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New Seismic Compliance Requirements for Hospitals

Special Seismic CertificationSpecial Seismic Certification Preapproval Program

Rebroadcast of June 17, 2010 Web SeminarWeb Seminar

Welcome & Program OverviewOverview

Roger Richterg

Roger Richter is Senior Vice President for Professional Services, at California Hospital Association where he represents the members’ interests on energy, facilities, environmental and disaster planning issues for California hospitals and health systems. Mr. Richter serves as a liaison with state regulatory agencies, i l di th Offi f St t id H lth Pl i dincluding the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, Hospital Building Safety Board, California Buildings Standards Commission, State Fire Marshal, Cal/OSHA Cal EPA Emergency Medical ServicesCal/OSHA, Cal EPA, Emergency Medical Services Authority, California Department of Public Health, California Energy Commission and the California Public Utilities Commission.



Special thanks to:

Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development

California Society for Healthcare EngineeringEngineering

American Institute of Architects,American Institute of Architects, California Council

Chris Tokas

Chris Tokas MS, SE, is a supervising structural engineer for the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. Mr. Tokas has 25 years of experience in structural engineering and design, with special emphasis in the areas of seismic evaluation, analysis, and retrofit. He has designed and managed y g gseismic upgrade projects for a wide variety of public, private and institutional clients and on a wide variety of structures. Mr. Tokas has been involved in all phases of seismic risk reduction programs, including development of criteria, evaluation of existing structural capacity, schematic design, and preparation p y, g , p pof construction documents.


Offi f St t id H lth Pl i & D l tOffice of Statewide Health Planning & DevelopmentFacilities Development Division

The Building Department for California’s HospitalsThe Building Department for California s Hospitals

Update on the CBC 2010 RequirementsUpdate on the CBC 2010 RequirementsPresented by Chris Tokas, MS, SE


Drivers of ChangeEarthquake Lessons Learned


Special Seismic Certification is ( )Also Known As (AKA)

• Seismic Certification of Nonstructural Components (IBC 2009 Section 1708.4 and the CBC 2010(Section 1708A.4)

• Special Certification for Designated Seismic System(ASCE 7-05 Section 13.2.2)


Codes and Standards RelationshipCodes and Standards Relationship


What is Designated Seismic System?What is Designated Seismic System?

• Any Component or System with Importance F t (I ) i G t th 1 0 i ll dFactor (Ip) is Greater than 1.0 is called Designated Seismic System (CBC 2010 Section 1702A))


Nonstructural Component Importance Factor

• Component Importance (Ip) is either 1.0 or 1.5 (ASCE 7-05 Section 13.1.3)

• Component Importance (Ip) is 1.5 if:– Component is required to function for life-safety– Component contain hazardous materials

C t i i ti l f iliti d it f il– Components is in essential facilities and its failure could impair the continued operation of the facility


Intent of Building CodeIntent of Building Code

• Provide reasonable assurance of seismic performance that will:

1 Avoid serious injury and life loss1. Avoid serious injury and life loss,2. Avoid loss of function in critical

facilities,3. Minimize structural and nonstructural

repair costs where practical to do so.


Statutory Mandate for OSHPDStatutory Mandate for OSHPD


Hospital buildings that house patients who have less than the capacity of normally healthy persons to protect y y ythemselves… must be reasonably capable of providing services to the public after a disaster


Seismic Performance of Nonstructural Components

• Damage to nonstructural components can result g pin:– Significant economic losses

• Cost of building contents exceeds building costCost of building contents exceeds building cost– Temporary partial/total loss of operation/functionality– Injuries and Loss of Life

• Past Emphasis: Life Safety and Position Retention onlyRetention only

• Present Focus: Maintaining Functionality


Special Certification for

Section 13.2.2 of ASCE 7-05

“Designated Seismic Systems”

• Special Certification is required for Designated Seismic Systems assigned t S i i D i C t i Cto Seismic Design Categories C through F as follows:– Active mechanical and electricalActive mechanical and electrical

equipment that are required to function following the Design EarthquakeEarthquake

– Components containing hazardous contents


Seismic Certification of Nonstructural Components

CBC 2010 Section 1708A.4:

• The registered design professionalshall state the applicable seismic

tifi ti i t fcertification requirements for nonstructural components and designated seismic systems on the g yconstruction documents.


Seismic Certification of N t t l C t

CBC 2010 Section 1708A.4

Nonstructural Components

• The manufacturer of each designated seismic system components subject toseismic system components subject to the provisions of ASCE 7 Section 13.2.2 shall test or analyze the component and its mounting system or anchorage andits mounting system or anchorage and submit a certificate of compliance for review and acceptance by the registered design professionalregistered design professionalresponsible for the design of the designated seismic system and for approval by the building officialapproval by the building official.


