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SpaceClaim 2009

SpaceClaim for Analysis Training Session

A SpaceClaim Support Document

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In this class we will walk through the basic tools used to prepare and repair models to use in Analysis.

We will focus on:

• Volume Extract

• Removing rounds

• Groups

• Annotation Dimensions

• Interference

• Splitting Faces

• Difficult to remove rounds

• Repairing models

• Surface Replace

• Help and Technical Support

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Section 1: Volume Extract and Driving Dimensions

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Open Model Navigate to the VOLUME_EXTRACT folder. Once here, select ‘Fluid_Flow.scdoc” and hit Open.

The part in the image to the right should open in your design window.

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Volume Extract Go to the Prepare tab in the SpaceClaim Ribbon bar.

Click the Volume Extract button to the right of the Ribbon. This tool is used for creating the negative space either inside or around an object. It will be mostly used when doing Fluid Flow analysis.

Click the edges indicated in the picture on the right. These edges will indicate capping regions, creating the boundary of the enclosed volume.

Note: You do not need to hold down the Ctrl key while selecting multiple edges.

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Seeding the Inner Face The second Tool guide is used for seeding the inside of the fluid volume.

Note: Use this to specify the interior cavity on models that are complex or ambiguous.

Select the second Tool guide and then select the inner blue face as shown to the right.

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Complete Volume Extract When the two edges are selected, and the inner face is selected as a seed face, click the Complete Tool guide.

Note: The Complete Tool guide is used to complete many actions in the Prepare tab.

A warning message should appear at the bottom right corner of your SpaceClaim window, indicating that the operation failed. This means that you should investigate the model to find out why.

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Cross Section Go to the Design tab of the Ribbon bar.

Click on the Select tool in the Edit group in the middle of the toolbar.

Select the axis on the right side of the screen as indicated to the right.

With the axis selected, click the Section Mode button to the left of the Select tool.

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Heads up View After the part has been cross sectioned, click on the Plan View button in the Orient group.

This will give you a heads up view of the cross sectioned model.

Note: If you rotate the model you'll be able to see how an infinite volume would be created be escaping for all of the uncapped holes on the pink solid.

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Why a Volume might Fail Zoom into the left side of the model.

Here you will see a gap in the geometry allowing the fluid volume to escape out and create an infinite volume.

Select the Pull tool in the Edit group.

Select on the Green edge indicated in the picture on the right.

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Pull Up To Select the Up To Tool guide on the right side of the screen.

Click the orange edge indicated on the right.

This will cause the green edge to snap directly next to the orange edge, creating a watertight seal on the volume.

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Volume Extract Click the Volume Extract tool in the Prepare tab of the Ribbon bar.

Select the two edges and seed face as shown earlier.

Click the Complete Tool guide.

This will create a volume by your specified boundary conditions.

Note: SpaceClaim will toggle the display to make all solids transparent so you can view the volume easier when it is created.

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Pull Go to the Design tab of the Ribbon bar.

Select the Pull tool from the Edit Group.

Select the yellow face on the right of the model.

Drag the face out to make the cylinder longer by 15mm.

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Pull Select the inner cylinder face.

Pull the inner cylinder smaller as indicated to the right.

The model should now resemble the image to the right.

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Section Mode Select on the axis going through the yellow solid.

Click the Section Mode button in the Mode group.

The volume should be interfering with the yellow solid and slightly shorter than the length of the full hole, as seen to the right.

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Update Volume Go to the structure tree and expand the Volume component to show the solid itself.

Right click on the solid (also labeled “Volume”) indicated to the right and click “Update Volume Body as Created” From the Context Menu.

This will update the volume based on the changes you’ve made to the geometry

Note: To learn more about the differences between Update Volume Body as Created or in Context please consult the SpaceClaim Help.

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Organizing Structure Tree Right Click on Fluid_Flow and click New Component.

Rename the component “Outer Air Enclosure.” This will be used to create the air on the outside of the assembly.

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Cylinder Click the Plan View button to get into a heads up display of the assembly.

Click the Cylinder button inside the Insert group. This can be used to quickly create geometry in both 3D Mode and Section Mode.

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Creating a Cylinder Click on the center axis once to the left of the center raised portion of the enclosure. Click again to the right of the enclosure.

Click once more to specify the cylinder diameter at about 60mm.

Click the 3D Mode button to get out of Section Mode.

Click the Split Face button in the Intersect group.

