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美元3个月LIBOR 10年期美国国债收益率曲线美元3个月LIBOR 10年期美国国债收益率曲线

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国内市场利率、汇率市场化程度提高内市场利率 率市场化程度提高


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1. 董事会和高管层的有效监控

5 适当的市场风险

2. 完善的市场风险管理政策和程序

5. 适当的市场风险资本分配机制

4. 完善的内部控制和独立的外部审计3 市场风险识别 计量 独立的外部审计3. 市场风险识别、计量


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度规范 风险识别 计 估值和定价方面具备相应的管 能力一方面,对于商业银行不具体风险管理和控制能力,无法进行估值的资金业务应慎重;另一方面要加快提升风险管理能力,促进业务规模健康合理地发展,提高质量。




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样,重点在于是否与银行的经营规模和业务发展需求相匹配,需避免盲IT系统建设仍需完善 样,重点在于是否与银行的经营规模和业务发展需求相匹配,需避免盲





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随着我国利率市场化 金融创新和综合经营随着我国利率市场化、金融创新和综合经营的发展,商业银行所面临市场风险的种类和规模还会成倍增长还会成倍增长


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Market Risk Management ofMarket Risk Management of Chinese Commercial Banks

May 11 2009May 11, 2009

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Commercial banks in China are exposed to increasing p g

market risks国际市场价格波动加剧

LIBOR USD 3M The Yield Curve of US 10-Year TreasuryLIBOR USD 3M The Yield Curve of US 10 Year Treasury

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Exchange rate of €/US$, £/US$, and US$/JPY

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Interest rate and exchange rate in China are increasingly market based


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The Yield Curve of 10-Year China Treasury Bondsy

Exchange rate of US$/RMB

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Risk Management≠Risk Avoidance

Understand the level of risk to be takenSeek the balance between risk and returnSeek the balance between risk and return

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CBRC: Guidelines on Market Risk Management of Commercial Banks

1. effective i ht boversight by

board of directors and

senior management

5. an appropriate

k t i kmanagement2. sound risk management policies and procedures

market risk capital

allocation mechanism


4. sound internal control and external

3. effective mechanisms for

identification auditing arrangements

identification, measurement, monitoring and control of risks

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Lessons from subprime loan crisis – market riskmanagement in Chinese commercial banks andissues to be solved• Commercial banks are exposed to many risks such as credit, market,

liquidity reputation legal and operations in their business especially capitalStrengthen total risk management

liquidity, reputation, legal and operations in their business especially capitalbusiness. Total risk management is very important

• Risk management of capital business needs to involve employees frommultiple businesses and areas. Front line businessmen are the first defenceline of risk management.

Match risk

• Risk management serves business development. The more complexesbusiness is, the higher capability needed in the areas of risk managementpolicy formulation risk identification quantification evaluation and pricing

management capabilities and business development

policy formulation, risk identification, quantification, evaluation and pricing.On the one hand, banks need to be careful in capital business where thebanks lacks risk management and control and are unable to evaluate. Onthe other hand, banks need to enhance risk management capability,promote healthy business development, and improve quality

Relative insufficiency of

▪Market risk management personnel should be experienced andknowledgeable. Domestic commercial banks needs to train anddevelopment relevant professionals. Good risk management staff are

talent pool of professional

development relevant professionals. Good risk management staff arethe same important as front-line business person.

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Lessons from subprime loan crisis – market riskt i Chi i l b k dmanagement in Chinese commercial banks and

issues to be solved (Continued)• Risk hedging is an key way to effectively manage risk and ensures

Lacks of ways to hedge risk

Risk hedging is an key way to effectively manage risk and ensuresthat financial institutions are operating within the risk preferenceformulated by the board of directors. Due to market and policyconstraints, currently domestic commercial banks lack effective waysto control interest rate risk and foreign exchange rate exposure

• Sound IT systems are key support to effective risk management. There aremany systems in the market. The point is banks need to evaluate if thesystems match their business scale and business development and should

Strengthen IT system

• The communication between relevant risk management departments

systems match their business scale and business development and shouldavoid implementing new and large systems blindly


Enhance information disclosure and communicatio

• The communication between relevant risk management departmentsare very important for accurate identification and evaluation, especiallyfor those large banks and banks with different departments to handlebusiness development, evaluation, accounting and market information.


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• With interest rate being more market based and the development of• With interest rate being more market based and the development of financial innovation and comprehensive operation, the risks that commercial banks are exposed to would grow dramatically in terms of types and scale Soof types and scale. So

Making Preparations g pin Advance!

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