    And so it is.


    Available by Appointment

    Practitioners have been described as the healing arm of thechurch. Our practitioners embrace the entire congregation withtheir loving consciousness, uplifting and serving through healingprayer treatment. Healing Prayer Treatment is the conscious,active recognition of Spiritual presence, Spiritual Force, SpiritualLaw and Spiritual Order. When we make prayer treatment anintegral part of our lives, we experience a greater sense of order

    and harmony in every aspect of our being. The Ministry of Prayeris made up of licensed Religious Science Practitioners who arededicated to daily prayer treatment for those individuals who haverequested assistance. If you are experiencing a personal challenge,

    Joan Anderson . . . . . . . .(626) 337-6271Martha Bass . . . . . . . . . .(626) 375-5158Sharron Clark, Emeritus (661) 943-1068Rene Cornwell . . . . . . . .(661) 949-9439Linda Cullerton . . . . . . .(909) 374-4120Kellie Mulhern-Davis,

    Prayer Coordinator . .(909) 456-9225Nohra DeFrancisco . . . .(626) 963-8639Sadhna Dehler . . . . . . . .(626) 818-4765Marilyn Fouch . . . . . . . .(909) 392-9667Ryan Fowler . . . . . . . . . .(909) 436-6308

    Diane Glock . . . . . . . . . .(626) 966-9506Anabel Gonzalez . . . . . .(626) 825-0461Monica Gump . . . . . . . .(626) 858-2787Merry Hercules . . . . . . .(626) 222-8221Corinne Kemp . . . . . . . .(626) 331-6163David Kline Lovett . . . . .(714) 979-9988

    Ken Larsen . . . . . . . . . . .(323) 459-3683Lindee Brown Larsen . . .(323) 721-3487Scott McDermitt . . . . . .(626) 257-8987Pat McKee . . . . . . . . . . .(909) 599-4229James Montgomery . . . .(626) 852-9592

    John Morgan . . . . . . . . .(909) 936-4467Dale Quasny . . . . . . . . .(626) 332-7274Jill Roberts . . . . . . . . . . .(805) 451-2886Wendy Skarupa,

    Prayer Coordinator . .(909) 620-0232Leri Smith . . . . . . . . . . .(310) 429-2250

    Terri Thayer . . . . . . . . . .(626) 421-8477Jan Uebersetzig . . . . . . .(626) 344-6219Kim Weathers . . . . . . . .(562) 665-5658Maureen Welch . . . . . . .(626) 966-8166Robert Welch . . . . . . . . .(626) 966-8166

    you may request healing prayer treatment through our Ministryof Prayer. The prayer box, along with prayer request envelopes, islocated in the church lobby. If you prefer to receive prayer on anindividual basis, Practitioners are available each Sunday afterservice in the healing center. Treatment through the Ministry oPrayer is offered free of charge, though your love donations andfeedback are very welcome! Remember, in God all things are


    We serve life not because it is broken,but because it is Holy! Anonymous

    my very being, then all is right in the universe.In loving attention to the practice that keeps us together

    in sisterhood and brotherhood, I am grateful in each step onthe path, and I release this prayer knowing its perfection isfulfilled in the body, mind and soul.

    And So It Is.

  • 8/10/2019 Spirit Expressed Sept Oct 2014


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    SUNDAY CELEBRATION SERVICE . . . . . . .11:00 a.m.

    SUNDAY MEDITATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:30 a.m.HEALING LIGHT SERVICE WEDNESDAY . . . . . . .7:00 p.m.

    Sanctuary for Spiritual Living

    5446 North Citrus AvenueCovina, California 91722

    Rev. Kristina Collins, Chaplainand Ministry of Prayer . .(626) 963-4608

    Wilvesta Morgan Jr., President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(626) 919-0737

    Kellie Mulhern-Davis, Vice President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(909) 456-9225

    Teresa Day, Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(916) 412-2507

    Victoria Del Aguila, Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(818) 516-5511

    Peggy Huber, Trustee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(818) 271-0369

    Kim Weathers, Trustee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(562) 665-5658


    Board of Trustees

    YourMinisterial Staff

    BookstoreDale Quasny . . . . . . .(626) 332-7274

    Building & Grounds

    Cyndi Mulhern . . . . . (909) 319-2668

    James Montgomery . .(626) 852-9592

    Computer Committee

    Ryan Fowler . . . . . . . (909) 436-6308

    Flower Calendar Coordinator

    Bridget Muradian . . . (626) 338-2095

    Hospital Visitation

    John Morgan . . . . . . (909) 936-4467

    Ministry of Prayer

    Kellie Mulhern-Davis .(909) 456-9225

    Wendy Skarupa . . . . . (909) 620-0232

    Coordinating Council

    Church OfficeTerri Thayer, Church Administrator

    Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 2:00 5:00 p.m.

    CHURCH TELEPHONE: (626) 332-6838 FAX: (626) 859-2783

    E M il R K i C@ l W b Sit SOMCHURCH

    NewsletterTerri Thayer . . . . . . . .(626) 421-8477

    Rental CoordinatorJim Montgomery . . . (626) 852-9592

    Sound CoordinatorTeresa Day . . . . . . . . .(916) 412-2507

    SSL Endowment CommitteeWilvesta Morgan, Jr. .(626) 919-4608James Kilgore . . . . . . .(909) 593-7332

    Sunday Hospitality CoordinatorJoan Anderson . . . . . .(626) 337-6271

    Sunday Volunteer Coordinator

    Terri Thayer . . . . . . . .(626) 421-8477

    Visions In ProgressKellie Mulhern-Davis .(909) 456-9225CJ Valdez . . . . . . . . . .(909) 803-8053

    Youth & Family MinistryJill Roberts . . . . . . . . .(805) 451-2886

    MinisterRev. Kristina Collins . . . .(626) 963-4608

    Assistant MinisterRev. Carol Bliss . . . . . . .(562) 216-0019

    Spirit Expressed OnlineIf you would prefer to receive your copy on lineplease email [email protected]. Include if youwant to be removed from the paper mailing list orwant to continue to receive it both ways.