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ALUMNI MAGAZINE | Summer | 10a pu

blication for alum

ni and

friends of Southern Connecticut State University

Healing Haiti:Sherman Cassidy

Malone, ’75, M.S. ’84

Dear Southern Alumni,

My greetings to all of you as I settle into my new role

as interim president of Southern Connecticut State University.

Since the last edition of Southern Alumni Magazine, there

have been a number of notable changes at your alma mater,

not least of which was the retirement of President Cheryl J.

Norton, who guided the university for the last six years. It is an

honor and a privilege for me to follow President Norton and

build on the many accomplishments that have taken place at

Southern in recent times.

As some of you may know, my roots are in New

England, as I grew up in Springfield, Mass. I earned my

bachelor’s degree at Springfield College and a master’s degree

at the University of Connecticut. Then, after completing my

doctoral studies at the University of Pittsburgh, I returned to

Connecticut to serve as both a professor and administrator at

UConn and Eastern Connecticut State University. So in a very

real sense, this is a homecoming for me, and it is one that I

embrace with great enthusiasm.

Since I first arrived at Southern on May 14, I have

made the effort to meet as many people as I can, both on

campus, and in the wider community. I quickly came to

understand that this is an institution that is truly student-

centered, an institution that realizes the importance of

academic excellence, and one that fully understands the

tremendous power of education to transform lives.

I have also learned that this university has a talented,

caring, and hardworking community of faculty, staff, and

students. It is also fortunate to be graced with engaged and

committed alumni, who warmly remember their student days

here and have remained connected with the university

throughout their lives. The willingness of our alumni to step

forward during these difficult economic times is particularly

noteworthy — your scholarship support for our students is a

lifeline enabling many of them to continue their studies and

realize their dream of a college degree.

As president, it is incumbent upon me both to respect

the history of Southern and to advance its mission of public

higher education. As we move ahead, there are clearly fiscal

challenges that we face, in concert with the rest of

Connecticut. In addition, there are significant projects on

campus, such as the Buley Library expansion, that obviously

need support to advance them to completion. But I also see

many wonderful opportunities to embrace: for example, our

established excellence in fields such as education and health

and human services; our diverse array of offerings in the arts

and cultural arenas; and our location in the vibrant city of

New Haven, with all of the prospects for new and exciting

partnerships that this provides.

I look forward to meeting many of you at Southern

events both on and off campus during the coming months,

including Homecoming on October 16. I welcome your

creative ideas, I celebrate your loyalty and commitment, and I

thank you in advance for your continued support as we

embrace the future, with all the challenges and opportunities

that it provides.

Dr. Stanley F. Battle

Interim President



From the President inside cover

Campus News 4Nostalgia 20

Supporting Southern 22Out and About 24

Alumni News 26Alumni Notes 30Southern Events 36




Southern: Leading the way in graduate studies in health/life sciences,education, and social/public services.

Healing Haiti 12A founder of the relief agency Haiti Marycare, Sherman

Cassidy Malone, ’75, M.S. ’84, has volunteered in Haiti more

than 30 times — most recently lending support to those

suffering after the devastating 2010 earthquake. Other

spotlights include, Bringing Comfort, a profile on Karen

Fitzgerald Zoeller, ’80, a critical care nurse who was part of the

first wave of volunteers to arrive in Haiti after the quake, and

Campus Aid, a look at SCSU 365, a university-wide effort to

help the Haitian people for a full year.

After serving six years as president of

Southern, Dr. Cheryl J. Norton departed

the university at the end of May. On June 1 Dr. Stanley F.

Battle, former president of Coppin State University and

chancellor of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical

State University, assumed the role of interim president.

A Fond Farewell 2 features

Summer | 10

Wanted: Tomorrow’s Scientistsand Mathematicians 16

Southern unveils a

new center designed

to pave the way to


mathematics and

science education

for K-12 students.


PHOTO: Courtesy of Haiti Marycare

“I trulyhope that people will say thatSouthern and the urban region it serves are stronger and richer because of what I did to help. I want to make a difference, and I want this institution to make a difference and be recognized for all it brings to the region.”

— Dr. Cheryl J. Norton, speaking with Southern Alumni Magazine several months after she began her presidency on April 30, 2004.


A Fond Farewell

his spring Dr. Cheryl J.

Norton presided over her

sixth — and final — under-

graduate commencement

ceremony at Southern.

Having announced her

retirement as of May 31,

she has embarked on a

year-long sabbatical to

conduct research on K-12

educational reform. It is a

fitting focus for Norton,

who has built her career

on the promotion of stu-

dent success.

Her tenure at

Southern was marked by

numerous achievements:

record full-time enroll-

ment; the highest-ever

level of academic accom-

plishment for incoming

freshmen; and improved

retention and graduation

rates. She was the 10th

president of Southern and

the first woman to lead

the 117-year-old institu-

tion, which has about

12,000 students and one

of the largest graduate

programs in New England.

She was succeeded

by Dr. Stanley F. Battle, for-

mer chancellor of North

Carolina Agricultural and

Technical State University

and president of Coppin

State University, who

assumed the role of inter-

im president on June 1.

(Story on page 4.)

After serving six years as president of Southern, Dr. Cheryl J. Nortondeparted the university at the end of May.



| VOL 8 • NO 3

Dr. Stanley F. Battle, Interim President

Megan A. Rock,Vice President for Institutional Advancement


Patrick Dilger,Director of Public Affairs

Villia Struyk, Editor

Michael Kobylanski, Sports Editor

Marylou Conley, ’83, Art Director

Isabel Chenoweth, Photographer

Alisha Martindale, Assistant Photographer

Nancy Ronne, Development Editor

Charlie Davison,Alumni Notes Editor


Michelle R. Johnston, Director of Alumni Relations

(203) 392-6500


Southern Connecticut State UniversityOffice of Public Affairs/

Southern Alumni Magazine501 Crescent StreetNew Haven, CT 06515-1355

Telephone (203) 392-6591; fax (203) 392-6597E-mail address: [email protected] Web site:

Printed by The Lane Press, Inc.

Southern Alumni Magazine is published by the university in cooperation with the SCSU AlumniAssociation three times a year and distributed free ofcharge to alumni and friends of the university.Opinions expressed in Southern Alumni Magazine do

not necessarily reflect those of theuniversity or of the SCSU AlumniAssociation. Although the editorshave made every reasonable effort to be factually accurate, noresponsibility is assumed for errors.

Postage paid at Burlington, Vt.

Southern Connecticut State University, in compliancewith federal laws and regulations, does notdiscriminate on the basis of race, color, nationalorigin, sex, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation,or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices,or procedures. This includes, but is not limited to,admissions, employment, financial aid, andeducational services.

Summer 2010 | 3

Opposite page: Dr. Cheryl J. Norton focused on student success throughout her presidency. This page: [TOP ROW] Norton takes a moment to show her Southern pride with the cheerleading team.

[CENTER ROW, FROM LEFT] Looking out from the inside of Engleman Hall.The president played patient during an alumni event on campus. Award-winning investigative reporter Connie Chung joined Norton before delivering the 2009 commencement address.[LOWER ROW, FROM LEFT] Dr. Norton participated in the annual Day of Service.Members of the Southern community established the Cheryl J. Norton Endowed Scholarshipin her honor.

TA N L E Y B AT T L E ’ S path to a life devoted to the better-

ment of youth through education began in a hardscrabble,

working-class neighborhood of Springfield, Mass.

Battle’s father, Henry, was a laborer who could fix

anything with his hands; with the advantages of an educa-

tion he could have been a mechanical engineer, his son


As an Educator, Scholar, Administrator, and Community Builder, new Interim President has…


Interim President Stanley Battle


said. Battle’s mother Rachel not only cared for her three

sons and daughter, but reached out to the children of the

neighborhood as well: she fed them when they were hun-

gry, and gave them guidance and inspiration when they

needed it. After a 60-year marriage, both parents

have since passed on. But Battle says he will

never forget the values they instilled in him:

hard work, integrity, the importance of

church and community, and an active

compassion for those less fortunate.

“I learned that the most important

thing is what you do for people and with

people,” says Battle, Southern’s new interim

president. “That’s why higher education is

important, because when you’re involved in it you

can never really get old. There are always new challenges

to face, new students to educate.”

Battle’s community commitment started early in his

career in academia. As an assistant professor in the University

of Minnesota’s School of Social Work, he opened up the first

group home for African American girls in the state. Later, as

a senior researcher at the Boston University School of

Medicine, he worked to provide support for young fathers in

urban neighborhoods and then, as professor at the University

of Connecticut’s School of Social Work, he established a

mentoring program for young children in Hartford.

When he moved into administration

as an associate vice president for academ-

ic affairs at Eastern Connecticut State

University, he continued to work with

young men who needed some direction,

or a helping hand. Battle and his wife of

34 years, Judith Lynn Rozie-Battle, a family

law attorney, even took in one Eastern stu-

dent for a year as he struggled to get his life on

track. They helped the young man get a job and

eventually gain admittance into a doctoral program.

“This is not a game. It’s an opportunity to impact a

person and to impact that person’s life,” Battle says. “That’s

what people did for me and I feel I have a responsibility to

do the same.”

Summer 2010 | 5


Post-Doctoral 2002 Harvard Graduate School of Education Educational Management Institute

Ph.D. 1980 University of Pittsburgh Social Welfare Policy

M.P.H. 1979 University of Pittsburgh Maternal and Child Health

M.S.W. 1975 University of Connecticut Casework

B.S. 1973 Springfield College Sociology

Career Highlights:

2007-2010 Chancellor and Professor, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

2003-2007 President and Professor, Coppin State University

1998-2001 Sullivan-Spaights Distinguished Professorship, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Schools of Social Welfare andEducation

1993-1998 Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Eastern Connecticut State University

1987-1993 Professor of Social Work and then Associate Dean for Research and Development, University of Connecticut, Schoolof Social Work

1984-1988 Associate Professor, Boston University Schools of Social Work and Public Health and Medicine; Senior Researcher inHealth and Hospitals, Boston City Hospital


Author of 10 books and more than 50 refereed journals. Co-Editor of the Journal of Social Work in Public Health, (Routledge Taylorand Francis Group).

Awards include the Thurgood Marshall College Fund, Inc. Presidential Leadership Award (2008) and the Maryland Daily Record’sInnovator of the Year Award for the Coppin Academy (2005)

continues on page 35

“Thisis an institutionthat realizes the

importance of academicexcellence and one that fullyunderstands the tremendous

power of educationto transform lives.”— INTERIM PRESIDENT


The four depart-

ments within the School

of Communication,

Information, and Library

Science (SCILS) have been

divided between two of

Southern’s other schools

as part of an academic

restructuring, effective July

1, Provost Selase W.

Williams has announced.

With the elimina-

tion of the SCILS, the

departments of Journalism,

Communication, and

Computer Science have

become part of the School

of Arts and Sciences.

The Department of

Information and Library

Science has shifted to the

School of Education.

The changes were

made as both a cost-sav-

ings measure and to

improve the academic

synergy involving those

departments, according to

Williams. He noted that

Edward C. Harris, who

served as the SCILS dean,

officially retired July 1,

2009, although he contin-

ued for another year in

the position on a part-

time basis to help ease

the transition process.

The consolidation enables

the university to avoid

having to hire a dean to

replace Harris.

Williams says the

shift of the departments

into their new schools

also is likely to offer more

opportunities for interde-

partmental collaborations

than was previously the

case within the SCILS.

“As an example, the

Computer Science

Department has been

working with the Physics

Department (part of the

School of Arts and

Sciences) on some proj-

ects, so it seems like a

natural fit for it to move

into the School of Arts and

Sciences,” Williams says.





The departments of Journalism, Communication, and Computer Science will now be housed in the School ofArts and Sciences. The Department of Information and Library Science has shifted to the School of Education.

n Academic Restructuring Brings Benefits

Joined Southern: 1994

Advice to Writers: “Writers

should first write for

themselves and then, if

they have aspirations of

being published and can

stand real critique, try to

work with knowledgeable

writers to improve their

vision and craft.”

The M.F.A. in Creative

Writing: “Our new M.F.A. in

Creative Writing, which is

thriving, is a great place for

serious writers to get the

kind of instruction that

exposes them to the wider

literary world and joins

them with a community

of invested fellow writers.”

The M.F.A. is considered the

culmination of studies in

creative writing; Southern’s

program is the first full-

residency M.F.A. program in


Current Projects: “I’m

finishing up a memoir

titled, ‘Southern Man,’

about growing up in the

racist South and about my

own struggles with racism.”

Excerpts from the memoir

appear in the lit periodicals

“Cincinnati Review” and in

“Ninth Letter.”

Another Recent

Accomplishment: His story,

“After the River,” was

reprinted in the anthology,

“The Best of LSU Fiction,”

(Southern Review Press).

— By Mary Faulkner

Summer 2010 | 7

Professor of English Timothy Parrish

n Congratulations Class of 2010!Some 1,586 students from the Class of 2010 were

honored at Southern’s undergraduate commencement

exercises, which were held on May 28 at the Connecticut

Tennis Center in New Haven.

Geoffrey Fletcher, an Academy Award-winning

screenwriter who faced his share of disappointments earlier

in his career, offered Southern’s graduates a dose of reality

during his commencement address.





Southern celebrated its undergraduate and graduate commencement exercises in May. [TOP ROW, CENTER] Academy Award-winning screenwriterGeoffrey Fletcher delivered the undergraduate commencement address. The graduate commencement speakers included [Lower row, left] BobEnglehart, editorial cartoonist for The Hartford Courant, and [LOWER ROW, RIGHT] Thomas O. Ryder, chairman of the board of the Readers DigestAssociation, Inc.

Summer 2010 | 9

“[Life] might get harder before it gets easier,”

Fletcher said, describing his many rejections from the film

industry in his early days as a screenwriter. Fletcher perse-

vered, and in March, became the first African American to

win the Academy Award for screenwriting for his work,

“Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire.”

He urged the Class of 2010 to set ambitious goals

and pursue them. “Never give up on your dreams or be

ashamed of them, no matter how far-fetched they may be,”

he said.

On May 27, two graduate commencement exercises

were held at Southern’s Lyman Center for the Performing

Arts. Thomas O. Ryder, chairman of the Board of Directors

of the Readers Digest Association, Inc., was the guest

speaker for the schools of Arts and Sciences, Business, and

Health and Human Services.

Bob Englehart, editorial car-

toonist for The Hartford

Courant, delivered the gradu-

ate commencement address

for the School of Education

and the School of

Communication, Information,

and Library Science. A total of

about 1,500 students have

earned graduate degrees this

year from Southern.

n The FabulousFourThe Henry Barnard Foundation Distinguished

Student Award, among the university’s most prestigious

honors, was presented to four graduating seniors in recog-

nition of their outstanding academic achievement and

commitment to Southern and the greater community.

History major, Emily Brown, ’10, graduated with a

3.87 grade point average. Brown was a past president of

the History Club, and a member of Southern’s Future

Teachers Organization and the campus chapters of Zeta

Delta Epsilon, a service honor society, and Phi Alpha Theta, a

history honor society.

Fellow honoree, Lauren Chicoski, ’10, majored in

anthropology and graduated with a 3.72 grade point aver-

age. In addition to serving as secretary of Iota Iota Iota, the

women’s studies honor society, she was president of the

Anthropology Club and the LGBT Prism Club, and treasurer

of the campus chapter of Amnesty International.

The honorees also included exercise science major

Edward Dostaler, ’10, who graduated with a 3.94 grade

point average. Dostaler served as president of the Exercise

Physiology Club, and interned and completed an under-

graduate summer research

fellowship at several hospi-

tals. A marathon runner,

Dostaler placed among the

top 10 percent of all male

finishers at numerous

events, including the 2009

Boston Marathon. He

worked as a medical volun-

teer, and as an orphanage

volunteer in Tanzania.

Award recipient,

Allison Kelly, ’10, a political

science major, graduated

with a 3.91 grade point average. A Presidential Merit

Scholarship recipient, she was a member of the Honors

College. In addition to serving as president of the campus

chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, a political science honor society,

Kelly was a member of the Pre-Law Society. She also holds

a third-degree black belt in Tang Soo Do, a Korean martial

art, and is president of the Karate Club.

Emily Brown, ’10

Lauren Chicoski, ’10

Edward Dostaler, ’10

Allison Kelly, ’10


____ PD

____ VS


Apolo Ohno, the

most decorated American

Winter Olympian of all

time, delivered the 12th

Mary and Louis Fusco

Distinguished Lecture to a

packed house on May 12

— earning several standing

ovations from the thrilled,

fan-filled audience with his

message of “zero regrets.”

Casually speaking to

the crowd, Ohno detailed

his journey from a rule-

breaking teenager to an

Olympic gold medalist. “I

didn’t understand the

potential I had in the sport

and I wasn’t giving it my

heart and soul,” he said.

Ohno went on to win eight

Olympic medals — includ-

ing two golds in short track

speed skating. He advised

the young members of the

audience to figure out

what they are passionate

about and commit them-

selves to “giving 100 per-

cent” at whatever it is they

choose to do.

southern has about 12,000 students pursuing

degrees in 69 undergraduate and 45 graduate programs.

southern’s School of Graduate Studies is

among the top 10 largest

graduate schools in New England.

southern prides itself on its diverse, culturally rich

campus: 20% of students belong to racial

or ethnic minorities.

southern students are extremely hard-

working: 65% work 10 or

more hours per week.

The university earned a full 10-yearreaccreditation by the New England Association of

Schools and Colleges in 2001. Southern is currently

preparing for the next reaccreditation scheduled for 2011.

n Olympic Champion Visits Campus

The men’s outdoor

track and field team claimed

its eighth-straight Northeast-

10 Conference Champi-

onship. The Owls have

now won 16-consecutive

indoor and outdoor titles.

The team capped off

its best season in history,

earning 42

victories and

capturing its

first North-

east-10 Con-

ference Tour-




The women’s swim-

ming and diving team won

its seventh-straight

Northeast-10 Conference


The outdoor track

and field team took first

place at

the North-




onship for

the third

time in

four years.

men’s track �

softball �

women’s swimmingand diving �

women’s track and field �

sport shorts

Letecia Taylor

Class of 2010

Business Administration Major, concentration in finance

Recent Wins: At the Northeast-10 Outdoor Championship,

won the 100-meter hurdles and 400-meter hurdles,

setting meet and facility records. Part of winning — and

record-setting — 4 x 100-meter relay team.

Athletic Accomplishments: 2009 U.S. Track and Field and

Cross Country Association Indoor Track Athlete of the

Year; 2008 and 2009 All-American; 2008 New England

Champion in 400 hurdles; 2007 and 2008 Northeast-

10 Conference Champion in 55 hurdles; 2007 and

2008 Northeast-10 Conference Champion in 100 and

400 hurdles; 2007 Northeast-10 Conference

Champion in 400 hurdles (outdoors)

Favorite event: 400 hurdles

Key to Success: “I never sleep before the meets. I think it

might have something to do with my success. Everyone

sleeps on the bus, but I am always awake talking to my

coaches or looking out the window.”

Balancing the student with the athlete: “I wanted to run

track, but not for a Division-I school. It [track] wasn’t

my top priority.”

Favorite Athlete: (Lori) Lolo Jones, a hurdler.

Other sports played: Cheerleading

Sport she’d like to try: “Definitely football. I think I could

handle it.”

Most proud of: Her college education. She is the first per-

son in her family to graduate college.

Looking Forward: “An office job isn’t for me. I would

rather be a high school (business) teacher.”

— By Sarah Houseknecht, ’10

Meet Southern’sStudent Athlete

Summer 2010 | 11

The Owls captured

the Northeast-10

Conference regular

season title, match-

ing the program

record with 38 wins

for the season.

baseball �

n Stars in the ClassroomA record-breaking 153 student athletes were

named to the Spring 2010 Northeast-10 Conference

Commissioner’s Honor Roll, having met or exceeded a

minimum 3.0 grade point average for the semester. The

Owls’ previous high of 148 student athletes was set dur-

ing the fall 2009 semester.

For more sports news,


A founder of the relief agency

Haiti Marycare, Sherman

Cassidy Malone, ’75, M.S. ’84,

has volunteered in Haiti over

30 times — most recently

lending support to those

suffering after the devastating

2010 earthquake.By Joan Wells

Summer 2010 | 13

afael, 14, was a mystery to those help-

ing in Haiti in the aftermath of the

devastating 7.3-magnitude earthquake that

hit on January 12. He had headaches, stom-

achaches, and difficulty sleeping, but a vis-

iting pediatrician couldn’t find a physical

cause for Rafael’s symptoms.

