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- Is bicycle a good way to move around?- Do you think that there should be a separate lane for bicycles?- Why should a child have a bicycle?- Are you working or a student?

Cue card

Describe a famous person, you should say:- Who he/she is,- Why he/she is famous,- Whether or not you would like to meet him/her and why.


- Which qualities should a famous person have?- Why does the young generation copy them?- Who were the famous people 50 years ago and who will be famous in the next 50 years?- Should they have personal life?- If you had a chance to become famous what would be your attitude?

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Speaking test #2


- What is your full name?- What can I call you?- Can I see your identification?- What do people usually do on weekends in your country?- What do you do on weekends?- Did you think art is important in life, such as painting and sculptures?- Did you draw anything when you were at school?- Are there any art galleries or museums in your home town?

Cue card

Describe an animal you saw, which you find very interesting. You should say:- Where you saw it,- How you felt about it,- Why you think it was interesting.


- What kind of animals do people have in their home?- Tell me about an animal you saw which is very rare in your home town.- Why do people have pets in their homes?- Do you think people do not respect animals these days? What about 50 years ago?- Earlier people used animals for their work. Now, what do people use to do their work?- Researchers are being conducted on animals, is this a good idea?- So many animals are extinct these days. What do you think about this? Why it is happening?

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I’d just like to ask you some questions about your work.

1. What job do you do?

2. Why did you choose that particular job?

3. What do you do every day?

4. What other work would you consider doing?

I’d like to move on and ask you some questions about relaxing.

1. What type of activities help you relax?

2. Do you like to do these activities alone or with other people?

3. Why do you think it is important for people to relax?

4. Do you think people have enough time for relaxing?

Let’s change the topic and talk about your family.

1. Do you have a big or a small family?

2. Do you live together or nearby?

3. What activities do you like to do together?

4. Who is your favourite family member?


You may then be asked one or two short follow up questions:

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Do your friends like to wear this type of clothes?

Do you wear other styles of clothes as well?


1. Is buying clothes a popular activity for teenagers in your country?

2. How much money should parents spend on their children's clothes?

3. What types of fashion do teenagers like to wear in your country?

4. What influence has the fashion industry had in your country?

5. Are the fashions of today different from those when your parents were young?

6. What do you think will be the effects of the fashion industry in the next ten years?

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Are you a student or do you work now?

1. Why did you choose this course/job?

2. Talk about your daily routine.

3. Is there anything about your course/job you would like to change?

I’d like to move on and ask you some questions about shopping.

1. Who does most of the shopping in your household?

2. What type of shopping do you like? (Why?)

3. Is shopping a popular activity in your country? (Why/why not?)

4. What type of shops do teenagers like best in your country?

Let’s talk about films.

1. How often do you go to the cinema?

2. What type of films do you like best? (Why?)

3. What type of films don’t you like? (Why not?)


Describe an important event in your life.

You should say:

When it happenedWhat happenedWhether this event affected other people

And explain why you feel it was important.

1. Do you still think about this event often?

2. Can the other people involved remember this event?


1. What days are important in your country?

2. Why it is important to have national celebrations?

3. How is the way your national celebrations are celebrated now different from the way they were celebrated in the past?

4. Do you think any new national celebrations will come into being in the future?

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5. Are there any celebrations from other countries that you celebrate in your country?

6. What are the benefits of having events that many people around the world are celebrating on the same day?


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Lets talk about your hometown.

1. What kind of place is your hometown?

2. What do young people do for entertainment in your hometown?

3. What is the worst thing about living in your hometown? (Why?)

I’d like to move on and ask you some questions about tourism in your country.

1. What should a visitor see and do in your country?

2. Are there any traditional art or music that you would recommend? (Why?)

3. Tell me about the kind of visitor who come to your country.

Let’s move on and talk about being on time for appointments.

1. Is being late acceptable in your culture? (Why/why not?)

2. Are you ever late for appointments? (Why/why not?)

3. What type of excuses do you think are alright for lateness?

4. How do you feel when someone is late for an appointment with you?


Describe something you own which is very important to you.

You should say:

What you use it forHow long you have had itWhere you got it from

And explain why it is so important to you.

1. Is it valuable in terms of money?

2. Would it be easy to replace?


1. What kinds of possessions give status to people in your country?

2. Has it always been the same or were different possessions thought of as valuable in the past?

3. Why do you think people need to show their status in society?

Now we'll discuss the role of advertising.

