Download - SPEARS Special Education Ad Hoc Reporting System SPEARS Question & Answer October 23, 2007 (Region 13)

Page 1: SPEARS Special Education Ad Hoc Reporting System SPEARS Question & Answer October 23, 2007 (Region 13)

SPEARSSpecial Education Ad Hoc Reporting System

SPEARS Question & AnswerOctober 23, 2007 (Region 13)

Page 2: SPEARS Special Education Ad Hoc Reporting System SPEARS Question & Answer October 23, 2007 (Region 13)

Question #1

Q: Could you please provide additional information re: the PEIMS report used to generate the report (fall snapshot? summer entry?)

A: Child Count – Fall Snapshot (110/163) Instructional Setting – Fall Snapshot (110/163) Disproportionality – Fall Snapshot (110/163) Exit – Fall, Summer (203/400/405), AEIS Disciplinary Action – Summer (425/400/405) Extended School Year – Summer (408/400/405)

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Question #2

Q: When will we be able to search for a report by primary secondary and tertiary disability?

A: Already have the ability to report on “primary disability.” The requested enhancement is to add reporting on “secondary” and “tertiary” disability. ETA is TBD.

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Question #3

Q: When will the assessment data be added to SPEARS?

A: TBD After revised assessments are fully implemented

(TAKS-I, TAKS-ALT, etc.) Must be available in the data warehouse, an

intermediate repository required for loading into SPEARS

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Question #4

Q: Can the data be updated as PEIMS is updated rather than just twice a year?

A: That is currently the process. As soon as data is made available through PEIMS, it is loaded into the Agency’s data warehouse, and then immediately into SPEARS.

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Question #5

Q: Please review what is the most current year data is available on SPEARS.

A: Child Count: 2006-2007 Instructional Setting: 2006-2007 Disproportionality: 2006-2007 Exit: 2004-2005 (2005-2006 by Nov. 1) Disciplinary Action: 2005-2006 ESY: 2005-2006

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Question #6

Q: Will SPEARS provide data on those students who will not graduate within the 4 year period?

A: Yes, available in SPEARS whenever a Leaver (203)

Record is submitted No “cohort” data in SPEARS Leaver (203) Record does not indicate when the

student entered the 9th grade

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Question #7

Q: Can you pull graduation data by type?  If yes, how?

A: Yes Review Exit training module (April 3, 2007) Graduation Type/Diploma Type on:

Special Ed Graduates By Disability Special Ed Graduates By Ethnicity Exit Ad Hoc

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Question #8

Q: How current is the data in this database?

A: See answer to question #5 above.

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Question #9

Q: Where is the 2007-2008 data coming from (data source)?

A: See answer to question #1 above.

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Question #10

Q: Can Child Find data be added to SPEARS?

A: Need clarification.

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Question #11

Q: Is it possible to pull data by secondary, teritiary disability conditions?

A: See answer to question #2 above.

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Question #12

Q: What is the best way to pull the data for state performace plan indicators?

A: Depends on the indicator. See me afterword to discuss specific indicators.

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Question #13

Q: Is it possible to pull data for related services provided?

A: Not currentlyPreviously requested, so is on the

enhancement listWill be evaluated and implemented if possible

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Question #14

Q: Is it possible to pull data by gender? A:

Currently: Instructional Setting “Gender By Disability” Instructional Setting Ad Hoc

Future: Child Count Disproportionality

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Question #15

Q: If PBMAS indicator 17 is criticized and a high need especially in those regions with high LEP populations, why has it not been added to the Disporportionality reports?

A: No enhancement request to the “SPEARS Team” Better communication

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Question #16

Q: Can reports be generated that utilize the same filters a PBMAS?

A: Need clarification.

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Question #17

Q: Can SPEARS help track a cohort of students for graduation and drop out?

A: No, there is no cohort data available through

SPEARS (and no plan to).Submit explicit data requests to the Agency

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Question #18

Q: I am still confused which PEIMS submission we are looking at.

A: See answer to question #1.

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Question #19

Q: How far behind is it lagging? A: See answer to question #5.

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Question #20

Q: Is it all from the same year? A:

No.See answer to question #5.

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Question #21

Q: Can SPEARS access EDIT and for a more timely report?

A: No, for numerous reasons, data cannot be made available publicly until the PEIMS Edit collection process is completed.

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Question #22

Q: It appears at times that the data conflicts with other sources of data (ie PBMAS)?

A: There will be discrepancies based on the rules used

to compile data. SPEARS goal was to provide a flexible, user-friendy

data analysis tool to non-data experts; PBMAS has totally different purpose.

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Question #23

Q: How can we get the percent of sped student with disabilities on each campus or a combination of campuses or by district?

A: Need clarification on this percentage. Often percentage requirements require two reports,

but usually can be done in SPEARS. Example: % of LD students at Austin HS

1. Disproportionality Ad Hoc to get denominator (SE, GE#) 2. Child Count Ad Hoc to get numerator (LD)

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