That’s when licensed clinical social

worker, Sherman Cassidy Malone, ’75, M.S.

’84, who specializes in treating those deal-

ing with trauma, entered the picture.

Malone spoke with Rafael and learned that

his house had fallen in the quake, trapping

two siblings in the rubble. They were res-

cued, but their feet were crushed and had

to be amputated.

Malone quickly determined that

because he was the oldest son, Rafael felt

responsible. “The shame and tension from

not being able to protect his siblings and feel-

ings of inadequacy because he couldn’t save

them,” contributed to his symptoms, she

says. Malone, who speaks fluent Creole,

worked with Rafael to address his trauma

and helped him discover an important future

role — caring for his mother and siblings.

Helping Rafael was just one of the

many ways in which Malone was able to

aid the people of Haiti in the wake of the

tragedy. A longtime volunteer, she has

made more than 30 trips to the small

island nation in the last 14 years.

She became aware of the plight of

the people of Haiti through a friend who

was volunteering there. One of the least-

developed countries in the Western

Hemisphere, Haiti is also one of the world’s

poorest. According to a recent report from



UNICEF, Haiti has the highest mortality rate

in the region for those under the age of five

— at 78 deaths per 1,000 live births. The

same report concludes that one in three

children under the age of five was chronical-

ly malnourished prior to the quake. And

while the Haitians value education, only 55

percent of children attended school before

January 12 — and less have returned to the

classroom since the disaster.

ouched by the extreme need she saw,

Malone went on to help found Haiti

Marycare, a non-profit organization that

aids the Haitian people. Today she serves

as secretary of the group.

In the states, Malone is director of

case management and clinical services at

New Haven Family Alliance, a community-

based agency serving children and fami-

lies. Fittingly, her efforts in Haiti have

focused on children and families, as well.

Much of Haiti Marycare’s efforts

have been concentrated in the isolated fish-

ing village of Jacquesyl on Haiti’s Northeast

coast and Cite Soleil, an extremely poor

area in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince. The

group’s focus is multifold: child and family

health programs, education, and commu-

nity development.

Karen Fitzgerald Zoeller, ’80, remembers missing a chance to put her nursing

skills to work in Southeast Asia after the tsunami struck in 2004. Her children

were younger then, her passport needed updating, and she couldn’t get immu-

nized in time.

So when she heard that the international aid organization, Project

HOPE, needed medical volunteers to respond to the devastating January 12

earthquake in Haiti, Zoeller, a critical care nurse at Massachusetts General

Hospital in Boston, was among the first to sign up.

“I never really had done anything like this before and I’d always want-

ed to. It was always on my life list,” says Zoeller, who went on to spend three

weeks aboard the Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Comfort caring

for those injured in the quake.

Among the first wave of volunteers to arrive in Haiti, Zoeller flew by heli-

copter to the ship, which was docked two miles off the coast of Haiti. She went to

work the next day, logging 12-hour stints on the night shift for 16 days in a row.

continues on page 34Karen F. Zoeller, ’80, stands with supplies at the 82ndAirborne Airfield in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Sherman Cassidy Malone,’75, M.S. ’84, who providespsychological aid, meetswith Youdinx Joseph, anearthquake survivor whowas afflicted with polio.


Summer 2010 | 15

espite tremendous obstacles, Haiti

Marycare has made great strides.

Working with the community, the organi-

zation established a medical clinic staffed

by local health care workers. Hundreds of

children have been vaccinated, and

through education and the distribution of

safe birth kits, Haiti Marycare has greatly

improved maternal-child health in the

areas it serves. Efforts also have been made

to improve subsistence farming and fish-

ing, and to support programs that spur

economic self-sufficiency.

“We like to see a reachable goal and

there are reachable goals,” says Malone of

efforts to enhance education, healthcare,

production of food, and the supply of safe

water. But Malone also notes that the world

tends to focus on Haiti primarily during

times of disaster. “It’s only when the blood

is running,” she says.

The 2010 earthquake — the worst

in Haiti in the last 200 years — certainly

captured the world’s focus. The U.S.

Department of State estimates $11.5 billion

in damages and reconstruction costs. The

associated statistics are staggering: an esti-

mated 230,000 deaths and approximately

one million people displaced within the

Port-au-Prince area.

Soon after the quake, Haiti

Marycare sent medical supplies. Then, in

early February, Malone joined volunteer

medical personnel who were making the

trip. Her job: to translate and provide trau-

ma counseling.

“Everybody is either grieving or

worried sick,” says Malone. “I think there’s

nothing more satisfying than

helping strong people who are in

dreadful situations.”

Malone, who loves the Haitian peo-

ple, says it was one of her toughest trips. “I

think the reason I could get through it is

because there’s such intense satisfaction in

being useful,” says Malone, who has four

grown children and six grandchildren.

“Haiti is a part of my life.”

It is a life she came to through edu-

cation. When Malone began college after

continues on page 34

Based on a plan devised by the PeaceCorps, Haiti Marycare provides expec-tant mothers who come to the clinicfor prenatal care with a safe child-birth kit. It includes a clean string fortying off the umbilical cord, a newrazor blade for cutting the cord,gauze pads, and other basicitems that have made childbirthmuch safer.

With some 230,000 fatalities and an

estimated 1.5-plus million Haitians affected

by the earthquake in Port-au-Prince, the

Southern community has launched a multi-

pronged relief effort, SCSU 365. The goal,

says Southern’s Associate Dean of Student

Affairs Aaron Washington, is to provide an

active reminder to members of the campus

community to commit to aiding the survivors — and to do so for a whole year.

“Haiti was already extremely poor,” says Washington of the nation, the most impoverished in the

Western Hemisphere. “So for an earthquake to hit, it was the worst thing that could happen.”

A campus committee offers a platform from which clubs and organizations can build their relief

efforts. Assistance is offered with the design and organization of the fundraising events, as well as

publicity. The students are responsible for running the events.

About 25 campus organizations and departments have committed to raising funds for Haiti thus

far — and the number continues to grow. One of the first groups to join the effort was Zeta Delta

Epsilon, an honors service society, and many others quickly followed suit. A wide variety of events —

including hip hop concerts, bake sales, and awareness walks — have been held on campus to benefit

the Haiti Relief Fund. And more are on the horizon.

In addition, a photographic exhibit, “Earthquake in Haiti: The First 10 Days,” is being held at

Southern’s Multicultural Center located in the Michael J. Adanti Student Center. The exhibit, which


A weeklong event, Paix Et Amor (Peace and Love):Students for Haiti, was held on campus in April.Among the fundraisers and activities was a food tasting of dishes from Haiti and the West Indies.

continues on page 34

Southern’sAssociateDean ofStudentAffairs AaronWashingtonis a guidingforce behindSCSU 365, ayearlongeffort to helpthe people of Haiti.





ts a









Summer 2010 | 17

Southern unveils a new center

designed to pave the way to enhanced

mathematics and science education

among K-12 students — aided by a

$600,000 grant from the National

Science Foundation for scholarships.

By Joe Musante, ’86


educational community in an exciting mission

that is crucial to the nation’s future — boosting the

number and quality of students pursuing careers in

mathematics and science.

The Center for Excellence in Mathematics and Science at

Southern was launched with a goal of meeting the educational needs of the

21st century workforce. The need is pressing. Numerous reports suggest that

the United States lags behind many industrialized nations in terms of science,

technology, engineering, and mathematics education. Consider one study reported by

the U.S. Department of Education in which 15-year-old students from the U.S. scored

lower in science literacy than peers from 18 industrialized nations, including Finland,

Japan, South Korea, Canada, Hungary, and Germany. Closer to home, a recent National

Science Board report revealed that nearly 30 percent of first-year college students had to take

remedial science and mathematics courses because they were unprepared for college-level work.

“There is a burgeoning need in the workforce — such as in teaching, engineering, and

scientific fields — for college graduates who have an expertise in the math and sciences,” says

Assistant Professor of Elementary Education Lara Smetana, who was named director of the center by

DonnaJean Fredeen, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. “I believe half the battle in meeting that

need is in encouraging more students, particularly at the K-12 grades, to explore these disciplines. One

of our goals is to attract more students by letting them explore the joys and opportunities they may find

by pursuing these fields,” Smetana says.

A new center at Southern is helping to lead the Greater New Haven

[PAGE 16] A key player withSouthern’s Center forExcellence in Mathematicsand Science, AssociateProfessor of MathematicsJoseph Fields is helping tolead a new scholarshipprogram for outstanding highschool students. AssistantProfessor of ElementaryEducation Lara Smetana isthe newly named director ofthe center.

[BELOW, FROM LEFT] Southernstudent Daniel Harold helpsstudents Kassandra andSebastian Martel with anexperiment, while ColeHarrington looks on at aFamily Engineering Night heldat the Barnard School in NewHaven, Conn.PHOTO: Courtesy of New Haven Public Schools

Members of the SouthernWomen in Mathematics andScience (SWIMS) programenjoy networking events thatbuild camaraderie.

Southern student VictorMoreno helps Adam Simpson,a student at the BarnardSchool in New Haven, Conn.,with an experiment during arecent Family EngineeringNight. PHOTO: Courtesy of New Haven Public Schools

“One of our goals is to attract more

students by letting them explore

the joys and opportunities

they may find by

pursuing these

fields.”— Lara Smetana,

assistant professor

of elementaryeducation

With this goal in mind,

the center is taking a leadership role

in numerous programs and initiatives:

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has

awarded Southern a $600,000 grant for the creation of

a Pathways to Academic Excellence (PAcE) program, in

which 26 outstanding high school and community college

students wishing to pursue the study of math, computer science,

biology, chemistry, physics, or earth science will receive full four-year

scholarships to Southern. The first group of students will be selected for the

start of the 2011-12 academic year.

The NSF selected Southern as a pilot site for the Family Engineering Program, which

is designed to spark interest among elementary school students in engineering, as well as

science- and math-related fields. The university’s Center for Excellence in Mathematics and

Science is coordinating the program in the area. During the spring semester, Southern education,

math, and science students traveled to schools in the Greater New Haven area to coordinate fun,

hands-on activities for school-age students and their parents.

The center has created the Southern Women in Mathematics and Science (SWIMS) program to provide

support for those interested in these fields. Women have traditionally been underrepresented in math and

science. The program includes mentoring, guest speakers, activities, and recognition opportunities to spotlight

student success stories.

Joseph Fields, associate professor of mathematics and a PAcE coordinator, is optimistic

in the long-term positive impact of the center. “I believe offering full scholarships to

outstanding students might be the impetus for them to opt for a degree in math and

science and to decide to attend Southern,” Fields says. “One of the strengths of the program

will be to offer these students any mentoring they may need.”

Smetana, who previously taught at the University of Virginia and is a former eighth-

grade physical science teacher, says the center will seek to breakdown psychological, cultural, and

social barriers to pursuing math and science. “For a variety of reasons, some students just don’t

believe they can excel in these two subjects,” Smetana says. “In some cases, it’s because of a gender

stereotype. In some cases, it’s an issue of limited access to strong role models, supportive

environments, and post-graduate opportunities. In other cases, it’s just a psychological hurdle that

might have been generated from a bad past experience in a math or science class. One of our aims is to

help students remove these hurdles and allow them to develop their potential.” n

Summer 2010 | 19


New Haven was the largest and fastest-growing city in Connecticut —

shaped by numerous economic and cultural shifts. The General

Assembly enacted a compulsory school attendance law in 1872 and a

child labor law in 1886. As a result, the percentage of children attending

school in Connecticut was higher than ever before, increasing the need

for well-prepared teachers. In response, New Haven

State Normal School — which would ultimately evolve

into Southern Connecticut State University — opened in

1893 in the Skinner School, located at the corner of State and Summer

streets in New Haven.

Today, 117 years later, Southern remains an integral part of the com-

munity. In addition to offering academic programs that meet the evolv-

ing needs of the workforce, Southern provides countless services to the

community through initiatives such as the new Center on Autism

Spectrum Disorders (see page 23) and, each year, places thousands of

students, faculty, and staff members in the community as volunteers.

In recognition of these efforts, Southern has received two prestigious

awards. The first, inclusion on the 2009 President’s Higher Education

Community Service Honor Roll, is a federal recognition awarded to col-

At the close of the 19th century,Good Neighbors

Joining the community:The Skinner School,located on the corner of State and Summerstreets, was home to the New Haven

State Normal Schoolfrom the fall of 1893 to the spring of 1896.

In 1939, the American Life Clubcollected toys, books, and gamesto be sent to the NewingtonHospital for Crippled Children.

Students participatedin a campus clean-up day in 1954.


Summer 2010 | 21

leges and universities that demonstrate a strong commitment to volun-

teering, service-learning, and civic engagement. An estimated 2,800

Southern students — nearly a quarter of the entire student body — were

engaged in some form of community service during the 2008-09 academ-

ic year. About 95 percent of those students participated in at least 20

hours of community service per semester. All totaled, the stu-

dents logged an estimated 38,000 service hours.

At the local level, Southern also received the Corporate

Heritage Award from the Greater New Haven Chamber of

Commerce in recognition of more than a century of meritori-

ous service to the region and the state. Southern was praised

for its role as the state’s pacesetter for teacher education, its

wide range of program offerings in the health and human

services fields, its innovative partnerships with area corporations and non-

profits, and its emphasis on volunteerism and community engagement.

“Southern Connecticut State University has been a huge contributor to

the community-at-large, and we don’t always find that,” said Anthony

Rescigno, president of the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce,

who presented the award. “To have a university that becomes a real part-

ner with not only the business community but the community-at-large is

a real credit to the institution.”

SOURCE: “Southern Connecticut State University, A Centennial History” by Thomas J. Farnham

The campus comes togetherfor the annual Adopt-A-Family Holiday Food Drive.Pictured here are volunteersfrom 2002.

The happyresults of a

2008 toy drive.

A contingent of about250 students, as wellas 20 faculty and staff members, met on campus before thestart of Southern’ssecond annual Day of Service. The grouphelped clean up thestreets of New Havenby collecting trash,sweeping, and gar-dening. In six hours,Southern collectedmore than eight tonsof trash.


A $1.2 million estate gift

funds the creation of

The Dorothy W. Goodwin

Endowed Chair in

Special Education and other

initiatives that further

the late-educator’s lifelong

commitment to teaching.

Summer 2010 | 23

ASouthern alumna who was

“passionate about her love for

learning”has bequeathed $1.2

million to Southern in her will — the

largest gift ever received by the university.

DorothyWeisbauer Goodwin, ’39,

who earned her teaching certification from

the then-New Haven State Teachers College,

went on to train Southern student teachers

in New Haven schools for more than 30

years. A resident of Woodbridge, Conn., she

died Feb. 9, 2009, at the age of 91.

A total of $1 million of her gift will

be used to fund and support an endowed

chair in special education, the first such

faculty position in university history. The

distinguished professor to hold the posi-

tion is expected to be named by the fall

and will spend more than half of his or her

time conducting research in autism, which

will bolster Southern’s new Center on

Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Goodwin’s gift will also support

enrichment programs for faculty members

and scholarships for students in education.

The recently constructed administrative

wing of Engleman Hall has been named in

her honor.

It is highly appropriate that

Goodwin’s gift will be centered in the

School of Education, says her niece, Gayle

Fazzalaro, ’67.

“Education was her life,” Fazzalaro

says. “She felt that the younger generation

was the hope for the future and that it

was an honor to be able to help to mold a

new generation.”

Goodwin’s “wonderful legacy”

speaks not only to her commitment to life-

long learning “but also to her devotion to

Southern, based upon her experiences

here as a student and a teacher,” said Dr.

Cheryl J. Norton, who was president of

Southern when the gift was made.

“It is truly gratifying that an indi-

vidual who devoted her abundant talents

and energy to enriching lives through edu-

cation has bestowed a gift that will benefit

Southern’s faculty and students for genera-

tions to come,” Norton said.

Born in New Haven in 1918,

Goodwin stayed in Connecticut, living in

Hamden and finally Woodbridge before

and following the death of her husband,

Bill, in 1980. She followed her teaching cer-

tification with both bachelor’s and master’s

degrees from Southern in the 1950s. She

was accompanied on her educational jour-

ney by her older sister, Mildred McIntyre

(Fazzalaro’s mother), who also graduated

with both degrees during the same period.

“With that kind of example, there

was never any other option for me as a

career,” jokes Fazzalaro, who taught high

school students in West Haven, Conn., for

30 years. To complete the Southern connec-

tion, Fazzalaro, Goodwin’s last surviving

direct relative, met her husband, Ron (Class

of ’67), while they were both students at

Southern. The couple now resides in

Venice, Fla.

“My aunt had a lot of talents,”

Fazzalaro says. “She could paint, create

ceramics, and reproduced gorgeous porce-

lain dolls, for which she designed and sold

the clothes.”

The 1939 “Laurel” student yearbook

also lauded the then-senior: “Efficient and

thorough in all that she does, and possessing

exceptional talent in all of her handicrafts,

“Dottie” has an excellent background for her

immediate desire — a teaching career.”

Education remained her true call-

ing. Throughout Goodwin’s long life, her

zeal for education was undiminished, her

niece says: “She was passionate about her

love for learning.” n

According to the Center for Disease Control, an average of 1 in 110

children in the United States has an Autism Spectrum Disorder

(ASD) — a developmental disability that significantly impairs social

interaction and communication.

Confronting such statistics head-on, Southern’s Center on Autism

Spectrum Disorders will launch numerous initiatives to help children and

youths with an ASD. Among the programs to be offered are

training for educators and professional staff, research, and

direct services, such as evaluating children and conducting


The center builds on Southern’s demonstrated

efforts to conduct research and train educators to work

with those with an ASD. The Department of Special

Education includes a Master of Science degree program

with a specialization in autism spectrum disorders and

other developmental disabilities. In 2008, Gov. M. Jodi

Rell authorized the university to take a lead role in

developing a statewide plan to better educate children

with autism and other developmental disorders.










An assortment of photographs of Dorothy “Dottie” Weisbauer Goodwin through the years, including a spotlight from the 1939 “Laurel” studentyearbook [LOWER RIGHT].

Supporting SOU




A look at events for alumni

and friends on campus

and beyond.

Out and About


Southern students exploreda wide variety of career

choices at Meet the AlumniProfessionals Day. The

event was held March 10in the Michael J. Adanti

Student Center.

In celebration of the life of the lateProfessor Emeritus of English Daniel Ort,the university community joined with hisfamily, friends, and former students tocreate an endowed scholarship in his

name and to dedicate Southern’s HonorCollege Library in his honor. Dr. Ort’s 31-year career at the university was markedby numerous accomplishments, includingthe creation of the university’s HonorsCollege. Among those who attended thededication, held on campus on March 19,were members of Dr. Ort’s family, includinghis wife, Sharon Ort, ’72, [THIRD FROM LEFT]and his children [FROM LEFT] Linda Nevins,Laura Dolyak, and Blaire Ort Gagnon.

The Scholarship Celebration, honoringSouthern’s scholarship donors and thetalented students who benefit from theirgenerosity, was held on April 29 in theMichael J. Adanti Student Center. Guestsincluded [FROM LEFT]: Provost Selase W.Williams, donor Donald Mitchell, ’57,scholarship recipient Nicolas Willet, anddonor Mary Ann K. Mitchell, ’56.

Summer 2010 | 25

On May 6, the nation’s capital played host to a well-attendedreception at the law offices ofFinnegan, Henderson, Farabow,

Garrett & Dunner. Attorney WilliamPratt, ’76, a partner with the law firm

and a member of the SCSUFoundation Board of Directors, hostedthe event. Enjoying the gathering are:[FROM LEFT] Major Michael Englis, ’00,Matthew Berberich, M.S. ’05, and

Daniel Gallant, ’89.

The SCSU Annual Owl Golf Classic sold outfor the fourth-consecutive year, with more

alumni from outside of Connecticutparticipating than ever before. The event

was held on May 24 at the exclusive privateSouth Course at the Lake of Isles at

Foxwoods Resort Casino. Over $40,000 wasraised for scholarships for student athletesand programmatic support. Congratulationsto Dr. Aaron Grossman of Hamden, Conn.,and his foursome for placing first in thetournament. Pictured at the event are:

[FRONT ROW, FROM LEFT] Peter Casolino, JohnPowderly, ’89, and Andy Powderly.

