Download - Special Letter from Timothy McClimon, President of American Express Foundation

Page 1: Special Letter from Timothy McClimon, President of American Express Foundation

American Express Foundation American Express Company 3 World Financial Center New York, NY 10285-4804

November 11, 2011 Dear Millennial Leaders, On behalf of American Express, it is my honor to welcome you to the first Millennial Leadership Summit in New York City. Our team is thrilled to support as it invests in you, the leaders of today and the emerging leaders of tomorrow. At American Express, we appreciate the impact that talented leaders can have on business and society as a whole. We therefore extend our commitment to leadership development to a broader community, which is why one of our three platforms for philanthropy is Developing New Leaders for Tomorrow. Our grant to and the Millennial Leadership Summit continues our support to prepare and develop high potential emerging leaders to tackle important issues of our generation. Throughout the next few days, you will learn from each other as much as from the thoughtful agenda of speakers. I’m pleased that you will have a chance to hear from my colleagues, Mary Hines, vice president at American Express, and Christine Rhee, manager of Corporate Social Responsibility, to hear more about why our company invests in leadership, and in the millennial generation in particular. We hope you use your time here to cultivate new relationships, discuss new ways of collaborating, and to further elevate your work and the impact in your communities. Congratulations on your achievements thus far, and for taking the steps to continue in your leadership journey. We look forward to hearing and learning from you and we congratulate you on the great work you've done in service to others. Sincerely,

Timothy J. McClimon President, American Express Foundation Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility