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Send Empty Bottle Back to Source,One Tree Planted for Every Bottle Sold

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In the lush jungles of Costa Rica, where four years ago, Carlton Solle witnessed first-hand the majesty all of nature offers. He also became aware of the many reasons it needs to be protected. Since then, he’s partnered with a team of brilliant engineers to design the ‘perfect’ product that is meant to decrease the amount of trash floating in the oceans, piled into landfills, or left to biodegrade in the wilderness.

The product idea is ingenious, but how can a water bottle make that big of a difference? Because accepted or not, today’s world is fueled by consumerism. By allowing an easy option for every individual to take part in global change, progress can be more easily accelerated.


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This beautifully shaped water bottle (which compresses into a leaf shape after its use), is an example for other sustainable businesses. By creating products that have little to no environmental impact, the market will dramatically shift, and in effect, a greener world will be made reality.

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Every bottle is created with an already postmarked label to allow the ease of mailing back to the source, where it can cleanly be recycled back into sustainable energy again. The large amount of trash Americans produce is not only offset by this product, but prevented from taking place in the future.

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To learn more about this and other innovative solutions Go to OceanExchange(dot)Org

For every bottle purchased, a tree is planted. An app has also been designed to allow every consumer to track the planting of their tree, and feel incredible at their direct contribution to a greener Earth.