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Page 1: Spaull_review of James Hekanakht

Egypt Exploration Society

The Ḥeḳanakhte Papers and Other Early Middle Kingdom Documents by T. G. H. JamesReview by: C. H. S. SpaullThe Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 49 (Dec., 1963), pp. 184-186Published by: Egypt Exploration SocietyStable URL: .

Accessed: 20/10/2013 07:21

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Page 2: Spaull_review of James Hekanakht


ten years, modifying the conclusions of the last edition where necessary. Perhaps we may look forward now to a fifth edition which again will be a rewriting of the whole.

From the discussions included in the Supplement, the student can easily find what have been the important historical discoveries either by research or by fieldwork in the past ten years, and also the problems most exercising the historians of ancient Egypt. The two outstanding discoveries of the period were the unfinished pyramid of Sekhemkhet at Saqqara and the stela of Kamose at Karnak, both of which have added notably to historical knowledge, and in several respects led historians to modify the accepted accounts for the periods concerned. Of subjects which have been much debated in the past decade, mention may be made of the

problem of the Followers of Horus, the Hyksos, the 'Amarna period, dynastic successions in several periods (especially the Second Intermediate Period, the end of the Nineteenth Dynasty and the Twenty-first and

Twenty-second Dynasties), and the character of the Kingship (important studies by Goedicke and Posener). In summarizing the debates on these problems Vandier is scrupulously fair and lucid, even when his own

opinions differ radically from those he reports. His exposition of the tangle of debate aroused by the

problems of the 'Amarna Period is particularly good. What especially strikes a reader whose interests may be specialized rather than wide, is the extent to which the history of the Late Period is now studied. Since the war many scholars have devoted themselves to the problems of the time from the end of the New

Kingdom to the Ptolemaic Period. The documentary evidence for this period is vast and to a great extent

unexploited. Already many changes have been wrought in the old, standard account which offered a generally dismal picture of steady decline, briefly lightened by the revival in the Twenty-sixth Dynasty. The sub- stantial part of Vandier's Supplemnent devoted to this period reveals clearly what good results have already been achieved by the close examination of the evidence, much of which was freely available formerly, but

unexploited. The great value of Vandier's work here, as for earlier periods, is to draw attention to studies not easily available, e.g. Yoyotte's essay on Necho II in the Dictionnaire de la Bible. Suppl. VI-clearly a model of careful research-and to make their matter known. In keeping his History well revised and up to date, Vandier performs a signal service to Egyptology. May he prepare many more editions!


The Hekanakhte Papers and Other Early Middle Kingdom Documents. By T. G. H. JAMES. Publications of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian Expedition, vol. xix. Folio. Pp. xiv+I46, pls. 30 collotype (texts) + 30 lithographic (transcriptions) + 17 lithographic (palaeography). New York, I962. Price $30.

The texts published in this finely produced book are divided into four groups: the Hekanakhte papers, the Harhotpe documents, the Meketrel documents, and other early Middle Kingdom documents. All date from the Eleventh Dynasty or thereabouts and comprise, almost without exception, letters and accounts. No effort has been spared to make the publication as comprehensive as possible, and the material provided forms a notable addition to our knowledge of the language, palaeography, and life in general of the period.

Each text appears in a collotype facsimile, accompanied by an hieroglyphic transcription in a clear bold hand. In addition there is a printed translation, discussion of contents, and detailed commentary, which form the main body of the book. Every difficulty is dealt with in detail, every interesting point is gone over in full. It would not be possible to wish for a more painstaking and thorough publication of a set of new texts. A series of appendixes deal exhaustively with a number of matters taken collectively. These cover special points of grammar and syntax, certain individual words, a most important essay on epistolary formulas, geographical and personal names, and finally palaeography, including a set of plates on which are set out the forms of the hieratic signs that are found.

Hekanakhte was a ka-servant to Ipi, vizier of Menthotpe I,1 and the collection of documents belonging to him found by H. E. Winlock at Deir el-Bahri in I921-2 probably dates from the period between May and October in the 8th year of Menthotpe II' (c. 2002 B.C.). These documents, four letters and three accounts,

I Here and elsewhere in this review I have used Menthotpe I and Menthotpe II where James has used Menthotpe II and III. In this I follow the numeration of the Menthotpes given by Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs, 438. The numeration used by James is that followed by Hayes in the new Cambridge Ancient History who regards the Menthotpe who founded the Eleventh Dynasty as the first of that name, cf. his chapter, 'The Middle Kingdom in Egypt', 15.


ten years, modifying the conclusions of the last edition where necessary. Perhaps we may look forward now to a fifth edition which again will be a rewriting of the whole.

From the discussions included in the Supplement, the student can easily find what have been the important historical discoveries either by research or by fieldwork in the past ten years, and also the problems most exercising the historians of ancient Egypt. The two outstanding discoveries of the period were the unfinished pyramid of Sekhemkhet at Saqqara and the stela of Kamose at Karnak, both of which have added notably to historical knowledge, and in several respects led historians to modify the accepted accounts for the periods concerned. Of subjects which have been much debated in the past decade, mention may be made of the

problem of the Followers of Horus, the Hyksos, the 'Amarna period, dynastic successions in several periods (especially the Second Intermediate Period, the end of the Nineteenth Dynasty and the Twenty-first and

Twenty-second Dynasties), and the character of the Kingship (important studies by Goedicke and Posener). In summarizing the debates on these problems Vandier is scrupulously fair and lucid, even when his own

opinions differ radically from those he reports. His exposition of the tangle of debate aroused by the

problems of the 'Amarna Period is particularly good. What especially strikes a reader whose interests may be specialized rather than wide, is the extent to which the history of the Late Period is now studied. Since the war many scholars have devoted themselves to the problems of the time from the end of the New

Kingdom to the Ptolemaic Period. The documentary evidence for this period is vast and to a great extent

unexploited. Already many changes have been wrought in the old, standard account which offered a generally dismal picture of steady decline, briefly lightened by the revival in the Twenty-sixth Dynasty. The sub- stantial part of Vandier's Supplemnent devoted to this period reveals clearly what good results have already been achieved by the close examination of the evidence, much of which was freely available formerly, but

unexploited. The great value of Vandier's work here, as for earlier periods, is to draw attention to studies not easily available, e.g. Yoyotte's essay on Necho II in the Dictionnaire de la Bible. Suppl. VI-clearly a model of careful research-and to make their matter known. In keeping his History well revised and up to date, Vandier performs a signal service to Egyptology. May he prepare many more editions!


The Hekanakhte Papers and Other Early Middle Kingdom Documents. By T. G. H. JAMES. Publications of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian Expedition, vol. xix. Folio. Pp. xiv+I46, pls. 30 collotype (texts) + 30 lithographic (transcriptions) + 17 lithographic (palaeography). New York, I962. Price $30.

The texts published in this finely produced book are divided into four groups: the Hekanakhte papers, the Harhotpe documents, the Meketrel documents, and other early Middle Kingdom documents. All date from the Eleventh Dynasty or thereabouts and comprise, almost without exception, letters and accounts. No effort has been spared to make the publication as comprehensive as possible, and the material provided forms a notable addition to our knowledge of the language, palaeography, and life in general of the period.

Each text appears in a collotype facsimile, accompanied by an hieroglyphic transcription in a clear bold hand. In addition there is a printed translation, discussion of contents, and detailed commentary, which form the main body of the book. Every difficulty is dealt with in detail, every interesting point is gone over in full. It would not be possible to wish for a more painstaking and thorough publication of a set of new texts. A series of appendixes deal exhaustively with a number of matters taken collectively. These cover special points of grammar and syntax, certain individual words, a most important essay on epistolary formulas, geographical and personal names, and finally palaeography, including a set of plates on which are set out the forms of the hieratic signs that are found.

Hekanakhte was a ka-servant to Ipi, vizier of Menthotpe I,1 and the collection of documents belonging to him found by H. E. Winlock at Deir el-Bahri in I921-2 probably dates from the period between May and October in the 8th year of Menthotpe II' (c. 2002 B.C.). These documents, four letters and three accounts,

I Here and elsewhere in this review I have used Menthotpe I and Menthotpe II where James has used Menthotpe II and III. In this I follow the numeration of the Menthotpes given by Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs, 438. The numeration used by James is that followed by Hayes in the new Cambridge Ancient History who regards the Menthotpe who founded the Eleventh Dynasty as the first of that name, cf. his chapter, 'The Middle Kingdom in Egypt', 15.

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Page 3: Spaull_review of James Hekanakht

REVIEWS I85 have long been eagerly awaited. They are the highlight of this book: especially the first three letters, two from Heklanakhte to his household at Nebeseyet and one to the Overseer of the Delta, Hrunufe.

Hekanakhte's letters serve to lift, momentarily, a curtain allowing us a glimpse of day-to-day life in the Theban vicinity in 2000 B.C. Hekanakhte himself appears to be writing from somewhere south of Thebes to his home. A messenger, called Sihathor, is evidently travelling back and forth carrying not only letters but also food-grain and bread. Hekanakhte is directing the affairs of his household in Nebeseyet. There the various members, men, women, even families, are busily engaged in the work of running the estate, cultivating the land, quarrelling, and having difficulties. It is quite clear that times are bad, food is short, and Hekanakhte protests that whatever they may say his family is eating better than most. He even utters the final threat, saying that anyone who does not like the rations had better come to live where he is staying to see how he likes it. Indulgence is shown to a certain Snofru, who seems a spoilt young man who, although obviously being troublesome, is yet to be allowed to do what he likes. Anupu is another favourite. There is trouble over the various women; a handmaid called Senen is to be thrown out; there is to be no more interference with Hetepet's companions. Hekanakhte delivers an obscure lecture with regard to his concubine and how she should be treated. The business of renting land, buying and selling, making and calling-in of loans is also going forward.

The two letters to the household at Nebeseyet are very hard indeed to translate. The result is worthy of the highest praise. Even where one feels doubt one soon finds that to offer any better suggestion is almost if not quite impossible. Both these letters are very familiar, even curt, in tone, and to the point in a way which is not common in Ancient Egypt.

Hekanakhte, on occasion, makes use of remarkably telling phrases in his letters, as for instance: 'See! this is a year for a man to work for his master.' 'See! you are that one who ate until he was sated and hungered until his eyes were sunken.' 'Half life is better than death outright.'

The second of the above examples reminds one of the fable of the grasshopper and the ant. The notation used in the Hekanakhte papers for the area of land is a cause of difficulty. Some of this

notation is unique and has to depend for its elucidation on internal evidence. The basic element of the land-notation is the sign +. This is known also from the Book of the Dead and from the Coffin Texts. Unfortunately, neither of these sources is of any assistance in explaining it. James has deduced that this + is equivalent to area of 22 arouras. This solution works very well and is probably correct.

A type of land mentioned is called .ht kbt, lit. 'cold land'. James suggests a translation 'unworked land', but I cannot help wondering if this idea cannot be carried a little farther, and from the fact that kbt can mean 'refreshed', translate 'fallow land'. If this idea should be correct then it follows that the Egyptians of this time followed the practice of allowing land to be 'fallow'.

Mlinm 'here, hither' is a startling word to find in an early M. K. document. It is, in fact, only one of a number of unexpectedly early examples of words otherwise only known from much later times, which are found not only in the Hekanakhte papers but in other sets of documents published in this book.

I, 13: 'io arouras of land equal(?) (-.j= ) Ioo khar of barley.' I, vs. 3: 'in order to keep together (-a ,t2n ) that new barley.' I would suggest that one has here a word, the literal meaning of which is 'to heap up with a pitchfork',

the determinative in the second example being a pitchfork. Faulkner gives icb (Dict., p. i) 'heap up corn with a pitchfork'. This is Wb. I, 40 (8) where reference is made to Wb. i, 176 (I6), which is rbwt 'two- (later three-) pronged fork'. Further, the verb occurs in CT i, 393c with spellings that include


11, 39 < ^. This word, translated 'domestic servant(?)', is surely the same as the S 'people (or sim.) of a god' quoted by TWb. I, 531 (5) from examples of the Greek period at Edfu. The meaning would seem, therefore, to be something like 'attendants'.