[BACK ROW, FROM LEFT] Tom DeSimpliciis, ’89,Michael Deans, ’88, Steve Parks, ’87, Mike

Migliaccio, and Anthony Corvino, ’87.

Some 35 alumni enjoyedtrue Southern charm at areception in Atlanta, Ga.The event was held May 4at the historic GeorgianTerrace Hotel — site of thepremiere gala for “Gonewith the Wind” in 1939.





n A Day for EducatorsOn April 10, Southern hosted

a Celebration of the School of

Education, a fun-filled

reunion for alumni of the

school and their families.

The day-long event, which

was held throughout cam-

pus, featured a wide variety

of activities. Highlights

included informative

Alumni College Seminars,

the President’s Reception,

Meet the Southern Authors showcase, walking tours of

campus, and children’s activities and a snack/movie party.

n Congratulations to the newly electedmembers of the Alumni AssociationBoard of Directors: Kathleen Bonvicini,’83; James H. Booth, ’97; NancyDudchik, ’88; Virginia Buley Gore, ’78;Donald Mitchell, ’57; Daniel Myers,’01; Robert D. Parker, ’76; and TeresaSirico, ’70, M.S. ’73.Biographies of the new boardmembers will be included inthe next issue.

n Presidential Honors forAlumni Teachers

President Obama recognized

Southern alumni, Stacie Broden, M.S. ’03, and

Jane Callery, 6th yr. ’01, as winners of the Presidential

Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science

Teaching. The Southern graduates were two of only

87 educators to receive the prestigious award, which

is presented annually to the best pre-college science

and mathematics teachers from across the county.

They were the only Connecticut educators selected

for the honor.

“These awards represent a heartfelt salute of

appreciation to a remarkable group of individuals

who have devoted their lives and careers to helping

others and in doing so have helped us all,” said

President Obama.

Both honorees boast extremely impressive

credentials. Broden, a second-grade teacher at

Regional District 15 Pomperaug Elementary School, is

a mathematics instructional leader for the school dis-

trict and a mathematics instructional coach for a pro-

gram run by the Connecticut State Department of


Fellow award recipient Jane Callery is a sci-

ence teacher at Two Rivers Magnet Middle School in

East Hartford, Conn. She is also the Science Curriculum

and Instruction Specialist for the 12 magnet schools

that are part of the Capital Region Educational Council

in Connecticut.

Stacie Broden, M.S. ’03

Jane Callery, 6th yr. ’01

Summer 2010 | 27

Opposite page and above: Alumni and their families enjoyed a wide range of events at the Celebration of the School of Education.





James Barber, ’64, M.S. ’79, Southern’s director of

student supportive services was honored as the recipient

of the lifetime achievement award from the Greater New

Haven African

American Historical


A committed

community activist,

Barber founded and

served for 25 years as

the coach-coordinator

of a youth track pro-

gram in New Haven

that has benefited thou-

sands of area youths.

At Southern, he

coached the women’s

track and field team for

nearly a quarter of a

century and was active

for many years with

U.S.A. Track on the

national and interna-

tional levels. In 1997, he

guided the U.S. women

to the team title in the

World Indoor

Championship in Paris.

Barber also sits on the board of directors for the

New Haven Scholarship Fund, which annually funds more

than 125 college scholarships for Elm City public school

students. Since it was founded in 1959, the fund has

donated more than $6 million to more than 6,000 recipi-

ents. They include Barber himself and scores of students he

has mentored through programs such as ConnCAP, a part-

nership with New Haven Public Schools and the state

Department of Higher Education that prepares secondary

students for success in college.

His philosophy about working with young people is

about prevention and support. “It is easier,” he says, “to

save a child than to help an adult.”

From buildings lauded for eco-friendly design

to a reinvigorated, campus-wide

recycling program, the university is

committed to keeping it green.

That’s why Southern is a proud signatory

of the American College & University

Presidents Climate Commitment.

Please support Southern and its students by contributing to theCampus Greening Fund. Donations may be made online

at Or call (203) 392-6515.

n Lifetime Achiever

Summer 2010 | 29

n Stay in Touch!Connect with all things Southern — from news on the latest campus developments to information on upcoming alumni events. The university offers numerous ways to stay up-to-date.

�+ We’re on the Web at For athletics information go to

�+ Become a fan of Southern on Facebook at A wide variety of pages are available, including those specifically devoted to alumni, the university, the John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts, and career services.

�+ Follow Southern on Twitter at The free service provides a way to communicatethrough the exchange of brief, frequent messages.

�+ Join LinkedIn at for professional networking opportunities. Go to the “Official SouthernConnecticut State University” site.

�+ The Alumni Relations Office can also be reached at (203) 392-6500;; or SCSU, Attn: Alumni Relations, 501 Crescent Street, New Haven, CT 06515.

For more information on these and other alumni events, go to or call (203) 392-6500. Tickets required for some events.

| A Long Island Sunday

Sept. 12Verdi’s of Whitestone,Flushing, N.Y.

Bye Bye Birdie Opening Night

| Reception

Oct. 8John Lyman Center forthe Performing ArtsHosted by the AlumniAssociation

Distinguished and Outstanding Alumni

| Awards

Oct. 15Michael J. AdantiStudent Center Grand Ballroom

Novemberfest | After Hours

Nov. 5New England Brewing,Woodbridge, Conn.Hosted by Brew MasterRob Leonard, ’91

U.S. Air Force Band ofLiberty performance

| and Alumni Reception

Dec. 11Hosted by the AlumniAssociation.

October 16 • Homecoming Football Game: the Owls take on Bentley College at 1 p.m.

Student parade of floats • Robert Corda Annual 5K Road Race

Alumni Tent Party with refreshments • Children’s activities • And much more!

Homecoming 2010Be part of the Tradition. Come Home to Southern.

alumni notes


’50sBARRY HERMAN, ’56, hosts

the weekly PBS televisionprogram, “The JewishForum.” Herman is also thepresident of The EthnicHeritage Center located onSouthern’s campus.

JOHN MONGILLO, ’58, a sci-ence teacher at MercymountCountry Day School inCumberland, R.I., led a classproject: converting a 1998gas-powered car into a plug-in electric car. Mongillo livesin Saunderstown, R.I.

ARTHUR GUAGLIUMI, ’59,M.S. ’66, showcased his art-work in an exhibit held atSouthern called “The Collageof language: The language ofCollage.” Guagliumi won a topaward at the ConnecticutArtists Annual Show inNorwich and also was accept-ed into the Ridgefield ArtAssociation Annual Show andthe Connecticut Academy atthe Mystic Art Association.


was a featured senior athletein Hartford Magazine in anarticle entitled, “Forget aboutaging gracefully.” At 74, theWindsor resident still makesthe news for his 37-year longdistance running practice.Butterfield coaches crosscountry at Hall High School inWest Hartford, Conn.

BRUCE RUDOLPH, ’63, M.S.’72, 6th Yr. ’84, who taught inthe Wallingford school sys-tem for 35 years, contributeda $250,000 memorial gift tothe Hospital of CentralConnecticut in memory ofhis wife, Katherine, who suc-cumbed to ovarian cancer.

VALERIE RYAN, ’64, M.S. ’68,was the featured Person of theWeek in the Source newspa-per in Madison, Conn. Ryan’slove of ballroom dancing isevident by the 483 first-placeawards she has received.Ryan, who took her firstdance lesson at age 66, has

participated in 60 competi-tions from Canada to Florida.

HENRY (HANK) STOCKMAL,’64, who retired after 44 yearsin the public school system, iscurrently an educational con-sultant and supervisor of stu-

dent teachers at CentralConnecticut State University.

JOHN DODIG, ’66, 6th Yr. ’78,principal of Staples HighSchool, hosted a WestportSunrise Rotary’s breakfastmeeting. Dodig spoke about

teaching at Al-HikmaUniversity in Baghdad, Iraq,and traveling throughAfghanistan, Pakistan, India,Nepal, Singapore, and Japan.

CHARLES R. MORRISSEY,M.S. ’68, 6th Yr. ’73, was fea-

tured in the North HavenCourier in recognition of hiscommitment to the U.S. Armythrough his service as areservist since 1967.Morrissey was an educator for46 years in New Haven, Conn.

’70sDAN LAURIA, ’70, a celebrated

actor known widely for hisrole as the father in the tele-vision show, “The WonderYears,” is starring in a newBroadway play, “Lombardi,”about the legendary footballcoach. The play will beginpreviews on September 23and open on October 21 inthe Circle in the Square.

FRANK CASARELLA, ’71, M.S.’76, has retired from the posi-tion of ESPN’s vice president,technology planning andadministration. Casarella start-ed at ESPN as a tape librarian.

Reunion News

• The Class of 1955 is celebrating its 55th reunion onOct. 9, 2010 at Park Central Tavern in Hamden, Conn., from5 p.m. – 10 p.m.

• The Class of 1960 is planning a 50th reunioncelebration to be held this fall. In addition, members of theclass will be honored at undergraduate commencement onMay 27, 2011.

• The Class of 2000 is celebrating its 10th reunionthis fall.

For more information or if you would like to organize a reunion for your class, please contact AlumniRelations at (203) 392-6500.

Touchdown!He’s worked with quarterback greats Mark Brunell, Tony Romo, Doug Flutie, and Eli Manning — and as the

New York Giants’ quarterbacks’ coach he helped guide the team to victory in Super Bowl XLII.

What’s currently on the agenda for Chris Palmer, ’72, M.S. ‘75? Serving as head coach and general manager

of the United Football League’s (UFL) Hartford Colonials, which will kick off its first season in September — a date

eagerly awaited by football fans throughout the Nutmeg State. The UFL premiered in 2009 with a goal of providing

top-class football to an expanded marketplace. Five

teams, including the Hartford Colonials, are slated to

play during the 2010 season.

Palmer describes the appointment as a sort of

homecoming. “Connecticut has provided me with several

firsts in my football career — my first opportunity to play

at high school and in college, my first coaching position,

and first head coaching job,” says Palmer, who was

inducted into Southern’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 2001.

Palmer played quarterback for the Owls from

1968 to 1971, while earning a degree in physical educa-

tion. He has coached football for 38 years at the colle-

giate and professional levels, including 20-consecutive

years in the National Football League. In addition to

serving on the Giants’ coaching staff, he was head

coach of the Cleveland Browns and held various coach-

ing positions with the Houston Oilers, New England

Patriots, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Houston Texans.