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Split Face Rotate the model so you can see the top face of the cylinder and select it.

Click along the edge of the cylinder.

This will create two temporary lines and give you the option to delete one. Click one of the lines to leave only one.

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Pull Click the Pull tool in the Edit group.

Select on the small region created by the split face.

Pull this region back so you have a clipped cylinder.

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Shell Click the Shell button in the Insert group.

Select the top clipped face.

This will create a 1mm shell on the cylinder.

Note: The 1mm default is used from the “Minor grid spacing” option found in the Units tab in the SpaceClaim options.

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Volume Extract Click the Volume Extract button in the Prepare tab of the ribbon bar.

Double click the edge indicated to grab the loop of edges.

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Simple Volume Extract Click the Complete button to finish the volume extract.

Note: When performing simple volume extractions, there is usually no need to select a seed surface.

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Structure Tree Manipulation Right click on Fluid_Flow in the structure tree and click Activate Component. This will activate the entire assembly.

Hide the Outer Air Enclosure. It was simply used as a boundary for our outer volume.

Select an axis and enter Section Mode to view the two volumes and the rest of the components.

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Renaming Components Rename the two volume components Volume Inner and Volume Outer respectively.

Hide the two volume components.

Click the 3D Mode button to enter to view the assembly.

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Removing Small Rounds Switch to Top View from the Trimetric button in the Orient group.

Go to the Prepare tab and click the Rounds button from the Remove group.

Box select the small rounds on the rib from top left to bottom right.

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Power Select Click Complete to remove the small rounds in the selection.

Select the round on the top of the upper rib.

Go to the Selection tab under the structure tree and click the magnifying glass to find similar geometric objects.

Click “All rounds Equal or smaller than 1.00mm”.

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Finish Removing Rounds Click the Complete Tool guide to remove all of the small rounds.

If you have left the remove round button in the prepare tab hit the Fill button in the Design tab.

Go back to the Design tab and click the Home button in the Orient Group. This will bring you to a trimetric orientation of the model.

Click the Pull tool inside the Edit group.

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Power Select Select on the cylindrical face indicated on the right.

Go to the Selection tab of the Structure window. Click the magnifying glass to search through the solid. Choose “All coaxial protrusions”.

The four cylindrical faces around the model should be highlighted. This will allow you to change them at the same time.

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Groups Type in 13mm to thin the walls of the solid.

With the four faces still selected, go to the Groups tab in the Structure Tree.

Click Create Group. This will create a group that you can go to later.

Note: Groups allow you to quickly control parameters that are important to you as you make iterations in your analysis.

Change the name of Group1 to thickness. You can do this by slowly double clicking it or right clicking Group1 and choosing Rename.

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3D Annotations Select an axis running through the assembly.

Go to the Detailing tab in the Ribbon bar. Click on the Dimension button to place a 3D Dimension on to the model.

Click on the front planar face as indicated in the picture on the right. This will be the first face we are dimensioning from.

Select on the face indicated on the right as the second dimension reference.

Click above the assembly to position the dimension.

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3D Dimensions Create a similar dimension on the other end of the model.

Create a third dimension to indicate the overall length of the assembly.

Note: A Dimension takes three mouse clicks when dimensioning between two objects. Click object 1, then object 2, then specify where you’d like the dimension located.

Go to the Design tab in the Ribbon bar and click the Move tool in the Edit group.

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Moving Faces Box select the right end of the yellow solid.

Drag the faces along the blue vector.

Note: The dimensions update as you make a change to the model.

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Annotation Dimension Select the blue vector. This identifies it as the only direction the geometry can move along. This will make a Spark appear next to the dimension.

Hover over the Spark and it will change from blue to orange. Click on the Spark. A dimension box will appear that can be edited.

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Annotation Dimensions Create Groups Enter a dimension of 40mm. This will change the annotation dimension and the geometry at the same time.

Click Create Group under the Group tab.

Note: Annotation dimensions can only be used to create a group after the Spark has been clicked.

Rename the group “outlet length”.

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Annotation Dimension Box select the geometry on the other end of the model.

Click the Move button in the Edit group.

Choose the blue vector and click the Spark to create an annotation dimension.

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Editing Groups Click the Create Group button and rename the group “inlet length”.

Click on the “inlet length” and change the dimension to 40mm.

The assembly should look like this.

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Annotation Dimension with Pull Click the Pull tool in the Edit group.

Select the leftmost face of the yellow solid.

Note: A Spark automatically appears next to the dimension. Unlike the Move tool, you don’t have to specify a dimension with the Pull tool.

Pull the face to the left to shorten the protrusion.

To edit with the Spark dimension, click the Spark and enter a value.

Click on the “outlet length” dimension in the Groups Panel. Change the value to 40mm.

Note: Even after changing a value with Pull, you can click back on the groups you’ve created. Making a group will not lock a dimension, but simply allows you to easily go back to it.

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Finished Model The model should now look similar to the image on the right.

Select an axis running through the assembly.

Click the Section Mode button in the Mode group next to Select.

You should see the assembly cross-sectioned.

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Updating Fluid Volumes We’ve changed some geometry on the parts, so we should update the volumes generated earlier.

Unhide the inner and outer volumes in the structure tree.

You should now see them in the design window.

Right click on the solid under “Volume inner” and click Update Volume Body as Created.

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Finish Updating Volumes The inner volume should now extend to the ends of the updated assembly.

Right click on the solid under “Volume Outer” and click Update Volume Body as Created.

This will update the outer volume.

However, in this view it is difficult to see any of the changes that might have occurred to the body.

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Making Solids Transparent Right click on “Volume Outer” in the Structure Tree.

Click Open Component.

The volume will open in its own window. Select an edge on the body.

Go to the Display tab and click the Face Style button to make the solid transparent.

Now you will be able to see that the little rounds are now removed on the part.

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Groups, Annotation Dimensions and Volume Extract

Assemble parts together.

Run a Volume Extract of open flow.

Create groups and annotation dimensions.

Use these groups to update the model and then update the volume

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Section 2: Interference and Round Removal

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Open Assembly Select Open from the SpaceClaim application menu. Go to the INTERFERENCE_IMPRINT folder and open up the file titled “Top_Level_Assy.scdoc”.

The assembly should look like the one on the right.

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Interference Detection Click the Interference button in the Prepare tab.

Note: This tool will find volumes of interference between two solids. This will run a check between any solids visible on screen. Keep in mind that this can lead to long calculation times for large assemblies.

There are two areas of interference in this assembly.

Zoom into the top left interference between the blue base and the orange plug.

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Removing Interferences Click the red area to remove the interference from the model.

Note: By default the geometry will be removed from the solid with the larger bounding box. This will usually be the solid with the larger volume.

Zoom out and select the larger red interference area.

The two areas should now be removed.

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Results of Interference Removal Go to the Design tab and click the Select tool inside the Edit group.

Hide the Bearing component in the structure tree.

Here we can see the results of the interference removal. We have lost significant geometry. It is clear that we might not always want to simply use SpaceClaim defaults to remove the material.

Sometimes Interference can be used to identify an area, and we can use other tools to clean up the geometry.

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Undo Click the Undo button in the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). This will unhide the Bearing component.

Click Undo again to bring back the material removed from the Interference tool.

Press the Select button in the Design Tab.

Select the axis running through the bearing.

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Section Mode Edits Click the Section Mode button.

This will place a plane through the solid.

Click the Plan View button in the Orient group.

This will give you a head-on view of the model.

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Working in Section Mode Click the Pull button in the Edit Group.

Zoom into the top of the model and select on the light blue edge.

Pull the edge up or down and watch how the geometry updates.

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Pull Up To Click the Up To Tool guide. This will allow you to snap geometry into place.

With the light blue edge still selected, click the dark blue edge.

This will snap the two edges together and provide a watertight fit between the two solids.

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Orienting the Model Click the 3D Mode button to exit Section Mode.

Click the Home button to zoom out of the model and view it as seen in the bottom right image.

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Interference and Imprint Click the Interference button in the Prepare tab.

You’ll notice that no areas can be found from the Information button in the bottom right hand corner of the window.

Click the Imprint button in the Define group.

The Imprint button will find solids with coincident faces. After finding them it will allow you to imprint the edges of the solids onto each other to help create a better mesh.

After hitting the Imprint button, seven areas should be found on the model, indicated by red edges.

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Imprint Results Click the Complete Tool guide on the right side of the screen. This will imprint the edges on all of the solids.

Hide the Bearing component in the structure tree.

Notice all of the faces on the components have been split. Take some time to investigate this so you are familiar with how the tool works.

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Hiding Components Uncheck the boxes next to Bolt and Shafts to hide those components.

Orient the model using spin, pan, and zoom so you can see the upper face.