The fact that in Hekanakhte's third letter Nakhte and Sinebnut, coming to collect outstanding debts of barley and emmer, are bringing their own corn-measure is interesting. It probably indicates the variability

This translation varies slightly from that given by James (p. 32). C 1399 Bb

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Page 4: Spaull_review of James Hekanakht


of the units of measure in different districts rather than a precaution against fraud. Incidentally, I do not think that the translation of _hr as 'sack', on which some doubt is thrown, can be bettered in view of the labelled picture in the tomb of Rekhmirc.'1

It is noteworthy that those who did not wish to pay in grain were to be allowed to pay in oil at the rate: i hebnet-jar of oil = 2 sacks of barley = 3 sacks of emmer. It is thus seen that barley was more valuable than emmer. This may have been due to a shortage of that grain (cf. p. 47, top), especially as the existence of the phrase 'barley-as-barley' to indicate real barley as opposed to barley used as a mere measure of value, would seem to indicate that barley was normally the commonest grain.

The svsrt-, bhsw-, and tr-sst-loaves of v, 30-33 must have been of the nature of hard-tack for them to have been able to be sent by Merisu to Heklanakhte at some distance.

Three documents found in a small tomb in the vicinity of that of Harhotpe have been named after that individual but that is probably their only connexion with him. They comprise an account of rations issued to soldiers; an account concerning the 'serfs of the aroura(?)' with a religious text, probably a hymn to Seth, on the back; and a potsherd on which is written a short model letter. Even these fragments contain

points of special interest. The ration-document has the earliest mention yet found of the names of the

epagomenal days. The items issued call for remark in that swt 'wheat' appears, and in that 'beer' is absent but bs'-grain occurs. This latter fact tends to strengthen the possibility that bsv is 'brewing-grain' if not

actually 'malt'. The account concerning the 'serfs of the aroura(?)' is strange because this designation itself is otherwise unknown and because pairs of persons are linked by means of an unknown and undecipherable hieratic sign.

Two papyri and an ostracon make up the Meketre<-group of documents. They come from the vicinity of Meketrec's tomb. The papyri comprise a letter concerning the dispatch of some birds, probably a practice piece, and a rather mutilated account listing quantities of beer, bulls, and other items the names of which are lost. The ostracon contains a mere note of the issue of fk-loaves to a number of tomb-workers. The intrinsic value of these documents is small, yet again each offers interesting points. For instance the word tt 'people', hitherto unknown before Ptolemaic times, and the designations of the classes of tomb-workers.

The book concludes with an assortment of texts: one an ostracon, three papyri, and two writing-boards. This material comes from Cairo, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the British Museum. The ostracon contains a list of men who are to receive hnkw, and was found on the site of the mortuary temple of

Menthotpe II.2 This finding-place, along with the occurrence of the word hnkw in a Coffin Text shabti-

spell (CT vi, I), would seem to point definitely to the issue of 'carrying-baskets (knkw)' to the labourers.

James, however, does not feel able to be quite so specific. The three papyri contain letters about the sending of rations, the weaving of cloth and the sale of a house, and lastly a wholly obscure communication. Of the two writing-boards, one is only a fragment, but the other contains a letter about the sending of some gear for a ship. James translates 'a mast(?) of pine-wood, a rudder of juniper-wood, and a bolt(?) of ebony to be the tackle(?) of the sea-going ship'. I would suggest that while, of course, hmw is the 'steering-oar', krtkt is the 'handle' by which it is moved, ht is the 'post' to which it is attached, and gyt is the 'steering-

platform' or 'poop'. If these suggestions are accepted then the translation becomes 'a post of pine-wood, a steering-oar of juniper-wood, and a handle of ebony for the steering-platform of the sea-going ship'.

The indexes provided cover the Egyptian words used, titles, divine names, Coptic words, and general matters.

It has, of course, only been possible to indicate in a general way the riches of this excellent book. A close

study of it is most rewarding and serves over and over again to enhance one's sense of the skill, penetration, and erudition with which a most difficult task has been handled. C. H. S. SPAULL

Museo archeologico di Firenze. Le stele egiziane dall'antico al nuovo regno. By SERGIO BOSTICCO. Cataloghi dei musei e gallerie d'Italia. Octavo. Pp. 73, pls. 63. Rome, I959. Price not given.

