Download - Spark Streaming Info

Page 1: Spark Streaming Info

Spark Streaming

Much easier than StormReplaces Storm spouts/bolts with Akka Actors

Better API(make time part of API) and integrationHadoop 2.3/Spark 0.9.1

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Sbt setup

Create a separate sbt project; sbt run Includes the jars and sets the class path

Batch and Streaming,

Create a project directory Add dependencies; scalaized maven

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.hadoop" % "hadoop-client" % "2.3.0"


Manage the sbt/scala versions locally

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Maven setup

Run the demo using maven/eclipse Easier, maven central to find jars/artifacts Add the external libs using maven to local repo

and mvn package in spark source distro Eclipse: add Scala Nature, Maven project

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Connect to twitter stream and process Test Twitter4j connection w/Java first. Print out a

twitter stream Batch Mode: sc.stop(); RealTime Streaming

stream.awaitTermination(). Dstream/scala lazy evaluation

Create a stream using #:: like the recursive List operator. (#iphone,1)#:(#andriod,3)#(#apple,10). Unlike a list head/tail behave differently. Head is a val.

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Spark Streams

StreamingContext start scheduler JobScheduler.scala: starts JobGenerator and runs

them in a thread pool JobGenerator.scala: Starts event actor, checkpoint

writer, for each thread Storage:

DStream appends to blockgenerator BlockGenerator.scala: Spark BlockGenerator w/2

threads. On termination wait for blockpush thread to join.

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Kafka Streaming Demo

KafkaUtils/Consumer connection IOItec connection lib Need to add more features/testing for faults Read source how to fill out params Start zookeeper, start a producer, define a

topic, etc...

Send data from the producer

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Demo Output showing console producer to Spark Consumer

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Match the broker-id in the server conf file with groupID in the consumer call

val kafkaInputs = (1 to 5).map { _ =>

KafkaUtils.createStream(stream,"localhost:2181", "1", Map("testtopic" -> 1))

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Use awaitTermination() to get infinite loop so you can see what you enter into the producer; Start w/1 executor

val stream = new StreamingContext("local[2]","TestObject", Seconds(1)) val kafkaMessages=

KafkaUtils.createStream(stream,"localhost:2181","1",Map("testtopic"->1)) //create 5 executors val kafkaInputs = (1 to 5).map { _ => KafkaUtils.createStream(stream,"localhost:2181", "1", Map("testtopic" -> 1)) kafkaMessages.print() stream.start() stream.awaitTermination()