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Split Face Go to the Design tab and click the Split Face tool in the Intersect group.

Note: Split Face will divide a face into different regions. By default Split Face will divide a face by straight lines along its UV curves.

Select the top interior face.

The next pick will define where you will split the face. Select a point along the edge on the left side of the model.

Click the face again and split it on the right to create the small region seen here.

Note: Split Face can be used to sub-divide a face to help apply a load or support to a single section of a face.

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Face Curve Click the Face Curve button in the Insert group.

Face Curve will allow to you freeform sketch on a one or multiple faces to create new edges.

Start clicking on the face indicated on the right to place spline points.

Click back to the original point to complete the line.

Now you can drag the points around to further pinpoint the shape you were looking to make.

When you are finished, switch tools or hit Return to imprint the line onto the face.

Face Curves can also be used to split or divide faces for applying loads.

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Orienting the Design Unhide all of the hidden components in the structure tree.

Click the Home button to bring back a trimetric orientation to the assembly.

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Remove Faces Go to the Prepare tab and click the Faces button under the Remove group.

Note: The Faces tool acts similar to the Fill tool and allows you to remove features from a model.

Box select the depressions on the top of the base.

Click the Complete button. This will finish the operation and remove the highlighted region by extending the surrounding geometry.

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Remove Rounds Select the Rounds button in the Remove group.

Double click the large outer round to get the chain of rounds.

Click the Complete button to remove the rounds from the model.

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Power Select Zoom into the middle of the model and select on one of the small rounds.

Go to the Selection tab under the structure tree.

Click the Find button to search for related geometry.

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Power Select to Remove Rounds Click on the “All rounds equal to or smaller than 0.750mm”.

This will grab all of the small rounds on the model.

Click the Complete Tool guide on the right of the screen to remove them from the model.

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Difficult Rounds Zoom into the right side of the model. Take some time to look at the rounds and how they come together at the corner.

Sometimes rounds can be difficult to remove when several overlap in one area. When this happens we have to try other ways to remove them.

First we will try to remove the rounds as they are.

Click the round indicated.

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Fill Fails With the round selected Power Select the geometry and choose rounds smaller than 1.500mm.

With all the rounds highlighted click the complete Tool guide on the right side of the screen.

At this point, SpaceClaim will begin calculating for a long time. When SpaceClaim won’t fill in an area like this you can cancel the action by pressing the Esc key.

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Divide and Conquer Select the round indicated.

Click the Complete Tool guide.

This will remove the single round from the model and give you a sharp edge. This will make filling the region easier by providing the sharp edges that should be used to simplify the overlapping rounds.

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Split Face to Further Divide Go to the Design tab and pick the Split Face tool.

This can be used to help force a round to be split.

Select the round indicated in the picture and then split the face by picking its edge.

Do this again on the other side to make a small round segment as seen in the bottom right image.

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Split All Edges Running into a Bad Area Click the Fill tool to remove the newly formed section of the round.

Repeat this process on the vertical round running into the corner.

It’s important to split the round twice to provide a smaller segment to fill in that won’t interfere with the natural ends of the round.

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Fill Last Round Select the small round indicated in the picture on the right and hit the Fill button.

Through practice you’ll be able to tell when you can fill a segment of a round, or when it is better to use split face to divide it into a smaller regions.

You should now have four edges coming into the overlapping round region.

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Fill Complex Region With clean edges running into the area you should now be able to clean up the overlapping rounds.

Box select all of the rounds running into this corner.

Press the Fill button to see the faces get removed from the model.

Note: This is the principal of Divide and Conquer. Remove the easy rounds near complicated geometry. Then go back and try to remove the more complicated feature.

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Complete the Model Remove the rounds off the other side in the same fashion.

You should now have a finished model ready for analysis.

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Workshop 2:

Filling Difficult Rounds

Remove all rounds on the part only using Split Face and the Fill tool.

Notes about Split Face:

1. Split in the middle of the round when possible

2. Try to create edges going into a junction

3. Split the round twice and fill the newly created region

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Section 3: Repairing Poor Geometry

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Open File Select Open from the SpaceClaim application menu. Go to the STITCH folder under PREPARE_CLASS.

Open up Stitch.scdoc.

A file of surfaces will open inside of SpaceClaim. This was created from a saved IGES file. We will cover how to open and repair this type of geometry.

Look through the structure tree and notice all the surfaces that represent the geometry.

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Stitch to Repair Models Go to the Prepare tab in the Ribbon bar. Click on the Stitch button in the Repair group.

The edges where surfaces come together will be highlighted in red.

Click the Complete Tool guide. SpaceClaim will now go through and try to stitch as many surfaces together as possible.

We can see that SpaceClaim has brought as many surfaces together as possible, but still left us with a surface, rather than one solid.

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Missing Faces Click the Missing Faces button next to Stitch.

One face will be identified as missing.

Note: SpaceClaim will initially try to fill the faces by extending the faces around it. If that fails, SpaceClaim will create a patch blend over the face.

Click the Complete Tool guide to fix the problem area.

You will notice that the red loop disappears and the neighboring surface is extended.

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Gaps Click the Gaps tool above Missing Faces.

Gaps searches for small slivers where the faces don’t quite meet. To fix this it will extend and tweak the edges to close the solid.

Click the Complete Tool guide to fix the two areas.

Note: The red areas identified by the Prepare tools can be fixed one at a time by clicking on them.

The surface should now be opaque and stitched together into a solid.

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Editing Repaired Geometry Go to the Design tab of the Ribbon bar. Click on the Pull tool located inside the Edit group.

Double-click the round and pull it one way or the next.

Note: Once a set of surfaces become a solid you should be able to select on them and begin to modify the geometry.

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Inexact Edges Click the Inexact Edges button above the Stitch tool.

This will display all of the edges that that do not precisely meet up with each other.

Note: It is usually not necessary to clean these edges up to work with the geometry as seen with editing the round. Inexact edges should only be used if modifications are failing or if there is an issue exporting or meshing the model.

Click the Complete Tool guide to have SpaceClaim attempt to clean up the red areas.

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Completing Inexact Edges Notice that sometimes after one pass some edges might remain inexact.

If this occurs, click the Complete Tool guide again to have SpaceClaim run another pass.

This will clean up any edges that are remaining on the model.

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Simplify Click the Simplify button in the Adjust group.

This will locate any spline faces which can be replaced by analytic faces.

Notice that SpaceClaim found some areas on this model.

Do not click any of the faces but press the Escape button a few times to exit the tool.

Note: If you accidentally pressed the Complete Tool guide, please undo at this point.

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Comparing Simplify Before Click on the round.

Notice that the face type in the properties is a Spline.

Click on the face on top of the body.

Notice that it is a Spline face as well.

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Simplifying Faces Click the Simplify button and click the round on the right.

Click on other red faces to fix them. Remember that you can fix errors one at a time with the repair tools.

Click the Complete Tool guide to simplify the rest of the spline faces and replace them with analytic faces.

There should be no more red areas identified on the model.

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After Simplifying Check Click on the round on the right.

Look at the properties. The Face Type should no longer be a spline. It will be identified as a Torus.

Select on the top face that we just simplified.

Look at the properties. The Face Type should no longer be a spline.

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Rounds Click the Rounds button in the Remove group.

Double click one of the rounds shown.

Click the Complete Tool guide to remove the rounds.

Note: Pressing the Enter key is a shortcut for clicking the Complete Tool guide.

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Inserting a Plane Go to the Design tab in the Ribbon bar. Click the Select tool in the Edit group.

Select the three points indicated in the picture on the right.

Click the Plane button.

A plane can be defined by three points and one will be placed on screen through the three points.

Note: Check the help under Plane to see other ways a plane can be defined.

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Manually simplifying a face Select both top faces on the model.

We’d like to force the spline face and simplified face into one planar face.

Click the Replace tool in the Edit group. This can be used to replace one or several faces with a single face.

Click the plane to replace the two faces with a single planar face.

The completed version can be seen on the right.

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Verifying the Replace Face Select the top face of the solid.

Look at the Properties panel beneath the Options panel on the right side of the screen. You should notice that the Face Type is now a Plane.

Go to the structure tree and hide the plane.

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Reapplying Rounds from Groups Select on the Groups tab under the structure tree.

There should be one Filled Round group. Right click on Round Group1 and choose Reattach Round.

This will place the round we took off the model earlier back on the edge.

Note: Reattaching rounds works best when they are reapplied only a few at a time in chains not one at a time.

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Workshop 3:

Repairing Geometry

Clean up the geometry using the tools in the repair group of the Prepare tab.

Experiment with the options and other tools in the Prepare Ribbon bar.

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Class Completed


You’ve completed our Analysis Training Class.

If you have any questions or comments please contact [email protected]

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