Sixty-three stelae, extending in time from the end of the Old Kingdom to the Second Intermediate


of the units of measure in different districts rather than a precaution against fraud. Incidentally, I do not think that the translation of _hr as 'sack', on which some doubt is thrown, can be bettered in view of the labelled picture in the tomb of Rekhmirc.'1

It is noteworthy that those who did not wish to pay in grain were to be allowed to pay in oil at the rate: i hebnet-jar of oil = 2 sacks of barley = 3 sacks of emmer. It is thus seen that barley was more valuable than emmer. This may have been due to a shortage of that grain (cf. p. 47, top), especially as the existence of the phrase 'barley-as-barley' to indicate real barley as opposed to barley used as a mere measure of value, would seem to indicate that barley was normally the commonest grain.

The svsrt-, bhsw-, and tr-sst-loaves of v, 30-33 must have been of the nature of hard-tack for them to have been able to be sent by Merisu to Heklanakhte at some distance.

Three documents found in a small tomb in the vicinity of that of Harhotpe have been named after that individual but that is probably their only connexion with him. They comprise an account of rations issued to soldiers; an account concerning the 'serfs of the aroura(?)' with a religious text, probably a hymn to Seth, on the back; and a potsherd on which is written a short model letter. Even these fragments contain

points of special interest. The ration-document has the earliest mention yet found of the names of the

epagomenal days. The items issued call for remark in that swt 'wheat' appears, and in that 'beer' is absent but bs'-grain occurs. This latter fact tends to strengthen the possibility that bsv is 'brewing-grain' if not

actually 'malt'. The account concerning the 'serfs of the aroura(?)' is strange because this designation itself is otherwise unknown and because pairs of persons are linked by means of an unknown and undecipherable hieratic sign.

Two papyri and an ostracon make up the Meketre<-group of documents. They come from the vicinity of Meketrec's tomb. The papyri comprise a letter concerning the dispatch of some birds, probably a practice piece, and a rather mutilated account listing quantities of beer, bulls, and other items the names of which are lost. The ostracon contains a mere note of the issue of fk-loaves to a number of tomb-workers. The intrinsic value of these documents is small, yet again each offers interesting points. For instance the word tt 'people', hitherto unknown before Ptolemaic times, and the designations of the classes of tomb-workers.

The book concludes with an assortment of texts: one an ostracon, three papyri, and two writing-boards. This material comes from Cairo, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the British Museum. The ostracon contains a list of men who are to receive hnkw, and was found on the site of the mortuary temple of

Menthotpe II.2 This finding-place, along with the occurrence of the word hnkw in a Coffin Text shabti-

spell (CT vi, I), would seem to point definitely to the issue of 'carrying-baskets (knkw)' to the labourers.

James, however, does not feel able to be quite so specific. The three papyri contain letters about the sending of rations, the weaving of cloth and the sale of a house, and lastly a wholly obscure communication. Of the two writing-boards, one is only a fragment, but the other contains a letter about the sending of some gear for a ship. James translates 'a mast(?) of pine-wood, a rudder of juniper-wood, and a bolt(?) of ebony to be the tackle(?) of the sea-going ship'. I would suggest that while, of course, hmw is the 'steering-oar', krtkt is the 'handle' by which it is moved, ht is the 'post' to which it is attached, and gyt is the 'steering-

platform' or 'poop'. If these suggestions are accepted then the translation becomes 'a post of pine-wood, a steering-oar of juniper-wood, and a handle of ebony for the steering-platform of the sea-going ship'.

The indexes provided cover the Egyptian words used, titles, divine names, Coptic words, and general matters.

It has, of course, only been possible to indicate in a general way the riches of this excellent book. A close

study of it is most rewarding and serves over and over again to enhance one's sense of the skill, penetration, and erudition with which a most difficult task has been handled. C. H. S. SPAULL

Museo archeologico di Firenze. Le stele egiziane dall'antico al nuovo regno. By SERGIO BOSTICCO. Cataloghi dei musei e gallerie d'Italia. Octavo. Pp. 73, pls. 63. Rome, I959. Price not given.

Sixty-three stelae, extending in time from the end of the Old Kingdom to the Second Intermediate

z See p. I84, n. i. z See p. I84, n. i. I Davies, The Tomb of Rekh-mi-rjc at Thebes, pl. 30. I Davies, The Tomb of Rekh-mi-rjc at Thebes, pl. 30.

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