Summer 2010 | 31

At the company’s 30th anniver-sary, Casarella was one of 42people honored with a walk offame-style star on ESPN’s side-walk for being with the com-pany since its first year.

RUTHWHINNEM, M.L.S. ’72,has retired after 24 years asthe children’s librarian atPlainville Public Library inConnecticut.

ENRICO BUCCILLI, ’73, M.S.’78, principal of DagHammarskjold Middle Schoolin Wallingford, Conn., wasacknowledged in the Record-Journal. The school was rec-ognized by the New EnglandLeague of Middle Schools andthe Connecticut Associationof Schools for exemplaryinstructional practices.

MARYELLEN CONSIDINE-WOOLLEY, ’74, M.S. ’81, 6thYr. ’84, an art instructor for30 years, recently exhibitedher paintings at the GoodNews Café and Gallery inWoodbury, Conn.

SALLY KEATING, ’74, M.S. ’79,former assistant superintend-ent in Groton, Conn., hasbeen named superintendentof schools in Lisbon, Conn.

AUDREY BLONDIN, ’75, for-merly served 10 ten years onthe Board of Selectmen inLitchfield, Conn., and plans torun for a fifth term on theDemocratic State CentralCommittee. Blondin is anattorney in Litchfield, Conn.

MARY ELLENVACCARI, ’76,M.S. ’80, was inducted intothe Connecticut Women’sVolleyball Hall of Fame.Vaccari teaches health andphysical education at GilbertSchool in Winsted, Conn.

FILOMENA C. VAGUEIRO, ’76,M.P.H. ’97, has joined the staffat Bristol Hospital and is prac-ticing at Central ConnecticutOb-Gyn Women’s HealthGroup. Vagueiro is a memberof the American College ofNurse Midwives, theAmerican Public HealthAssociation, the NationalAssociation of ChildbearingCenter, and the NationalLatina Institute forReproductive Health.

DAVID B. ERWIN, M.S. ’78, hasbeen named superintendentof Avon Schools inConnecticut. He has served asa school superintendent for15 years, including 10 yearsin Montville, Conn. Erwinand his wife, Linda, ’79, livein Middlebury, Conn.

LUIGI NUZZOLILLO, ’78, is arecent recipient of the GoldRing Award from the NewHaven Boys & Girls ClubAlumni Association.Nuzzolillo previously receivedthe Community ServiceAward from the New Haven

Domestic Violence ServicesOrganization and the RotaryClub’s Paul Harris Award, andwas named the Rotarian ofthe Year by the North HavenRotary Club.

SHELLEY SHAVER, M.S. ’78,who teaches English atCosumnes River College inSacramento, Calif., haslaunched a website, Fact-based andupdated daily, the site depictsthe story of a young farmfamily struggling during theDust Bowl.

SUSANMARCHITTO, ’79, hasbeen named School Nurse ofthe Year by the Association ofSchool Nurses of Connecticut.

Marchitto works at WashingtonSchool in West Haven, Conn.

TIMOTHY R. NEEDHAM, ’79,is the general manager of theAqua Turf Club, a banquetfacility in Plantsville, Conn.

’80sJEFFREY BLODGETT, M.S. ’80, is

retiring from the position ofvice president of research forthe Connecticut EconomicResource Center after 13 years.

KIMBERLY GALLO, ’80, M.S.’87, is the new principal of

Shepaug Valley High Schoolin Washington, Conn. Gallohad served as assistant prin-cipal at Nonnewaug HighSchool in Woodbury, Conn.,since 2004.

CAROL J. STIFF, ’83, M.S. ’89,has been promoted to vicepresident of programmingacquisition and schedulingfor ESPN’s ProgrammingDepartment in Bristol, Conn.Stiff has been with ESPNsince 1990. She is a memberof Southern’s FoundationBoard of Directors

CAMEO THORNE, ’83, hasreceived the New HavenTeacher of the Year Award.Thorne is a language artsinstructor and advanced

placement English literatureinstructor at High School inthe Community.

JOHN B. (JACK) ZIBLUK, ’83,M.S. ’84, has been promotedto full professor of journal-ism at Arkansas StateUniversity. He was also elect-ed president of the facultysenate and the faculty associ-ation at the university.

VANNA DEST, ’84, received theDistinguished Citizen Awardfrom the North Haven Sonsand Daughters of Italy Lodge2805. Dest is an oncologynurse practitioner for

Radiation Oncology Specialistsof Southern Connecticut andthe Hospital of Saint Raphaelin New Haven, Conn.

PASQUALE“PAT” PISCITELLI,’84, has earned molecularbiology certification from theAmerican Society of ClinicalPathology and hopes to pur-sue a second career in thefield of forensic science.

JOHNWHITFORD, ’84, a mem-ber of the ConnecticutNational Guard, received thesilver eagle insignia of a fullcolonel, as reported in theNorwich Bulletin.

KAREN MCNULTY, M.L.S. ’87,has retired after 21 years asthe children’s librarian at the

Avon Public Free Library inConnecticut.


project manager at Travelersin Hartford, Conn., hasacquired project manage-ment professional certifica-tion, as well as a master’sdegree in health care admin-istration. Cappiello and wife,CAROLYN (STELLATTO)CAPPIELLO, ’91, live inMiddletown, Conn. with their2-year-old son, Tyler.

ANTONIETTA GIORDANOHALLET, ’91, recently gradu-ated with a master’s degree incommunication fromFairfield University.

PATRICIA LOTT, ’91, hasopened a community clinicfor acupuncture services inTowson, Md.

TRACY DAMONEVAN OSS,’92, M.P.H. ’00, a clinicalassistant professor of occupa-tional therapy in the Schoolof Health Sciences atQuinnipiac University, earnedspecialty certification in envi-ronmental modification fromthe American OccupationalTherapy Association. She wasthe first person in the state of

Owl Selected to Patriots’ Dream TeamFormer Owls’ football standout and SCSU Hall of Famer, Joe

Andruzzi, has been named to the New England Patriots’ 2000s All-

Decade Team. Andruzzi, a three-time Super Bowl-champion, was one

of two guards included on the 27-member dream team by the Patriots’

Hall of Fame Nomination Committee, which includes reporters, alumni,

and staff.

A 10-year veteran of the National Football League, Andruzzi

helped the New England Patriots to Super Bowl victories in 2002, 2004,

and 2005. He also played with the Green Bay Packers and the

Cleveland Browns.

A powerhouse in his college days as well, Andruzzi played on

Southern’s offensive line from 1993-96. He was named an All-

American as a junior and senior by the American Football Coaches

Association. Today he is the chief executive officer of the Joe Andruzzi

Foundation, which is dedicated to fighting cancer.


Connecticut and the sixth inthe country to have earnedthis distinction, according tothe North Haven Courier.

HOLLY O’BRIEN, ’93, runner-up for the New Haven Teacherof the Year Award, is a leaddeveloper of the pre-kinder-garten program at the DavisStreet School. She also receivedthe Exemplary Programs inConnecticut’s ElementarySchools Award in 2002 and theNew Alliance TeacherExcellence Award in 2004.

JOHN J. ROGERS, ’93, is a real-tor in Madison, Conn. Hiswife, Deborah, is a fifth gradeteacher at Calf Pen MeadowElementary School inMilford, Conn. They have twodaughters.

MARK ALDRICH, M.S. ’94, isthe librarian at the GarnerCorrectional Institution inNewtown, Conn. Among theinitiatives offered through thelibrary is the CollegeAssistance Program, whichprovides English grammarclasses for inmates interestedin earning college credits.

TANYA SUTTON, ’94, was hon-ored by the Department ofChildren and Families (DCF)during National Social WorkMonth. Connecticut GovernorM. Jodi Rell spoke at a celebra-tory gathering and expressedappreciation and gratitude tothe staff for their work.

JUSTIN DION, ’96, M.A. ’97, hasbeen awarded the 2009Adams Pro Bono PublicoAward for his efforts to assistthe poor in westernMassachusetts. Dion lives inLongmeadow, Mass., with hiswife, COLLEEN DION, ’96.

SUZANNE FERRARA SHAW,’96, has been promoted to theposition of assistant directorof conference and event serv-ices at Yale University.

MEGAN COLLINS, M.S. ’98,who specializes in mixed-media painting, was a fea-tured artist at ArtPlace, anartist-run gallery in Fairfield,Conn.

RAMONA HARTEN, M.L.S. ’98,is the director of the CheshirePublic Library.

FRANCISCO CHAVARRIA, ’99,was a runner-up for the NewHaven Teacher of the YearAward. Chavarria is a bilingualmathematics and scienceteacher at the RobertoClemente Leadership Academyand was a bilingual scienceteacher at Wilbur Cross HighSchool from 2000-2005.


fifth-degree tang soo do mas-ter, has opened Pure MartialArts Fitness Academy inDerby, Conn.

MICHAELWOOD, ’01, M.A.’09, an author and sixth gradeteacher at the West ShoreMiddle School in Milford,Conn., was featured at thePlumb Memorial Library,where he read and signed hisnovel, “Alchemy.”

TRICIA HYACINTH, M.S. ’03,joined the communityengagement team at Handson Hartford, a Hartford-based volunteer action centerand social services agency.

RICK KOCZAK, ’05, a residentof Milford and coach of girls’soccer at Laurelton Hall, hasbeen inducted into theConnecticut Soccer Hall ofFame. Koczak was theConnecticut Post’s Coach ofthe Year in 2009.

RACHEL RICE, M.L.S. ’05, is thenew librarian at the EastHaven High School, as report-ed by the East Haven Courier.

FREDERICK DOUGLASSKNOWLES, M.A. ’08, anEnglish professor at ThreeRivers Community College,read from his poetry collec-tion, “Black Rose City,” at theDonald L. Oat Theater inNorwich.

SUZANNE LANG, ’08, aNewtown, Conn., artist, led aworkshop on basic drawingtechniques for students at theC. H. Booth Library. Lang givesart lessons at her home studio.

PREND QETTA, M.S. ’08, ofConnecticut, was recentlyhonored as Waterbury’sKosovo Mayor of the Day.

TIM TREDWELL, M.S. ’08, whohas served as a coach forseven years, is beginning hisfirst season as the varsitybasketball coach at DanielHand High School inMadison, Conn.

LAURA BINDER, ’09, ofNorwich, Conn., a 10th gradeglobal studies and citizenship

teacher, has been namedNorwich Free AcademyTeacher of the Year.

SHARON FOSTER, M.L.S. ’09, isthe technology librarian forRye Public Library in Rye, N.H.

STEPHANIE HEIN, M.F.T. ’09,is a marriage and familytherapist with offices inMonroe and Prospect, Conn.

SONIA HILL, ’09, is pursuinggraduate studies at Bay PathCollege in Longmeadow, Mass.

MICHAEL PROHASKA, M.L.S.’09, is the new owner of ProBody Shop in Brookfield,Conn. Prohaska is certified inpersonal training throughthe American College ofSports Medicine and com-

The Passing of Southern’s Oldest Alumna � Ida Hough Jamison, ’26, perhaps Southern’s oldest alumna, passed away in

Milwaukee, Wis., on April 30, 2010, just four days shy of her 105th birthday. In 2006,

Mrs. Jamison, then 101 years old, traveled to Southern to celebrate the true spirit of

Homecoming with her family. At that time, then Southern President Cheryl J. Norton

honored Mrs. Jamison by presenting her with a ceremonial Bachelor of Arts degree at

the Distinguished and Outstanding Alumni Awards Luncheon.

As a student at Southern, then New Haven State Normal School, she belonged

to numerous clubs, including the Art Club, the Community Dramatic Club, and the

Thrift Club. Known among friends as “Idaho,” she was the author of the 1926 class

poem, an excerpt of which hints at her long-held devotion to her alma mater:

“As utter strangers we first metWithin this school of ours,But ’twas not long ’fore friendship budsTurned to lasting flowers.”

After graduation, Jamison taught in Connecticut briefly before moving to

Pennsylvania where she married and raised a family. With her children grown, she

returned to the classroom as a substitute teacher. Married 67 years to the late Frank

Jamison, who died in 1999, Mrs. Jamison moved to Wisconsin after his death to be

closer to her family.

Ida Jamison, ’26, visited Founders Gate in 2006 when she returned to campus to celebrateHomecoming and her 80th reunion.

Summer 2010 | 33

pleted his first Iron ManTriathlon last year.

BART T. RUSSO, ’09, has grad-uated from basic combattraining at Fort Jackson, S.C.


M.S.W. ’05, and Steven Baird,Aug. 22, 2009.

NORMAN BUZAID, ’06, andCrystal Barna, May 23, 2009.

STEPHANIE JOYCE, ’06, andJeremy Han, Oct. 23, 2009.

HEATHER KOZLOWSKI, ’07,and Seamus Oatis, Sept. 12,2009.

KATHLEEN MIKOS, ’07, andRENALDO MONACO, ’07,February 2010.

VANESSA PINHEIRO, ’07, andChristopher Lynch, Sept. 20,2009.

ERIN ROSE COVIELLO, ’09,and Michael Butkovic, Aug.15, 2009.

KATHERINE DURBIN, ’09, andWilliam Sheridan, July 28, 2009.

BRIANNE LYNCH, M.S. ’09, andMichael Forcucci, July 3, 2009.

ALEXANDRAMALEBRANCHE,’09, and Auguste Desrouilleres,Dec. 26, 2009.

JESSICA EVELYN PEDRAZA,’09, and Jeremy Gray, Oct. 10,2009.


’04, M.S. ’07, and husband,Benjamin, announced thebirth of their daughter,Sophia Rose, in April 2010.



DORIS A. GROVES, ’43, NewHaven, Conn., Jan. 22, 2010.

JOYCE LAKE HOFFMAN, ’45,Chestnut Hill, Mass.

SYLVIA (JACOBS) KRAVITZ,’48, Rockville, Conn., Jan. 11,2010.

JOSEPH J. ARNOLD, ’50, M.S. ’61,Guilford, Conn., March 18, 2010.

THOMAS“MITCH” KYTE, ’50,Surprise, Ariz., Sept. 5, 2009.

GLORIA B. PANZA, ’50, WestHaven, Conn., Feb. 20, 2010.

AGNES MARY CARROLLLAURIA, ’51, Trumbull,Conn., Feb. 1, 2010.

PASQUALE AMENDOLA, ’55,Nov. 21, 2009.

GEORGE S. GLOVER, ’55,Thomaston, Conn., Nov. 28,2008.

JOAN BARRETT DUBE, ’56,Cheshire, Conn., March 3, 2010.

RAYMOND A. KASPAREK, ’58,Bethel, Conn., Feb. 24, 2010.

NANCY GIARD O’CONNOR,’58, Falmouth, Mass., March6, 2010.

RAYMOND F. DORAN, ’59,April 17, 2010.

DAVIDW. SHEA, ’61, Branford,Conn., 2009.

JOSEPH R. HALLORAN, ’62,Middlebury, Conn., Nov. 11,2009.

ESTHER M. DUNPHYO’BRIEN, M.S. ’66, Hamden,Conn., Jan. 18, 2010.

JANE JACOBI HOWER, M.S.’68, Jan. 9, 2010.

JOAN ELIZABETH ERRGONG-WEIDER, M.L.S. ’69,Norwalk, Conn., Nov. 16, 2009.

LAURNA F. ROBINSON, M.S.’69, Jan. 2, 2010.

RUDOLFO RINALDOVERRILLI,M.S. ’70, 6th Yr. ’77, EastGranby, Conn., Jan. 13, 2010.

FREDERICKE. CONWAY, ’72, EastChatham, N.Y., June 30, 2009.

Share your good news with South ern friends andclassmates by sending it to Southern AlumniNews. Mail this completed form to SouthernAlumni News, SCSU Alumni Relations Office, New Haven, CT 06515-1355; fax, (203) 392-5082;or e-mail, [email protected].

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(203) Southern Connecticut State University501 Crescent Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1355


SHERLINA. WONG, M.S. ’73,Salem, Conn., Jan. 11, 2010.

WILLIAM J. GRIZE, ’74, Jan. 5,2010.

HELEN M. HAWKS CONNOR,’75, North Haven, Conn., Dec.3, 2009.

PHOEBE GRETCHENHAMMERSTEIN CUFFE,M.L.S. ’75, Rockland, Maine,Feb. 8, 2010.

SHIRLEY G. GUMPPER, M.S.’75, Bridgewater, Conn., Feb.26, 2010.

SHARRYNANNACAMPORA,’76, Cheshire, Conn., Oct. 9,2009.

DOROTHY KELSEY GRISH,’76, M.S. ’87, Prospect, Conn.,Nov. 19, 2009.


SHARON K. EVENSEN, ’77,M.S. ’80, 6th Yr. ’95,Woodbury, Conn., March 7,2010.

CAROLYNWEHRLEMUELLER, ’77, Thomaston,Conn., Feb. 9, 2010.

FRANKW. PERAZZELLA SR.,M.S. ’78, Waterbury, Conn.,Feb. 23, 2010.

LINDA GANTER HOLZ, M.S.’79, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 26, 2008.

DOLORES OESTREICHER, M.S.’81, Danbury, Conn., Jan. 28,2010.

LESLEY MACKLIN SANTORA,’81, New Haven, Conn., Oct.25, 2009.

ELLENWOODMAN KENNEDY,M.S. ’82, Londonderry, N.H.,June 2007.

STACY SCHMIDT REGOLO, ’87,Los Angeles, Calif., Feb. 7,2010.

NANCY TAVERNIER, M.S. ’89,Groton, Conn., March 29, 2010.

ERIN E. LOUGHREYWHITMEYER, ’89, Trumbull,Conn., Feb. 28, 2010.


THOMAS J. BAILLARGEON, 6thYr. ’92, Bristol, Conn., Oct. 30,2009.

RUTH ELIZABETHCHURCHMAN TURNER, ’93,Wallingford, Conn., Nov. 20,2009.

ANDREW“DREW” ADAM, IV,’94, Rocky Hill, Conn., Jan. 6,2010.

LORRAINE CAMPOSTRAGAKES, M.S. ’95, Valhalla,N.Y., Feb. 3, 2010.

LEVONMACETTE JONESWHITE, ’98, New Haven,Conn., Feb. 20, 2010.

PHINA NGOZI (EGBUNA)KWENTOH, ’99, North Haven,Conn., Jan. 30, 2010.

DEBORAHHARRISTURNBULL, M.S. ’01, Mystic,Conn., March 23, 2010.

JAMES GRANFIELD, InterimDean of the School ofEducation, July 28, 2010.

IRAM. LEONARD, SouthernProfessor Emeritus, Hamden,Conn., March 19, 2010.

CARLOS RAMIREZ, AssistantProfessor of Biology, Jan. 18,2010.

SUSAN JENNINGS, wife of thelate Southern PresidentEmeritus Manson Van B.Jennings, July 29, 2010.

Helping Haiticontinued from page 15

Bringing Comfortcontinued from page 14

Class notes are compiled fromsubmissions from alumni, aswell as announcements made innewspapers and magazines.

having children, she envisioned earning a

degree in Irish literature. But her interest in

social work was piqued when she worked

as a juvenile probation officer. She was

intrigued by a psychiatric clinic inside the

juvenile court where she saw “good work

was appreciated.”

That’s when she applied to

Southern. Malone said the program gave

her a wonderful foundation. “I found the

social work program brought together a

grassroots focus on the poor, repressed, and

those suffering from injustice — together

with a psychoanalytic focus on child devel-

opment,” she says.

She gained invaluable experience

during a second-year internship at a juve-

nile justice clinic where she had the oppor-

tunity to help children from traumatic fam-

ily backgrounds where guns, violence,

drugs, and HIV and AIDS came into play.

She saw resilience at the clinic —

a trait shared by the Haitian people.

Malone describes the Haitians as a strong

people, their spirit “passionately alive.”

There’s a saying, she says, that Haitians are

born singing, live and work singing, and

die singing.

After the earthquake, Haiti

Marycare was able to fund the rebuilding of

a school, and repair another school they

had built that was damaged by the quake.

The organization also repaired a hand-

operated well they had installed that pro-

vided 1,000 buckets of water a day for some

250 kids and their parents when there was

no electricity.

In addition, Malone and the team

brought information on coping with trau-

ma, guides for parents and teachers, and

children’s activities.

“It’s only by helping others that you

help yourself,” she says. n

For more information on Haiti Marycare,

More than 860 patients were

admitted during the seven weeks that the

ship was based off Haiti. Zoeller notes

that during her stay the Intensive Care

Unit (ICU), which had an 80-bed capacity,

was often nearly full. “There were a lot of

orthopedic injuries, a lot of fractured

bones, quite a few head injuries, and

many, many children,” says Zoeller.