Seismic Certification of

CBC 2010 Section 1708A.4

Nonstructural Components

CBC 2010 Section 1708A.4

• Certification shall be based on:– An actual test on a shake table, – By three-dimensional shock tests, – By an analytical method using dynamicBy an analytical method using dynamic

characteristics and forces, – By the use of experience data (i.e., historical

data demonstrating acceptable seismicdata demonstrating acceptable seismic performance), or

– By more rigorous analysis providing for equivalent safety.q y


Seismic Certification by AnalysisSeismic Certification by Analysis


Seismic Certification by AnalysisSeismic Certification by Analysis

• Seismic Certification of Tanks by AnalysisSeismic Certification of Tanks by Analysis Using ASME BPVC– Tanks (without vibration isolators) designed by:

1. A registered design professional in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 2007 (BPVC 2007); and,

2. Satisfying the force and displacement requirements of Sections 13 3 1 and 13 3 2 of ASCE 7 05 having anSections 13.3.1 and 13.3.2 of ASCE 7-05 having an importance factor, I = 1.5; and,

3. Reviewed and approved by OSHPDShall be considered to satisfy the Special Seismic– Shall be considered to satisfy the Special Seismic Certification requirements on the basis of ASCE 7-05 Section 13.6.9.


Seismic Certification by AnalysisSeismic Certification by Analysis

• Seismic Certification of Tanks by Analysis• Seismic Certification of Tanks by Analysis Using ASCE 7-05 Chapter 15– Tanks Classified as Nonbuilding Structures in ASCE

7 05 shall be considered to satisfy Special Seismic7-05 shall be considered to satisfy Special Seismic Certification requirements if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

1. Tank design is in accordance ASCE 7-05 Chapter 15 with R = 0 = Cd = 1, and

2 Attachments and Supports are designed in accordance with2. Attachments and Supports are designed in accordance with ASCE 7-05 Chapter 15 with R, 0, and Cd values provided therein, and

3. Tank design is reviewed and approved by OSHPD.


Seismic Certification by AnalysisSeismic Certification by Analysis

• For a product line with multiple products analysis is tooFor a product line with multiple products analysis is too time consuming. Active and Energized components must be qualified by test or experience data.

• Analyzing a custom 40-units HVAC product line will be similar to designing 40-hospital buildings.

• Same HVAC product line can be qualified by just two shake table test.shake table test.

• Shake Table test is not a destructive test, hence tested nit ma be installed and sedunit may be installed and used


ASCE/SEI 7-05 Referenced Seismic Qualification Testing Protocol


AC-156 Seismic Qualification by Shake Table Testing of Nonstructural Components

• Companion Document to 2009 IBC/ASCE 7-05p• Acceptance Criteria published by ICC Evaluation

Services• First published in 2000, latest version 2007• Provides testing protocol and test spectra

d fi itidefinition• Test Spectra is tied directly to Fp force equation• Acceptance Criteria tied to I factor• Acceptance Criteria tied to Ip factor. • For Ip= 1.5, Equipment to remain functional

following the testfollowing the test24

Translating Building Code R i t t T t P t lRequirement to Test Protocol


Seismic Simulation Test Results and Acceptance Criteria


Seismic Simulation Test Results and Acceptance Criteria

• Acceptance Criteriap– Account for post event pass/fail criteria

• Post event functionality for critical facilities

Photo by: Philip Caldwell


Seismic Simulation Test Results and Acceptance Criteria

• Account for post event pass/fail criteria– Ip= 1.5 Post test functionality verified

Photo by: Philip Caldwell


Seismic Certification by ExperienceSeismic Certification by Experience

• Requirements for Qualification by Experience Data (for OSHPD)– Characterization of experience motions as measured by

i t tinstruments– Verification of post-earthquake Functionality and

Structural Integrity– Equipment must be of equal or better constructionEquipment must be of equal or better construction– Project seismic demand must be less than Certification

basis– Requires maintenance of data base for continuous

l ti f th f f i t ll d i tevaluation of the performance of installed equipment experiencing new earthquake



§129680. Hospitals housing patients less able to protect themselves; Legislative intent

It is the intent of the Legislature that hospital buildings that house patients who have less than the capacity of normallyhouse patients who have less than the capacity of normally healthy persons to protect themselves, and that must be reasonably capable of providing services to the public after a disaster…. In order to accomplish this purpose, the office shall propose proper building standards for earthquake resistance based upon current knowledge…


CBC 2010 Section 1708A 4CBC 2010, Section 1708A.4

List of Systems Requiring Special Seismic Certification:

1 Emergency and standby power systems including generators1. Emergency and standby power systems including generators, turbines, fuel tanks, and automatic transfer switches.

