Download - Specification for EOI-QAQC of AMI 1

  • 8/13/2019 Specification for EOI-QAQC of AMI 1



    Defence Research & Development Establishment, (DRDE),

    Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO)

    Govt. of India, Minist ry of Defence, Jhansi Road, Gwalior-474002

    Invitation of expression of interest (EOI) for QA/QC service of Anaerobic Microbial

    Inoculum (AMI) and i ts generation facili ty.

    DRDE, Gwalior is engaged in developing biodigester based eco-friendly technologies

    for disposal of organic wastes for all weather and climatic conditions for the last three

    decades. DRDE has developed an innovative technology for disposal of human waste

    in eco-friendly manner at locations where temperature drops to -40°C or lower. It is not

    only useful for glacier and other snow bound areas but can also be used effectively in

    any other geo-climatic conditions prevailing in different parts of the world. The process

    culminates in the treated effluent which is safe and is also environmentally acceptable.

    During waste treatment colourless, inflammable biogas (methane) is generated as a

    byproduct. The technology has two major components:

    1. Low temperature active bacterial inoculum

    2. Biodigester.

     A consortium of anaerobic bacteria has been formulated and adapted to work at

    temperature as low as 5°C. This is the component which acts as inoculum (seed

    material) for the biodigester and converts the organic waste into methane and carbondioxide. The anaerobic process inactivates the pathogens responsible for water borne

    diseases. Biodigester serves as reaction vessel for biomethanation as well as provides

    the anaerobic conditions and required temperature for the bacterial growth. The

    optimum temperature for biodegradation is maintained by microbial heat, insulation of

    the reactor and/ or solar heating.

    1. Suitable for sub zero temperature of Himalayan region as well as tropical and dry


    Salient features:

    2. No dependence on the limited and costly conventional energy sources.3. Easy to transport and install in hilly terrains.

    4. Elimination of pathogens.

    5. Generation of odourless and inflammable biogas. 

    6. Extremely low maintenance requirement.

    7. Economically viable 

  • 8/13/2019 Specification for EOI-QAQC of AMI 1


    The technology of Biodigester is expanding its wings in different regions of the country

    like Lakshadweep and Indian Railways. And the key component of the technology is

     Anaerobic Microbial Inoculum (AMI). It’s appropriate quality is of utmost importance for

    the success of the biodigester technology. To cater to such a huge requirement of AMI,

    several industries have taken the technology for biodigester as well as AMI production.

    Industry is producing the AMI and supplying to users for which QA/QC of AMI and its

    production facility is essential. QA/ QC of the AMI and the production facility will be

    carried out by the interested vendors. QA/QC of anaerobic microbial inoculum has to be

    monitored during mother culture stage at production site before seeding at user end.

    Quality of inoculum is refers to the number of viable hydrolytic and methanogenic

    bacteria per milliliter of inoculum. Other parameters to be analyzed for QA/QC of

    anaerobic microbial inoculum include pH, biogas production and methane content of

    biogas. QA/QC of production facility should be monitored half yearly (observation to be

    made according to check list attached). Vendor will generate data as per QA/QC

    document provided by DRDE Gwalior and submit its recommendations for issuing

    QA/QC certificate to both the Production facility as well as individual batches ofinoculum.

    Target values for anaerobic microbial inoculum are follows.

    S No. Parameters Target value

    1 pH 6.5 – 7.5

    2 Biogas inflammability Inflammable

    3 Methane content of biogas 40 – 70 %

    4 Total solid content 3 – 4 %

    5 Hydrolytic bacteria count (CFU/ml) > 105 

    6 Methanogens count (CFU/ml) > 103 

    Production facility should be monitored for the following parameters

    1. Engineering drawing of the AMI (Anaerobic Microbial Inoculum) production facility.

    2. pH meter, Temperature sensor and biogas flow meter connected with data logger

    for round the clock monitoring.

    3. Installation of chiller unit and inoculum mixing arrangement.

    4. Maintenance of records for pH, Temperature, Gas flow and cattle dung feed etc.

    5. Hermetical sealing of the plant and testing the inflammability of biogas on the spot.

    Interested vendors/parties may send the offer for expression of interest (EOI) along with

    the following documents within 30 days from date of publication. The response shall


  • 8/13/2019 Specification for EOI-QAQC of AMI 1


    1. Company profile

    2. Details of QA/QC services offered earlier.

    3. Any other document which can establish the experience and the expertise of the

    interested vendor.

    On the top of the envelop, it should be marked as Expression of interest for QA/QC of AMI. For inquiries regarding this EOI, please contact the Director, DRDE, Gwalior-

    474002, Phone No. 0751-2233490/2341550, Fax No. 0751-2341148.