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1. Do you think advertising influences what people buy?

2. Do advertisements give correct information, or do they encourage people to buy things that they may not need?

3. Is advertising really necessary in modern society?

Now we'll move on to the influence of the internet.1. Do you think people take notice of advertisements on the internet?

2. How do you think it will change people's buying habits in the future?

3. Are there any disadvatages to shopping on the internet?


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Lets talk about shopping.

1. Do you enjoy shopping?

2. How often do you go shopping and what do you buy?

3. So you prefer to go shopping alone or with other people? (Why?)

I’d like to move on and ask you some questions about food.

1. What is your favourite food? (Why?)

2. What kind of restaurants do you like to eat out at?

3. What would your perfect meal be?

I'd like to talk now about your hobbies.

1. Tell me about any hobbies you have.

2. Are there any hobbies you would like to have in the future?

3. Do you think hobbies should be relaxing or should they be exciting? (Why?)


Describe a course you have done that you found useful:

You should say:

What you learnt

What you enjoyed about the course

What you didn't enjoy

And explain why it was useful to you.

1. Are you in touch with anyone from the course now?

2. Would you like to go on a course like this again?


First, let’s consider homework

1. Do you think it is important that children are given homework?

2. How much homework should they be given?

3. Do you think parents should help their children with their homework or should it be done alone?

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Now we'll discuss the relationship between education and work.

1. How important is it to have a university education to get a job in your country?

2. Does having a degree from another country enhance employment opportunities in your country?

3. What impacts do students who have studies abroad have on their country of origin when they come home?

Now we'll move on to talk about education and the future.1. Do you think it will be more or less important to have a good education in the future?

2. How do you think the nature of education will change in the future?

3. What impact will technology have on classrooms in the future?


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Do you work or study?What do you like about your job?Do you like your job or people you work with?Have you ever collected things?Why do people like to collect things?In your country, what are the things that people usually collect?Do you like animals?What animals do you like?Do people keep animals in your country? What kind of animals?What kind of wild animals do you like? Why?


Cue Card

Talk about an adventurous person in your life. Please say

Who this person is?How do you know him/her?What kind of risks does he/she take?


Are you an adventurous person?Do you think people now take more risks than in the past?Do you think people take more intellectual risks or physical risks?Why do some people like to take risks?Why don’t most people like to take risks?Do you think the government should support people who take risks and lose?


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What is your name?Are you working or studying?Why did you choose that job?What are the things that you used to collect when you were a child?Why do people like to collect things?If you get a large amount of money, what will you choose to collect?

Cue Card

Talk about your favorite wild animal. Say:

Why do you like that animal?What are the features of that animal that you find interesting?What makes that animal different from other animals?Where did you see that animal first?


Do you think human activities affect wild life?Some species of birds and animals have become extinct. What are the reasons for that?What should governments do for the conservation of these animals?Why do people like to watch animals on TV?Why do children like to have toy animals?


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Can you tell me your full name?Tell me something about your apartment.What do you like about your apartment?Is there anything you don’t like about your apartment?Is there anything you would like to change in the apartment?When you buy things do you pay attention to their color?Do you like dark or light colors? Why?How important were colors to you when you were a child?Do you like your name?Have you ever wanted to change your name?Who names children in your country?Could you tell me something about the naming ceremony in your country?

Cue Card

Test takers were asked to speak about a character they have admired since childhood. A cue card was given with the following questions:

Who is he / she?Why do you admire him / her?What has she / him done?


What kinds of characters are usually admired by adults these days? Why?Why do people admire fictional characters even when they know that they are not real?What are the characteristics of an actor who has a huge fan-following?Do you think that characters from movies inspire our lives? Why?


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- What is your full name?- Can I see your ID?- Do you work or study?- Do you find your job interesting?- Would you recommend it to others?- How often do you use the Internet? What for?- When did you use the Internet for the first time?- What are the problems with using the Internet?- Do you send post cards?- Do you prefer to send cards or emails?

Cue Card

Talk about a wrong decision made by somebody you know. Please say

- What was the decision?- Why do you think it was wrong?- Does that person agree or disagree with you now?


- Is it better to consult with others before you make decisions?- Who are the best people to consult with?- Is it always good to consult with your parents?- What is the problem with making decisions slowly?- Is it better to make decisions on the spot without second thought? Why?- What is the problem when you make emotional decisions?