2 El t i t ( l di l t b )2. Elevator equipment (excluding elevator cabs).


CBC 2010 Section 1708A 4CBC 2010, Section 1708A.4

• List of Equipment and Components Requiring Special Seismic Certification:Certification:

3. Components with hazardous contents (excluding pipes, ducts, and underground tanks).

4. Smoke control fans.5. Exhaust fans – New addition in the CBC 2010 to Ensure That

Pressurization in Building will not Interfere with Opening or Closing of Exit Doors.

6. Switchgear.7. Motor control centers.8. X-Ray machines in fluoroscopy rooms.9 CT (Computerized Tomography) Scanners New addition in the9. CT (Computerized Tomography) Scanners – New addition in the

CBC 2010 to Ensure that Stroke/Head Injury Patients and Trauma Center/Emergency Rooms will have Adequate Access to Imaging (Virtually all Manufacturer’s of CT scanners will have scanners with special seismic certification by July, 2010)p y y, )


CBC 2010 Section 1708A 4CBC 2010, Section 1708A.4

• List of Equipment and Components Requiring q p p q gSpecial Seismic Certification:

10 Air conditioning units10.Air conditioning units. 11.Air handling units.12.Chillers.13 Cooling Towers (excluding Cooling Towers designed as13.Cooling Towers (excluding Cooling Towers designed as

nonbuilding structures).14.Transformers.15 Electrical substations15.Electrical substations.16.UPS (Inverters) and associated batteries.17.Distribution panels including electrical panelboards, 18 Control panels including fire alarm fire suppression preaction18.Control panels including fire alarm, fire suppression, preaction,

and auxiliary or remote power supplies.33

CBC 2010 Section 1708A 4CBC 2010, Section 1708A.4

• Components Exempt from Special Seismic p p pCertification:1. Equipment and components installed in nonconforming

b ildi l th i t t idbuildings unless the equipment or component provides a service/system or utility to conforming buildings, or building is designated as SPC 3 or higher.

1. Equipment and components weighing not more than 20lbs. supported directly on structures (and not mounted on other equipment or components) with supports and attachments in accordance with a SCE 7 Chapter 13 as modified by Section 1615A.


CBC 2010 Section 1708A 4CBC 2010, Section 1708A.4

• Special Seismic Certification for OSHPD 2 and 3 pBuildings:– Special Seismic Certification is required for

Designated Seismic System (components with importance factor equal to 1.5). Typical components that require special seismic certification inthat require special seismic certification in OSHPD 2 & 3 buildings include: • Emergency generators• Automatic transfer switches• Smoke control fans• Medical gas systemsMedical gas systems• Fire alarm panels


CBC 2010 Section 1708A.4/ASCE 7-05 S ti 13 2 2 S i l S i i C tifi tiSection 13.2.2: Special Seismic Certification

Special Seismic Certification for Designated Seismic System, ASCE/SEI 7-05 SectionSeismic System, ASCE/SEI 7 05 Section

13.2.2 and CBC 2010 Section 1708A.4

A l i E i D tAnalysis

ASCE/SEI7-05 Sections 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, & 13.6


ASCE/SEI 7-05 Section 13.2.5

Experience Data

ASCE/SEI 7-05 Section 13.2.6

Project Specific Submittal to OSHPD OSHPD Special Seismic Certification Preapproval (OSP)


OSHPD Special Seismic Certification Preapproval (OSP)

• OSP requirements of a product line withOSP requirements of a product line with similar structural configuration:

– Testing of at least two units (typically the smallest & largest units) andsmallest & largest units), and

V ifi ti f i il iti f i t l t d it– Verification of similarities for interpolated units (CBC 2010 Section 1708A.4).


Special Seismic Certification By a Single Test

• One dynamic test is Acceptable when:

– A single product is certified• NOT a product line with more than one product with

variations; andvariations; and,

– Manufacturing process is ISO 9001 certified


OSP Requirements (Continued)OSP Requirements (Continued)

• OSHPD strongly recommends:– The Owner and his California licensed

structural engineer meet and review the proposed test plan with OSHPD prior to any testing to ensure that there will be no issues with the OSP approval when submitted.


Statutory OSHPD Review Requirements

§129680. Hospitals housing patients less able to protect themselves; Legislative Intent

(a) It is the intent of the Legislature that hospital buildings that house patients who have less than the capacity of normally healthy persons to protect themselves, and that must be reasonably capable of providing services to the public after a disaster, shall be designed

d t t d t i t i f ti l th f t d b th kand constructed to resist, insofar as practical, the forces generated by earthquakes,

gravity, and winds. In order to accomplish this purpose, the office shall propose

proper building standards for earthquake resistance based upon current knowledge, and

id i d d t i f th d iprovide an independent review of the design and construction of hospital buildings.