She remembers one boy who

came to the ship with septic pneumonia.

He had been sick before the quake, but

inhaling the dust from the rubble wors-

ened his condition. He entered the ship

extremely malnourished and “very close

to death,” Zoeller says. With regular

meals and the right medication, he

improved enough to be flown to family

in the United States.

“Nutrition was so key,” she says

of her patients. “The food was one of the

best medicines they could have received.”

In contrast to the devastation in

Haiti, Zoeller describes conditions on

board as comfortable. She slept on the

top rack of a three-tiered bunk, which

she shared with a colleague in 12-hour

shifts, changing sheets in between. The

ICU had all the latest technologies.

Zoeller, who was born and raised

in New Haven, Conn., credits her

Southern nursing degree with opening

doors for her throughout her adult life. “I

think it just goes to show that a nursing

degree is so versatile,” she says, referring

to the opportunity to volunteer in Haiti.

“I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

— By Natalie Missakian

Campus Aid • continued from page 15

will run until Sept. 15, shows images of

devastation and famine, as well as the relief

efforts in the wake of the earthquake.

Washington says he hopes the exhibit will keep

the issue in the forefront of students’ minds.

Next January, a year after the quake, the

Southern community will re-evaluate the need

to extend the initiative. In the meantime, their

efforts continue.

“I had no idea if it would take off or

not,” Washington says. “That was the success;

that everyone got involved. The point of the

effort is that they’re doing something.”

— By Sarah Houseknecht, ’10

Summer 2010 | 35

When he gained his first uni-

versity presidency at Coppin State

University in Baltimore, Battle inherit-

ed the most poorly funded institution

in the state. During his four-year

tenure, he increased operating sup-

port by more than 50 percent and

boosted capital support from the

state by $300 million. But even more

notably, he also took steps to provide

an educational lifeline for children

and youth in the neighborhoods sur-

rounding the university.

Battle worked with the neigh-

boring community and the state legis-

lature to develop an urban education-

al corridor that included revitalizing

previously failing elementary and mid-

dle schools and creating a high school

for 125 students on the university

campus — the Coppin Academy. In

May 2009, the academy graduated its

first class of 73 students, almost all of

whom moved on to college.

Battle is a compassionate,

high-energy man who’s committed to

supporting children and young people

who haven’t had access to education-

al opportunities — and then holding

them accountable for their continued

progress, said Frank Kober, a now-

retired education professor at Coppin

State. Kober worked with Battle on

obtaining grants to fund Coppin’s

educational corridor, including

$600,000 from the Bill and Melinda

Gates Foundation.

“He did stuff that you wouldn’t

expect a CEO to do,” Kober says. For

example: Battle organized a “Reading

Explosion” weekend sleepover at

Coppin for more than 100 elementary

school children, obtaining donations

of books and sleeping bags, and stay-

ing to work at the event for 36 hours

straight while honors students tutored

the children. “He works to find cre-

ative ways to get middle- and lower-

income children excited about college

at a young age,” Kober says.

At Coppin, Battle also made

good use of the love of music that he

developed going to church on Sundays

with his parents and siblings in

Springfield. Battle is a lyric baritone in

the upper range who studied in

Amherst, Mass., with two faculty mem-

bers from Julliard. He later performed

as a featured soloist with the accom-

plished baritone-bass singer William

Warfield and also as a member of the

internationally known Heritage

Chorale. A devotee of classical music —

especially the inspiring Beethoven’s

9th Symphony — he sang in partner-

ship with his twin brother Stewart, the

Coppin State Gospel Choir, and The

Heritage Signature Chorale of

Washington, D.C., as part of a

Presidential Concert Series, raising

funds for scholarships. Later, Battle

joined cast members of Disney’s tour-

ing cast of “The Lion King” during two

special gospel productions that raised

more than $20,000 for scholarship

support and other causes, including

Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, an

organization formed by Actor’s Equity

Association, the stage actors’ union.

In all, “The Singing President,”

as he became known at Coppin,

helped raise more than $50,000 for

the school’s scholarship programs.

“The arts are a beautiful bridge

to build on when you are developing

a campus,” Battle says.

The sciences are another. As

chancellor of North Carolina

Agricultural and Technical State

University, in Greensboro, N.C., Battle

secured a prestigious Engineering

Research Center (ERC) grant from the

National Science Foundation. The

award of $18 million for the initial five

years, with a potential duration of a

decade, was a first for an Historically

Black College or University (HBCU).

The center conducts research in the

areas of biomedical engineering and

nano-bio applications in partnership

with the Universities of Cincinnati and

Pittsburgh and also has global techni-

cal partners in Germany and India.

Reflecting on similar innovative

partnerships that have been estab-

lished at Southern — for example, the

NSF-funded Materials Research

Science and Engineering Center, a

partnership between Southern, Yale,

and the Brookhaven National

Laboratory — Battle says he sees rich

potential to establish new educational

collaborations with schools and

organizations in Greater New Haven.

“This is an institution that real-

izes the importance of academic

excellence and one that fully under-

stands the tremendous power of edu-

cation to transform lives,” he says. n

Opened Doors to Learningcontinued from page 5

President Battle speaks to middle school students at a recent Dream Camp in Hartford, Conn.The program aims to transform the lives of low-income, urban youth.


Southern EV


TSNorman Brown’s

Summer StormFeaturing Norman Brown, BrendaRussell, Jessy J, and Gail Jhonson

Sept. 25 8 p.m.

Gifted solo artists come together for a brilliant evening of jazz.

$28 for active alumni and Southern faculty/staff; $27 for series*; $32 for general admission; $15 forSouthern students. *Special series prices available forfour jazz shows. (203) 392-6154

Bye Bye BirdieOct. 8-9, 14-15 8 p.m.;

Oct. 10, 17 3 p.m.;

Oct. 16 2 p.m.

*The SCSU Alumni Association will hostan opening night reception on Oct. 8.

Southern students star in this classicmusical about a rock-and-roll singerwho is drafted into the Army. Directedand choreographed by Larry Nye.

$10 for general admission; $5 for senior citizens andSouthern faculty, staff, and students. (203) 392-6154

Distinguished andOutstanding AlumniAwards

Oct. 15 12 p.m.-2 p.m.

Michael J. Adanti Student Center Grand Ballroom

Celebrate Southern’s mostaccomplished alumni.

For more information, call (203) 392-6500

Homecoming 2010Oct. 16 On Campus

A fun-filled event for the entire family,featuring the Bob Corda 5K RoadRace, Alumni Tent party withrefreshments, the Homecoming footballgame against Bentley College at 1 p.m.,and much more.

For more information, call (203) 392-6500

IncognitofeaturingMaysaOct. 228 p.m.

Driving rhythms,high-impact horns,and expressivevocals come

together for a phenomenal night of jazz.

$28 for active alumni and Southern faculty/staff; $27 for series*; $32 for general admission; $15 forSouthern students. *Special series prices available for four jazz shows. (203) 392-6154

The Nobodies of ComedyOct. 26 8 p.m.

A hilarious show from the bestcomedians you’ve never heard of —tomorrow’s stars of comedy.

$10 for general admission; Free to Southern students,faculty, and staff. (203) 392-6154

Lorraine WarrenOct. 29 8 p.m.

America’s ghost hunter tells stories ofencounters with the supernatural.

$8 for active alumni and Southern faculty, staff, andstudents; $10 for general admission. (203) 392-6154

Novemberfest After Hours

Nov. 5 5:30 p.m.

New England BrewingWoodbridge, Conn.

Alumni will enjoy great food whiletasting the microbrews crafted by RobLeonard, ’91, during a fun-filled eveningheld at the Southern graduate’s brewery.

$10 per person. (203) 392-6500

Post Secret Live! with Frank Warren

Nov. 5 7 p.m.

Creator of the PostSecret Project, acollaborative art project where peopleanonymously mail in their secrets on theside of artistically designed postcards.

$15 for active alumni and Southern faculty, staff, andstudents; $20 for general admission; $10 for Southernstudents. (203) 392-6154

Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood

Nov. 6 8 p.m.

Improvisation at its best. Audiencemembers direct the hilarity from thestars of Whose Line Is It Anyway!

$25 for active alumni and Southern faculty/staff; $35 for general admission; $15 for Southern students.(203) 392-6154

All events held in John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts, unless otherwise noted. Southern students must have valid identification to receive their ticket discounts. Discounted tickets are limited to two per person, subject to verification. For tickets and additional information and listings, visit Southern’s Web site at

• Jazz Series •See all four great shows for only $108 — a $20 savings.

Norman Brown’s Summer Storm (Sept. 25), Incognito (Oct. 22), Jonathan Bulter (Nov. 20), and A Peter White Christmas (Dec. 3). (203) 392-6154

at LymanCenter

The potential, the hopes, and the dreamsof this generation of students are as real, as significant, as those that came before.

But their needs are greater. We face a difficult but not impossible challenge in filling these needs.

They can be met with the continued and increased generosity of each member of our alumni community and friends.

Please make a gift to our students today by returning the envelope provided or by visiting us online at



of R

eilly Proudly sporting her blue and white Southern

uniform, cheerleader Brianna Reilly graced the

cover of the April issue of American Cheerleader

magazine, which highlighted her achievements to

more than 1 million readers. The publication also

placed the spotlight on Southern, noting the Owls

first-place win at the Universal Cheerleaders

Association (UCA) 2009 Cheerleading and Dance

Team National Championship. Southern competes

in the Division II all-girl category.

Reilly, who was named Cheerleader of the

Month by the magazine, was selected on the basis of

her cheering and scholastic achievements, community

service, and extracurricular activities. “She immedi-

ately caught our eye, standing out above the rest of

the competitors we saw,” says Brittany Geragotelis,

the magazine’s senior editor, who first met Reilly at

the championship.

Reilly, a senior communication major, serves

as the Owls’ “flyer,” the team member who is lifted or

thrown into the air during stunts. “She has a pres-

ence in the air,” says head cheerleading coach Trish

Lenda, ’97. “You naturally tend to look at her. Her

smile, her visual presence brings you directly to her.”

Since 2001, Southern has placed in the top

four at the UCA championship — and was previously

lauded by American Cheerleading magazine as having

one of the top 10 all-girl programs in the country.

— By Joe Musante, ’86