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- What is your full name?- What should I call you?- Where are you from?- Where is your town located in the country?- What are the special features of your hometown?- Would you like to stay there in the future? Why?- What is the weather like in your country?- How many different seasons are there?- Do you prefer a cold or a hot season? Why?

Cue Card

Describe a film based on a real life event or a real person. Please say

- When did you see it?- Did you like it or not? Why?- What did you learn from the movie?


- In your country what kind of real people are filmed in movies?- What do you think is better: to read a book or to see a movie based on a book?- What are the most important things to make a movie successful?- Do you think the star acting in the movie influences the success of the movie? Why?

Category 1: Describing things (1 test item)

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1. Describing a piece of equipment you often use at home or at work. You should say,

o What is it?o What you do with it/ How to use it?o How long you have had it?o How important it is to you?


1. What are the impacts of electrical equipment on human’s life in the past ten years?2. What are the differences of the life in the past and at the present?3. What role does technological development play in people’s life?4. How will technology develop in the future?5. Do you have a mobile phone? What are its advantages?6. Why do many foreign countries develop faster than China?7. Why does the China’s West develop faster than China’s East?8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer and internet?

Category 2: Describing people (3 test items)

1. Describe a well-known person. You should say,

o Who he/she is?o What makes him/her famous?o Why you admire him/her?


1. Do you want to become famous?2. How to become a well-known person in China?3. What kind of people can become famous in China?4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?5. What do you think of the privacy of a well-known person?6. What do you think of the relationship between a well-know person and advertising?7. Would you be influenced by the well-known persons in TV commercials?8. Do you often talk about singers with your friends? What do you often talk about?

2. Describing a friend in your school time/ you like most. You should say,

o Who he/she is?o When did you became friends?o Why do you like him/her or why do you think that he/she is important to you?

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o How he/she influences you?


1. What are the differences between adults and children in terms of making friends?2. Can adults make friends with children?3. What do you think are the most important factors when making friends?4. What are the possible factors that cause the break-up of friendship?5. Why is it difficult for adults to make friends?6. What will the friendship become like when getting old?

3. Describing a person whom you like to work or study with. You should say,

o Who is he/she?o When did you work/study together?o What do you often do together?o Why do you like to work with him/her?/ What can you learn from him/her?o Why is he/she particular?


1. Do you like to work alone or with a partner?2. What do you think of teamwork and team spirit?3. What kind of people are good to work with?4. Do you like group work or group learning?5. What is your opinion on efficiency?6. What are the advantages of studying by yourself?7. What do you think of efficiency?

Category 3: Describing places (2 test items)

1. Describe a restaurant or a cafe. You should say,

o Where it is?o What it looks like?o What kind of services is provided?o What kind of food you like there/ What kind of food is famous?o Why you like it?


1. Do you like cooking?

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2. Will you cook for your friends when they visit you?3. Who cooks in a Chinese family?4. What do you think of the advantages and disadvantages of fast food?5. Why is fast food so popular?6. Where would Chinese go when they eat out?7. What changes would take place in terms of Chinese eating habits?8. What food is popular?9. What is the difference between fresh food and canned food?10. What can we do to solve the problem of food shortage?11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of family food?

2. Describing an interesting building. You should say,

o Where it is located.o What it looks like.o What services are provided?o How you like it?


1. What role do old buildings and new buildings play in modern society?2. What changes have taken place in architecture in the past two decades?3. Do you think it necessary to protect old buildings?

Category 4: Describing media and communication (4 test items)

1. Describing a kind of book you like. You should say,

o What kind of books you like most.o What they are about.o Why you like them most.o What effect have books brought on you?


1. What is the difference between men and women when choosing what to read?2. What kind books do children like? Why do they like reading?3. What is the difference between reading and watching TV?4. What is the relationship between reading and computer?5. What are the advantages of reading books?6. Why do children like pictorials?7. What books are popular in China?

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2. Describing one of your favorite books. You should say,

o What kind of books you like.o What is your favorite book?o What it is about.o When did you get it?o Why you like it.


1. Do you like other books?2. What kind of books do Chinese people like?3. What kind of books do Chinese women like?4. What kind of books do Chinese children like?5. What kind of books do you recommend to others?