Regulatory OSHPD Approval Requirements

1601A 3 Enforcement Agency Approval In addition to requirements of California Code

CBC 2010

1601A.3 Enforcement Agency Approval. In addition to requirements of California Code

of Regulations (C.C.R.) Title 24, Parts 1 & 2, any aspect of project design, construction, quality assurance, or quality control programs for which this code requires approval by the designthis code requires approval by the design professional, are also subject to approval by the enforcement agency.


Is Third Party Review Subject to OSHPD Review and Approval?

• YesYes

R i d b St t t• Required by Statute

• Required by the CBC 2010 Section 1601A.3


Can the Analysis be Bookended Similar to Testing?

• NoNo• Analysis is only good for the unit analyzed

– limited variations and/or grouping may be acceptablelimited variations and/or grouping may be acceptable– i.e. analysis of the smallest and largest buildings

(under OSHPD jurisdiction) can’t be used for itti ll OSHPD b ildi ( f i t t lpermitting all OSHPD buildings (of a given structural

configuration).– However testing of a few connections to verify anHowever, testing of a few connections to verify an

analysis methodology can justify all connections of similar configurations


What Rp Can be Used for Special Seismic Certification?

• Rp = 1.0 & Ip= 1.5 for Special Seismic Certification by Analysis (Attachments design can use Rp in ASCE 7), Si F ti lit ’t b V ifi d b A l iSince Functionality can’t be Verified by Analysis

• Rp/Ip = 1.0 for Special Seismic Certification by Shake p p p yTable Test. Both Structural Integrity and Functionality shall be maintained after shake table testtable test.


Why is Rp based on the AC-156 Requirements?

• ASCE 7-05 does not provide R values for specialASCE 7 05 does not provide Rp values for special seismic certification of active electrical and mechanical equipment, since it does not provide analysis as an option for special certification of active mechanical and p pelectrical equipment.

• ICC-ES AC 156 requires Rp/Ip = 1 for Shake Table Test.q p p– Require Post-Test Structural Integrity for Ip = 1– Require Post-Test Structural Integrity and Functionality for Ip

= 1.5

• Critical equipment and components should remain essentially elastic for post-earthquake functionality


Can the Active Mechanical & Electrical E i t t OSP b l i l ?Equipment get an OSP by analysis alone?

• NoNo

• Active and energized components must be certified by shake table testing or experience data.

• ONLY connecting elements, attachments, d t b j tifi d b tiand supports can be justified by supporting

analysis for active and energized components


Does the Design need to comply with the CBC 2010 for OSP?

• YesYes

• All components shall be designed in accordance with the CBC requirementswith the CBC requirements– Both demand and capacity shall be based on the CBC

and referenced material standards.• Stability and local affects shall be part of the design y p g

as required by the code.• The CBC does not permit 1/3rd allowable stress

increase for most materials, including steel and gconcrete.


OSHPD Special Seismic Certification

OSHPD Special Seismic Certification Preapproval (OSP)

Preapproval (OSP) at OSHPD Website

OSHPD Special Seismic Certification Preapproval (OSP) Requirements and Application form is available at:

List of Equipment and Components with OSHPD Special q p p pSeismic CertificationPreapproval (OSP) is available at:


Progress in OSHPD Special Seismic Certification Preapproval (OSP)

• More than seventy Special Seismic CertificationMore than seventy Special Seismic Certification Pre-Approvals to date (OSP Program started in July, 09).

10,000 Equipment

• Currently processing on average more than three (3) new OSP’s per week

• Most Categories have Multiple Pre-approvals


Options When No Equipment with Special Seismic Certification is Available

• Differ the Special Seismic Certification and Require the Manufacturer to Provide the CertificationCertification – Certification must be complete prior to installation.

• Emergency Waiver – OSHPD may waive the requirements for emergency replacements


Does HVAC Unit for CT Scanner Room Require

• Yes

Special Seismic Certification for the CBC 2007?

Yes• The CBC 2007 Section 1708A.5 require special seismic certification of

all equipment with importance factor (Ip) of 1.5.

• The CBC 2010 will require CT Scanners to have special seismic certification (Every Manufacturer of CT scanners are expected to have qualified scanners by July, 2010)

• If CT Scanners are out of service, that room can be converted to another service following earthquake provided all support equipment are functional All rooms may become essential after an earthquakeare functional. All rooms may become essential after an earthquake.

• Loss of equipment such as acid filled UPS batteries may create a hazardous materials situation, which may affect other functions in the hospitalhospital.


Closing Commentsg

Thank you for viewing the web seminar.

For questions regarding seismic issuesFor questions regarding seismic issues, contact Roger Richter at (916) 552-7570 or [email protected].@ p gOther questions, please contact Liz Mekjavich at (916) 552-7500 or [email protected].