3. Describing a letter. You should say:

o When you received it.o Who sent it to you?o What it is about?o Whether it is important to you? Why?


1. What is the difference between letter and e-mail?2. Do you often keep diaries?3. What is the difference between diary and letter?4. What is the difference in the past and at the present as regards communications?5. What is the role of letter 50 years ago and at the present?6. What do you think of the role 50 years later?7. What do you think of creative writing?8. Would post office disappear 50 years later?9. What role does computer play in our society?10. What changes have been brought by the computer? What is professors’ attitude?

4. Describing a kind of music. You should say,

o Whether you like music. Why or why not?o What kind of music you like besto What role music plays in people’s life.

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1. How long do you listen to music everyday?2. Why is it easier for children to learn playing a musical instrument?3. What are the benefits of learning to play musical instruments?4. Discuss the impact of western music on the world music?

Category 5: Describing celebration and leisure time (4 test items)

1. Describe a traditional festival in China. You should say,

o What it is?o When is it celebrated?o How to celebrate? / what you usually do on that day.o What you like and what you don’t like.


1. What is the concept of holiday in China?2. Why is holiday so important to modern people?3. Do you think it is necessary to observe the traditional customs?4. What changes in terms of spending festivals and holidays have taken place in the past

decade?5. What is the difference as regards celebration in different part of the country?

2. Describing a perfect trip/ holiday. You should say,

o Where you would go.o When would you go?o Whom you would go with.o What you are going to do.o What you think it perfect.


1. What is the difference in the past and at the present as regards travelling?2. How would the tourist industry develop in the future?3. What should the government do to attract tourists?4. What should the people do to attract tourists?

3. Describing an interesting trip you have taken. You should say,

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o Where you went.o When you went there.o Whom you went with.o What you did there.o Why you like it.


1. What is the difference in the past and at the present as regards traveling?2. How would the tourist industry develop in the future?3. What should the government do to attract tourists?4. What should the people do to attract tourists?

4. Describing an interesting hobby. You should say,

o What it is.o When began to do it.o How long you spend on it.o How often you do it.o Why you like it.


1. Do you think that surfing the Internet, watching TV, listening to music or keeping a pet are interesting hobbies?

2. Do you think it will cost too much time to do them?3. Do you like hobbies requiring teamwork?4. Why do people usually do in their spare time?

Category 6: Additional test items (4 test items)

1. Describe an environmental problem. You should say,

o What it is?o How long it has existed.o What effect it has brought to people’s life./ What it happens?o What we can do to solve it.


1. What causes environmental problems?2. What should the government do to protect the environment?

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3. What should we do to protect the environment?4. What other measures can you think of to protect the environment?5. How should we educate children to protect environment?6. What’s the difference between the old and the young as regards environmental


2. Describing a kind of extreme weather. You should say,

o What it is.o When did it happen?o Where you were.o How you felt at that time.


1. What should you do in a bad weather?2. Will bad weather mould or change people’s personality?3. What is the relationship between weather and culture?4. The climate has changed these 50 years. Have you noticed the changes?5. What changes do you predict in the following years?6. Are the people interested in gathering the weather information in your place?7. How does weather influence people’s personalities in your country?

3. Talking about learning English. You should say,

o When and where you began studying English.o What is the most interesting thing in an English class?o What is the most effective way of learning English?o What difficulties you have when learning English.o What are the advantages of learning English?


1. What problems do you have when studying English?2. Do you think that English is the most important language in the world?3. Can English take the place of Chinese in China?4. What other languages are taught in China?5. Do you think that age is the most important factor of learning English? Why?6. What difficulties would a foreigner have when he learns your native language?7. What problems would Chinese people have when communicating with foreigners?8. When would be most suitable for children to learn English?9. How will translation and interpretation develop in the future?

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4. Describing the way of getting news. You should say,

o Whether you get news everyday.o Whether the news is national or international?o How you get news (via newspaper, TV, Internet, radio or other people?)o How do most Chinese people think about the importance of getting update news



1. Do you think the information on the Internet believable or not?2. What is the most effective way of getting news?3. How do reporters gather information?4. What do you think of the importance of privacy?5. How do journalists entertain their customers?6. What role do media play in people’s life?7. How do Chinese people gather information?8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of different media?9. Do you think it necessary to control the news coverage?10. What kind of news do you think should be controlled?

5. Describing a skill you want to learn. You should say,

o What it is.o Why you think it is important.o How you are going to learn it.o What role it will play in you future life.


1. What do you think of the traditional skills?2. What skill do you think the university has provided for your job?3. What skills can you learn in school?4. What kind of skills have your parents learned?5. What do you think of the role of family for children to learn skills?6. What is the most popular skill that people want to learn?7. What kind of school would you send your children to? Why?8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of school education and family education?

Interview- Where is your hometown?- What do you think your hometown is famous for?

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- Did you learn about your hometown's history in school?- Do you think that people learn history in school?- When was the last time you went to a place where people go to dance in your country?- Do you like dancing?- Have you ever learned dancing?- Why do you think people love to dance?- How many languages do you speak?- What languages do you want to study in the future?- Why do you want to study a foreign language?Cue CardDescribe the last time when you were last late for an important appointment. Please say- When did it happen?- What was the meeting for?- Why were you late?- Explain the results of being late for that meetingDiscussion-   Are you angry with people who are late?- Do you think that people have less free time today than in the past? Why?- Do you think that the quality of living is increasing? How?- Today people use machinery to automate everything, is it good or bad?- How does modern technology help to save time?- Do you agree that people should let machinery do everything?

Interview- What is your full name?- Let's talk about your hometown. What do you think is special about it?- How can you improve your hometown?- How has it changed compared to the past?- Let's talk about the weather. What kind of weather do you have in your city?

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- What kind of weather do you like and why?Cue CardDescribe a fascinating job that you heard about, please say- where you heard about it,- what kind of job it was,- what fascinated you, and- explain why you thought it was fascinating.Discussion-   Was the job in question a well paid job?- How the working conditions in your country have changed in recent years?- What was the cause of the change?- What benefits in your opinion do workers need, apart from salary?- Does working too much have any influence on family life?

Interview- What's your full name?- Do you work or study?- What do you enjoy more, working or studying?- Do you have a lot of free time?- Would you prefer going out with friends or watching TV?- What kind of food did you eat in your childhood?- If you had children, would you prefer them to eat in restaurants or at home?Cue CardTell me about a story that people in your country know well. Please say- what is that story?- who told you that story?- why do you remember that story?Discussion-   What type of stories do children like?- Would you prefer telling your children a story or reading to them?- Do you believe it is important to tell traditional stories to children?- Do you think the modern generation is interested in traditions?- Is it important to keep our traditions?- If so, how can one prevent traditions from disappearing?

Interview- What is your name?- Where are you from?- Where do you work / study?- Is it easy to get a job in your country?- How many languages do you speak?- Is it easy to learn English?- How did you learn English?

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- How long did you learn English for?- Do you read newspapers?- Tell me about newspapers that you read.- What section of a newspaper do you normally read?- Do you prefer TV or newspapers? Why?- Do you watch news over the Internet?- What type of news are you interested in? Cue CardTalk about your favorite outdoor activity, please say- What activity is that?- Where do you do it?- How often do you do it?- Why do you like this activity?DiscussionLet's talk about indoor & outdoor sports.- Why do people prefer outdoor sports?- What were the outdoor activities of the past compared to these of the present?- Why are children less interested in outdoor activities nowadays?

Interview- What are your favorite colors?- What do they mean?- Do you wear clothes in your favorite colors?- Which colors are important for people in your country?- Lets talk about fashion: what kind of clothes do you wear?- Where do you buy your clothes?- Do you think that in the future you will wear the same clothes as now?Cue Card

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Tell me about a part of your city that is changing, please say- where is it?- how is it changing?- why is it changing?- how do you feel about that?Discussion   - Are the changes in the cities good or bad?- How do people react to them?- Which facilities should the government make available for people?- How do you and your friends spend time?- What are the differences between the way people were spending time in the past and now?- Should government consider local people's opinion when deciding on changes in the city?- Should people know about everything the government is planning?

Interview- Tell me about your hometown.- What do you remember about your hometown from your childhood?- What is so special about your hometown, in your opinion?- Did you recently have a vacation?- Do you think vacations are important? Why?- Do you enjoy going on vacation on your own or with other people? Who would you take with you?Cue cardTalk about one of your long-time friends. Please say- when you first met your friend,- what made you want to be friends with him/her in the first place,- how the two of you keep in touch with each other.Discussion-   How do people make new friends?- What do you think makes people have a long friendship?- Does it make things easier in a friendship if you have similar interests?

Interview- Where are you from?- What is your hometown famous for?- Does your country have museums?- Have you ever been to a museum? When?- Did you like your visit to a museum?- Did you enjoy sports when you were young? Why?- What sports did you play?- Is there a difference between types of sports that boys and girls play?Cue Card

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Talk about a law or a rule that you would suggest to improve your country, please say- what law/ rule that is,- why you think it is needed,- explain how it would improve the situation in your country.Discussion- Do you think that being a policeman is an easy job in your country?- Do you think men and women make equally good police officers?- In general, is policeman's job easy?- Do you think it is a good idea for the police to carry guns around?- What do you think are the responsibilities of a good lawyer?- Do you think men and women make equally good lawyers?

Interview- What's your full name?- Tell me about yourself.- What colors do you like?- Do you mostly wear clothes in your favorite color?- What color would you paint your walls? Why?- Which color do you think India connects with the most?- Which color represents India?- What did you collect as a child?- Did you collect stamps as a child?- If you had lot of money what would you collect now? Cue CardTalk about a childhood hobby of yours, please say

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- what hobby it was,- how you developed this hobby,- why you liked doing this.Discussion- Do you think that hobbies are important?- What do you think are the hobbies of youngsters in your country?- What hobbies should children develop that could help them as adults?

Interview- Where do you live?- Do you work or study?- What part of the day do you like best? Why?- When do you function best? Why?Cue CardTalk about a gift you gave to another person, you should say:- what the gift was,- who you gave it to,- why you gave this gift to that person, and- why you think the person liked it.Discussion- What do you think is better, giving or receiving?- Why is it sometimes difficult to give people gifts?

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- Do you donate to charities?- Do people still have faith in charities?- Do you think in the future the number of charities will increase or decrease?Speaking test UAE

Interview- What's your full name?- Tell me about your hometown.- Do you like movies?- How often do you watch a movie?- What is you usual daily routine?Cue CardTalk about a teacher who had a significant impact on your life, please say:- who the teacher was,- how many years you've known this teacher,- in what ways the said teacher changed your life.Discussion- How do teachers contribute to the society?- How do teachers motivate students to learn?- Who do you thinks students nowadays would follow: their parents or their teachers

Speaking test- Tell me your full name.- What shall I call you?- Tell me about your hometown.- Tell me about the history of your hometown that you learned in your childhood.- Where have you visited in your hometown recently?- Where do you want to spent your holidays?Cue CardTalk about your childhood teacher whom you want to meet:- describe the teacher,- say what your relationship was,- and in what ways the teacher was helpful.Discussion-   What are the qualities a teacher should have?- What actions should government take to help a graduate student become a

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teacher?- Do you think nowadays there is less value in a teacher's job?

Interview- State your full name.- Where are you from?- Do you like animals?- What animals do you like and why?- Do you still love the animals that you loved in your childhood?- Let's talk about weather, what sort of whether do you like the most? Why?Cue CardTalk about a work that was done by your friend for which you admire him/her. Please say:- who that friend is,- why you admire him/her, and- explain why it was important.Discussion- What do you think, what type of personality do people of the young generation admire?- Do you think admiration varies according to age?- What do you think, how important is education in one's life?- Do you think today education is in demand more than it was in the past?

Interview- What is your name?- Where are you from?- More general questions.Cue CardDescribe a journey to a place that you would like to take, please say:- where the place is,- what type of transport you would choose,- what the purpose of your journey is.DiscussionWhy do you prefer to travel in an airplane?In your country, what type of transport do you use the most?If you had money, would you like to buy a car and use it to travel?What should you learn from your journey?


Page 32: Speaking Test Questions

- Tell me your full name please.- Talk about your hometown.- What is your hometown famous for?- Do you think government has built good museums in India?- Let's talk about holidays.Do you prefer going on holidays alone or with someone? Why?- What do you like to do on holidays?- Why do you think holidays are important to everyone?- When was the last time you went on a holiday? What did you do?Cue CardDescribe a naughty thing you did when you were a child, please say- when and what you did,- who was with you,- what happened after that.Discussion- When do children become adults? At what age?- What are the responsibilities of an adult?- How does an adult differ from a child?- Are there any celebrations when a child is becoming an adult in your country?